• Breaking News

    Monday, August 26, 2019

    Accounting When you open Linkedin and see another post about an intern accepting their offer with a photo of them next to their firm logo.

    Accounting When you open Linkedin and see another post about an intern accepting their offer with a photo of them next to their firm logo.

    When you open Linkedin and see another post about an intern accepting their offer with a photo of them next to their firm logo.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 07:46 AM PDT

    Hmm ��

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 03:59 AM PDT

    Gotta be sure

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 03:20 PM PDT

    On second thought... no, I’m not sure

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 02:53 PM PDT

    Industry accountants in mid-season

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 09:54 AM PDT

    Deloitte Compensation Thread 2019

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 07:16 PM PDT

    Since comp comes out over the next couple days, I figured I"d start us off. You know the drill:

    1. Service line

    2. Office/Region/Approximate COL

    3. Former Level -> Current Level

    4. Former Salary -> Current Salary

    5. Scatterplot position

    6. AIP/other comp

    submitted by /u/Darooskis
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    PBC gone wild

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    Dog is like , “come on, man, what’s more important, AUD or me?” I’ll get her extra treats if I pass.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 04:22 PM PDT

    “Oh accounting, you must like numbers” Actually..

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 07:03 PM PDT


    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 07:43 PM PDT

    This internship was a highlight of my life! (YES MY LIFE)

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 09:41 AM PDT

    LinkedIn Internship Posts

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 07:19 PM PDT


    Today I concluded my internship at (insert firm here) Words can't describe how great it was but stick around for the ten paragraphs of me explaining how great it was! I got to spend my time doing meaningless bitch work to lull me into a false sense of security so I accept the full time offer and they can have free reign to ass-fuck me until I leave after two miserable years full of suicidal thoughts. When I wasn't doing meaningless bitch work, I was staring at the floor because I don't know anything so nobody wants to give me any real work. When I wasn't doing that I was at one of the kool-aid filled intern parties to make it seem like the only thing firms do is party, again to fool me into thinking joining full-time will be good for my long-term health. I am so excited to say that I didn't receive a full-time offer as despite my ability to drink the kool-aid, I'm actually an insufferable person who nobody wants to be around so they told me to go fuck myself instead of getting a return offer. I can't wait to do this again next year!

    P.S. Here's a pic of me in front of the firm's logo because I saw other people do it and I am a sheep.

    submitted by /u/EnronBurgundy
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    I love Accounting.....

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 08:55 AM PDT

    Where do these Linkedin internship posts even come from?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 07:20 PM PDT

    I went through the entire cycle from SLP>Internship>Fulltime and they never tried to shove me in front of a sign and take a picture. Was I just sick that day or something?

    submitted by /u/RemarkableRaisin4
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    Does it matter where I get my Masters if I already have an internship offer from one of the big four?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 08:34 PM PDT

    I have an internship at one of the big four in Seattle this year. I'm really excited because I am from/go to college in the Midwest and moving to the west coast has always been the goal.

    My question is, does it matter where I get my masters? I would love to move to Seattle permanently and go to the university of Washington for my masters. I think this would help me expand my network there and it would be a more prestigious school on my resume.

    However, I could attend school in the Midwest for much cheaper and not have to take out loans. The downside is that the school has no name recognition (especially on the west coast) and I would have to spend another year living somewhere I don't like.

    I'd appreciate any insight from people in industry. Thanks!!

    submitted by /u/Okayandyourpoint
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    Just when I’m finally getting a good grasp of my work, I’m shown the door. Advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 07:46 PM PDT

    I started in public accounting in early February and have been directly ranked against other staff with 1.5 years of experience. I started the job the day after my last day at another job, which was not accounting-related. This previous job was my first one out of college - I was well-paid to do 15 hours/week of real work (never worked more than 40/week and had 25 vacation days/year) and felt like I was jeopardizing my career progression. So I took a pay cut to jump into PA.

    I got my current job 2.5 weeks before I started so I didn't have time to prep for the CPA or move closer to my new job.

    I didn't have training and was instead sent some tutorials. Obviously I had no clue what I was doing at work. I was in over my head. After tax season, all the staff were ranked and I was ranked pretty low. I received no raise or bonus.

    Now I'm on a 3-month probation. My senior manager thinks I'm incompetent and my manager says I'm improving but I can't tell if he's genuine. I'm trying my best but as someone who didn't major in accounting and is also expected to be on the same level as someone with 2+ years of audit experience, I can't help but feel that I'm out of my depth.

    I fucked up when I started by not being able to handle the long hours and never-ending work. I didn't have the endurance to work like crazy 12 hours/day for 5-6 days/week. I'd come from a laidback work environment where my boss liked me (I never felt like he'd write something negative about me and send it to HR or that he'd think I was wasting his time). Everyday, I'd leave home at 8:15am and be back before 5:30pm with a 1 hour lunch.

    Now that I finally understand the firm culture/processes/most of the work/my team like the back of my hand, they want me out. I'm finally ready to work 80 hours/week during tax season, but they don't think I'm good enough. I have weekly probation meetings with my bosses and biweekly meetings with HR.

    I admit that I am indeed terrible when compared to someone with 2 years experience at the firm + internship experience at the firm + CPA + was an accounting major. Help. I've been shooting my resume around and the only interviews I get are for investment banking (just no - I've always avoided it like the plague because it's even more intense than public accounting), external auditing (same as now), internal auditor positions (withholding judgment), and staff accountant positions (just no).

    It's just an awful feeling to work for someone who thinks you suck and want you gone. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

    submitted by /u/ilovealtria
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    A depressed rant

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 09:45 PM PDT

    I'm studying for the CPA right now and I find I am so unmotivated and depressed. I just finished grad school and the whole process made me realize maybe public accounting wasn't for me and that I probably wanted to go into non profit accounting- but since I got a job at a firm for after graduation I decided to just take the CPA and see how the job is (it starts in October). Studying has made me hate myself. I spend all day every day studying and I feel guilty if I take even a few hours off. I don't exercise anymore because I feel like it's wasting time, I don't see my friends except for if we're studying together. I feel like there is not and end in sight- I'll study and then go straight into hating my life at public accounting. It's like I'm never going to have a second to enjoy anything. I used to be so productive as a student and now it takes me so long just to get through a module. I'm unproductive so then I become stressed about how I've lost my drive and then that sends me into a depression and the cycle repeats itself.

    On top of this I'm helping my aunt with bookkeeping for her startup- this shouldn't be stressful, it's literally part time bookkeeping but every time I work on it it gives me so much anxiety. I've never been the sole person someone has relied on for accounting help. Every time we talk and I have to answer a question she has it causes me so much stress because I feel like I'm just not qualified. She'll forward me questions about the company's taxes and I do my best to answer what I can but it just makes me realize how little I know about this profession I'm in. I've had a couple internships and they all have made me feel similar to this- just incredibly stressed and like I'm on the verge of screwing everything up. This also worries me because if I can't handle a part time thing like this how will I juggle working full time and a much more stressful job while studying for the rest of the CPA. Also, If answering my AUNTS questions gives me so much anxiety how will I handle answering client's questions?

    This is just a dumb rant and I'm sure half of y'all are rolling your eyes and all this complaining but I just wanted to get it off my chest. Has anyone else felt this way and have any advice? I feel so hopeless about my career and it's future. I loved accounting during school but for the past year it's caused me so much stress. I think I need to start seeing a therapist because I'm afraid I'm about to ruin my mental health even more when I start my job in October.

    submitted by /u/nmj012
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    Changed my major to Accounting

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 09:10 PM PDT

    I just switched my major from pre-nursing to accounting today. It's something I've been scared to do but I finally did it. After doing so, I looked on here and it sounds so depressing. Does anyone have anything positive to say about their job? I'm starting to question if I made the right choice.

    submitted by /u/happyvickymilk
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    Why is there such a catch-22 to everything trying to find a job in this field

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 07:40 AM PDT

    Can't get a job in public because I graduated without an internship and missed campus recruitment.

    Can't get into industry cause they refuse to train and want people who jump from public.

    I wish my school explained how important internships were or even give everyone a chance at one. I'm pretty much unemployable and no one wants to hire me because I worked at a warehouse throughout college. They look at the work history and be like "oh you worked at a warehouse" like it's something so ridiculous. They completely ignore that I have a Bachelors in accounting. Sometimes I wish I went into the trades instead.

    submitted by /u/IDENTIFY_AS_PET_DOG
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    How ok is it to ask questions to members of the team who aren't my "tutor"?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 04:23 PM PDT

    So, I just started an internship and my boss assigned one of the associates to show me around the office and explain stuff to me.
    Now, sometimes she's busy and unless she gives me something to do in the meantime I'm stuck staring at my screen and feeling guilty as fuck because everyone around me is working and I'm doing nothing.
    I know this is a temporary situation while I'm still learning the ropes but I was wondering if it would be appropriate to approach other members of the team to see what they're doing and see if I can learn something. I don't want to give the impression that I'm not proactive but I also don't want to bother my colleagues with questions when there's someone who's responsible for my training already.
    What do I do? From what she told me, in about 1 or 2 weeks I should be able to actually contribute and not just sit around waiting for instructions.

    submitted by /u/ricknewgate
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    Australia: how to become CPA/CA

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 07:25 PM PDT

    Hey guys not sure if there are any fully qualified Aussie accountants here but anyways.

    I'm studying a bachelor of accounting at Swinburne that's accredited for CA and CPA. I'm about half way through.

    How do I actually become a CA/CPA? Do I have to do further study after I finish my bachelor or will I be able to apply for membership as soon as I'm finished as it's an accredited course?

    Also, how important are internships/placement? I will try to do at least 6 months but if you guys are recommending a year for better future prospects then I guess I'll do that.

    Thanks :)

    Ps. What is IPA??

    submitted by /u/jaarjarrbinx
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    Opportunities working outside the USA as a CPA?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 12:51 PM PDT

    If I have my masters in Accounting and Taxation and soon pass the CPA test, but not much experience outside of school.

    I would like to live / work in another country at some point in my life.

    Has anyone else from the US ended up living and working outside the US, and what do you think is the best path towards doing that?


    submitted by /u/bitterSALTYseaman
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    Any young Moms in accounting ?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 12:22 PM PDT

    Just wanted to know any young moms or dads in accounting fields ? (25yrs & SoCal)

    As a junior this fall and recruiting coming up . I am so conflicted on what Company i should aim for (public , govt , industry) . I Understand public isn't option because of the work/life balance is unrealistic for me( not sure if they have flexibility for single parents) . Is there Anybody in a similar position who had success with a company right of college with good work /life balance and decent pay !?

    Your advice and input is greatly appreciated


    submitted by /u/Fatiimaaa
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