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    Tuesday, July 2, 2019

    [NC] Car crash in a contributory negligence state. Insurance company placed me 60% at fault then 100% at fault. What recourse do I have to appeal to escalate to arbitration? Insurance

    [NC] Car crash in a contributory negligence state. Insurance company placed me 60% at fault then 100% at fault. What recourse do I have to appeal to escalate to arbitration? Insurance

    [NC] Car crash in a contributory negligence state. Insurance company placed me 60% at fault then 100% at fault. What recourse do I have to appeal to escalate to arbitration?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 04:21 PM PDT

    I was in a car crash last month and my insurance company placed me 60% at fault, then decided I was 100% at fault. The police report and dash-cam footage from my car show instances of contributory negligence by the the other driver. Do I have any recourse against my insurance company handling this claim the way they have? I have escalated to a supervisor but they are refusing to take this to arbitration at my request.

    Details below if interested...

    Even though I have a police report and dash-cam video showing the other party breaking a laundry list of state traffic laws leading up to and during the crash, my insurance company is insisting they should pay the other driver's claim. The other driver is also on record saying she had no idea there was anyone behind her and can't remember if she had her turn signal on or not. They previously denied the other party's claim in writing (I have a copy) placing them 60% at fault. In North Carolina, if the other party is even 1% at fault, they cannot seek damages. It's ridiculous, TBH, but that's the way it is here. I've consulted with an attorney and several active and retired police officers who agree that my insurance company should advocate for me with the amount of evidence showing contributory negligence by the other driver. However, the insurance company insists they want to settle and pay the claim to the other driver. There were no tickets issued, no injuries, and the police report, my testimony, and the video I shared with the insurance company all line up. I was moving at perhaps 5mph at the moment of impact. I'm most miffed by the fact that the insurance company didn't even review my camera footage until I filed an official complaint against the adjustor and insisted. I made them aware of it in writing within a couple of days of the accident. The reason given for changing their course is that the other party provided CCTV footage from their church (low fidelity, low frame-rate, bad angle) that they believe places me 100% at fault. If the burden of proof is truly 100%, I don't understand how the other party breaking 3-4 North Carolina traffic statues on video is not being considered contributory negligence.

    I'm attaching a copy of the diagram from the police report with all identifying information removed. I am "vehicle one" in the police report.

    Police Report


    Image from dash-cam a few seconds before crash


    Image from dash-cam at moment of impact


    Driver of Tahoe following Jeep in front of it too closelyhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/x48er4i735b3g23/2%20-%20Tahoe%20following%20Jeep%20too%20closely.png?dl

    Driver of Tahoe crossing into oncoming traffic just before crashInstance #1https://www.dropbox.com/s/618ib94ehayq4rl/1%20-%20Tahoe%20crossing%20double%20yellow%20line.png?dl=0Instance #2 https://www.dropbox.com/s/4msa45owjn8q3vl/3%20-%20Tahoe%20crossing%20double-yellow%20line.png?dl=0Instance #3 (cropped) https://www.dropbox.com/s/dejzcczb73tl0li/4%20-%20Tahoe%20crossing%20double%20yellow%20line.png?dl=0

    Note: I totally understand that I should not have passed the Tahoe on the right. There was room for 1.5 Prius's to their right, and I reasonably assumed they were turning left. My case here is the contributory negligence by the driver of the Tahoe is a non-zero factor. I've got a 20 year completely clean driving record with no accidents and no tickets. My wife and son were in the car, I don't use my phone at all while driving, and I hadn't had any alcohol in at least two days so was 100% aware of my surroundings. NC and three other states are the only ones with such a high burden of 100% fault. From her position on the far left of the lane (over the line), I assumed she was turning left. Who turns right from that position?If my insurance is refusing to escalate to arbitration, are there any other courses of action I should pursue? If NC were not a contributory negligence state, I'd have dropped this long ago. For reference, I was stopped at a traffic light several years ago and hit by a drunk driver who ran a red light... and the other driver's insurance denied my claim causing my own insurance to go up for three years.

    Appreciate any perspective folks might be able to share. I'm in the process of retaining an attorney who has experience in dealing with insurance companies in this capacity, but want to know if anyone else has ever been in this situation before.

    submitted by /u/cballance
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    Lady suing my father almost 3 years after an extremely minor fender-bender.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 12:29 PM PDT

    So 2y9m after my dad had an extremely minor accident (from his story--I was not there), he received a letter/legal document saying he is being sued for 100k in "damages". There was also already an insurance claim for this back when it originally happened. He was apparently behind this lady at a stop sign, she started to go, then slammed on her brakes and he hit her back bumper at <=5mph. He tells me she was up standing and walking around the entire time waiting for the police and an ambulance was not called/used at all. I've heard the "soft tissue injuries can takes weeks or months to manifest" argument, but this seems fraudulent to me considering how minor the accident was and how late she is suing (3 months before statute of limitations).

    She is using one of those infomercial, ambulance-chaser law-firms you see on TV always advertising (bragging almost) about how they can sue damn near anyone for damn near anything. Don't know how these people sleep at night, but that's a topic for another subreddit... The language in the case is ridiculous. Akin to "he slammed into me and my neck and back are destroyed, my life ruined, I'm totally crippled, haven't been able to work or enjoy life, etc, etc, etc..." The whole 9 yards of total BS. The document also states the accident happened at 8am, but it happened at ~2pm.

    He's already called his insurance company (USAA) and has faxed and mailed all the details they requested to them. He's going to be assigned an "agent".

    How do these cases usually go? My father is 80 years old, has suffered strokes in the past, and is very stressed out about this. I'm just trying to get any advice I can so that I can ease his mind and help him.

    Thanks in advance for any information/advice.

    submitted by /u/MotherlessKnave
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    2 claims placed against me for minor fender-bender?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 09:14 PM PDT

    I accidentally hit a car this morning as I unsuccessfully attempted to parallel park. No damage to my car, but some minor rear bumper/ bottom left-side damage to the other car. Thankfully no one was hurt. The car was parked when this happened and the owner didn't show up within the 30 minutes that I waited, so I left a note on the windshield with a report of the incident + contact info and my insurance information.

    I receive a call from the owner a few hours later. I apologize for everything and express my willingness to take 100% responsibility and fully owned my error. I express that I would like to fix this through my insurance and not "under the table."

    A few hours later I get a phone call from her insurance, Progressive (aka claim #1). Then about 30 minutes later I get a call from Geico claiming that this car has two insurances, but that Geico is the true insurance (aka claim #2).

    I do some research and it turns out that the car belongs to a man and is truly insured through Geico. The woman who was driving the car the day of the accident is insured through Progressive. Not sure if it's a common thing to place 2 claims on the same accident? It seems extremely overkill since this was a minor fender-bender and literally no one was hurt. Now I am concerned that my insurance policy will skyrocket due to the 2 claims. I know for a fact it will go up, but will it go up way more since they filed 2 claims against me instead of just 1?

    submitted by /u/loser_bear
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    Cell phone insurance

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 02:27 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm about to order my One plus and I was wondering if I should just get the insurance offered through Oneplus's website or should I search elsewhere? So far the best insurance I have found outside of their official website is called "Upsie". I'm just worried about breaking my new phone and looking for a good reliable insurance. Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/SenpaiShane
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    NYC landlord requiring to be added as additional parties insured AND required minimums

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 09:57 PM PDT

    I've lived in and around NYC for a bit, and seen my fair share of out-dated or unfair leases from various property managers and landlords. However, I've just encountered a first in trying to rent a condo. Attorney for landlord provided me with a lease that is requiring that I obtain renter's insurance with minimums of $1M in liability and $500K in personal property insurance; and that I add the landlord, condo, and managing agent as additional parties insured (not additional interested).

    A few questions:

    - Is it common practice for condo owners/landlords to be added to tenant's renters insurance policies as additional parties insured?

    - Adding the landlord to my policy seems like a potential conflict of interest. Is the landlord free-riding on my policy? Why insurance company agree to do this?

    - Why is the landlord requiring the high minimums above? $1M in liability I can guess is the market value of the condo but why $500K in personal property ? It seems excessive as I do not possess 10% of that amount.

    submitted by /u/sundayriley1
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    Back to back not at fault accidents.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 07:17 PM PDT

    Last week a drunk driver hit my parked car. The cost of the damage exceeded his coverage, so my insurance is covering everything. My car was still considered drivable, but I just dropped it off at my dealership to have it repaired.

    My insurance company and my dealerships repair facility couldn't come to an agreement. So, this afternoon I picked the car up to take it to the collision center my insurance works with.

    I'm sitting a red light, two blocks from the collision center, and I get rear ended. It's pretty much the same area due to be repaired. This time it had to be towed.

    I submitted another claim on my insurance app, but they are closed. I'm just curious what happens now? There basically two claims for the same damage. My car is also only three months old, so this has been a rough few weeks.

    submitted by /u/throwaway102082
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    First wreck..Question on deductible

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 10:28 PM PDT

    Hit a buck tonight and it damaged my front passenger door, fender, bumper, headlight, and windshield. Can't open door. So thousands of dollars worth of damage. 2011 Prius with 108k. Worth $8k, so don't think it's even close to being totaled?

    My comprehensive deductible is $1k. Been lucky so far at 38 years old. Got hail last year, found a guy in a tent that waived the deductible.

    Anyways, I have $30/day for a rental up to $900. I have two other cars, so could I decline rental car and reduce my deductible? I'm guessing no, just thought I'd check ;). If not, I'm for sure taking a rental.

    Hoping to find a shop thay will waive at least $500 of the deductible to get my business. Is it pretty common for them to do this or will I need to shop around?

    submitted by /u/JeepMunkee
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    My insurance not helping me with PIP.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 10:14 PM PDT

    Basically I was on my way to work. Then I got hit from behind my back had minor injuries and I wanted to go to the doctor to check it out. I have a police report but never reported it when the cops came in the scene due to me being flustered and shook(this was my first accident where I got hit). When I called the insurance company they suggest that I use workers compensation. I told them that they were my primary form of insurance because it occurred during an accident. Then they said that if you were on the clock on your way to work you need to file workers comp. I have returned from the doctor with no signs of any major injuries. I am contemplating in hiring a lawyer to pursue my insurance company to pay out for PIP.

    submitted by /u/slick-rake
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    Just got dropped right before surgery.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 05:27 PM PDT

    I'm 25 F and I have Ankylosing Spondylitis and F sized boobs. Located in Texas.

    I had UHC under my dad and they approved a breast reduction surgery. I find out today that our coverage got cancelled because my dad is working part time and they don't give insurance to people who work part time. He didn't give me any sort of warning.

    I was thinking of getting a personal UHC plan, but I called UHC and said that they wouldn't cover the breast reduction anyways because it would be a pre-existing condition. They said I need to apply for Obamacare.

    So how does Obamacare cover surgeries? I need to see a specialist a few more times this year and at least one more PCP doctor's appointment. Then, I need to go for insurance approval all over again and I might just pay for insurance for nothing because I might not even get approved.

    I'm looking at HealthSherpa and it looks like Molina or BCBS is the way to go. I know a friend of mine had to get back surgery through Molina and only had to pay 600$ or something. My deductible was 2k$ with UHC...

    I'm just looking for some opinions, and comfort. I'm very upset.

    submitted by /u/frostpudding
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    Stuck in a Catch 22

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 08:53 PM PDT

    So when renewing my license months ago, I accidentally marked down that I need medication to maintain consciousness while driving. I had to have my doctor fax a statement saying that wasn't true, but the review process is backlogged by three months. In the meantime, they canceled my license.

    Well, I'm a week away from having my doctors letter reviewed and they told me to go ahead and start the reapplication process. The thing is, I need to present proof of insurance to reapply. But my insurance company dropped me when my license was cancelled. And they won't renew me without a license. I tried explaining that I needed insurance to get said license, but they weren't having it.

    What the hell am I supposed to do? I can't get insurance without a license. But I can't get a license without insurance! I'm flabbergasted that this is all over a stupid mistake, and now I'm stuck in a paradox.

    submitted by /u/theplasmasnake
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    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 07:17 PM PDT

    Rear ended a person. Both agreed not to make a police report due to "minor" damages. Told the person I would pay for the damages that occurred to their car. The damage done to my car ended being more than I expected but I'm paying for it any ways. The person took their car into a body shop for a quote and their quote is now more than I expected. Am I obligated to pay for her damages or could I just pay for her deductible? The accident occurred in Michigan a no fault state. How does this scenario play out. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/ernasty
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    New grad seeking short term medical insurance

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 07:17 PM PDT


    I am a new graduate and will be starting work next week. My previous insurance was through my school and expired at the end of June while my insurance options I would get through my new job does not begin to cover me until September.

    I was wondering if anyone had any affordable options they would recommend for the 2 months I will be without insurance. I don't expect needing to actually use it, but I would rather be safe than sorry due to having a decent length commute.


    submitted by /u/inneedofcreativity
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    How Do I Check What My Insurance Company Covers?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 07:07 PM PDT

    I currently have my provisional driver's license as I am only 16. From what I have read, I am not allowed to drive alongside another minor and if I do so, I would have to drive with a parent for thirty days if I am not mistaken. However, somebody told me that if I get in an accident with an underage passenger, insurance will not cover the accident. Can anybody tell me if that is true or where I can check to see if it is true because I have found no mention of it within an hour of research. Thank you in advance :)

    I have State Farm and am in CA

    submitted by /u/NotStroggz
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    Question regarding home insurance.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 07:03 PM PDT

    My father in law lives in a house in Northern California, with post and pier construction.

    Farmers was "the only insurance company" that serviced this style of home, and now, with the recent wildfires, they're "cancelling" his policy "in two months." Or they're at least refusing to renew it. If someone could point me in the direction of an insurance company that wants to lose money on Northern California, I'd appreciate it. ;)

    submitted by /u/ravenze
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    I'm turning 26 and my employer doesn't offer Heathcare plans. Where do I start?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 03:14 PM PDT

    Title says it all. I'm losing my parent's healthcare plan in a month and have 0 idea where to start to get insured

    I'm single, good health, no active prescriptions, with annual income about $40k post tax.

    Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!

    P.s. While I'm aware the most financially sound decision may be finding a new job, I'm not in a position to do so at the moment.

    submitted by /u/-makehappy-
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    My doctor won't get paid by my insurance so I had to pay out of pocket.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 05:56 AM PDT

    To make this story short, I came in to my podiatrist with 2 infected ingrown toe nails. I've been to this Doctor before for nail fungal, when he cut out the nail, I didn't pay anything. My insurance covered it.

    Before he extracted the nails for my ingrown, he basically told me that, "I don't get paid with your insurance. You can't use it. So how will you pay for it?" I was in pain. It was late Winter and I coildn't put on a shoe without aching let alone walk in one all day. So I said, take the nails out and I'll pay with card.

    Next thing I knew, I'm getting billed over $300 from a lab in Long Island. My extracted nails traveled there to get tested. Whatever result they found, what bacteria caused the infection, I never found out. I gave my insurance info to the lab as the receptionist at my podiatrist advised me and now I have a dedictible of $90.

    Can I fight this?

    submitted by /u/Snapbrass
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    Injured drivers company coming after me

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 06:55 PM PDT

    I lent my car to someone who totaled the car and caused the accident with a truck. The other driver was injured and the drivers truck company is filing a claim against my insurance and me. I'm getting really scared and dont know if I'm totally screwed.

    submitted by /u/Derek_the_Red
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    Property and Casualty Exam Illinois

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 06:36 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm taking the Property and Casualty exam for Illinois tomorrow and have been using ExamFX to prepare. I was wondering if anyone knows how well ExamFX quizzes/exams helped them on the actual state exam. Are the questions similar? I've been using the snapshots mostly to review but still feel like there's so much information to retain like all of the HO policies and their nuances. Are there particular parts I should be focusing on?

    Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/gandevthebrown
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    Renter's Insurance - Family Liability Coverage

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 02:37 PM PDT


    I recently went with Allstate for renter's insurance and I'm trying to understand how it works.

    I have 50k Personal Property. I'm thinking about lowering this to 30k and making sure it covers replacement cost and not depreciated value.

    I have 300k Family Liability Protection. This is the part I'm trying to understand. Is this the coverage that would take effect if I accidentally burned down the apartment?

    Here is a provision I see in my policy document: "We do not cover property damage to property rented to, occupied or used by, or in the care of, an insured person. This exclusion does not apply if the property damage is caused by fire, explosion or smoke. "

    Does this mean that if I accidentally burn down the apartment, it is covered?

    But if I smash a wall by accident, it is not covered?

    FYI - I also have an umbrella policy for 1M.

    submitted by /u/1manbandman
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    Premiums Up Due to Claim. Will Switching Insurance Companies Matter?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 11:58 AM PDT

    Filed a claim on my Home Owners Insurance a few years ago. Long story, but someone filed a lawsuit about an injury on my property. It was a worker whose employer was insured but it was crappy insurance, so the worker just sued everyone.

    It was eventually settled, but my insurance company spent a fortune defending. Don't know any numbers but it went on for years.

    My premiums almost doubled. Will switching insurance companies make any difference?

    Assuming other companies will also factor the claim in: if I get a quote from another company, will it include knowledge of that claim, or will that only come up at the underwriting stage?

    submitted by /u/Shmoop12
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    Flood insurance and mitigation payment?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 05:25 PM PDT

    Live in OKLAHOMA

    Our house flooded in May during all the heavy storms.

    We have flood insurance.

    Mitigation company came, we paid them the amount of our flood insurance deductible.

    Now they are harassing us for the rest of the payment, but our insurance adjuster says Allstate will pay them directly.

    The mitigation company says that they don't get paid directly by insurance if it's flood insurance and that we pay them.

    We have an advance from the flood insurance but the adjuster told us to use it to replace our appliances and get construction started.

    Somehow the mitigation company knows about this advance and is freaking out that we haven't given it to them.

    Who is right? I don't want to do any of this incorrectly and mess it up.

    submitted by /u/choleraisjustlost
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    2 accidents. One minor damage, one gets totaled. Insurance lowers value because un-repaired damage. What do i do?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 04:17 PM PDT

    I got into two car accidents. One i got hit on driver back side from someone pulling out of driveway. They write me a check for $1,000 to get it repaired before i do, i get t-boned at a stop light. Insurance gives me what my car is worth minus $1,300 for un-repaired to the rear of my car. They're the same insurance company. What would i do in a case like this?

    Edit: Texas

    submitted by /u/lord_darkest
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    Accident when I wasn't in the car.....minor damage...few questions

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    So In a slanted parking lot my car rolled 22ft over 3hrs with thee emergency brake engaged and left a scuff about 2" long on the bumper of the car in front. I have a picture


    Car is a leased vehicle. My insurance company won't tell me anything about liability until I file a claim....so no help there.

    Would this be normal wear and tear over a 3 year lease? Are they looking for more MAJOR damage like curbing the wheels etc etc ..

    My 3 options as I see them.

    Pay the "lease" penalty for the person......

    Pay the repair out of pocket.....

    Third and most horrible file a claim where i'll probably pay more than the repair.

    Any suggestions/experience appreciated.

    submitted by /u/bostonmacosx
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    [NJ] Max PIP or UMBI/UIMBI?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 03:29 PM PDT

    I'm reviewing my auto insurance and I'm trying to get my head around whether to go heavy on PIP, UMBI, or both.

    Consider the following two hypotheticals:

    • 250k PIP w/ $250 deductible; 15/30k UMBI & UIMBI; separate additional PIP for $700/wk income continuation and minuscule funeral benefits
    • 15k PIP w/ $250 deductible; 250/500k UMBI & UIMBI (includes income continuation, funeral benefits, and pain and suffering)

    There is roughly no difference in premium. So what's the difference in practice? If NJ is no-fault, what is even the point of UMBI when you can't recover medical expenses from the at-fault driver in the first place? And if UMBI includes those extra benefits, why bother bumping up your PIP when you can just let it roll over into UMBI?

    submitted by /u/Snownel
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    My wife hit a car in a parking lot.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 02:58 PM PDT

    I didn't know what she was supposed to do so I told her to leave her phone number on the vehicle.

    Was she supposed to call the police? Do we call our insurance company?

    submitted by /u/dirtyrango
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