• Breaking News

    Monday, October 14, 2019

    Health Benefits Terminated, Employers says I'm ineligible for COBRA because benefits should have terminated 2 years ago, so I technically already used up COBRA?? Insurance

    Health Benefits Terminated, Employers says I'm ineligible for COBRA because benefits should have terminated 2 years ago, so I technically already used up COBRA?? Insurance

    Health Benefits Terminated, Employers says I'm ineligible for COBRA because benefits should have terminated 2 years ago, so I technically already used up COBRA??

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 03:26 PM PDT

    I am an independent contractor, but due to an ongoing relationship with a client I have been able to enroll in health benefits offered by their third-party HR/staffing company for the past 4 years or so, even though I only work a few hours per month for them.

    I was just informed that because I don't work enough hours to qualify as full-time, my benefits are being terminated. Which is unfortunate, but I can understand that. However, I am also being told that this change to not cover part-time employees should have been enacted 2 years ago, when the plan switched to a different health benefit provider, so because of that, I have technically already used up COBRA since I've had the health benefits for 2 years afterwards.

    This is ridiculous to me - I am being notified of my insurance termination now, so I should be entitled to 18 months of COBRA coverage from now, when my benefits are being terminated. Whether or not they should have been terminated 2 years ago is irrelevant, because they simply weren't, if someone messed up and didn't terminate my coverage 2 years ago when they should have, that's not my fault. Am I correct in this line of thinking or do they have a point?

    TLDR: Employer is terminating my coverage due to me being part-time and not full-time. Saying that this should have happened 2 years ago even though no one ever notified me until just now, so because of that I've technically used up COBRA. But my insurance wasn't terminated 2 years ago, it's being terminated now, so I feel I should be entitled to COBRA - am I wrong?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/NYCRez
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    Backed into car, paid them after a quote, now they've filed against insurance.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 03:12 PM PDT

    Pooling business insurance with a single insurer.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 05:26 PM PDT

    I currently own my own business where I am responsible for managing multiple business policies including product liability, property, auto and workers comp. We currently have all these policies through different carriers via our agent. This agent has done a very poor job of communicating things like renewals, audits, etc. I'm also a little frazzled at the end of every year trying to renew everyone and making sure each policy has been properly paid up for thd coming year.

    Recently a direct representative from a business carrier known as Federated has come in and seemingly offered a solution to all my problems. He claims to be able to bundle all my policies and offer a monthly payment option (which would be really nice). All sounds great except I've never heard of these guys. Ratings online look good enough, but I figured I would reach out to reddit and see if anyone has any horror stories about his company (or positive stories too).

    Anyone have any experience with them? Thoughts about bundling everything with a single insurer vs multiple carriers? Questions I should be asking?

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/PizzaThrowaway73
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    Accident No Insurance At Fault

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:01 PM PDT

    In Washington State. Karma goes around and it got me. On my 20th birthday took my car out for a joyride after it was down for a week for repair, insurance was not active as it had expired a week before. Finished car early took it for a joyride on my Birthday. When a I was in horrible zero control intersection where there has been more that 10+ deadly accidents but city wont so much. On a right turn, truck came in bashing at me 40+ mph totaling my car and his truck. Police arrived, Truck was a company truck, worker was not injured thankfully. Car was under my name still owing 3k on it, Car is completely totaled parked outside my house, Im left with my car debt and his truck debt that is being done civilly not by his insurance company. They gave me a quote of 9,200, own company is using money out their pocket not insurance. Im giving them 500 a month. What can I do about my license? Am i fucked for future insurance company's? Police saw that it was my birthday, they said they would go easy and just give me a accident ticket for like 150/250, Still haven't got anything its been 4months. License is currently suspended , what can I do? other than pay my debt? ;(

    submitted by /u/wrapurwillysilly
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    Wrong insurance charged

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 10:52 PM PDT

    I left my old job for a new one. So I went to the dentist and told them I needed work on my teeth done before my old insurance from my old job runs out. They agreed and scheduled me for some dental work. I got my teeth done, but still need some more work on it. I'm planning to use my new insurance from my new job to cover the rest of my dental work. However, my dentist accidentally charged my new insurance for the work I got done previously and my old insurance is now expired. What do I do? How could I dispute this?

    submitted by /u/laurenbaker
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    [serious] how can i get low cost insurance for a few months?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 08:25 PM PDT

    Insurance doesn't kick in for 3 months at my new job, I can't afford the marketplace, however I have bi weekly prescriptions I need to purchase. I hate asking questions on Reddit bc I feel like people will be rude when answering, so please be kind and just give me a straight forward answer.

    I'm based in the US

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/ooohyeah003
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    What is Amica insurance like for auto insurance?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:49 PM PDT

    Looking to switch from Geico to Amica due to a much better rate. Pros and cons?


    submitted by /u/LukeMayo9
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    How can I find out the details of transgender related surgeries my insurance covers?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:46 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, sorry if this is too vague of a question, or posted in the wrong place. For context, I'm a 24 year old transgender woman who works for a large LGBT friendly company in the US. Because my employer is a healthcare IT company, I'm lucky to have really affordable and extensive healthcare coverage. I know that my insurance covers hormone replacement meds, because I already use it to pay for those, and I think it covers gender confirmation surgery, but I'm not totally sure.

    My insurer is Cigna, and I think my specific plan is Cigna PPO? Honestly I'm not even sure, but I know it says that on my card and I've typed that plan name in for coverage searches before. But I'm having trouble finding out the specifics of what my plan actually covers.

    My company has a benefits page that talks about what is in each plan, and this document says that it may cover up to 80% of the fees associated with SRS. But that's basically all it says. It doesn't say if they always cover 80% of the procedure, or what grounds have to be met for it to be covered. I also have questions about whether or not I have to go to a certain surgeon, or if I have to meet specific medical criteria. I have a formal diagnosis of gender dysphoria, have been receiving hormone replacement therapy for a while, and have real-life experience (I'm totally out), all of which are things I've sometimes seen as requirements for such a procedure. But my insurance doesn't say if I need to meet any of these, or anything else.

    Thanks for any help! And let me know if I need to provide any other info. I'm new to the insurance corner of reddit, but so far it looks pretty fun!

    submitted by /u/Box_of_Ramen
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    California accident

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:23 PM PDT

    I'm having some trouble trying to figure where to start.

    My father recently got into a accident friday night. He rear ended someone at a stop sign. He said his brakes weren't working properly. Im really thankfully no one was hurt. He drives a 80s pick up that's not in the best of shape. The vehicle is registered in my name. But he is the policy holder with liability only. He's old mid 70s. At this point and age he wont be driving a vehicle again. He really dosen't understand how all of this stuff with insurance works and neither do I. The truck is so old I'm pretty sure it's a complete loss. Unfortunately he was also drinking that night and I believe received a dui. The cops arrested him but released him the same night. The truck wasnt impounded but towed to the house where he stays. I was told no pictures were taken just information was exchanged. They haven't contacted insurance yet and I'm just not sure where to begin. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/wanderups
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    Spouse 2nd Dui excluded driver policy

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:11 PM PDT

    My spouse got 2nd DUI in 3 years. My insurance canceled me along with umbrella policy. Underwriter agreed to cover with named driver exclusion. Spouse is now eligible to drive again and I want them to find own policy, which has become a source of contention . Our finances are separate I have excellent credit no driving record they have shit credit and 2 duis in 3 years. Questions I have, should I remove my name from title of one of my vehicles and retitle in their name only ? ( all vehicles paid for ). And how much would you expect them to pay? We are in state with one of lowest insurance rates . Will they even be able to get insurance with bad credit and duis ? My insurance is very reasonable and frankly on principle I don't feel like I should be shelling out all the cash , additionally I don't want cut rate company and not sure how to proceed. Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/warg100
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    Multiple comp hail claims in one year

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:22 PM PDT

    My vehicle is with Geico. Great folks and awesome rates. No complaints in the least. Recently renewed about a week ago.

    Had a $6300 hail claim with them a bit over 2 years ago. Had another $1800 hail claim last May. Now we've had another hail incident late last week. Not bad... but the roof has some dents.

    Basically debating if I should file another claim now or wait until next spring for another recordable hail incident since... sure enough... it's going to happen again. Always does around here anymore.

    Appreciate the replies!

    submitted by /u/nignog542
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    Homeowners insurer canceled my policy because of a roommate moving in (MN)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:20 PM PDT

    I own a single family detached home. I recently had an independent agent search for HOI quotes for me because Progressive (where I'd moved my car) wouldn't let me do a quote online for some reason. They got me a quote for Progressive that was comparable to what I'd been paying so I switched over from Allstate to Progressive so my car and home would be bundled.

    I very recently (as in today) had a renter move in to a spare bedroom. I still live here. My renter has her own renters insurance policy. I let my independent agent know about the renter. My agent communicated with Progressive, who sent me a cancellation notice effective in 30 days. The reason for cancellation says "unnaceptabke risk or exposure: insured is renting out a room to a tenant." I was being honest; so I guess no good deed goes unpunished.

    They seem to understand that I'm just renting out a room, not the whole house. I have my independent agent on it already. He was out of the office when the change was made but he said they still have quotes for me from other companies that we can go over tomorrow (it's 8pm on a Sunday lol). He'll also check into whether my renter having her renters insurance will fix it (but I doubt it—and honestly don't know if I want to work with an insurance company who will cancel my policy for such a garbage reason—they don't sound like they would be on my side in any way if something were to happen to the house).

    My questions, to prepare me for tomorrow's discussion, are as follows:

    1. Will Progressive insure me again if they know my renter has renters insurance? The independent agent's office didn't ask that when I let them know about the renter.

    2. The cancellation notice mentioned I may be eligible for the Minnesota FAIR plan and should work with an agent to check. This makes it sound like I don't have good odds of getting normal insurance if I've got a renter and am honest about it. Is that the case?

    3. Will this cancellation go on some sort of record or on my credit report and affect my ability to be insured in the future?

    submitted by /u/1cecream4breakfast
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    Auto insurance - Premium raise for at fault accident

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 04:32 AM PDT

    If you get into an accident and you are at fault, does the insurance premium raises depending on how money the insurance paid?

    For example: If you rear-end a 10 years old toyota, is the premium raise the same as if you rear end a ferrari?

    submitted by /u/eric62451
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    What do do about a claim for this debris hit? (video)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:00 PM PDT

    Looks like the car to my front right kicks up a plywood board and sends it tumbling into my path. The hit left a dent on my bumper.


    submitted by /u/dood23
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    Can you save money on your insurance by unplugging your metromile?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 05:41 PM PDT

    A friend of mine has metromile, and he says he saves over $60 a month by unplugging his metromile on long commutes. Does this actually work, or would the metromile just record whatever is on the odometer when it's plugged back in.

    submitted by /u/VanillaMonster
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    Got rear-ended a week ago, confused about how to handle the situation so I don't get screwed?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 05:33 PM PDT

    Pretty straight-forward accident and not at fault (California), some guy rammed into me in heavy traffic a week ago. Got his information, and he supposedly has "Bristol West" insurance, and the reviews are TERRIBLE, and now I'm kind of scared this might turn into a nightmare and I don't know how to proceed so that I get compensated fairly.

    1. I filed a claim with my insurance immediately and they towed my car to assess the damages. I have been taking ubers to work and its really getting expensive and inconvenient. My policy doesn't cover rentals but I feel his insurance should provide one. How can I get a rental?
    2. My car might be totaled, has a KBB value of 11k and I owe 9k
    3. If it's not totaled, and it gets fixed, will I be compensated for the depreciation of my car since I was definitely planning on selling it?

    Do I need a lawyer? Should I call my insurance company again tomorrow? Should I call his insurance? I really just need a rental and to confirm his insurance wasn't fake and that I will be compensated soon. I feel clueless. Thank you for any insight.

    submitted by /u/tetrameles
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    Auto insurance question

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    Ok so a few days ago someone took out our mailbox and in the process spun out into the driveway (which is gravel) and sprayed my car with rocks. We were able to get a part number off of a piece of the headlight casing that was in the driveway and found the make/model of the vehicle. There was also some painted plastic so we know what color it is as well. I live on a back road that doesn't have much traffic on it so inevitably we found the vehicle that did it like a mile down the road where the person lives and now have the license plate number as well. I'm just wondering how I get ahold of his insurance info from here do I just contact local police? Any advice would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/bbyBillyFreeman
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    Fender bender without liability insurance question

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 02:14 PM PDT

    I was in a minor fender bender with rental vehicle without liability insurance. The damage on rental vehicle is small dent 0.5 inch wide and on other vehicle the dent is visible only if you look at it from an angle and there is no scratches! He said he wants to repair it nevertheless!

    We didn't determine who's at fault but the other driver sounded like I am, took pictures of rental vehicle insurance policy and said he'll file a claim through my rental insurance.

    As I don't have liability insurance (neither personal or through rental agency), what happens now?

    If his insurance company pursues liability from my rental company will they pay his expenses and then bill me for that? Or will they just deny his claim and tell him to deal with me personaly?

    submitted by /u/Acrimony5551
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    Housing Insurance Cancellation

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:15 AM PDT

    I am a first time home owner and bought a policy with progressive. We did the estimate online before they had someone to come out for the inspection, and the roof was in worse shape than I had believed it to be in (I knew it was bad, but not as bad as they've judged it).

    They called and said they would cancel my policy unless I fixed it by the 7th of November. I was fine with that, but now they've sent me a check in the mail for a refund and I believe they have preemptively canceled it. I cannot get a hold of their offices and am unsure of what to do. I am having to roof done as soon as I get a guy out here for a quote, I'm just full of worry in the meantime.

    submitted by /u/Porglack
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    Dealing with fender benders over a series of years

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    Now last week I'm driving and I get cut off and someone makes an immediate turn with no signal and I clip his rear end. It was if he realized that was his turn and tried to basically fly in front of me and turn quickly. He didn't have up to date insurance so his parents came and brought it. It was sketchy. No police were called and we exchanged info. He admitted to turning into my lane then turning not sure if he said he used his blinker but he didn't.

    My insurance is obviously on my side saying he explained almost a similar story. I just know when your behind it is almost always your fault but in this situation getting cut off and having someone turn before I can even react like they were driving a race car was beyond reckless.

    submitted by /u/LobsterSauce420
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    HDHP/In network Dr. balance billing question

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 09:39 AM PDT


    My family will be on a new HDHP starting in 2020 with BC/BS providing insurance. We have not been on such a plan before and wondering that if we use an in-network doctor that we will be responsible only for the negotiated rate and not the total Dr visit charge. As example, have an office visit (in-network) and Dr. bills insurance at $140 but BC/BS negotiated rate is $100. We only have to pay the $100 correct? I have to think that's the case but wanted to double check.

    submitted by /u/ImChadYourSkinTag
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    Damaged paint = total?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    I drive a '99 MX-5, and just moved to Las Vegas, NV, and during the move the moving truck threw rocks up behind it at my car i was towing, leaving a ton of rock chips. Yesterday a piece of plywood flew up at me in the road and damaged my front bumper, so while I was making a claim for that, I made a claim for the rock chips. My deductible for both comprehensive and liability is $50, so to fix my car I estimated $100 ($50 each claim)

    I took my car to the shop Geico recommended, and he told me I had pre-existing damage (small dings in the hood that he said couldn't have been from rock chips, a small section where my clear coat had bubbled and oxidized, a ding in my driver side door, and a small ding or two on every other panel.) He said he would send photos to Geico and see what they'll do, but that they'll probably just write it off and send me a check.

    The bank has the title, as I owe about $2500 on the car, and as far as I can see online, the bank has sole digression on whether to allow them to take my car for a check instead of fixing it.

    What are my options? Can I get it fixed without totalling it? I love my car, have sunk a ton of money into it, and don't want it to just be written off. If I could just cancel my claim at this point I would.

    submitted by /u/trix4rix
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    Forgot to cancel car insurance for car I no longer driver - questions on reimbursement

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 08:10 AM PDT

    So, I was auto-drafting payments from a bank account that I use specifically to pay non-credit bills. I do not check the account often as a specific portion of my check is deposited to this account and everything billed to this account is automated. Basically it's my "don't want to deal with it" account. That being said, I purchased a salvage vehicle several months ago and signed up for auto-draft on a new insurance policy. I stopped driving the vehicle about a week after purchase due to not being able to pass inspection / register it / transfer its title, etc. Like an idiot, I did not think to cancel my insurance policy and have been paying a premium of $245 on this vehicle monthly for the past 3 months.

    Is it possible to be reimbursed for these months? What proof must I provide to get the cancellation backdated?

    I am currently not driving and taking public transportation. I have no other vehicles insured.

    TLDR: purchased a vehicle. Couldn't register the vehicle. Stopped driving the vehicle due to no registration. Forgot to cancel the policy. Out about $740. Anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/thisisrobsaccount
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