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    Friday, October 11, 2019

    Co-Founder not doing his part, at all. small business

    Co-Founder not doing his part, at all. small business

    Co-Founder not doing his part, at all.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 01:56 AM PDT


    Without getting into too many details, me and an old friend have since 2017 been working on and off, on a product. We are finally coming to an end where the product is ready to be released. We only talk online since he lives in the UK while I'm in Sweden. We are both in our twenties and have known each other for almost 10 years now.

    We were supposed to ship our product last Friday, but we ran into a few problems and decided to delay it with another week. Ever since last Friday he has not done anything, what so ever to help me finish this up. He comes online for a few hours a day, only to relax and watch youtube. Even though we're under time pressure, he does not care.

    It's now Friday and we are supposed to release our product today, but It is still not finished. For the past four days, he has only come online twice to say hello. While I've been working non-stop trying to finish this. I worked for almost 16 hours yesterday and only got four hours of sleep, trying my absolute best to have this finished by today. I have not seen him for three days now.

    Last week I gave him one single task while I took a lot more upon me. He has barely started it and is far away from finishing it. He came online three days ago and told me he can't do it because It's too difficult and now wants to pay someone else to do it for him. Which we for several reasons can't do. The one task he has is not difficult, he is just too lazy to try and understand the problem and find a way to make it work. He zero problem-solving skills.

    He has been doing this ever since we started this project together two years ago. He is motivated for a week then he completely loses it and does nothing no matter what. If we were to split up our work progress into percentages I've easily done about 85-90% of the work so far.

    We are still splitting the profits 50/50 and he is adamant about not changing the money split %. Even though it sucks that he's getting half I don't care too much. It's more about the fact that he never does any work but acts as he does.

    I think the main problem is that he isn't fully aware of how little he does in comparison to me and he isn't being honest with himself about it either. He takes responsibility for things and says he's gonna work on & finish certain tasks, but always end up telling me he can't and then I have to go in and do it for him. Every. Single. Time.

    When I call him out on this he either tells me he doesn't care or that I'm overreacting. But this is costing me both time and money. It does not feel fair to fire him since we've been friends for so long and we started this whole thing together. If this was anyone else I would have fired him a long time ago.

    What would you do in this case?

    submitted by /u/StayingTTD
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    I am a one man business, Bookkeeping is my weakness. I need to figure out a strategy.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 02:01 PM PDT

    I make and repair jewelry, I have a small brick and mortar in my downtown that I have been in for two years. I am really good at what I do, I can make stuff all day, and repair almost anything better than most.

    But for the life of me, I cannot keep track of anything. I am an artist sort with a pinch of forgetful professor. If i didn't carry a notebook and pen with me I would not remember anything, I literally use the string around my finger to remember for example to pick up an extension cord I needed this morning.

    It just feels like I am drowning, I have tried to set up my books a few different ways, but nothing works for me. I still have to calculate last years taxes, which are due in a few days, but all I have from last year are some notes to myself of things I have sold, and a few receipts. I have no clue what to report, and I am pretty sure if I kept good track I would barely owe anything.

    Its not been much better this year, I tried to do it on my ipad but tech stuff overwhelms me, so I switched back to paper, I made a binder with different sections for inventory, daily sales, repairs and custom I am working on, expenses. Etcetera, which would work, but I keep forgetting about it for a week or two and then try to fill out what I can all at once and I am sure I forget stuff! The other day I found a receipt for over a grand in gold I bought that I had never put into my expenses... who knows what else there is.

    Ugh its a mess, I would appreciate any advice or would love to just start a conversation that I can learn from.
    Did you struggle with bookkeeping? What strategies worked for you? Do you do it yourself? How did you learn about it? Is there even hope for someone forgetful as me?

    I just want to keep making stuff but this really creates a roadblock for my business, aside from this everything is going amazing for me.

    submitted by /u/renbo
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    Guys I’m thinking about an online business for few mouths now, the problem is that i can’t begin, even if i planned everything that i want to do.. what’s your advice ?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 03:35 AM PDT

    Should I charge per person for a lesson, even though by prep time etc won’t change?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:24 AM PDT

    I am a tutor / teacher in Japan running my own school. I had been focusing on private lessons only, but recently have started group lessons.

    One of my neighbors wants to send her kids to me. There are two of them. She has asked if I can do a lower price, and I'm flexible as I don't have any other group lesson students yet.

    However, I'm not sure if I should charge per student. (She has two kids she wants to send to the same lesson.) If they were different families, I would, but they're sisters. My prep time, lesson planning, materials etc won't really change whether I have 1 or 2 or even 4 students.

    On one hand, I am eager to get my first group lesson students because I want word of mouth to spread and more to come. If I keep the price low, I'm certain they'll sign a contract and become students. On the other hand, the price I already offered is significantly lower than chain competitors in the area (plus I'm right across the street from the prospective students and there are a lot of potential future students in my neighborhood.)

    But if I drop my price too low, I won't be making enough to offset material costs and prep time. Once I set the price for these students, I won't be able to easily set a price for other new students, as I'm certain parents in the neighborhood will compare prices. I need to keep the price fair and equal for everyone.

    But too high and her parents probably can't afford it. Maybe I can offer some kind of family discount if two or more people from the same family join?

    What would you do?

    submitted by /u/Mishishi_Kiseki
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    How can I find my co-founder?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    I started a full service digital agency and I am looking for a sales partner to grow the business. Me, I am a seasoned web developer and marketing strategist who's developed software solutions for the last 10 years. I decided to start my own software agency. I already have a DevOps team and the infrastructure already in place and now, I am looking for a sales partner to lead our sales strategy, but I have no idea how to. So I thought I post it here and see if someone has ideas.

    FYI, here are some details about the kind of person I am looking for:

    • An experienced sales and account manager with proven sales performance selling services. We specialize in web applications and marketing services, therefore experience in that niche is preferred.
    • Some business development experience targeting SMBs great. Target leads would be SMBs in various industries such as ecommerce, hospitality, entertainment et cetera.
    • Although not required, marketing experience would be an added advantage.
    • Must have an "entrepreneurial" mentality, responsible for bringing new business into the company.

    ESSENTIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: * Lead generation, customer needs assessment and closing of identified opportunities * Accurately forecast opportunities and log activities within company CRM system * Execute activity levels for calls, meetings, quotes, and new opportunities added to the sales funnel each month * Meet monthly sales quotas * Follow up with clients * Must be a people person, with a friendly attitude * Google Docs proficient

    submitted by /u/i_could_be_you
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    Need assistance picking an email provider

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:45 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    I've been working on a small business and I'm currently stuck on which email provider to use. We've switched back and forth between a few because none seem to offer the balance of price competitiveness, ability to do large scale emailing (order confirmations, etc), and have SMTP access.

    We're currently using Magento 2 which is having issues connecting to gmails SMTP server. We're looking at Zoho but their plans are confusing and expensive.

    What luck have other small business owners had with quality hosted email services?

    submitted by /u/KX-Admin
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    How to sell my profitable cafe in Los Angeles

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 06:13 AM PDT

    Just looking for advice on the best way to put my business up for sale, without getting scammed or ripped off?

    I maintain one profitable location in downtown Los Angeles, with newer equipment and a fully remodeled dining and kitchen area.

    Should I include the value of the equipment in the sale price, or discount them slightly? How about sales projections? Do I need to show my books to prospective buyers?

    Just looking for advice from someone who has gone through the same process.

    submitted by /u/Brohdr
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    Is the 30 day challenge from Garry Halbert legit?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:53 AM PDT

    Before i fully dedicate myself to the challenge, i want to know if someone here has finished and what are your thoughts about it.

    submitted by /u/rightful_hello
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    7 tips for small businesses. How to increase sales in social media

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:02 AM PDT

    Square deposits suspended, any way to get funds back quick?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    After accepting just 2 payments deposits to my bank have been suspended. Now I have $160 stuck in the Square account with no telling how long until i'll get it back. What would be a clever way to send the money to myself? Would I be able to send a specific refund amount to my own bank card?

    submitted by /u/imhere4youbby
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    Would a 100k loan be realistic for a new business (1 year old) that did 150k in sales on their first year ?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 10:35 PM PDT

    I have 700-750 credit depending on who i check the score with, in january i will have submitted all my taxes for the end of the year and i predict i will be right around 150k in total sales. I do not have any previous employment records, but do have good credit and proof of lots of sales. Would it be realistic for me to obtain a 100k business loan under these circumstances after i submit this years taxes?

    submitted by /u/ApprehensiveGate7
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    can’t decide which is better: my business or full time job

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 03:30 PM PDT

    So I'm doing pretty good with my dog walking business and have two clients and 4 dogs now (just started in august) but I thought it'd be a good idea to get a full time job at the vet as a kennel Tech which blocks off 11am-7pm m-f and one of my clients has me specifically for lunch visits since she has to work. I haven't officially started the job yet, I'm supposed to train Monday and Wednesday and then I start full time after this week. My weekly client booked me for Monday and Wednesday at times I won't be able to make if I take the job, and I'm sure she'll be consistent week to week so it'll be a good thing to keep up. I'm not sure if I want to hire another person and pass it on (I've just started walking him like two weeks ago so it's really soon) or if I shouldn't take the job and stick to my walking jobs and the part time I have (I don't need more money, but it'd be cool to help me get a mortgage and more dog experience) I just don't want to disappoint her by switching walkers and then she doesn't want to work with us anymore but then again I was planning on eventually stopping and passing all clients over to my employees, I'm just not sure if this is too soon

    submitted by /u/lizofearth
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    What do you pay monthly for your website service?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 01:32 PM PDT


    What do you pay each month for your website service? By that I mean for them to monitor it, add or change things that I request, they also post on our Facebook 4-5 times a week?

    Our website has 7-8 tabs, a few slideshows, a chat box for leads that gets emailed to us. The Facebook posts are just broad facts, do you knows, etc, about our industry.

    We pay $798 a month for the above services, is that average?

    submitted by /u/princeofpecantree
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    Books on shipping products?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    Bringing a retail product to online exclusive but worried about making errors on logistics along the way?

    Anyone have a crash course either in written or digital form?

    Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/RonaldWoodstock
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    Need help and advice with running small dress store Please help ��

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 11:52 AM PDT

    Hi! So I've been running my family's dress store for the past two years, we're in a large metropolitan city in the US and we've done well for ourselves so far. There are some issues I've been grappling with and would love some outside perspective especially from other small business owners and workers! Some background info; I work for my cousin and aunt as they are the owners, I've been working here for 4 years and I'm fast approaching my last year of college and wanted to spruce things up before my departure (in the near future assuming all things go well.) We're a women's evening wear boutique specializing in prom, weddings (we get many Lebanese, Persian, Albanian, Turkish and many other nationalities who tend to have elaborate weddings.) We strive on a positive and inclusive business model making it a point to treat all customers respectfully, kindly, and truly care about their purchases rather than pushing for a sale. All things considered here are some issues we currently are having.

    1. I have recently realized our stock is not moving as quickly as hoped. Our new pieces get sold immediately while older styles sit on the floor taking up space. I am trying to find a way to convince my aunt that markdowns are not a negative thing, she's the numbers person in this whole operation (she's a book keeper) and assumes sales are only losing us money/ diminishing the business value. How can I convince even if we don't make wholesale back (in rare cases) but the dress is damaged or 4 years old that it's in our best interest to discount?
    2. We advertise via Yelp, Instagram and google ad words. I recently have heard amazing things about SEO, is SEO something I can learn myself or teach my team or is it only available through outsourcing?
    3. I want to make more control of our social media, via Instagram and Facebook specially. Although we post constantly our pictures aren't getting as many likes/ any Engagement at all. Any tips or tricks to boost engagement or likes/comments would do us a world of good.
    4. About 6 new boutiques have opened up within a 35 mile radius in the last year, all in the same year mind you. Some people often say focusing on competition is your down fall, I myself make it a point to follow the competition via Instagram, staying in the loop and seeing what's going on. Is this beneficial or actually just creating more stress.

    Any and all advice is truly helpful and means the world to me! Thank you all for your time and I truly appreciate everyone that posts and comments on this thread cause I've learned so much!

    submitted by /u/dressstorethings
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    internal paperwork(standard operating procedures) to get things done consistent?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 12:53 PM PDT

    How does a business get good at written standard operations, polices and processes. Should the standard protocol be that there is a checklist that is written in one department, and it gets passed around the required department in a chain of command? Meaning if the planning team finds out it needs to make this new product, it notifies the manufacturing team, the manufacturing team might send a report that they need new machinery to make that new product, and that goes to the financial department for approval. Is it as simple as all the internal business departments send request aka paperwork to the upper management? And upper management aka corporate level deals with this?

    submitted by /u/Seeking___freedom
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    i wanna start a business selling self-designed t-shirt , should i start it online or offline ?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:40 PM PDT

    I will work with several mates to start a self-designed store but we have not decided to start up an online store of rent a place to do offline business , which one is better ? coz online store has lower cost but the ad fee is expensive ; offline store has high rental but natural and organic traffic.

    submitted by /u/thomaskolaz
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    I have experience in direct to consumer sales (d2d and some b2b) and I'd like to help anyone that needs it?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 01:28 PM PDT

    I'm not sure in what way(s) anyone may need help. But, if you go d2d for a service business then I can probably help, so reach out.

    submitted by /u/ImTalmBout
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    Thinking about starting a drone business

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 05:48 AM PDT

    Anyone start their own drone/UAV business? Thinking about starting out at 1.5k on the phantom 4 v2.0 for some 4K video. Would love to get into the advertising or real estate industry. Having the idea of starting an instagram page to advertise and post some of my work.

    submitted by /u/goblue667
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    Build to lease or buy?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 08:09 AM PDT

    I own 2 successful preschools, both the business and the properties they are on. I want to do a third location, but the down payment will be between $200k - $350k for a 7500sf building and land. I don't want to have to wait 2 years to save this up. I am considering working with a company who will buy the land, build the building to my specifications, and lease it to me. I have met with one builder so far with plans for two more. They quoted $22 - $28sf +nnn depending on the land price/location.

    Is the price worth it? Seems like a lot to me. A 20yr mortgage at 6% for $1.8M is a $12,500/month payment. They're asking me to pay up to $5k more per month.

    Should I just wait and save in order to have control of it all and a lower payment each month? Or get into the building quicker and start making money sooner? What drawbacks am I not seeing?

    Thank you for your opinion and feedback. Really appreciate your time!

    submitted by /u/DianaPrinceLives
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    Cheapest way to ship small, 1 lb item?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 05:07 PM PDT

    How do I/should I report some people using stolen credit cards at my business?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 11:02 AM PDT

    Basically, I have a service business that has some packages that can be expensive. The other day I noticed a group being extremely weird and shifty, so I asked to see their ID and credit card. They made some excuse and left without going through with the service they "paid" for. I thought it was very fishy so I saved the surveillance footage. Fast forward to today, I got a dispute from my processor for their transaction. I'm 99.9% sure these guys were using stolen credit cards to try to steal hundreds of dollars worth of services from me, which really pisses me off. Is there anything I can do to help on the investigation against them? I have photos and videos of them in my space, but I'm not sure if the police will even care?

    submitted by /u/throwaway933923423
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    Shipping solutions for small, light products?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 04:43 PM PDT

    I've been selling my woodworking products online, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to ship them.

    So far, UPS is too expensive and USPS has been a headache because my local post office is always extremely busy.

    Any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/rygh_pipes
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    A good name for a business helping expats with their daily struggles in their new country

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 10:38 AM PDT


    I live in Prague and actually am from the Czech Republic. I hang out with a lot of expats because of my work and also because of my boyfriend being one. I very often help my foreign friends with stuff they struggle with when they don't speak Czech. Like making phone calls or writing emails to companies when there are some issues. Or telling them where to go or who to talk to regarding different problems. Often translating a lot of stuff for them too.

    I realized I could expand beyond my friends group and offer services like that to the growing community of expats here in Prague. And perhaps start a little business out of it that would involve virtual assistant services but also possible travel plans/tips/guided tours etc.

    Right now however I am struggling to come up with a name for the business. I do not want to include my own name in it. Can you guys possibly brainstorm some? Any help would be much appreciated!

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/lakomec
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    Protecting Intellectual Property/Timing of establishing a small business

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 03:51 PM PDT

    I created an acronym to describe a protocol for helping students with disabilities. I plan to write a manual and start a small consulting business. Should I apply for a trademark? Do I protect the acronym now, even though The manual isn't complete? When do I establish the small business? Thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/GrowingFamily6
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