• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 15, 2019

    Legal Advice Bank refusing to return money stolen by convicted fraudsters

    Legal Advice Bank refusing to return money stolen by convicted fraudsters

    Bank refusing to return money stolen by convicted fraudsters

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:41 AM PDT

    Location: USA

    At the beginning of this year, I had a break-in, in which my ID and checkbook were stolen. I immediately contacted my bank (Bank of America) to put a freeze on the account, and then opened a new account and put all of the money into it. The following day, money started disappearing from the new account. I went straight to the bank and removed all of my remaining money, but money continued disappearing while I was at the bank, the people involved making off with about $3000 by using my ID and going through the drive-through. I took the rest of my money to a different bank, and put in a claim for the stolen funds.

    Bank of America didn't get back to me on my claim until 4-5 months later, at which point they returned some of the money, minus $1000. (At this point, I'd also had issues with bill pay bouncing checks off of all the institutions I had bills set up for, even though my account was both frozen and empty, and then had to deal with bounced-check fees from those merchants.) With the help of a local branch employee, we eventually figured out that the $1000 was a check that the fraudsters had bounced off of my account around the same time all of the other things were going on. (They'd written a check on the account of someone else whose ID and checks had been stolen.) I hadn't been aware of this check, because it hadn't posted to my account until several days after I'd removed all my money from it, and so I hadn't actually lost any money from this at the time. So, I put in a new claim for the remaining $1000.

    Several more months pass, then Bank of America gets back to me with a form letter denying my claim because I was supposed to report the fraud within 60 days of its occurrence and hadn't done so. I have an appointment at the local branch again tomorrow to try to resolve this - though all the local branch people do is put in claims with a department elsewhere.

    In the meanwhile, the fraudsters wound up getting arrested and pleading to some lesser charges with respect to ID thefts against a dozen or so people. The police weren't ever terribly communicative with me and I don't know the details of who did what or what type of evidence they have in my specific case. It almost certainly wouldn't include this check though since I didn't know to report it. I assume the fraudsters have been spending their ill-gotten gains and wouldn't actually ever pay a judgment against them, if I could even prove which one was responsible for the bounced check.

    I am feeling at the end of my rope here. So, Reddit, any advice on this situation? Am I out $1000 because I didn't report the bounced check within 60 days even though I had reported that fraud was occurring on the account and had frozen and emptied the account before the check ever posted? Shouldn't Bank of America have notified me that this activity occurred when my account was frozen and fraud had been reported? What is the best way to go about getting my money back? If I report to an agency, which would be most effective? I've already had to miss a not-insignificant amount of work time meeting with folks at the local bank branch and the better part of a year has passed since the break-in, so I'm more than ready for all of this to finally be over.

    submitted by /u/Merle8888
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    Neighbor cut down our tree

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 10:16 AM PDT

    We just recently moved into a new home. We are in Missouri.

    The house next door was also recently bought by someone and he tore down the previous home and is building a new house. We spoke on Thursday evening and he explained he was planning on taking some trees down with one of them being on the property line and wanted to discuss. I said sure and he said he'd be by sometime in the beginning of next week (this week) so we can talk.

    Yesterday afternoon, I go outside and one of the large 60-70 ft hickory trees between our properties is about to come down. Our survey stakes are still up and I'm looking and it looks like it's at least on the property line if not our tree outright. At this point, the tree comes down but I told the 2 workers there that they needed to stop taking anything else down even remotely near that area. I call the new owner and finally hear from him last evening and decide to meet this morning.

    He comes this morning at 8am and he's just shaking his head. That tree was the one he wanted to discuss with me as he knew it was likely on the property line. The tree cutters yesterday were supposed to be working on the other side of the lot. He admits that this was a mistake as we're both looking at this large stump.

    He plans on getting a survey out here to determine where this tree stump lie. However, I'm pretty sure (and I think he is too), that it's at least partially over the line if not completely making it our tree. I measured based on our survey, and the stump begins 21'10" from our home and the survey shows our property line is 23'4" from our house. 90% of the stump is on our side from what I can tell.

    I don't know even know what's next. The stump is 20 inches wide and this tree is at least 50 years old. It's near the front corner of our home. It's not insignificant.

    How do I even begin to address this issue if it's finally determined it was our tree?

    submitted by /u/ocramzombie
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    It has now been 45 days since we moved out of our rental house and our $4200 security deposit has not been returned. There were no damages and we were told sept we the funds had been transferred and should be cleared that day or the next. The prop manger has been lying about fixing things too

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 07:18 AM PDT

    We have all the documentation for conversations and promises made to us via text and or email. In Virginia I know and in our lease the deadline to return the funds is 45 days. I know we can talk it to small claims and we plan to if that's what we should do. What are the next steps? If we take it to small claims what should we expect to get back? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/mythoughtsnleftfield
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    Stopping this guy from using my driveway

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 02:04 PM PDT

    Every day. Every. Damn. Day. This same guy uses my drive to turn around. And I don't mean like a quick little turn around barley touch the drive way kind of thing. He pulls his whole truck into our driveway like he's gonna come visit. My dog will alert me only when someone is in our drive way, she has a terrifying bark and it causes me to have an anxiety attack every time it happens. So for a month I've been guaranteed an anxiety attack every day. (I want my dog to alert me to someone pulling into my drive has always been helpful up until this dude started this routine)

    We also have a grated driveway that has started showing pretty bad damage from it being used as a turn around and we will most likely have to redo it sooner than later.

    Well I literally had to sit outside my house and catch him turning around to ask him to stop. I was very polite, no swearing, calm voice. Please and thank yous and this dude refused to look at me or say anything while I talked. Then says "Sure" in an extremely rude tone again no eye contact then drove off.

    I figured this wouldn't be the end of it, but for three days he used the neighbor across the streets driveway instead and I was kind surprised he actually did this. WELL he's back to using my driveway. Dog alerted, I panicked and it's once again this dude.

    He not one of my neighbors but his mom is.

    What my next steps?? I have a months worth of footage of him using my drive way and I have it on tape that I asked him to stop..

    (Want to add the occasional turn around doesn't bother me, I understand people get lost and need to turn around, never seen anyone do it like this guy, 99% of people have a lot of decency)

    Edit: Location USA, Michigan.

    submitted by /u/oh-wow-a-throw-away
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    Unable to register my recently purchased car due to invalid VIN number, both dealership and Jeep evading dealing with it.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    Hi Legal Advice,

    I recently purchased a 2015 Jeep Renegade (used) from a dealership in New Jersey (Hudson Chrysler Jeep and Dodge). When I took it in to get VIN inspected for my registration, they told me I would have issues getting it registered because the VIN number is nonconforming. I was able to register it with some difficulty in Colorado, but I unexpectedly had to move to Florida, and the DMV here will not overlook this issue.

    So, I can't register my car, and therefore cannot use it.

    The dealership is evading my questions at all costs. They basically refuse to listen to me when I tell them I cannot register the car in my new state.

    From my own research, I discovered certain models of Jeeps made in 2015 were made with faulty VIN numbers.

    Now, my concern is not just that I can't get the car registered in Florida. A look through a Jeep Renegade forum shows that other Renegade owners have had issues far more serious:

    -Some are unable to get their cars insured

    -Some are unable to finance

    -I am also concerned that I will not be able to sell the car in the future given this issue.

    When I called Jeep, all they did was acknowledge the problem, and sent me a letter that explains the situation. They claim this letter it should help me get the car registered, but it basically just confirms the faulty VIN. They said had sent this letter to all owners when the issue was recognized, but the dealership failed to transfer this information to me, the new owner.

    Do I have any legal recourse here given the fact that the dealership did not disclose this issue, nor was it in my CARFAX reports? Is this covered by Lemon Laws?

    It seems to me unjust that a manufacturer can manufacture a car that has a faulty VIN that prevents owners from registering and insuring their cars and simply send a letter out that simply restates the issue and leaves owners to deal with the nightmare of the problem. More than that, isn't the dealership legally complied to tell me about issues like this? I am very concerned I will be unable to sell the car in the future.

    Thanks for your help.

    submitted by /u/hannahrosaverde
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    Neighbor burning wood and trash in his yard 24 hours a day, landlord and fire marshal unhelpful.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 04:53 AM PDT

    We are in North Carolina, I can be more specific if need be. If this isn't the correct sub please let me know.

    We own our home and our neighbors are renters, their house sits about 20 feet from ours, and they are burning all kinds of things around the clock for days at a time.

    For some quick background, these neighbors already don't like us because when they first moved in they had a dog tied up out back on a 6ft leash who barked and howled constantly for months. We talked to them several times asking them to please make him stop or we would call animal control. They never did anything so we called and that made them mad. This is relevant I promise.

    Jump to present. This man is burning all matter of things from wood to trash for literally 24 hours a day about 15 feet from our bathroom and bedroom windows. Our house reeks of smoke all the time, we're having to wash bedsheets multiple times a week because they smell terrible.

    A couple months ago, after asking him to at please at least put the fire out at night while we're all sleeping, he lit it up and left his house. Got in his car and left for hours with a fire actively burning in his yard. I called the non emergency fire line and they sent a truck out. They noted he wasn't home, put the fire out, and left a notice on his door. They then told us to get photos and video if it happens again and to call for fire and police to come next time.

    That night he got home, saw the notice on the door, and went out back to pour what he claimed was alcohol on it and started piling wood on and lighting it, cussing and screaming the whole time. So we called again and explained the situation. The men that came out said you can't open burn unless it's to provide heat or to cook food.

    After speaking to the neighbor, their tone changed. He told them he was using it to make s'mores, despite us having proof and a written report that he's leaving his burns unattended as well as photos and videos, and the fireman said this was clearly just an old dispute between us that hadn't been settled and he wasn't doing anything wrong so he couldn't do anything about it. He told us it's not considered a nuisance unless we can visibly see smoke inside of our house, the smell doesn't matter.

    So this is where we are. I've been in contact with the landlord again because he has started burning around the clock yet again. He lights it up before 7am and keeps it going all day long, and lets it burn itself out overnight so it smokes horribly. We have to sleep with our bathroom door closed because of their porch light, and the smell when I open the door in the morning to shower about knocks me off my feet.

    I'm now also pregnant, and I don't need to be breathing this in all night and all day in my own house. We have recorded and taken plenty of photos over the last week. I wouldn't care if they were burning for an hour or two in the evenings and actually sitting outside enjoying it and then putting it out when they're done, but that's not the case. It's literally burning and/or smoking 24 hours a day.

    Do we have any more options here? Are we just SOL?

    submitted by /u/seaoats
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    [VT] Landlord converted parking lot to reserved spaces but didn't give me one. What are my options?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 02:04 PM PDT

    I've lived in the building for two years now; but, the building was recently sold to a new owner. The new owner has converted our "first come first serve" parking lot to reserved spaces. Every other apartment has a spot except for mine. When I contacted them two months ago they said they were "working on a solution" but they keep blowing me off when I ask for an update.

    I had just been parking in whatever spot was available but the other tenants have started to threaten to have my car towed from their space. Now I have to park on the street often 3+ blocks away and worry about break-ins or vandalism.

    It specifically says in my lease that parking is available on a first come first serve basis. What are my options?

    submitted by /u/56Giants
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    Can my wedding planner sue over a Google review? (GA)

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    My planner, let's call her Susan, was terrible from the beginning. Long story short, Susan leaves before people even sit to eat due to an argument between her and my bridal party. Her website says that part of her duty as coordinator is to be the last person to leave. My family had to stay and clean the venue because Susan had left to go to her son's football game. Fed up, my Maid of honor and her husband leave reviews on google. Susan texts my MOTHER asking her to contact them to have them taken down. The next day at 11 pm, Susan emails me apologizing that it happened and says she is sending my MOH a letter threatening lawsuit. She told my mother yesterday that she will drop her fee completely and only make me pay for the cost of the flowers, IF I have the reviews removed. I do not have a contract with her, by the way. I want to think she's just trying to scare her. Any advice?

    My MOH's review: "The only reason I gave 1 star instead of 0 is because the flower arrangements were gorgeous. The bridal shop itself is beautiful, wedding event planning/coordinating was a joke. There was a serious lack of communication, she was late to several appts with the bride, no showed a couple of them, hardly participated in the rehearsal, was late to the rehearsal, was told she would arrive at 3p for a 7pm wedding & and she got there at 445p. No communication with the bridesmaids even though the Maid of Honor was officiating the wedding. And to top it off, got an attitude with another bridesmaids after the ceremony over table placement (in which the bridesmaids & their spouses were helping to move because she had no other staff besides 1 girl who stood around the whole time) & proceeded to argue with her after the bridesmaid said ok & walked away. She came back telling her "you need to calm down, this is MY event & you need to let me do my job". The MOH stated she wasn't doing her job very well and no one even knew what was going on, to which she replied "and why do YOU need to know what's going on?" One would think the people IN the actual wedding would need to know what to do & where to go. She stomped off to the brides mother & came back a few minutes later stating "she would just leave" so we could enjoy our night. She proceeded to set up the tables & then left. The brides family and friends had to break down & clean up the reception. She had the nerve to tell the brides mother that she hasn't been paid yet & she could be home with her family instead of here and would not be talked to that way or disrespected. Your whole job as a wedding or event planner is to make your client happy & keep it as stress free as possible, & she failed on every level. The lack of professionalism has left me floored, & it was the talk of the entire wedding. A day that was meant to be focused on the bride and groom ended up being focused on how unprofessional & obnoxious the wedding planner was. Such a disappointment."

    Susan's email (The only part that matters for this): "Unfortunately this email is to bring up a very unfortunate event that occurred. Honestly I am tired of even thinking about it. All I wanted to do was send you a courtesy email about two google reviews that **** and her husband wrote on Saturday. I already spoke with your mother about it. I would like to give you and **** a chance to speak to her about the reviews and ask her to remove them. We have contacted our family's corporate attorney and he is preparing a letter demanding removal or we will take legal action. This is my business and this is very serious."

    submitted by /u/tupelo_allie
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    I signed a legally-binding contract with "Minnie Mouse" because I was mad at being pressured and manipulated. Now the company is holding me to it. Am I liable? (Florida)

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 12:09 PM PDT

    [Update] [CO] Newish used car from dealership, 80 miles in and the brakes failed, they knowingly hid it from me.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 02:13 PM PDT


    Didn't get much traction, but figured I'd update anyways so others having similar issues can have some kind of resolution.

    Turns out you do have to have functioning brakes on a used vehicle you sell, regardless of 'as is'. Along with a lot of other functioning safety equipment.

    CO Rev Stat § 12-6-118 https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/enforcement/filing-complaint-auto-industry-division "(t) (I) Selling to a retail customer a motor vehicle which is not equipped or in proper condition and adjustment as required by part 2 of article 4 of title 42, C.R.S., unless such vehicle is sold as a tow away, not to be driven;"

    Working brakes included, per CO Rev Stat § 42-4-223 Brakes. https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/crs2016-title-42.pdf

    Spoke with a lawyer, who said I didn't need his services unless the dealership just wanted to lose a lot of money. If they won't/can't fix it or buy it back, I need to file a complaint to the state against their dealer license. Turns out there are quite a lot of dealerships that try and pull this crap and get a smack on the tip of their peepee for doing so. You can find that form (for Colorado) here: https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/enforcement/filing-complaint-auto-industry-division

    They will roll over, or face an open and shut case for knowingly violating this law by selling a vehicle with non working brakes. Complete with attorneys fees and treble damages.

    They will be picking it up in an hour and taking it to another dealership.

    submitted by /u/MutedSituation1
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    NJ wifes old company has filed chapter 11 bankruptcy and wont release her old 401k monies

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 06:14 AM PDT

    My wife quit her job in February of 2018. The company she worked for did not deposit all funds owed to her until January of 2019. Now she is trying to transfer the money to a new holdings company and her old employer states that due to the bankruptcy the funds cannot be released currently. They only stated that the funds are currently there and it is not known when they will release them. The last 4 years of her employment were 100% employee contributions and the company would not deposit then in a timely fashion. The last contribution took over a year to be deposited. What options do we have now? Thanks for any help with this matter.

    submitted by /u/drvnmore
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    Who owns a formula?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    I own a handmade soap company. In addition to soap I make all sorts of bath and body products. I also "private label" products for different businesses. (Basically putting a specific retailers logo/company on the label of products that I make. The products are then sold in the various retail shops".)

    One client has decided to leave our arrangement. He is asserting that "This product was made specially for his shop. So if you are no longer making it for us we need to start ourselves. I cannot start until I have a proper recipe". I have developed these formulas on my own. I make additions to base formulas depending on the clients needs. I am not an employee of the retailer.

    Am I in the right maintaining that the formulas are not his property?

    EDIT: I am a NJ LLC

    submitted by /u/Ironic_Symmetry
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    My workers comp doctor has crippled me.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    Last summer (2018) I got injured at work. I was sent to an urgent care by my employer and they determined I sprained my knee. I started physical therapy and thought that after I finished I'd be strong again. However a few appointments in my knee dislocated again, once at pt and another at home. The doctor there sent me to an orthopedic surgeon, who is still my primary physician today. After an evaluation by him I was prescribed around 5 months of physical therapy, going twice a week. Things were going great until after a month or so at this new place my knee dislocated a couple more times. So my surgeon wanted to get an MRI of my knee; this took 1.5 months to get. The MRI concluded that the tendon causing all these dislocations was very stretched out and that I had debris from these dislocations under my kneecap. So after another month and a half surgery was scheduled for early this year.

    The surgery at first was successful. My knee was stable, and would soon be getting strong from PT. However while I was still bedridden my leg had a huge spasm making my lower lose sensation. I called my doctors emergency line and he told me not to worry and that I'm fine. I told my physical therapists on my first visit after and they were concerned and weekly contacted my surgeon about but he either didnt respond or said I'll be fine and to continue what they're doing. I continued with PT even though more unacknowledged problems came to light. The numbness was accompanied by a stabbing pain so severe it's taken me to the ground, whenever I stand, walk, or sit for longer then 5 minutes at a time my leg falls asleep and aches then I get even more stabbing sensation. I told my surgeon this over the phone and in person and he said I couldnt be experiencing that and brushed it off. Even though my physical therapists were writing and calling him over it.

    Fast forward to July when he cleared me for work, making me lose my pay and physical therapy, while I was still in agony most days. For nearly two months I had to do PT at home with no pay and I couldnt work.

    Fast forward to late august when after 8 months of pleading he finally "believed" me. He sent me for multiple tests, an emg, xrays, and an MRI but they came out normal. So another surgery was scheduled to address all my symptoms. The surgery though didnt fix anything, I still have the numbness, the stabbing, a tight knee, everything. SoI cant work and I'm not being paid even though I'm still being treated.

    What lawyer what I see for this? Is this workers comps fault or the surgeon alone? What do I do?

    Edit: I'm in Washington state

    submitted by /u/Montelukast_10mg
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    [IL] Amazon is holding my $500

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 11:43 AM PDT

    I've been an Amazon prime member for a long time but a few weeks ago amazon closed my account due to having too many issues with orders, and as a result of that I lost $500 of giftcard balance I had yet to spend. I dont understand why they are saying I've been having too many issues when I only reported 3 issues this year which totaled to around $250 they refunded me, and I dont think I've had any issues like this in all of my years using Amazon in the past.

    Initially I responded to the email I recieved which said to reply if i wanted to appeal to this decision but 1 day later I recieved the same email back. Since they seemed to only send automated messages I tried contacting their customer service but they stated the same thing that only the account specialist can open my account so they sent them a form. Of course 1 day later I again recieved the same email. The jist of the emails I get from them is that my account will remain closed due to having order issues and as a result I cannot access my unused giftcard balance.

    On top of that I've also contacted the BBB, the Illinois attorney, and I've emailed Jeff Bezos. I havent heard back from Jeff or his team but from the other 2 Ive heard back the same responses yet again.

    So my question is what can I do to get my money back? It seems like amazon wants to keep my money and keep sending me the same automated responses back to me no matter how I get in contact with them so I have no idea what to do.

    submitted by /u/Fortnightkid
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    [NY] Checking myself into the psych ward - what can I do to protect my academics, apartment, etc?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 07:22 PM PDT

    Ithaca, NY to be specific. Tompkins County might have additional laws since Cornell's most notable athletics are hockey and free base gorge jumping.

    I'm going through a mental health crisis. Right now, I'm lucid and not a risk to myself in any way but my lows are starting to become too severe to wait out and I am creating a survival plan for the next time I bottom out. I have the route to the hospital planned, a go-bag with my meds, insurance, and toothbrush in the car. I even know where to park at the hospital.

    My concerns are how this could impact my academics. I'm a TA with waived tuition and a stipend that I live off of. I have no family in the area and no source of income other than being a TA. The stipend is paid out in bi-monthly installments by direct deposit. I want to know if I'm protected to return to my job without losing pay.

    I doubt I'd be kept for long, but if my stay were lengthy, would I have any legal protections to mail my rent late if I mailed it as soon as I am released? If I needed to stay with family (the closest being 4 hrs away), would I be able to terminate my lease for documented medical need?

    This all sucks a lot but if there's anything I can prepare in case shit hits the fan or there are unexpected legal consequences from checking myself into a mental hospital, I'd like to address it while I'm still clear headed and grounded.

    EDIT: More questions! This is a busy time of year for both my students as well as my own classes. When it comes to notifying professors that I may need to miss time, how much will I have to disclose? Would I have to explain or in any way reveal that I was in a mental health center?

    This is the least important, but how will this affect my future? Other than law enforcement, would a stay in a mental institution be accessible on any other kind of background check?

    submitted by /u/VeryVeryTinyBirdShhh
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    Electric company charging me for someone else's bill (>$400 now) [Colorado]

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 08:48 AM PDT


    A large, well-known energy company has been charging me for someone else's bill.

    TL;DR: I keep calling the energy company to cancel my ACH autopay and they keep claiming I didn't and keep charging me for an apartment I moved out of about 4 months ago.

    About 4 months ago, I moved apartments. Like I had many times before when moving apartments, I called them and told them I'm moving and to cancel that address and my new address. I was really glad to move from this apartment because my electric bill was always >$100 even when I felt like my usage was low (e.g. on vacation and no one was there).

    The next month, at my new apartment, I saw that my bill was still very expensive (>$100) but did nothing. Two months later, the month was also around the same when I was on vacation for more than half the month. I checked the account and it had the incorrect address, my old apartment, (shame on me for not noticing sooner).

    I called them and told them that I called to cancel that account over 2 months ago. They claimed I didn't so I just told them to cancel it again and remove my autopay ACH account on file. I asked for a refund on all the money I'd paid for a place I didn't live and had requested to no longer pay for and they said it was something I had to settle with the old apartment complex. They were "nice" enough to waive my new account fees with the new address since apparently that had never been created. We (my boyfriend and I) also owed $300 on that account, not including the late fees that had accrued.

    October was the next month and today I was charged $115. My ACH account should no longer exist anywhere in their systems after I had the support person delete the ACH autopay herself. Unfortunately this is ACH and not a credit card so I feel I am out of luck with marking it as a fraudulent charge.

    What can I do legally about this situation?

    EDIT: What are some ways I can prove I've called them in the future? I have all of the phone call records so I can see when I've called, but I think I need better evidence than that.

    submitted by /u/hammiecat
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    My Mom is Trying to Ruin Me

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 10:37 AM PDT

    I'm in Ohio. My (F,54) mother (F,78) and I bought a house together 15 years ago. It's a long story, but she didn't want to live alone so we moved into a house. We each paid half, her in cash and me in loans. She offered to do some remodeling and I let her because she was the one who wanted to move in. I had had my own house previously and had to sell it to move in with her. We made it so we basically have two separate apartments. We have a survivorship deed. A couple of years ago, I got into serious credit card debt and we refinanced the home to pay off the debt and build a new garage that was literally crumbling to pieces. So I am currently upside down in this mortgage, I make all the payments. My mom has been diagnosed with dementia and can be really mean, not from the dementia, but she's just always been mean. But she's still my mom, you know? I've had some trouble in the past and whenever I asked my older sister for help on something to do with my mom, she just shrugs and says "I was the one that wanted to live with her" meaning it's always my problem. About 8 months ago she was hospitalized because her chest hurt and she got delirium from being in the hospital. There wasn't anything wrong with her chest after all. But the delirium was bad for over a month. I took care of her, missed work, took her to appointments, etc. So about a month ago, my mom is grouching at me telling me what I need to do and I tell her that I have to leave in 10 minutes and she totally went crazy on me, screaming and yelling at me in front of my 12 son. Telling me that she's sick of me not paying attention to her, I'm just like my dad, she never cared for me, all the great things that mothers tell their kids. I keep asking her to leave and she wouldn't. Buy, then I was yelling too. She finally left and my son and I just go about our business and keep away from her. I tell her that I'm not taking her to her next appointment and she needs to stay away from us. We're slightly concerned because she was REALLY mad and she has her concealed carry permit and there have been a couple of times, when we've left at night and she's forgotten about it and when we've come home, she has met us at the door with her pistol. I assume she thought maybe we were bad guys. We've just avoided her the whole month so she would calm down. So this week she sticks a letter under my door that she wants to move out. She wants me to buy her half of the house from her, that I'm already upside down on. She quotes how much she invested, how mean I am, how she's afraid for her safety, her attorney told her to move. She wants me to just give her $15,000 that I have left from refinancing, she has told my sister that I am mentally ill and she is afraid. Yesterday, she knocked on my door because she couldn't get on netflix anymore. Yeah-I removed her from it. She starts telling me again, that she can't live her, she's going to get away from me, etc. AND she mentions my son, who's listening to this exchange, and claims that I am a terrible mother and I say horrible things and treat him terribly. She also is claiming that my house is such a mess that they should take him away. WHAT? I am not mentally ill, I have worked as an RN in the same place for 23 years. I never even yell at my son, he was my miracle baby and I waited forever for him. I have no idea how to protect myself and my son. I can't buy her out, because I am already upside down in mortgage. Do I file for bankruptcy? Can I? Will it affect the $25,000 I have in a 529 plan for my son? What do I do? edit-my sister believes everything my mom says, doesn't believe that she came to the door with a gun, or anything. I've had trouble with my sister. She abused my horribly when we were growing up, physically and sexually, and I only put up with her to not hurt my mom.

    submitted by /u/throwaway4657898534
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    OK - Mom died, Landlord changed the locks

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 05:45 PM PDT

    My mom passed away 2 weeks ago. Her landlord (my step-grandfather) changed the locks on the house. He basically said he won't speak to us until Nov 1. All bills are currently up to date.

    At the moment, this prevents us from collecting her belongings and my sister is the executor of the will. DO we hanve any recourse?

    submitted by /u/Obbers
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    Can my condo board keep me from replacing my countertops [OR]

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 08:32 AM PDT

    I want to replace the countertops in my unit (I am the owner) and my board of directors is requiring approval of the project. Our bylaws state that I need approval for any structural improvement and just need to notify the board for improvements (these are listed in two different sections of the bylaws). This isn't an issue yet as I'm submitting my request for approval this evening, but my board has been nit-picky/vindictive lately so I want to be prepared if they try anything. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/MrGumburcules
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    Construction nextdoor spilling into my parents' yard, what are their rights?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 01:48 PM PDT

    Construction on a mega-church (welcome to Virginia) had been underway nextdoor to my parents' house for some time now. I've been visiting them thr past few days and happened to look outside today to a see the construction crew in our yard, tearing up what I believe is our yard (on our side of the line). Even if what they are tearing up isn't ours, they are stacking the piles of dirt on what is absolutely our property. They never warned or asked my parents for permission to access the property, let alone drive bulldozers over it and dump huge mounds of dirt all over. What are our rights here? Can we tell them to leave, demand compensation for damages? What?

    submitted by /u/entlan104
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    Damages Hearing / Can I Win My Case?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:15 AM PDT

    Edit 2: The state this is occurring in is Indiana to help guide with state specific laws and regulations.
    Edit: I've included some of the pictures at https://imgur.com/a/CwfCjpN if you're curious.

    Backstory*: I lost my job and couldn't make rent. Daily late fees of $10.00 with no limitations accrued quickly. I was evicted. I showed to the hearing and made an agreement to be out by a certain day which I did. My mother attended the final walk-thru due to me starting a job and working. Also during the initial hearing I gave my forwarding address and updated information.*

    I was never served papers for the damages/back rent hearing. I have been tracking my online renter portal and nothing has changed. Then someone told me I could check online about cases yesterday. Come to find out my court date is tomorrow! The landlord doesn't know I have pictures of the apartment after it was cleaned.

    To make things easier I'm going to post both my general outline I'm using tomorrow as well as my witness statement from my mother. Confidential information will be left out.


    1. I was never given notice of this hearing regardless of the fact that the plaintiff was given my forwarding address and updated phone numbers during the eviction hearing on (SAID DATE). I have a signed witness statement from my mother who was also present during this.
    2. I was never given an itemized list of the damages to the apartment prior to this hearing.
    3. I have evidence showing the state of the apartment when I left including photos of the sink and bathtub that was needing professional cleaning according to the plaintiff during the walk-thru. I was working at the time, but also on the signed witness statement my mother can confirm this.
    4. The screen door and blinds were trashed when I moved in. On (SAID DATE) I took photos of the front of the apartment showing they are still in this condition. This is important because they currently have this unit listed online for rent in this condition. They need professional cleaning for soap scum that was already there upon move-in yet they don't fix these issues? It doesn't make sense to me.
    5. I realize (MY STATE) doesn't have express limits on late fees with the exception they can't be unreasonable. I've highlighted the daily late fees that I'm bringing into question. Reasonable late fees are generally 10% of your rent on the higher end. There are two months where the late fees accrued 45% of my rent. One month where it was 20%.

    Witness Statement

    I, (MOTHERS NAME), mother of (MY NAME), state:

    1. I am the defendant's mother.
    2. On (SAID DATE) I attended court with my son. He and the plaintiff were able to come to an agreement without court intervention. During this time, he gave his forwarding address to the plaintiff as well as his updated phone number and my phone number. She wrote the address on the back of a piece of paper.
    3. On (SAID DATE) I was present during the walk-thru with the plaintiff. At no time did she mention anything about a forwarding address if she had misplaced the previous one.
    4. The place in which the apartment was left was cleaner then he moved in. I know this to be factual because I was also there when he moved in. She was pointing out soap scum that existed when he moved in and claimed they were going to need to hire a professional to clean it. I tried cleaning myself prior and it was not coming off.




    So what are my chances? Is there anything I should also prepare for? I've never went before a judge before so I'm trying to make sure I have everything covered. I'll be sure to update once the hearing has finished.

    submitted by /u/zoobylive
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    My potential landlord asked me to pay in bitcoin

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 03:57 PM PDT

    Hi, I already posted this to personalfinance and cryptocurrency, but someone suggested I put this here too. I'm new and confused about this all, but I'm worried now as before I found out it was a scam, the guy asked for pictures of my boyfriend and I's licenses. Can he do anything with those? What should I do? I've learned my lesson though.

    Edit: I live in the US, Pennsylvania.

    submitted by /u/CaramelWaltz
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    Forged signature on beneficiary forms

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:41 AM PDT

    My aunt recently died (my mom's sister). When my uncle went to claim my aunt's life and retirement policies he found out he was not the beneficiary and my mom was. My mom didn't know either. My uncle kept trying to get my mom to sign over her policies to him but she didn't. A couple of days after my uncle found out about this he submitted papers to both the insurance and retirement companies that showed he was the beneficiary not my mom. This causes both companies to hold up the funds since the change in the beneficiary was submitted after my aunt's death.

    My mom got a lawyer to help her that works on a commission. The two parties talked and eventually came to an agreement where my mom would get the life insurance payout and my uncle would get the retirement payout. My mom signed the agreement on the 9th, on the 11th she got a letter from the insurance dated the 7th that the insurance has determined after their own investigation that the beneficiary forms my uncle submitted after my aunt's death were forged by my uncle and that my mom is the rightful beneficiary. Since this notice from the insurance was dated before me mom signed the agreement does this void the agreement? It seems if he forged the insurance beneficiary forms he probably forged the retirement ones also since at the time of my aunt's death my mom was listed as a beneficiary on both policies.

    Also, could my mom let the district attorney know about this fraud and possibly get her lawyer fees as a result of a criminal case/investigation?

    submitted by /u/ikillratz
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    Dealership sold me two Lemons.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 02:12 PM PDT

    Location: United States

    Last November a dealership sold me a car which ended up having a bad motor and trans. They finally offered to take it back and get me into something else. (Ended up being 3x as much but I had to have anything.) Went and picked up the vehicle on Saturday. It's not Tuesday. It was having lots of issues so I took it to a mechanic. They told me it's not safe to drive and the engine is bad.

    What can I do? Do I have an options?

    submitted by /u/ChuckEmUp420
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