• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 15, 2019

    Personal Finance Mom passed, left Grandmother with multiple financial issues. Need advice.

    Personal Finance Mom passed, left Grandmother with multiple financial issues. Need advice.

    Mom passed, left Grandmother with multiple financial issues. Need advice.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 06:58 AM PDT

    Mom became sick around 15 years ago, went to live with her mother (She is now 90). Mother recently passed away, when combing through financial records I've discovered that over the last 15 years Grandma:

    1.Added my mother to 2 credit cards, which my mother ran to about 25k

    2.Bought a time share with both of their names, haven't paid dues in 6 years

    She is now being called daily and it's really stressing her out. She owns her home but is on a fixed income from social security and a teamster's pension. Unsure of how to address this.

    submitted by /u/Dr_Fronkensteen
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    Will MIL get in trouble if I tell the bank she is cashing fake checks

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:40 PM PDT

    My MIL is the victim of a gift card scam beginning on Friday. She said she was contacted by a company who liked her reviews online and wants to pay her to mystery shop. She received the first check on Friday for $2200. She deposited the check, withdrew cash, and purchased $1800 worth of eBay gift cards which she said she mailed to the salvation army. She got to keep the rest of the money for herself if she bought $50 worth of items at Walgreens and wrote a review about it. Monday, she received a larger check. Same scenario. I found out about this last night. She has deposited over $5k in checks, purchased $4200 worth of gift cards in cash and mailed them to the "salvation army." By the time I found out, it had already been done. I explained to her that the checks are going to reverse and she will owe the bank $5k plus. She does not believe me. I begged her to contact the bank asap and she became angry and won't speak to me anymore. My husband handles her with kid gloves, so she told him today she received another check and plans to cash it.

    Could I call her bank and explain she is being scammed and doesn't believe us? Could she get in trouble for fraud? Would the bank even take me seriously?

    I'm sorry, I am not thinking straight. I am so upset. This is going to cost my in laws their entire savings if she continues. We live in a rural area, it is a local bank and not a national one. It will take longer for these checks to clear. I am just sick.

    submitted by /u/Fluffeevee
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    Free tax filing options for year 2017

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:46 AM PDT

    The free options on the IRS page all default to the year 2018. Are there any free options to file taxes that are older than 2018 beside paying for H&R software? It's just a basic tax without many deductions.

    submitted by /u/Thr0waway2815
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    22/florida Extremely ignorant in finance. Need guidance.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 03:36 PM PDT

    I feel like my life has been so miserable because I constantly avoid thinking about all my financial problems. But I have decided that TODAY, I no longer stop being a BUM, and face these problems head on with guidance from the internet.

    So, I'm a University student drop out who has been evicted twice, have debts with multiple businesses, and still don't understand what the hell adulting means.

    How do I go about finding all the money that I owe? what do I do about taxes? I just am so lost, and so ashamed of not knowing any of this, being a 22 year old male, and it bothers me to the core. So someone please help and guide me

    submitted by /u/throwaway006504
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    Should I remove myself as an authorized user with my parents credit card due to their credit card debt?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:44 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm 22 years old and I just recently started building credit since getting my first real job. I got my first credit card about 8 months ago and a second credit card 2 months ago. I was added as an authorized user to my parents credit card a couple months prior to getting my first credit card. Ever since then I have been monitoring my credit via Credit Karma, Discover's FICO score, and Chase Credit Journey.

    However, I've seen some inconsistencies and since I'm an authorized user to my parents credit card, I found that my parents $9,000 credit card debt is bringing me down ~40 points. I was wondering if it worth staying an authorized user to their account, since I only use the card for gas. Is this wise? Should I remove myself as an authorized user in order to maintain my credit score? Or is this unnecessary?

    Some more maybe necessary details: My credit history is only 8 months, vs my parents is about 10 years. I hope to apply for another credit card in the next 3 months for everyday spending. I will also be graduating as an RN next year, so I am preparing for some major financial changes.

    submitted by /u/yungnurse
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    Credit score of 486 and denied a consolidated loan

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 06:00 PM PDT

    How can I pay off my debt collectors to even pay off anything. Should I save up and pay off in settlements or should I just pay little by little of what I can?

    I requested a copy of my credit report so I can really see what's on it and exactly how much I owe.

    Happy note in this depressing time: it went up from January of 60 points.. just not enough to qualify for a personal loan.

    submitted by /u/lastofthespicycheese
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    2007 Toyota Corolla - are car repairs worth it?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 06:39 PM PDT

    I have a 2007 Toyota Corolla. I bought it for $3500 in Dec 2017. I was in a wreck on Monday. Insurance won't cover a thing. At first, the collision repair place said it would cost $2958 to repair. Then they called me back and said the bare minimum repairs cost "a little under $2000". I bought the car with 121k miles. Now it is as 147k miles. It has been a great car, and I would love to keep it if it makes sense to. I need to ask the mechanic if there are any other potential problems they see.

    Money into the car:

    - When I bought the car, the roof was orange with rust. I got the roof, deck lid, and hood painted for $1000.

    - I replaced the serpentine belt for $156

    - I replaced the transmission cable for $444

    (Total money into car = $1000 + $156 + $444 = $1600, including the price of the car, it's $5100)

    My other options are:

    - 2012 Nissan Versa, 68k miles, $3995

    - 2006 Kia Sportage, $4600

    -2009 Mitsubishi Galant, $5600

    What are your thoughts? Is it worth the $2000 in repairs? Or are there most likely underlying issues, especially given the change in repair cost? Thanks in advance.

    EDIT: The most I've been offered for the car if I sell it/give it up is $500.

    submitted by /u/indecisivebtch
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    Paychecks through Zelle

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:51 AM PDT

    Started a job at a local restaurant a few months ago and they use Zelle to pay their employees. I've never seen this before and am confused on the legality of it and what to expect come tax time. They use an app called square to track hours but I've never signed anything and as of my third month there have yet to see a paystub.

    Already looking for another job, but is their anything else I should be doing?

    submitted by /u/American_Bub
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    What is the best free way to check my credit score?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:29 PM PDT

    I am looking into buying a new car but dont think my credit is all that good. But before I gent bent over the table with a high interest rate I would like to get an actual credit report so I know what I am working with.

    What is the best option to check my credit, preferably free but not a deal breaker if I have to pay for it. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/bo0sted2g
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    My car's engine is blown and I owe 9k on the loan

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:17 PM PDT

    So, I found out today that my 2009 Audi A4 engine has a bent valve, the head is screwed, and the block needs replaced. I was estimated 11k for the repair. The car is worth about 4.5k in good condition, which it no longer is. the dealer told me they could give me 1.5k max for it in it's current condition. I still owe 9k on the loan and I'm not sure what to do. The options the presented me were to tack on the negative equity on a newer car loan, but I would have to come up with around 4-5k down to get approved. Otherwise I could just try to finance a new loan without trading in my current car, but then have 2 monthly car payments, which I can't really afford. I thought about a lease, but I drive too much for work to make that a viable option. If anyone has any suggestions as to what I could do... Is there any way I can get out of my car loan, since the car is effectively totaled now? Is there any other route to take that I haven't considered?

    submitted by /u/Eimanatox
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    Traditional IRA, cash deposit ?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:58 PM PDT

    So traditional Ira, you don't pay tax when you put fund and pay tax after when you take money out. Is that mean you can deposit cash as funds that you made off book like tips which didn't pay tax?

    submitted by /u/tofuchocolate
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    I've got $25k in credit card debit and I don't know how I'll ever pay it off. I need advice.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 06:20 PM PDT

    I'm 28 years old with at least $25k of credit card debt and I don't know how much longer I can keep paying it. I recently got married and my wife and her two kids moved in with me so that added some extra expenses onto the mountain of debt I already had. I've got two credit cards (one of which is basically maxed out) as well as a debt consolidation loan through Upstart. I have no idea how I will ever pay this off and I don't think I will be able to stay afloat much longer with all of these bills. I tried making an Excel sheet before to map out all my bills and income but had no idea what I was doing. The stress of this is killing me and it's tough to keep a calm and tough face on in front of my family. Any advice on what to do or if there is someone I should talk to?

    submitted by /u/LemurSkinLoofah
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    Is it worth going $50K into debt for a Master's Degree?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    Here's the deal:

    I just graduated university this year with my Bachelor's degree and have been job searching. While I am currently employed, I am not satisfied. I have been looking at a lot of upper management jobs and such and I've realized a lot of them want a Master's degree.

    So I've been doing some research and to attend for example Schulich @ York University is going to be almost $50K or $20K per term. The problem is the opportunity cost. Is gong $50K into debt a good idea when I have $0 right now other than my car? I've heard that sometimes networking is more effective in landing these top jobs than a Master's degree though having a Master's degree is extremely beneficial.

    What do you guys think? Get a Master's or do not get a Master's?

    submitted by /u/MarineKingPrime_
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    Medical Bill Help - Hospital screwed up, won't fix it. What's my next step?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 04:32 PM PDT

    About 6 months ago I was referred by my physician to the local hospital for a routine test. The center at the hospital requires a pre-authorization with insurance and their policy is to send a letter with the detailed pricing on it. I received a call saying that they authorized my insurance and it would cost me $250 at the time of the test. I arrived, paid the amount and did the test. 2 months later I received a bill for $6k. It turns out that they did not authorize my insurance or they got me mixed up with another patient. I confirmed with them it was their screw up, there never was a quote letter and my file says in it that insurance was pre-authorized. My insurance refuses to cover it stating that it "is not a covered procedure".

    I contested the bill with the hospital. Everyone I spoke with agreed that someone screwed up and that the bill should be modified but they just keep on not doing anything about it. It is like their "dispute" procedure is to do nothing then call back the next week to harass me to pay. The $6k is the full uninsured price I never agreed to. If they had even tried to offer me the insured price I likely would have paid by now. So now it is 4 months after I received the bill, the account is still supposedly in "dispute" but I just received a "final" notice that says it is going to collections.

    I'm not sure what my next steps are. I am ready to hire a lawyer to send a nasty letter but I am not sure what the law is on this or if there is a better way to handle it. I would have been happy to pay something for it a few months ago but since then I hit my out-of-pocket max with the same hospital billing out over $150k.

    What is my best option for escalating this dispute?

    [Edit to add, I am in Texas]

    submitted by /u/thosedarnkids
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    Investing as a teen?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 07:30 PM PDT

    Hey guys, new to the sub so apologies in advance if I'm breaking any rules I glazed over. Anyways I'm 17 and have about $800 saved up. I ended the summer with nearly $2k. I'm pissing through my money because I can't work as much, devoting almost all my time to my robotics team. I was wondering what I should do? I'm thinking I need some sort of budgeting system (I've quickly glossed over some search results and saw YNAB, but does that cost money?) and I want to find some way to steadily grow my money. I was thinking something like Mint or Acorn, but I'm curious to know if anyone has any experience with those or other suggestions? I don't want to look my money up in a CD or anything like that. I have a savings account but that doesn't get me interest because I was originally putting all my money direct deposit in there then transferring money into my checking, but I transferred too often and they took the interest away. I'm not paying any interest on checking or savings, but I'm not making anything. As of right now 40% of my check goes into my checking and the other 60% goes into my savings account. Any other suggestions?


    submitted by /u/benjocaz
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    Options for 100k debt

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 04:40 PM PDT

    I have been approached with a few different options for debt and have been working on paying it off...but some of the payments for my 3rd party student loans are so high. (530 a month 490 of that is interest)

    My debt: 55,000 Discover student loans 35,000 FedLoan Student loans 5000 Chase Credit card 4200 Wells Fargo credit card 1000 Best buy Credit card

    Is consolidation best option for everything besides maybe the Fedloan? (Because the interest is low I believe) Would a company consolidate that high of an amount? My credit is like 620.

    (When I say consolidation what I have in mind is putting them all into one giant loan and paying that)

    I am married and me and my wife work hard but it seems like we arent making any progress. We have been doing the 'debt snowball' which Dave Ramsey talks about and it has been awesome for our smaller debts but with these big credit cards and my discover loans the interest is too high for me to make much noticeable progress.

    Any advice, criticism or (money) haha is very welcome.

    submitted by /u/SulkingPear
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    Maxing out my 401-K

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 08:17 AM PDT

    TLDR: Is it possible to add funds to your 401-K limit after the end of the calendar year?

    I started working late this year as I was a student for the last couple years. My plan was to put as much toward the 401-K in the 5 months of the year that I will be working. It turned out that my company's 401-K plan with T-Rowe Price limits a 30% contribution per paycheck. This means that I will not be able to reach the $19,000 limit this year. Is there a way to retroactively put money toward this limit come January 2020? Essentially, put more than $19,000 next year and count the extra toward the 2019 limit?

    submitted by /u/shewit
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    Should I pay off all my credit card debt at once even though it will totally wipe out my savings?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 11:36 AM PDT

    The past year I've had some car troubles and medical bills that have caused me to eat into some of my savings, as well as stack up about $2,000 in credit card debt. I've never owed that much on a credit card before and I've been wrestling to get it down slowly, but it's been driving me absolutely nuts that I have that debt. I could pay off the whole $2k, but it would wipe out the little savings that I have entirely. Not having anything in savings absolutely kills me, but so does seeing that balance on my credit card.

    Should I just bite the bullet and pay it off? Or pay it down slowly with each paycheck?

    submitted by /u/billy_the_buffalo
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    Dad most likely going to jail, seeking some financial advice about a car loan.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 07:06 PM PDT

    Oh boy, buckle in kids.

    So back story, basically my dad may be going to jail on the 17th after his court date. For a year and a half we kept trying to get him to do stuff while he was under his legal problems, but he was refusing to claiming that it was fine. Now it's looking grim.

    So anyway, I'm looking to put the loan of a car that he has, since there's only 12k left on it, under my name (I make currently 31k a year while working under the state government, my credit score is around 720). However, we only have really one day to do it and that's the 16th since today is the 15th and it's night time where I'm at. I'm wondering if there is a way for my mom and I to go to the bank and be able to put the loan under my name without him- if he was to go to jail. I'm fine with taking over all the payments and more. What paperwork would we need to provide? My mom is not on the loan as she was a housewife and wasn't making an income and thus wasn't able to be on there. However, she can bring their marriage certificate and any other documents as needed. I also have a statement from my boss about how much I make if that would help the bank.

    So to summarize.

    1. Are we able to move the loan, and thus the car, under my name without my dad being present?
    submitted by /u/PensiveReverist
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    I auto-pay my credit cards in FULL every month. My credit score tanked after making a large purchase

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:28 PM PDT

    I have all my credit cards on auto-pay and they are set pay the full balance. Recently, I purchased a large travel package, and that shot up my credit utilization rate. Credit Karma noted my high credit utilization rate, and my credit score dropped about 70 points. I had never missed a payment, and always paid in full.

    Is this normal for utilization alone to impact credit score this much? Credit Karma is telling me to make extra payments on my credit card to improve my score. Should I pay off my card immediately, or is it okay to wait until auto-pay kicks in?

    What will happen to my credit score now?

    submitted by /u/jjhl3
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    Is it possible to transfer a pension payout to an IRA account?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 06:58 PM PDT

    My uncle wanted to withdraw/empty his pension (lump sum) with his company of 30 years. When he started the withdrawal process with Principal Financial, his ex-wife was informed and they started that whole legal process with a judge. The split was determined by the court and my uncle and his wife had to fill out respective paperwork to finalize everything.

    My uncle filed his paperwork promptly, but his ex-wife took her sweet time, but finally turned it in. With all the respective paperwork completed, my uncle thought everything was squared away. However, he was just informed today by the plan administrator at Principal that he missed the cutoff window to receive the lump payout in full. That window won't be reopened until next year, per Principal.

    My question is that is there any kind of workarounds/alternatives available so he can get his full pension payout this year?

    Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/DiceRaw
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    Old Apartment Won’t Let me Pay Back Money...

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 03:53 PM PDT

    Okay, so I moved to Denver about two years ago, got an apartment with my boyfriend at the time, and then we broke things off two months later. Neither of us could afford to/wanted to stay in the apartment after the break up (It was way too far from Downtown where I worked) so we broke the lease. It wasn't the smartest move, and we owed the leasing company a lot of money afterwards which we were paying back. But at the end of August/beginning of September I went to make the payment and I was told that Greystar no longer managed the community and all the files were sent back to the community.

    I called the community, got not answer, left messages that weren't returned, until I finally spoke to someone. She said she was the property manager and had me email her information I could remember, like my old apartment number, my name, how much I owed, what I had been paying, etc. I did that, and heard nothing back from her. I called a few times and left messages and got no answer again. When I did finally hear back from someone they said they hadn't been able to find my file. She emailed me to tell me this, and in the email asked if I had been paying a collections agency, and I told her I hadn't, and named the person who I had been working with at Greystar.

    It's been about a month and a half since I first made contact with them about trying to make payments, and I haven't gotten anywhere. The only information I have is that they cannot find my file, which is frustrating.

    What I want to know is if this is hurting me in anyway. It's not on my credit report, but the amount does show up when I'm trying to rent new apartments and such, and that's frustrating. Will it get sent to collections after a certain amount of time? I know it won't just go away, but if there a time limit to these things, and if they wait long enough could I be off the hook for something? I'm really out of my element here...

    I don't want to just sit around and wait because it doesn't seem like I'm going to get anywhere that way. I'm trying to do my due diligence and pay what I owe, but I'm not getting anywhere. It doesn't seem like they prepared for taking in the task of handing accounts on their own.


    submitted by /u/FlamingoFlamingo23
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    Lost track of a mutual fund (US) back around 1989

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 06:25 PM PDT

    So here's an odd one. I started a mutual fund with auto deduct of $100 per month back when I began university. I opened it with $2500 or $1500 then quit contributing after a few years as school bills mounted.

    Tried to track it down over the years but to no avail. Any tips on finding this errant account, or is too late? Also this was in PA if that matters

    submitted by /u/SleepNowMyThrowaway
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    I know I need to budget but I have a job that I don't work regular hours at. What should I do?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 07:49 PM PDT

    I'm in college and i work part time. Currently saving up to get my truck fixed so I can get a nannying job which is much much better paid.

    Ngl, compared to my friends I get paid pretty well, but I have a shift-based job so I can pick up as many or little shifts as I'd like to. But some weeks people want their shifts off and some weeks they don't, and this means my paycheck varies every time.

    I want to begin budgeting but whenever I look up budget tips it needs my monthly net income but.. I don't have one.

    For reference, my last two paychecks were $230 and $292 respectively. My next one which is coming at the end of this week is going to be ~$320. I know it's not THAT big of a difference but I'm really a perfectionist so I'd appreciate input on this. Or advice from anyone who's run into this issue before.

    submitted by /u/anartis08
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