• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 29, 2019

    Legal Advice Just got a collection letter for a credit card that isn't mine. I think my drug-addicted sister might have opened it. [FL]

    Legal Advice Just got a collection letter for a credit card that isn't mine. I think my drug-addicted sister might have opened it. [FL]

    Just got a collection letter for a credit card that isn't mine. I think my drug-addicted sister might have opened it. [FL]

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 04:44 AM PDT

    Like the title says, I got a letter from a collection company in the mail yesterday saying I owe $3,000 on a credit card and they are offering to let me pay it off with three payments of $850 if I commit to a payment plan in the next 10 days.

    The card obviously isn't mine as the only credit card I have still worked as of yesterday. I checked the account and it's still active, it's from the same company though. My sister has been known to steal money before from me, my parents and my other siblings for her drug habit. I know she tried opening a card in my parents' name years ago and they found out when they got a letter declining them for the card.

    What do I need to do to show them this isn't my debt?

    submitted by /u/yellowskyhigh
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    [PA] I was just fired for refusing to give vaccinations as a receptionist

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:32 AM PDT

    I am certified in PA as a CMAA (Certified Medical Administrative Assistant) and my boss knows this. My official job title on hire was "Medical Receptionist".

    She started pushing me recently to do height and weight because the office is under-staffed. She pushed another receptionist into calling in medication which I found out is illegal in the state. I refused to do this.

    She became angry with me and her tone changed about a month ago.

    When she demanded I start doing flu shots, I declined. I was sick last week and had to call off. She called me in this morning and asked why I refused to do the vaccinations. I told her I am not certified and she fired me on the spot stating I "miss too much work".

    I am only concerned about moving on at this point and concerned about UC. I heard she has done this to other receptionists and made sure they did not get paid their final pay and did not collect unemployment when the dispute letter arrived. One girl even sued this woman and won. She is the office manager for a foreign doctor.

    Can I fight this? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/krammiit
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    Three men entered my apartment as inspectors but then proceeded to announce themselves as “Immigration”.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    I'm currently renting an apartment in a small condominium in Florida, and I've been living here for almost 3 years. Over the weekend, my landlord notified the residents of the building (via a note on the door) that management would be entering all units for approximately 15 minutes on Monday, 28th "primarily for insurance purposes". However, they were not able to actually get to my apartment until today. I was not physically present when they came, but I do have cameras set up, which I was monitoring. As the men entered the apt, one of them proceeded to announce themselves as "Immigration". They then went around taking pictures and filming everything within the apt while they also took notes. After about 15-20 minutes of inspecting, they left. I immediately messaged my landlord and asked who these men were and why they declared themselves that way. All he responded is that they were inspectors and not immigration.

    The way I see it, either my landlord is lying, or one of these men falsely impersonated a federal officer. Either way, I'd like to know what I can do about it and if I have any legal recourse in this matter. Also, is it legal for them to film my property within the apartment?

    Edit: I have video evidence of one of them clearly shouting "immigration". They had just walked in so they could not be 100% sure that the rest of the apt was empty.

    submitted by /u/apttest1234
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    My husband's image was used without his consent in an advertisement for a trades college nearby. He's a public figure, and appearing in this ad could damage his reputation. Could he sue them?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:12 PM PDT

    It's definitely him (has the same mole on his forehead, etc). He certainly didn't model for the ad, which is obviously photoshopped together, and never consented to his image being used. He's a public figure in the city we live and is often seen in the news, in court proceedings, and among other high profile events. A friend sent a picture of the ad which was a poster on a major public transportation vessel. It shows my husband photoshopped into a scene overlooking a tradesperson on the job. They've made it appear as though he is wearing a shirt with the college logo on it. Does he have a case? Located in BC, Canada

    submitted by /u/BuckyMarx
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    Breaks fail in company vehicle causes accident.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:22 AM PDT

    So, this just happened to me. I am typing this from the hospital because I messed up my wrist. I am a delivery driver for a beer company and we have terrible trucks. They are old and they refud to replace them. Most of them barely work. Well they switched my truck out yesterday with a different terrible truck and this morning I was on my way to my first stop. I was on a long hilly road that comes to a T section. My truck would not. Stop. Scary as hell. I did everything I could. I slammed the brakes, pulled the trailer brake and released the air brakes. It did nothing. Knowing I was SOL I laid on the horn to try and notify everyone near by. I barreled through the T section and a car hits my front end and then I go on to crash into a telephone pole. This is my company's fault hands down. They know how bad their trucks are and refuse to do anything about it. But I'm scared of what I should do now..?

    submitted by /u/Stevothegr8
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    Sister-in-law and husband are being incarcerated. What to do with a 3 yr old?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    So this is a strange turn of events. My wife and I are expecting our first child in a few months. And our lives are changing and we are super, super excited about it.

    Earlier this year, her oldest sister who had been incognito from the entire family for nearly 10 years suddenly came back from the void and wanted to reconnect with us. My wife's sister had a major fallback and estranged her family as a result. This was before I even met my wife, but I always knew the older sister as "that one" of the family.

    To make a long story short, the man married to my wife's sister is a known drug addict. He was recently arrested for use and possession of crystal meth, resisting arrest and crashing a vehicle while escaping from the police.

    My wife's sister has three children. Oldest is 17 and will be 18 in a few months. His plan is to GTFO as soon as he's 18. He already works and has a place to lay his head, and is already accepted into a college. So he is good.

    The middle child. Was from a previous relationship/marriage with my brother-law. We all love my brother-in-law and he's just an outstanding guy. He had been fighting for full custody of the middle child for years and after these events, the court finally put him in favor and gave him full custody of the child. We couldn't be happier.

    The youngest is a 3 yr old girl from my wife's sister and the crazed drug addict husband relationship. With the husband being sent to prison and the fact that she does not have a job, she cannot care for this child. However, since we are in the state of Florida, our state is very, very, VERY reluctant to take children from their mothers, no matter how incompetent.

    We learned TODAY, that she may be sent to jail, for child endangerment. The youngest does not have anyone to rescue her.

    My brother-in-law, a great man, isn't responsible nor interested in this child. The kid is not biologically his, so he does not care.

    My mother and father-in-law, are retired now and just sold their house. They moved into a trailer park outside Disney in a 55+ community, they can't take care of the child.

    So that leaves just my Wife and I. We both have stable incomes and a home. We are both in agreement that if the child needs a guardian, we are its best option. However, if I am going to do this, I want to fight for FULL custody. I am not going to give this child back to my wife's sister the moment she walks out of jail.

    I'm not sure what to do. I do want to take care of this child if the mother is sent to jail. But I don't want to deal with the legal battle that'll ensue once she is released.

    submitted by /u/gonzo5970
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    Computer repair store was told to “hold off” on repairs and agreed to wait while I decided what actions to take. Now they have repaired my computer and are offering it for sale

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:09 AM PDT

    Georgia - I dropped my laptop off to a local repair shop for repairs. They offer a free cleaning and diagnosis of the problem. The computer was purchased at $1499 and is worth around $1200 second hand. They determined it was a motherboard issue and quoted me $700 for repair. I told them to give me time to consider my options and they happily agreed. I've found the motherboard for $350 and a repair shop willing to replace it for $99. So I went to retrieve my laptop and noticed it was on display "for sale". It has been almost 2 months since I dropped it off - but wasn't told of any time limits. My computer was catalogued with my contact information when I dropped it off - they could have contacted me prior to repairing and selling. They've repaired the computer and listed it for sale for $1099. They said they replaced the keyboard, screen, motherboard, and were selling at cost of repairs.

    I did not ask for or agree to any of these services. I was offered to buy the computer at the listed price and was told they "could not wait forever" and "assumed it was abandoned". They backed up my SSD to an old school desktop hard drive and are offering to sell me the hard drive for $169 (cost to transfer the data + cost of the hard drive).

    Has anything illegal been done here? Is it wise to sue them in small claims court? If so, should I sue for the original cost of the computer or the cost of the computer minus the original repair quote?

    They wiped my SSD and the hard drive they are offering to sell me is not bootable and contained $5000+ worth of software. Meaning I will have to spend countless hours locating my product keys, installing and reconfiguring the software as it was the computer I used in my studio. Could this be considered damages or something?

    submitted by /u/Substanceabuser6668
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    a friend of mine confessed to me that she sent a student that she used to teach nudes. She thought he was 18 but turns out he won’t turn 18 till November 1. She is 30. He is now threatening to release them if she doesn’t give him $1000 and have sex with him. He also mentioned that he will do worse

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:33 PM PDT

    Bio-Dad holding wedding presents (around $2,000) hostage, any way to legally retrieve that?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:20 PM PDT

    So, my wife and I were just married. Me and her have a great relationship with her biological mom who is divorced and single, and she was the main help with the wedding and planning along with my parents. Her biological dad cheated on her mom, and there was a very messy divorce. He since remarried, and tensions are bad between my wife and her father. There has been lots of emotional and physical abuse, and she does not want to be around her biological dad. However, he really wanted to be included in the wedding, and my wife didn't completely swear him off so we let him attend and assist in some of the wedding planning while we kept our distance. Long story short, there was a major fiasco at the wedding between my wife, her mother, and father, that really ruined the wedding. My wife has sworn off her father and refuses to speak with him. However we learned there are family/friends/acquaintances that have given gifts to the father assuming they would be given to us. A few people have reached out to us, and we have reached out to others. We estimate around $2,000 in the form of checks, cash, and gift cards are sitting at the father's house, but it could be much more. That's just what we know of. He refuses to give them to us unless we go to his home for an extended period of time and "earn" the gifts back. My wife fears for her safety and well being if we go there, and only confrontation will come of it. Is there any legal standing to have him give the gifts to us? Some checks are written in our name, but all we have is some people's testimonies that they gave him the gifts to give to us. He has a history of taking out loans in family members names, theft criminal record, and terrible finances. We feel he will just use the gifts if we do not. Is there anything I can do here? Both my wife and I are two very broke college students and those gifts would go a long way.

    submitted by /u/sadanonjpg
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    Doctor never told me I had cancer

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:24 PM PDT

    I was diagnosed with cancer last month in my thyroid, I had a nodule in my neck that I developed around 2015 I went and had it biopsied and never heard back from my doctor (I was in college at the time and had exams that week so thought they would get back with me if I had any problems). Fast forward to last month I went to a new doctor for a check-up and mentioned that I had a nodule in my neck and he was concerned and had it checked out and they got back to me very quickly with results of cancer. He wanted the results of the 2015 biopsies and they strongly suggest I had cancer back then. Now it has spread to my lymph nodes and I'm having surgery next week to treat it.

    There are more details to the story obviously but that the idea, I was told that if the incident is over 3 years old then it is past the statued of limitations but since I had no idea until 3 weeks ago was just wondering if I have a case at all or just forget about it?

    Edit: I live in Tennessee and all took place here

    submitted by /u/thegreatdanton69
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    Neighborhood couple have too many accidents on peoples' properties

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:54 PM PDT

    A while back an older woman fell on my parents property in the winter, claiming there was an unsalted ice patch. There were some inconsistencies in her and her husbands statements to lawyers and to police but since they settled with insurance it was mostly forgotten about even though it caused a lot of stress for my parents. Recently however, I found out that this same couple had had other "accidents" around that neighborhood. Is there something that can be done?

    Edit: This would be in New Jersey

    submitted by /u/unauthorized_koala
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    Boss's Boss alters my time sheet. What type of lawyer do I need?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:01 AM PDT

    First time poster.

    So Im a housekeeper. I love my job. I work at nights and I'm a full-time employee.

    My good boss, Awesome Boss, is such a cool guy. I have a lot of leeway do to me being physically crippled. I can take as many breaks as I need so as long as my job is done before people show up the next morning. I don't even have to clock in at any particular time. So I can easily get my fourth hours in without serveily hurting myself. So, as I said, I love my job.

    However, my paycheck every week is wrong. I do take in account lunch breaks and taxes. But I'm missing hours every single week. Sometimes I'm missing two-three hours. Sometimes I'm missing a full day's pay. I'm up to 56 hours of unpaid wages. And when I told AB, AB showed me the email that (Evil Boss) shows him, complete Days where removed from my pay sheet! My overtime, erased! My holiday pay was never added.

    Ive been trying to contact EB to discuss a solution and resolve this. AB been trying to do the same thing. AB says I'm the only who complains about my wages,...I'm the only one who keeps track. I right down every day that I work and the hours that I was clocked in.

    I've been screwed by bosses before but I'm struggle to pay bill, put gas in my car, and getting basic groceries.

    I'm not looking for a million dollar hand out, I want my back wages and prevent EB from screwing me over again.

    What type of lawyer do I need to contact? What are the steps that I need to do?

    submitted by /u/noTime4ThisBullSh1t
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    Sold Car that Broke Down 1 hour After Purchase - Buyers Aren't Happy - Idiot Me Never Took the Plates

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    We live in Michigan.

    So my wife and I recently sold our Ford Edge (2008) for $4,500. The family that purchased the car came last Sunday to take it for a test drive and said that they wanted to buy it. We agreed on the 4,500 price (originally asked 5,350) and they would come in 1 week to pay/pick it up. During that time, we had another prospective buyer test drive it and take it to a mechanic where normal wear and tear things were noted but nothing major.

    *Note* We did ask the buyers first if they would mind us letting others test drive, just in case they backed out of the sale and they agreed.

    This past Sunday they came to pick up the car. They handed the money to me and I signed over the title. Stupidly, I let them take the plate to transfer as I thought that's how it worked. After reading a few things online, you should NEVER leave your plate on the sold vehicle. They made it about an hour on the highway before we get a text that they had to pull off of the expressway because the car was behaving weird (like something was wrong with the transmission). This is news to us and we were pretty shocked and felt terrible that it happened.

    We fully disclosed the details of any mechanical issues we were aware of and let them know that the car drove really well for us. Heck, even the other prospective buyers took it on the highway and got it looked at by a mechanic.

    There is also a huge communication gap between us and the sellers. They speak mostly Spanish and even though we only know English, all of their texts to us are in Spanish...which we've been translating on Google. It's a freaking headache.

    I have two questions:

    1) Am I legally obligated to do anything in this scenario?

    2) What can I do about leaving the plate on the car? I didn't see any harm in it as we didn't have a vehicle to transfer it to and I thought maybe I was doing a favor for the buyers.

    submitted by /u/WholesomeHeart
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    My father kicked me out of the house and asked me for money to give me the passport

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 03:23 AM PDT

    I am a young man, 19 years old. In newyork I was expelled like two years from the house for the reason my father hated me and I went out of the street. I am poor. Ordinary Ba street decided to go back and go to school, and when I came back to talk to my father to gives me my passport so I can enter the schoo my future asked me money to give me my passport he want $50000 for it what I have to do 💔😞and I don't have any thing in me like id or any thing what I have to dotarek

    submitted by /u/tarek6773
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    [Update] Being Accused of Deceiving and Stealing Money (OK)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:43 AM PDT

    Link to original post:



    Met with my professor and the Dean this morning, I explained the situation and took full responsibility for the misunderstanding. Told them I was sorry if I made them look bad, but had no intention of deception. The Dean just wanted the money back, and told me to make sure I cross my T's and dot my I's in the future.

    A few emails I sent to my professor explaining why and how i misunderstood what was happening made her realize i wasnt doing any of this on purpose, so she isnt as angry with me as I thought.

    All in all it turned out better than expected. I will have to build up my relationship with both again, but I dont have any issue doing so. Atleast I'm not starting from square one.

    Id like to thank everyone for the advice on how to handle this situation.

    submitted by /u/FenrirGreyback
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    Power outage while I was out of town caused ice to melt in my freezer and damage my floor. Landlady wants me to pay for it.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    ETA1 location: California, USA

    I live in the Bay Area and have been affected by the PG&E power outages while they attempt to mitigate wildfire responsibility. I was out of town for the last one and had a bag of ice in my freezer, which melted and damaged the wood flooring near my refrigerator. My landlady claims that I'm responsible for the damage. Is that true? Wouldn't that kind of damage be covered by homeowner's insurance?

    I have friends who are contractors who could help with replacing/repairing the floor, but I just don't know how much of this is my financial responsibility.

    Thanks for any help or advice!

    ETA2: My studio is a part of the house my landlady lives in. It's essentially a downstairs floor attached by an indoor stairway and two doors. I don't have renter's insurance, but since I literally live in part of her house I would imagine damage to the studio should be covered by her homeowner's insurance? Not sure how these things are partitioned.

    submitted by /u/cybrid_
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    My ex-landlord is an alcoholic and spent my security deposit on booze. He’s currently in rehab and said he won’t be able to return it for at least 6 months. How do I proceed?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:35 AM PDT

    Connecticut. I lived with an owner-occupied landlord who had several stints in rehab while I was there. I moved to Boston for a new job more than 6 months ago and left him my contact info to return the security deposit. No damage/cleaned the place upon me leaving. I never heard from him so I tracked him down to his current rehab facility. He said he spent the money and won't be able to return it for at least 6 months when he starts working again. From what I understand he hasn't worked in several years because of his condition. He says he's broke but seems to always money for these expensive rehab retreats, perhaps it's taken care of by the state or he has some type of disability income idk. I know I need to sue, but I'm not really sure how I do that given his current situation.

    submitted by /u/TroubleMan24
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    Getting sued by my gym

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:07 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit, I'm in need of some legal advice so thought I'd try here. I'll keep this as short as possible to save time. Last week I was working out at my gym on the treadmill when the base of the treadmill collapsed causing me to fall off and break my arm while trying to catch myself. Today I got a letter from my gyms lawyer demanding $3,500 to replace the treadmill I broke. They claim I am over the 300 pound weight limit of the machine and am liable for damages. I think this is outrageous as 1. they do not know my weight and 2. I was never told the machines in my gym have a weight limit. I have no idea what my next step should be as I don't have $3,500. This happened in NYC.


    Thanks for all the advice guys. Today I called the gym to get to the bottom of all this. The $3,500 they want from me is to buy a new frame for the treadmill not to replace it. They claim the entire treadmill would cost over $8,000 to replace so I'm "getting off lucky". When asked what model of treadmill it was and the machines weight limit they refused to answer. They claim the 300 pound weight limit is just a gym rule that applies to all machines. I find it confusing as to why they would allow me to even sign up as I informed them of my weight being 450 pounds last year when I got my membership. As of now my weight has dropped to about 325 pounds. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do. I never had any intentions of suing them but I can't afford the amount they are asking for. Also I have now been banned from the gym so I can't go in to get pics as some have suggested. And for those who have asked I am 100% sure none of the machines had any weight limit sign posted (trust me I checked.) Not sure what my next step should be to make this all go away. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/JewGottaBeKittenMe
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    My current legal name does not match my birth certificate. I suspect my mom illegally changed my name when I was young.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 01:05 PM PDT


    (Posting as my friend, for my friend, because she is seeking advise)

    As the title suggests, I just recently found out my legal name doesn't match my birth certificate. I found out because I tried to renew my license and a birth certificate is now required to renew. So I took my social security number (with my current legal name) to get a copy of my birth certificate and they looked at me like I was trying to do something illegal. I gave them all the correct info, where I was born, what county/ hospital, dates, parents names, but they kept asking me how I got my current name. My birth certificate still says my original name and does not match my current name.

    (Some background, I was apparently adopted by my step father and had a name change when I was a pre teen. My mother changed my name to my step father's last name then. My mom strongly dislikes my biological father and I suspect she changed my name without his permission.)

    So I explained to them that I was adopted long ago. They looked at me confused and said that the info should show up in their records but no record of adoption was there. This is why I suspect my mom is hiding something. So now, I keep asking my mom for a copy of my birth certificate with my current legal name, and she just beats around the bush and is not taking this seriously. I suspect she illegally changed my name to spite my father. I explained whats going on in detail to her and she keeps telling me not to worry, that she will find my old copy of my birth certificate, which wouldn't help anyways because its my old name.

    Now I am in a predicament to where I can't prove who I am, can't renew my license, can't do anything that requires a birth certificate. How do I fix this? Do I need my mom's help? Or can I fix this without her? I don't know how much cooperation I will get from her. I'm just scared that I will accidentally get deported or something.


    TLDR: Current legal name, drivers license, and social security says John Smith

    Birth certificate says Jane Doe.

    They don't match and there is no proof that I am who I am.

    submitted by /u/lalalenn
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    Employer time theft? Or are they within their rights to take our time?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:49 AM PDT

    Location is Texas. I work for a company with about 20-30 employees. They recently changed our time card method over to an android tablet app called T-Sheets. Its an awful app, but we have to use it and there is "some" good in it. Now, we work some really odd hours sometimes because all the employees are on call, for example they could call me in at 3AM and I may stay for 16 hours straight. Normal work hours are 7AM-4PM and if you clock in before or clock out after that they want you to leave a note with the job number we worked on. If you don't, you don't get paid!

    Iv'e never forgotten to do this but my buddy forgot and they shorted him 9 overtime hours last week and he's not the only one. The owner of the company gave us a written notice in our check stub a couple weeks ago about them taking our time if we don't leave the notes (I still have it as proof). Are they within their rights to take peoples hours away if we don't leave a very specific note about what we did and what job we worked on? Thanks for reading, I'm just very curious. I'm not sure if my buddy or the other people have got their hours back after they take them away or not.

    submitted by /u/Dahbaby
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    18 year old step son needs to leave my home (Arizona)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:59 AM PDT


    I know that title seems cold, but this kid is a nightmare. I know. No different than any other stupid teenager, but it is turning in to a situation in which he is bringing some serious drugs in to my house, and destroying property. We have tried for the last 4 years to get him help from me, my wife, and professional sources. Nothing is working. He is only getting worse no matter how much we have tried to help. His mother and I are emotionally, spiritually, psychologically and financially exhausted. I'm afraid that I am ready to just boot him to the curb, but I need to do this the right way. I know his mother isn't happy with my decision, but this is the route that I have chosen. Would him now being 18 classify him as a Tennant? What specific laws, or attorney should I go through?

    submitted by /u/tastycrust
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    Sibling attacked me, I was put in 24 hour observation for domestic assault. Worried sick about the charges

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    When I was moving out of my parent's house (I'm 19), my sister started grabbing my neck, so I panicked and bit her arm. She wouldn't stop, and we fell on the floor. I started kicking at her, and she told my mom to call the police because I was beating her. After a horrible struggle to get away from her (She was doing everything she could to keep me from leaving the house), I finally made it out and went to my other sister's house a few counties away. A state trooper came and picked me up as soon as I got there, and put me in the county jail to be held for 24 hours, and then they'd transfer me to the county the fight occurred in so the police there could arrrest me.

    When the 24 hours were up, they just let me go, told me that they haven't pressed charges yet but they could still decide to. My family is still wanting to talk to me, and I'm terribly afraid that if I do or say anything that upsets them, they'll decide to press charges. It sounds like they may already have when the fight occurred, and it's just up to the prosecutor now. The fight occurred 14 days ago. I've been worried sick about this, and I can't find any answers online and I can't find an attorney that will give me a free consultation that's within walking distance. (I have no money, when I was packing my family went to the bank and closed all my accounts because their names were on them too.)

    Most of my stuff is still at their house, the police say they don't do civil standby's and I have to take it up in court. I'm afraid if I do that, my family will decide to pursue the charges, so I want to wait until the time limit for that is up so that they can't. But is there a time limit to get my stuff, too, and will that end before the time limit for the charges do?

    If it's already with the prosecutor, shouldn't I have gotten something in the mail by now? How do I know if he's already decided to not do anything with it? How long do I have to wait to know that nothing can be done about it anymore?

    I live in Missouri.

    submitted by /u/ZealousidealBell6
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    I think someone in my family filed my taxes and didn’t tell me.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:03 PM PDT

    I am a 21 year old college student from New York, trying to finalize my loans for school. They're requesting a W-2 form because their records show I filed for taxes in 2019. I did not do this. I asked my mother to look into it and she said "we were randomly selected" to fill out a verification form... if I didn't file for taxes why would I be in the pool of people to prove that I did? I'm just really confused, is there anyway to check to see if my taxes were filed and by who? If they were what should be my next course of action?

    submitted by /u/frrankiiee
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