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    Wednesday, October 23, 2019

    Legal Advice Paying entry/door fee to your own workplace

    Legal Advice Paying entry/door fee to your own workplace

    Paying entry/door fee to your own workplace

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 07:21 AM PDT

    Hi! One of my friends recently started a job as an entertainer and they are being forced to pay the entry fee to their own workplace ($25-$50). They don't get an hourly rate and it's entirely commission money. Is this legal?

    Based in Australia if that helps.

    submitted by /u/BigDongerDaddy
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    School came after me for tuition even though my mid semester deployment relieved me of obligation, I've disputed with school and one collection agency, now 2nd collection agency is calling.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 10:53 AM PDT

    (UT-USA) In the middle of my fall 2015 semester of school I was volun-told for a "deployment" (it was stateside and I was helping disband an obsolete unit) of around 45 days. As soon as I was made aware of the deployment I contacted financial aid asking what would happen if I dropped mid semester. Per their instructions I contacted and got signatures from all five teachers, the dean of my program, my military commander, and finally a sign off from financial aid saying I was not financially responsible paying back my tuition for the semester. Then due to a work opportunity I moved away for 3 years, and didn't finish my degree.

    In the years since I was ready to buy a house but my credit score was a lot lower than expected, after finding an unknown debt for thousands of dollars I contacted the collections agency and they said I owed the school over triple what my tuition originally was. I disputed with them and then directly with the school using all the previous paperwork that I had saved when I initially dropped out. It took months and months of them blaming the other entity but I finally got it cleared off my credit report and got permission to re-enroll in school.

    I just received another call from a second collection agency, unrelated to the first, asking about the same "alleged debt" and now it's almost 4x my tuition costs. I just about lost it over with the agent that was calling. "No this is not valid, it wasn't valid the first time I disputed it or the second, I already had this cleared off my credit report and cleared with this school there's absolutely no reason you should have it in the first place, lose my number"

    What are my options here? am I just going to keep getting calls for the rest of my life?

    Edit: the "debt" should have never existed in the first place. School was paid for through Tuition Assistance. Generally if you drop out of school instead of fail out you owe that money back, but since it was due to a military obligation I was exempt from that. Which is why I had to have so many people sign off.

    submitted by /u/Kyren11
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    Forced to take lunch at locations that serve our product.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    I'm a salary employee for what is likely the largest international beverage company. I've been instructed that I can only take my lunch breaks at restaurants that exclusively sell our product and cannot take lunch where our competitors are served or are the parent company of the establishment. The way I see it, my employer should not be able to dictate where my lunch break is taken nor how my money is spent. I live in Texas if that makes a difference and the company I work for is an independent bottler for said corporation. If I were to be written up or other would my rights have been violated? Thanks all.

    Edit: Just FYI, I'm not willing to risk getting disciplined to eat where I'd like, just, something seems fundamentally wrong about the policy. I should've explained better.

    submitted by /u/MEAT_HORIZON
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    [TX] neighbor been shooting my dog with pellet guns for years.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:35 AM PDT

    I have to tell this story I need help.Since we moved in the house when I was around 12. My neighbor been shooting my dogs with pellet guns. Around 2015 my Doberman came in with a pellet gun wound. We didn't knew who it was but we knew it was the neighbor that hides his fences with blankets so we can't look thru them. The guy is most likely crazy he never works and is Always in front of his house all day. Around 2 months ago my brother was outside with the dogs when he saw my neighbor looking thru the fence with a flashlight and a pellet gun. My brother caught him red handed trying to shot my dog. My brother told him to not look thru the fence ever again. This morning I was eating cereal when I heard my dog bark one loud time since my dog was laying in the door I guess he missed and the bullet bounce of the wall. I know he was trying to shot my dog. What are stuff I can do?? Is there any self defense i can do. What if next time is not a pellet gun

    submitted by /u/getTrickshotted
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    Brand new truck gets sand blasted by negligent hauling company every commute, starting to lose visibility in windshield.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 03:28 AM PDT

    I live in Orlando and commute to Tampa once a week on Wednesdays. I leave at 4:30 and arrive at 6. Somewhere along the i4 connection I encounter these trucks hauling sand. Usually 2/3rds of the way along near Lakeland.

    Every single morning my truck gets sand blasted by sand blown out of these trucks. Even staying hundreds of yards behind the trucks I get sand blasted and surely I am not the only one. The funny part is, I pass many other trucks hauling similar cargo on my commutes, never do I even hear particles from these hitting my windsheild, it is only this one company that I experience the issue with. It is so bad that I have to turn up the volume on my car audio, it's extremely loud and constant, not just a stray particle or two.

    My truck is only 6 months old and already, from this once a week commute, my windshield is losing visibility from being sand blasted at 70mph.

    I have the DOT number of these trucks, this is not considered road hazard as the debris is not hitting the ground or road before it hits me. What are my options of both getting my windsheild replaced by the company, paint corrected, and also getting the company to properly secure it's loads? Other companies or transport services don't seem to have a problem with similar cargo. It's seems this company is being negligent.

    submitted by /u/pfly12
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    Car ticketed for no license plate on same day it was towed and donated to charity. No written citation on car but warrant issued-MO

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 05:07 AM PDT

    So just received a warrant notice in the mail for two tickets:

    1. State lic required (for missing license plate)
    2. Park blocking drive (street parked in front of house)

    The date of this citation was 9/12 which is the day that I removed my license plates for charity car donation because my car was no longer running. This is also the day that my car was indeed picked up by the tow service and I have a document from the tow service that confirms. I removed the plates in the morning as they gave me a window for pick up after 1pm and I worked that day. I came come at 5 to find that the car was still there and saw the tow removal come and pick up. All of this without any written or issues citation on the car itself. I have time stamped photos of my title signed over to donation charity, the receipt from don oat ion charity, and a photo my car being towed away at 5:30pm 9/12 Bc well nostalgia and it was my first car. I got a picture of it being hauled off.

    I didn't receive any notification of the citation until a warrant issue was mailed to my permanent address which I just opened last night 10/22.

    For the state lic I feel I have a case to get dismissed but not sure since it technically was on public street parking without a lic plate for half a day. Seems unreasonable but also genuinely arguable from a legal standpoint.

    I want to also dismiss the park blocking drive because 1) it was parked in front of my own home 2) it was parked in the same spot that my car has occupied at this residence and 3) the reason I feel it should not have been ticketed is because the car was immobile, and had not moved since 1.5 weeks previously when someone broke into it and attempted to steal and Hotwire it, breaking and totaling my car. I have a police report and case number of this incident and the reporting officers said nothing about the parking placement at the time they came by to take details. The car cannot run so it would not have moved. Also the photo I have of the car being towed shows it a good distance from my own driveway which I imagine is what they cited being "blocked".

    Just trying to see if this is a valid argument or if I should just suck it up and pay the money.

    MO- Missouri

    ordinance 70-137 for the STATE LIC REQUIRED ordinance 70-523(a)(2)(a) for the PARK BLOCKING DRIVE

    submitted by /u/daknappstaaa
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    Child Abuse

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:07 AM PDT

    This is a throwaway just because I don't this connected to me. I can verify if I need to.

    My girlfriend's (17) step-father has sexually abused her and physically abuses the other kids. The sexual abuse was mostly a few years ago but even recently he broke into her locked room and climbed in under the blanket around 5am. Just this morning he beat up one of the other kids for leaving the door open too long and letting one of the cats run out.

    I've seen bruises on a couple of the kids when I've visited. Every time I visit the smaller kids bring up the topic of beatings. When was the last time I was beat? Did it hurt? Would you beat your kids? They prefer moms beatings to dads. Things like that.

    I don't have any physical evidence, just what I've seen or been told. I asked her to take pictures of the other kid's face from today and send it me. I should get that later today.

    I haven't reported anything because my girlfriend doesn't want me to. Her mom told her that if she reported her mom would get in trouble too. I feel that I should do something about it even if it broke our relationship. CPS was called on my parents from the school because my mom beat up my sister. I went through all the legal stuff and testified against my mom when I was ~6 (she tried to drown me in the bathtub). I was lucky because my grandparents took me and my siblings in. The hard thing is I don't know what would happen to kids in this situation.

    submitted by /u/srtnjopk
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    Apartment Management Faked a Dog Urine test to blame us for water Damage

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 12:58 PM PDT

    My husband and I's apartment company is threatening to charge us $1787 to repair hardwood flooring and a baseboard that has water damage. They were not able to find the source of the water damage so are placing the blame on us by saying the damage was caused by pet urine. They took a sample of the baseboard and told us over the phone that it tested positive for bio matter aka pet urine and we would be held responsible either upon move out or now if we would like the repairs while we are still living in the unit. They then quoted us $1787 for the repairs.

    We know for a fact our dog does not pee in the house (he is a 9 year old lab mix and very potty trained). Also, we would have noticed!! When we requested the documentation for this test they ignored our email for a week then replied that – it was determined to be pet urine by their team (who is "well versed in knowing the difference between water damage and pet urine") because the spot on the baseboard was stained yellow and was located in close proximity to where we keep the dog bed. They then said that if we want a test done it will cost us $600-$1200 which we would be held responsible for if the test comes back positive. They said that they would pay the full cost of the test if it came back negative.

    My question is how we should proceed? We have not yet responded to their email. The apartment company seems to be known for shady business practices and for charging their residents every penny on move out and given that they already lied to us about the "test being positive" when no test was conducted, my worry is that even if we request a test they would just lie to us again about the results.

    Do you think it is wise to wait until move out and refuse to pay the charges? Maybe take them to small claims court? We have our initial walk-through paperwork and we noted that there were gaps in the baseboards in the spot where the water damage issue is currently present but not sure if we were specific enough. The apartment buildings are 70 years old and were originally Navy Housing so quite a bit of wear and tear. We plan on leaving the apartment in immaculate shape upon move out (Feb 2020 is when our lease is up) and taking lots of pictures. Since we already have evidence of them lying to us about the pet urine test, can we use that in our defense if we decide not to pay them?

    We live in Washington State.

    submitted by /u/Chalupabar
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    Car got repoed. Got it back and repo company opened packages that were in car. KY, USA.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 07:36 AM PDT

    Kentucky, USA.

    My car got repossessed for being behind on payments. I was able to borrow the money to get it out, but when I did I discovered two packages I had left in the car (planning to mail them the next day) had been opened.

    One was an $8 item I was returning to Amazon, the other framed photos of my daughter that I was sending to my parents out of state.

    Nothing was taken from either package, but I still feel violated.


    Is it legal for a tow/repo company to open mail that's left in a car they pick up?

    If not, is it a criminal or civil matter?

    Is there anything I can or should do about this?

    On the one hand, it was my fault the car got repoed, so I feel like I brought this on myself. But on the other hand, I don't feel like not paying my car payment on time is a valid reason to violate my privacy.

    This tow/repo company also had some other pretty shady stuff going on: their address listed on the Internet wasn't there actual address—I had to ask a nearby business how to find them. When I showed up to get my car they tried to charge me for storage, even though I had already paid for it when I paid the bank (quick phone call resolved the issue). The guy at the desk was legit surprised when I walked in, asking "How did you find us?" and telling me they usually bring the car to meet you somewhere (but they didn't have any keys?) I had already called over an hour before but never got a call back, and I can almost guarantee they wouldn't have called me back that day so they could get another $30 storage fee out of me.

    submitted by /u/ImbalancingAct
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    [FL] Any resources for someone completely cut off financially during a divorce?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 05:59 AM PDT

    A couple I am friends with have split up and are seeking divorce. The husband has completely cut the wife off, removing her access to any bank accounts or credit. He is hiding money and has quit his job and is now working for cash under the table (she has texts where he has clearly threatened to do this to screw her over).

    His lawyer is bombarding her with demands for documents and custody of their children who she is currently housing and supporting with no assistance from him.

    She has returned to the workforce after 20 years of being a stay at home mother, but with no post high school education and no experience other than summer jobs 20 years ago her prospects are slim. She certainly cannot afford the minimum retainer for a family attorney in this area on top of her rent and meeting the needs of the children.

    I've advised her to beg, borrow, and steal to save up enough for a retainer but she has no family and few friends outside the marriage.

    Are there any legal resources that would help her, at a bare minimum, respond to the constant stream of paperwork and demands from his attorney? Are there any options here she should be looking into?

    submitted by /u/TheVulcanDeathGrip
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    Passing a School Bus

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 09:28 AM PDT

    I need some legal advice/answers here.

    The following violation and citation take place in PA

    I'm travelling on business and as I'm driving to work on a 4 lane road (all the way in the right most lane), I come over a hill and notice a cop on one side and a bus on the other. I'm travelling around 40 mph (speed limit was 40) and noticed the lights flashing on the bus and the stop arm began to come out as I passed it. This bus is travelling on the opposite side of the 4 lane road, right where a dividing median ends. Of course the cop pulls me over and I received a citation ($432.50).

    I'm here from IL and have an IL license.

    I've spent all morning trying to research the law and penalties and what I've found is that, yes what I did was illegal and in PA, that includes this hefty fine and mandatory license suspension. In IL, what I did was NOT illegal as you are allowed to pass buses on 4 lane roadways travelling in the opposite direction. The same type of Violation in IL also carries a license suspension. I understand I am responsible for knowing the laws in the state that I'm driving in but I'm more concerned on how this will affect me in IL. Being guilty of something in one state that would be legal in my home state, how is that punished by the home state? Should I expect that if a guilty verdict is reached, IL will be made aware of the violation and impose their own punishment?

    I've been calling around all morning trying to find a lawyer to consult with but having little luck reaching anyone specializing in traffic law in the area.

    Any light that can be shed on this would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Mrdriverloop
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    Roommate let Ex into House

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 01:57 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm at a loss. My roommate let my ex into our house/ my room to gather some things without my permission while I was gone this evening.

    Come to find out she has also been relaying aspects of my personal life to my ex. Do I have any legal avenues to take against my roommate? I feel extremely violated. (Colorado)

    submitted by /u/slimjim58
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    Half-Sister told the state that she was his only living sibling and they took her at face value, and now the local police refuse to help

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 09:36 AM PDT

    This is my first post so I'm sorry if the formatting is awful. but I hope maybe some of you can help us out. ANY help on ANY part of it is super useful!!

    I might update this later when I'm not on mobile

    Some of the information is from the perspective of the neighbors, whom we trust and are currently staying with instead of a hotel while we've flown down here in TX.

    Me: me UM: my uncle HS: half sister LP: local police MM: my mom

    A little context My uncle passed in late July, however he lives in TX, whereas my family lives in NH. We were all very close, however. We'd speak on the phone every couple of days. As far as we know, he passed one night shortly after getting off the phone with us, and wasn't discovered until August. Naturally, despite being some of his closest family, the first people to find him and report to LP, they quite literally went to his Facebook and found someone with his last name.

    Now, we share different last names because my mother is married. UM frequently told us that he had his will arranged, and it was in his house, in a safe, as well as with his lawyer. We can't say for certain, but from what we were told, he wanted to leave everything to me and MM (that's not our priority, we wanted him to be laid to rest and his final wishes respected). However, when UM passed, and LP contacted HS, she claimed to be his only living relative. LP took her at face value, and handed her the keys to the house and truck. The next day, MM called the police and requested that no one be allowed in the house, which they lied and agreed. The day after, they told her HS already had keys.

    In the midst of this, HS was refusing to let MM move forward in laying UM to rest. She deliberately took us around every corner, she was trying to get him buried in the same plot as the family they shared (her relation is through Smith Family [shared father] but his wishes were to be buried with the Johnson Family [family he grew up with]). It took until October for him to be cremated and ashes laid to rest.

    Back to the house...

    If you've ever been in a house where a body was left to decompose for a week and a half.. you'll know how bad it is. HS refused to let a biohazard crew in to clean.

    It was at this point, MM and I flew down to take care of things in person.

    HS ransacked the house and took the will. We know this for a fact because he deliberately told us where it is, where he'd keep it. And we found the safe it was in- open and rummaged through. It looked like a burglary. For someone who claimed to be so close, HS didn't have any interest in family pictures, anything personal. We knew she wouldnt, HS is notorious in the family for only showing up for money. Hell, she got fired as a nurse for stealing prescription painkillers.

    As soon as HS got the keys, the first thing she did was take his brand new truck. This is where the idea to post here came up.

    Because she doesn't have the title to it, and it's still part of the estate (hasnt gone through probate) we tried to file it with LP as stolen. However, LP is refusing to help us, claiming it's a "family matter" and that "we've been nothing but trouble" for them. According to them, "It's with family" and they want nothing to do with it. But this is a small town in TX and the neighbors laugh at the idea of getting them to help.

    At this point, LP are totally refusing any help. But I, personally, refuse to just accept that there's nothing we can do. Maybe I'm an optimist.

    If there is anything, what can we do?

    Update; both MM and HS have lawyers involved, but at this point, our lawyer cannot get in touch with either HS or her lawyer. Both have gone stone cold unresponsive.

    submitted by /u/throwaway30472
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    Are wills made public?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 05:21 AM PDT

    Throwaway because pretty sure my stepmother knows my legit acct. I am in Maryland. This could be a long story. But I am committed to making this short as possible. If I need to add anything, please let me know.

    My father is the oldest of 2 children He has a younger sister. He also has 6 kids by 4 different women. Me (his only daughter). And my 5 older brothers. I have had minimal contact with my father and 4 of my brothers for the past 6ish years and have been completely no contact with my father for the last 2.

    His parents have money. Apparently lots of it. My father has lived his entire life on the assumption that when his parents died, he would inherit a majority of their estate. No one has ever told him this. He just assumes. And assumes he will get the majority because he is a man and my Aunt has a husband with a very good job. So she doesn't "need or deserve" it.

    His father died 4 years ago. We just found out that my grandmother has a medical issue that may make it so that she will not live longer than 6 months. I am devastated. For a majority of my life, she was my mother figure. My father has no idea and my grandmother doesn't want him to know. She doesn't want him celebrating early.

    After finding her diagnosis, she decided to tell me that she changed her will about a year ago that splits her estate (everything of hers and my grandfathers) between myself and Aunt. No one else.

    I know this is going to cause major drama. My grandmother was very detailed, apparently, when she made the new will. She outlined exactly why she made her will the way she did. Including a video for my father, so he could hear in her words, her reasons.

    So I guess I'm asking, will my father be able to find out exactly how much she left me? Are wills available for anyone in the family to read? I dont care how mad he gets. Believe me, I have learned how to shut him out. I just dont know how comfortable I am with him knowing how much money I have. If he will be able to find out, I just want to know beforehand.

    I apologize for the novel. I thought I could keep it short.

    submitted by /u/isthereanissue
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    My mother recently died and I'm afraid I will inherit her medical bills as well.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 02:01 AM PDT

    So my mother died just this last Sunday. I'm 22 years old and I have a 27 year old disabled brother. My mom left me the house, the car (both paid off) and all of the money. A few months ago she went to the hospital for her fifth heart attack and three days after wards returned for pancreatitis. As you can see those hospital bills are well in the six figures easily. I'm not sure if my mom has received any of the bills yet from the hospital but I haven't seen any. I'm just afraid that they are going to try to come after us because my mother died and they didn't get their money. Is this going to happen or is my anxiety getting the best of me? I live in the beautiful state of Texas by the way. I'm not sure if this is the proper subreddit for this question but thank you in advance!

    Bit of an update: I just got her bill from when she had pancreatitis. Its not nearly as much as I was expecting but anything over $0.00 is more than i believe i owe them. Still not sure about the bill from the visit. I appreciate all of the comments and concerns. As far as a will and executor, I have a copy of the will and i am the executor, I need to get ahold of the original and go to the courthouse and get it probated. As far as life insurance I don't think and I'm not sure which health care she had, she had Medicaid or Medicare, not sure which. Ultimately I will talk to an attorney and go forward from there but decided to ask here instead. It's a lot on my plate and I have family who are helping me but they won't be here forever. Thank you everyone.

    submitted by /u/BoRnToLiV343
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    [AUS] Renting a recently built apartment and the supplied dryer fell from its fixing and smashed the glass lid of my washing machine. Who is responsible for repairs/replacement?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 04:09 AM PDT

    As the title says. The supports for the dryer ripped from the drywall causing the dryer unit to fall onto the lid of my washing machine resulting in significant damage and glass shards strewn throughout the machine. I am seeking repair or replacement but the real estate says they are not liable and they are unable to contact the builder.

    What are my options and is there any legislation showing my rights?

    submitted by /u/Jaeger-Bomb
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    Ex boyfriend’s mom wants me to pay her back for a utility bill that went to collections two years after we broke up, but I have no way to verify it’s even related to the apartment we had together

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 05:42 AM PDT

    I lived in an apartment with my ex boyfriend until 2017. The lease was in both of our names, but the internet and cable service was in his name. I had to contact the police and his parents to remove him from the apartment when he became unstable and started abusing drugs. His parents paid for a new place and all his moving expenses, and he left.

    To not break the lease, I kept the apartment and paid for everything on my own. All utilities were in my name except for cable which was a one-year agreement in his name, and I paid religiously. At the end of my lease, I paid off all balances and retuned the WiFi equipment. I moved out in August of 2018.

    Today I get a text from his mom with a picture of a letter from a debt collections agency. The letter lists his name, the cable company, and an amount owed of $90. There is no address or date of service. In her text, she explains that she already paid off the debt collectors "to not hurt her son's credit" and wants me to pay her back. She wants me to send her a check and gave me her address in another state.

    I want to do the right thing but think this is ludicrous and there is no way to know if the debt is even related to me. The city we lived in has only 1 cable provider and the debt could have been from another apartment of his, or some other issue. So far I have ignored her messages and am thinking of blocking her, but am worried they will become angry and pursue me legally.

    What should I do? Thank you!

    Edit to add: I have tried logging into the account on the cable provider's website to check service and payment history but the account doesn't even exist anymore.

    Edit: the apartment we had together was in Texas, ex's mother lives in Florida, I have since moved to California.

    submitted by /u/ThrowRAmarama
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    My mother in law accidentally hit a bicycler 4 years ago and the person is submitting a claim for a personal injury suit against them.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 10:12 AM PDT

    My mother in law claims that she drove up to a stop sign, checked both ways, and then pulled forward. The person on the bicycle hit the car and fell to the ground. There was a bus stop where there were witnesses and no damage was done to the vehicle. The bicycler was going the wrong direction on the bike lane according to the road signals. Insurance companies have been involved and the insurance company has hired an attorney to handle the case. A police report was also filled and the guy left in an ambulance.

    Should my mother in law get a personal attorney or would the insurance company be better for them?

    Is there any specific steps that should be taken?

    submitted by /u/Solidify0118
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    My landlord wants me to sign an amendment to my lease. What should I do?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 07:12 AM PDT

    So my original lease says I'm responsible for utilities. Whatever, I had no problem with that. After 3 months of living here I never got a bill for water or garbage. I thought that was weird but thought maybe the apartment had decided to take care of it or whatever. Now, three months after moving in, my apartment wants me to sign an ammendment to my lease saying that a 3rd party is taking care of the bill. I have a huge problem with this for multiple reasons. 1. It's not based on a reading of a meter. It's based on the number of people in the apartment. 2. There are fees and the lease even states " If allowed by state law, we at our sole discretion may amend these fees, with written notice to you." What?!? 3. Then this part "We are not liable for any losses or damages you incur as a result of outages, interruptions, or fluctuations in utility services provided to the dwelling unless such loss or damage was caused by negligent act or omissions by us or our employees. You release us from any and all such claims and waive any claims for offset or reduction of rent or diminished rental value of the dwelling due to such outages, interruptions, or fluctuations." 4. Lastly this 3rd party company has terrible reviews. Literally 100s of 1 starts. They even changed they're company name, if guessing to hide this fact.

    What should I do? What would happen if I didnt sign this? This is in the USA. Wisconsin

    submitted by /u/picknick717
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    Renting in Denver, CO - hoping for some insight into a confusing lease situation regarding a landlord who will not honor the original lease terms.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 09:03 AM PDT

    This may be a bit long, so apologies in advance, but there are a lot of moving parts here which is why it is so complicated for us to navigate.

    I moved into a 4 bedroom house on September 1 with myself and (2) other tenants. Per the lease agreement, we were to have another tenant move into the house and added to the lease (effectively lowering our individual rents) when we found another interested party. Another girl decided to join around October 1, and the landlord processed her paperwork. The girl backed out last minute because she did not like her interactions with the landlord (she's very inconsistent and rude imo) and so we had another good friend of ours from California decide he wanted the room instead, which was perfect for us.

    He submitted his application and payment and seemingly out of nowhere the landlord doesn't answer for a week and a half, and then when she does tells us that pursuant to Denver statue we cannot have more than 3 unrelated individuals living in the house, and that we were no longer allowed to have a fourth roomate.

    This obviously came as a bit of a shock to us, as she'd told us on several occasion that there were four unrelated tenants there previously, and the lease explicitly states we are to add a fourth.

    Obviously now we are in a bind because the rent is higher than we can reasonably afford since it's being split by 3 instead of 4. We've been trying to communicate with our landlord for weeks regarding the situation, and she almost never answers us back. She eventually told us that per her council she will no longer entertain any of our questions regarding the lease situation and to reference a paragraph in our lease agreement if we needed to know more. This paragraph says no verbal contracts will be honored, but we have it as a written addendum in our lease, as well as many many emails regarding the addition of a fourth roomate.

    Where it gets especially confusing to us is that this tenant limitation statue does exist in Denver. So we are wondering if our lease is invalidated because of her agreement to an effectively illegal renters policy? Our preference would be to get out of this property entirely as she has proven to be very hostile towards us - but we are afraid because she has a lot of deposit money of ours that we cannot afford to lose, and has been extremely difficult to speak with at all.

    As an aside, she also told us via email that she has people watching our house (???) to even see if it's a good fit. We're all responsible, 28+ year old adults with careers so I'm really not sure what that's about, but I feel like it violates some of our privacy rights.

    Anyway, any insight or advice on this would be greatly appreciated as we're not sure how or if we should move forward with this. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/helloreddititsmee
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    Should I Sue for Breach of Contract?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 11:10 AM PDT

    Hi all

    I recently received a buyout from a place I was renting in NYC. The owners wanted me out so they could sell building to developers. The deal stated that we would receive some money in addition to our security deposit. This was in July and I fulfilled my part of the contract and they nearly fulfilled all of theirs.

    Except for the $8000 in security (don't ask its NYC) that I should've gotten back months ago. Is now October. I would email the developers since they are the ones brokering deal with landlord and get ho-hum answers. Blaming the bank or blaming holidays etc... Now I'm ready to use court to force their hand. I'm even interested in wondering if I could even get back my apartment (long shot but still wondering if its possible...)

    Anyway what is the most realistic chance of me just getting the $8k back and ending this BS once and for all?

    submitted by /u/smittybwitty
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    I'm launching a personal investigation into the obvious corruption existing between my HOA Board and our Property Management company. Looking for advice on what I'll need and whether it's within my rights to get it. [Houston, Texas]

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    Hello guys,

    Haven't posted here before but here's a quick summary of the situation, maybe someone can help:

    In 2017 I bought a condo in Downtown Houston. Since then I've been charged a number of frivolous "violations" in addition to my maintenance fee, which were all based on vague, poorly worded By-Laws that haven't had any major reviews since their enactment in 1978. In an effort to combat these BS charges I started talking to the neighbors and digging into the bylaws, and the feedback/information I've gleaned is alarming, to say the least. While this is not a complete list, here are a few of the more major red flags I've noticed purely through researching the available information and interviewing some of the long-time residents:

    • The by-laws clearly state that the board meeting minutes and financial audits are to be distributed to every individual unit owner upon their occurrence. Not only are the minutes not distributed individually (they're posted on the community bulletin board and taken down less than 24 hours later), but the Audits are ONLY posted online, and even then half of them were missing until I requested them from the Mgmt Co. Then they magically showed up.
    • We are supposed to be notified of special board meetings and assemblies, and their locations and purpose, no less than 5 days before occurrence, I quote "personally, or by mail, telephone, or telegraph" [per the bylaws]. I've lived here two years and haven't received a single notice. I only found out about the last meeting by chance, because a neighbor invited me.
    • The contract with the Mgmt Co. is limited to a year at a time per the by-laws, and must be signed by the President. The last contract was issued for a 5-year period, and was signed by the demented alcoholic b*tch who harasses EVERY resident constantly, when she was no longer president. This contract waives any termination fee, but the premium [read: kick-back] to the company doubled. Not suspicious at all.
    • Any and all changes to the by-laws, fees, or regulations are to be voted on by the unit owners. In the past two months there hasn't been a single election and yet, they're raising our maintenance fee and per their last meeting don't plan on telling anyone.

    I could go on and on about how they magically seem to run out of money whenever repairs need to be done on units NOT owned by the Directors, or how $26k magically went missing a few months ago, or how they're paying for the Directors' unit renovations out of the operating account, or how every single audit was done by a company who's main investor is the owner of the Mgmt. Company, or how getting any sort of paperwork is IMPOSSIBLE and WILDLY EXPENSIVE... but my point is, assuming I can find proof of all this BS, who do I talk to? What are my rights? If they simply refuse to furnish the info, furnish incomplete info, or flat-out refuse to communicate with me, what can I do? I'm already informing all of the owners and tenants, reaching out to the off-property owners, and campaigning for election this upcoming April... aside from community activism, what can I expect in this fight?

    Thanks in advance for any advice. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/MelodramaticQuarter
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    Check in/ check out report

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 10:33 AM PDT

    I recently rented a house with a one year lease in Grants Pass Oregon. The landlord asked me to submit a Check in/ check out form that he wanted submitted by a certain date. According to his hand written "Further Explanation of Above Condition", he wrote, "If this form is not returned by 10-4-19, tenant agrees to have accepted the unit with no disrepair." I was super busy with the move -in and forgot about the form till past the date mentioned. I have not signed it.

    However, I've noticed that the power outlet switches in the kitchen, particularly the one the fridge is plugged into, keeping tripping off if the central air heating is on. I think this represents an electrical power overload, and that a fire could result. He insisted I get renters insurance, and I think he knew about the overload issue and didn't tell me. Is that grounds to break the lease? I'm I right that this is a high fire hazard situation? Thanks in advance for your thoughts on this.

    submitted by /u/KoniL
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