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    Monday, July 8, 2019

    Only person on sales team cold calling? Sales and Selling

    Only person on sales team cold calling? Sales and Selling

    Only person on sales team cold calling?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 08:41 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, basically I am the only one on the sales team cold calling. We have a split commission so anything I sell they get the same amount for in our joint commission.

    It's fine since I don't hate cold calling, but it bugs me everyone's doesn't do it. Things would be fine, but since I've been doing so well cold calling, the owner wants to give me a team of newbies to do it.

    The issue is I don't particularly want this to be my only thing. Cold calling can suck alot. Especially since the rest of the team gets a cut, when I feel like I'm doing all the legwork.

    Would you guys stick around for this? I'm an account manager. Is this something most sales people do?

    submitted by /u/wonkiestdonkey
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    I think this is a good question to ask in a interview

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 08:27 PM PDT

    This might be able to help someone get a job, I dunno

    This question has worked really well for me, I got compliments after being hired for a SAAS job for the questions I asked in the interview. It's surprised some people in other interviews I've had so I keep asking it. I've gotten really good advice from really successful people by asking this question. Even if I don't get a job I at least walk away with some really good knowledge.

    Really simple, I think it works for any industry

    "If you could give one piece of advice to someone just starting out in this industry that could help them be more successful what would it be?"

    submitted by /u/HappySrirachaSauce
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    Just needed to share

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 08:21 PM PDT

    I haven't had a deal in over a month. I can't begin to describe the strain this has put on my family. For the first time in my adult life I have been unable to pay my bills. Today I got a deal. It wasn't a big one, and it won't even pay out $1000, but it feels so good to win for once.

    submitted by /u/Hungsmartass
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    what do you guys think of Dan Lok?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 06:06 AM PDT

    hi there, i've recently been looking at getting into sales and of course, the first place i went is youtube. i found this guy called Dan Lok. i can't work out if he's a scammer or if he has important knowledge to teach. are any of you guys familiar and what do you think?

    submitted by /u/bsnsnoob
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    Open/Forward/Delete tracking in Office 365

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 08:39 AM PDT

    Hello r / sales,

    Has anyone found an easy way to track opens/deletes/forwards when you use Office 365? I used to use a tool in Outlook's desktop client.


    submitted by /u/bjohnsonmn
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    Current boss asking for exact amount of new salary.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 09:36 AM PDT

    I put in my formal two weeks notice this morning and my boss asked me what the exact amount is for my new salary. I was taken aback and find this extremely unprofessional, but he is insistent on knowing.

    I have already told him that the offer is enough for me to leave, but he insists on knowing. The last thing I want to do is get into a pissing match with this guy because he is extremely temperamental, and I want to ensure that I get my final two weeks pay.

    Do I tell him the amount or make it vague?

    submitted by /u/BlondeGhandi
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    Working Alone - How to Stay Focused?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    I have worked my way up the sales career path from telemarketer to full sales rep. My new position is all by myself in my own office selling IT managed services and Software. Now I've been doing good so far, mostly all cold calling and appointment setting and very little networking. Can any of you give some advice for how to stay motivated during the summer? Any ways to be productive other than cold calling? What advice did you benefit from?

    submitted by /u/MacoroniStinson
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    Have a final interview with the president of a staffing agency in the environmental field and was told to be prepared with questions. Anyone have any great questions to ask?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 09:12 AM PDT

    Thank you !

    submitted by /u/jackkerouac21
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    How do you manage this situation?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 12:41 PM PDT

    I'm essentially in an SDR role for a start-up. I found a pretty big deal for a rep and they will making a HUGE amount of commission for it. I got a little recognition and a small bonus for the deal. Is it common for a rep to give kickback on big deals? I was hired on as a rep but they have a probationary SDR period. Any advice? I totally understand thats the nature of the job and I accepted it-- but I'd be lying if i didnt say its a little disheartening. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/prospector33x
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    8 Months Into My First Sales Job

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 12:29 PM PDT

    I don't know whether this is the right place to post this, but I wanted to get this off my chest.

    I walked into this job just before turning 19 (not just my first sales job but first job) and I'm still by far the youngest and least experienced person in the office.

    It's commission only and I sell investments in the UK over the phone.

    The first few months were hard. I was lucky to get an easy deal in my second month but came up dry for two consecutive months afterwards.

    From months 4-6, my pay was around 1k -1.5k on good months, and 0 on months where I sold nothing. It got to a point where I felt myself losing the will to continue. I got desperate, lost deals as I pushed too hard too quickly. I thought I'd picked the wrong field as I have always been quite a reserved person and would never have considered myself an extrovert. What was worse was seeing people walk out the door who had been in sales longer than I'd been alive.

    But I stuck at it, coming in 3 hours early, leaving an hour late, coming in to work on Saturdays, changing my pitch and email templates on Sundays, and generally making sure I spent my time productively during the week and kept positively building my pipeline. This subreddit helped a lot in keeping a positive mindset. I also started taking not of the highest earners: how they structured their day, how they pitched prospects, the stages they would take their clients through to deal, their tone of voice, how they dealt with common objections, the emails they sent out.

    In months 7 and 8, I have made a consistent 2k-3k each month, and this month looks to be even better!

    I'm no longer afraid of losing a deal, as I know I have 5 more ready to close.

    I've also noticed a complete change in my personality. I'm a more outgoing person. I'm a lot more confident in myself and what I'm capable of doing.

    I guess the point of all this is having the right attitude, even when you are consistently underperforming. Work hard, don't let your age or lack of experience dissuade you, learn from others who are performing better than you, persist through your bad months and never let them get the better of you and you'll always succeed.

    submitted by /u/Aethelsige
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    Cold email

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 11:40 AM PDT

    Hey guys! Can somebody help me with my cold email template? I am a tenant rep and my strategy is to send emails to decision makers and follow up a week later with a cold call (or kind of warm after the email). Here is what I have so far:

    Hello _______,

    My name is ____________, I work for _____________, a full service real estate company with over _____ years in the ____________ market.

    I apologize for the cold email but I am reaching out to offer my services as a tenant representative.

    My services are free of charge to tenants who are looking to expand their offices or are looking for new space.

    I wanted to discuss the possibility of scheduling a phone call with you to discuss how I can be of service and how I can bring value to your organization.

    Is Wednesday or Thursday at 11:00 AM or 3:00 PM a good time? We can chat for a quick 10 minutes.

    Thank you and regards,

    Any feedback is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Rafadelrosal
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    Ex insurance sales people

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 11:33 AM PDT

    What do you do now?

    I feel so trapped and am not sure how to transition out of P&C insurance after 7 years.

    submitted by /u/ashmgee
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    Any feedback appreciated! Started a new job and would love critiques on this cold email.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 07:37 AM PDT

    I just accepted a new position with a start up. The start up is currently a one man team(all the tech is outsourced to a local development company). The CEO/Founder wanted to bring on someone to help him with sales.

    I just started cold out reach last week. I am know it was a weird week with a holiday so the data might not be accurate. Currently hovering around a 60% open rate and 1-2% reply rate.

    The Product: The start up is a platform that allows brands to post Assignments(mini creative briefs) for photos. Users then submit photos and the brands can purchase the photos at a preset price($25-$100) normally

    Current Clients: We currently have some amazing clients that love that love the platform. Clients range from Fortune 500 insurance companies and banks to large retail brands.

    Targets: Brands that have a significant need for content generation and have a focus on user generated content. Also, ad agencies. We usually target social media managers, content managers, CMO's and Director level. We are working on narrowing this down.

    Collateral: We have a great deck and I am working on updating some case studies to improve them.

    Why clients like it: 1. Saves them significant $$$ compared to hiring photographers for shoots or buying stock photos 2. Engages the customer and turns fans into brand advocates 3. Allows them to easily source a variety of content

    Email:***note I generally find ways to personalize this for the brand or agency by mentioning current or past marketing campaigns or something along those lines.

    Subject Line: {Company}'s user generated content problem

    Email Content:

    Hello {first name},

    From working with clients like Pepsi, we know how difficult it can be for brands to identify high-quality user-generated content that fits their needs.

    BYLINED is a platform where brands post Assignments(a creative brief) with the type of photos they are looking for and then users submit photos through our easy to use mobile app. Brands purchase the photos(using cash or gift cards) they want at a preset price they selected and own the full rights to the photos.

    Brands get the benefit of increasing engagement, filling their content gaps, and gaining access to valuable customer data that can be used for further marketing initiatives at a cost that is often lower than purchasing stock photography.

    I would love to learn about your content creation pain points, do you have time next week for a quick phone call?

    Thanks, BLANK NAME

    submitted by /u/Irepohio
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    Best place to hire sales/cold caller?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 10:17 AM PDT

    /r/hiring and /r/salesjobs are dead and spammed.

    Where should I look to hire a remote cold caller? Offer is great and 40% of small businesses are the target.

    I have tried UpWork but a few of the top people I searched said they were at capacity.

    submitted by /u/Brandon-DiamondLinks
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    Remember your first SDR Interview?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 05:23 AM PDT

    Do you guys remember how you got your first SDR job?

    How did the interview go? What questions where you asked? What do you credit in helping you land your first SDR job?

    submitted by /u/perpetualecho
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    Webinar platform options

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    Hi r/sales!

    I launched a new program and I am looking for a webinar platform on which I can run training for some of our partners.

    I will need the ability to host hundreds of participants, record the sessions, and allow participants to ask questions that will be saved. Oh, and I need it ASAP.

    Help a girl out?


    submitted by /u/MrsC7906
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    Personal CRM?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 08:46 AM PDT

    My company hasn't set up CRM yet and it's still 6mo out or more. For professional development I'd like to set up a personal CRM for just my accounts and prospects.

    Is one better than another?

    I'm looking for FREE crm, thinking about Salesforce Dev. edition. Anyone use this?

    My goals are:


    Calendar filling, reminders


    I guess I just want to have the ability to visit a Cust/Prospect then write notes, schedule a reminder to follow up, etc.

    submitted by /u/FoghornLegporn
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    An update and one more question about the hiring process

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 08:22 AM PDT

    Hey there again r/sales !

    Than you so much to those that replied to my post the other day. You were right in saying that what I had done wasn't at all a big deal.

    Today I had the second interview for my dream job, this time with the MD of the company; it went really well and I was told an appointment would be scheduled for next week, this time face to face.

    So here's the question, they told me this one will be the decisive meeting, mentioning it will be a 2 hour session but not wanting to give away what it will exactly entail.

    Do you have any guess as to what it might be?

    I was thinking perhaps a simulation of sorts.

    To give some context again, position is for a SDR position in a SaaS B2B company.

    So far I've been reading as much as possible about how to sell, how to pitch and so on - there were plenty great books suggested here and there in this subreddit.

    Y'all have any other tips?

    And yeah, thanks again!

    TL;DR Now in hiring process; have a 2 hour appointment soon; don't know what it might be about.

    submitted by /u/Hugh_Gass
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    Looking for B2B Lead Gen Affiliate programs

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 06:57 AM PDT


    I am an email marketer and I am looking for ways to monetize my business database. So I am looking for B2B Affiliate programs.

    Does anyone know of any good ones?


    submitted by /u/et-nad
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    From IT to Sales

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 06:08 AM PDT

    I'm a sysadmin with five years exp working at a non-profit and would like to get into either pre-sales or B2B sales for a big tech company. What are some things I can do to make my resume stand out from a sales perspective if I don't have any sales exp? I mean since this is a non-profit the only thing I can even show is the money I've saved the agency (close to $1+ Million in consulting fees at this point) My resume seems too advanced for customer service or technical support type positions as it always gets rejected. What types of roles should I apply to? Thoughts? Advice?

    submitted by /u/moderatenerd
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    Recommendations for marketing/email automation tools

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 05:36 AM PDT

    • B2B
    • about 1000 leads
    • We are using Salesforce CRM so it would be nice to implement it into it
    • Shouldn't be as pricey as the Marketing Cloud or Pardot
    • We currently use Emarsys but it isn't integrated into our CRM
    submitted by /u/RaphaelHuppi
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    Is Sales A Good Career?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 07:59 PM PDT

    I'm graduating soon and have some part time b2b sales experience but I'm looking very hard into starting in SaaS/tech sales and was just wondering how you rank SaaS/tech sales career in terms of pay, work life balance, fulfillment, career stability etc

    submitted by /u/Iron_feman
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    What Traits Does a Sales Engineer Look for in an Account Exec/Account Manager?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 03:52 AM PDT

    Hi there,

    I'm moving up to Account Executive role and want to build relationships with my current SE team to ensure I'm doing my job as well as possible and enabling them to do their job as well as possible. What traits, characteristics, skills or even day-to-day activities do you Sales Engineers appreciate from your commercial sales team/Account Execs?


    submitted by /u/Downtown_Sundown
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    I just started my internship in sales and I have tasks to find prospects and initiate cold calls any tips or ways to find prospects and how to handle and start those Cold calls

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 01:08 PM PDT

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