• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 5, 2020

    In the "report post" section, can we have a "low quality post" to stop the self-promotion crappy posts small business

    In the "report post" section, can we have a "low quality post" to stop the self-promotion crappy posts small business

    In the "report post" section, can we have a "low quality post" to stop the self-promotion crappy posts

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:25 PM PST

    It seems as if some of them are smart enough to not include links to prevent it from being spam, but are self-promoting themselves as some sort of guru, and working links in sooner or later.

    submitted by /u/sc3nner
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    How to cancel service politely yet firmly and holding my ground?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:03 AM PST

    Hi! We have a client who, in the past, has been a great client. They were also one of the first clients we had that had full faith in us and gave us the experience and knowledge to enhance our offerings and do better business.

    Unfortunately this client has been running into some hard times. He's wracked up a few months invoices now. Every time we disconnect his service he emails us asking us to turn it back on and he'll pay within a week. Then he either doesn't pay or he pays a tiny amount to what is owed. We've already lowered his subscription amount to help him (halved it), we made that retroactive to lower the amount owed in total.. this was in November/December.

    So now we haven't received a payment in over 45 days. I'd say, going by the dollar amount, he's about 3 or 4 months behind.

    I think we need to just disconnect him and be firm, holding our ground, and not reconnecting him unless he gets caught up but I just feel bad because he's a good guy running into hard times and he relies on our software to run his business daily. Any advice about how you would go about this?

    Edit : Thanks for all of the thought out, detailed responses and we'll wishes. I'll post an update as an edit here once I have my conversation with him. You guys are great.

    Edit 2: This thread ended up getting so much good advice. Hopefully others who have this issue in the future can read through this and get help more easily. Thanks again everyone! 😊

    submitted by /u/jetteh22
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    LLC Filing

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:26 AM PST

    I sent in my paperwork about 2 weeks ago with a check (an approved form of payment) and my check hasn't been used and I haven't gotten anything in the mail.

    Should I be concerned?

    submitted by /u/The_One_Who_Welds
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    How would you describe the 'game plan' for ecommerce business?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:00 AM PST

    In something like boxing or any sports, but specifically boxing, the fighters have a specific game plan in order to win. They are trying to slide the odds in their favor by using a specific strategy.

    General strategy: To put it into real world context, a small business would start off in facebook ads, direct click ads (ppc), then would try to grow its seo, social media, then influencer marketing(youtuber ads). Each year the marketing would grow in reach. The product would also be getting better and better, and after a while there is a economy of scale in everything i.e cheaper making 1000 products a year, before it was 100. Marketing efforts are now more effective later on as more people rebuy, and are new customers are more receptive to buying as they may have seen the brand before.

    Specific strategy: In a more specific strategy, a business will look to become the best in something. A company selling natural soaps might have a strategy to make better formulas of natural soaps. And win customers over by having a natural soap that better (smell, feel) for the skin and has unique ingredients. A possible more eco friendly brand. They determined that doing this better than anyone else will earn them a preference.

    General strategy question: In a business is the general game plan to start out small, and then keep growing slightly larger and more effective, and cheaper(economy of scale). For just about everything? The marketing, the product, the target customer?

    Specific strategy question: In a specific strategy, its to really try to become the best at something valuable to the customer. And the goal of a specific game plan is to choose an offer/product, branding that is better and more preferable than what others offer?

    In your business, or in your opinion is it generally what you do, to save costs, to increase effectiveness(make better products), and to keep growing out the marketing, product, and customer base as the years go by?

    submitted by /u/Putrid-Excitement
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    Capital One Spark Business closed both credit cards yesterday. Just found out today when trying to use it.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:17 AM PST

    Had been a customer since 2011 or so. Always paid on time. One of the cards hasn't even been used in almost a year.

    I called up and recorded the call. Letter was sent out yesterday and have not received it as of yet. They basically said the decision was final and that the reason was:

    "The reason for the closure was due to observed activity on your account that was not consistent with our expectations for small business purposes."

    Would have been nice to have some advanced notice, way to appeal the decision, and a better understand the reasoning as to why our usage wasn't within their expectations.

    What's the kicker is that they closed the account a few hours after I scheduled a large payment.

    I feel a bit sick.

    Anyway to reach out to a contact that could talk with us about this? We had all of our services tethered in with their card and now need to spend time to dismantle and find alternative payment methods.

    submitted by /u/guitarf1
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    Is it ok to average out all the costs of items of a single haul to make it easier to keep track of how much each item costed you?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:47 PM PST

    I was wondering if anyone else did this. I found it way easier to remember one number off top the head instead of individual cost of each item

    submitted by /u/Blixx87
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    Moving to Cash Sales

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:17 PM PST

    I own a small wholesale and retail business of building electrical (Schneider Electric) and hardware items, what are the quirky things that I can do to promote more of cash sales and reach the end user

    submitted by /u/mazahir95
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    What eCommerce questions do you face while working in the segment?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:51 AM PST

    Find the answers to your eCommerce questions

    submitted by /u/TraditionalAsk1
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    GA Carpet Mafia

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:50 PM PST

    I've come to realize that in Georgia, USA you are up agains't some issues if you plan on competing in the carpet and upholstery industry. It turns out that only a few companies are actually working, the rest are sub contracting the work to unlicensed, undocumented, and fictitious companies. My problem isn't this massive Monopoly that has been conquered by the slim, it's how do I get on the list. Since I apparently can't break into the industry myself at least let me sub some jobs out. I do 💯 better job than half these guys. Suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Charlieandpip
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    Help in Georgia with licensing

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:44 PM PST

    I have opened a home cleaning company and have obtained a DBA and EIN number, how do I know if I'm required to get a state tax ID number and a business license? I know this is elementary but I'm having the hardest time finding a place to assist in the process.

    submitted by /u/Charlieandpip
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    Ad idea

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:04 AM PST

    Any thoughts on this ad idea I'm planing to use for my web design service...


    submitted by /u/subrain
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    Creating an LLC for Consulting / Healthcare

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:16 PM PST

    Hello. I am moving to NY to start a consulting company. I am doing this because I have an overseas client who wants me to do their US Business Development. However, I am not sure about the best way to get paid. I know it could be difficult to be a US-based employee for a company in the UK, so we think it would be best if I created an LLC that they paid. I would be the only employee for the LLC or sole proprietor if you will.

    Would I be able to create the LLC in another state but live in NY? For healthcare, I know I would have to purchase individual healthcare or healthcare via the LLC, but I am worried about cost as I will be making low money initially.

    Does anyone have good advice on this?

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/sancerrely_yours
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    Dive all in to this business, or what?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:34 AM PST

    Crossposting from r/Entrepreneur here

    Looking for advice on digging in or jumping ship.

    Me: 31M, Single, BS Mech Engineering, MBA. Have ran and sold a small 6 figure hospitality business.

    I currently work for a small (~$1M) engineering services company owned by 50/50 partners. I worked as a tech initially, then migrated to sales, because charisma and earning opportunity. I have used my education and experience to, and with eager acceptance from my bosses, weigh in frequently on strategic and analytical aspects of the business, but my title and role is generally sales.

    I have been getting stagnant in my role because of a variety of factors, including a poorly structured incentive plan and lack of leadership. Because of a lack of accountability, simply being in the office has become a proxy for my 'doing work.' I'm not being held to any standard, so my day-to-day has basically become mindlessly numb. I feel this has become a detriment for both myself and the company as I'm not able to provide my best work, despite my attempts to motivate myself. In addition, I have grown dissatisfied with my living situation (the general area).

    Recently I inquired about moving my job to a remote position, and establishing more objective criteria against which I can measure my productivity (for both my and company's sake). I have a number of friends in another city and I thought it would be a positive change for my own sanity well being. The objective criteria would protect the company (in case I fail) and allow me to have a target to shoot against. One of the partners (CEO) and the other salesman in the office are also remote, and one partner (COO) has mentioned his approval of such an arrangement for me in the past ("So long as the work gets done I don't care," mentality).

    The rub:

    Boss1 w invited me out to lunch today, basically to say that while he would consider the remote role, he would be disappointed with me leaving the office, because he is soon retiring and is envisioning that I become effectively the GM of the company if not more, including some kind of vesting equity arrangement. That said, he has no idea about what this would look like, when, or how it would come to fruition.

    Internally, the business is mismanaged (which is part of his interest in my appointment) and suffers from a top-down lack of accountability and other problems that range from nepotism, insubordination, down to outright laziness. One of those issues is the COO who is 50% partner and who's family holds key roles. I don't believe they are malicious but the nepotism there fosters complacency and inability or unwillingness to replace them when they falter.

    Externally, the market for our niche services is imho shrinking but potentially only shifting to a different type of customer. I haven't studied that too closely. We have not really innovated or expanded our service offering which I think could keep us well watered and growing if we cared to pursue it. That said, our sales staff (myself included!) is drastically underperforming to what I think the market potential is and we could increase capacity fairly easily with a marginal increase in expenditure. Margins are excellent.

    Anyway, this throws a big wrench in my 'get my life together' plans, and could be a huge opportunity, but could also be a huge ball and chain on my life.

    So, now that all that is on the table, what would you suggest? How would you approach it? Would you even consider it? How can I make it worthwhile and who should I talk to?

    TL;DR Poorly managed company wants me to take over but doesn't know what that means, I was looking for more separation. Help?

    Edit: I dk if this gives any more insight, but I am pretty apathetic to the business itself. I enjoy (more or less) the challenge of business building itself.

    submitted by /u/stealthdawg
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    Inventory Management

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:14 PM PST

    Our business has a unique problem with inventory management that we have not found a solution to.

    We have a warehouse with our product and once we sell something it is installed that week to up to a year later.

    Is there any managment system that is connected to a calendar where I can see what is scheduled later on and comes out of inventory the day the job is scheduled?

    Thank you for any help or feedback.

    submitted by /u/ShugaSean451
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    Concerns over quality of a supplier. Wondering what options I may have

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:30 PM PST

    I own a small business that produces items. Many raw materials go into a finished product, which is made in batches of about 100 to 200 units at a time.

    I was running low on one supply which I usually procure straight from the source and process it myself to make it ready to use. Another supplier notified me of new availability of this same particular product, which comes already processed and ready to use. I examined a sample. It seemed possibly a bit inferior, but workable. I ordered the smallest quantity needed for a single batch.

    Once this product went into the production run it did not hold up and I have reason to doubt its authenticity now. It is of agricultural origin so proving that it is actually just a less expensive related species to what I ordered, but not as advertised,would probably be costly.

    Any advice here. My options seem to be, in order of my preference.

    1. Eat the cost of the product, this is a lesson learned. Try to salvage the batch if possible

      1. Contact the supplier, express my concerns and see how they respond
      2. Have the product independently validated then come back to the supplier with the results if my suspicions are confirmed
    submitted by /u/nodontthrowit
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    Asking for a loan for my artist business

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:24 PM PST

    Hi Guys,

    I'm in a bit of a difficult situation and need some advice.

    So, my background. I'm an artist from London and I'm trying to make a living selling artworks and teaching various evening classes at local venues such as life drawing and private tuition.

    However I'm not in the position to start any of this at the moment. I currently work at a chain restaurant serving Pizza on minimum wage and very inflexible long hours meaning I can't plan my life week by week. Its a new job I took on just so that I could cover the cost of my rent and food. But at the end of each month I have hardly any money left over to make art with, I also have hardly any time to make art either.

    So, I need money and time. I need some space in order to set myself up effectively and properly. The business model is simple, Buy art materials and equipment and rent a purpose built artist studio, all of which should cost me £1000 or more per month if I'm buying proper materials in large quantities and not being frugal about it. Then promoting my work in various ways online and in public and selling artworks and various other artistic products such as prints and services such as drawing classes for anything from £200-£2000 or more.

    So I need time and money. Making art at the end of my 45 hour per week job at this pizza joint isn't going to be enough, I need 100% of my time to focus on this business. So, shall I borrow money from the bank and how much? Shall I set up a limited company? Set up as a sole trader? get a business bank account? apply for a business loan? How do I start? What do I do? How long should it take? When can I leave my job? Also I dont think my credit rating is that good...

    Thanks for all of your advice in advance, you guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/OffMyChestRants
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    LLC elected as S-Corp in California, need tax help.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:57 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I'm a freelance video editor in the Bay Area and recently started an LLC. I signed my contract this week and haven't made any money in revenue yet. I am the only "employee" and elected an S-corp to shield from some FICA taxes.

    Legally, I am up and running (EIN, articles of organization, sent in a 2553 form, etc.)

    My question is setting up payroll and quarterly taxes. How do I pay myself, what are the steps for quarterly taxes, and when can I pay myself the dividends?

    I feel like my taxes will be relatively easy since I hardly have any expenses I need for my business. (less than 10 purchases a year since all the equipment I use is client equipment.) But still know other items such as health insurance are write offs as well. Does anyone have a good simple walk through for this? Thanks

    submitted by /u/d0nt_at_m3
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    A business that owes me money is now sold...what happens to my money now?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:47 PM PST

    Hello everyone, so I just found out that a medium size business that owed me money(close to $30,000) is now sold to another company. What do I do now ? Im in Canada and the company is in UK.

    submitted by /u/Oscartdot
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    What to do after You've Issued a Press Release

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:46 PM PST

    To garner brand attention, we issued a press release about a product line launch. This was our first press release and we expected (hoped) to get media traction from it due to our product being new and different compared to what else is out there. So far, however, responses have been light. It hasn't been long since we issued the press release, so not sure if I just need to give it more time, but my question is, what should we do following the issuance of a press release to get the most value out of issuing it? Does anyone else have any success stories with issuing a press release?

    submitted by /u/CollideRings
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    Suggestions for hiring out cold calling prospects

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:51 AM PST

    Hi there,

    I have a list of prospects and was curious how it'd work if I hired a firm to cold call them. Has anyone had experience with this?

    What I'm hoping for:

    • A way to find reputable firms that do cold calling
    • A payment option so they'd get a portion of each sale, rather than some flat fee I have to pay regardless
    • Native-English speakers (without an accent) as the folks they're calling are all in the States and I want the callers to appear to be like them

    The product they're selling would be B2B and runs $35-50 for each person at the business that signs up.

    Thanks in advance for any advice or insight. Please let me know if I left out anything important.

    submitted by /u/BenjaminGunn
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    A New Pool Hall

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:17 PM PST

    Hello! I am thinking about starting a coffee shop in California! Any advice? You could change my life forever with your input

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:17 AM PST

    If you owned f&b or know about loans and funding please please message me.

    My background is food and bev been in the industry for almost 10 years. Managed multiple locations and have had staff up 40 plus. Managed 2m in PNL.

    Greatest skill is leadership

    I want to start something on my own because... why not! I love being successful (profits) and I love teaching and mentoring people.

    submitted by /u/jessefelix12
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    Chamber of commerce uses

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:08 PM PST

    Hey, I was considering signing up for my local chamber of commerce for my small service based business. I plan on going to the monthly networking events and using it more to meet like minded professionals and to get my name out. Any ways to use the COC that I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/tonymontanaOSU
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    Field Service Invoicing with Quickbooks

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 12:44 PM PST

    Hello Everyone, I'll try and make it brief. I have a small HVAC company that has been in business 10 years. We have a few technicians now. We use Quickbooks Desktop for accounting. Our goal is to have the technicians invoice from the job and eliminate all of the paperwork. What do you guys use for this type of thing? The field management software I've seen is $1500+ a year which seems kind of crazy for our small business. Any input and recommendations would be great.

    TLDR: Goal - Find an budget friendly app that integrates with Quickbooks Desktop For service technicians to invoice.

    submitted by /u/Dakkyy
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