• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 26, 2019

    United can’t pay because company refuses to change coding. Insurance

    United can’t pay because company refuses to change coding. Insurance

    United can’t pay because company refuses to change coding.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:19 PM PST

    Restaurants using teen's parents vehicles for delivery without business-use policies - A ticking time bomb?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:03 AM PST

    A few years ago, I refused to allow my child to use our vehicle in a job for a restaurant chain to deliver food because we only had personal use vehicle insurance - and without this permission they didn't hire them. The restaurant was not going to provide any of their own coverage to the vehicle, so all liability would have fallen on us. I asked our (State Farm) agent about this scenario. Business use insurance for a 18 year old was very expensive.

    I'm thinking there are tens of thousands of people working in restaurants delivering food in their private vehicles without business-use insurance - sometimes with a restaurant's magnetic signs affixed to their cars. This is true for mom-and-pop restaurants and large chains/franchises alike. Delivering food is a commercial activity, falling into the category of business use, according to my insurance agent, and they would deny coverage of an accident during delivery without the business-use policy type.

    Is this a common scenario? Are there tens of thousands of people out there, including parents, with this risk who don't realize it?

    submitted by /u/triptanic
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    Health Insurance for Non-US Visa Individuals? Options?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:31 PM PST

    I don't know if this is the right section to post this, but I am looking for someone to hopefully point me in the right direction for this since Google isn't helping, likewise I welcome any pointing to similar threads. I honestly have no experience with dealing with health insurance since I have had it between a combination having it supplied through parents and now through my job and I have never had any big instances of needing it.

    My gf is considering moving to the US (Virginia) from Denmark, one of the unknown questions we both have is in regards to how she will have access to healthcare in the US for things like getting her anti-depressants or any kind of medical care should anything happen while she is here. Would we have to apply for insurance as normal? Would that matter if she isn't a citizen and on her visa only?

    Edit: Saw the first post, updated for location accuracy.

    submitted by /u/James_Moriarty
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    Is anybody familiar with something called a "Fivestar General Liability Policy"

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:53 PM PST

    I have one, and have been reading the exclusions and it doesn't seem to actually cover much.

    I do appliance repairs and it turns out that the policy excludes professional liability and flooding, which are both big things for the type of work I do.

    Is there a better policy or something else I should be asking for?

    If I repair something and someone sues me for it, it appears I'm not covered. Would that be correct?

    My agent doesn't seem to think this is a big deal, but it seems kind of important to me.

    submitted by /u/Edward_Morbius
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    Genetic Testing Nightmare [CO]

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:23 PM PST

    I'm going to try my best to explain my situation, but it's fairly complicated. I work for a company based out of Illinois so I have BCBS of Illinois, but I live in Colorado so BCBS of Colorado 'hosts' all my claims. I've been told that this means BCBS of CO deals with providers whereas BCBS of IL handles benefits. I'm not entirely sure what this entails internally, but it's caused a lot of issues with regards to getting accurate information.

    I've been struggling to get genetic testing covered by my insurance for about two years. Every six months or so I get a new document telling me it's covered, then a few months later I'll get something telling me it's been denied. I have absolutely no idea how to get this resolved and it is extremely stressful not knowing whether or not I'm ultimately going to have to cover this rather large medical bill.

    My mother passed away from ovarian cancer at 33. My doctor recommended and referred me to a genetic counseling service to be tested for BRCA I and II genes. I had an appointment with a genetic counselor who also recommended the testing. I was hesitant because it was very expensive. I was told that a "benefits investigation" would be done to determine whether or not it would be covered by my insurance. After this investigation was done I was told that it would be fully covered so I gave the green light to send off the sample for testing. Luckily, everything came back completely normal, but I have been going back and forth with the lab and my insurance company for two years trying to get it covered.

    As you can probably guess it was initially denied. I believe the ACA mandates that genetic testing for these genes is considered preventative care if someone has had a first degree relative with one of the associated cancers. The BCBS guidelines also outline this type of testing as preventative. The lab appealed to BCBS and ultimately a third party determined it was medically necessary. BCBS of IL then sent an EOB stating that the lab was out of network. The lab explicitly told me that BCBS of IL was IN NETWORK and said they would reach out to have it corrected.

    Recently I received a letter from the lab stating that I owed them for the testing. I called and they told me that yes BCBS of IL is in-network but BCBS of CO is not so it would not be covered. This is confusing to me because I don't have BCBS of CO, my benefits should be determined by BCBS of IL. Can someone explain this to me?

    I also called BCBS of IL and was told that they didn't really have any of the documents but they knew that it had been denied. I was told that it was denied because whenever a provider sends labs to a lab out of state those labs are out of network. Is this true? I have absolutely no control over where my provider sends labs. Also because I live in Colorado does that mean any labs I get are out of state because they aren't done in the state where my insurance is based?

    This has literally been hanging over my head for years. I never would have done the tests if I wasn't told from the get-go that they would be covered. Has anyone else had to fight to have this sort of thing covered? Can anyone offer me any advice on how to advocate for myself with my insurance company?

    submitted by /u/throwaway92803049281
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    Desperately curious on how to start a brokerage

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:40 PM PST

    I've been working in insurance (personal lines) for about two years now eventually down the line I will be into the commercial section as well I'm very curious as to how to go about obtaining connections with insurers to get their systems and offer there products

    I don't know how to 'contact' the company and how to find out what they want from me in order to do so. I'd also like to know how much experience would be enough to launch my own brokerage.

    I'm situated in Quebec but if anyone can help out I'd appreciate it


    submitted by /u/rey2kay
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    I can't get life insurance because I had a heart operation (mechanical valve). Any options out there?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:10 PM PST

    3 years ago I had to get a heart operation for aortic stenosis and received a mechanical heart valve. I am healthy now but I cannot get any life insurance. I have been turned down 4 times now. Are there ANY options for me? Any company out there that will insure me?

    submitted by /u/throwawaycryptodream
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    Should I lend kid my car?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:33 PM PST

    Ok I'm at the point of having to replace my (20) sons car. I live in PA and he's in OH.

    Wondering if I should just lend him my current vehicle and get myself something else. It's either that or buy him another used car.

    Of course "lending" mine means it'll be his. Would I have to add him to my policy? Is this a bad idea?

    submitted by /u/vmedianet
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    Captive vs Non-captive

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 03:45 PM PST

    I'm trying to figure out which insurance companies outsource some of their policies, and which companies are brokers or in-house all.

    Is there some resource out there that could help me with that?

    submitted by /u/visualbonus
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    Help Finding a Possible Life Insurance Policy

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:45 PM PST

    Help finding a possible life insurance policy

    My wife's aunt passed away a few weeks ago. She was very close to her and considered her a second mother. After attending the funeral and going through some memories, my wife found a text message exchange from a while back where the aunt had asked for her contact information to put my wife as the beneficiary. We have no idea how to start looking to see if indeed my wife is a beneficiary. Her aunt lived alone in Oregon and we are currently in California so we have no way of going through her mail or any other matters. We don't even know which company she had her life insurance with. Is there any way that we can figure out this information? We also want to keep it a secret from family for reasons that we believe it might get messy as in who deserves to really benefit from her death. Unfortunately, it's something that we are certain will arise. Any and all advice is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/just_for_kicks213
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    Offered a post-collision insurance settlement, but it would require me to total my car

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:45 PM PST

    Hello! A delivery vehicle recently backed into my (parked) car, and it left a dent in the rear bumper and shattered my taillight. The damage is 100% cosmetic and does not affect the functionality of the vehicle at all; however, the repair quote I received from the auto body shop was for over $2000, because due to the location of the dent, multiple panels would have to be replaced for it to be fully repaired.

    I have been in contact with the delivery company's insurance and sent them the repair quote. In their reply, they told me that since their estimate of my car's value ($1300) was lower than the total repair cost, they were willing to cut me a check for $2000 for a replacement vehicle, but I would have to list my car as totaled and replace the clean title with a salvage title.

    My car is a 1997 Impreza, so it is an older vehicle, but it has fewer than 50k miles on it still and I know for a fact that it is worth more than $1300 and almost certainly more than $2000, even with the body damage. Cars of my make and model with mileage this low are very rare and there's a lot of Subaru enthusiasts out there.

    Right now I'm thinking that I would like to take the $2000 settlement and continue driving my car as usual. Honestly, if someone had asked if they could knock out my taillight in exchange for 2 grand, I would have said "sure". But I don't know how the salvage title will affect my insurance rates and the future resale ability of my car.

    My questions are:

    • Is there a way I can get my car's value professionally assessed, and would it make a difference to the insurance company?

    • Is totaling my car worth the $2000 settlement?

    • Will my car insurance rates go up?

    • Will I still be able to sell my car in the future if I decide to do so, and how much of a loss can I expect to take in terms of value with a salvage title attached?

    (I have already contacted my own insurance agency for advice, but my agent is out of town until next week, so I figured I'd try my luck here.)

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/fishfeathers
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    How will selling my car affect my future insurance rates?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:17 PM PST

    Good evening,

    I am a 22 year old single male finishing his last year of university. I own a vehicle that has been insured under a policy in my name since September 2017; my coverage between September 2013-17 was from being a driver on my parent's policy.

    After graduation, I intend on spending 8-16 months abroad teaching English and backpacking. For this, I will not need a vehicle and am the only member in the household that can drive stick, so I am planning on selling it before I leave.

    When I sell my car, and cancel my insurance policy, will the 8-16 month lapse in insurance affect my insurance rates when I return to Canada? Could I avoid this lapse by being listed as a secondary driver on my mom's policy? Or does that not suffice since the policy isn't in my name?

    The internet has been relatively vague in answering this. Any information would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/DrDohday
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    Changing auto insurance after 1 month to get better rate?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:02 PM PST

    So I am a historically bad driver, many accidents over the past few years. Nothing where anyone got hurt, mainly single vehicle snow accidents. Because of this, I have been on high risk for about a year now and was told by my agent at Allstate they would be able to take me off in January.

    Fast foward to today, I am told that he cant change my risk because Im an existing customer. However, he claims there is a loophole where if I leave for a month under a new plan and come back in as a "new account" they can take me off low risk. This sounds kind of sketchy so I thought I'd ask the experts their opinions on this.

    submitted by /u/OvercookedMeatloaf
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    Late start on adult life - seeking advice on auto and dental insurance

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:29 AM PST


    I want to preface this by saying that I know very, very little about insurance - when it gets into technical terms my brain just kinda switches off. It's embarrassing, honestly.

    Theres quite a long story behind this, but the essential details are: I'm a 25y.o male, US permanent resident (not citizen), currently living in California. I've been here about 4 and a half years and for most of this time I've been driving someone else's car, covered by their insurance. I've had health insurance through different employers but I went through a bit of a rough patch and essentially spent about a year without any kind of health insurance. I'm in a better spot now and again have access to health and dental through my employer. They are also offering a bunch of AFLAC plans as supplemental insurance, of which I am planning on taking accident and considering taking dental. I'm also needing to get auto insurance for myself the first time in my life and I'm not sure what the best option will be for me.

    So my questions are (and I realize I might need to give additional information for this to be answered properly, but I'm clueless here):

    1. If I think that I will be needing a lot of dental work in the coming year, is it worthwhile for me to take advantage of the AFLAC supplemental dental plan? I don't really have a concept of how much dental procedures cost here in the US but I can provide the plan details if need be.

    2. What do I need to be looking for when I'm choosing auto insurance? Any recommendations?

    3. Based on the details I've provided, what are some other things that I should be doing/looking into? I'm essentially trying to get my life together lol

    Really appreciate any help or advice you're able to provide!


    submitted by /u/adultdisaster
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    Curious if I should report an at-fault accident with my roommate's car to insurance

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:52 PM PST

    Dearest /r/Insurance-

    A few months ago I reversed into my roommate's rear drivers side door in the driveway. I've taken responsibility for the accident, and was planning on paying out of pocket until my roommate came back with an estimate for the damage at around $1,700.

    Would it be wiser to pay out of pocket for the damage, or should I report this to insurance and risk my rates going up? I'm currently with Farm Bureau, and this would be my first at-fault accident ever. Located in Nashville, TN, if it helps!

    Any and all advice would be appreciated, thanks so much.

    edit: In addition to all of this, apparently Tennessee law states that we were required to report any accident with damage over $400 to insurance within 20 days. I don't know if that's actually a thing but we've already severely passed that deadline...

    submitted by /u/reckoner15
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    At fault's insurance only offering max property damage liability

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:50 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I was rear ended a few weeks ago and am finally getting an offer for my vehicle. The car is worth closer to 8k but the person who hit me has max property damage liability of 5k.

    I too, only had liability so my insurance would not open a claim on my behalf so I filed directly with the other insured party. I have a few questions:

    1. At this point my only option would be to now sue the person themselves for the additional worth of my vehicle?
    2. Is there anything my insurance can do even though I only have liability?
    3. A few grand is not worth suing for at the end of the day huh?

    Anyway this sucks that I probably won't be made whole.

    submitted by /u/socalwrxx
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    What are the benefits of cost-sharing reductions offered with Obamacare?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:45 PM PST

    I'm working my way through the market place, and my wife currently has a gold plan through BCBS, but we can get CSR (cost-sharing reductions) with silver programs, which will apparently have several benefits centered around reduced copays, premiums, and deductibles amongst others.

    But what the marketplace doesn't show is what those reductions actually look like. Has anybody had any experience with this and can speak to the benefits of moving to a "cheaper" plan and how it might save more money this way through the CSR?

    submitted by /u/grahamygraham
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    Can my employer force me to pay for their group health insurance plan?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:38 AM PST

    I'm under the impression that my employer cannot force me to use their plan unless they pay 100% of the premium (they don't) or unless there was a clause stating that I would use their insurance in an employment agreement (not sure about this one.) I've asked the employer to not re-enroll me in their coverage, and been waiting for their response while they "research." In the event they respond saying that I'm obligated to purchase their group policy, I'd like to be prepared with some substantiating documentation/law to provide them showing they can't legally require it. Can anyone point me to any such documentation?

    submitted by /u/aBORNentertainer
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    Looking to supplement my income renting out a specialty personal vehicle for commercial/film production (California)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:37 AM PST

    As stated I'm looking into renting out my police interceptor crown vic for film/photo/commercial use and I'm having a difficult time finding out what I'm going to need insurance wise on my end.

    Any large production is going to have pretty hefty production insurance. Covering both property and personnel. However, it's the smaller budget/independent shoots that I'm concerned about. Which will definitely not have a temporary insurance plan.

    I bought the car originally in pretty poor condition and have only had the minimum insurance necessary for California. When It's ready to be rented out I will change the insurance to a commercial/business plan.

    Is there anything else I'm going to need? Finding info on this that isn't just ads for apps the rent your own car has been very difficult.

    Any suggestions or help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Zoom2Ruin
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    Who's at fault? 50/50? 60/40 Other Party at fault?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:27 AM PST

    We were parked on a two-way street. A car pulls up behind us and signals that it was going to take our parking spot. After checking our surroundings and deemed safe, my girlfriend egresses out of our parking spot and in comes swiftly this SUV from our left and collides with us.

    Small dent on passenger side/wheel well on Other Party quarter panel. Crumpled front driver side bumper and slight damage on driver side front quarter panel.

    Picture: https://imgur.com/a/oc9CCfV

    submitted by /u/cyama
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    Healthcare provider said a device would be fully covered by my insurance. When the bill came however, it was over $1000. Am I at fault, and if not is there anything I can do?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:44 AM PST

    I called a company called Byram Healthcare at the request of my endocrinologist to get a Constant glucose monitor. My insurance through work is a high deductible plan, and won't cover almost anything until I spend upwards of $3500. I found a way to get cheap insulin through a community pharmacy but this seemed like a great device to keep me on track and healthy.

    I called the company and after a few calls they said it would be fully covered. I even asked if it would be covered before the deductable was met, and he said "yes".

    However, a month later I got the bill, and it was over $1000. I can't afford to pay that. I called and they said they were wrong, and that I could return the items, however the used sensors would still cost me $380. I figured this was reasonable, if unfair. I should have made sure it was covered before using it maybe? Wish I had now anyways.

    So I did that, and never got the bill. I called today, and they said I still owe $520 or so for the sensors. This is an insane amount, since these sensors can be bought for $300 online.

    Do they have any responsibility to be correct about the coverage? Or did I just believe their lies?

    submitted by /u/ProudCanyons
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    New Vehicle Purchase - Insurance Has Been Used Incorrectly

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:30 AM PST

    Hello everyone, I recently went to the dealership got to the finance department until I found out that I've been incorrectly using my insurance. I have been on my parents auto insurance since I was 16 and purchased a car with my parent as the co-sign back in 2016 when I was still living with them. Fast forward to today I have been living in an apartment on my own for about 2 1/2 years now and never even thought about updating my auto insurance because I am still on my families insurance and I've always paid my parents directly. So upon going into the dealership and about to sign all of the papers they required an insurance card with MY NAME on it, which I didn't have. My parent is the primary on the account and I'm listed as a driver, so I need to reach out to my insurance company for new quotes and see if they can work out a deal on my family plan so I can save money on my insurance because I never took that in account due to my fault of not knowing... The title and registration of my current vehicle that I'd be trading in is listed under my parent at their address so I'd have to update that as well (if I wind up having to keep my old car and forgo buying a new vehicle). What's the best way to do this and will I encounter any issues with my current insurance provider State Farm?

    I also have renters insurance through State Farm on my own separate account, so I'd have to merge that into my family plan as well if they'll accept it. I'm trying to save as much money as possible because I will not be comfortable with a larger insurance bill as it was not in my finances I planned out. Thank you all so much.

    submitted by /u/ThrowAwayPanda123456
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    have BCBS & my employer plan doesn’t cover infertility. My wife has a genetic disorder that is passed down to our sons so we did IVF to avoid future genetic disorder/complications. submitted a predetermination form to clarify this procedure was due to genetic disorder not infertility, still denied

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:12 AM PST

    Any help is greatly appreciated. I have a $5000 bill right now for a FET procedure. It's not due to infertility at all but due to a genetic disorder that is preexisting.

    submitted by /u/Yukon_Cornelius1911
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    I'm offered Insurance, My wife is self-employed.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:36 AM PST

    My company offers insurance for my spouse through my plan. The price to add her, however, is almost double of what it would be for just me and our 3 kids. Can she go through the marketplace, if we file our taxes Married/separate? And would she receive the subsidy or would she have to pay full price? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/rcmaddox
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