• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 28, 2019

    Legal Advice City removed all plants from our Hillside in the backyard promising to replant them 4 months ago (which they didn't) and it stormed causing our house to flood and destroyed our backyard.

    Legal Advice City removed all plants from our Hillside in the backyard promising to replant them 4 months ago (which they didn't) and it stormed causing our house to flood and destroyed our backyard.

    City removed all plants from our Hillside in the backyard promising to replant them 4 months ago (which they didn't) and it stormed causing our house to flood and destroyed our backyard.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:03 AM PST

    My City of San Clemente, California decided to remove all plants from our hillside in the Summer "due to fire concerns" which resulted in our House getting incredibly dirty from all the dust which was rampant without all the plants. We reached out to the city many times with letters urging them to right the wrong and they promised to replant in the Fall. It is now almost December and a storm came today that has completely flooded our backyard and is doing property damage to our house.

    This could never have happened if they left all the plants on the hill. Is there anything we can do for compensation to pay for the damages caused by their lack of action and failure to uphold their promise in the letter they wrote us? All help is greatly appreciated since we cannot afford to take care of these damages.

    Edit: Not sure if this is important but the hillside is maintained by our HOA of the community we live in and was a joint decision by the city and HOA to remove the plants.

    submitted by /u/Alpha-Haus
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    76 yo [ F ] being forced out of employers insurance , possibly let-go . Help

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:16 AM PST

    My friend has worked at this privately owned accounting firm over 20 employees in Ga. The pressure started a couple years ago when the insurance company sent in a rep to have a meeting about why friend should get off the company insurance and use Medicare. Every year now they call a meeting to remind her that she is costing the company extra money. They won't even give her the forms this year. Time is running out to sign up. She's so defeated right now. She was going to fold and just look at the dental and vision and a partner wouldn't give the forms to her . She told him this is discrimination and he laughed in her face and walked away. This is a guy she has known for twenty years. She's probably worked there 30. Her caseload has been lightened over the past couple weeks . She believes they are going to fire her for this under some other guise. She is understandably scared. Any options or insight would be helpful. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Gypsy_Mind_Trik
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    Blew two tires after running over a spike strip layed out by an parking lot adjacent to my place of work. Should they reimburse me?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:56 AM PST

    I work at a place that shares a driveway with a pay parking lot. My place of work has three employee parking spots that hug our building and are just shy of the paybooth at the end of our shared driveway that allows entry into a pay lot. Because our spots are so tight we don't reverse out but instead drive forward into the pay lot and turn around to leave. This has never been a problem until today. Unbeknownst to our staff, the owners of the parking lot put out spike strips to keep people from parking there over the holiday. All three of our employees, including myself, blew tires out running over the strips to turn around. Couple things... The driveway has two narrow lanes, an in and an out, There were no posted signs about the strips, There was no way to see the strips buried under inches of snow. My question is... Is it reasonable to seek reimbursement from the owners of the parking lot as employees of the business that shares the driveway?

    submitted by /u/part_time_monster
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    Surgeon refuses biopsy and turns out it’s cancer now I had to have much more invasive surgery.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:39 AM PST

    Last summer I found a little bump in my legs for then in the following November I found out that it was a tumor. I went through several scans but the last one was an MRI and the notes that came along with it were biopsy was recommended because there was something different about it. I get referred to a general surgeon and he tells me " oh I've seen these before we're not going to do a biopsy I do thousands of these it's no big deal" So I get the surgery done, and by law they have to do a pathology report on the tumor anyways. They got the pathology report back and the doctor end up being shocked because I'm in the room whenever he finds out to that it is cancer. I get referred to an oncologist at a cancer center we do more scans and other MRI. We found out that the previous surgeon didn't even meet the markers for the tumor. As a result of that it now means that we have to do a more invasive surgery and a skin graft on top of that. I was out for four months. Not getting paid from my job of anything. It was really tough.

    People keep mentioning that I should look up a lawyer for this because I've had to pay for both of these surgeries. So I'm just asking for advise.

    TLDR: Surgeon went in to do surgery refusing to do biopsy and turns out it's cancer now I had a bigger surgery as a result of that.

    submitted by /u/CassiWho
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    (OR) I’m refusing cancer treatment and my family is threatening to make me a ward of the state and force me into treatment. Can they?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 10:02 AM PST

    I'm 23 and recently found out I have 4 stage cancer. It's not quite yet terminal, but I've been told that if left untreated, it will be terminal within 6 months, most likely less. It's an aggressive form of cancer and has already metastasized.

    I'm choosing to leave it untreated for many reasons. Mainly, it's because cancer treatment is awful and quite the battle. I've been told that I would have to get maintenance chemotherapy about once a month or so following remission to prevent it from coming back for the rest of my life. I already have a death wish, I'm not willing to go through intense treatments and spend so much money on treatment when I'm not even a fan of life. And yes, I do have (professionally diagnosed) major depression disorder among some other mental disorders. I also have a lot of student debt from college... I just graduated this year. I can also tolerate physical illnesses. Once it's terminal and I have less than 6 months to live, I plan on seeking physician assisted death (which is legal in Oregon).

    My family did notice that I am sick, so I told them. They know about my depression (I was once in the mental hospital as a minor). However, I no longer talk to them about it. Nor have I since I moved out at the age of 18.

    Now they're threatening to deem me as mentally incompetent to make my decisions due to my depression, make me a ward of the state, and force me into treatment. They're also going to fight against me having the right to physician assisted suicide once I end up terminally ill (if they aren't able to force me into treatment first).

    Do they have a legal basis? Are they able to force me into treatment because of my depression? If so, how do I fight back? How do I make sure that, at 23, a grown adult, I have autonomy over my body?

    submitted by /u/slipperdomination
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    If parents refused to get help for their suicidal child, would it be considered child endangerment?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:11 AM PST

    I (16F) have a sister (14F) who recently told me that she has been cutting and that she has been suicidal. She seems to be recovering but is still not in great shape. I am worried about her and want to get her outside help, like a therapist. But our parents are really strict and religious and would probably deny her any help, saying she just needs to read the bible and pray. They don't know and she doesn't want me to tell them but she needs help. We are in Kansas.

    submitted by /u/Brexa101
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    (Georgia) Grandfather, 87, has been kicked out and dropped off at a hotel, about to be homeless

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:53 AM PST

    Hey all, hope this is the right place to post about this. I am essentially seeking advice on legal responsibility for this grandfather who is about to be homeless and resources I could use to improve his situation. We are in the Metro-Atlanta area.

    My grandfather (87 years old) has basically been abandoned by all of his family: his ex-wife who has been taking care of him has been fed up with him (she lives in South Carolina, his doctors are in Georgia where she has to take him every other month) and his daughters - my mom and aunt - are sick of hosting him as they now have 2 jobs each and can no longer deal with his constant doctor appointments here in Georgia, in addition to providing groceries, helping with occasional wound care, etc. Basically, he has too many needs and no one is willing and/or able to assist with him. I am in medical school in another city and have no bandwidth to assist with this situation.

    His ex-wife is now done with him and last week checked him into a hotel 5 minutes away from my mom's house and paid for a week stay, assuming that my mom/aunt will basically pick up the "hot potato" that is my grandfather. They do not have the capacity to do deal with him- mom works 12-14 hours a day and aunt is busy with her own kids and jobs. So, as of tomorrow, he will essentially be homeless. His needs are greater than just "let him crash on the couch." He has needs as far as getting to doctors appointments to receive blood thinners, pain medications, and wound care.

    So- what can I do to help my grandfather? Family is not an option. What legal/social resources might be here to assist? In 24 hours or so he will be kicked out of this hotel and have no where to go. Worried about what might happen to him as he's 87 years old. Obviously bad timing as it's thanksgiving, but that shows you how willing ex-wife was to get rid of him.

    submitted by /u/helpoutinaweirdtime
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    Subpoenaed to testify in court while on active military orders? [Colorado]

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:00 AM PST

    Should probably start with the back story on this one.

    I'm a drill status guardsmen in Colorado, and worked loss prevention full time when not drilling. While working in the position, my boss and I went to apprehend a shoplifter, but were ultimately unsuccessful. We filed a report with the local police who ended up arresting him later the same day.

    I was informed his case, due to the high dollar amount, would be going to a jury trial, and was subpoenaed to testify on behalf of the people of Colorado. Unfortunately, two months before the trial, I was shipped out to my tech school, out of state. I have tried reaching out to the district attorney, but he has not returned any of my or my former boss's calls.

    What steps should I take so a warrant isn't created for my arrest for failure to appear in court?

    submitted by /u/MrDeadlyHitman
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    Employer has charged my wife all non-tobacco credits provided within the past year

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:54 AM PST

    On her most recent paycheck, she was charged a "retro difference" amount that was then verified by HR to be a charge nullifying the incentives she had received for being a non-tobacco employee. This was a large cut from her paycheck and the issue has yet to be resolved. HR wasn't able to confirm why this happened because her non-tobacco status was never changed on their system. Because this is a corporation, HR is housed in another city and she is only able to communicate by phone. Is this grounds for seeking legal counsel?

    Edit: TEXAS

    submitted by /u/_B2W_
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    Dealership ran my credit without my social security number or permission.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:56 AM PST

    I decided to purchase a vehicle a few days ago, and I did so through a smaller dealership. I already had financing in place, through my bank, so I arrived with my letter of funding. We finished the process pretty quickly, I signed the necessary documents, and I was out in under 2 hours. At no point in this process did I ever provide my social security number or sign a request for financing through the dealership. A long time ago, I set up an alert system with my credit card company, to notify me if there's ever any activity with my social security number. I woke up the next morning to an alert, telling me that the dealership had run my credit. I immediately called them and asked why they'd done so, only to be told that it must have been a glitch in their system, and that they never requested a credit run. As of now, my credit score hasn't changed, but that may be different in the next month.

    As far as I know, the only way to run a person's credit is with a social security number. The explanation of a glitch is nowhere near satisfactory, nor does it pacify me. I'm still left dumbfounded as to how my social security number was ever entered into their system in order to run a report, which was supposedly a glitch. I am 100% certain that I never provided a social, and even the dealer admits this. So, my question is, how? Did they get my social through illegal means? Was it truly an anomaly? And do I remain satisfied with just a dispute of the report, or do I need to take it any further?

    Edit - Arizona resident.

    submitted by /u/quinciebee
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    Husband wants an annulment on the grounds of disability - HIS erectile dysfunction .

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:03 PM PST

    We were married for just under 3 years. My husband told me in late September in front of our marriage counselor he wanted a divorce. I agreed and moved out in October. My husband told me he would initiate divorce paperwork in the week after I moved out. I got a lawyer and, based on my husband's past behavior not getting things done, told him to file the divorce petition. The lawyer spent a month trying to catch my husband to serve him papers with no avail.

    Then my husband sent his bff to collect my wedding ring and house keys - my husband seems to believe they belong to him. I told him to speak to my lawyer.

    A week later, my husband suddenly has a lawyer! But my husband wants an annulment. His grounds are that he finds me deeply unattractive, has never been physically attracted to me and thus he has erectile dysfunction severe enough that our marriage was never consummated.

    I'm aware this is all nonsense from a legal standpoint - he can't unilaterally declare that his lack of a boner means our marriage was never valid. (The sex was bad y'all but it wasn't non existent.) But my lawyer pointed out that because our marriage was so brief I'm unlikely to get much alimony from a divorce. Furthermore my husband kept my name off the condo mortgage and didn't adopt my son as he originally promised to do so I have no child support and no claim on the condo we shared. We do own a small vacation property together that would have to be split.

    Bottom line, it might be better for me financially to cut my losses and agree to the annulment rather than risk letting him drag me through court for the next two years running up legal bills.

    TLDR My husband claims his ED is my fault and is grounds for annulment. Should I just give in so I don't have to fight him in court over a divorce settlement?

    submitted by /u/Cuthberga
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    My CCTV footage on file with the police has mysteriously disappeared

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:19 AM PST

    This is in the UK.

    Super long story short, I was involved in an RTA in march 2018. Completely not my fault, I literally wasn't moving and was crashed into. The owner of a house in front of where the accident took place told the police he had CCTV and it may have caught it. The police officer who attended the scene rang me to provide the incident report number a couple of days later and told me there was footage that proves I wasn't moving, you can see my brake lights on, license plate, etc. He couldn't get a copy from the computer so recorded it on his vest camera and filed it on the police report and it would be there for two years.

    On 24th September this year I received an email from my solicitor saying that the police were in the process of sending the footage but it would not arrive in time for the court date on the 30th September. The court case was then adjourned to allow my solicitor more time to obtain the footage.

    I've received an email from my solicitor this morning saying that the police have confirmed that there is no CCTV footage on file. I have contacted them myself since and confirmed this with them, I'm awaiting a call back from the attending officer at some point today.

    I just don't know where to go from here. I've questioned my solicitor about the contradicting nature of his emails in regards to the CCTV and had no reply.

    What kind of things should I be asking the police officer? Does anyone know if any policy's or anything in place that could be used to protect me?

    submitted by /u/Dirty_Rufus
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    Need advice

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:24 AM PST

    I'm 18 now living in Maryland. When I was 2 or 3 I was attacked by a dog and my mother sued the owners for 20,000 dollars. When I ask her about the money she tells me it can only be used for college in the state of Oregon where I do not live. Could that be true? I thought because I was the one attacked once I'm 18 the money goes to me and I can choose what to use it for. It was not used or at least all of it used for medical bills, just some stitches on my face.

    submitted by /u/ah2001
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    (TX) Bought a car from a title jumper.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:30 AM PST

    I am in Texas and recently bought a truck from a guy that never transferred the title into his name. I now have it inspected and ready to register in my name, but the woman he bought it from made a mistake on the title so now I need to get her signature on an affidavit of fact. I am having a very hard time reaching her, the guy is no help keeps saying "oh she wants to talk tomorrow" probably just stalling.

    I really want to get it into my name so I can drive it legally with plates and reg. I've sent a letter to both addresses for the woman who's name the truck is still in, waiting for response, but I'm not sure what my next step may be if I can't get in touch with her. Read online title jumping is a felony offense, didn't realize it was even illegal when I got it or I would've never bought it.

    EDIT: Also it's Kelly blue book value is $500 so I'd be okay with getting a salvage or bonded title if that's the only option.

    submitted by /u/buclao0521
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    Bought house 2 weeks ago, found major structural issues

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:21 AM PST

    We bought a house less than 2 weeks ago and found that there are major issues with the top trusses. Its open trusses, so clearly seen. The inspection says they couldn't access it due to it being covered, but its vaulted and open wood trusses. We also see where the previous owner nailed the trusses back to the beams, which are coming undone now.

    What options do I have here? I wouldn't have bought this house if I had known these issues were present, and it wasn't seen until the final walkthrough that the trusses were coming away from the beams. Our realtor said it was too late and we couldn't back out now.

    submitted by /u/brother_coconut
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    How liable is an employer if non legal activity is encouraged and the employee unknowingly commits these acts illegally? Niagara County New York

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:40 AM PST

    X was working her first night as a gas station attendent alone and was told to check the ID of every patron who attempts to buy alcohol but, is only told to scan ID if they are suspicious of the ID being fake. Late in the shift a girl walked into the gas station and bought alcohol, her ID was checked and she went on her way. Seconds later a cop entered and arrested X for selling alcohol to a minor. X was fired from her new job and another employee told her that a new policy was created that all IDs must be scanned. How liable is X in this situation?

    submitted by /u/Homestar_MTN
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    A woman is threatening to release intimate videos of my and my boyfriend. What should I do?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:52 AM PST

    I don't know how this person got them, neither one of us sent them (we have very conservative jobs and families). She is not asking for money or sexual favours, but she keeps saying "do you want to be leaked". She sent me previews of said videos and images so I know they belong to me/bf. The account she uses has a specific first and last name associated with it. Here is a time line of the events:

    Nov 26th 5pm: I get an instagram DM saying "It's pretty clear you like big dicks" along with 5-6 videos of me and my bf having sex. I immediately screenshot the message and blocked the account without responding.

    Nov 27th 1am: I get a snapchat message from an account with the same first and last name saying "how would you like to be leaked". I immediately screenshot the message and blocked the account without responding.

    Nov 27th 10am: I get another snap chat friend request from an account with the same name and last name.

    Nov 27th 5pm: I get the attached texts....

    Them: [my name]? Quick question

    Me: Who is this

    Them: Been trying to get a hold of you. You're going to be leaked to a number of places. Included in the photos accompanied. And a few websites as well.

    Me: Wrong number sorry

    Them: Ok;)

    I have contacted my local police and they started a case file but they basically said they can't do anything. I don't know if the stuff has be released yet, but I'm willing to do whatever is necessary to make sure this person is caught. Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ThatGirl50
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    Roommate moved out without notice

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:39 AM PST

    One of my roommates (3 people total on lease) moved out one week ago with absolutely no notice. She notified landlord one week later that she intends to break the lease 9 months early on a 2-year lease. Myself and other roommate do not intend or want to move out. How can I hold her responsible for her share of the remainder of the lease (approximately $6,000)?

    submitted by /u/General_Writer
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    Bank transfer

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:20 PM PST

    Your A/c.... is credited with Rs. 1 on 28Nov19. Avbl Bal: Rs. PInfo: IMPS/P2A/933300289712/CAMS/HONGKONG/Acco.

    I got this message of transfer of money.. i do not know anyone outside India. Not sure what fraud it is but.. i m wary.. have raised complain. Note this account is my investment account too.

    submitted by /u/fvr_troll
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    Auto dealer contacts me every few months after I have told them not to call me again

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:15 PM PST

    Here is a bit of the backstory. I bought a brand new car in 2011. The next day on my drive home from work I noticed a dent in the hood. It looked like a manufacturing defect and I brought it into the dealer within 48hours of purchasing it. The sales man said there was nothing they could do as did the sales manages and service manager. One of the managers actually asked if I had pissed someone off and they hit my hood with a mallet! The damage was minor and looked as if it was done before the vehicle was painted. I left the dealer frustrated and told them I wouldn't do any more business with them again.

    About 4 years ago I started receiving phone calls from them telling me they would like me to upgrade or they have someone interested in my car and I told them the above story, and that I would never do business with them again. I was always polite but firm and asked them not to call me anymore. But still, every 3-6 months I get a call from them with the same story. Today, I snapped at the poor woman on the phone. She said she is sorry for the service I received and will make sure I don't get called again. But the last 6 people I've talked to have said the same thing. I told her and the last few callers that I feel that I am being harassed by them but don't know if there is actually any legal recourse for me. I'm in Canada.

    submitted by /u/Rverty
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    Landlord keeps “showing” apartment (Pennsylvania, PA)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:08 AM PST

    Some background:

    My lease is up in 7 months. This rental market isn't "hot" by any means and I've never heard of someone signing a lease that early for primarily student housing. Secondly, I work from home doing web camming. This means wearing semi-intricate outfits, studio lights, and clients who pay for blocks of time. It's crucially important I don't have random visitors during my scheduled blocks, in addition to it possibly being insanely embarrassing. Finally, I have semi-valuable stuff in my apt like small-ish fine China, expensive makeup/perfumes/creams, and semi-precious jewelry. Could I put all this stuff in a safe? Sure. But would that be a major pain the ass? Hell yes.

    The issue:

    The issue at hand is that my leasing office keeps "showing" my apt to potential leasers all of the sudden. Specifically, in the past week, they've sent me notifications 4 times that they will be "touring" my apt (notifications sent on Nov 18, Nov 19, Nov 21, Nov 27). Usually they give me a day warning. The notifications say the tour could occur any time between 10:30am and 5pm. I wake up at 10:30am due to the job, and start working right around 5pm. So far, based on my numerous security cameras, they haven't shown the apt to anyone whatsoever. I'm assuming this will continue until my lease is up because my "deadline" to renew my lease was the middle of Nov. The problem there is that I moved into the the place in late Aug. So I don't want to decide whether to renew after only being here for less than 3 months.

    I know 4 notifications isn't a lot but based on a call to my leasing office, I don't think this is gonna stop anytime soon. If you'll remember, it took them until late aug to sign a lease for this apt this year. I suppose these notifications could continue the entire time my lease runs, assuming I don't renew. I might renew for sure, but not if I will have to deal with this next year or some point in the future when I want to move.

    Question: Will this rise to the level of harassment or hindering my ability to have quiet enjoyment of the space? Do I have any sort of legal protections from the state of PA or the city of Philadelphia?


    submitted by /u/guiltyasshole5671
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