• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 20, 2019

    Legal Advice Restaurant owners took 24% of my tip last night.

    Legal Advice Restaurant owners took 24% of my tip last night.

    Restaurant owners took 24% of my tip last night.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 07:00 AM PDT

    UPDATE: I'm actually working a shift at this place right now. My plan was to talk with the owners in person after the shift, however a handful of you have suggested emailing/texting would be better since there's no guarantee they'd consent to being recorded. My plan now is to email them either after my shift tonight or some time tomorrow after I've made some necessary calls. I understand now that it may be legal after all given that it was an included service charge. Some have speculated that they may be paying employer-based taxes with it, however for the past five years I've been here they haven't been going anywhere near our gratuities. Hopefully they'll be honest with me when I email them and I can let you guys know what's really going on. Again, thank you all for the advice. I'm trying my best to reply to all of the comments. I wasn't expecting this much attention.


    I live in Maryland. I wait tables for $3.63 an hour plus tips. Last night I was handed an invoice for a party I was working and at the very bottom, written in pen, the owner's wife/co-owner wrote "tip x 0.78 = tip for server". That's 22% of my gratuity. On top of that they've been taking 2% of our gratuity every night to help pay for the credit/debit card transactions. The fact that the owners are taking our tip money because they need spending money infuriates me. Especially considering we already share 25% with the support service staff.

    Edit: Thanks all for the advice. My plan now is to confront one of the owners about it and make sure to record what's said. Updates to come later.

    EDIT 2: To all those concerned, I actually started work at another job 3 months ago in anticipation of this restaurant going out of business, or me having to quit. Haven't pulled the trigger yet because even with both jobs money is tight. Being trained to bartend at the new place and from the looks of it, once I'm done with my training, the money from that will sustain me enough so that I can quit the restaurant in question. I appreciate the concern, you all have been incredibly helpful.

    submitted by /u/Buzz_Laxyear
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    UPDATE: North Carolina - Accrued Vacation Payout Question

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 05:29 AM PDT

    Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/di8e23/north_carolina_accrued_vacation_payout_question/

    Just heard back from employee relations. My former managers were at fault for not correctly handling my vacation or corporate title work I will be credited for all the vacation I am due and I will be paid out.

    submitted by /u/VacaPayoutthrowaway
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    Slayer Rule - Murder-Suicide

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 07:02 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit,

    My family has had the unfortunate burden of dealing with a murder suicide within the family. Long story short, my grandfather murdered his wife (my step grandmother). He called the police, admitted to the crime, and before the police could show up to the property, he took his own life. My father and grandfather have not kept in touch over the last 35+ years (I've never met my grandfather). We are not aware of any relatives of the victim, and assumed that we would be the ones to deal with the property while probate figures out what's going to happen. We have recently been made aware of the Slayer Rule, which prohibits the "Slayer" from inheriting anything from his victim. (We live in Oregon, btw). Does the Slayer rule prohibit my father (and his two sisters), from any inheritance? The victim has no children of her own. Thanks for any advice... This has been an emotional rollercoaster for everyone.

    Edit: We've searched everywhere for a will over the last couple months and have come up empty handed.

    submitted by /u/Tabnstab
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    Adoption at 17

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 04:05 AM PDT

    Hi, I hope I'm fine coming here to ask my question. I'm 17 years old and pregnant. I 100% believe that adoption would be the best option in my current situation. However, my parents are REALLY against it. They want me to keep the baby or keep it themselves.

    Am I legally still allowed to go through with adoption if they are against it? Can they do something? The father is on board with adoption.

    I live in the US (Pennsylvania). I won't be 18 until after I've given birth.

    submitted by /u/SilencesMistress
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    Boss is searching employees bags, without asking.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 05:55 AM PDT

    I work in a restaurant in virginia and our bosses have started searching peoples things without their knowledge. They went through one servers bag once and found vodka and ever since they randomly search few peoples things. Today, one of the kitchens workers looked a little fucked up so they came out and dug through ever part of this guys bookbag. He had no idea they were doing that and honestly it doesnt sound too legal. Do they have the right to go through random employees bags?

    submitted by /u/HellaJedi22
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    [CA]No window locks, mold in water heater, angry tenant

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 09:17 AM PDT


    I moved into an apartment August 1 with my wife and baby, and we've had nothing but problems.

    After moving in, we noticed that none of the seven sliding windows locked in our ground floor unit--wooden dowels were used instead. It took 56 days after notification for a repairman to be sent, who showed up with a handheld vacuum and cheap window stoppers. These were screwed to the window tracks, creating the annoyance of having to unscrew them to open the windows and then reattach them when wanting the windows closed. Frankly, I'm uncomfortable using them because I believe they create an unnecessary fire escape hazard as they aren't quick release.

    The other big one is disgusting and infuriating. After the first time using the washing machine there was a horrible smell of rotten eggs. We notified management, they sent someone to fix it, and told us it was fixed. We used the washing machine a second time, it still had the horrible smell, and again someone was sent to fix it, and again we were told it was fixed.

    The third time using the washing machine, some of our baby's clothes looked as if mold had seeped into them. A plumber was sent, who found that mold was growing in the hot water heater, told us that the water was contaminated, and we should probably throw away our clothes, especially the baby's clothing.

    By now we're furious. Our baby has been wearing this stuff, we're talking at *least* $1k between clothing, bedding, burp rags, etc., and yet the property management has said the property owner isn't responsible for the clothing and we should submit a claim with our renter's insurance. We have a $500 deductible and don't see how this is our responsibility.

    At this time I started poking around the law and learned that our unit was legally uninhabitable because of the window locks. Clearly IANAL, but my interpretation of other laws make it appear the property owner is entirely responsible for the damages to our baby's clothing.

    So after 2.5 months, we just want out. We informed the property owner and have exchanged just a few emails of negotiation, but they're behaving like bullies, using the fact that my wife and I want to be out by the end of the month as she returns to work beginning of November. Their last offer was, "as a courtesy," ending the lease October 31st but will offer no further compensation and no further consideration "beyond that."

    I haven't yet brought up the law, and if we had more time, I'd dig my heels in and fight back because I believe the law is entirely on my side. So now, the questions:

    • Do those window stoppers satisfy Civil Code 1941.3(a)(2): Install and maintain operable window security or locking devices for windows that are designed to be opened?
    • Does the condition of the hot water heater and washing machine violate Civil Code 1941.1(a)(6): Building, grounds, and appurtenances at the time of the commencement of the lease or rental agreement, and all areas under control of the landlord, kept in every part clean, sanitary, and free from all accumulations of debris, filth, rubbish, garbage, rodents, and vermin?
      • On this, does Civil Code 1714 (a) apply as it states: Everyone is responsible, not only for the result of his or her willful acts, but also for an injury occasioned to another by his or her want of ordinary care or skill in the management of his or her property or person, except so far as the latter has, willfully or by want of ordinary care, brought the injury upon himself or herself
        • Finally, Civil Code 1929 states: The hirer of a thing must repair all deteriorations or injuries thereto occasioned by his want of ordinary care.

    If you're still with me, thank you, I'm just about done. The big question is what can I do?

    I believe our lease was not signed in good faith, and breached by the property owner according to Civil Code 1942(a) which reads: If within a reasonable time after written or oral notice to the landlord or his agent, as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 1962, of dilapidations rendering the premises untenantable which the landlord ought to repair, the landlord neglects to do so, the tenant may repair the same himself where the cost of such repairs does not require an expenditure more than one month's rent of the premises and deduct the expenses of such repairs from the rent when due, or the tenant may vacate the premises, in which case the tenant shall be discharged from further payment of rent, or performance of other conditions as of the date of vacating the premises.

    I'd be more than happy walking away and going to small claims court, but it's a gamble as they still have our deposit of 2x the rent. We haven't agreed to their offer, nor have we seen lease cancellation agreement, but to just accept their condescending "courtesy" makes my blood boil, while the clothes my baby has worn makes me vengeful.

    Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/my_mad_throwaway
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    School that I did not attend still continues to email me about paying fees even two years later. Do I have to pay? They keep threatening to report me to the credit bureau.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 07:02 AM PDT

    So back in 2017 I was originally going to attend FAU, but decided to switch to a community college. All I paid for at the school was my application fee and because I was originally intending on going, a non refundable $200 deposit to sign up for classes and orientation (something along those lines). So I paid that deposit (this was even before my graduation) but about a month later when I decides not to attend I was told that I could refund the deposit because I was not going to the school since I let them know of the situation and was able to get the $200 back on my card. However, even two years later, I am being emailed again and again about how I have to pay this "outstanding balance". I never signed up for classes and I believe this is from that $200 fee since I checked once and that's what it kept saying I needed to pay. They say if I don't pay within the 90 day mark that I will be reported to the credit bureau. What do I do? Pay the fee? It says that I have to sign into my student account to see specifically what it is that I owe but I can't even log in. I contacted them last year about this and explained my situation and they said I still have to pay even though I don't go to their school. I really need help with this situation, and I live in Florida by the way. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/cherrycontra
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    Is what the 92 yo man at the dry cleaners said true?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 12:35 AM PDT

    So last week I was at the dry cleaners dropping off a pair of pants. The clerk (a 92 year old man) started asking me questions like "how much is the national debt" "who do we owe it to" and "how many people are there in China vs the US". I'm a high school debater and the current topic is related to China and trade deals so I roughly knew the answers and he was surprised so he continued talking (for way too long).

    Apparently he asks these questions to everyone he interacts with to assert his superiority, as he said he asked a couple earlier and they didn't know. He also goes to the bank around the corner just to antagonize the manager about economics.

    Anyways, after he's done questioning me he tells me that he hasn't payed income tax in 40 years because he took the IRS to court and without hiring a lawyer, he singlehandedly defeated them after an epic battle using only the constitution as that's the 'real law', not the statutes and regulations that 'they' try to enforce because taxes are communist, communist manifesto, he's a real american blah blah blah.

    He then goes on to say that since I seem like a bright young man, he's going to pass on some secret information to me so that I'm not just another one of the masses. He writes down on a piece of paper "HJR 192" and tells me to look it up as it will change the way I think of things and it will 'keep me up at night'. I looked it up out of curiosity when i get home and it's just some law passed in 1932 that did away with the gold clause in the constitution and in all public and private contracts. He said this is some secret truth that the government is hiding from us and that him telling me this is planting a seed in the future of this country and that because of this law, people aren't actually required to pay taxes.

    Ofc I don't really believe him but it's kind of intriguing tbh. So if any of y'all actually understand what HJR 192 is, is there any truth at all to what this old man was saying or was it simply the senile ramblings of a "real American" ?

    submitted by /u/giobniu
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    Work is trying to fire me for having an allergic reaction

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 10:07 AM PDT

    First time using reddit but I've heard how you guys can be a great community to go to for help. Little background , I have strong allergies to perfume and bleach and they can cause me to go into anaphylaxis. Work is aware and although they claim to try to "accommodate" me they will not post any signs or institute a "fragrance free" policy like other similar medical offices. Last year after a reaction I ended up in the ER and work would not let me back "for my own safety" and after getting a lawyer involved it took 3 months before they allowed me back, all going unpaid.

    My new problem is that I had another reaction last week, this time caused by pure negligence. All my coworkers are aware of my condition and have been educated and one of them decided to spray large amounts of perfume in a common area without any warning. I immediately went into anaphylaxis and was taken by ambulance to an ER.

    Occupational Health is once again claiming that they cannot guarantee a "safe" environment for me and are now looking for ways to fire me.

    I need your help and advise, do I have any legal rights to keep my job? Or get compensation? I am so worried that if I loose this job I won't get another due to my health issues. I get so angry because this was pure stupidity done by a coworker who knew better, not a client who came into the office with no knowledge of the risk.

    My anxiety and depression has gotten so bad I get get out of bed and haven't been able to leave my house. Any words of advise or encouragement would be so welcome, I just need to know that I'm not alone.

    submitted by /u/advise-needed-scared
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    I got over $100 in tips but manager gave me $2.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 01:32 PM PDT

    I live in Washington and I've been working at this dessert cafe for about 2 weeks. We have a tip jar as well as a tip option on credit cards. Almost all the tips come from credit cards. Every night when I clock out I see I've made $40-$100 in tips but after my manager does something with the machine I end up with $1-2 in tips. Is this legal? She's never explicitly said we have a tip pool or have delved any further quite frankly into explaining how tips are divided. First time I asked her she said they go towards your $15/hr pay ($12.50 is minimum wage in washington). I don't understand how that works since I get $40-50 in tips for a 5 hour shift. Where does the rest of the money go? I confronted her last night officially asking how the tips get divided because I'm having trouble understanding. She explained that the tips are divided between the front end and back end (cooks+dishwashers) and are divided by every hour everyone works. She also explained how its now a set $15/hr + no tips instead of $13/hr with tips because in the past the workers got upset for some employees getting more tips than them because they work the busier days. (???) She's not that great at explaining things in English but she was saying how she has a whole team of financial advisors and her own CPA to figure all this stuff out implying that it's all handled and taken care of. We also don't get any of the cash tips in the tip jar because of her reasoning which is "People don't tip that much so every week it comes out to $8." So she pockets that I guess. I also want to note she didn't ever say in our interview that we get tips through the machine. She only implied we only get tips through tip jar, so when I first started working and seeing in a different tab that displays all the tips I've gathered I was shocked. Any advice for me please?

    submitted by /u/leaflite
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    [NM] My parents were pulled over by police with no probable cause. My stepfather is currently detained because of two IDs.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 11:16 PM PDT

    My mother and stepfather were questioned by police after they pulled over, in my vehicle, to use the restroom. They were coming from Albuquerque to Las Cruces to give me back my car and my dog.

    The officer showed up behind them after they stopped. My step father was arrested because he had two ids. One with the name on his birth certificate and one that is currently his legal name. The officers pulled them over for no reason and obtained the IDs after searching through his wallet. They said they couldn't verify the IDs were real.

    The officers let my mother go after questioning if she was a US citizen, which they both are. She asked the officer if she could drive it back to me but he did not let her.

    My car is now impounded because they couldnt verify who's it was. I only found out after my mother called me. They left her in the middle of nowhere, along with my dog, and I had to go pick her up.

    Is there anything I can do to help my stepfather out and get my car out of the impound without having to pay their fees. I know having 2 state IDs is illegal but don't feel like what they did was right but I'm not sure. They only found the IDs after the fact yet there was no reason for them to be pulled over nor did the officer state a reason.

    submitted by /u/ToolGuy517
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    Company golf cart broke down, they want us to use our personal vehicles.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    Hello, I am a Security guard commissioned from a chain company to a Lumber plant in my home town. For our "rounds" We are supposed to have a company issued golf cart which has now broken down in the hands of the cleaning lady (she used our golf cart to drive into the plant to get their van which I think is retarded) Anyways... They are wanting us to use our personal vehicles in the plant to drive in these locations, keep in mind this is a fully functional lumber plant, and I don't want to do it. We aren't payed gas or wear and tear on our vehicles, it's not in our contract, and am not paid enough to even think of considering it, but I have to and I don't want to be fired.

    Is there something where I will be covered for damage or flats or anything that happens to my car on clock in the plant, when in our contract says nothing about having to use our own vehicles, and says we will be issued a company golf cart for this job

    Sorry if none of this made sense but thanks for any help possible

    If it matters I'm located in Texas, United States.

    submitted by /u/IMeanWowTho
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    How can I get Redcross to stop calling me?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 03:04 PM PDT

    I donated blood a few times to redcross and now they won't stop calling me. They've called me every day since about a month after the last time I donated blood. They stopped calling for the duration of my pregnancy after I informed the caller that I was pregnant and therefore unable to donate.

    Within a couple weeks of giving birth the calls started again. I've answered and asked them repeatedly to stop calling me and to add me to their do not call list but they won't stop calling.

    I've blocked their number but the calls keep calling me from new numbers so it seems futile to even try to block them.

    Is there any way I can get them to leave me alone?

    Edit: I'm in California.

    submitted by /u/atomicassface
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    [NYC] Does a live-in partner have rights to half your property?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    So the other day my mother and I were chatting about my girlfriend who now lives with me (moved in about 2 months ago). To clarify, I live in Manhattan in a co-op apartment that I bought a while ago; the co-op shares are solely in my name, and I have a private mortgage with my mom, so the mortgage note/lien is also solely in her name. My mom claims that, from what she's discussed with her other moms/housewife friends, a live-in girlfriend/partner -despite not having her name on any of my property or documents- can eventually claim half of my property by proving she lives here. So my mom was warning me not to let her ship things to my address or anything that might otherwise indicate her living here. Obviously, this is all hypothetical as my gf and I are doing great, but a) if the worst case scenario somehow ends up with us on bad terms, b) just to satisfy my curiosity and prove my mom wrong (or right), I'm curious what the real answer is. At first I thought this idea to be absurd, but knowing squatters law and NYC landlord/tenant laws and whatnot, I'm not so sure.

    submitted by /u/pectoradactyl
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    Dog Court - Dog Defending Against Another Dog

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    I live in Washington State. My dog is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier/Bullmastiff mix (aka, not a pitbull. He is a bully breed, though.) my boyfriend took him outside to potty and they were headed back inside, with my dog on the leash. A woman with a cattle dog was walking down the sidewalk, when her dog saw my dog. Her dog became aggressive and lunged forward. My dog attempted to defend himself, by grabbing the back of the dog's neck and holding him there to avoid being bitten. Her dog got a light bite on my dog's wrist, but her dog did not sustain any injuries. Another passerby had to come take control of her dog, as her dog was going wild and knocked her off her feet after the dogs were seperated. She told a 911 operator twice, as well as an animal control officer both dogs were leashed, and she did not wish to persue. Two days later, however, I'm issued a potentially dangerous dog notice and am told she wishes to persue because she claims my dog was off leash. The notice I was given has an incorrect breed that was not confirmed with me, my boyfriend's name as they did not confirm with us who the actual owner is, no description of my dog or a microchip number despite asking me if he was microchipped (he is), and no case number. I am planning on appealing it, but I need advice on what to bring and if this notice is even considered complete, due to missing information. I am bringing photographs of him with another dog playing, a photograph of him focusing on me with another dog in the background, statements from a Petco groomer I bring him to regularly, a statement from a trainer who has been working with us for a year, as well as documentation of his injury and a statement from his vet. I also have confirmation I purchased a license for him. Am I missing anything? Will this even fully go to court with the missing/incorrect information, as well as her story changing two days later? Thank you all for your help, please no hate. My dog only defended himself, and the cattle dog was the aggressor. The cattle dog has no injuries whatsoever.

    Edit: this happened on a sidewalk in front of my house.

    submitted by /u/logospasm
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    NY: Former employer purposely hid major health plan changes. I now owe money to doctors and can't pay.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 11:55 AM PDT

    I'm located in NYC.

    I'm on COBRA - the plan year started Jan. 1 2019 and was suppose to renew on Jan. 1 2020. There's no in-network deductible and I reached the out of network deductible in April 2019 so I now get 100% reimbursement for about $5K in medical expenses monthly. I have a serious life-threatening illness and I have doctors' appointments three times a week minimum.

    In August, I noticed my claim payments after July 1st were being unusually delayed. I called my insurance carrier who stated this was due to my former company rebuilding the plan. I reached out to the company's benefits manager via email and she replied that there some backend process changes, but no changes to the health plan. I eventually received full reimbursement and thinking the issue was fixed, continued with appointments in September and October.

    However, I just discovered my deductible was reset to zero on September 1st. Without my knowledge I was charged the full deductible and co-insurance, leaving me holding the bill for $2000 in unpaid doctors' bills. I can't afford them and I will probably need to end service this week.

    I found out that my former company changed the plan's coverage date from Jan. 1 to July 1, 2019. They then cut off the deductible year in September and didn't tell anyone. I asked the manager why she didn't tell me about the changes when I asked or disclose the changes to the plan prior to July 1st. She stated she found out after we spoke and they didn't tell anyone because this only affected the out of network (which is not true) and very few people go out of network.

    That's insane.

    I already spoke to the Dept. of Labor and they needed to provide notice within 60 days the change went into effect. DOL doesn't penalize, but It's also a major violation of the ACA - and is considered a criminal act because a major change to the deductible period was intentionally not disclosed. They're also required to provide a summary benefit plan and the didn't do that either.

    A lawsuit will be hard because I signed a release for severance. And it makes no sense to hire a lawyer for 2K - and I don't need a lawsuit. I just need that money as soon as possible because certain medical services will be cut off soon.

    My instinct is to write a calm and unemotional letter to the head of HR and explain the facts and that I need to be reimbursed this week. They know a lawsuit doesn't make sense. But does it make sense to say they're violating the ACA so they understand I mean business? Or will it just alienate them further?

    Also, how do you report ACA violations? I only get directed to OSHA - and that only provides whistleblowers protection from employer retaliation, but I'm on COBRA. How do you report a violation like this?

    This is not an issue for appeal. My insurance did everything they could and knows the company is wrong. They aren't responsible for notifications - the employer is. This is about nondisclosure to plan participants and I need to deal directly with them.

    submitted by /u/dasr452
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    Parking regulations seem fishy

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 07:17 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I recently had gotten a new car and my apartment regulated our small back lot for parking, but not a larger front lot with the business parking we were allowed to park in, so I had been parking up front for a few weeks waiting to get my permanent tag and get my sticker and such squared away. They put up a new sign saying they were regulating that lot yesterday (didn't see the sign as it is posted on a tree and wasn't looking for it) , and booted my car last night after I got home at 10 pm in the newly signed lot. They didn't inform us (the tenants) of the new regulations and am unsure if I have any legal recourse or if I'm just stuck paying them to take the boot off my car.

    Mostly my question hinges on them not informing us of the new regulations and enforcing parking they hadn't told us they would enforce.

    Any help is appreciated, thanks!

    Edit: location is Boone, NC

    submitted by /u/the_great_josh
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    My neighbor is asking me to sign a permit so that they can Airbnb their house. What consequences does this carry?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 09:23 AM PDT

    I'm worried that if we have issues with their renters in the future that we won't be able to address them fully due to our signatures consenting to the situation. We're right next to one of the major bar areas in our city (5 minute walk) and I feel as though renters will eventually cause issues. Can I renege my consent if things get out of hand?

    I'm in Missouri.

    submitted by /u/ButtFucksRUs
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    Owed $50k by Employer - How Can I Collect?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 07:27 AM PDT

    I have spent 2019 working for a start up company in Oklahoma. During this period, I consistently received only a portion of my base salary. The founder continually made excuses on how he would catch me up.

    We have a signed contract specifying my base pay rate and I can definitively prove the amount I have received to date ($50k delta). The founder now tells me that issuing my back pay is 'entirely at his discretion' and if I want to collect it, it will be on his terms. I have run out of patience and I am exploring my legal options. Obviously, I could not care less about keeping the job at this point.

    The company owns a peice of valuable real estate I would like to place a lein on. How complicated is this? Can I do this myself?

    My contract also specifies a certain amount of paid vacation that I have not taken. Can I force him to pay me out? He also verbally promised me a certain amount of equity, but it is not mentioned in my contract, so I'm not even going to try and pursue that (although the company has become quite valuable).

    Grateful for any advice.

    submitted by /u/Jackanatic
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    I had internet installed last month and they have failed to bury the cable and my mothet fell

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 12:51 PM PDT

    I had internet installed early last month and they were supposed to bury it a week after. The appointment came and went then they told me I'd have to wait another week and i just stopped trying because they just kept missing the appointments. Well today my mother tripped over it and we went to the ER. What legal action can/should i do? This was in my front yard.

    submitted by /u/doniainc
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    (MD) My health insurance wants me to fill out a subrogation agreement and injury questionaire for my son's broken arm. What's going to happen when I tell them it happened at school?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 10:19 AM PDT

    I'll preface this with saying I've had a lot of trouble with my insurance in the past, which has made me wary about everything they do.

    I received a letter from my insurance company denying the claim from my son's orthopedist pending return of requested information and a signed suberogation agreement. It includes questions like "What type of Illness/Injury" " Where did this happen " Other parties involved" and a discription of what happened.

    During recess at his public school, my son fractured his arm playing chase on the playground. He tripped (probably on his new shoes) and fell on the blacktop. I've been on this playground, it's well kept, the pavement is in good condition, no potholes or large cracks. I honestly never even considered the idea that the school had been negligent or anything until I got this letter, and after doing some reading on the subject, my unprofessional opinion is that the school doesn't seem liable. This is my only child, if I had throught the school was in the wrong, I'd have said something! Kids trip, running kids trip hard.

    My questions are:

    • Will the insurance company go after the school? I'm going to have to have a relationship with these people for the next 6 years, I'd really rather it not start out this way.
    • Should I contact the school at all?
    • Am I making this out to be a bigger deal than it is?

    Thank you, hopefully I'm worrying over nothing.

    submitted by /u/giraffe10774
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    How to deal with a possibly violent stalker (federal)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 12:45 PM PDT

    I have had a stalker follow me from NY to FL to PA to WA to CA. I believe he may be delusional, but he is also quite violent even independently of this, having had committed domestic abuse in the past and has been involved with extremist organizations in the past. I have tried to contact police over him but they said they didn't have enough evidence to take action. What should I do? I've been thinking of hiring a private investigator to gather enough evidence to go to the police, or possibly to just periodically look into him to see if he is planning acts of violence if this doesn't work, as I am concerned with my safety and believe it is quite likely at some time he will plan something serious against me. He doesn't have any sexual interest in me, rather he has an extreme hatred of me, and in the past, he seemed to have persecution delusions revolving around me. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/yczgjnobffbjjuecvhc
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