• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 26, 2019

    Legal Advice When I was hired I was given a key and told if I lose it I owe $15,000. I lost it. Do I have to pay up?

    Legal Advice When I was hired I was given a key and told if I lose it I owe $15,000. I lost it. Do I have to pay up?

    When I was hired I was given a key and told if I lose it I owe $15,000. I lost it. Do I have to pay up?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:14 AM PDT

    I am located in Michigan.

    Okay so when I was first hired on at my job (6 years ago) I was given a key that had access to some of the internal offices which hold sensitive information. I was told that if I ever lost said key I would owe the company $15,000 to have the entire building rekeyed due to security.

    I have lost this key. (It was attached to my car keys which were hooked to the loop of my pocketbook. I was mugged and the key was stolen along with a lot of other personal belongings.)

    So now my boss and my boss' boss and his boss keep calling me to come in and fill out paperwork to get on a payment plan to repay the "money I owe." I have received letters from their official letterhead and I am informed the next step will be termination and lawsuit. And they have also threatened to start docking my pay.

    I have no intention of paying the fine.

    The catch is that I was told this was the consequence verbally when I was handed the key. My supervisor told me "you will need to sign an agreement at some point but we'll worry about that later." I replied with "to be clear, I will not be paying that if I haven't signed yet. Do you want to keep possession of the key until then?" My supervisor laughed as though I was joking and said it was more convenient for me to just hold on to it and he wouldn't forget to have me sign, he promised.

    Well he never brought it up again and I of course did not either.

    My question is. Can I be legally forced to uphold this on the basis of "verbal contract?" At this point I have not reminded them that I never signed. I have simply ignored them. But I worry we will have to get lawyers involved soon and I'm not sure how to proceed. I will be visiting my lawyer Monday. So hopefully more answers then.

    $15,000 is about 1/3 of my yearly salary. I can not afford this "charge."

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/ohherewegoididit
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    Neighbor used my apartment inappropriately captured on my Nest cam

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:37 AM PDT

    I'm away from my apartment at the moment traveling for 4 weeks. I asked a friend/neighbor if he would watch my apartment for me and water my plants. I have a Nest camera set up in my living room by my TV in plain sight. Last night he brought a woman over to my apartment and had sex on my couch in front of the camera. I was notified this morning of the activity. I'm located in Oakland, CA. My quick research has shown that I'm within my rights to have a Nest camera in plain sight in a room where there is no expectation of privacy like there would be in a locker room etc. Are there any concerns I should be worried about as technically a stranger was filmed having sex without their knowledge in my apartment?

    submitted by /u/kcapulet
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    Roommate has been lying to me for a month. Is very late on rent. And is currently attempting to bail without paying me.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 11:22 PM PDT

    Location: Nevada, US.

    It's a very long story I'd rather not get into detail. But how should I proceed? Basically she has been lying to me over the last month making numerous excuses. Lies after lies. Moving her stuff little by little out of the apartment with BS reasons for doing so. And shes been doing it sneakily behind my back. I'm not dumb so I finally called her out on it recently.

    Fact 1: She hasn't been getting mail here.Fact 2: Has been moving her animals out.Fact 3: Had attempted to hide moving stuff out.Fact 4: We both have living room cameras installed, she had hers well before me. I only installed it recently to know for sure if she was moving stuff out, and she had been doing it under the camera and handing her BF her stuff over the rear porch like I wouldn't notice, instead of using the front door where the camera is pointed. She has also had him sneak around to help her.

    Her excuse is she was moving stuff out of her room into a storage unit so she can have her carpet fixed from the bunny chewing on it. Except this doesn't explain why she moved all her animals out, and stuff out of her bathroom and our kitchen.

    Once November hits, she will have owed around 2500$. Right now it's at 1800$. I was dumb for letting this go on for a longer than it should have. We agreed a while back as long as she made payments before the 15th everything would be fine (rent is due the 1st). I'm a nice guy, very easy going, and she obviously took advantage of that. I know I should go to small claims court and sue, but I'm not positive on how to proceed if she's bailing, and I don't know where she is going.

    I don't think I can afford this on my own, so I may have to break the lease early. Should I sue her for half of the cost of breaking the lease as well? Hopefully someone knows more here. Would really appreciate it thank you. It's just a very shitty situation that has stressed me out.

    submitted by /u/heymikeyp
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    CEO of former employer emailed me to discuss the EEOC claim I filed - should I?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:43 AM PDT

    Is there ANY reason that I should discuss it with him? I've filed the claim and am going for my formal interview next month. I'm sure he's going to try to talk his way out of it, but I am 100% not backing down. (I'm in Texas but I don't think that matters with the EEOC.)

    submitted by /u/peckypirate
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    FedEx Employee Stole My Package

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:36 AM PDT

    Hello, I have a a video of a FedEx employee pretending to deliver my item and leaving with my package. I filed a claim with FedEx and they denied it claiming they delivered it. I told them I had the video and nothing changed. I then went to the police department and filed the theft report. I got in contact with FedEx and they transferred me to their security department.

    I just want to know what I can legally do to get my package back? I have been at this for a week and at this point I losing faith in their systems for complaint/reimbursement. I just want to make sure I take the necessary steps to not lose my package.

    Location: NYC

    submitted by /u/LeastExtreme
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    Living with a registered sex offender, what did he do exactly?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:07 AM PDT

    Hello Reddit, my mom is dating a registered sex offender who now lives with us. He claims that it was a sting operation. At the time he claims to have been talking to many girls on Craigslist dating (this was 9 years ago) and a girl on the site continuously asked him to come over with beer and cigarettes and he would respond with just "no". Shortly after good his phone was tracked and he was arrested. The cops tried to get him with 47 charges and it managed to drop to 4, one of which is possession of child pornography. He claims it was a photo of a tatted teen. My real question is, is it possible to get the case file to see if it's all true? I don't just want to believe him with no proof. And he says he might be able to get it by 2021 but by then I might be long gone.

    Edit: Not sure if it helps but we live in the USA state of California, and everything happened in California

    submitted by /u/GrayRanger-
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    My boss lies to clients about how much of their money she's spending, and has forced us to photoshop invoices. She is also including her family (including her 8 year old) on payroll and none of them do any actual work for the company. Is this legal?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 03:07 PM PDT

    [US - North Carolina] I work for a very small ad agency that was started by and is run by my boss. Our actual working staff consists of her, me, and three other girls (five of us). She is known within our company for being very shady about money, especially when it comes to clients. For example, she once forced our team to photoshop invoices when asked by a client to send them over, as an ex-employee (whom she fired) went to the client and explained that the invoices she had been charging them were greatly over-reported. For example, she was telling clients we spent $9,000 in hard costs on a campaign and would charge them that, when in actuality we only spent $6,000. She then pockets the extra money as profit. She calls this "mark up," but 1) has no set amount she marks up each time (i.e. a set %) - it's totally arbitrary, and 2) she does not disclose to the clients that she will be marking up their spend before signing contracts with them. Seems shady, but I'm still not sure if that's illegal.

    Anyways, something else she does that I'm unsure about is adding her family to pay roll. For instance, she is the CEO of the company, and started it herself. She lists her husband as the CFO of the company, but he doesn't actually work here at all. He's got a completely different job that takes him all over the country, and he is never around. He may visit the office once every few months, but it's always just dropping in to say hello. Now, as the "CFO," I guarantee that he is receiving a very large paycheck, even though he isn't doing anything for the company. Still, I feel like this may be acceptable.

    Here's where I'm really confused: she has her 8 year old son on payroll, and he does nothing. Like doesn't even take out the trash or even visit the office. He's 8, but gets paid as a regular employee.

    All the while, she pays us about 10K less than the local median salary for our job titles and responsibilities. She also tells clients that we are much larger than we actually are (she will literally have our friends come in and sit at desks to create the illusion that we're a bigger agency when clients come over, or tell them that our other coworkers are out of town for a conference), so we end up bringing in more clients than what we can handle. This leads to 12-14 hour work days, no work-life balance, no financial motivation, and when we ask about it, she just says she can't afford to pay us more or hire anyone else. But business is growing... and her pockets are growing... and her kid's pockets are growing, but ours are not. Meanwhile she vacations across country and the world at least twice per month.

    Is this legal?

    TL;DR: My boss is a shade ball who has her husband and 8 year old son on payroll when they do absolutely no work for our company. She also lies to current and prospective clients, and has forced us to photoshop invoices so our clients think she's spent more than what she actually has and she can keep the extra money. Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/hypertonica
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    Snowy employee parking lot at hospital (NY)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 05:43 AM PDT

    Posting for my mother who does not have Reddit.

    We are in New York. My mom is 65 years old. She was treated for breast cancer several years ago and the medication she was given significantly depletes her bone density. She also recently had knee surgery which kept her out of work for 3 months.

    She is an RN at a community hospital who works a 7p-7a shift. She is worried about upcoming winter because when she comes out of work after working overnight; the staff parking lot is not adequately cleared. It's plowed so there's often snow blocking the employees cars in. There's a pathway plowed/cleared TO the parking lot, but the parking lot itself has no salt or sand down. She's often struggling to get to her car and/or get her car out of the spot from the snow that has been piled up behind her car from the plow.

    A security guard makes his rounds in a vehicle to warn employees "its slippery under foot" but doesn't do anything to help.

    What is the employers responsibility to assure employees safety in this situation? Is there anything else that can be done? If she falls and hurts herself in the parking lot would they be responsible?

    submitted by /u/rn-throwaway1
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    HOA massive fine for using county services

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:25 AM PDT

    I'm 18 and interested in law but 0 study or knowledge. Our family received a several hundred dollar fine which we can't pay bc we live paycheck to paycheck. The fine is bc we left a old couch next to our trashcan for a day or so. The couch was there because our country picks up old furniture if you call them to a certain address, which we did before we even put the couch out. Pls ask for more info if I missed anything important. Btw I'm in the eastern us

    submitted by /u/Patzer2
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    Update: New roommate is a heroin/meth user, doesn't know that I know.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    Original Post https://old.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/cwwifn/new_roommate_is_a_methheroin_user_doesnt_know/

    So pretty much soon after I found out about my roommates habits, I found out my parents were going to get a divorce and between everything I had a very bad mental breakdown. I told my roommate on 8/30 that I was moving out by the end of September and they had until 11/1 to find a roommate. On that day they mentioned that they wanted to take control of finding the new roommate. So i let it be and hoped that they would find someone.

    Fast forward to the person they find backs out and then they completely give up on finding someone. So i picked up and started making posts, sending people their way, and even being the main point of communication for this process.

    In the middle of this, on 10/17 after I had removed from the unit, I came by to check out if I had mail and walked into a stranger on the couch with needles everywhere.

    We are now less than a week out and I finally had to tell them that they need to find someone and that I was aware of the drug use including what i witnessed when I stopped by when no one was home, and what I found in the house regarding needles, and meth. They exploded on me and started pointing fingers saying I'm still responsible for my portion of rent and that if I was really concerned why didn't I say anything. And this is all my mess in the first place.

    My question here now is that we never signed anything regarding out lease in the ways that neither of us is responsible for a set amount of the rent. We just are both responsible if rent doesn't get paid. I already threatened to tell the landlord and that I think lit a fire under their ass to get this moving in the way they want. I am just done. I feel like a shitty person and might lose mutual friends who didn't want me to make that move.

    Edit: I did check the lease and if I have evidence of even substances being possessed in the unit its grounds for eviction by resident.

    submitted by /u/dave-the-weed
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    [FL] I'm a freelance writer, writing for a very small website. They're refusing to pay me unless I sign a W2, even though they've paid me before.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:28 AM PDT

    EDIT: My Mistake, it's a W9 form! Question still stands though!

    So here's the situation. I'm a freelance writer, and am not officially considered an "employee" of the website in question or any other website. I have not been told to sign any sort of official employment forms in the past. I've been writing for this specific website for... I wanna say 3 or 4 months now, and up until now, there had been no major issues with payment.

    I pitch an article, they approve it, I write the article and submit it, they approve the final article, and then twice a month I get paid (via Paypal) for each article I submitted during that period. Keep in mind that I get paid very little money for these articles, and due to the fact that the site is still very small and relatively unknown, they don't approve very many articles. In the 3 or 4 months I've been submitting articles to this website, I've made less than $1,000, so only a couple hundred dollars a month on average. I'm not even making minimum-wage-part-time money here.

    Putting aside any of the other problems I have with this site (like bad editors and slow communication), things have been mostly okay up until recently. However, earlier this month (after the first payday of the month) I received an email from the person I submit the articles to, telling me that they need all writers to sign a W9 going forward if they want to get paid.

    However, as I said, I've been getting paid with no issues for months now, and this subject had never been brought up before. I'm not an official employee - I'm a freelancer, and can write for whatever website or other publication that I want. As I understand, a W9 is used for handling tax information for employees of a company, but from what I've been told by other people (who are admittedly not legal experts), as a freelancer who is making so little money, I should not have to sign a W9 for this website.

    After the previous payday from this month (which I got paid for with no issues), I had submitted an article. This article was submitted to my editor before I received the email about the request for the W9. We had already agreed upon a price for my article, and all that was left was for the editor to approve the article and payday to come around. However, the editor is always immensely slow about replying and sometimes it can take 3 or 4 days before I hear back about a pitch or article being approved. So between the time that I submitted the article, and the time that it was approved, I received the email about the request for a W9.

    I inquired with my editor about all of these issues, and the responses have basically just been "You have to sign the W9 going forward". However, I outright asked my editor if I would still get paid for the article I already submitted before this change went into effect, and he said there would be no problems.

    Well, payday was yesterday, and according to my Paypal account, they did not pay me for the last article I submitted. I sent my editor an email asking why I was not paid, as he said I would still get paid for this, but I have not yet received a response.

    Can anyone tell me what I should do here? Am I really required to sign this W9 as a freelancer who makes so little money from this website? Do they have to pay me or not?

    submitted by /u/throwaway98372202
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    My grandpa is stuck in a psych unit in another state and we can't get him home

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:46 AM PDT

    Location: We live in Florida, but this is happening in Ohio.

    Ok so I apologize in advance because I may not have every single detail because I received all of this information secondhand from my aunt who received it from my grandmother, who is understandably under a ton of stress. But the story is this:

    My grandma and grandpa drove to Ohio last month to visit her sister. While driving up, they were in a minor car accident in which my grandpa drove off the road and hit the curb/guardrail. After being in Ohio for a while, they started to notice that he was acting very weird and confused, so they took him to the hospital. At the ER it was discovered that he had a pretty extensive brain bleed; the doctors are not sure if the bleed is a stroke and the stroke caused the accident, or if the bleed is from trauma from the accident. Kind of like a weird chicken/egg situation. He was admitted to the hospital for treatment and during the course of his hospital stay, he got more and more confused and delirious. Eventually they decided to admit him to their inpatient psych ward and here's where the trouble really starts.

    He did not want to go and my grandmother didn't think it was necessary, at that point she just wanted to take him home (to FL) to receive care there. However, the hospital would not let her and said that because they had no legal POA or healthcare representative on file, she was not allowed to make any healthcare decisions for him. They told them my grandfather had to admit himself to the unit and sign paperwork to admit to the unit and if he didn't they would go to court to get him deemed incompetent and admit him anyways. So he did sign himself into the unit. Now they are keeping him until he "gets better" but the place is apparently terrible and he's only getting worse and worse. During the day, he's lucid but very depressed (he feels like he's in the 'looney bin') and at night he sundowns and becomes extremely confused and wanders the unit all night long. They won't let my grandfather sign a POA while he's in the unit because he's under psych observation and heavily sedated. They won't let my grandmother take him out. So he's just stuck there indefinitely until he magically gets better. At NO POINT was he deemed a danger to himself or others, so I have no idea why he's under such lock and key.

    I am under no delusion that he's perfectly normal. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if he did in fact have some Alzheimer's starting. I DO think that the hospital is not helping any confusion he may be having though. However, we just want him discharged so we can get him home to Florida and treated by doctors who know him and with family nearby. I don't understand why their marriage was not sufficient enough to allow her to make decisions for him. Do we have any options to get him out of there and back to Florida? Am I just being paranoid or does this seem like a really sketchy situation? What would happen to him if we can't get him out and he is deemed incompetent? I am heavily pregnant and so I cannot travel up there to be with them and so I am feeling so stressed and upset at the situation and feel completely helpless.

    submitted by /u/Hazelnutcookie
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    [Virginia] Landlord and Realtor making us clean and stage house, and leave for showings daily.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:40 AM PDT

    So we're nearing the end of our lease, (ends 30 Nov) and the owner wants to sell the house. So we agreed to clean the place up for pictures on the listing and the keep it tidy for a few showings, they also "ask that we aren't there during the showing" which is unsettling because I use a lot of expensive equipment and computers for work and it's annoying to have to worry about it while I'm not there and someone has a key.

    Since the 12th of October they've had 1-2 hour long showings almost everyday and they want the house to look immaculate, which it stays pretty tidy but not like picture perfect. To make things worse, the notifications are getting shorter and shorter, in fact I'm writing this now at 12:30 because I was just notified of a showing at 2:45, I'm at work and my fiancé left town to run some errands in DC. So instead of us knowing last night to plan accordingly, like her being able to tidy the place up and then leave rather than leaving and coming back to clean before the showing.

    From my understanding we don't technically "have to leave" but I'm worried about the owner either taking it out on us via our security deposit because we didn't clean properly with two hours notice or if I were to speak up and tell her what we need. What can I do?

    Thanks in advance for the help.

    submitted by /u/TheTidBits
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    I have a restraining order against my neighbor. Can she be evicted? (California)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:44 PM PDT

    I actually have a few questions (Sorry this is long)

    Basically my downstairs neighbor has harrased me since the moment I moved in there. A week after I moved, she started hitting the ceiling (my floor). I was so confused because I had just put my baby to bed and I was just walking in the kitchen. I went to talk to her and she eventually apologized and said she has issues with noise ( she sleeps in the living room because she can't deal with the nextdoor neighbors). I tried to be nice and respectful to her (the apartment is carpet) and tried to avoid making noise out of respect. But any time a noise would come from us, she would hit the ceiling. It was at a point where she started scaring my son. My son is usually asleep by 7 or earlier but one night some loud noise woke both of usup. We went to go drink water and since she sleeps in the living room, we woke up (this was not intentional). She got so mad she started yelling at us from the balcony and slamming things. She was doing this so loudly she woke up her other neighbors who complained. Well I guess she was so pissed off that a few days later in the day when I was with my son, she started slamming things and hitting the ceiling. I told the manager and before the manager could stop her, she came with her daughter to my apartment to call me a bitch and other names. It was so bad that the next door neighbor came out and told her to stop but she yelled at him. I opened the door because I wanted to record it to show management. I did have my pepper spray in case they got out of line which they did. A fight ensued. When the police got here they considered it mutal battery so no one was arrested. (Even though I recorded when they came to my apartment and started yelling at me to open the door). I went and filled a restraing order which was granted. Now I thought with the restraining order she would calm down. I didn't even want to pursue anything anymore I just wanted her to leave us alone. And she did... For about a month. Then she started again. I tried to ignore it or make up excuses like..." Maybe she saw a bug " or maybe its somebody else. But the other day they fixed my kitchen and when I started moving things back she started hitting the floor again. There was no denying it was her. She scared my kid. I have had enough.

    I called the police who made a report. There is an officer who I am talking with who told me he sent it to the DA. So there are a few things that concern me.

    Number one: The restraining order has the wrong last name and no address. I had filed it under the wrong last name but she responded with "sued herein" and she appeared in court. I told the clerk and she just wrote the last name in pen and wrote her initials. I talked to a clerk who said I needed to go to the Dept itself. Should I be concerned?

    Also I didn't know I had to give the restraining order to the police dept. Once I get it fixed I plan on giving it to them, but I am worried that might affect me too.

    Finally I plan on going to the apartment company about this. The manager doesn't seem to want to get involved. I don't have an issue with her I just don't think she wants to handle this. Can she get evicted over this?

    Can she get arrested? What chance is there that something will happen from the new police report?

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/Cvm1120
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    Leash Laws in Richmond, VA in non-HOA neighborhood

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:36 AM PDT

    I have a 5-month-old Shiba Inu puppy who I walk in my neighborhood twice a day. There's an older couple who also live in my neighborhood who own an adult Standard Poodle and have apparently the same general walking schedule as us because they're always out at the same time. The husband always rides this three-wheeled bike thing to walk his dog, and it's NEVER on a leash. When the wife walks the dog, she rides a motorized mobility scooter and the dog is on a leash and harness.

    Every single time that we encounter this poodle and the husband walking it, the poodle runs up to my puppy and gets in her face. The guy always calls it back, but sometimes it takes a few times before the poodle actually returns to the owner and keeps walking. My pup is super friendly, and the poodle doesn't seem aggressive, but it's clearly not under complete control of its owner. Just because my dog is friendly doesn't mean that every dog in the neighborhood is and if this big poodle ran up to a not-so-friendly dog I feel like it could cause a dog fight and someone could get really hurt.

    My neighborhood doesn't have an HOA. Is this something I should report and if so, who would be the authority to go to in a non-HOA neighborhood? I don't know the couples names but I know where they live. This seems like an awfully trivial matter for the police so I'm not sure where to go.

    submitted by /u/befuddledghostie
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    Mysterious "Reimbursement Fee" From Former Apartment Management Company

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:39 AM PDT

    I'm a resident of New York State.

    My lease for my old apartment ended back in July. Moved to a new place, payed off utilities with the utility company. About a week after I moved out, I received an email from the management company that owns my former apartment complex. The email stated that I owed $103 in utility "reimbursement fees." Nothing on my lease says anything about reimbursement fees. The only fees mentioned are the usual destruction of property fees or cutting the lease early, standard fare type stuff.

    Since that day, I've contacted the company multiple times asking if they could explain what I'm reimbursing them for. Each time, they've told me "I'm not sure. We'll look into this and call you back when we have more information." Then I never hear from them again. Additionally, they've called me every month on top of that, asking if I want to pay the reimbursement fee, and I tell them I would like to know what the fee is actually for and what I'm reimbursing them for before I pay it. Each time, the same answer: "I don't know. I'll make a note on your account and we'll call you back when we figure it out."

    Now they're threatening to hand me over to a collection agency. They still haven't explained the fee, and they just shrug their shoulders when I ask about it.

    Short of "lawyering up," what tools are available to me to get this settled? Is there any kind of state agency I can contact, or any advocacy group? I don't know my options here, but I'm started to get mildly frustrated by this affair.

    submitted by /u/SomethingSomethingZ
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    Consignment shop "lost" several pieces of large furniture, magically "found" it all the day is was clearanced to 90% off and purchased by an employee. Minnesota, USA.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:17 PM PDT

    Several months ago my parents moved unexpectedly on very short notice, and took most of their furniture to a local consignment store with a large furniture department. They have a clearance schedule where after a specific amount of time items are clearanced, then after another period of time clearanced again, etc.

    They took a lot of nice, quality items including nice beds, leather living room furniture set, leather sectional, hand-built dining table and a number of other pieces handmade locally by a well-known furniture maker in the area.

    I helped my parents to move everything there and we received a receipt of everything taken, the amount it was priced at and also took our own pictures of the condition of each item right in their intake area.

    Over the next several months my parents have called for updates and a lot of the cheap small items sold, but none of the big items did, but we figured that was the risk taken by consigning something - some things just might not sell. However, a couple of weeks ago we were approached by the granddaughter of the local guy who made much of the furniture my parents owned. Her mom read on Facebook that my parents moved and she wanted to know if they were selling any of the furniture her grandfather made as she is purchasing a home and wanted to furnish it with his items if she could (he died recently).

    So, I went to town to meet her at the store and point out the specific pieces my parents had consigned there that we knew he had made. We were not able to find a single item belongings to my parents on the sales floor even though my parents had been told over and over on the phone that none of the bigger items had sold. We talked to several employees, showed them pictures of the items (taken in their own intake room) and eventually a manager told us she believed that our items had been purchased, but the computer system hadn't updated yet. She claimed that the system updates several days behind because it is done manually. She said to call back in a few days and my parents could be mailed a check of the proceeds. Great .

    A week later no luck, I went back to talk to them again. Several employees again looked at the pictures, looked at the intake and store room (but would not let me look for myself, which I kind of understand but am now suspicious of) and said they found nothing. The manager I spoke to previously wasn't in at the time, they said she'd call me. During this time the friend of the family whose grandfather made the furniture began going to the store daily looking for the items and asking about them. She was told every day that they didn't know where the items were and they were "misplaced" but we'd be notified if they were found. Meanwhile I called the manager constantly for updates without luck.

    Then magically one day our friend walked in to find almost all of the furniture piled up in the loading area. She texted me and went to a store employee to ask about prices because the items were not marked. The store employee told her that if the price tags were not on the items, that meant they had already been purchased and were just waiting to be picked up. She said she didn't see any "sold" signs on them (which were visible on other items in that area) and the employee said that the items were actually purchased by another employee at the store, so they probably just didn't bother to do the sold signs.

    However, now my parents are told that the items had hit their date to be clearanced to 90% off. They were purchased for only 10% of the price the store originally priced them at. We have a receipt from the store showing that the items were priced at over $8,000 initially, and they were purchased for a little over $700.

    Our friend visited the store after 5PM the day prior to this happening, and the items were not there. She showed up the next morning right when they opened at 9AM, and the items were there but already sold. So at most they were only on the sales floor for a couple of hours before being sold for that measly amount. Coincidentally the day they were "found" was the exact day they were clearanced to 90%.

    Since we are talking about large furniture here, we don't buy the "misplaced" idea and believe at this point that an employee of the store intentionally withheld them as "lost" until the 90% date so they could purchase them at a steep discount. I know it probably sounds nuts, but they had a patron actively coming in daily looking for these items, so if they were really trying to sell them to customers and they were in the store room all along - you get the idea.

    The contract my parents signed is detailed about the clearance dates, but of course doesn't cover this specific scenario where items are "misplaced." Meanwhile our friend had been willing to purchase all the wood items at the price the store had given initially.

    Sorry for such a long post - do we have any recourse?

    submitted by /u/lostconsignor
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    DA keeps calling for another testimony. Only witness was a camera.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:24 AM PDT

    Background below:

    JimmyFiveFingers and an unnamed accomplice stole jewelry and other valuables from the house. We weren't home and BrandName camera was the only Witness to breaking and entering. The camera does not catch the actual theft but you can hear them saying things like "grab that too". My wife came home, noticed the front door was open, and called the police. After they showed up we handed over the video footage and later a copy of our insurance claim. Local news even interviewed my wife then put Jimmy on the TV. Apparently he was a prime suspect in several other burglaries. Police put out the APB when he wasn't at his stated address and a few months later they found him. My wife appeared before the Grand Jury, stating her facts, and he was indicted based on the video evidence and police testimony.

    Fast forward over 3 years and he's still in Riker's. Queens County DA says Jimmy won't give up his friend and refuses to appear or provide any testimony.

    The DA keeps calling for my wife to meet again in advance of trial testimony. Date was on the calendar but now he asked that it be postponed again. It's been going around like this for a few months. My wife just wants to tell the DA to forget it and stop calling. Isn't the prior testimony and insurance filing all we need to provide? Are we being useful really at all?

    Regardless of which way you lean legally or morally, we appreciate your counsel in this matter.

    Edit + tldr; Thanks to everyone for their responses. We really had no idea that criminal cases still rely on witnesses/victims to a heavy extent, even in the case where crimes caught on video are the only real evidence.

    submitted by /u/thewateroflife
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    Will a restraining order against me actuall affect life at all?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:01 AM PDT

    Some context:

    Ex-girlfriend I couldn't care less about wants to mess with me and filed a restraining order.

    I have no way to ever see or communicate with her again, nor a desire to.

    I will not be in communication or association with literally anyone associated with her.

    I just got a new job and I am hired.

    Can I just get the order and move on with my life? or is there going to be an issue down the road?

    Also, what happens if she files a false claim that I did contact her?


    submitted by /u/longswordsuperfuck
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    Landlord is trying to prohibit access to the building where I live at certain times.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:10 AM PDT

    I live in the City of Milwaukee in the State of Wisconsin and I have not been able to get steady advice about possible resolutions to this problem from the Department of Neighborhood Services or the university legal clinic. I live in a three unit apartment building where the landlord lives on the first floor, a young couple live on the second floor and I live on the third floor.

    Recently, notes have begun appearing on the back door, which is used as an entrance for myself and the downstairs neighbors, but not the landlord who enters through the front. The first note stated that we can leave nobody alone in our apartments which is probably illegal but didn't effect me directly. However another, more concerning not appeared, stating that on week days starting at 9 AM until 4:30 PM the back door entrance, which is my only way to access my apartment, will be locked from the inside. I spoke to the landlord to confirm what this meant and he stated that, yes, for his personal security, nobody will be going through that door between 9 AM and 4:30 PM, even us and we will not be able to access our apartments at this time. The landlord is deeply paranoid and also hates the young woman that lives on the second floor and does not recognize that she lives there. He really wants them gone and has posted termination of residency notices on their door for March 1. I feel like I'm getting caught in the center of the disagreements taking place between them and that my ability to operate on a day to day basis will be effected in a negative manner.

    This is illegal right? Some days I work a regular 8-5 shift but others I come home in the middle of the day to collect materials for my second job or I just work from home or the coffee shop down the street and would like to be able to get in to my house in the middle of the day. Please provide guidance on how I can go about resolving this. DNS is still processing my complaint request and the university legal clinic stated that since I live month to month and not on a regular 12 month lease, the landlord pretty much has full control over the stipulations of our residence.

    submitted by /u/jahalmighty
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    My bf's parents had a drunk driver total both of their cars, advice?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:05 PM PDT

    So a drunk driver barrelled through their neighborhood, hit two cars, drove through their neighbors lawn, and then hit the first car into the second car in their driveway. If the cars weren't there the driver would have driven into their house and killed one of them. It was the middle of the night. They had to use the jaws of life to get the driver out, he was a middle aged idiot. And the asshole tried to start his car again when the cops were talking to him. They are worried they won't get enough to cover fixing their lawn and two cars, how do we get justice from this asshole? In the state VA TLDR: Drunk driver totalled two cars, how could we make him pay for both cars and damages?

    submitted by /u/BaDumRissa
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    Son stole a rather expensive item from a store, how to go about returning it (Oregon, US)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:29 PM PDT

    Precursor: For context, my son is 5 years old. Although I'm aware that there really isn't an excuse for stealing at an age where he is capable of being aware of the concept, given the circumstances of this incident I feel that he made an honest mistake.

    So, about a week ago my husband was in a sort of hobby/antique/curios store with our 2 children. My son loves this store, and is normally really well-behaved in public. He knows that he isn't allowed to touch anything without asking permission and we've never had a problem in the past (until this most recent visit). While my husband wasn't looking he had pocketed a small object that had caught his eye.

    The entire week since this happened he has been acting strange. We thought something had happened in school, but he insisted everything is okay. Finally, last night my husband and I sat him down and got it out of him. He told us that he had picked up the toy, was worried he would get in trouble for touching something without asking, and instead of putting it back he put it in his pocket before his dad noticed.

    We look up the value of the item and it turns out to be worth quite a bit, eBay ranges from $800-$1200. I am aware this is not a small amount, potentially a felony in Oregon.

    We want to know how to go about returning this item/reimbursing the owner for this. I personally want to return to the store with my son and confront the owner with him there, explain the situation, and hope for the best. My husband thinks this is ridiculous. He thinks that the owner will think we used our son to steal and will call the police. He wants to mail the item back to the owner and include $100 for their trouble.

    Either way, should we consult a lawyer?

    PS We are working on addressing why our son felt he needed to steal to avoid getting in trouble, don't worry we don't beat our kids or scream at them. We're honestly confused because our response to him touching things at stores has always been "please don't do that" in a stern voice.

    EDIT: So my husband talked to the lawyer that we used for a separate matter a while ago. He was kind enough to chat with him for a few minutes for no fee. He advised us to just take it back to the store, be ready to write a check for any damage to the item, and to call him if things weren't going well with the store owner. This morning we went back to the store with our son and honestly things could not have gone better. He apologized to the store owner and they talked about how stealing affects small business owners. The owner was incredibly gracious and he refused to take our money that we offered to make up for any inconvenience and insisted we donate the amount to a charity. After leaving the store we went to a local charity and had our son explain to them why we were making a donation.

    Also to the few people who have messaged me telling me I'm raising a thief...fuck the fuck off. Kids make mistakes, and this is how they learn. When our kids make a mistake we want to react rationally, correct the behavior and we will continue to reinforce the lessons over time. I'm not going to "take all of his toys away for at least a month", overreacting is how to ensure your kids won't come to you when they're in trouble. He has lost privileges and they will be earned back as he continues to demonstrate appropriate behavior.

    Thanks to those who did reply, hopefully this thread can be referenced if anybody else is in a similar situation.

    submitted by /u/EasyExternal
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    Left my card at a bar, they charged $70 on a $4 tab

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 03:34 PM PDT

    I was out at bar with some friends last night (in SC) but felt sick and and called a ride home before closing out my $4 tab. When I stopped by to collect my debit card this morning I saw that they charged me $70. I'd understand if they wrote themselves a reasonable tip and a bit extra for watching the card, but $70 on a $4 tab is insane. I didn't get sick in the bar or do anything notable that would justify some sort of fee.

    They don't have a sign up saying charge $66 dollars for cards left over night, so is there any way I can get my money back if they don't agree to cancel or reduce the charge to an acceptable amount?

    submitted by /u/Hilde_In_The_Hot_Box
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