• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 24, 2019

    Expensive lesson for OP as his financed bike gets stolen without coverage Insurance

    Expensive lesson for OP as his financed bike gets stolen without coverage Insurance

    Expensive lesson for OP as his financed bike gets stolen without coverage

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 12:49 AM PDT

    Other Driver 100% responsible; moving in 5 days 1000 miles, can't drive car - what to do?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:50 AM PDT

    Hi -

    I am currently in an at-fault state and was rear ended yesterday by another driver. The damage is pretty extensive as they were going in excess of 20-25 when I was stopped. I am moving in approximately 1 week over 1000 miles to another state.

    In the police report and to the insurance the other driver admitted 100% fault and was also issued a citation.

    How do I go about getting my car repair, a rental paid and vehicle shipped to me ?

    submitted by /u/worthlesshero
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    Medical/Life insurance, is there much benefit in also taking out accident cover? (Singapore)

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 04:34 AM PDT

    Hello all, My wife and I recently moved to Singapore, we are not citizens here and so are not covered by their national healthcare system. We have taken out medical insurance which covers the bulk of medical expenses for accident or illness (minus an obligatory co-pay). They also sold us a fixed term life insurance policy that gives a fixed high-value payout in the case of death, terminal illness diagnosis, or severe disabilities. We don't actually have any dependents or a mortgage, but this was sold to us on the premise of 'if you have a bad accident and cannot work, this will take care of you/the person left behind'. They have now offered me an accident cover policy as well, which looks to give percentages/multiples of a lower value payout in cases of death, severe disability, or more minor disabilities. I am not a financial specialist, but there seems to be a lot of overlap in the scope of these policies. I'm struggling to see why I would need all of them. In general, is there a large advantage I'm missing out on by not having accident cover when I'm insured for medical expenses and life cover, both of which are valid in the case of accident or illness? Is there anything I should look for in the wording of the policies? Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/Bror_Jace
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    Hit and Run Question

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 03:58 AM PDT


    Recently, I was involved in a hit and run accident. What happened was, I was driving down a main road when the cars ahead of me came to a stop at a green light. The person in front of me decided to back up to try to go around. However, they backed up into my car. They began to drive away and I assumed they were going to a parking lot so we could exchange info. Instead they decided to flee. I followed for a short while until I realized how stupid it was. Thankfully, my dash camera caught it all, including the license plate.

    What I am confused about (and couldn't really find via the search option) is this: My car didn't take significant damage. There are some scratches and small dings. I don't wish to file a claim through MY insurance for two reasons:

    1. I really can't afford to spend the money on my deductible on such minor damage
    2. I don't want my rates going up because I filed a claim

    I understand that it's the best way to go about this. I've been told that my rates won't go up because I'm at fault, however, I was rear ended (different car) last year (not at fault) and my rates went up due to my vehicle having an accident record. The vehicle in question has a clean accident history.

    I've filed a police report and am waiting to hear back from the detective. I fully intend on pressing charges on the other driver.

    All that being said, my question is really just about the claims process. Once I have the other driver's info, can I go ahead and just file the claim through his insurance? Or is it different because it's a hit and run (as in maybe his insurance wouldn't cover the claim due to the criminal charges?)? I have not contacted my insurance regarding this incident and do not wish to do so.

    Is there anything else I should be aware of that I might be missing?

    Thanks for the advice.

    submitted by /u/Yellow12551
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    Travel insurance advice

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 03:12 AM PDT

    Ive had a bit of a big situation and I would like any advice / reassurance I can get because things are a getting a bit stressful for me, sorry if this is going to be long.
    Everything is in my time so the dates and times might be out a little for other time zones.

    I live in Australia but my fathers family is from Chile, I have never been to Chile but last year I got my passport and this year my Grandmother asked if I wanted to come with her this year, unfortunately she gave me very little notice and I've planned the trip in this last month with a departure date of this Saturday.

    My trip consisted of flying to Sydney on Friday then going to Chile on Saturday and spending a couple of days with her family and then joining a tour of Brazil, Argentina and Peru before returning and spending over a week with her family again, my Grandmother will stay with her family the entire duration of the trip (December 1st).

    The problems began this Monday when the riots broke out in Chile my family got really concerned and the family over there were warning my grandmother that it was pretty bad over there. I contacted my travel agent and discussed with them my options and they informed me that the flights to Chile were cancelled or rescheduled up to this Thursday but they may be extended and when I called the insurance for advice they just told me to read my pamphlet.
    In the mean time my Grandfather came down with a pneumonia on the Tuesday night ( I was informed Wednesday morning) and my Grandmother won't leave him.

    Today is Thursday and it doesn't look like my flights were going to be cancelled so I cancelled them as without my Grandmother there isn't really a point for me going, I don't speak Spanish, I don't actually know her family and my intent was to spend time with her where she was from, the tour portion was to fill in time.

    Now I'm preparing my insurance claim and freaking out and I'm not sure if my Grandmother canceling will be a valid reason for why I am cancelling or if I should of instead applied based off the riots, it does mention civil unrest in the pamphlet but I feel like they won't count it unless the actual airport is closed on the day I was to leave and I've already cancelled my flight.

    Because my tour was late notice and the tour wasn't in Chile it's all pretty nonrefundable, tomorrow is the day I would be flying for Sydney at midday.

    Any advice would really be appreciated.

    Edit: Sorry if any parts were irrelevant, I am just feeling pretty burned out.

    submitted by /u/FalconPunch_03
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    First time getting a major job offer.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 09:06 PM PDT

    I'm confused about what all these words mean. If someone or people here could break down what it means I would appreciate it a lot. It is with United Healthcare. Thanks.

    • Package/Plan Code
    • Coinsurance In/Out Netw
    • Ind Ded In/Out
    • Family Ded In/Out
    • RX deductible
    • Individual Out of Pocket In/Out
    • Family Out of Pocket In/Out
    • PCP/Specialist ofc visit
    • PCP/referrals required
    • Outpatient surgery
    • Labs/Diagnostics/X-rays
    • RX Code
    • RX Tier: 1/2/3/4
    • Combined Med/Rx deductible
    submitted by /u/glitchedgod
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    I was rear ended by a lady in CA HARD. Their insurance wants me to go through my insurance. I dont want to

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:37 AM PDT

    Hi all.

    Need some help. I recently got rear ended at a dead stop going 40-50mph on the fwy. My car took mostly cosmetic damage from what I can see ( I'm no mechanic / auto specialist. ) Their client (lady who hit me) is taking liability for the accident. Their insurance company is requesting I go through my insurance and have them deal with them. I don't feel I should have to go through my insurance as I don't want to pay my high deductible. Also... I'M THE ONE WHO WAS HIT. Also, I sustained some shoulder / neck pain after the injury and am going to a doctor today. They are demanding I report the Medical Injury to my Insurance company. Again, I don't want to have to pay any deductibles on my end and would just prefer to deal directly with the Insurance company holding liability for who hit me. The insurance agent told me they won't issue any compensation unless they verify my insurance. Is this true?

    I live in Cali. Do I have to report this to my insurance in order to get compensated? This is my first time ever being in a serious car accident.

    submitted by /u/spatcha88
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    [CA] Sandwiched by two cars this morning. Struck my head on the steering wheel and lost conciousness. I've never done this before, I have a few questions.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 07:21 PM PDT

    As the title reads, I was in an accident where the other car struck me from behind and pushed me into the car in front of me. I struck my head on the steering wheel fairly hard and lost consciousness for a moment. I told this to the officers and the claims adjuster and was advised to see a doctor who told me I had a "mild" traumatic brain injury.

    Should I submit an injury claim? I don't want to take anyone's money, but if the insurance is the one paying it out then it's a different story. I've always been careful with head injuries and refrained from some sports due to having had a nasty TBI when I was in the military and being advised not to put myself at additional risk. Obviously, I'd like to be reimbursed for this as it could have lasting implications, but my main concern is that I don't want to take from the other guy who just made a mistake. Also, I'm wondering what I can even expect from a situation like this? Will I actually be paid out?

    submitted by /u/Tomato-Tomato-Tomato
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    My daughter was driving a friend’s car and was at fault in an accident. The friend had insurance. We have insurance. Do we have to tell the friend’s insurance company our insurance information?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 04:06 PM PDT

    So daughter (17) was driving friend's (17) car and pulled in front of someone and caused a wreck.

    The friend's insurance admits it covers my daughter up to $25k. They also want us to give them our insurance information.

    We do not want to give them our insurance information until we learn if the other driver is claiming more than $25k in damages. Which, I think, is unlikely.

    Do I have to give them our information? We are in Missouri. I'm worried our insurance will cancel us, as my husband had an accident a year ago. 😢

    submitted by /u/msscahlett
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    Does a 16 yr old need car insurance?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 09:57 PM PDT

    Title sounds silly, but my son and his friends all turned 16 recently A number of parents (handful..more than one) said they didn't get car insurance for the new driver. They said that it's the car that's insured, not the driver. One even said they called State Farm twice and got the same answer. Another has a private agent (whatever they are called and it's likely a friend) who basically said if he gets into an accident they'll cover everything but then you'd need to get it. Thoughts..

    submitted by /u/KS77
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    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 09:08 PM PDT

    Which companies only check back 3 years on a driver's abstract in the Toronto area? Thx.

    submitted by /u/whereismymoneyat
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    Using personal vehicle for work in CA?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 02:14 PM PDT

    Hello all! I have a question about my car insurance. I just got a new job where I will be supporting adults with developmental disabilities who go to college. The non profit I'm going to be working for does not provide company vehicles, but they do reimburse for mileage. I'll be helping the students with homework, signing up for classes, tutoring etc. This also means I will be using my car to take them to school, picking them up, and bringing them to social activities either at our office or out in the field, etc. will I need to get a special insurance policy? I have an appt with State Farm on Friday to increase my liability but I've heard stories of people not being covered because they were on the clock and I'm worried about that happening to me. I'm definitely going to let State Farm know I'll be using my car for work but I want to know what to expect. Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/spectralhoney
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    [Moving company insurance - NY] How long is the initial claim process supposed to take?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 07:52 PM PDT

    I have a weird situation at hand. I hired movers, who cancelled in the middle of the move. They just stopped putting stuff onto the truck and brought it back in. Weird, I know. They did not put everything back though and I am missing about 3k of stuff, probably more given inflation.

    I was told by the insurance company I can file a claim only if there is a bill of lading. Despite the move not being completed, the foreman gave me the BOL, and so I forwarded it onto the insurance claim two weeks ago. She says she is waiting to hear back from the movers I'd hired for permission to move forward.

    Is it supposed to take this long? I am thinking if I don't hear back within a week or so I will file with small claims instead, as it sounds like they're stalling (or trying to come up with a way to get out of it since they probably weren't supposed to give me the BOL).

    submitted by /u/verbeniam
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    Driver won’t give name or plate info

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 09:17 AM PDT

    I had a flat tire and when trying to get off of a busy road and in the process of turning I nicked someones car. Minor fender bender, no dents but she does have my paint on her car. I promptly apologize and offer my information. She takes pictures of my car my plate number while I'm preparing to call the insurance for a claim. She then quickly tells me she doesn't want to file the damage if it's not necessary. She says she's trying to trade it in and if it doesn't effect the value of the car she will leave it then gets in her car and leaves without telling me her name or allowing me to get the plate number Fast forward two days later she texts me wanting insurance info, so I go on and get on the phone with my insurance to file the claim. I kindly ask if I could have her name to give to the adjuster and she refused I ask for the plate number and she refused. I explained that they need that information before they move forward, she says that she will give that that info when she calls. That the accident is my fault so they need my policy number. I said while that may be true I still need your info and so will the insurance and she still refused. So I give her the claim number and tell her to use it to reference the accident . I haven't heard from her since and she has not called my insurance either. At this point should I file a police report or simply leave the situation alone due to the small amount of damage?

    submitted by /u/keepin_it_real__
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    What would a person who was already NOT at fault have to gain by claiming the at-fault driver did not have insurance coverage, even though they did? At-Fault gave not at-fault and police department both the policy number and insurance company info at time of fender-bender.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:36 PM PDT

    Nationwide’s Good Student Discount

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 05:36 PM PDT

    I have a daughter who's in college and currently 17 (18 in March), in order to get the discount they request for a transcript with a B average or better.

    She was in high school in the spring and took two college classes at the same time. The only problem is for her high school transcript, she got a D and a C+ in three honor/AP classes, everything else is an A.

    Her transcript shows her cumulative GPA overall is a 4.05 weighted, and a 3.6 unweighted.

    Would Nationwide still give the discount regardless of her letter grades?

    Or should I send in her spring college transcript, which only shows two classes with a 3.6?

    Please let me know, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Haromoto
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    Limbo situation between condo and hoa

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 05:23 PM PDT

    Cut it short. My apt is top floor. Downstairs ceiling under my bath has water stains.

    No visible water damage in my bath, no issues what so ever. Unit has been renovated a couple of years ago and has no issues since.

    Association claims that under HOA rules they are responsible for main pipes only and not for pipes feeding my bath or toilet or sink, even though those pipes are inside the wall.

    My insurance says they will pay for damages if any but they will not fix the leak since they insure from walls in.

    This puts me responsible for fixing the leak. and might be costly since tiles will have to be taken down and all of that.

    The downsides said they will allow association to cut a whole in the dry wall so they can pin the source of the leak. This is not an active leak, meaning it leaks and stops, little by little. so damage is minimal however needs to be fixed.

    Any ideas what my best options are?

    Should I let the downstairs file a claim with their insurance and let them fight with my insurance and the hoa master insurance?

    Basically if the leak is from my unit, I need to foot the bill out of pocket. Should I sue my contractor who renovated my bath ?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/lasolas77
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    I was wondering if anybody here works for IEHP or Medi-cal? I have a unique question I'm not getting answers to

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:14 AM PDT

    I have a work injury that's nearing settlement. I am low income, so I'm currently on Inland Empire Health Plan which is a form of medi-cal for poor people.

    I was wondering if it's possible to get treated for my work related injury through IEHP after fully settling my work comp claim?

    I definitely don't want to do anything that gets me in trouble, nor do I want to lose my settlement money that took me 2 years to get.

    I called the IEHP customer service line, and I even went to the transitional assistance office and the ladies I spoke to did not know. I can not get a straight answer for the life of me, and it's really frustrating knowing that one medical bill can potentially ruin me.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/IEHPthrowaway
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    College Student and "B or better" Discounts - What are They Generally Worth?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    My 20 year old son just got his license (less than a week ago) and I am adding him to our vehicle insurance policy. We only have the one, nine year old car, and I was told by an agent at our car insurance company that both the college and 'B or better' discounts will apply to him. Does anyone else here use those discounts and, if so, around what percentage do you get off the additional premium you would otherwise pay?

    submitted by /u/aspiecat
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    Specifically curious about homeowner warranties and insurance in my case, but in general how do you search or take into account online reviews and ratings of insurers?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 09:58 AM PDT

    For my home warranty, I'd been looking at packages with 3 companies (American Home Shield, American Residential Warranty, Home Service Club)...but that's just based on the terms, coverages, and costs themselves. When trying to get a feel for how solid the company is, the more I search for online reviews and ratings, the more I feel like they are useless. Every company I look up has nothing but 1-star complaints or 5-star adoration posts, and every rating site says something different. Anyone know a good source for finding this legit kind of information, or a good way of taking it all in? Same kind of issue as I start to look into homeowner insurance

    Bonus points for info/recommendations regarding these specific companies (update: sorry, didn't see that this is a no-no!)

    Note: location is Phoenix, Arizona

    submitted by /u/bsinger28
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    Electronic submission for me submitting claim? (Blue cross Blue shield of texas)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 01:17 PM PDT

    I was wondering if there is an entity that would submit my claim electronically. Apparently there is no place, I have to mail it, and yet the link for electronic submission is only by health provider. Is this accurate??

    submitted by /u/path0l0gy
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    Comparables for Car Insurance Claim

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 12:33 PM PDT

    My car got stolen and my insurance came back with what they are going to give me for it. I feel that what they're offering me is a lot less than what I feel it's worth.

    I did a KBB/Nada/Edmunds value but the insurance doesn't except those. The lady told me the only thing I can do is to find the same year make model of my car within 30 miles of my location and upload that and they would use that to maybe adjust what they're going to give me.

    The thing is I had a 04 Infinity QX56 and so looking online I'm having a hard time finding an 04 for sale anywhere near where I currently live. I was able to find one but it didn't have the mileage on it cause it's over 10 years so they wouldn't take that. So does this mean I'm kinda shit outta luck?

    Like what are you supposed to do when there's not a lot of your cars model/year being sold let alone near your area?

    For the one I did find thev the car isn't currently there so they can't give the mileage until it comes back and the thing is I only have one more day to submit the conparabels

    submitted by /u/Room480
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    Rear end with minor damage, other driver hasn't reported to insurance?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 12:30 PM PDT

    I thought this would be a pretty simple situation but it's started to get more complicated and I haven't been able to find any answers to my questions anywhere, hoping someone more knowledgeable can help.

    I was merging into a lane to get on highway when the car in front hit breaks suddenly and I tried to stop but my tires locked up and I slid into him, causing some minor damage to both my car and his. We exchanged info and he bolted, saying he didn't want to involve police. I reported to my insurance but found their estimate for repairs to be much higher than needed so I'm requesting to close my claim and get my car fixed outside of insurance since my deductible would be more than repairs. I have accident forgiveness on my account for claims under $500 even if found at fault which I probably will be (with progressive) and I'm wondering if since the claim exists but the payout will be listed as $0, would I receive accident forgiveness for this going forward with my rate?

    His insurance hasn't contacted my insurance and I'm wondering if he even will since his damage was so minor (one piece of plastic on bumper broken off) but now my insurance is asking for his info. Should I give it to them? Would that potentially mess things up for him if he wasn't planning on telling his insurance? The other part at play is that he possibly could be held partly at fault since I didn't notice if he had recently changed lanes in front of me or not (I was busy looking at the cars behind me to notice and sun was super bright in front of me) so it's possible he doesn't want insurance to know to avoid being at fault at all.

    I'm in TX if it matters. Any advice is very welcome. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/IAlwaysFinishMy
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