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    Thursday, July 11, 2019

    Thank you Thursday! - (July 11, 2019) Entrepreneur

    Thank you Thursday! - (July 11, 2019) Entrepreneur

    Thank you Thursday! - (July 11, 2019)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 06:12 AM PDT

    Your opportunity to thank the /r/Entrepreneur community by offering free stuff, contests, discounts, electronic courses, ebooks and the best deals you know of.

    Please consolidate such offers here!

    Since this thread can fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    After months of struggling, I'm finally getting clients

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 10:55 PM PDT

    In January I started a marketing agency focusing on tech/SaaS startups. For six months, I just couldn't land any clients no matter what method I tried. Cold outreach on FB, Linkedin, and Reddit or paid traffic on Google, FB, and Linkedin.

    I would have some good conversations that felt like they were going to lead to something, but then talks would fall flat. People either said they have some in house working on it or that they're just not ready to spend on marketing yet.

    Either way, I told them thank you for your time and if they ever needed anything that I would be happy to help them. Sometimes I think if I should have been like a pushy salesperson and kept trying to go for the sale that a few of them may have come.

    But the way I approach cold outreach is that I don't try to go for the sale. My only plan at that time is to build trust and help them get a quick win. Im trying to build something and see if they would tell me the challenges they're having and how I could help.

    And I felt like I was just throwin money down the drain with Linkedin. Even though I was wasting money and getting no leads, I trusted the platform because of its detailed targeting. I jus kept putting money into Linkedin trying different ads and objectives because I knew that's where my real target audience was.

    Finally last June, I got my first client. $2000/month for managing paid traffic on Facebook and Linkedin and Email marketing.

    Then two weeks later, I closed another one for $1000/month just for handling Linkedin paid traffic.

    I'm now investing more into branding on social media while still going hard on the cold outreach. Getting automated leads from inbound is nice but there's nothing like that feeling of outreach and just helping someone with marketing when they need it.

    I know the gurus preach about getting clients easy and making six figures in your first 30 days, but for me it took six months of spending money on ads and sales navigator, a whole lot of doubt, and a lot of ghosted conversations.

    I wouldn't have had it any other way :)

    submitted by /u/PricelessLife
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    Food Truck owners, what was it like getting started in the business?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 11:08 AM PDT

    What issues, things you didn't think of, and hardships did you go through starting up?

    submitted by /u/Left4alan
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    TIL 62% of SEO experts charge $76-$150 an hour. 24.6% of SEO experts charge between $1,000-2,000/month. And 81% of SEO experts change their rates based on the service they offer.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 09:00 AM PDT

    Opening a Gym: The Resource for Anyone Interested in Making the Plunge

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 11:41 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I own a powerlifting gym in Chicago and have been doing business for myself now for five years since the age of 23. A question I get asked all the time is what it takes to open up a gym. Because this happens so often I thought I'd write an article I could reference people to.

    I used to come here for advice when I first started so I want to be able to give something back. I've tried to be as open as possible and even added real world numbers which can be hard to find sometimes online when looking for examples.

    Essentially this is the resource I wished existed when I was first starting. The link is below, hope it helps anyone looking into something similar!

    (Please note my gym is private and niche, it may differ significantly for something larger scale)

    Link Here: Opening Up a Gym

    submitted by /u/surgenewlevels
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    I’ve had the name and idea for my company for the last 3 months, and finally did something about it. Now I don’t know where to go from here. Tips needed!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 11:29 AM PDT

    I've had this idea for a bit, and even made a recent post about it. I finally decided to make the company website and got registered. This would be a full service merch manufacturer/fulfillment business. I have no idea how to approach clients from here and what to say in emails. Any tips on what to say in initial email? Also, would you mind checking the website out to provide feedback?


    submitted by /u/rcast16
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    Applying for EIN before physical location is established?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    I'm currently in the lease negotiation phase of a retail business and was going to go ahead and start on getting the business license. The process online asks for the physical location in which I'm not exactly sure where it will be at yet. Should I continue to get my business license and just use my home address or wait until I get the location finalized?

    submitted by /u/jowens000
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    Using a purchased Script to start your business

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    I am looking to start a business and I am not the most technical of people. I have some development skills and can edit code, but I couldn't write code from scratch. I frequently look at different code scripts you can buy that are fully functioning applications and am curious if anyone has successfully started their business using a purchased script?

    The goal would be to use the purchased script to launch an idea and gain paying customers. At that point, I can go out and hire developers to either extend the script or re-build it to continue to grow.

    Thanks for the feedback and insights!

    submitted by /u/mem12791
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    r/SiteCritiques: A new Website Critique subreddit that rewards you for being picky with cash prizes

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 08:56 AM PDT


    I started this subreddit a month ago or so as a way for people to get their websites reviewed. Nobody posted on it. So I thought the main reason might be that people fear that if they post their site, nobody will review it. There are no sites to review, so nobody reviews them. Kind of a chicken-and-egg thing.

    I randomly got a great site crtique today from somebody on reddit and I kicked them a $25 gift certificate for their effort.

    It got me thinking: reviewing somebody's website is lot of work that's kind of thankless. How do you know your comments will even be looked at?

    So I thought, why not make it a contest subreddit? The best critique wins a prize that the OP pays for. It's up to the OP to decide who wins.

    If you feel your site needs a review, post it on the /r/SiteCritiques . But also post how much you are willing to give to the prize winner (either with a coupon code from your site or an Amazon gift card or paypal or whatever.) Minimum is $15USD.

    If you feel you're good at critiquing websites, post on there and help others out and maybe win a prize.

    submitted by /u/mookx
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    Advice needed please. I have a few grand or so to invest and id love some business ideas where i could use this to start something potentially profitable.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    An idea that sprung to mind was a pop up food truck. A local firm make a killing from roadside recovery after buying a truck to tow away cars after a crash (i don't fancy visiting car crashes every day)

    Would love any other ideas if possible. Sometimes the simplest can be the most effective. I guess i need to decide what is in demand the most...

    submitted by /u/marcusworm
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    Product idea: Facetime phone stand/case

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 02:51 PM PDT

    I'm in a fairly new relationship and went on a trip to a different country than my SO. Almost everynight we would video call eachother to update one another on our days and these calls would eventually end with us both lying in bed with the phone leaning agaisnt something so that we can see eachother and fall asleep with eachother on video. The nuisance with this is that the phone would often fall on whatever it was leaning on, or come unplugged. Also, in order to be able to see eachother we would have to leave a light on in our rooms which isn't ideal for sleeping.

    After googling a bit to see if there was a solution I found that many long-distance and military couples actually do this and it's fairly common.

    The real product idea would be for a stand that would hold the phone, provide a charger, and have a soft front facing light similar to this.

    Good idea or bad idea?

    submitted by /u/KindUniversity
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    I have an Idea!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 02:25 PM PDT

    And that's all I have. I have practically zero experience in the field in which this tool would be used, and I have no experience in designing a product and then bringing it to market.

    The technology already exists. I would simply repackage the technology and resell it to a specific industry. Hearing from members of this industry, this tool could be invaluable.

    Can someone point me in the right direction?

    submitted by /u/Psychocrates
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    Looking for world wide distributors or entrepreneurs looking to get into distribution and make a good profit

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 01:47 PM PDT

    It's high end medical cosmetics. Can you state what country you're in if you don't mind. Or dm me?

    submitted by /u/Californian_abroad
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    Why should socks always match? We think answers to these off the wall questions open a window to finding people you'll enjoy working with.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    Let us know if you agree or how we could do better. https://nextcept.com/Question/Details?QuestionId=20

    submitted by /u/manabovethesky
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    Brand strategy made simple

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    If you ask 50 business owners what branding is, you'll probably get 50 different answers. And brand strategy is even worse.

    For some reason it's viewed by many as a confusing, convoluted process that isn't worth the time. There's sales to be made, clients to respond to, and meetings to attend, right?

    After speaking with enough entrepreneurs over the years I wanted to finally put an end to the confusion and create something that would allow them to build a successful brand strategy without jargon, complex processes, or week long workshops. So that's exactly what I did with a free guide called Brand Strategy Made Simple.

    The guide is designed to walk you step-by-step through the process of defining and aligning your brand attributes, your voice, and your users, which should give you a great starting point for your brand strategy moving forward.

    I know what you're thinking, "cool, another lead magnet", and you're not wrong. That being said, I do believe the guide is incredibly valuable, and I'd genuinely like to help you get your brand strategy off the ground whether I get your email or not.

    So, if you'd like to download the guide and receive more free resources in the future, here's the lead magnet version.

    If you want to skip all that and just want the guide, here you go.

    If you check it out I'd love to hear what you think, good or bad, if there's something you found particularly valuable or something that you think could be improved.

    Thanks for reading!

    TLDR: free brand strategy guide to help you grow your brand from 0 to 1.

    submitted by /u/Ohno_ItsTom
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    In Vancouver for the next 10 days, what's the best way to get B2B leads?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I'm vacationing in Vancouver, BC, for the next 10 days and would like to make some business connections here. What would be the most effective way of meeting people related to my field? I'm going to try attending a couple of business and networking meetups, but any other suggestions?

    We manufacture motorcycle paddock stands and trailers and our customers would be large distributors of power sports equipments. But other than this we're open to collaborating with a large range of companies, so we're not limiting ourselves to one specific niche.

    submitted by /u/Moto_Trailers
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    Best practices for solving the problems of small businesses with software?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    Hi everyone.

    Let's say I've identified a problem that lots of small businesses would pay to solve that can be solved with software. Maybe it's a need to keep track of something specific to their business, or maybe a scheduling need, or some kind of HR / accounting need.

    Is there a tech stack / methodology / some kind of template for solving problems like this?

    To be more specific, do companies prefer that you stand up a website and they'll access it on, for example, their browsers from their desktops? Do they usually want a mobile app? Do they usually want a desktop application?

    Does what I'm asking make sense? I guess what I'm asking is:

    If I knew I wanted to write software to solve a small business problem, but I haven't identified a good problem to solve yet, what should I learn that I will most likely use to solve that problem? What are 2019's best practices for this kind of thing?

    submitted by /u/opensourceai
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    Bonus system for writer / blogger / etc.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 01:12 PM PDT

    Guys hi,

    We work with writer to write 40-60 articles on specific topic. (touristic attractions in specific area, person is local and has good local knowleadge).

    It's very important that content turns out valuable to readers (tourists who are planning their trip to our distination). So i'd like to have some kind of bonus that will motivate the writer to create something valuable and not just hit word count.

    Is it good idea to give bonus for FB, twitter likes, shares, pinterest pins, etc ? Like $1 for each mention with $25-50 cap per article. I know they can be purchased on fiver... Maybe you have a better suggestion ?

    Or maybe "share rate" like if 50 people read the article and X% shared it.

    Or how long they stayed on the page ? Basically something that shows that article is valuable and not generic 500-800 words.

    submitted by /u/1f1nas
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    Hiring help

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 09:09 AM PDT

    How soon is too soon to look for a job when moving out of state in the next 4 months? Business owners, what do you look for, or what do you think when viewing an applicant that is looking to relocate to the area?

    submitted by /u/dcurtis14482
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    Funding to start your business

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 12:45 PM PDT

    Hello! I am curious to hear about how you got your business started in terms of money. Can you tell me a bit about it? How much did you need to get started and how did you go about it?

    Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/communicate_love
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    If you had one piece of advice to give to someone with a service based business what would it be?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 12:24 PM PDT

    I'm a dog groomer hoping to have my own shop one day.

    submitted by /u/garbagepilequeen
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    Elev8 Mastermind Group Forming

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    I'm forming an online mastermind group for entrepreneurs and success-minded individuals. Wanteed to share the info here to invite you to participate. Finding the right people is key. It will be a peer-based group that enables peer coaching / resource sharing / networking. I've written up a google doc with an overview of it here:


    Here's a copy / Paste of the content for easy Reddit consumption:

    Mastermind overview for entrepreneurs and success-minded individuals.

    "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." -Jim Rohn

    What's This all about?

    • We are forming a mastermind group of 4-6 like-minded people who want to really challenge the status quo and take their success to the next level. This particular group intends to find entrepreneurs who are running, or starting their own business. Non-entrepreneurs are welcome so long as they are in a place in their lives where they are really looking to take on their success goals head on, and are willing to be a contributing part of the team.

    Here's a Couple Overview vids I Made Outlining the Process.

    Part 1: 4 Minutes


    Part 2: 7 minutes


    What is a Mastermind Group?

    • A mastermind group is a group of peers committed to the success of the members of the group.
    • The best mastermind groups include both a common ground (In this case the focus will be entrepreneurship) and also divergent thought. We want people that can bring together different perspectives, skills and contributions to the table, to the benefit of all those included.

    What is the Time Commitment

    • We will meet once per week for an hour. This will take place remotely over web, likely on an evening
    • Monday Nights at 8:00 Central is the currently Proposed Time slot.
    • We'll run at least for the entire calendar year of 2019 and then re-evaluate if everyone wants to continue.

    What will we meet about?

    • The thread that binds us together is contributing to each other's success. The format of each meeting is as follows:
      • 10 Minutes - Sharing the wins from the last week, round-robin style
      • 40 Minutes - One team member's turn in the hot seat.
        • The Hotseat is a lot of where the magic happens, the person who is in the hot seat rotation for the week will have the chance to share an idea, a problem, a project etc that they are working on or want to work on related to their success goals, and the team will have the opportunity to provide candid feedback. It is important to generate an environment of trust here as we will expect each other to be brutally honest here. This is not time for empty pats on the back and well wishes, let's really own giving the best perspective, encouragement, and critiques so that the person on the hot seat can be most successful.
      • 10 minutes - goals for the week. Each team member shares goals that they are committing to accomplishing this week, for the group to hold them accountable.

    Additional Communication

    • The group will also run an ongoing group chat (likely in Facebook messenger). This is great for coordination, resource sharing, and problem solving throughout the week

    Who Leads the Group

    • This is a peer activity, however each meeting will have a clear meeting leader. Typically this is the

    Who is this Mastermind for?

    • Individuals who
      • Are "hungry", and committed to taking their success to the next level
      • Recognize the power of accountability and a shared network of experts in their fields
      • Are willing to commit the time (this is the clincher, folks.) This mastermind is something that should be scheduled around and time allocated for in people's schedules. Life will inevitably happen, however this group is for people willing to make time to make this a priority and schedule around it to make it work. We will meet regularly at the same hour, same day, punctually.)
      • Are excited to contribute to the success of others.
      • Are willing to be candid with constructive feedback to others, and to receive the same
      • Have dreams, businesses, projects that they are passionately working on

    Who is this Mastermind NOT for

    • Individuals who
      • Are looking for "passive education" or coaching or a class. This is none of these. This is peer to peer learning, empowerment, accountability, success.
      • Are not willing to contribute to the success of others
      • Are not willing to consistently make time for this
      • Do not have dreams, passion, business that they are pursuing
      • You're wanting to stay in your comfort zone
      • Are not doing anything entrepreneurial, or dream building. This is not a group for people who make a living as an employee to simply be better people… That is a very valid way to go but that is not this group's focus.

    Why is it called a Mastermind Group?

    • The was coined by the author, Napoleon Hill in the classic success mindset book "Think and Grow Rich."

    Will Everyone Who Asks to Join be Let in?

    No. There are some critical success factors to this group. Perhaps one of the most important is making sure that the people that join are the right fit. I'm asking for folks that are interested to fill out a simple form. We will make sure that the group members meet the criteria above. If there are more than 6 folks interested, we will spawn off a second group, keeping each group at about 4-6 members.

    submitted by /u/ChiefCloudKeeper
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    Does anyone have experience in hiring a contracted or freelance web developer / any tips?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    Hi r/entrepreneur,

    I am in search of a contracted or freelance web developer who would be able to help me in building out the rest of my MVP for a smaller sized web app project. My budget is on the lower side, but my knowledge of development is sufficient enough to understand the requirements for building the MVP, I just cannot currently balance my current full time job with essentially "learning as I go". Currently, I have built approx. 20% myself, however again I am just not yet a decent enough developer to be able to finish this project in a timely manner, even though I am comfortable in all of the required specifications.

    Does anyone have any experience in finding the right developer on something like an Upwork or similar, or have any tips on the best ways to initially communicate project goals in order to be successful in contracting out this development work?

    Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/theguy227
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    Any supplement startups in this group? Have you used Range Me? Is it worth the $1400 a year?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    Any supplement startups in this group? Have you used Range Me? Is it worth the $1400 a year?

    submitted by /u/appsc2019
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    Small Business portal

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 12:11 PM PDT

    Hi all. I wanted to throw out an idea I have for a business.

    I am thinking about creating a website that small businesses can use to manage their schedules and customers. Basically, this would be geared towards the small businesses that do not have money to spend on a website. Also this would not be a "search" tool to find local services, at least not at first.

    The sb's would be able to use the site free of charge. The way I would make money would be charging their customers who use the portal to pay via card a small percentage. To ensure the sb's that they will actually get their money, I would have the money go into a escrow type account before the service was complete. If for some reason they did not complete the service, money would be returned to the customer. So it helps the customer and the sb. The sb would end up getting paid faster than invoicing since the customer has already paid.

    The businesses that I would target are the small mom and pop trades. Most of these either do cash payments or check and they have to try to collect after the service was performed.

    Note: Overhead would be minimal since I would build the site and start off using AWS/similar to host the site.


    submitted by /u/betanu701
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