• Breaking News

    Monday, October 21, 2019

    Legal Advice [UPDATE] Restaurant owners took 22% of my tip last night.

    Legal Advice [UPDATE] Restaurant owners took 22% of my tip last night.

    [UPDATE] Restaurant owners took 22% of my tip last night.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 11:40 AM PDT

    Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/dkjyxk/restaurant_owners_took_24_of_my_tip_last_night/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    Called the labor board today. Turns out it was all legal. The gratuity was an included and required charge. In Maryland they're allowed to take as much of it as they want in this case, as long as I still make minimum wage, hourly + tip. Which I did.

    I guess I'll be jumping ship soon anyways. The place is falling apart and the owners can't figure anything out. If any employee in any department left right now it'd be disastrous for the restaurant. I already know that at least two other vital employees are planning to quit pretty soon as well because of how undervalued we all are. The owners have zero grasp of the concept of morale and how much it affects your business and the loyalty of your employees. I'll be happy to leave this place behind me and watch it crumble shortly thereafter.

    The new place I started at a few months ago has been a completely different experience for me. I feel overwhelmingly valued, management is committed to supporting their staff, and the business is off the charts. I'm doing well.

    Thanks all for the support.

    submitted by /u/Buzz_Laxyear
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    Banned from public unuversity due to false allegations without hearing my side. Banned lifted three weeks after person reda ted all charges and admitted to lying. USA, Washington

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 07:03 PM PDT

    Edit: title should say "redacted". Sorry for the spelling errors. I didn't spell check before posting.

    Edit2: It was a female. It is a title ix investigation I did speak to a lawyer for 30 minutes who said I didn't have much to fight for. The "online" courses were not online. It meant my normal classes that were lecture based could provide me info vis email. It wasn't a set up online course and 4 of my 5 professors didn't have any way to provide online lecture info. And even so, only one class provided me resources. The dean did not provide any info even after emails from me asking for it.

    I was banned from campus following allegations against me. I was accused of sexual misconduct and assault charges. The allegations not only never happened but I have never even met this person for longer than 5 minutes at a party.

    I was brought into the Dean's office with officers in the room who showed me the charges. I told them I had no idea what they were coming from and I barely know this person. They still issued a no trespassing issue until "further investigation".

    I was not given any chance to take classes or reach out to any professors. I am a senior and about to graduate. They reached out to me with an option to take classes online for classes with lecture only curriculum. They only gave me info for one class. Then a week later they lifted my no contact ban based on new info. And another week later they entirely lifted my ban due to the person saying they completely lied and the allegations we're not true. Despite this I am still "under investigation".

    I missed too much class to reasonably still complete. Three full weeks of missed senior level classes. I had to drop out due to this condition.

    I was also let go at my prestigious internship because they only hire full time students.

    Because of this I have no school and no job.

    The university refused any refund to me upon request and their response was "the actions were necessary due to the severity of the accusation" despite never hearing my side.

    Do I have any rights whatsoever??? I'm out a job. Thousands of dollars and school.

    submitted by /u/ThrowRAlegal
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    Entered the home I’m renting through a window.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 07:59 AM PDT

    I live in a guest house on a estate. The residents of the estate are my landlords. I locked my keys in the house. I texted them asking if anyone was home and if I could use their key. They said they were not. I went to the back of my vehicle and took out a tire repair kit. I used it to jimmy a half moon latch on one of the loose windows. I then texted them and let them know. No damage was done but I offered to pay for any and/or fix it myself. The wife had just left to come save me and I saw the text upon returning to my car after getting the window open.

    Today the land lord wants to see the latch. I show him. He agrees no damage. On the way out he says this was a breakage of trust and raises his voice when I ask for clarification. He is upset because I broke into his home (the one I rent) and equates it to me breaking into his car. The confrontation ended when I pointed out he wasn't going to yell at me and he halfway apologized.

    Nothing in my lease specifically about having to enter through the door. I logged the whole thing in my notes and took screenshots for a time stamp. Anything else I should do to cover my ass?

    edit: Georgia, in case there is some state law about fat guys not climbing through windows.

    submitted by /u/Great_Bacca
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    Dismissed from College after suicide attempt

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 12:36 AM PDT

    A friend of mine tried taking her life last month at our college. It's a college in New York. Realizing she didn't want to go through with it, she contacted a friend who took her to the hospital where she stayed inpatient for about a week or two. After being released she returned to school and saw a counselor on campus who cleared her and told her that she was well enough to return to classes, but advised her to speak to the Dean so that her missed classes would be excused which she did. Three weeks pass by of her going to class and living in the dorm before she's told by the Dean that she can't live on campus, isn't allowed in or around any residential buildings on campus, and gives her three days to move off campus with no warning. My friend appealed the decision giving evidence that she'd be seeing a therapist regularly, was given a proper diagnosis and medication to treat her illness while hospitalized, and created a plan with her therapist to demonstrate the follow through for her treatment that would take place for a sufficient period of time. The appeal was turned down and the Dean gave her no reason or explanation as to why aside that she had to leave.

    She cannot commute to campus so she no longer can attend the college. Is this legal? Especially if she was cleared by a mental health professional who said that she was stable and okay to return to the college?

    submitted by /u/yeahmason
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    [CO] Mortgage got transferred, the company forgot all prior payment info and is now sending debt collection threats

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 09:31 AM PDT

    I just bought a new house and took out a mortgage a little over 2 months ago. My mortgage appears to be shuffling departments around, as evidenced by three different loan numbers on my last three billing statements. On the second shuffle, it would appear that they have forgotten about the payments I've made, and are now claiming I am late on 2 payments. I have the receipts to prove payments, and I've been emailing, faxing, and calling over the last few days to try to get this fixed, but I haven't gotten any positive feedback. It's the typical, not our fault, it's the other department's fault.

    I would like to speak with a lawyer just in case things start going south - they're threatening late fees, foreclosure, negative marks on my credit, etc., but I've never had to deal with anything like this. What kind of lawyer would be appropriate? Anything else I should consider?

    submitted by /u/ClassicPlankton
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    I’m one person with two first names and two blissfully unaware governments. Is this legal?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 03:47 AM PDT

    I was born in the UAE as a Muslim, and currently live in Bahrain. My parents (British mother, Bahraini father) agreed to give me a name that was neither Muslim nor Christian, but the Arab government worker who was filling out my birth certificate said that he couldn't do it because of my religion. So my parents decided to put the original name on my British birth certificate, and a different, Muslim name (which I now hate) on the Bahraini one.

    As a result, I have two passports with two different names, and my parents occasionally lie about my nationality so nobody asks any questions.

    Am I good? Do I have to change my name? Is it even legal to change my name to something non-Muslim in Bahrain? What do I do?

    submitted by /u/PepperandPineapple
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    Should I get a lawyer? Charged for D.U.I but i was not driving (California)

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 08:43 AM PDT

    My girl and I got into a very minor incident, lightly swiping the side of another vehicle while trying to change lanes. We both pull over and I get out of the passenger side to make sure everything was ok and to take pictures of the damage. The people in the other vehicle decide to call the cops and when they show, arrest my girl and I both for D.U.I. My court date is coming in a couple weeks and I'm not sure if I should try to hire a lawyer or will I be ok without one.. I was intoxicated but I NEVER drove. I also left the police station with 2 black eyes and a huge lump on my eyebrow from my face being slammed on the ground. I am aware that in CA you can't be charged for a D.U.I as a passenger but I'm still not sure if I should get a lawyer or if I will be ok going to my court date alone.. any help is greatly appreciated thank you!

    submitted by /u/dougdoc
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    My father passed away - his money is tearing the family apart (Ireland)

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 07:59 AM PDT

    My father passed away just over 6 months ago and there is some legal discrepancies on the money he left behind. His job had a death benefit and my father was vague on the details but he said "I would be looked after".

    He had 5 children, from two different relationships, and the second oldest 'John' is now in control of the assets as he said he was 'executor' and that I was entitled to €10'000. I tried to have a conversation with John about the Will but he wouldn't give me any proof of the assets nor the Will, claimed all the money was left to him and went on a tirade saying he didn't need to give me anything as all the money was left to him. That him giving me any money at all was out of the goodness of his heart. Absolutely lost in this situation, not sure if my dad left any kind of Will and if so, how would I obtain it.

    I am also not sure if he signed John as his executor or it just happened that way because he took care of my father while he was ill with an incurable disease.

    John is also claiming that because our father lived with him, he is entitled to €30'000 out of the supposed €80'000 (we believe it is a higher sum, due to my mother having access to my fathers accounts) that he spent on our father whilst he was in his house for 7 months. My mother, who was in a relationship with my father on and off for 26 years, has got involved in the money situation, has rang John and escalated the situation with him. John has threatened to take my mother to court over defamation.

    Would be super grateful if someone had advice in this situation, any help would be greatly appreciated. To be honest, I am more concerned with my half-brother throwing over myself and my full brother, rather than the money. The whole situation is unfair.

    submitted by /u/Scriobhann
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    Lost 401K Due to Age

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    Context: I work for a company in Utah

    When I started at my current company I was eighteen years old. Apparently, there is no legal requirement to have a 401K plan for full time employees under the age of 21 (for context, I turned 21 a few weeks ago)

    My HR rep brought me into a room and told me that they didn't realize it, but they had a 401K plan for employees 21+, and they discovered that all of my contributions and their match contributions were void in their last audit. They've refunded me all of my contributions, but told me there was nothing they could about refunding me the match contributions.

    Is that legal? I think they had a financial responsibility to do what was in my best interest, and they didn't do so, or they at least should've told me about not being eligible for the 401K.

    submitted by /u/Murpo27
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    Neighbor took a bat to my car, but there was a witness.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 10:02 AM PDT

    So I live in a semi-crowded neighborhood in the Tacoma Washington area with commonly scarce parking.

    A few nights back someone had parked in front of my house, so I had to grab a random parking spot in front of someone else's place (neighbor that I've never met who lives a few doors down).

    Didn't think anything about it, but apparently he got home saw my car there, and stayed up until about 2 am and was going to people's doors around my neighborhood asking if they knew who's car it was, and he was "waiting" for me to show up so he could confront me.

    Anyways, I didn't know any of that info, and I just woke up and went to work the next day. That night someone else had taken my spot again, so I parked in front of a different neighbor's house that night. The next morning I woke up and I saw that my car had the passenger-side rear view mirror bashed off and a white-paint stained dent on the top of my trunk.

    Neighbor said that they saw the guy who's place I parked in front of two nights ago walking down the sidewalk when he noticed my car parked in front of someone else's house and went and got a white baseball bad and smashed my vehicle.

    I called the cops, and they just sort of gave me the ho-hum, "you'll have to solve this yourself" sort of answer.

    Anyways, my neighbors were pissed that he did that to my car, so they parked in front of the aggressive neighbors house as revenge or something and he came over and told them that if they ever parked in front of his house again, he'd "break up all of their windows" (maybe subtly admitting they'd already seen what he was willing to do).

    After all of that I guess there was some verbal altercation and a gun was flashed, the cops showed up and arrested him, and I think he's in jail now. I was at work while this happened so I found all of this out secondhand when I returned from work last night.

    My car was only from 2016 and in great shape, and I don't want to pay for this lunatic's weird territorial pissing problem. The cops so far seem to be completely uninterested in doing anything for me.

    So I'm just curious, what are my options here? I want money to fix this, and he seems unhinged so I don't want him anywhere near me or my family. I've never even met or seen the guy.

    Good course of action?

    submitted by /u/Everestosama
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    Boss attempting to take money out of check

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    I worked (just fired today when I went in) at a daycare center so I was required to get a BCI and FBI background check done. Those are like 70 dollars, but my boss told me the company pays for it. Cool, whatever. Well, I got let go today for being out too many days due to strep throat and she told me that they would be deducting the cost of the background check out of my paycheck this coming friday. I never agreed to them doing that and I never signed anything saying that they could. Are they actually allowed to? I live in Ohio.

    submitted by /u/TikiRosePetal
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    Downstairs neighbour threatened to call the cops if I walk around in my apartment after 10pm. The floors are wood, and that is what causes a echo in her roo and I guess. How can I deal with this? I have never faced such problems ever before and am at a loss what to do. Please help.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 08:19 PM PDT

    Thank you all fro the helpful comments. I do not know the system in this country so got pretty nervous. I have a side question. Can I go the a police station and just let them know that this has happened so they have a heads up about the matter? Not like a formal complaint but just as a precaution. In my country this can be done. Not sure. I am in Boston Massachusetts.

    submitted by /u/t_ghosh
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    My mother is trying to get $2500 monthly from my father. Is this even possible?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 06:38 AM PDT


    Okay so, I'm 16 and I have 3 little siblings. They are 12, 10, and 9 if that matters. Currently, we have been overseas for a few years. Our mom came with us, and she is undocumented, so she left the United States with no papers or green card.

    Today she gave me an ultimatum and said I need to talk to my father and tell him to sign papers a governor sent to her digitally so she can come back without any consequences and with my siblings and I, or else she will contact the government and try to get child support and file for 'mental and emotional abuse' because that's "worse in their eyes." She has sent my father text messages about it several times but he has ignored her (marriage problems, he doesn't want to talk to her).

    He gets $2300 every month, and he literally sends almost every paycheck to us. 400 every week, and an extra 500 for rent. He barely has anything left for himself and my grandma, but somehow he manages. She said once she contacts them, she will be getting $2500 every month immediately and he will be forced to work 16 hours a day, several jobs and no choice.

    Is this true?? Can she actually do this? He currently has 2 jobs, one watching over his mom (she's sick and in recovery, he gets 500 every two weeks from this which he sends a majority to us) and his normal one where he gets 400 every week.

    If it matters, the state my father is in is Minnesota.

    submitted by /u/thrr0waway1
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    Sold my car to a classmate. Classmate never registered the car in their name and parked the car illegally getting it towed

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 05:33 AM PDT

    Hi. Earlier this year I sold my car to who I thought was a friend. I sold the car for 500 dollars as the transmission was broke and the car was just in over all bad shape. None the less he wanted the engine out of it. I agreed and I gave him a bill of sales. However. I lost the one that I had. The car was never meant to he driven as it had no seats or anything. Fast forward 8 months later and I get a letter in the mail saying the car is impounded and there's a parking ticket. I tex4 my old classmate about it and he asks "what car?" So I tell him the integra? As I only sold him one car. To which he says "what color?" And I tell him red. He then says "idk what you're talking about". Fucking asshole knows exactly what's going on and is leaving the bill for me. I understand I fucked up by not turning in a release of liability but is there ANYTHING I can do? The tow yard wants 2000 dollars from me and the parking ticket is upwards of 300 dollars. I'm in the bay area of california. Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/831-XXX-XXXX
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    My sister is in the hospital starving to death with no food or water. If someone is sick enough, is that legal? It's been ten days.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 11:20 AM PDT

    My sister has been awake occasionally, breathing on her own, but she has an infection in her heart and needs a transplant most likely. She was a drug user. She had a stroke and was on a ventilator but they took it out ten days ago as weel as the feedtu e, thinking she wouldn't make it, but she has. She's talked a little bit, said my name, thanked the pastor for coming, asked for the TV to be changed to her favorite channel. I don't want her to keep starving to death. They also stopped treating her infection and she's currently only on morphine and a medicine to stop the mucus from building in her lungs. She has a pulmonary embolism as well. She can't eat because she's aspirating and they say her heart isn't getting fluids to the right places, so she's not on fluids either. She looks like a corpse, she's lost so much weight in these ten days. Our grandmother is her proxy, and seems set that she's going to die and join our mother in heaven (who was our grandmother's only child) . Is there anyway for me to challenge these decisions?

    This is Pennsylvania with medicaid, by the way.

    submitted by /u/doyouknowyourname
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    I work for Walmart. The company launched a new website months ago and since the launch every time myself or my coworkers log in we are automatically logged into the profile of whoever used the computer last. This gives us access to their personal info. Mgmt not taking seriously. KS USA

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    We use the site to manage everything. From applying to new positions, to managing direct deposit, you name it. By being given access to a coworkers account , I could see his address, phone number; ssn, tax info, employee ID, bank account info, benefits, everything. When I brought this issue to mgmt, they just told me to close the window when im done logging out. But that doesn't always work. Any legal recourse?

    submitted by /u/throwaway888888228
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    [MO] My employer forged my signature on a non-compete contract

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 04:58 PM PDT

    I've been at my current company for 8 years and am leaving to start my own business with a former co-worker. I brought some clients with me from my last job when I started here, and the ones that are aware that I'm going to work for myself have already made it clear that they're going to follow me. Most of them stayed because they liked the work I personally was doing for them, but had become unhappy with my company itself in the last few years.

    I gave my job three months' notice as a courtesy, since I have a few projects I'm finishing up and didn't want to take on new ones and then leave halfway through. That was a week ago. Friday afternoon, I got an email from HR with some generic stuff about our exit policies, plus a reminder about the non-compete clause in my contract.

    I never signed a non-compete, and I emailed HR back to let them know. This set off a long string of emails where they kept insisting that I had, and I kept asking to see it. Finally, I got a scanned copy of a non-compete with what appears to be my signature at the bottom.

    I KNOW I didn't sign this thing. I got screwed over by a non-compete years and years ago, and I've refused to agree to one ever since. The copy HR sent isn't just a paragraph hidden in a longer contract, either, it's its own separate thing that goes on for pages. There's no way in the world I could have just missed it.

    How do I go about proving that I never signed this? The business plan my partner and I came up with depends heavily on keeping clients that have been loyal to us for years, and we didn't figure fighting a lawsuit into our financial arrangements. Any advice would be much appreciated- it's been a pretty panicky weekend over here.

    submitted by /u/noncompeted
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    Daycare Provider Shakedown

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 12:00 PM PDT

    TLDR at bottom

    We have 2 kids, 5 and 2. Live in Minnesota.

    Had a family member that ran a daycare, but they retired. We get a new home daycare provider last April. Seems fine, 5 goes back to school and leaves daycare until summer or school breaks. 2 continues. Then we get to MEA break for school, 5 attends daycare for 2 days(wed-thu). We are informed on thursday that 5 "kicked a girl in the head" and would not be allowed back. When 5 was picked up by my mother(the normal person who picks her up), she asked for details on the incident. Was met with hostility, provider claimed she could not divulge any info due to hipaa compliance. That night my wife and I each received an email with a formal termination letter for 5 that stated the reason being shes a "poor fit for her program", no mention of the incident. Also added that she would not stand for harassment from a third party that is not a guardian, and if we decided only having 1 child in daycare was a burden, that we should remember her 2 week notice policy in our contract(there is nothing in the contract regarding any notice).

    Friday morning rolls around. Wife drops off 2 at daycare, is told by provider Grandma left 2 outside alone while they were talking the day before(untrue, but only provider has access to ring cameras). Wife goes to work, receives a call from child protective services requesting a home visit. 2 had been reported as being left home alone. Grandma has 5 for the day(planned prior). G and 5 pick up 2 later that day, provider was icy. 5 was afraid to go inside.

    CPS visits this morning, we explain our schedule, she is perfectly content we are fine. She told us as reported "5 said her brother was being left home while she was dropped off for school every day" and reports must be followed up within 24hrs. Provider and my immediate family are the only ones that have had contact due to MEA, pretty obvious who reported. But she KNOWS our schedule. Somewhere from friday to monday, I was also blocked from the parents group on facebook for the daycare.

    We arent really sure what her motivation is, but it feels like she wants us gone now. Thats whatever, we have a new arrangements. The problem is, we feel very uncomfortable with her. We are obviously ending contact with her. But we have this week prepaid (biweekly payments), and it sounds like she has imagineered a clause in our contract requiring a 2 week notice. Do we just call the county? Just walk away from it and hope she doesnt try and collect the next 2 weeks? We need to collect 2's things, should i call the sheriff for an escort or just abandon them? This has us feeling like we are cornered, protecting our babies. Crazy or justified? What can we do?


    Daycare provided rudely fired one of our kids then called CPS on us in an effort to intimidate us into leaving with a week of prepaid care and a bill for 2 more weeks of care. Can she really shake us down like this?

    submitted by /u/immathrowaway222
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    Roofied by bartender, underage. MD

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 11:14 AM PDT

    I work in a restaurant, and I had a table of 6 people who said they work at a restaurant/bar close by and each person invited me to hang out at the bar and watch football. The manager was at the table, and he said he would be bartending and I could drink for free. One guy in particular, I'll call him Ron, kept saying "bring your friends." When I arrived at the bar, I was never asked to show ID. The manager poured me my drink and almost instantly after Ron poured me another. I hadn't even taken a sip of the first drink so I said to him "what's this for?" and he said "You said you wanted a Jameson and ginger." Had that drink at about 4:15 and by 5:00 I blacked out. I do not remember a single thing from 5pm until 5am when I woke up with a killer headache, bruises all over my body, and a pretty deep cut on my forehead. I was with my boyfriend at the bar, he didn't realize I was roofied he thought I had just drank a little too much. We took an Uber home around 7 and I was passed out by 8. I'm underage, 19, but I'm wondering if legal action would help. Bartenders giving roofies to customers is dangerously common in Annapolis. I don't want this to happen to anyone else. If I hadn't been with my boyfriend this man definitely would have raped me. I don't know if approaching the manager would help because if they are going out to brunch together they must be close. I don't want any girls being raped by this man who abuses his job. Would approaching the police help? What could the police do?

    submitted by /u/GBdoesntcare
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    [CA] iPhone stolen in transit, now a week later someone keeps contacting me to unlock the phone. Apple is not much help regarding this matter.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 12:56 PM PDT

    tl;dr is basically title

    /r/apple keeps hiding my post, so I really don't know where else to post about this. My apologies if this is misplaced.

    Pre-ordered my phone a month ago, package came two weeks ago, but the iPhone box inside was empty.

    On the day my phone was scheduled to arrive, there was a problem with the shipment and I had to pick it up from the UPS distribution center later that night during after hours pickup.

    When they handed me the phone I noticed it was a little lighter than usual, but I figured it was Apple making their phones thin and light again so I didn't think much of it. Opened the box when I got home, the outer shipping box looked fine, but the phone box inside had no plastic shrink wrap, and the phone was missing. Everything else was there.

    Now two weeks later someone with an area code a few cities over calls me asking me to unlock the phone and that they're out $900 and basically trying to guilt trip me into unlocking the phone.

    The first person (a female with Asian accent) calls me says they purchased the phone for $900 and that they used their hard earned money to buy the phone and now it doesn't work, and asks me to unlock it. I explain that the phone has been reported stolen and to get their money back from whoever they bought it from.

    Second person (same number, this time a male with a similar accent) calls about half hour later. They say they have the person selling the phone next to them and I firmly but politely told them that the phone is stolen and to get their money back from the seller, and they keep reiterating that the seller is next to them. At that point I told them this is likely the person that took my phone and hung up.

    I'm very suspicious about the whole thing because if a phone is carrier locked, I don't think my phone number would appear in any way on the screen.

    I'm not sure what to do and I'm a little concerned about what data they may have on me since they somehow have my phone number.

    I've already reported the phone stolen to the carrier and to Apple, I've blocked this phone number but I keep getting calls from different numbers every time I do.

    My friends say I should just continue to block the numbers but I don't want to have to keep doing this.

    I'm getting ready to file a police report but even I feel like I might be going overboard.

    What should I do?

    submitted by /u/corekeymaker
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    Is it legal to hire employees who are purely representative?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 02:33 AM PDT

    Like they officially work for you as, say "equity analyst", but actually do no work at all. Just to fool the public that a company has a big team...

    submitted by /u/6Chthonic0Serpent9
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    Roommate stole $3700 in music gear, need advice.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 01:29 PM PDT

    I live in North Carolina and was recently booked for a DJ gig and I went home to grab my gear when I noticed my $2500 DJ mixer was missing. My roommates said they had no idea what happened to it, so I filed a police report with the serial number incase it turned up at any pawnshops. A few days later the police called me and said it had been sold to the pawnshop a few months back (I work a full-time job and DJ just for fun here and there at this point in my life, so until I needed the gear, I didn't notice it missing). The police gave me the name of the person who pawned my mixer and it turned out to be my roommate that I've known for 6 years and lived with for 2 years.

    I was in disbelief that it was one of my roommates would do this, so I went to the pawnshop to talk to the owner. He positively ID'd my roommate and said he's been doing buisness there for 3-4 years. He knew a lot about him including facts about his band and where he works. While at the pawnshop I saw my guitar and a projector I owned for sale there as well. Apparently he sold my guitar amp too, but it was no longer at the pawnshop. In total he took almost $4000 worth of gear and sold it all to one pawnshop.

    I asked my roommate why the police and pawnshop are telling me that he sold my stuff, and he said "no idea." He then offered to pay whatever amount I named to not deal with the police. I told him I would send him a list of items and their values and that was the end of the conversation.

    When I went to send my roommate the text with the items missing and their value, I noticed my text didn't go through. I tried calling him and either he ditched his phone or blocked me. I have not been able to get in any form of contact with him. I just found out through mutual friend that he is apparently planning on moving out to the west coast (we are on the east coast) sometime this month.

    I only extended him this chance because I have known him for so long and considered him a good friend. With little time left, him hiding and no form of communication I finally told the police I was ready to pursue this. The police presented my case to the magistrate and he deemed it a civil matter and not criminal... I can't for the life of me understand how this happened because he had just got off probation for a felony charge (he allegedly stole money from a safe at his job). He might have even still been on probation during the time some of my stuff was sold (he hasn't been off probation for that long).

    I was told the DA would contact me this Friday by the police, but word from my friends is that he is trying to leave by then. There is no doubt he will be gone before anything happens in civil court, I don't even know what's happening right now as no one at the DAs office will take my calls.

    I expressed my concerns to the police and they told me to call the DA. I called and was told that "they only deal with criminal processes and not civil matters." I have called a few civil lawyers around town and no one will take this case because they think it's clearly criminal and that's not their field. The few lawyers I talked too said it's highly odd for the magistrate to deem this a civil matter and that I should talk to the DA.....

    I am just being sent in circles here, there is concrete proof he stole this gear from me and the police even seemed surprised by the magistrates decision.

    I did find out that my roommate has admitted that he sold my stuff to a few of my friends last night. He said that I hadn't paid rent in 7 months and that I sent him texts telling to sell my gear for rent. That never happened and I always paid my rent on time, and even helped him out when he didn't have a job. I have a steady income and have my bank statements to prove I always paid my rent. I also never would have texted him anything like that. My friends asked to look at the texts and he said they were on his other phone that he left at the house (how convenient).

    I'm not sure if that is playing a role in this and that's why it's being sent to civil court? If so, this guy is super crafty and I'm dealing with some sort of sociopath here. I'm an open book, I have nothing to hide and would welcome the police to investigate his claims (if he's even made that claim to anyone other my friends).

    Any advice on what I should do? He is about to leave town and I really don't understand why this is being forced down the civil path. I'm at a point where no one is talking to me from the courts side so I'm kinda in the dark about when things would even happen for the civil process. I've told the police that he is leaving town from the get go. It seems like they are in no hurry or don't care about letting a convicted felon leave the state after he has just been caught by the police for stealing WELL over the felony larceny charge limit.

    I'd really appreciate any words of advice, or any thoughts! I will be forever grateful :).

    submitted by /u/mydickmakes3
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    Home Seller Disclosure Forms and Seller Liability- Real Estate Law, Ohio

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 08:12 AM PDT

    On August 30, 2018, my wife and I closed on our current house. The house was at the very top of our price range, but the seller had to lower the selling price quite a bit so we thought it was a good deal for us. About 2 months after the closing, I found undisclosed termite damage in the detached garage. It looked as though the seller had tried to hide the termite damage behind some large lawn tractor attachments they left behind, but I could not prove it and we had opted not to have a termite inspection prior to the sale. That cost us an additional $1000 for inspection and treatment. A few weeks later we found out the heat from the house's heat pump (heat and AC combo) did not work. We had a pre-purchase home inspection but it was July and 90º at the time. $6500 for a new heat pump. We really couldn't afford these unexpected expenses buying at the top of our price range, but we have managed. However, these and a few smaller issues led us to believe that the seller of our home was not dealing in good faith and may have broken the law.

    Flash forward to a month ago when I came home from work to find surveyor's stakes in my front yard. The stakes had something about sewers hand written on them in Sharpie. It turns out the metropolitan sewer district is installing a public sewer line on our street (neighbors and I currently have a septic systems) and when complete, we will be forced to connect our homes to the new sewer line and remove the septic tanks from our yards at our own expense. According to the sewer district construction manager and word of mouth, this hook up will cost us around $8000-$10000 per house and is not optional. To make things even more frustrating, the only repair we asked the seller to cover after the inspection period, was a $1500 septic system repair.

    So, does the seller of our home have any liability for the costs of connecting to the new sewer if they were informed of the planned sewer line installation and subsequent, associated expenses and did not disclose any of this on the formal home seller's disclosure form?

    TL/DR: Does a home seller legally need to disclose if they were informed that a new public sewer line is being installed and the home buyers will be forced to connect to the new sewer at their own expense?

    submitted by /u/bestfakename
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    3rd party collection agency violating my FDCPA rights on a recorded call. I live in idaho. Should I hire an attorney or send a demand letter myself?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 12:24 PM PDT

    I received a call from a restricted number this morning. The woman on the line says she is a process server, and she has legal documents for me. She says there is a number I can call to resolve the debt before she serves me papers. I collected debts for 8 years, and I've run my own process serving company for 7 years. Obviously, no legitimate process server is going to warn someone they are serving legal documents to so you can call and pay the bill because then the process server doesn't get paid. So I knew it was a scam to start out with, and I was going to let it slide, but this is the 4th or 5th time they have called, and I feel like they are doing this to several consumers who don't know any better. I called the agency, and spoke with someone who said they sue and file garnishments and yes that was their process server. All of this on a recorded call (I was recording it, I'm sure they were also). This debt is completely out of statute, and uncollectable unless i make a payment to renew the statute. After a 25 min conversation, they had violated FDCPA around 15-20 times. I then told them who I was, and what i did for a living. They promptly hung up, and now won't even answer their mainline when I call it. I'm trying to decide if I'm better off sending a demand letter from myself so I can keep the full out of court settlement, or if I should hire an attorney to send a demand letter for me. I work for a few different attorneys, but they do family court mainly. The one company i serve a lot of documents for is a law office/collection agency and I dont want to ask them advice because I'm a little nervous how that might reflect on my professional relationship with them if they knew I was suing another agency. Should i send a demand letter myself? Or should I hire an attorney to work this out for me?

    submitted by /u/zachduhmaniac
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