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    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    Home insurance with long term and short term rentals Insurance

    Home insurance with long term and short term rentals Insurance

    Home insurance with long term and short term rentals

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:31 PM PST

    Backed new car into a building. Southeast WI.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:43 AM PST

    I M/20, purchased a new car and insurance policy and subsequently backed it into a building. The building was pretty much unscathed, but my rear windshield shattered and rear door essentially caved in. No injuries thankfully! I immediately filed a claim with my insurance company and informed the landlord of the building I hit that the accident occurred and took pictures.

    I'm brand new to the insurance world and was wondering what I can probably expect in terms of the claim process, things to watch out for, or things to be proactive about? Any advice is tremendously appreciated.

    submitted by /u/dogoeatdogoworld
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    Family Hit my brand new car. FLORIDA

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:30 PM PST

    So let's start off with I have no insurance as I got a new car this week and decided to leave my moms car insurance and get one on my own. I was an added Driver on her insurance was not a co owner of the policy etc. Someone dinged the front of my car long story short was my cousin. Me and him are fairly new at insurance. He has insurance I'm not sure of the coverage, but what steps do me or he have to take to getting my car fixed? It's just some paint scratches luckily. Does he have to admit to fault? Please explain as if I know nothing at all about insurance thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/ezlicona17
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    Car rental question while car in shop. EV related

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:32 PM PST

    My car got in an accident and the other party is at fault, although they are not taking any responsibility even with video footage. It is 100% not my fault (Car in front of me turned wheel in car was causing them to go off track and the wash to ram me into them.)

    I am going through my own insurance and they will go to subrogation

    My car will be in the shop for a few days so I will need a rental. Here is the catch. I heavily rely on the carpool sticker of my car, and my apartment complex offers free charging. I should be entitled to a like rental, correct? So an EV? Do I pay out of pocket and then pass the invoice to my company to go after the other company?

    submitted by /u/astroroxy
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    COBRA continuation question

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:33 PM PST

    Hello! I was wondering if I could continue cobra dental coverage if I'm covered under my new employer's dental plan, and if not, can I opt out of dental and still receive cobra benefits? I'm in Oregon.

    submitted by /u/MoltenAlice
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    Teen with drivers permit not on insurance (CA)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:58 PM PST

    My friend has a 16 year old daughter who is not licensed but has a learners permit. Recently, the teen was driving without an adult in the car and got in a wreck. The insurance company said they need to "investigate more" to decide is they are going to pay the claim because my friend did not tell them there was a teenager in the house (she just turned 16 a month ago). They thought the teen had to be added when she got a drivers license not when she turned 16. Will the accident be covered? Also would it matter if the teen took the car without permission?

    submitted by /u/ItsAllBanned
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    Health Insurance Claim Approved then Denied

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:04 PM PST

    Hi and thanks in advance!!! (UTAH)

    I thought I would put this out there preemptively. Here's my scenario...

    1. wife and I went to fertility clinic
    2. we were told of a company call NxtGen that would do some testing. They would charge no more than X dollars even if our insurance company would not process the claim
    3. We get the tests done and NxtGen sent a claim to my Health Insurance
    4. I received a check from Health Insurance company.
    5. I forwarded the check to NxtGen as I was instructed by NxtGen
    6. Several months go by and Health Insurance says that the claim was denied
    7. Health Insurance tried to reach out to NxtGen
    8. Didn't hear anything for a couple months
    9. I get a call from Health Insurance company asking for the amount and this is going to collections
    10. I was forwarded to customer service of Health Insurance company
    11. Health Insurance Company and I called NxtGen
    12. They said that check was not received... but Health Insurance company has date check was cashed
    13. NxtGen said they will look for the check and get back to Health Insurance company

    Any advice would be appreciated in case NxtGen decides not want to refund the money back to Health Insurance company.

    submitted by /u/r3dd3v1l
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    Insurance Lapse in AZ

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:53 PM PST

    My credit union is normally fantastic, but they are over enthusiastic about preventing fraud, to the point where they will cancel a card without notification if they suspect a weird charge.

    Two days before my first child was born, this happened. No notification. I had an emergency c section that was rather traumatic. All of my bills are on autopay, most come directly from my checking. Except...insurance. It was on my debit card. By the time I checked back into reality and started reading mail and paying hospital bills, I saw a notification that my insurance had lapsed. I obviously hadn't been using my debit card; I was at home recuperating.

    It was something like 45 days. We are in AZ. No accidents for at least 15 years, and none at fault for almost 20. Our rates went from $92/mo for two cars to $200/mo with Esurance.

    We own our house and have our home and auto insurance bundled. How long til the lapse doesn't affect our rates? It has been 2.5 years and our premiums are now $120/mo. I'd like to try and get them lower. Will shopping around help, or am I stuck til 5 or 10 years after the lapse?

    submitted by /u/fatesarchitect
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    Geico Raised my Insurance from $115/mo to $295!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:49 PM PST

    I was in two small at fault accidents this year. Each did less than $1,000 in damage. Crap happens, I drive 4X as much in a year than an average driver for my jobs.

    Geico almost tripled my premium. Egads, I would expect this much if I totaled someone car, but now they want me to pay almost 3X as much for 3 years.

    submitted by /u/_Raspootin_
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    Auto insurance company recommends subrogation

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:55 AM PST

    I was recently involved in a minor 'collision' outside my work in California. I parked on the street in the morning and another car tried to wedge into the space between me and the car behind me later in the day. They left their car wedged up against my rear bumper and gouged / scratched it up a bit. I discovered it in the afternoon when leaving, left a note with my info and explaining what happened, and took a bunch of photos to document. Also contacted the police to file an incident report and gave them the other person's contact info after they texted me back. Finally, I contacted my insurance and opened a claim - they advised me that they would keep the claim open for now, but to contact the other driver's insurance and work with them as we wanted them to pay for repairs.

    The other person wasn't very cooperative, but their insurance company called yesterday to let me know they are placing 100% fault on their driver due to the photos I provided which made it 'pretty much impossible to argue'.

    Their insurance company mentioned that there was a potential 'limits issue' due to the coverage the other person had, and recommended I use my insurance company to pay for repairs, then subrogate to get my deductible reimbursed. They also said they would contact my insurance, let them know they were accepting 100% fault, and attempt to get my deductible waived. They said it was completely up to me (repeatedly) but if I didn't do that there was good chance their insurance wouldn't cover the full cost and I would end up 'stuck at the shop until I came up with more money', and also that they wouldn't be able to pay for a rental. They wouldn't tell me how much they would pay because they hadn't yet told their driver the outcome.

    The whole conversation honestly felt pretty shady, especially how adamant they were that it was 'definitely up to me' but in their experience subrogation was the best way to go. What's the risk of going the subrogation route? Is it better to just have the other insurance company pay directly whatever the coverage allows?

    TL;DR - Other person's insurance admits their driver is 100% at fault in minor collision, wants me to use my insurance and subrogate, but something about the whole thing feels shady.

    submitted by /u/amphine
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    Can an auto insurance company deny your claim due to non-OEM tires?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:46 PM PST

    I've been looking at getting a set of 235/65/17 tires and the OEM is 245/65/17. If I get into an accident due to a blowout or something, can the insurance company deny my claim due to having non-OEM tires?

    submitted by /u/addicoe
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    I recently experienced a total loss and USAA has given me quite a headache.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:20 PM PST

    The incident occurred 11/5 and I just got a settlement offer on 11/22. (https://imgur.com/a/M9Ixm6L)

    I sent them a counter offer (https://imgur.com/a/VH4zR7W)

    I got this message in response: https://imgur.com/a/9MuUCog

    How is the settlement non-negotiable? Everything I've read thus far has been that you can argue for a better price.

    What should I do?

    Edit to add: I am in South Carolina.

    submitted by /u/KateOTomato
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    Renters insurance: parking considered building on stilt?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:05 PM PST

    I'm in California and applying for renters insurance. One of the questions is about whether the building is built on stilts or cantilevered.

    My apartment has sub underground that's parking and supported by beams ( typical of parking attached apartments here). My landlord asked around and doesn't think it is, but can't confirm with confidence. Anyone had similar experience and what did you pick?

    submitted by /u/xenoturtle
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    Last month I started on ADHD meds, they were covered. I go to get a refill and it isn’t covered?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:57 PM PST

    Hello, I live in Michigan. Last month I started on Concerta, (I only have one pill left). So I went to my doctors and got a script to get another months worth at the same dosage. Last month it was only $10, I get a text today saying they're ready to be picked up it is $300. I'm confused?

    submitted by /u/11Zahl42
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    Looking for an alternative to insurance in North Carolina

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:29 PM PST

    Hello! So I'm about to loose my employer insurance because last year I switched positions from a full time to a part time job cause I would earn double what I did as a full timer. Right now I don't qualify for tax credits through the marketplace and the cheapest plan I could buy is a catastrophic for like $250. I'm fairly healthy and my work provides a doctor that doesn't charge, the only regular care I might need is a bi anual visit to the ENT. I'm looking for something that would cover a car accident or an emergency surgery type of situation with a lower price tag. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Etc295
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    Hail Damage to Roof (Recoverable Depreciation question)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:14 AM PST

    This might be a nitpicky question in the grand scheme of things but here are the details, story/question below.

    Live in California The total hail damage claim Amount: $30,062 (This amount includes some work we had done imminently after the storm (replaced skylights ourselves) total of: $816 already included on the adjusters worksheet. Our Deductible is: $2500 Recoverable Depreciation: $3455 Check received in mail: $24107 (for deductible-ACV)

    Back in May there was a hail storm that damaged thousands of homes' shingles in my area. We submitted a claim and were sent a check for $24,107 a roofer quoted us $23,300. So we used him and the roof is done and looks great. During the tear down of the roof the roofers found additional damage (likely not from the storm) they informally (not on paper) quoted us $3000 to do the additional work, I looked at the area and decided I could do it myself to save some coin as I was trying to avoid paying the deductible. So with a couple buddies I replaced 17 sheets of plywood all of which need to be cut to specific shapes to fit the area of the roof that was damaged (Material cost about $280) and then the county inspector came out the next day and approved everything, all is well.

    Fast forward to today, all said and done with a new roof on our home we spent:

    $23,300 for roofers $280 for materials $2,800(estimated for the 28 man hours worked to repair the additional damage, repaired ourselves) $816 included on bid for work already done.

    Total Spent+"Wages" for work done ourselves: $29,496

    Claim total - previous total: $566

    Are we entitled to any of the recoverable depreciation or should I leave things alone?

    If it is possible to get the recoverable depreciation what kind of documentation will insurance require to show that we used the money/did significant work ourselves?


    submitted by /u/_Temerarious
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    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:47 AM PST

    I bought a house at the end of August beginning of September. Every was going along, it's a bit of a fixer upper but not a hovel. I got a letter that they were cancelling my homeowners policy but it was vague and so I emailed my agent at Allstate and they said it was my front steps and roof, but if I patched these things, we would be good to go. So, I put leveled wooden steps of the the concrete ones that were a little wonky. And the roof had some nail pops, basically when they used the air gun to nail they missed the beam and some nails popped up which kinda makes the shingles stick up. Reset the nails and the shingles laid down mostly but theY have some memory to them because it's PA and it's cold, so the shingles are less pliable. So they look slightly wavy (a few shingles). I emailed them today and they rejected the reinspection. All she said is they don't like the roof. Anyone have any advice here? I am really not sure what else to do, it's too late in the season to put a new roof on not to mention the cost. The roof doesn't leak and was deemed by the FHA to be safe for at least two years (that's their qualifications to allow the loan, I know that's no guarantee) and my father, who has put roofs on said the roof really isn't that bad. I'm freaking out that if I lose my insurance I could lose my house.

    submitted by /u/sunnydayswope
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    Parking Garage accident Responsibility

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:26 PM PST


    I came over from r/caraccidents, trying to gain some insight onto the situation. Its kind of a hard situation to recreate with words but please bear with me. I was driving around a tight ramp curve of a parking garage and my car was still angled diagonally 45 degrees ish as I was beginning to complete the turn. I was already braking because the decline of the ramp and I was going easily less than 7 mph. As i began to exit the curve, there was car who was over the center divide of the lane (who had presumably been in my blind spot due to the nature of the curve and the parking garage) I moment I spotted this, I braked harder. There wasnt enough distance between us to completely avoid the damage and the front corner bumper of my driver side hit the front corner of her driver side at a really low speed (2-5mph). I am guessing that this is best case scenario going to be half half and worst case 100% my fault. I would appreciate any insight. I apologize beforehand for the confusing scenario. I will update as needed to clarify

    submitted by /u/raisinsgtfomycookies
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    APP based car insurance (like root). How legit credited and reliable are these services?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:10 PM PST

    Are these new alternative car insurance companies such as root really legit? I have state farm now. It's expensive, but I know how good State Farm is as far as coverage. How do these new companies work?

    submitted by /u/DONOTTOUCHYOURDICK
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    Diminished value claim.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:59 PM PST

    I was rear-ended, they took fault, I'm getting a check yada yada.

    AAA (their insurance provider) told me after the vehicle is repaired I can make a diminished value claim with them. If I replace the bumper myself rather than having a body shop replace it, will I still be able to make a claim.

    submitted by /u/NotLucas
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    Will a bicycle citation raise auto insurance?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:46 PM PST

    This is in Florida. basically J-walking on a bike.

    Thoughts? Thanks

    submitted by /u/HelElVexOrtGul
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    Tips for a new producer?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:18 PM PST

    Hey guys, just got my license to sell P/C in the state of alabama (working on Life and Health). Been employed at this agency for 3 weeks now but I haven't had much luck with sales.

    Does anyone have any tips for an aspiring salesman that would help me out?

    submitted by /u/Valrien
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    My insurance makes me see my three doctors in the same building on different days or they won't pay. Turning a 30 min chore into a 4 hours/wk chore.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:30 AM PST

    When I first started going to these doctors, I would schedule the appointments one after another since they were all the same hallway under the same practice with different jobs. Then my insurance told me I have to go on different days or they won't pay.

    This REALLY truly sucks because it's like 30 minutes away from home and that turns a one day trip into a 3 day trip for hours at a time.

    submitted by /u/PuggsyBeans
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    Can we purchase travel insurance?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:53 PM PST

    Hi all! Really new here. I'm trying to understand how insurance still works, lol.

    So my husband insurance (Medicare) is about to expire (end of month). I am insured separately (by parent). Want to purchase travel insurance just in case anything happens. I wanted to ask here as I'm getting mixed answers.

    Someone told me that wouldn't be legal and that it be fraud since he wasn't insured back home in the states [PA] (at the time I asked, I thought it expired already but it hasn't till end of month). Another person told me it's OK.


    Is it illegal if he is expiring at end of month? What about after?

    We will be in Europe for 4 months, and I'm nervous. He is going to re-apply (try to). He's 23 I'm 22.., does this mean in order for him to get insured I have to come off mine (under my mothers) and apply as a married couple for Medicaid ? Or can he declare he is married and apply separately ? Idk if that makes sense I'm sorry I'm so new to this lol ....still.

    Thank you all for your kind answers and information. Just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing here before purchasing. Thank you. :)

    submitted by /u/ruggeriooo19
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