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    Saturday, August 31, 2019

    Accounting He must work for the Big 4

    Accounting He must work for the Big 4

    He must work for the Big 4

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    An interesting title

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 02:21 PM PDT

    How I imagine every partner meeting ends

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 03:24 AM PDT

    when I look at PY

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 06:26 PM PDT

    Resume for Recruiting Season - All Criticism Welcome!!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 02:33 PM PDT

    Resume for Recruiting Season - All Criticism Welcome!!

    Hi all,


    Entering my fourth year of University with an intent to land an internship at a big 4. Please let me know what I can improve on. Thanks!!

    submitted by /u/garden_for_wallpaper
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    Working on saturday night frustrations am i the only one

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 07:40 PM PDT

    Does anyone possibly use onesource? And like, know how to populate line 24 of the DC mother fucking 1120S form? How can the call hours be only until 7pm during busy season. BAHHHHHHHHH

    also the fucking garbage program which is really a IE site because client side randomly closes all the fucking time. Can't believe I ever interviewed for this garbage company how is this the "best" program out there jfc

    submitted by /u/bluntwrapper
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    Ghost ticking

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 07:19 PM PDT

    Have you ever been guilty of ghost ticking? Ever caught someone ghost ticking?

    What's the story? What happened?

    submitted by /u/-crepemertyl-
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    Isolation at work is causing me mental problems? Help needed.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 07:27 PM PDT

    Hi guys

    I'm a junior accountant. I spent 6 months working at a nice firm with young people but failed my probation. This was because i had anxiety at the time and despite it being a nice firm one of the managers there would bully me daily.

    It took me months to find another job. I finally found one at another firm.

    THe problem is i'v been here a month and i'm pretty much about to get fired. The Partner told me my work has been poor and that he will be terminating my employment. I begged him to give me another chance so he said he will give me a week to prove myself.

    Here is the problem. I can't STAND where i'm working at the moment. I feel so isolated. First of all i'm working in a closed off cubicle. At my previous firms i would always be working next to someone so always had someone to talk to. Secondly i have no one to talk to at work. Besides the 'hi how was your weekend and good moorning and cya' i have no one to have a conversation with. Most of the people there stick to themselves and are a completely different demographic to me (e.g. late 30's and foreign speaking) - i'm 25. Yes i make an effort and make small talk but it's not the same as having some young people around to have a good chat/banter with to break up the day. Lastly, the office place cringe old school 80's love music all day. I listen to my own music all day but i don't like the fact that i spend the entire day listening to music.

    I come home each day very depressed and drained.

    I would kill to work at a firm with a few young people. The other problem is my resume looks terrible. Here is my work experience:

    2017 - 12 months working at a very dodgy firm. Long hours, work saturdays , hot office , didn't learn anything.

    2018 - 6 months at the good firm but had anxiety and bullied so failed probation

    2019 - 1 month at current firm but isolation making me very depressed

    as you can see, my resume is terrible.I doubt i'll be able to get a job at aNOTHER firm in a junior position having such bad resume and work experience (nearly 18 months of experience and still at a graduate level)

    What can I do? I'm thinking about applying for junior positions at other firms and maybe leaving off my 2017 experience and saying i had a gap year. Another issue is most of these jobs are found through recruitment agencies who already have my resume.

    I'm also going to try hard to maintain my job and try and stick it out for anoer month or 2 just to save my money as i have about $200 saved. God i feel so depressed. liteally have no way out.

    submitted by /u/Stukintimez
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    Zero work experience

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 08:16 PM PDT

    I'm planning to join Alpfa this semester so I'll have that in activities but that's it.

    Realistically what are my chances or getting a spring internship or fulltime work after college in May?

    submitted by /u/ADSwasAISloveDKS
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    Quick Homework Question

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 06:39 PM PDT

    I'm studying for FAR, But I have no idea how forward rates work. Why are there 3?!?

    I learned nothing in school, this degree is great. <|:O


    On December 12, year 1, Imp Co. entered into three forward exchange contracts, each to purchase 100,000 euros in ninety days. The relevant exchange rates are as follows:

    Spot rates: November 30, year 1$.87; December 12, year 1$.88, December 31, year 1$.92

    Forward rates: (for March 12, year 2)November 30, year 1$.89, December 12, year 1$.90, December 31, year 1$.93

    Imp entered into the second forward contract to hedge a commitment to purchase equipment being manufactured to Imp's specifications. The expected delivery date is March year 2 at which time settlement is due to the manufacturer. The hedge qualifies as a fair value hedge. At December 31, year 1, what amount of foreign currency transaction gain for just the forward contract should Imp include in net income?

    submitted by /u/Kitwotted
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    How do you become a high-performing auditor?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 04:56 PM PDT

    I consider myself a very hardworker and have always had good reviews at previous employments. I'm also new at this external auditing role and I'm conflicted on how I can be a good employee/auditor. I feel like sometimes seniors just want me to get the work done ASAP with the absolute minimal support (some that I even disagree with). I don't want to be that slow worker who takes forever and contribute little to the engagement team. I also don't want to BS work through and hear back what little support I have gathered the next day. While working through my first few weeks, I kept wanting to ask "so... how much BS does this work REALLY consist of?" meaning... how detailed or lenient should I be before checking off certain testing? I don't want to be so detailed and anal that I'm seen as this co-worker who they don't want me be in the engagement team with... but I also sometimes feel like I'm not satisfying what the testing is really asking. I just want me strive to be a good auditor... howvshould I approach this new role?

    submitted by /u/usernamepicked111
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    Im not sure if I should pursue an accounting major

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 09:19 PM PDT

    I want to make a responsible decision for my future. Im a freshman in college, so I still have a bit of time, but it's hard picking one path and sticking to it. I'm having difficulty choosing wether to pursue an accounting degree or to pursue music.

    I've always been doing music, and recently in the past 6 months, I've been playing in pit orchestras and I've really liked it. Sometimes I think it might not be such a bad idea, playing in pits and making connections. But, the job security and money of accounting is tempting. While I most likely won't enjoy accounting as much as music, it's a nice way to be heading towards a comfortable middle-class life. I also like how money and finance works and am willing to give accounting a shot, so theres that. I don't mean to say accounting is a bad career choice, but a lot of people on this sub seem to not hate the job itself, but the shit that gets thrown at them and the people they work with. Also those CPA exams and 150 credits are gonna kill me lol.

    So basically: music - satisfied - little-ish money or accounting - unsatisfied - comfortable money

    submitted by /u/cjaronb
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    IT Audit - Making the most of your time in a BIG 4 and exit options

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 10:19 AM PDT

    Hello fellow IT auditors,

    I'm trying to really get an understanding of what type of careers one can pursue after working as an IT Auditor at a big 4. The obvious option is becoming an Internal Auditor, but I'm trying to get full breadth of what type of option are out there. I am just beginning my 3rd year as a Senior.

    1) What type of work should one take advantage of while at a big 4? ITGC, Infrastrucutre, SAP, automated control testing, analytics, (Anything else I'm missing?)

    2) What are the various exit opps? What type of experience do they require?

    . There are many threads on this, but I'm hoping to see if any new information will come, as well as a bit more detail regarding what pre-requisite expereicne would be required for certain roles.

    Thanks for your input!

    submitted by /u/Bobbydaboss187
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    Can someone explain this problem? I don't even understand what it is saying.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 03:30 PM PDT

    Big 4 Recruiter: *hands me a student’s resume*

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 07:10 PM PDT

    Will it look bad to B4 that I'm graduating later than I said I would?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 04:24 PM PDT

    Hi guys. I got an internship offer from a B4 firm for next summer. On my resume and application, I said I would be graduating in December 2020. However, I've been running into some personal issues this semester so I'm thinking I might take a lighter courseload and graduate a semester later (Spring 2021).

    Will this make me look bad? I know they ask for transcripts before the internship... I'm not sure if I should keep my full-time status and push through or if it would be ok to drop down to part-time and graduate a semester later. I wouldn't want to jeopardize the chances of getting a FT offer or put myself in an awkward situation having to justify and explain why I'm graduating later.

    This B4 firm has always been my dream company, so I really wouldn't want to jeopardize anything or cause any issues...

    This isn't a shitpost haha. Please help a sister out haha.

    submitted by /u/DizzyScholar
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    Screwed the pooch on AUD

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 03:53 PM PDT

    Don't know how. Passed FAR and BEC, but I had a bad feeling going into this test today.

    Did the same things I did for the previous two tests....Study study study, but I got unlucky on multiple choice. There were questions where I just clicked a random answer. Might be thinking I'm burned out?!

    Actually found three fourths of the TBS somewhat easy, which is weird for me because I hate those things. But I don't think they can save my predicted multiple choice performance. I was good on the stuff I studied (SSARS, etc), but they threw a bunch of random, not in the main study guide (regardless of review course) type questions, so I'll take my licks, shower, refocus, and try again.

    I also felt slightly sick going in. Don't know if I didn't sleep well or something. Had the shakes for the first 1.5 hours. Quite annoying, ruins focus. After about an hour, I thought about just walking out...but I have a wife and kids that would've been disappointed.

    Anyway, just venting....10 days off then back to the grind.

    submitted by /u/fumblefingers2
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    Do you have to network in order to land on government job ?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 08:45 PM PDT

    Junior in college here, was wondering if I need any of networking to work in government after I graudate. Or can I just apply after I gradate ? I don't plan to B4 or any public. And what would be the GPA cut-off ? Thank you so much :)

    submitted by /u/antichrome69
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    Industry vs Public accounting (Please help lol)

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    I'm a senior in university and I don't understand why accounting majors are pushed towards public accounting.

    My school is very helpful with getting representatives of firms to recruit and interview us and stuff like that but what if I don't want to work for a firm? Honestly, the idea of long hours and a boring environment doesn't appeal to me. I guess the appeal would be the paycheck but I'm not wasting my youth working like a slave..

    To be fair, I've never interned at a firm so I'm just going off from what I've heard. The extent of my experience is literally just "interning" at a small transportation business llc owned by a family friend and all I did was just help with some paperwork and journal entries. My resumé was empty prior to that so I thought I might as well put that in as an internship.

    My goal as a senior right now is trying to find an internship/entry level position in the accounting/finance sector of a fairly large company. I live in the suburbs of Atlanta so I think there's a good amount of companies to choose from.

    The ultimatum is, am I making the wrong decision by not giving public accounting a chance? and can I succeed in industry? Is there a reason industry positions aren't pushed towards accounting majors?

    I'd appreciate any feedback, thank you!

    submitted by /u/sova1998
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    What exactly is an onboarding buddy?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 08:01 PM PDT

    I'm with Big4 and I'm sure I'll find out soon enough with training, etc but was curious as to what exactly is the role of an onboarding buddy for new hires. Mine reached out to me and mentioned that we will be on the same client. Does this mean I will work with and report to that individual?


    submitted by /u/VitaminCPA
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    PwC Secondment

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 07:47 PM PDT

    Weeks ago I did a survey regarding FY20 secondment, and I said I was interested in STA in the US. However, stuff happened in my life and I've been reconsidering my career. Earlier this week, PwC told me that I got assigned to NY for half an year (which was longer than 3 months which was originally advertised). I know that the hours are terrible, but how bad is it? Also, the clawback is another issue. I heard I need to stay for another 1.5 years after I come back from the US; otherwise, I have to pay per diem and rent back which is estimated $20k. PwC doesn't give out any details about the contract (so ppl don't back out). I need some thoughts about the secondment and the clawback.

    submitted by /u/mena168
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    An Open Letter to Intuit (NIGHTMARE)

    Posted: 31 Aug 2019 01:38 AM PDT


    I do not take lightly the decision of emailing the entire C-Suite of a major corporation, but in this situation I feel that I have exhausted all other options. I am writing to request assistance with the absolute living nightmare that is the simple task of updating my address on the ProAdvisor website.

    On August 16, 2019, I moved my firm (XXXXXXXX -- my firm's DBA) to an office location (XXXXXXXX). Accordingly, I then logged into my ProAdvisor account to update the address for purposes of the ProAdvisor listing. Here is the timeline of events which ensued shortly thereafter:

    1. August 21, 2019 - Submitted a request on the ProAdvisor website to update my address.

    2. August 21, 2019 - Received a rejection notice from Intuit requesting that I provide additional information to verify my identity. I uploaded a copy of my driver's license to verify my identity.

    3. August 22, 2019 - Received another rejection notice from Intuit requesting that I provide additional information to verify my identity. Specifically, the notice requested "one or more" of the following:

    "Articles of Incorporation

    Business License
    Corporation Bylaws
    Shareholders Agreement
    Certificate of Limited Liability Partnership or Limited Partnership

    CPA License Information / Proof License is in Good Standing"

    Given that I operate as a sole proprietor using a DBA, there are no Articles of Incorporation, Corporate Bylaws, Shareholder Agreements, or Certificates of Limited Liability. Given the situation, I chose to provide "CPA License Information / Proof License is in Good Standing" as verification for my listing. I printed screenshots from the California Board of Accountancy website indicating that CPA licenses to practice are active and in good standing for both myself and my firm and had a notary at a bank provide a stamped and signed notary acknowledgement which verifies my identity (attached).

    4. August 29, 2019 - I submitted the notary acknowledgement to Intuit as requested (attached).

    5. August 29, 2019 - Received yet another rejection notice from Intuit requesting that I provide additional information to verify my identity. Specifically, the notice requested "one or more" of the following:

    "Articles of Incorporation

    Business License
    Corporation Bylaws
    Shareholders Agreement
    Certificate of Limited Liability Partnership or Limited Partnership

    CPA License Information / Proof License is in Good Standing"

    Since my application was rejected again, I called to ascertain the specific reason for the rejection. The Intuit representative informed me that the rejection was due to the fact that I had "XXXXXXXX" after my name and that it did not match the name shown on my verification document ("XXXXXXXX"). Accordingly, I removed the letters and changed my name to "XXXXXXXX" on the ProAdvisor website.

    6. I submitted the notary acknowledgement to Intuit again as requested (attached).

    7. August 29, 2019 - Received yet another rejection notice from Intuit requesting that I provide additional information to verify my identity. Specifically, the notice requested "one or more" of the following:

    "Articles of Incorporation

    Business License
    Corporation Bylaws
    Shareholders Agreement
    Certificate of Limited Liability Partnership or Limited Partnership"

    Please notice that the option to provide "CPA License Information / Proof License is in Good Standing" as verification WAS SUDDENLY REMOVED from this request for additional verification.

    After numerous attempts to verify my identity and a series of exceedingly long phone calls, I have gotten nowhere.

    This is after I spent the last three days corresponding with Intuit over the span of approximately eight calls and almost six total hours on the phone with multiple Intuit representatives who repeatedly affirmed that it was not possible to have a sole proprietor's DBA reflected as the "Firm Name" on income tax returns in Lacerte (to match the information per the provided IRS EFIN application). After inquiring across my network of CPA contacts, I was finally able to find an example in which a CPA had this exact setup (with their sole proprietor DBA listed as the "Firm Name" in Lacerte) and indicated that to the representative who finally implemented the change as requested.

    I have never in my life dealt with a company more difficult to deal with than Intuit. So far, this experience has been far worse than my worst experiences with Comcast, Time Warner, and even American Airlines.

    Accordingly, I would greatly appreciate your help in this matter as this has gone far beyond ridiculous. I am close to moving away from any and all Intuit products going forward if this is how you treat ProAdvisors. If this is the treatment that ProAdvisors get, I can only imagine what everyday users of QuickBooks and TurboTax must go through.

    This email has been posted to www.taxprotalk.com and www.reddit.com/taxpros. Both postings will be updated with any changes regarding the status of this inquiry.

    I eagerly await your response.

    Please feel free to reach out to me at XXXXXXXX or XXXXXXXX with any questions or concerns.

    submitted by /u/FrustratedCPA7534
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