• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 27, 2019

    Legal Advice I live in an apartment complex and my package was stolen. I know someone in my building has the item because someone threw away the piece of furniture my package would replace. Is there any legal way to find out who did it?

    Legal Advice I live in an apartment complex and my package was stolen. I know someone in my building has the item because someone threw away the piece of furniture my package would replace. Is there any legal way to find out who did it?

    I live in an apartment complex and my package was stolen. I know someone in my building has the item because someone threw away the piece of furniture my package would replace. Is there any legal way to find out who did it?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 02:56 AM PDT

    A few days ago the couch I had ordered on Amazon was stolen as the FedEx driver didn't want to carry it to the third floor and, instead of knocking, left a note on my door and left it in front of our mailboxes. It was stolen almost immediately (considering the time frame between when FedEx says it was delivered and when I found the note). Admittedly, I have a replacement coming soon but I don't want this person to get away with it. I live in the US, in Iowa. What are my options??

    submitted by /u/sonic_belmont
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    Dad died of cancer 5yrs ago and my brother and me just found out he had a Last Will. My stepmom who has always hated us, was in the middle of a divorce with him. She told everyone he had no will. Looks like she forged it and only her 2 kids are listed. Do i have any options.(long)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:43 PM PDT

    My dad came home from work one day to find all her things and their youngest daughters gone. It was ugly and he was so sad. She wanted a divorce after 20yrs of marriage. Less then a month later her found out he had stage 4 cancer and had like a year. He only lasted 5 months.

    Now my stepmom hated my brother and me, we were from his first marriage. I was made to live with his mother, my grandma, at like 8 yers old. My grandma was the best possible mom ever. But i had such a lonely childhood. I never got to see my siblings and my dad just listend to what she wanted to avoid arguments. She had my brother put in jail for some bullshit charges she mad up at age 14.

    She kept us as far away as possible. But that change when i turned 18 and finally got my license. Me and my dad saw or talked to eachother everyday. My brother got out when he was 21 and came to live with me and gma. He had an excellent relationship with him also.

    Stepmom had started the process of divorce with the courts but put it on hold when she found out he was sick and dieing. The oldest of their 2 girls still lived with my dad but she was no help at all. He called me crying one day because his house was trashed and there was dog shit everywhere. My sister said it would be good exercise for him to clean it up. He could bearly get out of bed let alone clean up after her dog. So i went over to clean and my stepmom found out i was there she came and literally dragged me out of the house pissed i was there helping, i wanted to punch her so bad but my brother stopped me so i just stared to walk home. My dad picked me up on the side of the road and we spent the rest of the day together.

    When he went to the hospital the last time both by sister and stepmom kept telling the doctors to pump him full of pain meds..he ended up ODing and died. A mercy killing. He didnt want to die. Im so glad i was there, i held his hand the whole time. Its like waited till my step mom left to go grab a sandwich. Some how he knew she was gone and he could finally get some relief.

    When it came time to do the funeral stuff she said she was too poor to do anything but cremation. And his birthday party we had planned in 4 days would be the only kind of service or call hrs, when her dad died almost a year later she had eveything for him including a church chior. I ended up paying for most of it and it honestly was a great send off. He would have loved it.

    She told everyone he had no will or life insurance policy. And we believed her. So dumb. I didn't know it was all public records and nobody really tried to find out. She let the house foreclose and me and my brother got to pick thu the leftovers to find thing of his we wanted. My brother was supposed to get all his tools but most were gone or sold off. I had given dad my old car and she sold it and when i told her i wanted the money it was a big fight but she eventually gave me less then half of what she got but it was something.

    Now 5yrs later we found out about the will, it was dated 2012. He claims to have only the their 2 kids. She gets it all. Me and my brother dont exist. She was the exicuter of the will and her cousin were the seconds, There is no kind of letter head or lawyer listed on it and every initial of his in the margins are different. Also no initials on the first or last page. Its clearly not his signature. On the next of kin file online my brother and me are listed as locations unknown. We lived a mile away. She even went as far as posting an article in some no name news paper "trying" to locate us to inform us of his death and to come forward or lose out.

    Ohio only gives 3-6 months to contest a will. I dont know what to do. I dont even care about the money. The bitch stole my dad and made my childhood miserable. Is there anything at all we can do to make her pay. She and her daughters live a block away from lake Erie now and they all have new cars. They kinda cut all ties with us about 3 yrs ago which is fine with us. She should not be allowed to get away with this. The last i heard my dads ashes were in a garbage bag at the bottom of her closet. Its all so unreal and i really needed this vent because i just dont know what to do.

    submitted by /u/peacepiper5
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    Texas- Petition to change child's name (Citation - I am being sued)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:07 PM PDT

    Texas- Petition to change child's name (Citation - I am being sued)

    I have a 10 year old daughter from a previous relationship. I have joint custody, I pay child support without fail and never missed a beat. A few months ago, ex called me asking to change our daughters last name to match new husbands last name. She sent over the paperwork in which I did not sign. Two days ago, I was served with a Texas State Citation Notice, I am being sued ( I didn't know you could even sue for such a thing, due to me not being dead or not losing any rights to my child.) for the name change.

    My questions go as followed;

    Does she have a case? I mean is this something I will have to fight for, or, is this a scare tactic in hopes to render a default judgement?

    Do I need a lawyer?

    Is there a chance I will be ruled against?

    I have very little faith in the Texas court system, I feel as if it is very linear in family law. Good men are tossed into the wood pile with all the others everyday. Help.

    submitted by /u/Zen0d0x
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    My cosigner on my car filed for bankruptcy without telling me. At that point, the bank apparently sold the car loan to a collector. How do I get a new car? Can I trade it in? Is it considered repossessed?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:03 AM PDT

    It's actually my fiance's car, but the new car will go under my name because of her credit issues.

    So she originally co-signed with her mom about 2-3 years ago. We just found out yesterday, that her mom apparently filed for bankruptcy about a year ago and didn't tell her. From what I understand this means that the loan automatically shifts to my fiance. But they had to notify my fiance if this so that we can make the appropriate transfer and keep the car note under the bank's possession. Since her mom didn't let her know, I guess they just sold it to a collection agency.

    She is up to date on her payments, and we already worked out a deal with trading it in and getting a new car, but I don't know how to go about that process considering it's with a collection agency now. We tried calling them but it was the weekend and they were closed.

    Is the car considered repo'd? If so, why wouldn't we just let them take the car and start fresh considering the damage has already been done?

    TLDR: Car note is owned by the collection agency. What are my options? Trade in? Sell? Relinquish and start fresh?

    Thank you in advance!

    EDIT: Full disclosure. My fiance wasn't very knowledgeable in this area, and her parents are very secretive and can be deceitful at times unfortunately. This whole thing is a mess and I just found out about it.

    Apparently the loan has been in collection for about a year now and the original bank shows it as closed.

    submitted by /u/Imsoamerican
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    Downstairs neighbor still calling in unfounded noise complaints, kansas

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:50 AM PDT

    As the title says, I'm still dealing with the downstairs neighbor. It started as her calling in false noise complaints about a dog barking (20 times to security, once to the cops) and we own cats. That don't bark. Now it's just "stomping around" but most of the time these are called in, we're chilling on the couch.

    I'm going into the local police station today to file a report of harassment. What do I need to know? Are there buzzwords I need to know? How do I get them to take this seriously and not just send me to my complex manager? I've spoken to her. They haven't done anything to my knowledge.

    Please help. This is causing me so much stress, and I'm afraid to walk around in my own home for fear of the cops coming yet again when security blacklists her.

    submitted by /u/Littaballofun
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    Corrupt school hired private investigators to follow family and friends every.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:43 AM PDT

    My dad is a challenge LVN nurse who got his license after being medically retired from the Navy where he was a corpsman. He used his past navy experience to get his license and worked in prisons as a nurse, and has been trying to acquire his RN license for some time. He also has ADHD and Dyslexia.

    He failed out of school a totally of three times, and two of the times he was wronged by this corrupt school. The first time he did not want to admit that he needed help with his learning disabilities. Keep in mind he is technically a disabled Veteran.

    The second time, he went to the director of nursing at the private school, which takes money from the Veterans Association, to help my dad if need be. When he told the director who we will call Mary, Mary said his grades were fine and that he didn't need help. He continued through school, and the Mary calls him back at a later time saying he is failing and needs to drop to be rotated in with next years cohort class. My dad does as told as Mary is the Director of nursing.

    The third time, My dad went through school once again but actually made it to the end despite struggling with no help. He broke his leg and even postponed his surgery as he was set to graduate and did not want attendee to be an issue, he wanted no reason to fail. He already bought his cap and gown. The day before graduation, Mary gives him call saying they forgot to factor in a test and that he failed and needed to come in to sign papers to drop, similar to last year. My dad refused, a verbal fight started, and now we are sue for discrimination of a disabled veteran, easy case to win right? especially when they take money to help him, we thought so too.

    We get a lawyer to sue the school who tells us to get his transcripts and Mary locked him out of the system. So my dad goes to the front desk to get them and one Admin lets out that it said he failed for attendance, not grades. They still refused to give them it, and it took a cease and desist to final get them, where we found it says he failed a core class, but not the lab that follows it which also makes no sense. She had to of changed it but couldn't change the lab grade because the lab was off campus.

    We also found out that the first time he signed papers, second time failed in school, they continued to tale veterans money when he wasn't even a student there anymore. Also, that she knew she was going to do this as the paperwork for the RN degree take some time to process, definitely not the day before graduation, and it was never sent in, and sat on Marys desk.

    Our lawyer who has won a case in the past against them and does not like that school was confident in winning this case. All we wanted was the RN degree but she said that this was big and we deserved much more as we had student loans and loss of wages as he should have passed. 3 years later they have offered us in order 2k, then 10k where they brought 4 lawyers to sit-down and talk with my dad and his lawyer. Still no offer of the RN which is all we wanted. Now 3 years later, we are about to sign papers to go to court and they threaten us saying they have evidence of slander and have private investigators following us.

    Last week, the lawyer who was once confident, now is crying telling my dad that she could not proceed with the case. When asked why she just said she wasn't at liberty to discuss, and was advised my dad not to pursue this case anymore. She said that this case was too big and political. She also kept asking what my dad was to do next. Also now everywhere we go we have private investigators following us and our friends and family, and many years wasted including 3 years of back in forth with this private schools lawyers. We think the school did something to her because she was super confident 2 weeks ago, no one has a sudden change of heart in a week when the case is about to be over.

    TL;DR - A corrupt school discriminated against a disabled veteran, failing my dad out of school three times, left him with 40k worth of debt plus student loans, and now has private investigators following our family and friends everywhere and even scared our lawyer away.

    I have a few questions,

    - Was it legal for her to just stop being our lawyer out of nowhere for no reason?

    - Is it legal to threaten us with slander in that way? They did not say that they were countersuing for slander only that if we continue they have evidence of it.

    - Technically we down have a lawyer and my family is pretty defeated and is giving up, also following apart from all of this, and the private investigators are not helping with their looming reminder of what was stolen from us. Can they still follow us even though we are done pursing the case anymore?

    Any thoughts, ideas, or help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/RealityIsPerspective
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    Can a company contractually bind you to disallow you from writing reviews about them?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 12:38 AM PDT

    So the company I worked in is infamous for high attrition. Their CEO is extremely egoistic. He and I had a disagreement about some issue, which basically ended in him firing me from the company (but was nice enough to accept my resignation which was effective immediately). I was made to sign a document that basically said I'm not allowed to say anything bad about the company or post anything bad in which case I will be sued for damages. They do this to every employee who leaves so they don't have any negative reviews on Glassdoor. If I refuse to sign, I will not be given my experience certificate. I recently came to know that he docked other employees of their salary for being 5 mins late to office and even marked a few as absent the day their punch in machine wasn't working. About 5 others have left so far in the last 4 months since I left citing similar reasons. This is a startup of barely 10 people. I think people should be made aware about the company so they don't realize this after joining.

    Can the document be held against me that I had signed saying I will not post any reviews about the company? Also, is a company allowed to do that in the first place?

    Edit. Country - India.

    submitted by /u/IamAPengling
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    UK Visa “Valid only if accompanied by (my parents’ passport numbers)”

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:49 AM PDT

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post but I was wondering if I can still travel to the UK without my parents as I am 18 since the UK visa page on my passport says that? The visa was issued when I was 17, a minor. Is the statement "Valid only if accompanied by parents" STILL valid when I'm 18? It's a 10 year visa (6 months stay allowed per visit) if that helps.

    submitted by /u/sabbath70s
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    Tenn, USA - How do I quit as a non-profit treasurer if nobody can replace me in the US?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:22 AM PDT

    I've worked with an educational non-profit for almost 2 years, primarily online with just one meetup at a large event where we sponsored a large event in the Milwaukee area. About eight or so months after having filed for 501c3 status in the state of Iowa, our organisation began to fall apart due to board members leaving and ensuing drama.

    Those members that left were our only other American members who could take on the task as treasurer and understood a lot of the legalese in starting and running the organisation. The other remaining members are in either Europe or Canada, and don't seem keen on taking the position due to our US filing.

    When our previous treasurer quit, I opened a business account that's under the organisation's SSN and only my name, but want to close the account and quit. I would assume I'm still liable if I close the account with funds remaining; the remaining members and I are still on good terms.

    What steps can I take to quit and relinquish my position, especially due to remaining funds in our account?

    submitted by /u/metalsheart
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    Husband married me to commit fraud?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 05:58 AM PDT

    Ok. My apologies in advance if this isn't clear. I've never encountered a situation like this. I don't know what kind of fraud or con I may be involved in yet but due to recent events, I think I might be.. Married a man & he left, said he wanted a divorce & moved out after 4 months. When we first married, the main thing he wanted was my name on his bank account so I joined his account. I never saw a single joint account statement. He had them sent to a friends address. I never checked it bc I trusted him & I couldn't check it anyway as I was unable to get the online account set up bc it wouldn't go through. Something was wrong but it didn't say what. I typed in the last four of what he said was his SS number & no dice. He then said he didn't want online banking bc he didn't trust it. I closed the joint account 9 months after he left-I wasn't using it anyway as I wasn't using his funds. I didn't think much of it & the clerk said it was inactive anyway. Then I tried to file my taxes online. Applied for an extension because the tax website said I had to file a paper copy. Looked like it was because I couldn't provide his tax info from the previous year-I couldn't, he wouldn't speak to me other than to say he hadn't filed in many years but he did provide his SS# so I could file married filing separately. That's the only time I've spoken to him since he left in late December. So before the extension ran out, I filed my taxes with a CPA. My return was rejected bc his social security number didn't match his name. I told him so in a text message & asked for it and his birthday again. No reply. Now I'm having to file a paper copy & have to write a letter explaining that the SS number is the one he gave me. He was on my health insurance plan at work with the same incorrect number-I called to check. I mentioned the joint bank account to the CPA I'm working with & was told that it makes me liable for anything regarding the account. What kind of fraud, if any, should I be looking out for? I'd also like to have this marriage annulled but haven't had the grounds. Is it possible that I do now, if he has committed any banking fraud? How would I know since I never got a statement? If he used the same incorrect SS number for banking that he did for taxes & health insurance, technically I'm the only person who'd be liable for anything he has done at the bank. I'm not sure what to expect, regarding getting my tax refund or any banking problems that may arise. If anyone knows what I might expect, I'd appreciate your insight. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/KM180
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    Uber crashed during trip (Uber drivers fault). Medical bills. What to do?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    My friend, X, was in an Uber last night going home from a party. X was with her friend, Y, during the trip. They were both sat in the back with their seatbelts on and traveling on the 405. The Uber driver made a lane switch into another car. The windows shattered, x received a lot of cuts, went unconscious, and then woke up in the hospital. (Information forthcoming provided by Y) The uber driver did not want to phone emergency services, so Y then phoned 911. X regained consciousness, though very patchy memory, in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. She received an MRI and spent the night in the hospital. As an additional curveball, this MRI, which I believe was to double check for any head trauma after the accident, discovered a cyst. The hospital apparently told X that it is very likely it has been there for a long time, but want her to come back later to check it. She now has some incoming medical bills, and is staying in bed at home.

    This is in California, where X lives, and the accident happened on the 405. Complications are, why did the uber driver refuse to call emergency services? Does having Y as a friend / second story help legally? Are the medical bills going to be mitigated in terms of what Uber legally has to pay because there is now an additional factor (cyst) that is unrelated to the accident?

    Should I recommend the first move X does is to contact a lawyer, in terms of trying to seek compensation for the hospital bills?

    submitted by /u/Iemaj
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    Was bit at work, not sure what to do.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 07:38 AM PDT

    I'm going to make this short and sweet.

    The restaurant I work at (one of the most well known restaurants in one of the biggest tourist cities in the US) has had a rat problem since I've been there, a few years. We see them almost every day.

    I am a bartender and apparently there was a nest behind the bar (have it in texts from a manager). I was working the other night and was finally bit. Didnt think much about it until i came home and took off my shoe, and it looked terrible, and hurt like a son of a bitch...still does 5 days later.

    Went to the hospital and got a tetanus shot and antibiotics. When I went into work 2 days later, the owner asked me to sign a NDA. I didnt.

    Where do I go from here?

    submitted by /u/throwawayyy1848
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    I'm getting sued for defaulting on a loan [PA]

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 01:04 AM PDT

    Hey LA,

    I'll try to keep this short. I'm in PA.

    I've had a very bad year, around this time last year I lost my job and went to rehab. I was unemployed for about 6 months and fell far into debt. In April of this year I started working again but wasn't exactly quick about contacting my creditors.

    I've gotten most everything straightened out now and have payment plans set up.

    Except for one. I have an unsecured loan from a credit union that I got about 3 months before I lost control of everything. It's over $5k and I only made 2 or 3 payments on it before I fell off the face of the earth for a while.

    I put off and put off contacting them and avoided their calls (I know, I know)

    A couple months ago I got a letter from an attorney saying I would need to pay the balance or legal action would be taken. Again ignored.

    Finally, a few weeks ago I got a call from a guy at the Credit Union and actually answered. I had $300 dollars to offer him (until next pay day) and he said that wasn't enough. He said I would need to come up with $1000 within the next week before he would consider putting me back on a monthly payment plan. He said if I couldn't come up with the money the next course of action would be to sue me.

    I wasn't able to come up with that money in that amount of time, so I guess I'm getting sued.

    I just want to know what to expect. Will my wages be garnished? Should I call the lawyer? What should I do. I haven't 'done' anything for the last 6 months, so why should I think I can do something now.

    It's been a bad, bad year and I know I've made some terrible financial mistakes/decisions so go easy on me. Up until last year my credit was great and I had NEVER missed a payment.

    (The good news is I will be sober 1 year in a few weeks, that's been my #1 priority)

    PS Sorry for not keeping it short. Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/PoorDecisionPaul
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    Grandparents rights question

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    Throwaway for obvs. My spouse and I don't have kids yet but will soon and want to get our ducks in a row. My MIL is a piece of work and we finally went no contact with her. Fortunately she doesn't live in the US anymore (still a citizen.) We live in the mid Atlantic between PA and NC.

    As long as neither of us die by the time our child is born, she doesn't have standing to sue for grandparents' rights, right?

    submitted by /u/protectingmybabies
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    Colorado Custody Laws

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 10:38 AM PDT

    Throwaway for personal reasons. This is my first time posting here so please forgive any mishaps.

    I (29/Texas) have a nephew (15/Colorado) who is currently living with his parents (in Colorado). He has a slew of mental health issues and is currently medicated. My sibiling has not always been the best parent, constantly medicated due to health issues, their spouse is either working or sleeping. Their house could easily be compared to a hoarders home. Only 1 of 2 bathrooms is functional, only a portion of their main living space is usable, the rest is filled with boxes. Their second living space, 3rd bedroom, and second bathroom are all currently being used as storage. The house is dirty and to the point they can't go anywhere that isn't a main traffic area. Their garage is full of stuff, they have a backyard storage building filled, and 4 non functional vehicles in the drive way. No they did not just move in they have been living there for at least 10 years as the problem has slowly grown. Needless to say my nephew is entirely uncomfortable there. It's negatively impacting his health both physically and mentally. He currently has 2 nine month old cats that have been kept in his room only due to his parent not wanting them to destroy the piles of stuff in the rest of the house.

    He has recently made it known he no longer wants to stay there. Right now we don't have the means of taking him in but we will be moving into a larger home in the next 9-12 months.

    I'm trying to find any legal advice as to how to go about moving my nephew in with myself once we have the room for him, he may temporarily stay with my parents (his grandparents) until we can take him in. What can he do to remove himself from his home situation. He doesn't want to emancipate as his health issues and full time schooling is preventing him from working; he would rather get his diploma instead of GED.

    submitted by /u/trash_throwaway303
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    Google said they sent a message about getting a Chromebook, it wasn't there, so couldn't get the Chromebook.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:24 AM PDT

    So we probably can't do anything about this but I'm just wondering if anything can happen.

    So, my brother got a Google Pixel a while ago, and as part of the deal, he would get a Chromebook, they said it would take two months, and we talked to them after two months, but they said they sent a message about the Chromebook, but he didn't respond, so he couldn't get it, but he didn't get a message at all, I'm just wondering if anything can be done.

    submitted by /u/Ray_Master
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    Probate court? Is step son owed money?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 10:18 AM PDT

    My step sons mom was in an accident 2 years ago. She can no longer live by herself and lives with her parents. She gets money from this accident but doesn't help with her son. Her and her family will take him on major holidays and that is it. She doesn't help with his cost of living and she isn't even there for him emotionally.

    Since the accident happened there has been no custody orders or anything. We have just kept him full time and allowed him to go there on holidays. This is the state of Michigan

    We get mail from probate court for our stepson regarding the matter. The letters state what we think means they are asking for the rest of the money and a court date to do so. It also includes a list of things she spends her money on which last year included $4600 in entertainment expenses (we have the statements saying clothings stores, jewelry stores, tattoo shops, etc) and $5000 in eating out!

    My questions are 1. What is probate court? Where they request money? 2. would getting custody in this case be easy considering the circumstances? Is it possible to make her pay child support? 3. is he owed money because he is her child? Either from her or the state?

    Sorry if I seem super uneducated. I definitely am. Thanks in advance for any help.

    submitted by /u/Throwawaythrow1515
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    Received a Child Support Case Letter but I’ve never met the woman?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 05:13 PM PDT

    I received a child support case hearing letter in the mail. This letter is directing me to appear in Houston (I live in Dallas) and the "other parent" is a woman I've never heard of? What do I do? I've never before been contacted about a child.

    submitted by /u/qwertyu222
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    Brother was arrested in another state (OK) and police won't tell us anything

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:16 AM PDT

    My mother got a call very early this morning from a woman claiming to be a police officer from the Broken Arrow area near Tulsa, OK. She said my brother was in jail and was being transferred to another location. When pressed for more information she said that's all she could share.

    We aren't quite sure what happened, but my mom told me he left very late Saturday night saying he had to transfer inventory between stores (he's a manager of a store for a national chain). We now know that excuse was likely BS, although we have no clue what the real reason could be. She seems to think it's drug related, but the only drugs he's been doing are his prescription adderall. Perhaps he was twacked out and got pulled over because he was driving erratically.

    Anyways, what the hell should we do? Is there any way we can find out what he was arrested for or do we just need to get a lawyer from OK and have them look into it?

    submitted by /u/whole_kernel
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    I received a letter from the police department saying I am a possible suspect in a felony crime.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 11:38 AM PDT

    (CA) Hello all,I received a strange letter from my local police department. It begins with a case number and follows, "A complaint has been filed with this Department and... has been assigned for investigation. The initial complaint lists you as a possible suspect in a felony crime. Prior to further investigation, preliminary to filing a criminal complaint with the DA, you are hereby allowed 10 days in which to demonstrate your good faith in this matter."

    This letter has caught me completely off guard. Does anyone in this sub know what the hell any of this means? I am aware of several instances where I may have been exposed to felonious activities. I have never heard of someone receiving what to me seems like a courtesy letter. If anyone is well versed with this sort of thing, I'd really appreciate your opinion... I haven't felt anxiety like this in a very long time. Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/kinesurfaesthetics
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    Found camera in our work bathroom

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:40 PM PDT

    So recently, one of our co workers discovered a camera in our bathroom at work. It's a public restroom for guests and employees. They called the cops and made a report but are trying to keep it private from the employees. Don't we deserve to know since our human rights are being violated? What can we do?

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    FedEx gave out my infant's personal information

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:16 AM PDT

    So there is a lot of extra background that goes along but i am going to put down the absolute bare facts. Also this is my first time posting to Reddit soooo yeah...

    Absolute basic facts: My infant child's package was taken a picture of by a FedEx delivery driver and texted to someone outside of the company. Yes, I do have proof of this.

    I contacted FedEx and made the report with someone from our local office. Come to find out that the driver got nothing more than a slap on the wrist. I asked that he be removed from our route and then heard that he only got a harassment complaint. I called back to make sure they understood that I was making an ethics complaint and my concerns were brushed off by everyone I dealt with at my local office.

    I feel like our whole family has been violated and I'm just not sure if we can do anything further and it seems like FedEx could care less about their own written policies.

    submitted by /u/madatfedex
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