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    Wednesday, October 16, 2019

    Writing a Letter to Buyer for after sale, Creepy or Nice? Real Estate

    Writing a Letter to Buyer for after sale, Creepy or Nice? Real Estate

    Writing a Letter to Buyer for after sale, Creepy or Nice?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 10:52 AM PDT

    So I am selling my condo and I was thinking about writing a letter to the new buyer. Inside of it I would put stuff like a map of all the wall colors, how to use the TV mounts (since we're leaving them), the warranty paperwork on all the appliances, etc etc.

    I've never bought a place where this was done for me, but I really wish some people had, so I didn't know if it was super creepy, or what the thoughts were.

    submitted by /u/frostysbox
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    How do I get rid of existing property management?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 08:15 PM PDT

    I'm wondering how the process works when you purchase an investment property with an existing property manger. I plan on managing it myself since I'll be an owner occupant. Is there a contract that needs to be canceled? Any information helps! Thanks

    submitted by /u/alexhogenson
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    First time home buyer and concerned about builder/lender/title company all being the same entity.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 07:00 PM PDT

    I am looking to buy a new house that was recently completed. The builder is Dr Horton. I believe they are one of the larger if not largest builders of homes in the US. They have a mortgage company and title company. (DHI mortgage and DHI title)

    They have many incentives if you choose to do your mortgage and title through them. This will be my first house purchase and have been trying to research how everything works. It seems sketchy that the title company is the same as the builder/financer as it seems the title company should be a independent entity that has my property in mind should any issues arise.

    I'm not sure if this makes sense and maybe I'm overthinking this as I am sure millions of people do this exact same thing when buying a new build house.

    If this is the wrong subreddit to post something like this please let me know. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ploger
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    Buying very small parcels

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 11:38 PM PDT

    Really niche question.... is there any kind of benefit to buying a very small piece of land within a city? Like under 100 square feet? I'm was mulling over small pieces of property within a city, wanted to know if there was any kind of gain I could make off of a really small parcel. Anyone know if I could lease for a 5g antenna or do something else creative with property like this. Kind of an open ended question, just looking for ideas. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/roadtripwander
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    Looking for small property with just a garage

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:36 PM PDT

    How would I go about buying some land with just a garage on it? I'm looking for somewhere to house some dirt bikes and ride them. I live in CT for reference. TIA!

    submitted by /u/housatonicduck
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    Does it make sense to sell?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 07:47 PM PDT

    We're in an interesting housing position right now, looking for some advice. The market in our area has shot up like crazy recently like it has everywhere. We bought this as starter home about 4 years ago not planning to stay in it much longer than 5-6. We weren't quite ready to sell or move just yet, but don't want to miss an opportunity.

    A couple of things have been nagging at me...one being that the house was built in 2005, so although the house has had plenty of feature upgrades, new flooring, etc. over the years, the real infrastructure like the a/c unit, water heater, furnace, windows, etc. are all original and about at the end of their life cycle (builders around here all use cheap windows). Another is that even though I would've preferred to wait another year or so before taking on a larger mortgage payment (moving would mean upgrading to something a bit bigger), so far the larger houses in my area haven't increased in value nearly as much as the starter homes like the one we're in. To be honest, I'm not quite sure why anyone would pay as much for my house as it's supposedly worth. I could theoretically sell right now, take about $55-60k in profit minus selling costs after only being in this property for 4 years, and buy something with about 1k more square footage and a larger yard for about 55k more than what I'd sell for.

    Would we be crazy not to sell now, or could we likely wait another year and be in a similar or better situation?

    submitted by /u/novab792
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    Fell for the condo trap - can I escape?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 11:05 PM PDT

    So I made a dumb decision two years ago in buying a condo in my city. At the time it seemed like I would live in this location for a long while, and the price was right at only 160k.

    Since then the building has been hit with an assessment and I am on the hook for 40k paid over 15 years!!

    Naturally this has caused prices to plummet, and units have been sitting on the market in this building for over a year now.

    I have a job offer for over 200k in Seattle - so financially it is very worth it for me to move, and they will help with relocation. But I am not sure what to do with the condo.

    Option one - sell at a huge loss, maybe for as low as 120k, and consider it a lesson learned

    Option two - is there even an option two..? Rent out at a loss - could rent it for about 1300 I think compared to 1800 monthly costs (15 yr mortgage + hoa + assessment) for me to keep it.

    Option three - share your wisdom with me Reddit there must be an option three

    If it matters I am 27.

    Tldr I've made a big mistake. Is there any way out or do I just eat this one.

    submitted by /u/throwaway14263748
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    Who owns this property after a murder?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 10:35 PM PDT


    In the summer, my neighbor killed a police officer. Afterwards they sealed off his double lot (has two homes on it) and conducted their investigations and such. Afterwards, they set up a chain link fence around it and stationed a camera surveillance system in front for about two months. They have now removed the fencing, the cameras are gone and the houses he owned are boarded up. I was wondering who the property goes to since it is abandoned and my area is prone to homeless squatters. If the city/county/state owns it, it would be nice if we could refer these homes to habitat for humanity, just to put some folks in it so it doesn't become an eyesore or derelict. Anyone know who I should contact? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/RNGisntreallyrandom
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    (MN) Any thoughts on Twin Cities Market?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 09:17 PM PDT

    Seems like the market cooled just a bit in the past couple weeks. I'm seeing tons of price drops and stuff sitting unlike the last couple years. We absolutely have to move before Spring. Wondering if right now in the Twin Cities is seasonal slow down or if there's a broader correction coming? Everything here is still so ridiculously overpriced.

    submitted by /u/bladsham
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    CA How do I get off a call list?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 07:09 AM PDT

    For the past year, realtors have been calling me about a property in Newport Beach CA. One problem, I barely afford an apartments, let alone a house in the OC. I keep informing realtors that I am broke and landless but I keep getting calls. Those of you aware of California real estate: is there a master list that's used or something like that that I can report to? I'm also on the do not call list btw, so that doesn't work.

    submitted by /u/pastoctopus
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    I'm willing to move anywhere in the world. Where can I get the most bang for my real estate buck?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 08:55 PM PDT

    Say I have $200K to purchase a house. Where in the world will I get the most for this money?

    submitted by /u/1cognoscere
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    What's the procedure of buying a house/apartment in Canada?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 08:24 PM PDT

    I am in Ontario.

    submitted by /u/syu098089
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    General question about listing a property with roommates (California)

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 08:17 PM PDT

    First and most importantly, I'm uncertain if this is the right subreddit, if not please let me know the best place.

    I'll cover the basics

    • Property is located in San Joaquin County
    • I have 3 roommates and I am also living in the property, I have been living here before they were.
    • I have served them a notice of intent to sell the property with specific listing date
    • I gave them 24hr+ notice that I would be entering each room to take pictures
    • I also gave them a 24hr+ notice that there'd be an open house on Saturday 1-4pm
    • They are all on a month-to-month agreement that can be terminated with a 30 day notice
    • They have been living in the property for less than 6 mo

    Due to unforeseen circumstances I'm looking at selling my place. Obviously, roommates aren't super happy but 2 of them are somewhat more understanding. 1 in particular is making all kinds of legal threats, the latest being that I can't show pictures taken of his room in the listing without his prior consent. I can't seem to find anything on the internet that supports this. As I understand, California has a right to show law that allows me/realtor to show the entirety of the property as long as I give them 24hr notice and it's reasonable to their privacy (ie monday to friday 9am-5pm, etc etc).

    I realize that because I am also living in the property they are considered "lodgers" and not "tenants". However, still mostly protected by tenant law with some exceptions. And herein lies the question, what are their rights in regards to showing the property and pictures of the rooms in the listing beyond the 24hr notice and right to show?

    I've been keeping a paper trail via email of notices, and I'm trying to do my due diligence before the property is listed on Thursday. Anything big I should know? Or is this something I should just reach out to my local real estate attorney?

    submitted by /u/Scriptgeeky
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    Real Estate Agent Boom and Bust

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 04:25 PM PDT

    "We are seeing a pickup in Real Estate licensees in California, although the number of Brokers is mostly flat."



    The link shows the number of real estate licensees in California.

    The number of agents peaked at the end of 2007 (housing activity peaked in 2005, and prices in 2006).

    The number of salesperson's licenses is off 26% from the peak, and is increasing again (up 11% from low). The number of salesperson's licenses has increased to November 2004 levels.

    Brokers' licenses are off 14.2% from the peak and have fallen to December 2005 levels, and may be bottoming.

    submitted by /u/Suffolk1970
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    Contemplating a move for family, anxious about hidden/ less than obvious costs.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    Good afternoon, Reddit! My wife and I are thinking about a move within our current city (likely less than 30 minutes away) with our 2 kids, 2 dogs, and full-house amount of possessions and furniture. I am relatively comfortable with what I believe will be the current value of our home vs our remaining mortgage and subsequent down payment.

    What I am concerned about is other costs. Things like appraisal, inspection, realtor fees and closing costs, moving expenses (we will be moving ourselves), utility setup, etc. We have only ever moved out of our parents house into this home of 8 years, so the details are foggy and we did everything last time pretty naively. Is there a large, looming cost waiting around the corner for us? I do not want to move into what we think we can afford and then get smacked with a bill or fee that will make the move impossible or get us stuck in a tight spot for awhile. I do not anticipate any moves after this one.

    Thanks for reading and potentially replying and have a great Tuesday!

    submitted by /u/Brisingrotho8623
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    [KS] How to Handle Buying a Home for the Amount Left on Seller's Mortgage + Closing Costs?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 07:21 PM PDT

    Hello r/RealEstate,

    I'll preface this by stating that I have absolutely no experience in real-estate or home-ownership, aside from what a few Google searches have revealed to me. My concerns and questions stem from my inexperience, so I was hoping you guys could help me feel my way through uncharted waters!

    A good friend of my family is offering to sell me their home for the remaining balance on their mortgage, plus any closing/processing costs.

    We received an automated quote from the bank that currently handles their loan. I have more than enough to pay the remaining amount upfront, which I intend to do.

    My question is, what is the best way to handle this transaction with minimal friction between us and their mortgage company? Initial searches for somewhat similar situations suggest I should contact a real estate attorney or title company. Would these groups be able to help coordinate this process?

    The seller has no experience selling a home, so I am taking the initiative and trying to get a feel for the process.

    Additional, possibly unnecessary details: My parents and the seller's family shared the home prior, and I lived there while going to college, so we are well aware of the condition of the home.

    My intent is to buy off the home so that my parents can live there, and the seller's family will be rid of a loan as they move into another home. I'll spare you my life's story - essentially this is a bit of a thank-you for helping me through school.

    I was able to get a pretty good job, and aggressively saved my money for the past year and a half for this very purpose. I 100% intend to pay the amount in full, as foolhardy as it may seem.

    submitted by /u/Fujisune
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    home loan between jobs

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 07:05 PM PDT

    I'm fresh out of employment from the IT sector. My lease on my rental is coming up in December, I've been trying to get pre-qualified from a lender for mortgage. I have a significant savings account, more than enough for a down payment, perhaps even purchasing outright. ( which I'm trying to avoid doing)

    The problem i'm running into is more lenders do a VOE or verification of employment. Question is.. will most underwriters actually call? Or should I wait to gain employment or perhaps explain my situation?

    submitted by /u/BMW_E70
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    What should I be expecting from my realtor? (NY)

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 09:07 AM PDT

    This is the first time I am selling a house, so I have no point of reference about what to expect. I choose my younger brother as my realtor, he is just starting out... and I don't know if we are doing everything we can.

    When I first listed he helped come up with the price (turns out we were far off) He held an open house and posted it to zillow/trulia.

    My house has been on the market for a reasonable price, in a nice neighborhood for 5mos. We have had many showings, but no offers. Not even a super low ball offer.

    We undoubtedly listed too high.. far too high even... but I am getting to the point where I am wondering if there are options besides lowering the price (which I have done)... that we may not be doing possibly because he is new to the business.

    I don't want to place blame solely on him, I want to do as much as I can as well. Any help/suggestions are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/OmnomVeggies
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    Real Estate Seller agent & buyer agent from same Agency - Problem?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 10:12 AM PDT


    My fiancé and I are looking at a home, and our buyers agent is from the same Agency as the seller's agent. Would this be considered a "dual agency" situation and thus something to avoid as a conflict of interest? Or is this better that there are two people as opposed to a single agent representing both parites?

    Our area is kind of monopolized by a singe giant real estate company.

    submitted by /u/awesomedan24
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    Beach rentals in an enclosed apartment complex (CA)

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 04:38 PM PDT

    I have no idea if this is the place to post this, so let me know if this is better suited somewhere else.

    So I live in a very popular but small beach town in California where I was born and raised. There's been a lot of growth here in the past few years, and the city is catering more to tourists than it ever has. There are barely enough apartments and homes to house the people who have lived here their whole lives, but there are more than enough vacation rentals and hotels to accommodate the out of towners.

    This brings me to my issue. My fiancé and I moved up the street and into a new apartment at the beginning of the year. For context, the front of our apartment looks out toward a shared lawn and another set of four apartments parallel to us. There is a row of apartments to the right, and a fence to the left, so we're all completely enclosed in our little complex. A few months after we moved in, the tenants in the four apartments across from us were all evicted. We come to find out that the complex had sold (those four were owned by a different owner than ours) and the apartments were being remodeled to serve as vacation rentals. The issue is is that since we're all enclosed in this small complex, we have to deal with families or couples filtering in and out of the new rentals, most of which are very disruptive of the families that live here. It's frustrating that we have to deal with strangers so close to our homes, because all that's separating us is a lawn.

    So my question is: is there anything we can do about this? I know nothing about this, but I was thinking of getting a petition signed to leave apartments zoned as apartments only, and not for rentals. If anyone has any suggestions or any more information on whether or not this is okay, I'm all ears. I miss my peace and quiet, and I'm not comfortable with random people hanging out in front of our homes. A vacation house on a block is one thing, but an intimate complex is no place for rentals.

    submitted by /u/Shart_Attackk
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    [NV] New home builder just notified us today that our closing is in 2 weeks?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 03:58 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm struggling to find out how to deal with this situation. Our builder emailed me today and told us our closing date is in 2 weeks. 2 days prior he told us November 14th. With his new email he told us we are locked to October and that's our closing date, and there's nothing we can do to change it.

    We haven't received a rate from their partnered lender, so we have no clue what their rates are. I also can't see how its possible to get any other lender to close THAT fast.

    I'm struggling to see how this is allowed? In the builder's contract it says the closing date can be moved forward or back and they can't accommodate delays (from us) but this seems extreme. The only knowledge I have of this new closing date is an email from today saying "you're closing in 2 weeks".

    The partnered lender's rates are absolutely awful (from our pre-approval), and I got a pre-approval from a local credit union previously but couldn't really move forward since we never had a closing date, and now I feel like I've been trapped into using their lender without any choice.

    Do I have any options?

    submitted by /u/Steers
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    As an investment, what typically yields more: a condo in a big growing city or a suburban house in the same city?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 03:58 PM PDT

    Similar price. Say house a bit more.

    submitted by /u/Firm_Salamander
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    Appraisal/furnace repair question

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 11:27 AM PDT

    I'm a buyer in Michigan. We are getting an FHA loan and the appraisal indicates the furnace needs repair, but the sellers went ahead and replaced the furnace instead. Now our mortgage loan official is asking the appraiser to revise the appraisal before sending to the underwriters for final approval and clear to close. Deadline to close is in 9 days.

    Why does the appraisal need to be revised? Can't the underwriters see the appraisal indicating furnace needing repair, see the paid invoice for the brand new furnace, and clear it to close based on that? I'm thinking it's obvious the furnace was repaired.... it was entirely replaced!

    More info:

    Appraisal done 9/26

    Furnace replaced 10/4

    Paid invoice sent to appraiser 10/8

    Reminder calls/emails to appraiser from bank 10/15

    Must close by 10/24

    submitted by /u/maniacal-seahorse
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