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    Saturday, October 12, 2019

    Personal Finance Should I get a new battery for my 2007 prius?

    Personal Finance Should I get a new battery for my 2007 prius?

    Should I get a new battery for my 2007 prius?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    My battery died and it would cost me $5K to put in a new one. But the dealer told me that the car is in perfect condition and a new battery would easily take me to 300K miles if maintained properly. I have 160K miles on it. I'm guessing a brand new prius would cost me at least $25K or so out the door. I was getting 48 to 52 mpg before the battery died and I know it's in good condition because I maintained it meticulously - always took it to the dealer. Battery dying was my fault because the dealer has warned me for couple years that it needs to be replaced (I guess 12 years is a long time for a hybrid battery). My gut instinct is to spend the $5K and keep driving my Prius. I'm the original owner so I know that it's in good shape. I won't get that same assurance if I buy a used car.

    UPDATE: After reading so many helpful posts, I decided to give green bean a try. Just made an appointment online - About $1500 bucks with 5 year warranty. I'm going with the consensus. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/reduserabc
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    We accidentally spent several thousand dollars on a tip at breakfast yesterday and might be able to get the money back

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 06:30 AM PDT

    So my father and I went to breakfast yesterday, and when we were being billed, our waitress brought over a little card scanner so we could pay. Unfortunately, my father had put in his pin, thinking he had to confirm the transaction, when in fact it was putting in the % tip in. The waitress hesitated, and said oh wait I'm sorry it was just bugging out go ahead and confirm it. So we thought nothing of it and left. Now on our statement it says that we were charged over $5000 for a tip at this restaurant, and I'm not quite sure if we're going to be able to get it back (at least for a while). My father said that he emailed the receipt to my mother saying that we were only charged around $36 for the meal and nothing more, and were confused as to where the rest of it went. We're still trying to dispute it but due to the long weekend, we might be out of money for a while. Any advice is helpful, I will continue to update this thread as time goes on. Thanks.

    Edit 1: Thanks to those who have given helpful tips so far, means a lot and helps to talk to people about it. Will still update throughout the day/week.

    Edit 2: Lots of reassuring advice in the comments, thank you all, seems as if people are saying that we'll get our money back after the weekend, as it needs to update. Still going to call the restaurant as a 3rd party and politely tell them the situation.

    Edit 3: Dad changed his pin so that front is good, still waiting on updates from the bank/restaurant. Thanks again to everyone for the kind words!

    Edit 4: So I called, explained the situation, and the bank says the restaurant requested the thousands of dollars from our transaction, while the restaurant says they had only the receipt for the $36 and nothing more, so I'm not really sure what's going on. Might just have to dispute it with the bank. Might have to hold this over and fix it on Tuesday (there's Columbus Day in my state on Monday so we can't do it until then.)

    submitted by /u/ExplodingMarshmallow
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    Has your credit improved? Revisit your insurance

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 06:19 PM PDT

    I recently got my renewal for my renter's insurance. I noticed at the bottom some language about the rate being determined, in part, on my credit report. Then it mentioned serious negative marks on my TransUnion report.

    But in fact, those negative marks aged off my report about 8 months ago. So I called the carrier, and they said that they don't always pull a new report every year. So I used the "negative action" to request a free report, verified that those negative marks were gone, and called the carrier again. They said they would pull a new report at my request, and send me an updated renewal if needed. (They also made me attest that I understood my rate could go up, depending on what new info was in the report.)

    Less than a week later my new renewal was emailed to me. The price dropped by over $150! I was overjoyed.

    I've reviewed my auto insurance's rules, and I can request a new credit pull But only once every 12 months, and the new price will go into effect on the next renewal. So I'm going to hack my score as much as possible the next few months, and request a new credit pull a couple weeks before the auto insurance renews.

    submitted by /u/ErikMalik
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    American Express opened a $450 annual fee credit card without my permission

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 03:32 PM PDT


    I previously owned Delta SkyMiles Gold card - $95 fee card. My card was then upgraded without my permission to a $495 fee Delta SkyMiles Reserve card.

    I called AmEx and got it cancelled, the rep who cancelled my card said: "Their records indicate that I reserved it over the phone. They have no other records of me making this upgrade request. They're sorry for this mix-up and that the person who upgraded my card would be reprimanded"

    She gave me a reference number that I can check back in on in 60 days to see how this matter is resolved.

    This smells like big bank bullshit and legit sounds like it's illegal. I noticed in time, but I urge everyone else to to also be vigilant of this nonsense.

    submitted by /u/TheRealFakeSteve
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    Forgo a couple paychecks to lower child care costs?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 12:50 PM PDT

    Hi PF,

    I'm expecting a child and in a position to lower daycare costs by $250 a month if I can keep my adjusted gross income under $150k.

    The context here is my employer offers great daycare. Pricing scales by AGI. For the $100k-$149k income bracket, it costs $1,619. The $150k-$200k bracket costs $1,866 a month.

    I just did the math and based on how my wife and I are projecting, with 5 paychecks left to go for the year each, we're projected to come in at $155k for the year.

    I'm thinking about upping my 401k contribution to (maybe to 100% if allowed) for a couple paychecks to get our AGI under $150k.

    Is it a good idea for me forgo a couple paychecks and dip into our savings to cover so we can lower daycare costs by $250 a month for 2020?

    Right now we have $45k saved which covers us entirely for 7-8 months. The baby isn't due until April so there's really nothing we'd need the money for.

    Am I missing anything here, or is lowering my AGI and dipping into savings for a couple paychecks the way to go here? It'd be 3 or 4 thousand dollars max from savings but would cut our AGI by $7-8k.

    I'm projected to contribute $14k this year (5k of which to an IRA) so I definitely can dump a couple paychecks into my 401k without hitting the max.


    Edit: why is this post being downvoted? Did I break/violate a rule?

    submitted by /u/AndrossShowUrTruForm
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    (US) dad died, need to file his taxes, not going through probate

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 06:01 PM PDT

    Hi PF!

    I'm on a debt free journey, yay! But my father passed away in the middle of it. I'm slowly handling his affairs as I can, but I am trying to figure out (because I'm a planner) on how to handle his taxes for 2018. I don't have a support system or any family/friends I can turn to for help, but I've obviously tried to research this on my own.

    There was no will, but he didn't have any substantial property so I've been doing everything through small estate affidavits. He lived in the state of California. I do not live in that state.

    I also know that he has a tax refund of a few grand from 2017, but I cannot collect that until I pay his accountant his filing fee. She's super aggressive and rude to me, so I honestly want to find a new accountant to refile his 2017. She also gives me NO direction on what I can do with that check, as it will obviously be in my father's name & again, there is no will and I am avoiding probate because it's too much money for me to hire an attorney.

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/lostsolookingforhelp
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    Separated from spouse, am I on the hook for the money they owe the IRS because of healthcare.gov?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 07:12 PM PDT

    My spouse and I got married spring of this year. He had to cancel his healthcare.gov insurance plan because our combined income was too high to qualify for a tax credit. We separated in September and there's exactly a 0% chance we're getting back together. He's the one whose actions directly triggered our separation so he agreed to pay for the divorce. (We planned on filing it ourselves.) However, it doesn't look like he's going to be doing it any time soon.

    We plan on doing taxes married, filing separately. I'm just wondering if they'll come after my tax refund if he doesn't have a big enough refund to cover it by himself? Will I have to file for the divorce to get out of paying for the money he'll owe? I would prefer not to out of principle, not to mention he left me with the lease/utilities so I don't have a lot of spare cash laying around.

    submitted by /u/acdqdatos
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    Credit Card Rewards

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 05:26 PM PDT

    I'm curious as to how other people go about getting their rewards from the credit cards they're using. I currently just use my Capital One Journey card and get 1% cash back on all my purchases, I pay my card off on time all the time so no worries about interest. I just want to know strategies other people use or what kinds of benefits I'm leaving on the table by not using other cards. (Obviously I could have a higher percentage cash back card) But what's your methods for getting the most out of your purchases?

    submitted by /u/CasualBonanza
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    Maxed out Roth IRA with some cash left

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 04:24 PM PDT

    I've maxed out my Roth IRA with Charles Schwab and have most of my portfolio spread across index funds.

    My question is: I have about $15 in cash sitting in my portfolio. Is there anything I can invest that into? It's gonna bother me that it's just sitting there not doing anything

    submitted by /u/AmmoTuff182
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    Hey, im 18 years old with 200 dollars and i know nothing about investing.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 07:54 PM PDT

    My question is, how i invest this 200 dollars? Where? How?

    This is spare money i have, im not planning in spending it, so i prefer to invest it rather than let it stay there without doing anything.

    I don't live in USA.

    submitted by /u/ElVerdaderoArgento
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    Needing advice with medical insurance after Dad’s death....

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 06:06 PM PDT

    So, 2 weeks ago, my father passed away from Esophageal cancer. Along with horrible grief, we are dealing with so much financial and legal red tape.

    Here's a little back ground:

    My dad was diagnosed in February. He went on FMLA from his company that he had been with for 40 years. After 6 months, they would not hold his job and he was forced into early retirement at age 63. He retired 3 weeks before he died.

    We have been able to do all of the investigative work for the life insurance and retirement. It was a pain but I think it's well on it's way. The issue we are having is with the health insurance.

    According to blue cross/blue shield, my mom and dad ran out of insurance on September 8th. My dad purchased a hefty plan through cobra to continue his coverage on September 24th. He paid the deductible for policy in full and paid the first month's payment which was supposed to be retroactive for the month of September. Dad died on September 26th....That's 2 days after he paid the policy.

    Cobra was supposed to notify blue/cross blue shield but they say they have absolutely no record of that and not only does my dad not have coverage from when he was rushed to 2 different hospitals but my mom doesn't have coverage either. It's noteworthy that he might not have coverage, because BCBS has no record of it, between the 8-24th... I have all of the bills, paper work and statements that say plain as day that they are paid up.

    In the interim, I set up coverage for my mom through Obama care since cobra is meant for short term, continuing coverage anyways. It's also, a much better plan for her. I'm Itching to get rid of the cobra plan but I'm scared of how it will negatively effect the hospital coverage or any billing done in the month of September for my dad.

    None of these companies are talking to each other. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I've spent 5/6 hours a day on the phone and have spoken to about 35 different people with 35 different answers.

    The last person I spoke to said that I have to call the group to light a fire on getting that Information to blue cross blue shield. She suspected that my dad purchased the plan through cobra as a retiree and they haven't even sent that info over much less any info that he's deceased.

    I think the problem is that Dad's death came so fast that the ink has not dried on any platform... his company, the retirement, the cobra or insurance.

    We just received a bill for 33k from one hospital and the lady at blue cross/blue shield said there's already 3 denied claims in his file. One is for 18k!!!!

    My dad was a hard working, working class guy that made ends meet but was faaaaaaaaar from wealthy. My mom is only 61 and is a self employed Hairstylist in a neighborhood salon and is lucky to bring home $300 a week. She has no retirement or pension, nor does she have access to insurance through her work.

    My parents have always paid their bills and have done the right thing. So, this is killing my mom on top of grieving for her husband.

    We are seeing a financial advisor but I'm not sure if these questions have anything to do with him... (truth be told, I don't even know if this is the subreddit I should post on...)

    Any anecdotes or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ambercrowemua
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    24 Year Old working multiple jobs - should I max out my 401k with no employer-match?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 04:56 PM PDT

    In this year alone I've doubled my income (started at 55,000, went up to 70,000 with a promotion, and then just moved to a new job making 90,000). I also started a second job part-time that adds 25-35k a year, depending on how much I choose to work.

    I used my newfound financial freedom to my advantage. I was in a difficult roommate situation, so I moved into my own 1-bedroom apartment recently (not in an uber-expensive area). My financials break down as follows:

    Monthly Expenses:

    Rent: $1,795

    WiFi: $42

    Electricity/Gas: $60-$100

    Savings: Ranges from $1,000-$2,500 - I try to put a minimum of $1,000 in, but since I recently moved I had a lot of costs associated with that, such as furniture, etc.

    I already have a $14,000 emergency fund, and a $7,000 Roth IRA. I plan to max out the Roth IRA this year, and in upcoming years. I have no student loans, thanks to a full scholarship I received as an undergraduate. My new job is a remote position, so I am putting myself on a budget so that I cook more often. I am setting up direct deposit to my checking and HYSA. To do that, I need to determine how much I want to put into my 401k first.

    Short-Medium Term Goals:

    - Go to graduate school (potentially)

    ----->Note: I would like to go to graduate school, and have looked into how to set myself up for success for specific scholarship programs that would partially or fully-fund my degree, in my field of study. However, depending on the outcome I don't know if I'll be able to justify the financial investment (I think I'm just really afraid of debt, having seen my parents struggle).

    - Buy a house (potentially)

    ----->Note: Buying a house is not a high priority for me right now, but I don't know that I will feel the same way in a few years, so I created a "big ticket item" fund to encompass grad school, house, and anything else that may come along.

    Medium-Long Term Goals:

    - Start my own company

    -------> Similarly to above, I want my "big ticket item" fund to include funds to start my own company/live off of. In an ideal world, I would start the company part time while still working full time, and then make the transition once a small yet steady revenue stream has been established; however things are never ideal, so I wanted to think ahead.

    Given that there is no company match, how much would you recommend I invest in my 401k?

    submitted by /u/TimeImpact2430
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    Student loan overpayment? And how to stop garnishment?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 02:29 AM PDT

    So I've been letting the fed student loans garnish my wages just to get the payments over with. I finallllly paid it all off, and I received a letter a month or so ago, telling me I may be owed a refund but I had to verify my address. So I called and did so.

    He confirmed I had a $0 balance and said he would send a paid in full letter. I asked about the refund and he said he couldn't get a number of what is owed to me, but he would put in a request.

    Last week I got a paid in full letter, but no refund. Also they're still garnishing my wages at $100 a week. I didn't care as much about the garnishment, since it's saving me money in a sense without me missing it, but I read a thread (it was many years old) that said they won't give it to you in a lump sum, they'll give it back the same way it came, so like $100 per week until it's all back. If that's the case, I want it to end now!

    How do I proceed? Do I just wait and hope the student loan people send me a check? Or do I go to my employer and show them a paid in full letter? I was hoping not to have to go to HR about it, and the fed student loan people would just contact them and tel them to stop. But I guess I can't rely on that when it comes to them RETURNING money lol. Thanks in advance if anyone can help!

    TL;DR How do I stop student loan garnishment when the balance is $0?

    submitted by /u/CityOfSins2
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    Untimely death of parent

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 02:39 PM PDT

    I've looked at the Wiki and done some preliminary searches, and I have a rough idea of what next steps are, but I just found out one of my parents passed away. The deceased was divorced once, the former spouse (my other parent) is still alive and I am an only child.

    Here is where I am looking for advice though, because it gets murky from here on. This parent, in life, never seemed to make sound financial decisions but had told me several times that I was sole beneficiary. I had offered to assist them with their finances in life but was always met with refusal, typically after some poor decisions (like trading in things that weren't paid off, etc.). I have no idea where to even begin to discover what "assets," like retirement, bank accounts, disability, etc., they had, so where do I even start besides checking the mail every day just to see what comes? I'm vaguely aware of the existence of safety deposit boxes, bank accounts, retirement accounts, and bonds but don't even begin to know where to start looking.

    I'm planning on taking time off work to consolidate the estate personally, but could use some guidance regarding how to go about tracking down both assets and debtors.

    submitted by /u/KillaSushi
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    Should I use my extra money to pay down my truck? Should that be my priority right now?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 04:17 PM PDT

    Disabled I can't work. I get $3250 a month. I got a new Tacoma recently as I drive over a mountain pass every weekend to get my son. I also have another son I have the majority of the time but do not get child support.


    Truck 540 (rate is at 5.25 with 30k left to pay off)

    Child support 460 (paying for 1 child)

    rent 320 (live with parent paying utilities)

    phone 84

    insurance 90

    gym 75 (this includes childcare)

    internet 60

    TOTAL Recurring Expenses 1629

    gas 300

    food 200

    Total Monthly Expenses 2129

    Total leftover for financial goals 1,121

    Should I just pay towards paying my truck down with the extra cash?

    I have 4300 in my emergency fund in hys

    no credit cards that I owe on

    credit 750

    No, I don't have any 401k or investments and I am 30m. I was debt-free till I got the Tacoma. I talked with a buddy and together we think I should concentrate on paying down the truck with an extra 700 a month and putting the rest towards my emergency fund. Does this sound like a good plan?

    EDIT So the reason I would want to pay the truck off early is so I can get a better income to expense ratio so I can finance a home.

    submitted by /u/foolyou7
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    Got rear-ended, do I contact my insurance? Other party's insurance contacted me accepting fault, but I'm a student

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    I was rear-ended a couple days ago in a 3-car accident during traffic. I'm not too sure, but I didn't see too much damage to my vehicle, since I was the front-most vehicle, and the rear-most vehicle was at fault.

    Since I'm a student, my insurance agent told me to just contact the other parties' insurances, rather than contacting my own insurance. Before I had a chance to do this, the rear-most driver's insurance (Allstate) contacted me accepting fault. My next step is getting repair estimates.

    This is the first accident I've been in, but I guess my question is should I/do I need to contact my own insurance? I was told that doing so would raise my premiums since I'm a student.

    If it matters, I currently have a liability policy.

    submitted by /u/UHT8
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    Move before winter or wait to buy a house?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 07:47 PM PDT

    I currently live about 1 hr away from my new job. I live in a small city with cheap rent. $1000. In the towns nearby the new job I can get decent apts for about $1300-$1500. However, that's nearly half my monthly income. The drive home will be killer in the winter and possibly impossible when it snows. So I'm wondering what I should do here and if anybody has made a similar decision.

    If I do move closer to my job in the next couple of months, I'd like to move by December or January at the latest. However, if I choose to stay and deal with the winter, I can move out whenever. I live by myself with a cat, and I am not sure what the new job does for snow days yet...

    submitted by /u/moderatenerd
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    Expected to Work Not Under Contract

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 07:45 PM PDT

    I work at a small private school, and the administration for at least the four years that I've worked there (and I think much longer) habitually has us teachers work not under contract until about October, when we finally get our contract for the year. The administration cites that the budget has to be approved at the board and members meeting, and that it's impossible to do before October. This year, all of the staff still haven't gotten their contracts and our administrator said not to expect them anytime soon because they have more pressing matters at the board meeting (a rapidly declining daycare affiliated with the school—can you tell that management is exceptional?). My question is this: what are the dangers for me and for my employer not having a contract? Payroll hasn't been effected, but if they didn't pay me, would I have any recourse?

    submitted by /u/chaiteacauley
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    Is there a good free app for tracking wealth over time?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    Something where I can add my savings account, vanguard iras, crypto, retirement accounts, etc. all into one and track my progress over time?

    submitted by /u/SeahawkerLBC
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    Non-certified student loans?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 07:39 PM PDT

    I don't have any money, my time is booked up fully. I barely have enough money for groceries. There are still books I need to buy and my college won't let me increase my estimated cost of attendance.

    Does anybody know of any non-certified student loans that I can get? Ones that don't go through the college? I really need help. I don't have any time for work outside of the freelancing work I do already.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/BaronXooper
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    Earning wages in Singapore, but will return to Ireland/UK next year, where should I save the money?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 05:10 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. I'm earning 8K SGD a month in Singapore. Should I transfer the savings each month to a UK GBP bank account or my Irish euro one? Or keep it in Singapore? I see the exchange rates are favourable at the moment. I plan on going back to Ireland in a year.

    submitted by /u/Egervin
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    Can't call the mortgage loan company until normal business hours and having a strange/concerning issue. Got a credit monitoring report that my 300k home mortgage was paid off so logged into account to also see it was supposedly paid off 10 days ago. Is this a relatively common error?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 07:00 PM PDT

    Frustrating that I have no way to communicate with them until probably Tuesday since they probably have federal holidays off. I don't like having any weird issues with something as important as a 300k home mortgage loan. We're only 2 years into the loan so nowhere close to actually paying it off.

    submitted by /u/Kids_see_ghosts
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    Best way to handle divorce settlement?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 02:00 PM PDT

    Long time lurker on this subreddit, reaching out for some advice.

    I am 34 with a 2.5 yo son that I share 50/50 custody. I am required to pay $500k as a divorce settlement and wondering the best way to do this with the assets I have available. All assets below are only mine (post-divorce).

    Current assets: 725k townhouse paid off with no mortgage, 30k in cash savings account, 160k in VTSAX, 460k retirement 401k, 50k Roth IRA

    Currently no car payments or other debt. Child Support payments are around $200 a month. $3k per month in living expenses (food, fun, utilities, etc)

    I work in tech, make $155k annually and have around 600k of RSUs coming available in the next 1.5 years. HCOL area (Seattle).

    Would like to start saving for my son's college via a 529 early, but would like to figure out the best way to pay off my ex-spouse first.

    Ideally I see myself living in my current house for another few years before renting it. Pre-divorce I really hoping to be apart of the FIRE community to be more involved with my son school and sports, now, I'm not sure FIRE is a viable option.

    Between a cash out refinance, HELOC, or other method, what advice would there be for someone in my position? Appreciate any guidance.

    submitted by /u/bigd1984
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    Can more than one Online Banking account access a Joint Account?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 03:04 PM PDT

    I'm currently 19, working on no longer being a dependent under my parents but not quite ready to make a new account under my name. My checking account is part of my Mom's banking account. To log in to the online banking service, I have to use her user ID and password, and it makes me request verification every time; I have to wait for her to text me the verification code.

    It would be nice, frankly, to have my own interface to work from when I do online banking, rather than being defaulted to my Mom's view and her finances. Is making my own completely new bank account and transferring my funds the only way to do this?

    TLDR, can a joint account be accessed by multiple online banking accounts? Or can only one online banking account be made for the joint account, with no way for joint users (aka, dependents, aka, me) to use its features more efficiently/independently? For a dependent in a joint account with a parent, is making a totally new account under their name the only way to have any higher degree of financial independence? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/mittmop
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