• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 24, 2019

    Legal Advice A 15 year old girl made false allegations to CPS about my 8 yo son because she doesn't like my 15 yo daughter.

    Legal Advice A 15 year old girl made false allegations to CPS about my 8 yo son because she doesn't like my 15 yo daughter.

    A 15 year old girl made false allegations to CPS about my 8 yo son because she doesn't like my 15 yo daughter.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:46 AM PDT

    My daughter was close friends with a girl for a few years and they had a falling out over ridiculous things. I don't want to go into too many details because the reasons are very specific and the family would immediately know I was talking about them.

    The girl's mother is crazy and she likes to threaten people with legal action and throw her job title around (she does not work in law or any real position of power... She just has delusions of grandeur). The mother also believes her daughter is perfect and everyone is jealous and bullying her daughter because of their jealousy.

    I will refer to the mother as Lorrie and the daughter as Katy so the rest of this is less confusing.

    Lorrie has been to the school multiple times and accused my daughter and other students of bullying Katy. The assistant principal has pulled my daughter out of class to discuss Katy. I'm not sure if Lorrie had anything to do with the CPS report but I can not contact her directly. Lorrie refused to communicate with me when the girls first stopped being friends. I tried to contact her several times and she does not answer my calls and has been outwardly hostile to my daughter on more than one occasion.

    Katy is a bully who says hurtful and dark natured stuff to try and appear "edgy" to her friends. My daughter has told me some pretty horrific stuff that Katy said and I advised my daughter to stay cautious throughout their friendship. When the friendship fell apart, Katy began to say pretty cruel things about my daughter, my son, and our home. My daughter would tell me about the worst of it.

    One of the things Katy said about my 8 year old son was disgusting and completely out of line so my husband and I remembered it pretty vividly. My daughter told us about the comment about 3 or 4 months ago.

    A few days ago, CPS knocked on our door while I was at work and told my husband that someone made a report to them about my son and the complaint was exactly what Katy was saying about him at school a few months ago. There is no one else who could have made this complaint. It was very specific and had no affiliation with anything based in reality. My husband said the CPS employee was very nice and they seemed like they knew that the report was ridiculous. I wasn't there so I don't know what the tone of the conversation was like.

    The problem is I have no proof. The assistant principal at my daughter and Katy's high school is planning to interview some of the students that were around Katy when she made these comments about my son so I might have some backup which is great, but it's still just hearsay and there is no tangible evidence like text messages or recordings of her saying these things about my son.

    What should I do? Is there anything I can do? Do I even have a leg to stand on? All I have is my word, my daughter's word and the possible words of a few 15 year old kids.

    Any advice is welcome. I'm terrified.

    I am in VA.

    Edit: I'm not looking to sue anyone or anything. I just want to clear all of this up and I want Katy to be held accountable for making a false report. The things she reported could potentially hurt my son's reputation and damage his future. The allegations were not about me or my husband being neglectful or abusive. They were accusing my son of doing horrible things that he did not and would never do.

    submitted by /u/L0stAndAnxi0us
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    Daughter attempting to terminate my legal guardianship after 10 years.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:42 AM PDT

    Edit: i have obtained an appointment with a family law attorney in 2 weeks. If anyone has any advice beyond getting an attorney, it would be appreciated.

    Backstory: ten years ago my granddaughter was born. 9 terrifying months later my daughter (then 18) signed the guardianship papers and left. She had no physical contact with the child for 7.5 years and very sporadic gift giving. In that time she didnt try to see the child or send letters or call. Only the occasional gift sent.

    Fast forward to 2016. I had been providing hospice for my mom, my only other family aside from my daughter and granddaughter. Mom passed in september. I contacted my daughter and ended up flying her down for christmas. When i decided to move to oregon, my daughter asked me to give her a chance and to rescue her from an abusive relationship. As I had no one else and I wanted my granddaughter to know her biomom, i rescued my daughter.

    She held a job for almost 2 years. Had her own place, was doing well i thought. I let the child stay with her the last school year to see how it went. Well... turns out she wasn't having the child bathe, wasn't feeding her well (making her chicken nuggets and cooking good foods for herself), was having her lie to cover up the people she was hanging out with, harboring another persons child during a custody battle... just an ugly pile of stuff. She also lost her job. I took the child back home. Its been 11 weeks and my daughter has not spoken to the child... no attempt to see her. Moved away without providing an address. The child is a mess.

    Now, she is attempting to terminate my guardianship. What do I do? So tired from retraining a ten year old and picking up her pieces. The ten year old wants to live with me if that makes a difference. Also, daughter is no longer self sufficient, recently stole $700 from me and supposedly has people to testify against me.

    Thanks for any advice.

    submitted by /u/killerpenisoutofink
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    Talked about unionizing and manager threatened me with a gun (Arkansas)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:32 PM PDT

    I am a cashier at a large retailer. Anyway it was a slow period (Monday late morning) so my coworker and I were kind of sitting around talking, and complaining about the fact that we weren't getting enough hours and had to start doing other things to make ends meet. I had to start a business selling stuff on eBay, and he started driving for Uber. Then I mentioned that if we had a union this wouldn't happen, because my neighbor who works at [redacted name of grocery store] is guaranteed a certain amount of hours due to the contract.

    About an hour later, I got called into the office by one of the managers who said that complaining about working conditions while on the clock is not appropriate and unprofessional when customers might hear. Fair enough, I apologized and left. He said he would talk to the store manager and decide if I would get a writeup.

    Three days later, I was doing the closing shift. I left the store after midnight and as I was walking to my car, the store manager stopped me in the parking lot and told me that discussing unions is against policy and I would be fired. I told him I just want to go home, can we talk tomorrow. He grabbed my arm, said "I have a gun and I know how to use it" and then berated me for talking about unions and said that if I did it again I would be sorry and my family would miss me and a bunch of other stuff that I forgot. Then he went back into the store and I left.

    I want to quit but I really need this job so that is not an option. I have tried to contact the market manager as well as the ethics hotline. Neither one has gone anywhere. Market manager didn't respond after the initial "thank you for your message", and when I attempted to follow up a month later, he told me to stop bothering him about it. The ethics hotline said they would investigate but I never heard anything back.

    I would like to know if I have any legal recourse. Of course I will quit as soon as I find another job, but that might be a while because there aren't too many options here.

    submitted by /u/FederalBaker
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    Startup "shut down" (but not really) and fired everyone — do the non-compete and non-disclosure hold water?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:44 AM PDT

    A few months ago, I took a full-time job with a remote startup (based in Georgia, but I'm in New York) that had roughly 15 employees. Everything seemed like it was going really well and no one (not even the head of HR or the head of marketing, both who had been there for years) had any reason to believe we were in trouble.

    Then, last Friday, the two founders got everyone on a call and announced that the company was shutting down; all employees found out at the exact same time, and the Slack/e-mail/Google docs/etc. was shut down without giving anyone notice.

    From a group chat with all the former employees and from clients reaching out to us on LinkedIn, we've been able to discern that the company isn't shutting down — instead, the founders fired everyone and took select clients for themselves. Some clients said the founders made it seem like we left of our own will without saying goodbye, which makes us seem rude and unprofessional. Others want to work with us directly instead of the founders.

    The contract we signed is very vague and very broad. It says we can't discuss "business affairs" for up to two years after our voluntary or involuntary termination, and it obviously has a non-compete.

    How can we handle this without getting in trouble? Any advice would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Missburr
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    Being accused of deceiving and stealing money from my university (OK)

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 10:25 AM PDT

    I live in Oklahoma, U.S.

    I went to a conference last month to present research with a group of peers under the same professor. My professor pushed us to get Grant's to help pay for the trip, so I applied for two Grant's. One I got which was $250 the other I did not get because I had to get a signature and wasnt able to get it on time. I had talked to my professor about it via email, how I had to turn it in late, and they told me to expect not to receive it.

    Shortly after my professor told me to order my plane ticket through the department secretary, so I did. I didnt have an idea where the money was coming from, and assumed my professor took pity on me for not getting the second grant and paid for it, as she is known to do.

    Let me be clear I have never applied for Grant's before so I have no idea what the process is, or anything about it.

    A few days later I recieved a check for $250, the amount of the grant that I recieved, so I spent this on hotel room and car rental and paid for the rest of my expenses out of pocket. My professors from other classes began congratulating me on getting a grant that I did not receive. I have no idea how they knew I even applied, and i was torn on what I should say since i was a bit embarrassed on not getting it and didnt want to mention it in front of my whole class. So i just said thank you and moved on.

    On to the issue.

    This week we were supposed to send in our receipts for reimbursement. This confused me as I figured i had already recieved my grant money, so I should submit my receipts to show I spent it all on the trip. My professor asked me about the other grant, that I did not get, and I told her I didnt get it so I was only submitting the receipts for the money I did receive as the rest was out of pocket.

    She then tells me she sent an email up to the Dean of the college about how I had deceived her and the secretary, pocketed money, and had my plane ticket bought on the department's dime because she thought I had recieved both grants.

    I told her I didnt deceive anyone as I thought I had already recieved my grant money and wasnt expecting a reimbursement and that clearly I misunderstood what the plane ticket was for, so they can keep my reimbursement and I'll pay back what's left.

    The thing is, she is still not happy and insists that I stole money and deceived everybody, and I'm worried that I might either get kicked out of my university or may not be able to get into grad school.

    What's the best approach to this, as ill have to meet with the Dean sometime this week or next week?

    submitted by /u/FenrirGreyback
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    Bought house with a ticking time bomb

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 11:53 AM PDT

    I bought a house in NY this past April.

    The house was sold through a trust.

    There was an existing leak in the roof that they went to great lengths to conceal a did not disclose.

    Basically they replaced three rows of insulation and set a contractor plastic garbage bag under the leak in the attic. They then fixed/repainted the ceiling of a bedroom to make it look like there was never any water damage.

    Well the bag started to overflow and now the ceiling has water damage.

    The inspector missed this.

    But the seller went to great lengths to conceal the roof leak.

    It is a very slow leak that just unveiled itself this week.

    Who can be held liable?


    submitted by /u/Jonny-Pain
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    [update][TX]Mother has warrant out for arrest and is stalking me. She tried to mail me a weight scale and stress ball, because she saw I gained weight, and tried to enter my dorm and was turned away.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 12:27 PM PDT

    previous thread:


    I alerted my campuses PD that my mom might try to contact me again on my birthday. She sent me more unwanted gifts. This is going to escalate by the end of the year, especially around finals. It's my last semester.

    I don't think I want any advice at this point. I'm too angry to post right now and don't want to talk trash about the legal system in a subreddit full of lawyers. Jesus Christ, this is so unfair.

    submitted by /u/stalkedkidthrowaway
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    Restrictive Covenant that was signed back in 1986 is preventing me from doing what I intended when I bought the property

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 04:14 AM PDT

    I am in the business of real estate. All of this takes place in putnam county, West Virginia. I recently inherited a nice double wide trailer that I was going to move off of a family member's property onto a lot and rent out. I finally found a clean neighborhood with no HOA restrictions back in the spring of this year. My real estate agent ensured me that this lot of land was unrestricted and I even called the Putnam County Comission office to double check if I could put my double wide there. They not only ensured me that I could put it there, but they also granted me a permit to do so as long as it was going to be on a permanent foundation. I closed on the lot and hired a moving company to get this job done. The workers informed me that while they were digging the footers on this lot, the neighbors had been telling them that there was no way there would be a double wide going there. Yesterday after having the movers take apart the double wide and placing it on wheels, I recieved a certified letter in the mail from a local attorney with a copy of the restrictive covenant attached. This covenant from 1986 is automatically renewed every five years and states that mobile homes, manufactured homes, and double wides are not permitted and any house that is going to be constructed on that piece of property has to be at least 1800 feet (My double wide is 1500). I tried talking to the neighbors last night, but they were unwilling to hear me put because they were worried that my double wide would decrease the value of their homes and they did not want some renter living in their neighborhood because, "you never know what you're going to get".

    My question is, how can someone else control what I do with my property based on something that was signed in the 1980s? Is there anything that I can do regarding my real estate agent and closing attornies, who knew my intentions when I closed on this lot? Or the county commission office for ensuring me that I could place a double wide there and even granting me with a permit to do so? There was a title search conducted prior to closing, which came back fine and we were not aware that we going to be bounded by a document that was signed prior to us owning it, since there are no HOA restrictions.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/RobearofWessex
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    Can landlord go through my drawers without permission with the (verbally expressed) intent of discovering the medications I'm on after discovering I have a protected mental health disability? She is exempt from the Fair Housing Act. Champaign, IL

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 12:29 PM PDT

    After multple weeks of harassment (falsified noise complaints, cornering me in the stairwell, threatening to raise the rent, calling me spoiled) and discrimination by my Landlords, I set up a camera in my bedroom to feel safe in my apartment. My Landlord entered the apartment with the intention of removing my AC unit for winter. I have video of my landlord going through my side table drawers, saying "let's see what this girl is on," and picking up each of my medication bottles, stating the names out loud, and continuing to go through all three of my drawers. She is exempt from the Fair Housing Act (lives on the property, owns the house, and rents less than 4 units) and has openly, verbally, and in writing expressed discrimination against me. She stated that I was dishonest in my rental application for not disclosing my mental health status. She expressed that she feels "uncomfortable, unqualified, and unsafe" to house me based on this protected status. Do I have any recourse to terminate the lease based on this violation of privacy, perhaps my right to quiet enjoyment? Am I protected from this sort of action by HIPAA?

    I am not looking to sue, if I can avoid it, just break the lease as soon as possible and find more appropriate housing, as I feel unsafe and will not reside in my home without company due to harassment and fear of continued harassment.

    [edit]: she had permission to enter the apartment and stated her intention was to remove the AC. Otherwise I would've pressed charges.

    submitted by /u/NEEDlegalAID123456
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    My ex wife's mother is trying to get custody of my 14 year old daughter. I live in a different state and feel helpless.3

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 10:11 PM PDT

    My ex wife and daughter live in Louisiana, I live in Kansas. When we got divorced, our daughter was about 3 years old. We have legal documents stating we share custody, but as the mother she would be the residential guardian as I was in the Army and I couldn't provide a stable household.

    Fast forward to 2019. My ex wife and teenage daughter have been having issues. They decide it's best to come live with me for a while in Kansas. I have a stable job, good income, and live a general middle class life. They were set to travel here this weekend. I got a call from my ex stating that her mother took our daughter and sent her pictures of a blurry document stating she was granted temporary custody of my daughter and that she will not be coming to live with me.

    What can I do? I feel so helpless being states away. My ex wife does not want custody of our daughter and has agreed to relinquish complete custody to me. Does my daughter's grandmother have this much power? Can she take away my child? If she fabricated that document, is that kidnapping? I will add that my teenage daughter wants to live with her grandmother, but her mother and I do NOT think that's in her best interest.

    What do I do?

    submitted by /u/custodyadviceta
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    I've heard that my daughters paternal grandmother is looking into changing my daughters last name from my name to her father's, can she legally do this if I have full custody?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:48 AM PDT

    My daughter has my last name. Me and her father did not end things on a good note when we decided we weren't going to be together. And since I was the one going to the appointments, giving birth to her, and presumably being the main caretaker (which I was and mostly still am) I gave her my last name at birth.

    This has been something that my daughters father and his mother do not like, but I've told them before I'd prefer she keep my name. I get that most children take the fathers name but if we're not together and I was the one birthing her and then taking care of her the majority of her life I saw no reason that she shouldn't have my last name.

    They've asked me to go through the paper work to change it before. I've told them I'm not comfortable with it.

    Yesterday I had someone tell me that my daughters grandmother had mentioned she was going up to the social security office to see about changing my daughters last name. I'm obviously upset that they're going to these measures to go behind my back on something I told them I was not okay with.

    We went to court a few years ago and I was awarded full custody with us splitting visitation. In the court agreement it essentially says that as the parent with full custody all major decisions are mine to be made and while her father can give his input it's still not his place to be making any decisions.

    My question is, can they legally request for her name to be changed? Will the social security office or wherever else they go to do their homework and see that they don't have full custody and I do?

    ETA: I'm from Oklahoma.

    submitted by /u/Pleasantly-Demised
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    My cat attacked my landlord

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 09:07 PM PDT

    Okay, I'm not sure where to even start with this. My cat is not friendly with strangers in the slightest. I am fully aware of that fact and take precautions whenever I have guests over or I have to take him to the vet. While I was at work today my landlord entered my apartment without my permission and got attacked by my cat. I got home not too long ago and found a note on my door explaining the situation. The cat seems fine but I'm going to take him to the vet tomorrow to make sure. The note didn't mention anything about any legal action the apartment may take.

    Do they have any grounds to sue or have my cat taken away? Do I have any legal action I can take?

    Nothing in my apartment seems out of place so I can't imagine he made it more than a few steps inside and I didn't find any blood.

    Update: I went to the leasing office and tried to talk to my landlord and get a copy of my lease. I was told that the landlord isn't in today and I couldn't get anyone to tell me how much damage the cat did. They also wouldn't give me a copy of my lease saying it is online. I don't have access to the online portal because the office never gave me the password. I explained as much and they basically told me to fuck off.

    I also took the cat to the vet and he is fine. They did a full dental exam and everything.

    I still don't know why he entered my apartment, how much damage the cat did, if the lease has a stipulation on whether or not he had the right to enter in the first place, or anything more.

    Am I just stuck waiting to see if they do anything?

    submitted by /u/throwaway718789273
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    My in-laws are threatening my employment if we don’t spend time with them. Is this quid pro quo?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:51 AM PDT

    (TN) I work for a major corporation and my father in law is an executive within the company. I do not report directly to him but he holds a lot of influence over my bosses. I have good reason to believe that twice so far in my career he has blocked a promotion because my wife was fighting with her mom.

    My MIL has been bullying my wife and won't respect the fact that she has asked for space. She threatened my job with the company over the phone, in person, and over text message. My FIL has hinted that there would be consequences if we try to set boundaries with them.

    I'm up for a big promotion this year based on merit, someone is retiring and several executives have told me they want me in the role. Now I'm afraid that not only will I be blocked from promotion again, but that I will be terminated due to family drama. I have never been written up, have perfect annual reviews, and have achieved a lot for the company. My contributions have had a huge positive impact to our bottom line and I have been told that it will pay off soon.

    In this situation I feel coerced into a relationship that goes beyond professional, and while it's not sexual in nature it still feels wrong and unjust. I feel like my wife and I are being blackmailed to spend time with people who do not respect us.

    What can I do? Is there any protections for a case like mine?

    Edit: a bot is asking for location. I really don't want to reveal too much information because I am worried they will find this. The company is in Tennessee

    submitted by /u/1notme
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    Car hit my house. At-fault has no insurance. Received subpoena.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:17 AM PDT

    Car accident occurred near my home, and one of the cars careened through my fence and into my brick house. Damage was done, but no obvious structural issues (has not been professionally verified). Police officer at the scene told us the at-fault driver had insurance, and that we should make a claim through her insurance. The at-fault driver's car was not the one that careened into our house. At-fault vehicle hit a pedestrian (though it seems that their injuries were not serious).

    After receiving the police report, no insurance is listed for the at-fault driver. We've not attempted to contact her yet. The other car has insurance. We've taken no action yet. Accident was about 3 weeks ago.

    Today, received a subpoena in the mail for her criminal trial to "testify as a witness". We did not witness the accident, but were there for the aftermath.

    Questions for you benevolent legal scholars:

    • We obviously would like to be compensated for the damage to our property. It feels unlikely that we'll successfully extract damages from the at-fault driver, so should we file a claim with the other car's insurance (which actually hit our home)? Does this have any chance of being fruitful?

    • My guess is that there's little risk to us for this subpoena -- i.e. they just want our story to settle the criminal case. Should we seek legal advice before participating?

    • If there's already legal action taking place, should we be "moving on it" so that our claims might be paid as part of this process?

    This is in Ohio. Thanks in advance for any guidance you might be able to provide!

    submitted by /u/carsmashedmyhouse
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    Friend gave me a laptop as a gift to use for school. Several months later with no contact, she is threatening to call the police if I don't return it.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 04:20 AM PDT

    This is in NY.

    I met this girl about a year ago and we hit it off and vegan hanging out in between my college schedule and her work schedule. I don't have a laptop or computer at home, so many times that she would want to hang out, she would have to wait for me to finish my assignments at the college library, as I had online classes to attend as well.

    About a month or so into us hanging out regularly, she messaged me that she had a surprise for me and that she was on her way over to pick me up. When I got in the car, she handed me a laptop and said, "I'm giving you this so you don't have to go to the library anymore."

    I thanked her and that was the last I heard of it for several months. She didn't ask about the computer. Didn't want to use it. Never mentioned it again.

    Right before this past summer started, she met a girl and they started dating (at this point, I stopped using the laptop completely because my semester had ended). She completely cut contact with me and the rest of our mutual friends, insisting that we only wanted to meddle in her new relationship and ruin it because we were concerned with how fast she was trying to move this new relationship along. After a while of them being together, she reached out to a mutual friend and told him she wanted her computer back. I explained to him that she gave it to me as a gift, but if she wanted it back she could come and pick it up because I didn't have a vehicle at the time and was working around my new work schedule. I never heard back from her or my mutual friend.

    Fast forward to about two weeks ago, and she texts me explaining that she wants to pick up her computer. I told her that she could pick it up from my job if she wanted, as I wouldn't be around. I still haven't opened it since last spring semester ended. My phone service shut off the next day and it took me about a week before I turned it back on. I receive another text from her yesterday saying this,

    "My gramma wants her computer back or she's going to call the cops and I'm not going to stop her."

    She never once told me the laptop belonged to anyone else, and as far as I'm concerned, she gifted it to me. What can I do to protect myself from legal action, and am I obligated to even deal with this?

    submitted by /u/AvrieyinKyrgrimm
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    Terminated because of the medicine I've taken for the past 10-plus years

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 01:48 PM PDT

    I live in Missouri and I recently had to do a drug screening because of a twisted ankle I got on the job. I went in and it went as usual. A couple days later I get pulled into an office saying that something came up on my drug test and I know that I haven't smoked in god knows how long. so I'm assuming that it was the medicine that I take. Each morning I'm prescribed to take 2 40 mg pills of Vyvanse for my ADD. so about a week passes and I got pulled into an office again today and I was told I had to sign a termination paper and I asked why and they said because of my drug test results. I told them what I take and they said that they were aware but still have decided to terminate me. I'm really upset because I love this job and I'm not sure what to do.

    Edit: I called the place that processed the drug test results, there were two numbers and both of them are non-working numbers now

    submitted by /u/supremegalacticgod
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    Evicted without notice, landlord is holding all belongings until payed back. Is this legal?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:15 AM PDT

    Not going to get into the back story but my brother and his girlfriend didn't like somethings I had to say, so my brothers GF got her mom to come over and just throw me out, I was an at will tenant, she owns the house they are renting, when she came over she was screaming "He has to go now, today" And she didn't let me get any of my things, the next day when I tried to get them, my brother told me that she said until I pay the late fees I'm not getting any of my stuff back, he is doing this to my parents who lived with him also, but they left willingly and should be allowed to get their stuff, she also had her handy man who is also family step outside and threaten me when I went to get my stuff he said "He would grad me by my beard and beat the shit out of my if i even looked at anyone when I went in" They let me get almost all of it but are now keeping my very expensive DSLR as collateral until I pay them that 300, they actually went in my room, in my closet and rummaged around for it, they also went in my parents room and went through there stuff and put some of it in a bag. I understand I was an at will tenant (I'm also in TX) but I did pay rent, i was late but I do believe I should have at least be given 1 day to find another place to live and collect my things. My brother said she has done nothing Illegal but I believe coming over and kicking you out at 12pm and locking all the doors constitutes as illegal. Let me know if I have a case, I would not like to sue, but I will if they don't wave those late fees and let me get mine and my parents things.

    submitted by /u/Negative_Matter
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    FBI investigator left business card for me to contact them

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 04:58 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm usually not a poster here on reddit, but I'm really concerned and think someone on here could advise me in the right direction.

    Sorry for formatting ahead of time- I'm on mobile!

    I live in Florida. today when I got home I saw a business card stuck in my front door. Upon looking, I see it's a card from the Federal bureau of investigation aka FBI and there's an agents name and contact info on it. On the back, she wrote "Ratchetdiva, please give me a call, thank you!"

    Once we (my parents and I) determined it was real, I gave her a call. For reference, I'm 23 years old and a recent college grad. I call her and let her know I'm returning her call and she tells me that I am needed as a witness for a criminal investigation. Something like "you're not in any trouble, we just need you to participate as a witness to a criminal investigation," which immediately causes me to freak out and I tel her not interested. She proceeds to say I can either go there, they come to me or they get a court order. Aka I have to do it. I asked her details and she said nothing could be said over the phone.

    At this point I'm speechless because I've done some illegal things here and there, but nothing I would ever think that needed the FBIs involvement. So I tell her I really am I not comfortable coming into to see her because I know enough to understand that they could be setting me up. She says "you have full immunity as a witness as long as you're completely honest" ??? Wtf. So I tell her okay it seems I have no choice, but to please send me some written proof of transactional immunity and then i'll come in and assist. She says okay will definitely do that and she'll be in touch.

    So my question is- wtf do I do? Do I have them come here to my home to talk? do I go there? Do I bring a lawyer? I'm currently post grad and struggling so a lawyer is not in my budget. Please help if you have advice or have been in a similar situation!!

    EDIT/UPDATE: Wow, thank you all so much for the support and advice. I did not sleep at all last night and now reading these comments has helped ease some of my anxiety this morning. I am going to do as you all suggested and wait to get subpoenaed. At that point I will not speak with anyone without a lawyer present. I actually did not call the local FBI field office, instead I called the number on her card around 6:30pm when I saw it and she answered. I realize now that was stupid so I am going to call the actual office when i'm off work this afternoon and ask for her by first and last name. I can't lie and say that I am not sitting at work anxious as heck and just overall miserable wondering what this could be about. You guys have been the best help. Google sucks.

    submitted by /u/ratchetdiva
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    My landlord has been sending maintenance workers into my apartment while I'm at work, giving me no prior notice and no notification afterward.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 09:00 AM PDT

    Location: Minnesota, US

    I have lived in apartments managed by the same management group for the last couple of years. We have always had a good relationship, they've never treated me poorly and I've been a good tenant.

    Two months ago, I moved from one building to another but it is still managed by the same group. Today, my boyfriend stopped by the apartment to pick up some things and bring them to me at work; when he arrived, there were two men inside of my apartment that claimed to be from maintenance. They said that there was a water leak in the ceiling of the apartment below mine, so they needed to run water in my bathroom to figure out if there was a leak coming from my faucets or pipes. My boyfriend requested that they call me once they were done as there have been a string of violent crimes on our block and I don't want to be alone in my apartment with two men I don't know. They said that the landlord would contact me, the same way they did on Monday when they came into my apartment.

    The landlord NEVER told me that they were coming to my apartment on Monday, nor did they let me know after they had been inside. This feels like a huge breach of privacy and makes me wonder how many times they've been in my space without my knowledge.

    I emailed the landlord saying the following (as well as my reasoning for being so skeeved out):

    "I wasn't made aware that anyone would be in the apartment at all, by phone call, email or otherwise. Can you please tell me what the process is for maintenance calls that I did not make? I assume there is some kind of notice that the tenant of the apartment is usually provided? And now I've been informed that they were there on Monday and no notice was given before or after?? This is alarming to say the least."

    To which he responded:

    "Sorry. I was unaware myself. The apartment below yours was having water
    poor through their bathroom ceiling. I just spoke with maintenance and they
    said that they needed to get in and figure out where it was coming from. We
    will always try to give a heads up but in certain situations it does happen
    where they need to get into the units quickly. Maintenance did not find any
    issues within your unit. They spoke with the resident below you and told
    him to let us know when it happens again and to remove the access panel to
    see where it is coming from. We will try to give you a heads up in the

    When I look at MN tenant/landlord law, I've found the following:

    • Generally, a landlord may only enter a tenant's unit for a "reasonable business purpose" after making a good faith effort to give the tenant reasonable notice. (61)
    • Examples of a reasonable business purpose include:
    1. Performing maintenance work.(65)
    • A tenant's right to prior notice may not be waived in any residential lease.(72) However, the landlord may enter the unit without giving prior notice in the following situations:
    1. When immediate entry is necessary to prevent injury to persons or property because of conditions relating to maintenance, building security, or law enforcement.(73)
    • If a landlord enters without giving prior notice and the tenant is not present, the landlord must give written notice to the tenant.(76) If the landlord violates this law, the tenant may recover up to $100 per violation in court.(77)

    I'm wondering if I should be as freaked out about this as I am. Should I press them about the fact that it wasn't just today? How do I enforce that they let me know when they are going to be there? I feel like this shouldn't be a situation where they "try" to let me know next time, but a legality that they should have to follow.

    submitted by /u/thequeendizzy
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    My company is holding me financially responsible for the work I do

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    I work for a company based out of Seattle installing fire control systems. My job goes like this. A business calls my company and tells them they want a fire system installed or repaired so then my company let's me know and sends me out to the job site, it's a pretty straight forward and simple process. Although my company policy is that if the business we are servicing does not pay after we compete our work I am held financially liable for the work I did and have to pay my company for parts and equipment. I signed a contract when i first got employed there that says this is okay which is my fault for not reading it all the way through. My question is is it legal for them to make me pay for my work done.

    submitted by /u/Circad1an
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    Can a company display a salary on a website that doesn’t reflect what you actually make?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:16 AM PDT

    Just went on indeed.com earlier and the job I work at has the salaries of myself and my coworkers positions as more money (upwards to $15) when in fact the overall actual salary range amongst us is $9-10. Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/waiter_checkplease
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    Boss threatened to fire me for "talking about wages" during break time with coworkers, is that legal?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    This happened earlier today. A bit of background, I started with this company back in early 2019 in sales getting paid a few dollars over the minimum wage in Texas. After a few months of hard work I ended up being promoted and pretty much doubled my hourly, I was on top of the world and things were great. Then I had to move to a local office out of corporate and I was having some issues with my bonus check not coming in and the promise pay not being accurate. I told a confidant about my frustrations and ended up getting spoken to by my boss a few days later saying that if I had any issues I could come up to him about pay etc. We ended up resolving the issue but I felt like since that day, things have been a bit tense. Today I ended up chatting with some friends about how I wanted to change what I do and go into carpentry because although I'm great in sales, I hate it, and I felt like I didn't work with genuine people. Well on of the supervisors walked in to use the restroom and overheard and went straight to the boss. Once I got off break they sent me straight to the VP and accused me of bringing negativity into the workplace and having problems with salary. That you can get terminated from this job because we talked about our wages and that it was in the handbook. And I'm on a small thread. I'm worried if this is true, because I've been meaning to tell them about taking a vacation and now I feel like they're going to fire me. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/afraidtogotoworknow
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    Neighbor cut large branches into our yard? Am I responsible for getting rid of them?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:37 AM PDT

    I apologized if this is the wrong place for this, but I wasn't sure what to do.

    We live in Utah, in the United States, and we have lived in this subdivision for a little over a year now. We're really not very social, so we don't know our neighbors.

    Several days ago, one of our neighbors that we've never met (or seen, for that matter) trimmed branches from their very large tree. The branches from that tree overhang into the 3 adjacent properties. They are corner to us by our back yards, and a lot of the branches hang over into our yard. They trimmed many of the lowest branches, and they put them into our yard. These are very large branches (10-15 feet long, and a couple inches thick. We didn't see this happen, we just noticed one evening after work that these large branches were fallen from the tree into our yard, leaning up against the fences that separate all the neighbors. It's very obvious they were cut, and not knocked down by the wind, for example.

    These branches are now laying in our yard, and we don't know what we're supposed to do. Is it our responsibility to dispose of the branches? Is it the neighbor's? We've never talked to the neighbor, and they haven't contacted us about the branches ever.

    My first thought was to "return the branches" to them, but I don't know what I'm allowed to do here. Any advice would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/cstaheli
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