• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 27, 2019

    I was in a accident where another car ran the red light and insurance wants to claim 70% other parties fault 30% my fault. Insurance

    I was in a accident where another car ran the red light and insurance wants to claim 70% other parties fault 30% my fault. Insurance

    I was in a accident where another car ran the red light and insurance wants to claim 70% other parties fault 30% my fault.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:14 AM PST

    Like the title says I was in a accident at a intersection where the other party ran the red light and I had no time to react, t-boning the other car. Police report shows the other party admitted to running the light. Insurance company is saying I'm at 30% at fault for not trying to avoid the incident. Does this sound right?

    submitted by /u/ToiletThunder
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    Mouse infestation in my car spread to the repair shop and other cars at the shop. How does liability for this work?!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:19 PM PST

    Pardon my lack of knowledge, but this is my first ever auto claim and my insurance company has not given me any concrete answers. I'm really freaking out.

    I live in MN, and own two cars. I garage my 2015 Explorer during the summer, and take it out in the Fall as it's better suited for winter driving. I kept the required comprehensive coverage on the Explorer while it was garaged, just incase something happened. Which of course, it did!

    I went to trade out my vehicles 10 days ago, and immediately noticed that the radio and interior lights in the Explorer didn't work. I was annoyed, but thought nothing of it for two days, until I began noticing small droppings on the front seats and hearing clanging while sitting in the car, parked.

    The next day, I came face to face with a mouse inside the car, while unloading groceries from the back seat. I screamed, and it ran toward the front seat and disappeared.

    I filed a claim with my insurance, and they provided me a rental car and towed my car to their preferred shop. The shop called me the next day, and said that there is in fact a mouse infestation in the vehicle and that they'd gnawed various wires resulting in the broken radio and lights. They gave me an estimate and said it'd be 2 weeks for a repair. This was on 11/21.

    Today, they called me and said they had some "really bad news." I assumed they were going to tell me the repairs were running behind, but instead they said that the mouse infestation has spread to their shop, as well as other vehicles being repaired there!

    They told me they gave my policy information to the owners of the four vehicles that have inherited mice from mine, and that they have a bill for $5,000 to have their shop treated by an exterminator.

    I had mimimal liability limits on my Explorer when it was garaged.. so I'm pretty sure my policy won't cover all these poor people's cars which the mice spread to PLUS the exterminator at the shop, IF MY INSURANCE COVERS THAT AT ALL?

    Can someone please help calm my nerves and explain (1) who is actually liable for this situation and (2) if the shop can actually bill me for the difference between my $10k liability limit and the extermination fees/other cars?


    submitted by /u/StarsFromHere
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    Paying $2600 a month for mental health/therapy even with great insurance -- help?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:34 PM PST

    Currently, I have Tricare insurance through my parents, which is a fantastic insurance. However, I am in a mental health outpatient program 6 days/week and my co-pay is $41/day. I am the only person there that pays any co-pay.

    I recently found a new therapist after some traumatic events with a Tricare therapist that did harm, and she is $413/week as I see her twice weekly. She is out-of-network but Tricare will not reimburse at all for her. Tricare will only reimburse for an approved Tricare list of 'non-network' providers. However, there were no therapists in the network or in the non-network that were either accepting new clients, close to me, did EMDR, and that specialized in trauma and attachment trauma. The therapist I have now is everything I need, and getting a new therapist is out of the question.

    For her to even meet Tricare's requirement to become a 'non-network' authorized provider, she would need more supervision hours than the state of CA even requires. So most therapists in CA won't meet that requirement.

    I am paying $2,636 every month, which is $31,632 a year just for necessary mental health care that is desperately needed. And that's with having very expensive and wonderful insurance.

    I am 26 with no job and while my parents are footing the bill - it is causing me extreme distress.

    Is there any recourse for this? I am just trying to take care of my mental health. Is there a way to ask Tricare for an exception? How do I go about this? Is there some mental health law that could help me? I feel desperate and saddened that this is what it takes in our country to get the care I need even with government insurance.

    Any help is MUCH appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/InProgress18
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    Does anyone have any knowledge of pre-employment tests required by employers?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:05 AM PST

    I recently received my property and casualty license in Texas, and I've been informed that I need to take a timed pre-employment exam to be eligible for hire. I have been given no prior knowledge or instructions of how to study for the exam so I feel like i'm in the dark on this topic. Has anyone else been in this circumstance and how did you prepare?

    submitted by /u/thej3wer
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    Getting new car insurance -- what address should I put?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:41 AM PST

    I finish school and will begin my job in the same area pretty soon so I got a car for the commute. My driver's license still has my parents address (different part of the state). I'm not on a rental lease for an apartment as I'm staying with a friend.

    When I get insurance, can I just put my home address? And if I get into an accident at school/commuting to work would I still be covered?

    submitted by /u/Yellowmamba451
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    Therapeutic post. My (almost) 14 years as a Baltimore Insurance Agent

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:09 AM PST

    Baltimore is a wild place. As I near my 14 years as an insurance agent in this trendy part of town, I reminisce...

    Off the top of my head * I witness a car accident while sitting here nearly every week. In fact, a car has hit three out of the four corner buildings at my intersection. My building is the last one remaining. * While underwriting prospects, I've lost track of the number of people involved with murders. One in fact was today. * I've had the pleasure of speaking with someone who recently got out of jail for starving a child to death as a part of a cult. * I first hand experienced the Freddy Gray riots. I sat at my desk staring out to a quiet street and caught wind that the police wanted us to leave. Within seconds, I witnessed three citizens start to kick down the door on the liquor store across the street in broad daylight. Grabbed my computer and ran out! * I've seen CLUE reports that would make you think that we all should be paying premiums in excess of $50k/year/car to pay for these people. * I've witnessed a client of mine get involved in the most minor car bump I've seen. He was paid $225,000 under UM/UIM. The small unnoticeable dent is still on this truck after 10+ years. On a side note, he was also collecting disability from his prior employer at the time. * I've inspected a house where an intruder was inside. He took off out the back door as we made our way through the property. * I see people shooting up nearly every day behind my office. * I've witnessed the liquor store owner chasing someone while spraying them with mace. This was the only act of revenge I've ever witnessed here. * I've had numerous people drive up with no tags and ask for auto insurance. Most of the time they flip their sht when I tell them I can't assist. * I've had a man pound on my office window and scream "Repent or DIE". He was a black man and he had painted himself white. * I've seen countless hit and runs. UMPD claims, yea our book probably sees more than yours. * I've seen 3 inches of sewage in my office basement (800 sq/ft). Good thing I'm well versed with sewer and drain backup coverage. * I've lost count of how many people beat their kids at the bus stop. * I had a child last week, couldn't have been older than 10 or 11 ask for water and he reeked of weed. * I've had blood, piss, vomit, and feces at my office door numerous times. * I went to get a sandwich and was approached by very two large ladies. One asked "do you like boys or girls?" followed by "you can eat all the puy you want, you can eat all the a_hole you want". * I've witnessed a homeless handicap man scream the N-bomb at some kids and almost lost his life to bricks. * I had a client whose auto insurance cancelled for non-pay only for him to call back and say "I've got sick money in the bank". * I've had a prospect tell me to my face, in my office, after an accident, "I was faking it". * I had a client of mine file a claim for a broken condo window. It was broken from a bullet shot by the police while chasing someone. * I've had a client shot as he was just riding his bike down the street. * I have more clients than I can think of who have been robbed, mugged, or beaten. * I've had a client call to cancel auto coverage because he left his car on the side of the highway and told the bank to come get it. This goes right along with the countless number of people who call and say "I lost my car" or "I gave my car back". * The Baltimore lean, do I need to even explain? Youtube it. This is daily. * I've witnessed 2 out of the 4 mayors (in my time here) involved with corruption. One police commissioner in jail for tax evasion.

    Did I mention we have the highest property tax rate in the state?

    Thanks for listening.

    submitted by /u/gunjr
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    Wrong information from insurance

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:55 PM PST

    So I was in a wreck that I want at fault and my car was totaled. Filed through my insurance because that was the 2nd person I called at the time of the wreck. They are paying about 60% of what I owe on my loan. They said in the valuation that I drove way more than the average and reduced the payout by $2k. I have gap so I'm not too worried about it. But I went to get a new car since my insurance won't pay for a rental any longer and the business manager who worked on this one as well as the last one said the amount of miles they recorded is impossible for me to drive. I'll be honest, I've no idea what it actually was at.

    Do I need to fight my insurance on this? Is this a reason that gap would deny coverage? The vehicle is long gone at this point so I've no idea how they would verify the mileage now and I don't want to be stuck with no gap coverage due to an error on the insurance company that I didn't realize they made.

    submitted by /u/ftom1234
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    I was involved in a car accident as a passenger for Lyft. Both the driver's insurance are denying my claim. What should I do?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 03:37 PM PST

    I was involved in a car accident while I was riding as a passenger in a Lyft cab. The Lyft driver was trying to pass another car. While passing, the other car driver decided to turn, thus resulting in a collision. I had minor injuries and had to go the emergency room. The ER bill is about $1200 .

    Lyft's customer service asked me to talk to Traveler's who was covering the Lyft driver. While talking to to the insurance agent, I made a mistake and told that I think the other party is at fault. They used this to push me off to the other driver's insurance. I spoke to the other driver's insurance and they provided me with a police report. The police report says that they have cited/ticketed the Lyft driver for unsafe passing. The other party's insurance denied my claiming saying the police report concludes the Lyft driver was at fault.

    Now I tried talking to the Lyft driver's claim adjuster. The claim adjuster says based on my statement and the Lyft driver's statement, the other party is at fault. As a result the claim cannot processed. I am not sure how they can deny the police report which ended up citing the Lyft driver for unsafe passing.

    Both the parties have denied my medical bill. I am very confused as to how to proceed. I would assume one of insurance's would have paid me since I was merely a passenger riding in a Lyft.

    I am looking for help as to what next steps I can take from here. I am located in Washington state if that matters.

    submitted by /u/BrilliantGooble
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    Need advice on insurance issue...

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:18 PM PST

    So I just had my phone replaced right before warranty through insurance ended. They replaced my G6 with a third party G6 in August and I had brightness issues so I called them and replaced that and they sent an original G6... most likely refurbished.

    Anyways, the phone i got last week and I noticed it had no protective plastic film on it when it arrived on the back at all, and then over the weekend literally by applying a little pressure on the back camera glass cover to wipe off it cracked... now i dont know if I should call in and say "hey this phone came without a film and probably was weak and it shattered too easily when it shouldn't have"


    Order a replacement glass ($5), replace it myself, and send it back stating a different issue hopefully they wont notice? Idk how much "off color" it will be compared to the actual color of this phone. I have Platinum version.

    Any advice on which to go with? If i go with first and they deny i probably cant switch it and ask for a new one, but thats hoping the color is same as original after ordering from ebay. On the other hand, its been less than a week i might be able to convince them?

    submitted by /u/bluesydragon
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    basic life/AD&D insurance and imputed income...

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:27 PM PST

    I understand that anything above 50k in this insurance is taxed at regular income tax rates.

    So if i have 100k of coverage paid for by employer through work how much is this in terms of extra taxes ? If they are considering this as 50K EXTRA income that is pretty bad.... its insurance not actual payment of income.

    I hope the taxes arent something like 22% of 50k!

    submitted by /u/anewdogpanicneedhelp
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    Just found out I'm dealing with a fraudulent contractor. Home Insurance related. What do I do next?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:32 PM PST

    I recently found reviews for a company I had hired to complete the reconstruction at my home after a sewage backup. Unfortunately the reviews refer to someone at the company that had been arrested and had similar reconstruction companies in the past.

    At this point they have been paid about 3/4 worth of the money that was required to do the work, but about 1/10th of the work has been done. I am very unsure what I should do next, and I want to be careful. My insurance company is USAA, and for a long time they were not paying out the money that the company told them they needed for the work. This was a truthful thing and it led me to delay the project for a few months. Eventually they just about aligned in the amounts and things were set to begin. A check was sent to me but for some reason voided by USAA and then sent directly to the construction company. Since then there have been numerous excuses from day to day.

    I do not know who I should go to, or what I should say to USAA to start. They are also under the impression that the company is legitimate, but I am almost positive I will never see the work completed at my home, especially since the company already has most of the money.

    I plan to call USAA in the morning and tell them my fears. Should I expect they will help me in this matter? What can I legally do against a contractor that has been dragging their feet?

    The reviews from other customers all state that the work was never completed at their place and to look up the previous company's name. I found the same name of the person I am dealing with at the company.

    Please let me know if I can provide any further info. I am really at a loss on what to do.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/zWeApOnz
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    medical bill adjustments

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:05 PM PST

    My medical claim settled pre-suit. The hospital bill was significantly adjusted/reduced prior to being paid under a PIP policy (Florida). Billing summary notes the adjusted amount, but this amount is not included in the balance. Does the hospital have a claim for the adjusted amount?

    submitted by /u/fund2016
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    Can you still deposit a insurance check tjats been issued months ago? (Florida)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:57 PM PST

    Hello Reddit.

     Back in March I got hit by a car. Got a check for Bodily Injury and one for Personal Items. Bodily Injury was sent in March and the personal items check was sent in July. Keep in mind, at the time I assumed those checkes were drafts because they were printed on paper... Long story short, my mother delayed this process till November(November! 😂 I'm 19 btw). I signed the form two weeks ago, called my insurance comp today because I didn't receive any updates on when the checks were coming. They told me, once I signed the forms, the checks that they sent in March and July can still be used. Again, at that moment I'm explaining to her that I thought it wasnt an actual check. She tells me assures me that they can still be deposited, since I signed the forms. 

    See the problem is, after I got off the phone with her, i read the check and at the top it says "Void after 90 days." I got those checks in March and July, WAY past the void date. Will they still work? The woman on the phone told me they would, and I even read something online that states:

    "The writer of your stale check may have specified "void after 90 days" or something similar on the check when they issued it to you. ... Unless the check issuer specifically instructed their bank not to honor the check after that time period, your bank will likely still be able to retrieve the funds."

    I'm just asking Reddit for confirmation/reassurance before I go there tomorrow because my mom is upset at me atm(another story) and won't help me go to the bank to find out.

    I just don't want to walk to the bank and it be all for nothing. Maybe when I go to the bank, they can call and verify the claim? Ugh, idk I hate adulting. Any help would be appreciated

    Edit: Theres also a draft number which makes me believe it won't work...idk

    submitted by /u/Ike-Harris-ETRNL
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    2 vehicles, same policy

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:05 PM PST

    Hi all,

    Looking for some advice on an insurance claim regarding an accident my mother and sister were in. To preface, they were each operating their own motorcycle, and their motorcycles were the only vehicles involved in the accident. I'm the main policy holder, so am fielding most of the discussions, but my mom is also on the policy.

    Long story short, my mom had to stop short and my sister rear ended her. There was no significant damage to my sister's bike, but she came off it and ended up being treated by EMS, then lifeflighted to a nearby trauma unit as a precaution. Our motorcycle policy includes accident forgiveness, a deductible that decreases based on history (vanishing, whatever its called), and gear coverage.

    We spoke with our insurance company and filed a claim to repair my mother's motorcycle, but not to replace my sister's gear, because we had the cash to replace the gear and were informed that a second claim would have a deductible anyway.

    Yesterday, I received a call from someone in the claims office who let me know that, because both vehicles were on the same policy, there need to be 2 claims, even if we are not pursuing reimbursement on one of the claims. I told them that I did not agree with this, but did not have enough time at the time to have an extended discussion as I needed to be in a meeting at work. This morning, I received confirmation that payment had been made to repair my mother's bike and 2 hours later received email notification of a second claim being filed against my policy.

    My understanding of rear-end collisions is that, if one party admits fault, their insurance would cover all damage and pay the rear-ended party without a claim for the rear-ended vehicle (this has happened to me in my truck before). Is there any reason that both vehicles being on the same policy would require separate claims?

    submitted by /u/grnberet2b
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    Car hit me at stop light, who claims?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:38 PM PST

    My understanding was that the car at fault contacts their own insurance and they handle it but if I have to notify mine I want to do it as soon as possible. Damage is to the bumper and side. Still functional. Given that it isn't my fault I don't want to open a claim and potentially have increased rates despite no reckless driving on my part. Any insight appreciated.

    submitted by /u/3bluerose
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    Water damage

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:29 AM PST

    Reddit amazes me all the time, can't believe there is a sub for this

    I had water damage last night. It's either a frozen pipe to outside bib or leak from the bib that came into the house. I have coverage for both my question is more related to what should be replaced.

    My hockey gear and my son's was soaked, couch legs tv stand, floors, drywall, insulation, toys, decorations, etc

    What is considered destroyed and needs replacement? What can just be cleaned? I really don't want mold or anything to be inside furniture, walls, toys, etc.

    Any tips? Thank you

    submitted by /u/Can_Bud
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    Please help answer questions that my insurance company refuses to answer (ON, CA)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:54 PM PST

    So recently I was involved in a collision where I was found 50% at fault. I have a $250 deductible and rental coverage so I can get my car fixed for basically free and get a free rental while it's in the shop. This is all great and all but I really want to know the answer to some hidden facts that my insurance company is unable to answer.

    Does anybody know how much this will increase my premium (a percentage) for having a 50% at fault accident?

    I've been informed that should I make a claim, my premium will go up even further. So the other, bigger question I have is If I were to make a claim, roughly how much would my insurance go up? (a percentage).

    My vehicle is not worth that much, when I'm done with it, with the amount of kilometers and rust on it, it's probably just junk. It is currently drivable, even with the damage occurred through the collision. Therefore, however much it will increase my premium to do the claim kind of determines whether I'm going to go through with the claim or not. Asking my insurance for some of these stats, they tell me it's like asking McDonald's for their secret recipe.

    Obviously that doesn't help at all, and it makes deciding whether I want to go through with this claim or not extremely difficult.

    Can't anybody help?

    submitted by /u/iWasAwesome
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    I was a passenger in an auto accident ~ 6 years ago and don't know if I was claimed on driver insurance. I owe hundreds in medical bills.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:43 PM PST

    So I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place to post this. I'm at a loss. Back when I was 19/20 (about 6 years ago) , I was a passenger in the car during an MVA where we were rear ended at a dead stop by a person going 70mph. We drove ourselves to the ER after the police report to make sure we were okay. I received a bill in the mail for a little less than $300 and paid it via a collector that called a couple months later. Then about a year later, I have an account on my credit report that's for near $600 that I never received a bill for from the emergency room. It's followed me around since then. My friend and the other passenger (her bf) were able to claim this on the at fault drivers insurance, but I was never told what to do and was all in all naive about the whole process. I paid for whatever came in the mail. Now it's been so long that my friend doesn't remember what insurance she had at the time, nor the at fault party's insurance and I'm worried this $600 will continue to follow me until I pay it off. At first I thought this was fraud, but after doing some digging, the account is legit. I've tried to call and get copies of the bill sent to my current address but no luck (apparently the printer was down and the guy forgot to mail it out). I was told they sent a bill 3 times to my parents address at the time of the accident (I don't live there anymore and haven't for 9 years). Parents never told me about any bills, thus I never received them. I'm at a loss. I have no idea where to go from here. The statute of limitations has to be up by now, right? My friend was pretty sure she had statefarm and the other driver had Geico, but she doesn't know for sure. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

    This is in Louisiana.

    submitted by /u/laralye
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    Hi I don't speak English that well and got this letter in the mail regarding insurance, could someone plz help me understand?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:58 PM PST

    So I got car insurance and I'm trying to pay my car registration online but the DMV says I can't because they dont have info of my insurance. Does that mean my insurance company hasn't sent that info to the DMV yet?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:58 PM PST

    Or is it something they immediately send to the DMV once you finish getting car insurance

    submitted by /u/RememberTheMaine1996
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    18YO Fell asleep and crashes against fire hydrant

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:24 PM PST

    Just to get this out of the way: I live in Massachusetts

    On October 29 I fell asleep on my way to the gym and crashed against a fire hydrant going about 30mph. My 2009 Nissan Altima didn't stand a chance. In the accident I broke my collarbone and just now I'm coming back to normal. I was the only person hurt in the accident and no property was damaged apart from the fire hydrant which came out of the ground and the city took away. To keep it short: I'm just curious about what this means for my insurance rates and the points on my license. I was paying around $285 a month for basic coverage and I cannot come to imagine what it would be if I were to get another car...

    submitted by /u/Adilenn
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    Auto quotes: Current occupation vs Credentials?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:22 PM PST

    Hi, I'm located in So Cal for reference.

    My question is, I graduated from a 4 year university with a Bachelors of Science. After graduating, I worked as an engineering intern. Due to unfortunate circumstances, I lost my job earlier this year and am just currently working as a retail associate.

    When shopping for auto insurance quotes, when they ask me about my occupation or what I have credentials for, should I say that I was engineering or should I say my actual current occupation?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/dannyrgoode
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    If I get in an accident in the next month while on my parents' car insurance (paid every 6 months), but I get my own insurance and taken off theirs after the accident and before their insurance is renewed, will their premiums be affected?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:04 AM PST

    Example Timeline:

    • 10/15/2019: Parents renew their car insurance, reviewed and paid for every 6 months. I'm still on their insurance plan.
    • 12/28/2019: Car Accident, rear-end, I'm determined at fault by officer on seen
    • 1/15/2020: Removed from parents' insurance, my own separate car insurance policy begins
    • 4/15/2020: Parents' car insurance review and renewal come, with me no longer insured through their plan and renewed plan/policy does not include me.

    My Questions:

    • Are the costs/premiums of my parents' insurance affected/increased because of my accident when I was on their plan?
    • How are claims handled regarding the accident if I, the driver involved, switch plans while the claim is being handled? Is it somehow transferred to my new plan/policy?
    • Does it make a difference (regarding the previous question) if my new, independent policy/plan is with the same or a different insurance company?

    Some potentially relevant information:

    • Location: North Georgia
    • Sex: Male
    • Age: 25
    • Parents have been with the same insurance for 5 years.
    • Car is registered in my name.
    submitted by /u/DumbQuestions1245
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    Just need a ballpark quote for a BOP for a manufacturing company. Just need it for a student project.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:28 AM PST

    I need a BOP quote for a project proposal and IDC if the carrier is garbage. I just need a document that has a quoted amount for coverages with an insurance company that is real. Any online quoting platforms that offer an immediate quote upon submitting an application?

    submitted by /u/isaiahleh17
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