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    Wednesday, October 9, 2019

    Is this opinion counterintuitive to the sales community? I never want to be #1 but prefer to just be ranked among the top of the list. Sales and Selling

    Is this opinion counterintuitive to the sales community? I never want to be #1 but prefer to just be ranked among the top of the list. Sales and Selling

    Is this opinion counterintuitive to the sales community? I never want to be #1 but prefer to just be ranked among the top of the list.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 03:09 AM PDT

    Sometimes it's nice to just be ranked number two or three, top 5 whatever. When you aren't the #1 rockstar salesperson you aren't always expected to be the best. When you are among the top 10% and regarded as really good, you don't have the insane expectation of being the best but will still always exceed quotas and make really good $.

    Been in sales for 15 years and I've never consistently been #1 but am always at the top and I like it there.

    submitted by /u/LouieKablooie
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    What’s your go to line to include in emails/phone calls?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:03 AM PDT

    I was crafting and email for a client and sent it to my boss to review (new to sales, but experienced in my industry). He added a good line to the end of the email (see comments) that I thought was good to share since it can be used almost anytime. Just wondering if any of you have a go to line or something to help make the customer feel more Important/valued. Thanks

    submitted by /u/scriggle-jigg
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    As a salesperson working in saas, I wish more people understand of how our jobs function.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    It is wild to me that anyone working in technology would complain about a company asking for contact info to be input prior to receiving a free report, ebook, whitepaper, etc. How can digital marketers (for example the linked twitter post, a CRO Strategist) speak against this?

    What other strategies do companies use for maintaining lead volume if they can't require inputting of contact info before viewing content?


    submitted by /u/dextermax
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    Let go from my first sales job today...advice?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 08:08 PM PDT

    Been working for an HVAC contracting company in Burnaby, BC (Canada) for the last year and a half, responsible for bringing in new maintenance customers and managing the existing clients. It was a lot of work, and I was definitely better at managing the existing clients than acquiring new ones. I received little to no mentorship or training and had to basically learn how to sell/negotiate entirely on my own through books and online courses. A month after they hired me they switched construction softwares and I was thrown into doing implementation on that for a few months before I did any real selling at all.

    Today they pulled me aside and said they've been bleeding money for months now and have to make some administrative cuts. Both of our major construction salesmen quit about 3-4 months ago and they had to scramble to hire new estimators, so there haven't been a ton of big jobs coming through the pipeline. Unfortunately, despite showing up and working hard every day, I guess I wasn't able to bring in enough business to make myself non-expendable. I feel like I was used for as much as they could get out of me without hiring a proper Account Manager vs Outside Salesperson. I did about 300 cold walk ins (no prior interest) to different companies looking for work over a few months, but I didn't get one hit from that. It was hard not to get discouraged since they kept ragging on me for not bringing in many new clients.

    I'm pretty driven to succeed, which is how I got this job in the first place (no previous sales experience.) Instead of wallowing in it, I sent out 50 applications today to companies in my area and reached out to the recruiter that originally got me this job (they said to give them a call tomorrow). Mainly just looking for some advice on how to handle this moving forward and how to not let it completely ruin my confidence...I need to keep my head up if I want to find something else. And how do I phrase things to any potential hiring companies when they ask why things didn't work out?

    submitted by /u/GangreneMachine
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    I am failing in a great company. I want to make this work. How do I turn it around.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:52 AM PDT

    I'll try to be brief.

    First sales job. I love everything about it aside from the fact that I'm failing at it.

    It's a one call close sale for home exterior products. Straight commission. Windows, doors, siding, etc.

    People here have lives and make money. Top reps hit 18-22K a month commission. This is astounding to me and got me super excited.

    I went on several calls and never thought I saw one of them do anything I couldn't learn to do. More excited.

    Now it's been almost two weeks and I've only closed one small deal. This is WAY below company average of 35-40 percent. (Yes that's average, the best guy closes ~70 percent)

    Anyway, I feel like I've gotten the marbles out. Most of the nerves are gone. I get very good response during the pitch. We pitch the company then the product. Both go well.

    But at the close when then "need to think about it" and "have to get other bids" (the two main objections) I say the words I was told to say but I don't get the close.

    How do I get WAY WAY better at closing very fast?

    If I don't it's back to bartending and I don't want that.

    Any sage advice?

    PS- I think this somehow is influenced by the fact that I would NEVER get only one bid and that I NEVER make big decisions without sitting down alone and balancing it out. Basically, I'm asking them to do something I would never do.

    But how do I overcome that?

    submitted by /u/1RapaciousMF
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    Selling to Executives: The Biggest Mistake Sales People Make

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:40 AM PDT

    NEW ARTICLE: Franklin Covey's Randy Illig shares feedback from business leaders on the sales process and provides strategies for creating more value for clients.


    submitted by /u/Pure_Content
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    Did I make the wrong choice

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:19 AM PDT

    I recently left a godawful retail job at a certain red themed big box store for an opportunity to sell a certain college football related supplemental insurance brand, but the biggest problem is that I'm having to prospect from business to business in a semi-rural area, where they expect me to make 20-30 cold calls in person a day, and I am finding myself barely able to manage 10-15 in my area once I subtract the places I went recently, the places that gave hard no's, and the places with existing accounts. Did I make a poor decision into going into this field? I wanted so bad to find a career instead of being wrapped up in a dead end job. I have made a few sales already in a short amount of time but I am having no luck at keeping the pipeline filled. When will I know if sales at all is even right for me? Are there any tips from anybody who has done this line of work? And what would somebody with no college degree do instead? I feel like if this doesn't work out I am basically done.

    submitted by /u/Sconeseecider
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    Am I burned for other companies after they got my CV multiple times?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 06:23 AM PDT

    I'm working in the IT industry in an area which is not that big relatively. I have been trying to make a jump to another company because of incoming restructuring aka we will fire you guys. So I put myself open on LinkedIn and have some contact with recruiters and calls followed by me sending them my CV. As I said, the companies fitting me are limited so over the last 6 months I had different recruiters approach me for the same companies. I never got any feedback so I figured no harm and just let them send my CV again. In addition every time I asked I was told it might take some time because of end of quarter (budget planning + busy trying to close deals).

    So today one of the recruiters told me the company already got my CV months ago from a different recruiter. As I never got any feedback from the recruiter or the company does this mean I'm burned and they will never consider me? Should I just refuse any future contact if it is about a company which already got my CV? On a side note can someone explain why it matters if a company got my CV from multiple recruiters? Doesn't this show that my skills and experience seem to fit?

    submitted by /u/Algunas
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    Kick-Off Meetings/Strategy Calls for Proposals

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 10:10 AM PDT

    I'm part of a large proposal team for a group benefits insurance company and I'm trying to come up with new ways to handle our kick-off meetings/strategy calls for proposal development. Currently, we just use a central conference line and each sales rep has a designated time slot so when it's time for a strategy call on a specific case/proposal we don't have to go searching for a "good" time for everyone. We know when to expect the call prior to it even being scheduled. It's nice because I don't have to worry about rallying everyone together to discuss the client - we have a person who schedules the calls for us.

    However, it's often been the case that the sales team doesn't feel we need a call at all, or if we do end up having one, we don't really discuss strategy... and the call (from my perspective) feels like a waste of time.

    If you're on a proposal team, how do you handle the kick-off calls and/or strategy calls? Do you have a different system/process in place? I need to go through and do a refresh on the APMP BoK, but I thought I'd check here for any fresh ideas.

    submitted by /u/freshixsmooth
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    Transitioning from B2C to B2B help

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 07:48 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for some assistance in the job hunt to transition from B2C to B2B. Ofcourse, most B2B jobs require "B2B experience" so I am at a cross roads of whether to be 100% honest in my resume or to spin it to make it seem like I have B2B experience.


    I've got 2.5 years experience as an Account Manager doing a phone based sales role to traders and investors in the stock market and 1 year of experience doing face to face residential solar sales. I'm no stranger to cold calling and have a more of a consultative approach. I feel I would be much better suited for B2B but don't want to start off at an "entry level B2B role" as I feel at the end of the day its about how you communicate with people

    Any advice would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/nale012
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    Should I call Verizon for a interview follow up now?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:18 PM PDT

    I have had 4 interviews with Verizon so far. I started with a video interview and that was followed by a phone interview. After the phone interview I met with the General Manager and Solutions Specialist Manager where it ended with a role play activity. Following this, I received a call from the District Manager the next day. The in person interview was last Tuesday. Is it time for me to call and do a follow up? This was my first interview ever and I'm not sure what to do.

    submitted by /u/cmiller0322
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    In home demos? (B2B)

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:24 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I sell equipment B2B and do in-person demos at the business site. I have a prospect that's opening a new business and their building is under construction. The prospect is asking me to meet at their home instead.

    There are so many things to be concerned about these days, I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'll be meeting with a husband and wife team, which (me being a dude) eases some concerns.

    What are you guys' stance and guidelines on meeting in a private home?

    submitted by /u/Too_Many_Mind_
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    Macos CRM software, advice needed

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:06 AM PDT

    I'm dealing with a lot of incoming calls, and context switching is hard. What I think I want is a mac desktop app that integrates a SIP phone, incoming email, and linkedin, so that when the phone rings the software automatically brings up all my notes on and conversations with that client. But to be honest, if there's a better way then I'm open to suggestions. Small business level, free tier a bonus.

    submitted by /u/PersistentBadger
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    New Job!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    I just left a 10 year career in alcohol sales for my dream job in medical sales. Many thanks to this sub and its members for the insight and know-how. 3 months in and it's everything I wanted!

    submitted by /u/Hydeparker28
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    CRM type software for simple account management with reoccurring events and email tagging

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:33 AM PDT

    Right now I use Pipedrive - I like it because I can click on a "deal" which for me is an event and see all email/notes and people related to that event. The problem is I really only use it for this type of organization, and the rest is kind of overkill.

    I'd like to find simple software, or even better, an outlook add-in that offers something similar.

    I want basically want two things - emails in the inbox to be tagged automatically with their corresponding account, and the ability to click on an account and see all related correspondence.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/tombloomingdale
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    Need help running Agency

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:29 AM PDT

    I own a small Animation/VFX agency (10-50 misfits) with lots of prospective avenues, and talented teams to carry the projects. The projects delivered are ridiculously good and clients could be much bigger. All my staff are working on time consuming client projects and I have only two hands and 24 hours.

    Looking for someone incredible at marketing that will take us to the next level and compete with BBTV and ENDEMOL. Obviously, I'm only looking for guys who have done this before, well, with their own teams, and are currently getting paid to do it. If you make my investors happy with massive projects, in addition to pay, I will give you free access to my teams.

    submitted by /u/healthynut00
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    Am I right? Was this a sneaky move by my employer (non solicit agreement)?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 04:11 AM PDT

    My employer has done some weird sneaky stuff in the past. I don't think out of goodwill, but because they are shy and awful with confrontation.

    We agreed on a raise a few weeks back, they didn't budge at all. No negotiation, they just said "how much do you want" I had a number in my head, and they said "sure, payroll change next week" and since I've been pretty happy + more engaged. I'm a top performer and have pretty much dedicated my last 3 years' social life to this job earning a decent amount of cash.

    About 2 weeks later they randomly sent me an email saying "updated employer agreement, sign page 8." I read through it and there is now additional restrictive covenants that were not on our previous contracts, including non-solicit, and if they sell the company (which I see as likely), this carries over to the next owners.

    Do you think this is kind of sneaky? Thought we agreed on a new salary, they gave it to me, and then just randomly sent me a new contract I feel like they were hoping I would be so elated about the raise and not even think about the contract or fight it. My boss has mentioned humorously to me multiple times when we were hiring new employees "It's pretty funny if you just send the employment contract over, most of the time they don't even look at it they just sign it right then and there". Think he was counting on me doing that too.

    I'm thinking I should ask for more money, or refuse to sign it. Really don't want the non-solicit in this super small niche.

    submitted by /u/AnneStaz
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    8 steps to strenghten your Tech Business Model - join free CEO Webinar for Entrepreneurs

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 02:07 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! I have something interesting (and free).

    🔥It's a 2-part series of webinars for Startups and Entrepreneurs! https://doitorscrewit.softwarebrothers.co/

    The Speaker, Kris Marshal will show you 8 steps to strenghten your Tech Business Model and he'll explain:

    🎯How to make sure that agency's estimation is not a rip off?

    🎯Do you really need sales reps at your company?

    🎯How to identify the right time to launch your app?

    ...and more.

    8 steps - 2 webinars - 1 goal:



    Part 1️⃣ - Tuesday, October 15th at 2 PM CEST

    Learn how to make a Tech product from scratch!

    1. Idea 2. MVP 3. Development 4. Legal Issues

    Part 2️⃣ - Thursday, October 17th at 2 PM CEST

    Learn how to make your business survive and thrive!

    1. Marketing 6. Sales 7. Maintenance 8. Business Security
    submitted by /u/SoftwareBrothers
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    8 steps to strenghten your Sales & Tech Business Model - join free CEO Webinar!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 01:55 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! I have something interesting (and free).

    🔥It's a 2-part series of webinars for Startups and Entrepreneurs! https://doitorscrewit.softwarebrothers.co/

    The Speaker, Kris Marshal will show you 8 steps to strenghten your Tech Business Model and he'll explain:

    🎯How to make sure that agency's estimation is not a rip off?

    🎯Do you really need sales reps at your company?

    🎯How to identify the right time to launch your app?

    ...and more.

    8 steps - 2 webinars - 1 goal:



    Part 1️⃣ - Tuesday, October 15th at 2 PM CEST

    Learn how to make a Tech product from scratch!

    1. Idea 2. MVP 3. Development 4. Legal Issues

    Part 2️⃣ - Thursday, October 17th at 2 PM CEST

    Learn how to make your business survive and thrive!

    1. Marketing 6. Sales 7. Maintenance 8. Business Security
    submitted by /u/SoftwareBrothers
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    Facilty Manager.....

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 08:19 PM PDT

    So I have been brainstorming client ideas for my business. I was wondering if there is a list of facilty managers in each city? If so how would someone get access to this list?

    submitted by /u/Wwisdomistruth
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    When/How to Follow Up

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 07:38 PM PDT

    I had a first successful meeting with a prospect. I sell a concrete product. I then went to their place of business, demonstrated it live, and explained everything in detail. I asked a lot of questions about their needs and how my product can fulfill them.

    They were very excited about it and told me they'd contact me in a month- to give them time to observe my product.

    Should I follow up with them before that? If so what should I say? I'm new to this and could use help. I don't want to be overbearing but I also can't let this slip away.

    submitted by /u/Ecurb4588
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    Tips on upselling faster internet speeds

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 10:42 PM PDT

    I work in inside sales and I see a lot of outside reps selling extremely fast fibre optic internet speeds to small businesses, which probably dont need them. I've been taking the cost saving approach when selling to small businesses trying to help them to reduce their bill from one of our competitors to get them over. Also I make way more money in commission if I sell fibre 300 as opposed to fibre 25.

    submitted by /u/Spatz901
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