• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 9, 2019

    Legal Advice [MI] My landlord’s ex-wife opened a credit card in my name and defaulted on it for $4000.

    Legal Advice [MI] My landlord’s ex-wife opened a credit card in my name and defaulted on it for $4000.

    [MI] My landlord’s ex-wife opened a credit card in my name and defaulted on it for $4000.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:28 AM PDT

    I found out about it yesterday when I got a collection letter and figured it was a mistake at first. After bringing it up with my girlfriend and showing her the letter, I called the company to get some more details. Apparently it was opened about 6 months ago, ran up the balance all the way to the limit and just never paid anything. My landlord has been divorced since June and my girlfriend and I think she may have grabbed my application on the way out the marital door. I already requested a copy of the charges so I could prove I wasn't the one who made them but I'm looking to buy a house in the Spring, how would this affect me and what do I need to do?

    submitted by /u/stampedandsent
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    Texas - Yesterday, my 10yo daughter was pulled out of class and detained for 4 hours. She was not allowed to call us.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:57 AM PDT

    Yesterday, my daughter was pulled out of class and detained for 4 hours, and eventually questioned by campus police. The campus policeman decided that there was no actionable offense and there was no warning issued. When she was first pulled out of class she asked the counselor, who was handling the situation (the principle and vice principle were not at the school at the time) to call her parents and the counselor refused. I finally got a call several hours after the situation was resolved. Was it an actionable offense that the counselor failed to contact me when my daughter requested to call me at the beginning of the incident? This occurred in Texas at a public school.

    submitted by /u/throwaway201299
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    My school won't do anything about a student that has sexually assaulted multiple girls. What can I do?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:34 AM PDT

    I'm a high school student in Virginia and for the last two years now the same kid has been sexually assaulting and harassing girls. I am one of the many victims. Usually he would start by just saying very sexual creepy stuff. After you tell him to stop, he'll get all r/niceguys on you and throw around death threats. He has groped multiple girls boobs and buts. (including mine)

    Me and several other girls have reported him to the principal. But they don't ever do anything about it because he has autism. He's not low functioning either he can communicate with you and understand right from wrong. I know this because he was calling my boyfriend creepy for saying sexual stuff to me. I have several friends that have varying levels of autism and none of them have done anything like this.

    He's a sophomore this year and since most of the other sophomores and older grade levels know about him so now he's been only talking to and going after freshmen. Some people have suggested to talk to the media about it instead of the police that way the school would be forced to do something. But I'm not sure how that would go down. The police haven't been involved in the situation yet should I just go to them and if so how? Please keep in mind that everyone involved in this is a minor so we would have to ask our parents In order to settle this situation. (My father doesn't care to do anything right now)

    This same kid was kicked out of our schools student run DND club because he was making people uncomfortable. But now the principal is making them let him back in and even apologize to him. They're refusing to at the moment and the whole club may be shut down because of this.

    Please give me any advice you have for us right now.Sorry for the grammar mistakes I'm really bad at English in general.

    submitted by /u/notasecaccount
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    Convicted rapist trying to contact victim through social media. (Missouri)

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:40 AM PDT

    Idk if this is the right place for this or not but someone very close to me was raped as a child by a friend's father. he subsequently spent around 10 years in prison but was released a year or two ago. Recently he started going by his middle name and yesterday he tracked her down on facebook (no mutual friends) asking her where she lives and other personal information. Are there any legal repercussions to this? I would imagine that would be part of the Court ruling that you can't have any contact with the victim, but I'm not sure. This event scarred her for life and now he is causing alot of emotional distress by trying to get back in her life.

    I was thinking about calling the police non-emergency line just to see what the options were but figured id post here first. Any advice is much appreciated.

    Edit: i truly appreciate all the responses. I will definitely pass all info along

    submitted by /u/Fresh_Biscuitz
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    Nurse forged my brother’s signature at hospital

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:47 AM PDT


    My nephew has a pediatric nurse who cares for him day to day, does things like takes him to school and such. Recently she's been trying to force herself into a position of being almost like his primary custodian. Forcing her way into appointments that she doesn't need to be apart of, making decisions and trying to enforce them like she has the right. To the point of my post, we found out that she took my nephew to our local hospital and forged my brother's signature to allow the hospital to treat my nephew. The problem is she didn't call to let us know she took him to the hospital, the hospital didn't notify us that he was there and she admitted fully that she did, in fact, forge his signature for treatment. We're not sure where to go from here or what to do.

    Edited to add: my nephew is 13 with a tracheotomy, we can't just fire the nurse straight out because he will miss months of school. My nephew requires her to be there and we're talking with her higher ups, we're just wanting to look at this from a legal standpoint.

    submitted by /u/kmcgee88
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    [CA] Property manager dropped off a garage opener in our mailbox and did not notify us. Garage opener was taken and >$800 worth of my tools were stolen. Can I have the owner compensate me due to negligence?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:28 AM PDT

    A month ago I moved in to a 5 bedroom house with 4 roommates. The garage is attached to the house, but provides no access to the house itself.

    The owner of the property asked the property manager to deliver a second garage opener remote to us because they only had one when we moved in and promised a second later on.

    After calling the manager to deliver the remote several times, we could not work out a time to meet. The matter was set aside for about a week since we rarely enter the garage and don't park our cars in it.

    About 2 weeks later, my roommate gets home in the afternoon and enters the garage to find everything missing including a motorcycle of his. Luckily this roommate is an police officer and quickly filed a report, documenting everything that was taken. He calls the property manager who admits he left it in the mailbox on Sept 24 and also admits that he forgot to tell us he did so. Note that the mailbox has a key, but it only locks a small metal flap that does not even block your hand from reaching in to grab letters and small items. (Think of a typical mailbox shape with this smaller door nested inside)

    I had not purchased a renters insurance policy at the time of the incident, but even with the one I got recently, the deductible is $1000, making a claim pointless.

    What can I do about getting the owner to compensate me, if anything? Would this be considered negligent behavior?

    Thank you for your help.

    submitted by /u/dimbrogous
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    (RI) Employer wants me to report to a different site an hour away. Said I can’t claim mileage and they won’t reimburse for tolls. Is this legal?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:28 AM PDT

    As the title says. I'm a contractual employee working I.T. My bosses told me they want me to report to Newport, RI instead of Providence. That means I'll have an hour drive instead of 10 minutes, as well as having to pay $10 in tolls round trip. It's a 30 mile trip out there. They said I can't get reimbursed for any of it and that it's "part of the job." Can they do this? Should I go through the contracting company for any dispute? Should I bother trying to fight this? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/xX420BlazedItXx
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    [MA] Cops forced me to let them search my house. I was cited for underage posses ion of alcohol. Were my rights violated?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    Yesterday two police officers showed up at my door and told me that they were looking around for a man who fit my description. They refused to tell me why they were looking for him and said that if I didn't cooperate that they would arrest me. One of the cops immediately started looking past me into my apartment and said that he wanted to take a look around. I told him no but he said that if I had nothing to hide then I would let him in. If I refused he said he would arrest me and search the house anyway. I refused for about 10 minutes before the officer said that I was under arrest. They handcuffed me and put me out on the sidewalk before one of them went into my house. He was in there for a good 20 minutes before coming out. He says that he noticed I was under 21 yet had a bottle of vodka on my counter so he searched my house and found me and my roommates alcohol shelf. I was uncuffed and given a citation for this before the two cops left. Before they went they said that I should expect a follow up.

    I feel like this was bullshit. I did nothing wrong yet they searched my house anyway and then gave me this fucking fine. What can I do here? I'm not paying this shit because I feel they had no right not search my house. Should I talk to a lawyer?

    submitted by /u/Hoopla321341
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    Spouse is in the military and using my name for loans. Has also been lying about making car payments and might be hiding money.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 06:58 AM PDT

    I found out a few hours ago that my spouse of 2 years has been applying for and taking out loans using my name for over 1 year. I checked for this info after our car was repossessed earlier that day. He told me that payments were being made and I believed him. Through his emails, I now have suspicion that he may have at least two credit cards that he was keeping secret too. He's in the US military and currently out of the country for the rest of the month so he doesn't know that I know. Is this identity theft? Also, can I report this to his Command? I want to report/press charges. Currently living in South Carolina, but loans were also requested in California and Washington.

    submitted by /u/10YearsWastedOnAFool
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    Bought house in 2017, just discovered major leaking. Called plumber and found out seller contacted them in 2016 but never had it fixed.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:30 AM PDT

    The title says most of it. Bought our first house in 2017, in Pennsylvania. We've noticed water coming up from tiles in kitchen and leaking through a light fixture in our basement. Contacted a plumber who couldn't find the leak. Contacted home insurance, who recommended a different plumber. Called new plumber, they asked if I was a new owner because they had the exact same problem reported in 2016 by the previous owner but they couldn't find the problem and it was left at that. Now, that same plumber is saying that it's most likely a roof leak after going on the roof and changing a badly corroded plumbing seal but also noticing issues with siding/roof.

    Nothing was mentioned in sellers disclosures, but they obviously never fixed the problem. Do I have any recourse in this? There was nothing mentioned by the home inspector about the condition of the roof.

    submitted by /u/tge101
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    Inherited a trust/Trustee will not release docs Maryland

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 06:35 AM PDT

    My Grandfather passed away leaving me a trust where I am beneficiary. Unfortunately, the trustee is an Aunt that is a backstabbing witch. She is that person who will talk shit about you and lie to your face. I had filed a complaint a few years ago when I was notified by the investment company because the senior partner of the firm told the Aunt I had called. There is a lot of bad blood in my family, I have been outcasted. I don't care... my Grandfather was a great man and as far as I am concerned, when he passed away, I lost my remaining family the day of his funeral. We are approaching 3 years. I have never viewed any trust documents. She has never sent them, nor has she kept me up to date with any accounting. The ONLY reason that I know it is still there is because I receive the interest documents to file on my taxes. How do I get her to release the documents that I am LEGALLY allowed and to produce an accounting? I am afraid she may be up to something shifty because that is just who she is.... ETA: I had just requested that my monthly amount be reinvested, so I technically never see it.

    submitted by /u/msmandykaye
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    Utility company contracted road work company which damaged my (and neighbors) home and property ($10k-50k). They denied our claim... legal options?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    So this is happening on the DC and Maryland border (literally the road which separates the two). Some of the affected neighbors are on the MD side, I am on the DC side.

    Here's the situation. Our local council agreed to letting a private utility company (Pepco) "hijack" a road "rehabilitation project" for the 2-lane road in front of my property. This project was initially only to repave the road and make it safer for bicyclists and was supposed to take 1-2 years. But Pepco lobbied to take the opportunity to lower their bottom line and bury high voltage "feeder" lines underneath the road. No one voted on this, and the neighborhood certainly didn't agree. The project is now taking over twice as long as a result, and the neighborhood has been severely negatively impacted.

    The entire process has been, in short, hellish. They have torn up the entire road multiple times, the noise has been often deafening, and the primary issue is the intense, intense shaking of our homes when they have been using their construction equipment. It's been going on for 2 years, and still isn't done. The emotional stress alone has been severe. I work from home, and the shaking and noise could be heard through my conference calls, it shook items on my desk, and the road plates kept us up all through the night (as they were not properly secured). The noise constantly exceeded the 65 decibel municipal limit.

    Throughout the entire process, the construction company denied that their activity is causing the shaking (and thus the property damage). They offered to put out vibration sensors, but only on the days they were not actively working. I'm an engineer and actually measured the shaking intensity directly through the floor of my basement with my own sensors. The g-forces were the equivalent of a >6.0 magnitude earthquake.

    I also have videos directly showing the shaking is coming from the road equipment (when removing concrete by smashing it with a large excavator bucket... just feet from our homes).

    Over the months of construction, the shaking has caused severe damage to my home. The mortar of the steps leading up to my house has essentially broken up into gravel, the concrete steps leading to my door have cracked in completely half, and every wall in my home now has significant cracks in them. A couple walls are now completely cracked away from the ceiling, and an addition on the ground level has sunken down 1-2" compared to the rest of the house.

    I filed a claim with Pepco months ago, and they contracted a private inspection company to come out and take 100's of pictures of my home. They took way more pictures than of the damage alone, which I'm now learning is to give them any potential shred of potential justifiable evidence to deny the claim.

    Anyway, fast-forward to now, and they denied my claim. They didn't say why and won't give me their private report without a subpoena. But they offered a "confidential" amount of money as a private "customer concession" settlement that would force me into an NDA and also forfeit my right to pursue further litigation. The amount they offered was insultingly low, less than 5-6% of what it would cost to repair the damage.

    They also claimed that if I were to pursue litigation, it would not be toward them (as the primary contract holder), but instead against the road construction company which they contracted. That doesn't make sense to me, and sounds like they're just trying to shirk blame.


    1. What are my options from here?

    2. If I pursue litigation, what are my chances of winning? I have video evidence tying the road work to shaking in my home, and I also have vibration data from my own equipment/sensors.

    3. Any other advice?

    4. Should I "team up" with my neighbors who have the same kind of damage? Does it matter if we are in different states (DC and MD)?

    Edit: Homeowners insurance already called. They don't cover this kind of thing. My neighbor had a similar experience with her insurance company as well.


    submitted by /u/PineappleDelivery
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    Advice on Rabbit-Hating Crazy Neighbor

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 10:30 AM PDT

    Sorry for using a throwaway account, but we are not really sure what this guy is capable of and want to keep this confidential. We live in California just in case there are laws specific to our state of residence.

    So we are renting a townhouse with a detached garage. A crazy retired neighbor who lives above the garage and is making it his life's mission to harass us. Apparently the tenant who lived here before us was "an alcoholic who never left the house" (I guess he got booze delivery??), so this neighbor, who owns/lives above the garage is not used to anyone opening this garage door. He aggressively confronted us multiple times when we first moved in, annoyed about how the garage door is, in his eyes, opened excessively. In an attempt to appeal to his humanity, we explained that we have an infant son who needs to come home for nap time (requiring us to park the car in the garage), we store items in the garage, and we have an old rabbit who resides in the garage. For some reason he latched on to the rabbit and has decided it is the reason that we are in and out of the garage (instead of the real reason which is that we have a life). We keep thinking things are fine with him, and truly do not try to excessively open the garage door..or do it late at night, but regardless he can't let it go. He sent a uniformed humane society officer to do a welfare check on the rabbit (she found that he had great living conditions and no concerns). His next move was to contact the HOA saying that we were in violation of a rule (which we aren't). We have since made him an emotional support rabbit which we thought would end the discussion. By the way, our management company/landlords are on our side and don't have any issues with the garage door/rabbit.

    Over the weekend we were out of town and had friends checking in/feeding the rabbit. Apparently the neighbor trespassed INTO our garage and started taking pictures. Our friend told him to stop taking pictures of a minor (her son) and to leave. He apparently said that he "needed proof of the rabbit to give to his lawyer". He also made a backhanded threat to poison the rabbit but then said that he "probably wouldn't do that". Then he just launched into his normal complaints that we open the garage door too much, go in at 3 am to get beer out of the garage (I wish I could still stay up until 3am drinking beer!), etc etc. He has now resigned to telling us we are crazy because we have an emotional support rabbit (which we had to do out of protection from him). He also happens to walk out of his house every time we use garage and watch us with this crazy look on his face while he mumbles to himself. It's very threatening. This morning he got in his truck as I was taking the dog to the bathroom, parked in front of our first floor balcony, and stared into our apartment for a few minutes before he drove away.

    What do we stop this?? It is definitely starting to feel like harassment and then the obvious fact that he trespassed and threatened to poison our pet. Moving is not an option right now, and we love the place with the exception of this psycho. We are afraid of what he will do next as other neighbors have voiced complaints about him too.

    TL:DR Crazy neighbor thinks that we open the garage door that he lives above too much because of our rabbit that lives out there, keeps harassing us and our guests, trespassed into our garage to take pictures of him and threatened to poison the rabbit. What do we do?

    submitted by /u/AnalyticalOptimist
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    Had a daughter with a now ex, had a custody agreement by the court, he moved several states away

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:00 AM PDT

    So I had a child with a boyfriend 6 years ago, we broke up and went to court to get a custody agreement. He never kept her the agreed upon time, at most was 8 hours a weekend when it was supposed to be 24 hours every weekend. She would always come home hungry because he didn't feed her. He moved pretty far away, and is saying he wants to keep her a month in the summer. He moved about 2 months ago and only called once to check on her. She is diagnosed with a seizure disorder and I do not think it is in her best interest to go that far for so long. There are a lot of other details that I don't know if I can share here, but is there any way that I could prevent her going so far away for that long? I just would like to know what my options are. He has not paid his full child support either in 3 years.

    submitted by /u/Vitaminia
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    How do I protect my dogs from the neighbor's harrassment. They encourage their kids to stick their hands through our fence and torment our dogs

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 04:50 AM PDT

    Thanks for reading. We have a 6' chain link fence around our yard. It's perimeter covers the corner of our half of a shared driveway. We have two mutts, 55 lbs and 40 lbs, very friendly and well socialized. The neighbor's two boys, age approx 5 and 3, had fun one day flinging their toys at our fence gate while our dogs were out. It drove our dogs crazy. The mom final put a stop to it, but it concerned me that they may harass our dogs. More concerning, what if they stick their fingers through our fence and their fingers get nipped. I have si celebration noticed the adults feeding our dogs milk bones and encouraging their kids to come to the gate and touch our dogs. They are not the kind of people I could have a rational conversation with about this. They do as they please regardless of others rights or basic courtesy. I don't want their children to be hurt by my dogs, I don't want my dogs to be injured or taken if the children are hurt. Are there any legal precautions I should take? We live in Cincinnati, Ohio. Thanks

    submitted by /u/JennH19
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    I took a video of a man acting out and causing severe damage to the golf course I work at, he is now attempting to have the GM fire me

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:45 AM PDT


    I work on a golf country club maintenance crew and I was mowing greens the morning if this incident. It was about 6:45 to 7. I was mowing on one of the holes and a golfer (onesome) came up on the hole I was mowing. A little background, mowing greens is NOT a fast process, and it is a very delicate one as well. It takes anywhere between 3 minutes to 5 minutes per green depending on the size of said green. Also, once you start mowing a green, you can't stop until it's complete otherwise it messes with the growth pattern of the grass.

    I was halfway done with this green when this guy showed up. He stands on the tee box about 159 yards away and starts screaming at me to get off the green. Once the green is completed, I lift up the decks and start making my way to the next one. He get in his cart and swings around me and blocks my path (greens mowers are anything but fast) I actually had to throw the machine in reverse to avoid hitting the cart. He comes over at starts screaming at me that I too to long and to go home and, "play video games because you absolutely f*cking suck at your job!" I, wordlessly pulled out my phone and started to secretly record while pretending to make a call (one party consent state). I just waited for him to calm down. He then did something I did not expect: he took out one of his clubs and went onto the green I had just mowed and started digging chunks out of it. BIG CHUNKS. I got all of this on video.

    After he did this he got in his cart and drove off. I called my direct supervisor and told him to get out here. He did and couldn't believe the damage that was caused. He, of course, believed I didn't do it.

    Shortening it up here, the golfer went to the GM and told him that he had seen me taking a dew whip (a tool we use to get dew off the edges of the green after mowing. Mostly for aesthetics) and digging holes into the green with it (not even possible, the dew whip is too narrow to cause the damage that was caused). The GM called me into his office shortly thereafter and proceeded to tell me what the guy "saw" and that he was going have to write me up. I showed him the video and now the guy is saying that I invaded his privacy. The GM tried to explain the concept of one party consent but there just wasn't anybody home upstairs.

    He is now threatening to sue and I don't know what to do. I still have my job, for now, his membership has been revoked. I guess what I want to know is, do I have a strong defense if this guy does decide to file suit?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/cameronjames222
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    Quick advice on political sign

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 01:43 AM PDT

    Someone placed a sign in my yard without permission. I layed it down in the yard and came back to find it up again but hidden from house view. Finding it up again, I threw it in the trash. Is this ok?

    Washington state

    submitted by /u/Hellbound20
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    My mom bought a house a couple months ago in a neighborhood with an HOA. She’s been informed that she must get the outside of her house painted or she’ll be fined. Except as it turns out, the HOA decided it a couple years ago and the previous owners never disclosed that. What are her options

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 11:43 AM PDT

    Location is Las Vegas NV

    Like the title states. She bought a house a few months ago. She's been informed by her HOA that if she doesn't get the house exterior painted, she'll be fined. The HOA had decided a few years ago all the house had to be painted a certain color. The owners at the time didn't get it done. When they sold the house to my mother, they never disclosed that the exterior had to be painted. Does she have any recourse to recoup the money she has to now spend to get the exterior repainted

    submitted by /u/EFIRE23
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    Question about an apartment mgmt co.'s legal responsibility based off representations they made.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 12:16 PM PDT

    I was looking for some advice on the following situation which has become ridiculous;

    My Girlfriend was looking online for apartments in Denver and found a great price on a one bedroom unit. She applied and they accepted her application. Turns out that there was a pricing mishap on their website that day which resulted in that low price. Luckily my GF had taken screen shots and does have communications about this price.

    She followed up and both the sales person and her manager said that they would honor the rate quoted on the website while she was touring the unit. So she paid her deposit which they accepted, sent in her background check info(which she passed) and is now waiting for the welcome letter and lease. However they are giving her the run around and accidentally attached her to an email asking their management if they have to honor that rate based on their systems mistake.

    They have been avoiding sending this information for a few weeks now and it looks like they are looking for any chance to get out of this rate. She provided them screenshots and the application she filled out showing the rate and that was when she got copied on that email by accident asking if they have to honor it.

    Do they have to honor the representations they made as they have basically done the whole move in process up to the signing of the lease? Or can they essentially say tough luck and not have to honor this since the lease had not been signed yet? and if so does she have any recourse?

    submitted by /u/Passioncramps
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    A former employer accessed a personal work FB account after I left the company. What might be the ramifications?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 11:46 AM PDT

    I created a work personal FB profile for a company I worked for previously, using the company's initials and my first name, and used the work e-mail I was provided. I used this account to post photos, answer general information questions, post upcoming events, etc, on their company page. I had it set up to have to manually log in with my email and password each time I accessed the account.

    I left the company and that day changed the associated e-mail with it to personal one, so that I could have a chance to submit friend requests with some people I wished to keep in touch with on my own personal page. The work account had personal messages to people I was "friends" with and some of these messages did not shed a positive light on the company or management, by both parties. Some of them also discussed my former manager, who was treating me poorly. Most of them were out of frustration.

    As life gets in the way sometimes, I logged into the account about two weeks later, downloaded all the information and deleted the account. I took a look at all the information and I noted in the log in and log out section, that also shows the IP address of where the account was accessed, that the account was accessed on three separate occasions after I left the company.

    What sort of ramifications, if either party decided to pursue legal action, could each party be facing? If I decide to pursue legal action, what kind of attorney would be the most appropriate?

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/SheLikesSnow
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    [OR] Rental House Caught Fire and landlord still wants rent $?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    We had a house fire that was mostly contained to the garage. The garage is completely destroyed and smoke went into the ventilation system, attic, etc. of the house.

    All people living here were at work or school during the time of incident - fire department has narrowed it down to a specific location but hasn't identified the actual cause. It could be anything from the furnace, faulty wiring, or something we had plugged into an outlet as those were all in the corner of origin.

    Our landlord had mentioned still paying rent for November and beyond - the house is uninhabitable (All electrical was in garage, furnace, hot water heater, etc.) and we don't have an ETA on repair completion. With that said are we able to break our lease?

    Should we take further action in this situation? We will not be paying future rent. We had just paid October rent a couple days before the fire occurred - are we entitled to get this back?

    If we can break our lease for this reason does anyone have a resource on a written letter I can send?

    We have text messages from previous interactions with our landlord explaining the electrical issues in the house. We have had other issues with the property that are unrelated to the fire as well that haven't been addressed properly as well.

    submitted by /u/myhousecaughtfire
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