• Breaking News

    Monday, February 3, 2020

    Legal Advice The photographer who took my senior portraits last year took purposefully inappropriate photos of me, I filed a police report but only heard that the actual photographer got fired, what else can I do?

    Legal Advice The photographer who took my senior portraits last year took purposefully inappropriate photos of me, I filed a police report but only heard that the actual photographer got fired, what else can I do?

    The photographer who took my senior portraits last year took purposefully inappropriate photos of me, I filed a police report but only heard that the actual photographer got fired, what else can I do?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 02:39 AM PST

    I was 17, going in to take my senior portraits from the photographer that my school hired, in their own studio. The man did not let my mom into the room, and while i was in a skirt, instructed me to open my legs to "straighten my posture", he had me pose with my legs wide open. Poses included one leg propped up on multiple bricks, and another of me sitting on a chair backwards (the chair looked exactly like this, with wide slits 🪑, keep in mind), leaning back very very far, instructing me to "smile wide", when my face wasn't even visible with how far back he had me leaning. I filed the police report a month or two later from the actual date of the photoshoot once my peers told me that he did not have anyone else do this, and that the parents were allowed in the room the entire time. I told my teacher and she was immediately concerned, my school took the issue very seriously and had me file a police report, the officer also seemed to take it very seriously, however disappointingly no one ever followed up with any information, except that my school told me the actual photographer that did this to me was "fired". I feel like, there is no justice, maybe I am wrong for feeling that, but he degraded me, humiliated me, and I still have a huge fear that these pictures of me are somewhere out there on the internet, or on his computer, just visible to others, all whilst I was a minor. I don't know if there is anything I can do about this anymore, it just still causes me pain and makes me feel so sick to my stomach. What can I legally do to feel better about this situation, what can actually be done. If it helps, this situation happened in August of 2018, in Simi Valley, California. Thank you.

    Update: from the looks of the photography company's instagram, he has not been fired. He is still working with children. Also, it seems some do not think the pictures were very inappropriate, Id like to provide more detail since I left some out, the underwear I was wearing underneath barely covered me, I was in fact exposed, not entirely, but a whole lot, and that to me, is still extremely humiliating, and if not completely, borderline child pornography. Again, I was 17. My face wasn't even in some of the pictures because a chair covered it... for a senior portrait. Also I have gone to my school about it when I was still in highschool and wrote a full report about what happened in extreme detail.

    submitted by /u/jesusisthatyou
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    My father was arrested 3 days ago for an unpaid parking ticket. He's a diabetic and the police are refusing to give him his medicine. He's going to die

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:03 AM PST

    We don't have enough money for bond. He will die without his medication. Please help us prove that he needs it. Georgia, US.

    submitted by /u/Midnight-Poet
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    Stuck in another country please give some advice

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 05:46 AM PST

    I'm 15 1/2 and my parents had told me we were going to wales but had taken me to another country (India) and now are making me stay here and are emotionally abusing, and educationally neglecting me. They only care about the family reputation and not me and I want to kill myself because I cannot stand this emotional pain any longer its been 4 months. One parent has left back to nevada where im origanally from. I honestly don't want to keep going.

    They have my passport so there's no way I can come back.

    Is there any way the U.S. embassy in this country could help me come back?

    If I do get a hold of my passport, will I need an exit visa?

    Thanks I am really desperate and dont know if I can handle it for any longer.

    submitted by /u/usembassyhelp
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    My manager told people I was pregnant... I had to explain to everyone I was having an abortion....

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:33 AM PST

    So .. I found out I was 3 weeks pregnant and its could be out the uterus. I informed my manager so she can be prepared if I need time off. She proceeded to tell a coworker which informed the rest that I was pregnant. I then had to act calm and collected and say I'm having an abortion. I was already being guilt trip by many because if my choice and my anxiety is just crazy. I told her I wasnt coming in today because if this and will most likely be fired. Can I Sue?

    I'm in NYC

    submitted by /u/somethingsillyy
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    Husband shared images of me without my consent

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:27 AM PST

    I can't believe that I even have to ask about this. I am still in shock that this happened. I recently found out that my husband shared naked photos of me on a subreddit and sent the images to others who responded to his posts on Kik. These were obviously selfies meant only for my husband and I never imagined he would do this to me. We have been together 12 years and have a 10 year old daughter. I haven't decided yet if I am going to seek legal action but wanted to know what my options are. I live in Montana and there is no "revenge" porn law here that I'm aware of. And after I confronted him he deleted everything so I don't exactly have any proof.

    submitted by /u/jaylyn32
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    I'm a nurse who reported workplace bullying to HR, and HR let my bullies read my confidential letter. Now I'm debating whether this is worth suing a major health network over.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:59 PM PST

    Ex-gf kept two bags of clothes at my place after moving out. I threw them away. Now after 3 years she’s asking for compensation

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:12 AM PST

    [California]About 3 years ago my gf(now ex) moved out of my place. She had to move out of country because of visa issues so she kept two bags of her clothes at my place. I moved out of that place after one year and threw the bags away without telling her as we were not talking. Now after three years she's is saying she is in need of money and wants those two bags. She is saying there was about $3000 worth of clothes. She threatened that if I don't give her money she will file a police complaint. Any help on what I should do?

    submitted by /u/no_lag
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    Union wants to count me absent from class for voting (Iowa Caucus), which would penalize me. Is this legal?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:40 AM PST

    Forgive my ignorance if this is not the correct sub, but I am struggling to find any answers online.

    I would like to exercise my right to vote, but as a union electrician apprentice I have an obligation to go to classes every Monday. Unfortunately the class is from 5 to 9pm this evening, and the iowa caucus begins at 7. I called and asked if I would be able to come for the first hour of class before driving to the caucus. They told me that I have to be in class for the full class or else it counts as an absence.

    Normally the absences wouldn't matter, but in this program we are only allowed 3 absences or we could be removed from the program. I currently have one absence from when my grandfather passed away. This would leave me with two. No excuses count including illness.

    There are also benefits to not receiving more than one absence including free books so long as your grade is a 95% or above.

    I know my employer could not prevent me from voting but seeing how the JATC is a separate entity I do not understand the law in this case. Can they penalize me by giving me an absence even if it is for exercising my right to vote?

    Thank you, and again I apologize if this is not the correct sub for this.

    Edit: For context the free books would save me approximately 600-700USD this fall.

    submitted by /u/Waffles912
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    Neighbor in Arkansas is threatening to install landmines and other things in his yard to deter kids walking home from school from “cutting through” his yard.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:20 AM PST

    He actually lives on the corner of the street right where the bus lets the kids off. Our street has collectively asked all the kids to just stay off the grass and on the road but sometimes, especially the younger ones, will walk a little off it. They aren't actually cutting through his yard. There is a side walk but it doesn't actually extend all the way to curb. We have requested the city extend it but we have yet to hear back.

    No one cuts through his property. Sometimes they move off the sidewalk slightly.

    Sometimes when they walk past they will walk a little off the side walk. Just barely into his yard. He likes to sit out there during pick up and drop off and scream at them. He has gone so far as to try to push them with sticks if they so much as step over even a inch.

    Recently he told me and some of the parents (I am not a parent but I am concerned as they are just children) that he plans to install land mines on his property and some razor wire along the grass to discourage the kids from "entering his property". He also mentioned some other vague "booby traps". He did put some nail in the ground sticking upwards near his mail box which is very close to the sidewalk the kids use. He took up down after we threatened to call the police since they were right there. A runner could easily have hurt themselves. Or the mail person.

    I completely agree the kids should avoid stepping on his grass but they are children. If they forget, I don't think they should be physically harmed.

    We asked him to install a fence in his front yard but he declined. We offered to pay for it collectively as a neighborhood. It would give him the peace of mind that no one is on his property and the kids don't veer off path at all. He declined saying he shouldn't have to.

    We are working on getting the bus stop moved but apparently it is also used for the other street. It is a sort of hub. We don't want anything bad to happen in the meantime.

    Legally, do we have any options here? I totally get people need to stay off other's property but this seems a bit far.

    He seems to be taking the stay off my lawn but a little too far.

    Honestly I suspect he isn't all there. He has become increasingly paranoid. He was not like this last month. He seemed annoyed by what he thought was people "hanging out in his yard" but was really just some people having a conversation on the public sidewalk in front of his house. We genuinely just want everyone to be safe and happy and not mine their property. That is illegal right?

    Would the police even care?

    submitted by /u/inathevy
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    Are voicemails subject to the two part consent laws?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:13 AM PST

    California. An administrator at my university left a voicemail where they forgot to hang up and proceeded to talk badly about the student. Am I legally allowed to share this voicemail with the public or would we need the consent of the administrator?

    submitted by /u/444doodlesofnoodles
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    [Oregon] Update Landlord saved my bank account information without my authorization

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:09 PM PST

    Update to this

    Spoke with the leasing manager today, and they looked at everything and said "i don't know"

    Said that they don't see what the payment could be, and don't have it in their systems. They are also saying there's no way a payment could have been made on the 30th because payments don't go out until the 31st. So they don't see the payment, okay I asked if they would give me a little bit of leeway considering they are stealing my money. She says no, i need to make the payment by tomorrow in order to avoid a late fee, and by the 10th or else they are going to take me to court.


    I finally got ahold of the number that was showing on my statement, left a message they will get back to me in one business day.

    I got ahold of my bank, they said there is no way the payment came from anyone else, it is from my leasing office. It was done through their online portal and it went to them. I disputed the transaction and i just have to wait for that to be finalized and for me to get my credit i guess.

    I don't know what to do any more and something is very wrong here. It very obviously looks like the payment was taken from my leasing office, but they swear its not from them. It really feels like they're just trying to get some extra spending money, and screw me over for as much as they can get.

    Again, i never saved my payment information online, nor did i set up automatic payments, but the payment that drafted is for my unique rent amount, and is absolutely from my properties.

    sorry about formatting, I'm on my phone and JUST finished finding all of this out, i will update this post as soon as i hear anything.

    submitted by /u/Apothnesko
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    Fedex driver bit by dog loses job.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 03:07 PM PST

    (Long post, seeking legal advice here)

    Edit: This incident took place in West Virginia***

    The company is located in Virginia ***

    After about a month and half long application process, I finally got a job with a Fedex contractor as a driver. During the week long training period I got bit by two dogs while delivering a package.

    As I was walking to the door with the package, a resident opened the door, 3 dogs ran out, and two of them bit me. I dropped the package and ran back to the truck in pain.

    I immediately reported the incident to my employer. Animal control was contacted, an incident report was filed, they picked up the dogs to keep them in 10 day quarantine, and I was notified that the dogs shots were up to date.

    After finishing the route, I decided it was better not to risk infection, and so I went to the ER to get the bites cleaned since all of the urgent care clinics were closed. They also gave me a tetanus booster shot and antibiotics.

    I told the doctors and nurses I was injured on the job and expected that the company's insurance would pay the medical bill since the incident happened while I was working.

    The next day, my boss called me and asked me to describe in detail what had happened. I explained the whole incident. She asked me what I had said at the ER. I told her I said that I was bit by dog while delivering a package for fedex. She then cussed me out, said I was fired for filing workers comp and hung up on me.

    In an attempt to keep my job, I called the ER billing office to change the payment to my insurance. My employer had me come back to work only to fire me again once I got there.

    When I picked up my last check and returned my uniforms, I asked them for their insurance information and they refused to provide it.

    So now I'm stuck with a medical bill and without a job. I feel screwed over and I know that I did nothing wrong to warrant my termination.

    Also, I had already signed a non-compete agreement which prevents me from getting a job with another contractor.

    It is my understanding that work-related injuries must be reported, and that employers who fail to do so can face fines and possible criminal charges.

    I've reached out to workers compensation law firms and have an appointment this week.

    I am seeking any and all additional advice or opinions here on how to deal with this issue.


    submitted by /u/dogbite4000
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    I am a PhD student my work has been published in an international journal without my consent or giving me authorship. What legal action can I take and what compensation can I demand?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:06 PM PST

    My 13 year old foster son sexually assaulted me. CPS is handling it but not reporting it to the cops. Should I report it to the cops or write a letter to the Judge scheduled for his review hearing? What would this require of me?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:44 PM PST

    No report of sexual assault will go on his record, he was kept with me for four more nights after I reported it. He stayed for two nights after CPS came, they said call 911 if he tries anything.

    That very next night he came out of the shower naked, once again testing the waters. He is 5'8" 162 lbs and he did these things while my husband was sleeping in the next room 20 feet away.

    He then physically assaulted my husband and threw things at our dog. I told them he needed a new psych eval but they put him in another home?!?!

    When I packed all his stuff I kept his SD card and tablet for safety for the next people. As soon as I opened Google it showed disturbing searches. A couple were of women over 35, obviously when he started thinking about it.

    All CPS cares about is that I don't talk to anyone about it. I get that they are protecting the child but what about his next victims, and there will be more, I'm convinced he's a sociopath.

    My biggest fear realized. All I wanted was a child I couldn't have and instead I've got this happening. What should I do? CPS is not going to put sexual assault on his record, it's in his file...oh wow that will scare him.

    It shows me his Google searches and just today he searched porn after his SW told him he was walking a thin line between hospital/juvi.

    I have 12 pictures of his tablet searches, each with 12 searches, just since January 14th.

    I've thought about going to the cops. I've considered writing a letter to the Judge who will hear his review case on February 12th, since now I won't be a part of it. If I do go around the states back and go to the police I will never be a foster mom again which means my dream of having children will die.

    I'm as certain as I can be, given my knowledge and resources that he is a sociopath but he is so good at manipulating woman and specifically his social worker that I know she will protect him thinking he won't offend again but she didn't see his eyes.

    TIA I'm confused, angry, hurting, sad, and traumatized.

    submitted by /u/hootinanyyumyum
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    19 beds in one small rental house -- is it legal? (Palo Alto, California)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:26 AM PST

    My landlord runs a Airbnb/rental unit with 19 beds in a small house with 2 bathrooms. One of them is a pretty small room with 6 beds in it (3 bunks). How do I find whether this is legal or not? It's not a healthy situation. We've had bedbugs before and she doesn't work to fix any of the broken stuff in the bathroom -- just waits for it to fix itself.

    Is this situation legal?

    submitted by /u/lathrow12300
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    Walking up to my apartment and my neighbors were inside and wouldn’t exit at my request

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 07:34 PM PST

    Background: These neighbors have been problems since I moved in, have reported me at every opportunity to building management for things like dogs barking (so I purchased a Furbo camera to be able to prove the dogs aren't barking) and a smell by my door (this one was also false and ridiculous but I purchased air purifiers to satisfy the building and not have a permanent note in my record)

    We respectively own units in a complex and they are my directly down the hall neighbors. I went downstairs to pick up a pizza order from the lobby and when I returned I heard them from the hall knocking and saying my name. I also heard them physically open the door. Our doors do not have separate deadbolts and fully unlock and open just by putting weight on the handle from the inside, not sure why, but the whole building has this mechanism) I know I didn't lock the door to run downstairs but they are claiming the reason for entering my home is that my dog pushed the handle and opened the door (this is possible but unlikely, unless the dog did this and the door fully closed fully using its own weight, and my door usually requires some effort to pull fully closed.) Any way I approached my unit and the husband was fully inside and in my kitchen, the wife was right inside the door. She tried to play it off like it was funny and the dog had opened the door from the interior and they grabbed her in the hallway, said it had happened to them with their dog before, but her husband was fairly far into my home with his back turned near drawers with personal documents I obviously couldn't see what he was doing with his hands. I think he may have had a drawer open or was taking photos of the interior of my home, because I said to leave and he did not turn around then his wife tried to sweetly tell him I'm back but it took him probably over a minute to turn around and I was crouched on the floor holding my dog in place so I did not have a good view of him. That was strange in and of itself but when he finally turned around he did not exit my home he walked up to me while standing above me said "you're okay, you're okay just pick your stuff up." The way you might talk to a toddler who just fell, and I said "it's fine just leave" and then he more forcefully said, "pick it up." So I just did and then he exited and pushed my dog inside.

    Do I have any recourse here? I'm obviously going to install a deadbolt as soon as possible so this "dog getting out" won't be a viable excuse, but is there any way I can keep them from trying this again? They already do strange things like linger in the halls near my door, but I know that's shared space.

    Update: I live in Colorado, US.

    submitted by /u/ccalps
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    Pedophile and a wife whose covering it up

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:04 AM PST

    I wasn't quite sure what to put as the title but figured that sums it up. Anyway, using throwaway since there's many personal details. It's long so I apologise in advance. I appreciate any help you can provide.

    Possible relevant background information:

    I was molested by a babysitter when I was five years old. I told someone years later but didn't go into detail until 14 when he was going to trial for similar incident and the police found out about me and contacted me wanting my statement which I gave for voice recording.

    Here are the details listed:

    1. A family member molested me twice within a few months span over the age of 14 and 15. The first incident was within a week of information above. The second incident was within two weeks of a family death. This leads me to believe that both times were carefully planned.

    2. At the time of the first incident, it was reported to CPS. I gave the police my statement. I lived with these people during this time. He was required to leave the home during the investigation.

    3. His wife began harrassing me. She begged me to tell her he was asleep (supposedly he is inappropriate to her in his sleep). I could not answer as he did those things while I was sleeping and woke me up. She then began saying because I had been asleep, I dreamt up the incident because I was having nightmares from my previous trauma (referring to the police contacting me over the babysitter).

    4. When I requested she please stop, she would not. She kept crying and would consistently bother me about it. She made me question myself and wonder if I really did dream it up. By the end of the first week, she had successfully made me doubt myself. She told me to call the detective and tell him I made a mistake and dreamed the incident due to my previous trauma. She told me to lie if the detective asked me if anyone had me call to say these things because she would get in trouble I did as she requested because I was scared and didn't know what would happen if I didn't comply.

    5. When the second incident happened and I told her, she kicked me out of the home.

    These incidents took place in AR, USA and are now about ten years prior. My questions are as follows:

    1. Can anything be done about the pedophile who molested me twice despite having reported it the first time? I do not know if the second time was reported to anyone because the police never came to talk to me. If not reported, could I pursue the second incident?

    2. Did his wife break a law by forcing me to call and lie to the detective so she could cover up the crime committed to me by her husband? If so, can I possibly pursue it?

    3. Are these incidents something that I could pursue or has statute of limitations expired? If this is the case, is there anything else I can do to get the pedophile on the police radar? My whole family believed him due to his wifes manipulation of me and I fear for the young children they allow him to be around unsupervised.

    Ultimately I want justice for myself if possible and the peace of mind that he cannot continue to hurt people. Thank you for any assistance.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway_0827192
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    My neighbor’s dog ruined my furniture.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:42 AM PST

    I live in an apartment building with balconies off of every unit. My upstairs neighbor recently got a dog and he's been letting it use his balcony as a bathroom instead of taking it downstairs to go outside. Despite being struggling college students, my roommate and I saved up money to buy some nice patio furniture (before the dog) since we spend a lot of time outside in the warmer months. All of it is currently covered in frozen dog piss and shit that's dripped down to us. The furniture we keep out there consists of a glass table, two chairs, and a bench/loveseat worth about $400, which is a lot of money for us to just be throwing away. The seats and backs of the chairs have tiny holes in the fabric so rain can flow through, but now I'm worried once the shit thaws, or when I try to wipe it off, it'll get stuck in the little holes and ruin our furniture permanently. I don't have a hose, as I can't connect it to anything, so I can't spray it out. Not to mention, the dog literally pissed on me while I was outside taking pictures and trying to figure out my plan to clean it. I've spoken to management and they said they'd warn him about it. But that doesn't do anything to fix what's already been done. This guy is an asshole for several other reasons and I'm tired of not being able to do anything about it. Can I take this guy to small claims court or something? Or could my apartment be liable for cleaning it? Do I have any concrete options or do I just have to put up with his shit, pun intended. This is in Minnesota and we have six months left on our lease, so moving isn't an option.

    submitted by /u/exfriendaita
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    I didn’t realize I wasn’t paying rent, will the eviction notice show up to future landlords?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:49 PM PST

    I live in Washington DC in an apartment building owned by a leasing company. I thought I had set my rent to go through on autopay, but for the month of January it didn't go through. I was served a notice to appear in court today, much to my surprise. I immediately logged into the portal and paid the entire balance due, including January/February rent and all of the late charges via my checking account. I then went to the leasing office and explained the situation and was told that they would call the court and have the case dismissed. Failure to pay rent is the only reason listed on the complaint. My question is will this affect my ability to rent in the future? Like will it pop up if I apply for an apartment in the future and/or will it affect my credit?


    submitted by /u/zamazin
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    Friends psychologist is threatening to release personal information to her parents

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:12 AM PST

    My friend got a psychotherapist a few months ago because she had some health issues, that were ruining her mental health. She is 18 which is important to mention. Because of trust issues with past psychologists, she asked before every session if everything she shared would be confidential where her psychotherapist said yes.

    My friend has recently shared different stories from when she was 13, where she sold and smoked weed, stole and sent feet pictures to men who would pay. I think it is fair to mention, these choices are in the past, and the decisions were based upon the fact that her parents were divorced and had a strained relationship and she was acting out. She would never dream of doing it again.

    Now comes the issue. As a way to deal with her recent breakup, with a guy she had dated since she was 14, she has indulged in some of the fetishes she couldn't in the relationship. She is a masochist and finds guys on tinder who will indulge in her fantasies with her. I talk to her about the men she sees, and I make sure she can trust them, and that she cuts the guys off if they start being sketchy. She told her psychotherapist about this, and while she supported it in the beginning, she has changed her mind after one of the guys accidentally gave her a black eye during sex, because he wanted to push her head down, but ended up banging her head into a sink, he has apologized many times since and shows a lot of guilt. Her psychotherapist is now threatening to tell her parents about the events that happened when she was 13 as if they were currently happening and telling them about her relationships with the guys she's seeing which include her masochism. My friend is incredibly stubborn, and if she was in any danger I know she would tell me.

    She also has a very strained relationship with her mother and has just been kicked out of her mother's house for accidentally breaking the gate to their property, so these issues being brought up could completely ruin their relationship. My friend has told the psychotherapist, that she no longer wants to be treated by her, but her psychotherapist told her that if she didn't show up to therapy today (this costs about $150 btw) that she would give all of the information to her parents. My friend's father knows all of this information, but her psychotherapist is still threatening to tell her mother. Her therapist is justifying her decisions by saying she thinks my friend will end up a criminal or dead, and that she doesn't want that on her conscience. My friend is completely convinced that if this comes out into the light, she will no longer have any contact with her mother, because of their fragile relationship.

    I have told her, to contact the authorities, but we don't actually know if there is anything to do. Is her therapist in the right? or do we have any way of stopping her?

    It is probably also fair to mention that this is in Denmark

    submitted by /u/TimmSoerensen
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    Ex employer took 980.00 from final check. Can I take her to small claims court?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:35 PM PST

    I live in Texas. So last June I was medically released from work. Till the dr could figure out what was wrong with me. I gave the release to my employer. At the beginning of my employment with this awful company I was make to sign a form saying that if I quit without giving my 2 weeks notice that they would take 50 percent of my income. I know.. but I needed the job. I was not planning on leaving. I did give her the Drs. release. The last check I received she took 900.00 then charged me 80.00 for nothing. Can I take her to small claims because this was dr.s orders???? Is it too late?

    submitted by /u/GoOday2u
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    Part-time job got me under investigation

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:09 AM PST

    The company I work with provides onsite EMT care for youth sports and it turns out they were operating without appropriate license aid service approval from the Medical Director of the county.

    I was not aware of this when I first got hired last summer and now I've been receiving mail from the Department of Health about being under investigation. They found out my name because our company was in a news article that features me on their front page. They're also trying to get the information of the other EMTs under my employer. I just got off the phone with the investigator and he needs me to get the information from my employer on how they have the ability to operate without a Medical Director.

    Do you think this will warrant a revocation of my EMT license? I really dont want to lose my job because of a part time job. Was it a good move to talk to the investigator? I dont think I need a lawyer to defend me in this because I'm not gonna mess with the Department of Health in Washington

    submitted by /u/BeejBeachBall
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    HOA Cut Down Trees and Devalue My Property Value

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:49 AM PST

    We bought a corner lot house partially because of the tall mature trees next to the house providing view and privacy. One day HOA decided to take out these 30 year old beauties and replace them with some wimpy tiny trees (looks like the ones you can get for free), therefore devaluing my property value. As a homeowner, what are my rights? Not to mention that it costs an arm and a leg to remove them as I later found out in the annual budget report.

    EDIT: Trees are in a common area next to the house

    submitted by /u/loudifu
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    How to obtain a court order to access deceased parents Gmail

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 04:07 AM PST

    My mother may have a life insurance policy and the only proof of the policy would be to access her emails. Google requires a death certificate, my ID and some other info which I submitted. However they require a copy of a message sent from her email to my email which I do not have because this is a backup of hers.

    Is there any way I can have a lawyer write a letter/demand/order to google in an attempt to get access to her account?

    submitted by /u/PoppaStacks
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