• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 28, 2019

    A friendly reminder about safe cooking procedures on Thanksgiving. House fire calls increase by about 300%, so practice safe methods. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! Insurance

    A friendly reminder about safe cooking procedures on Thanksgiving. House fire calls increase by about 300%, so practice safe methods. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! Insurance

    A friendly reminder about safe cooking procedures on Thanksgiving. House fire calls increase by about 300%, so practice safe methods. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:24 PM PST

    House fires due to cooking increase by about 300% on Thanksgiving. Remember to watch your birds and other dishes while cooking. And ALWAYS fry Turkey away from your house and other structures, never under a roof!


    Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

    submitted by /u/skipper14
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    First time insured party here. Can someone help me understand progressives rates?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:03 AM PST

    My choice insurance was $62.40 to activate and then 5 monthly payments of $159.62. What's the catch? I keep thinking it will get a bit expensive after 6 months. Can anyone explain how progressive works for dummies and answer the question? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ZachWritesStuff
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    Do you think my 2018 mustang can be repaired? (TX)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:43 AM PST

    I've linked the pics below but I got into an accident over the weekend. I was hit by a truck while attempting to merge into a lane on the highway. Everyone was ok, airbags did not deploy, but the car looks like it's in bad shape. My insurance is through progressive. I was found at fault for the accident.

    My biggest concern is they do repair my mustang because the damage cost is less than 75% of the cars worth. I'm concerned about this because I'm worried the car will no longer be reliable...

    Can any of you all give me an idea of what you think about my car?

    pics of car, 2018 Ford Mustang

    submitted by /u/funkadelicfunk
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    If I marry my girlfriend, will she fall under my parents insurance? (Urgent)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:42 AM PST

    I'm 21 and living in the U.S., my girlfriend is 18. She is falling fast with depression and doesn't have medical insurance, meaning she can't get help. My question is if I marry her, will she be eligible for my parents medical insurance? I need help with this fairly quickly because I'm honestly terrified that her mental state is declining because of her constant depression and anxiety. Any advice is helpful, thank you.

    submitted by /u/Chsalyer98
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    Don't know what to do

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:18 AM PST

    TLDR: My boss is offering to get me on workman's comp but I don't want to fail the piss test and watch him waste his money away.

    I'm a 22 yo male who works has a carpenters apprentice and haven't had insurance since I was kicked off of Medicaid at 19.

    My boss is not required by the state (MS) to have workman's comp unless he has 5 or more employee's. Well since it's a small cabinet shop ran by just me and him and the occasional 3rd carpenter when we need the help it's not a necessity at the moment. I can run every machine we have at the shop with little to no trouble at all by myself with the exception of 2 due to the safety risks that they can be when used by an inexperienced user. These two machines are the table saw and the raised panel shaper. I've been allowed to use the table saw for quick cuts but when we have to run a bunch of wood through it my boss or another carpenter takes over and I get tasked with getting the next part of the process ready. These last few months I have expressed a desire to do more because that's the way I've gotten raises in the past, take the initiative to learn how to do something that makes my bosses job easier? Gain an extra dollar an hour, its a relatively simple idea that's allowed me to go from $8 when I started 2 years ago to $14 an hour has of today.

    Now, having said all that, my boss also knows that I smoke the occasional joint in my off time, I don't bring things to work, I don't come to work high, and I don't bring up that fact to customers. Which is why when he brought up the idea of workman's comp a few months ago I really didn't know how to respond. While I'm currently sober due to living with my wife's grandmother, I still casually partake about once a month with friends. It's no different from the occasional bear with a friend from out of town in my opinion. He's spoken to different policy spokespeople and they all say the same thing more or less, "no need to test to grant the policy, but if a claim is ever made, a positive test may disqualify me from any potential benefits. (Not even going to get on the subject of how something I did one time at the first of the month could disqualify me from getting paid if I lost a finger using the table saw at the middle/end of the same month even if I didn't use again that same month)

    He currently has an accident policy from AFLACK that he pays for me that will help me out somewhat in the case of an emergency, this would just be an extra cushion for the mountain of debt a hospital visit would bring me. It's not a requirement that I have workman's comp in order to be able to run the table saw, I use plenty of other saw's with no problem and follow safety precautions to the letter (no insurance life hack) but having this kind of policy would relieve some stress off of him and also cover me if I ever needed to make use of it. The only thing is, and I've been honest with him about this, I can't guarantee I'm going to be able to stay sober forever, and I really don't want him to waste his money on something like that even if it would help me out in the end. This man has done a lot for me and I just can't stand the idea of letting him down.

    My wife and I, married on October 19th, have discussed getting health insurance through Obamacare or something similar because we both have underlying health issues we've just been ignoring for years, like my eye glasses for example. These lenses are 4 years strong and in their 2nd pair of discounted frames that don't quite fit my lenses exactly right. She had an abscess tooth a few months ago that she suffered with for 2 months before finally breaking down and visiting the dentist to get it taken care of and pulled out. So we obviously need some kind of health care. It's something that I think we could afford to do (we think) and it'd be nice to be able to go to a Dr. every once in a while. I'm still not quiet sure if I'd be covered after a hot test after an accident though because I couldn't find anything about it on their website.

    Long story short? I'm freshly married and I work in a field where accidents happen and I'm not quite sure what to do now. I know I should get some type of coverage but this is a new frontier to the both of us, having come from families close enough to the poverty line to qualify for governmental assistance, but I believe I make too much to be able to do so now.

    any advice would be appreciated very much, I'm not exactly new to this whole adulting thing, but I am new to having to worry about someone else's healthcare has much has I do mine, thank you guys so much, and I know this is a late post but it's late and she's asleep beside me and I'm worried about something else other than just me for a change so, I hope it finds its way around this sub and I can get some direction on what I should do.

    submitted by /u/NaPerfectSociety
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    Friend towed my car and totaled it!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:44 AM PST

    (Pennsylvania, USA)

    My friend was towing my truck on his trailer and rolled it on the highway -- it's ruined. He admits fault. His insurance initially said everything was covered, but now they are saying only his truck and the trailer are covered, but not my truck because that would be a separate policy.

    I only have liability coverage, so my insurance isn't going to be much help I don't think.

    Shouldn't his policy extend to a car he totaled?

    submitted by /u/Minds_weeper
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    Does anyone have any experience with Germantown Insurance Co for home and auto insurance?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:59 PM PST

    I am a first time home buyer closing next week. Germantown Insurance Co. is giving me a homeowners quote that is $85 less than Geico and $250 less if I bundle with my auto policy? Their review are average online. Does anyone have experience with this company? I've never heard of them before. They are a part of the Philadelphia Contributionship.

    submitted by /u/gagoodiu
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    Two at-fault accidents in less than one year... what are my options/next steps? Will my insurance company drop me? If so, what do I do? How do I navigate this?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:28 PM PST

    TLDR; 32 y/o female from Alberta/Canada… two at-fault accidents in less than one year. Is there anything I can do to lessen the financial impact this will surely have on me for the next six years? Is there anything I can do to persuade my insurance company not to drop me as a customer?


    I apologize in advance for the length of my post, and I sincerely thank you for any help you can offer. I want to give you all the info I can so that you lovely people are in the best position to offer me solid advice.

    Before I ask my question, I'd like to preface this whole post by saying please don't chastise me too harshly… I've done more than enough of that to myself.

    My background:

    I live in Alberta/Canada, I'm a 32-year-old female, I've had my license for 16 years, and I have been in two at-fault car accidents within a four-month period (July 2019 and November 2019). If it's relevant, I wrote off my car in December 2018 during a flash freeze. (No injuries to myself or my passenger, and no other vehicle was involved.) That is the extent of my at-fault driving history. But I've had more accidents than those three since I got my license 16 years ago… I've been the driver of two other vehicles that were written off (neither accident was my fault), and I've had eight additional accidents that other people caused.

    Two at-fault accidents in less than one year:

    1. July 2019: Long story short, I rear-ended someone. It's now November, and an appraiser has yet to come to estimate the damage to my car.
    2. November 2019: Last week I slid into a woman's vehicle in the parking lot where I live. I was going around a bend and she was approaching the other way. I was going maybe 5km/hour, but there was a patch of ice, and I slowly slid into the rear door on her driver's side. When we opened our car doors, she said, "This is my husband's car, he's going to be so mad!" I replied, "Well it wasn't your fault, so you're in the clear." I know, I know… never admit fault… but we both knew my car was the one to slide. And I take responsibility for my screw-ups.

    Conversations with my broker, my insurance company, and the woman I hit:

    I didn't realize how horribly catastrophic it is to have two at-fault accidents in less than one year. After the second accident, I emailed my broker (he is great) to let him know he might be hearing from the lady I hit. My broker called me that afternoon and said, "What's going on with you!? You've got the worst luck!" I let him know my mom offered me winter tires for Christmas, so going forward, everything would be okay. He replied, "It won't be okay. You are fucked. When you have two at-fault accidents in less than one year, your insurance company won't be happy. They could cancel it, but I think what's going to happen is one of the following two options: 1) They will decide not to renew your insurance. If that happens, no one else will insure you either. 2) They will remove collision and comprehensive coverage and triple your insurance—at least—for the next six years."

    The problem is… I am financing my car and have three years of payments left, so I can't have my vehicle insured without collision and comprehensive coverage.

    My broker told me I needed to contact the woman and ask her if I could pay for the damages out of pocket. I offered full payment to the autobody shop of her choice plus car rental for the ten days she will need it. She said she would check with her husband. She came back to me and said he could not afford to take time off work, so he wanted to go through insurance. I'm not sure why he'd need to take time off work? I understand him wanting to go through insurance, though… no anger from me on that point.

    My broker told me I should call her insurance company to ask them if I could reimburse them for the repair costs so that it wouldn't have to go through my insurance and be on my record. But right before I was about to call them, my insurance company called me and let me know she filed an injury claim. I was bewildered. I had been talking to this woman for two days now and she hadn't mentioned anything. "Are you kidding me? I was going 5km/hour! I have pictures of her vehicle I can send you. The damage is so minor, I don't understand how she could be injured."

    They asked me to send them the photos, and any other info I could. Because of my response to finding out about her injury claim and the details I provided about the speed and the damage, they said they would be investigating her injury claim and would get back to me when they knew more. That for now, they needed to figure out the next steps. That was one week ago.

    Anyway, after I got off the phone with my insurance company, I texted the woman I hit. I said, "You're injured?" and she said, "Yes. I have a headache and I am stressed. I had to take today off work, and I can't afford to do that… all I do is work, and if you hadn't been in such a hurry, none of this would have happened."

    I have not spoken to her since, and I'm not going to. However, I did send the photo of her vehicle's damage as well as screenshots of our texts to my insurance company (where she says her husband can't afford to take time off work, that she works constantly and can't afford to miss work, and that she has a headache and is stressed). I know injuries can happen over the smallest little things, but I am highly suspicious.

    Because there is an injury claim, my insurance company told me not to contact her insurance company. That there is no way I can pay for the damages out of pocket as long as she sticks with her injury. It's out of my hands.

    As it currently stands, I'm stressed about my financial situation going forward, but I'm unable to do anything about it except wait and see what happens.

    My questions:

    1. Would it be wise of me to call/email my insurance company to plead my case? I'm wondering if I could show my concern and explain a bit of my background by reaching out to them before they come to me with a cancellation or non-renewal letter. If you recommend I contact them... which is best, phone call or email? And do I tell them my history like I did in this post, or?
    2. If I were to tell my insurance company that I don't need my car fixed from either the July or November 2019 accidents, would that increase my chances of remaining insured? Would they maybe then look at it as only one accident since they only have to pay for the repairs to two vehicles (both of the vehicles I hit)?
    3. If they won't renew me… what do I do? I 100% need my car. I have three years left before I own the car outright, so I realize my options are limited. I believe my parents would pay off my car and then I would pay them monthly until they are paid back what they're owed (which would allow me to be insured without collision and comprehensive coverage)… but that option sucks. My parents are wonderful and have helped me so much in my life… I'm always good about paying my debts on time and in full, but still… it's a crappy option, ya know? However, if that is the only option available to me… should I take it?
    4. Should I reach out to the woman I hit and let her know there is an investigation into her injury claim?

    Thank you for reading and I appreciate all the help I can get.

    submitted by /u/stixy_stixy
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    Daughter was involved in an accident, Need advice

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:10 PM PST

    My daughter lost control of her vehicle and ended up stopped in the middle of the road sideways. next car behind her couldn't stop either and hit her driver side door. Will this end up being my daughters fault / insurance since she lost control first?

    submitted by /u/Sparrow2121
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    USA - Group Long Term Disability Plan and Medical Tourism

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:24 PM PST

    USA. Approved and receiving payments on a group long term disability plan and unable to work.

    Do these types of plans ever have exclusions on receiving ongoing medical treatment in a foreign country or have US residency requirements after disability is awarded? If so, where in the plan documents (once I receive) can I look for this kind of language?

    I only have a plan summary that states I have the right to choose a legally practicing physician and that my care has to meet medically accepted standards. Nothing stated about the country the care or physician is located in.

    At the end of the year, I can no longer afford health insurance, the treatments health insurance won't cover, plus the cost of living. LTD payments are too much to qualify for state/government aid, and SSI/SSDI is a multi-year approval process for my conditions. Looking into my options for long-term medical tourism to stabilize.

    submitted by /u/ThrowAwayMedTourism
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    Which years deductible does a claim hit, when it happens or when it is billed/paid?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:34 PM PST

    We had some medical services for my son coming up at the end of dec. I'm trying to figure out which deductible they will hit if the hospital doesn't bill doesn't come until 2020? Does it hit the year the service happens, or the year the Hospital bills?

    submitted by /u/_Heath
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    OEM part for not at fault collision

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:06 PM PST

    I have Toyato Camry 2017 model. I have been in a accident where a truck hit my car. Since it is truck drivers fault, I am claiming money through the truck company's insurance. They looked at my car and provided estimate and asked me to drop the car to the choice of my bodyshop. One thing that I noticed is that they are replacing my front door with LKQ material not OEM material. I have asked them to change it but they are denying the request. What can I do in this case ?

    Is it because my car is 2 years old that they are not replacing with original door ?

    submitted by /u/rajbharathrajendran
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    Insurance says car is a total loss want to take the car-

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:41 PM PST

    My daughter was hit in a parking lot while she was in the store, the woman waited for her, was very apologetic and gave my daughter her info. Everything seemed to be going smoothly. They got back to her quickly and told her they'd supply a rental while it was in the shop asked which one she's use and told her to take pics on an app and they'd cut her a check plus cover anything over the estimate. She told them she couldn't legally drive the car as is because the headlight and blinker had been damaged, after some convincing they reluctantly agreed to supply the rental that day. The shop we chose is run by my stepdads friend and he could squeeze her in this week but they are very busy. She told the insurance company that but they said she absolutely cannot take it anywhere until the estimate is ready. Today the claims adjuster called and told her it will cost more to repair than the car is worth so it's considered a total loss. It's an 05 pontiac grand am, Yea it's older but it was stored at my parents for years until it was considered abandoned by the owner and my stepdad got it registered in his name-so it has no rust, no mechanical problems and only 77k miles. She asked what the estimate was and was told they didn't have that info and the total loss adjuster will get a hold of her and told her they'd pick the car up Monday. She agreed, never been through this before and trusted this was the process. No idea how much they are even giving her. My step dad called and said the car is in his name and they are not taking it, the claims adjuster said they are coming to get it from my daughter's address because she agreed and he said no you're not, I'm bringing it to my house. She told him he had to get a hold of the total loss adjuster and only gave him an email address. He builds street rods from nothing and says it be inexpensive to fix becuse the damage isn't that bad. https://imgur.com/a/r2Ys3qD (for some reason it says the pic is 18+ I promise its just the car!) Any advice? Is this normal procedure?

    submitted by /u/venus974
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    Life insurance add ons

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:51 AM PST

    I'm a 40 yo M in CT, US. I have a large term life policy that runs through age 65. I was going through things and noticed I'm paying for two riders. One that allows conversion to whole life and one that allows a year extension on the term (I guess if I'm 65 and dying?). Am I wasting money here? Thank you

    submitted by /u/tver1979
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    Graduating student, moving to a new state. Not sure what to do about health insurance until I get a job

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:46 AM PST

    Am a PA student, over age 26, graduating this next month. Am currently on a catastrophic medical insurance (I got denied medicaid, not sure why) for now. It is for healthcare within my current state I live in.

    I am moving to a new state next month to live with my boyfriend, we are planning to eventually marry. Have asked him to look into his jobs health insurance to see if I can be added when I move there, and he says he cannot.

    Due to licensing, credentialing, finding a job, etc, I do not suspect I will be at a job for several months. Most of my colleagues are younger than me / married / not moving out of state so I do not really have any good advice to draw from.

    Any advice where to seek info on getting health insurance until I get a job? (Moving to Minnesota, USA) Thanks friends.

    submitted by /u/ellaly
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    Confirming Benefits

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:24 AM PST

    My son arrived 8 weeks early via C-section this week and so far everything is going well.

    We are trying to plan my wife's exit from the hospital. We are told we get 3 days, not including the day of the surgery. We have heared from a couple nurses they insurance "usually approves" a 4th day when the baby is in the NICU.

    Who can I talk to to confirm that? I would very much like to avoid a surprise bill for a 1-day, out of pocket hospital stay. Is it as simple as calling her insurance to ask or do I need the code the hospital will use?

    Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/AdviceMang
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    Water damage homeowners claim process

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:44 AM PST

    If I have a water damage claim and it is covered by my policy (undisputed that it's covered), am I responsible to front the costs for water removal and drying or will the insurance company make those arrangements for me? If I don't take steps to clean up the water, can they deny my claim?

    submitted by /u/kegs_and_eggs
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    Student Health Insurance Decision Anxiety

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:15 AM PST

    I (29M) am starting graduate school in one month in Pennsylvania and have to pick a student health insurance plan. I'm not sure which one I should choose. I would rate my health as fair due to severe OCD that requires medication and OP therapy.

    Insurance Option #1 $200 per month 10% coinsurance on everything $250 deductible Meds: $15/$30 copay Copays: $30

    Insurance Option #2 $350 per month No coinsurance No deductible Meds: $5 copay Copays: $5

    I appreciate your insight and guidance.

    submitted by /u/StruggleToTheHeights
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