• Breaking News

    Sunday, July 7, 2019

    Legal Advice [WI] My girlfriend’s landlord just entered her house when he thought nobody was home.

    Legal Advice [WI] My girlfriend’s landlord just entered her house when he thought nobody was home.

    [WI] My girlfriend’s landlord just entered her house when he thought nobody was home.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 08:44 AM PDT

    My girlfriends landlord entered her house after he talked to her as she was going to work. He believed nobody to. Be home, but I was here laying in bed. I woke up to him coming into the apartment to use the bathroom and then leaving. When I said something as he was leaving he ignored me. I text my girlfriend about it to see if she had given him permission to enter and she said no. He did have permission to enter the building at 11 am to show her apartment, but this was at 9:30 am and he had no tenant to sho the apartment to. He just came in, used the bathroom and left. He didn't even finish flushing the toilet.

    When I confronted him he became aggressive with me, made threatening gestures toward me and started trying to accuse me of wrongfully occupying the building, which is not the case. He then left the property and came back 20 minutes later and started banging on the door and threatening me and accusing me of wrongfully occupying the space again. And when I explained to him that I had every right to be there because I had permission from the tenant to be there, he said "okay, I'll let you go this time."

    My girlfriend feels uncomfortable here because he just entered the unit without her permission. How can we make sure he doesn't do this again?

    Also, the dude didn't even finish flushing the toilet and left a turd in it.

    Edit 1: the landlord is the property owner.

    submitted by /u/dwayne_jetski69
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    Can I get in trouble for receiving pics I never asked for?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 05:38 AM PDT

    I live in Arizona. I'm a 21 year old male. I started talking to a girl I met on tinder who is 15. Her profile said 18 but the truth came out pretty quickly. We continued to talk and have a lot in common. I woke up to 7 different nude pictures from her which I did not ask for 3 days ago. She had gotten drunk at a 4th of July party with her family and send the pics around 1am on July 5th. I quickly deleted them. I get a message today saying her parents found out about the pics and she told them about me. Her dad has called the cops according to her. I haven't been contacted yet. Do I need a lawyer or can the detectives go through my phone and see I didn't ask for the pics and I even told her she can't send more or I can get in trouble. It's all still in my messages. The pics are all deleted too. I can't afford a lawyer. Can this ruin my life? Is it still illegal to receive pics if I didn't ask?

    submitted by /u/Throwawayreddit42012
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    My job at a japanese fast food shop, has a tip jar, but us employees are not allowed to recieve any tips and its for the owners. I read a similar post and was wondering if I should be concerned.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 07:42 AM PDT

    I live in GA so I'm not sure if there are laws that allow this. There have been a couple of times where people ask us if the tips are for us and I quietly say they're not because honestly they're not. I have had a few people slip me a dollar or two but I felt wary about taking it.

    Edit: I get paid $8.30 so above minimum wage

    Our hours are all written on a notebook and the math is calculated that way. I don't know if a paystub is given to me physically but I don't see how much taxes is taken off from my check. I just use a calculator tax deductor to estimate how much might be taken off

    Also I forgot to note, our hours are schedules on a piece of paper that's posted and we don't log into the cash register. They're all logged in randomly under two coworker names. We have 6 cashiers in total but we just go in with the registers already logged in. I'm not sure if that makes sense. If you're late you just adjust the paper schedule

    submitted by /u/cmore1061
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    Neighbor claims to own half my lot, not on record anywhere.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 09:16 AM PDT

    I live next to a warehouse building in wisconsin. I own my lot and house. The house is from the 1880s and I've been here since 2012.

    The owner of the building next to me claims to have purchased roughly half of my lot from a previous owner so they could build (the lots are diagonal but the streets aren't, and the building touches the property line). According to a surveyor friend of my ex, there is zero indication on record that this is true,and I even have a current GIS map showing my property is a normal lot.

    I have a warranty deed. He may have some document from a previous owner that was never filed.

    If I don't have that portion of my lot, my lot is non-conforming which means I can't rebuild if something happens (as I understand it) and thus can't really sell it for much.. I'm looking at making 70k beyond what I paid on it when I sell, and if this is true, I won't get anywhere near that. As I understand, I'd just get released from my debt.. that doesn't work for me at all.

    He's now having someone come and mow half my backyard.. the part he thinks he owns.. he had a bunch of my landscaping mowed over, and destroyed my rhubarb and asparagus plants. These things have been there for years, and we had a verbal agreement that I'd mow that entire side, but apparently I didn't do it fast enough for their liking (I've been away for a week and it's been raining like crazy for the last several weeks so it takes a bit longer to get it done, but it's never been more than a few days overdue), and they have gone back on the agreement..

    They also have a rather large building and their gutters drain right into my yard, which I understand is not supposed to be happening,and they are supposed to be tied underground..? My basement leaks, possibly as a result of this water.

    What can I do? I don't want them in my yard and killing my plants, but I don't want to screw myself over, either.. also if anything I wrote here is wrong, please correct me. I'd like to know what I'm dealing with.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    ETA: I'm looking to sell in the near future, so I want to resolve this if possible.. it's rather obvious that someone else is mowing my yard right now so... It would raise questions..

    Edit 2: I haven't spoken with this neighbor in years. We've had our agreement that I'd take care of his portion of lawn against my properly so his landscapers wouldn't need to come onto my land.

    I have rain barrels and some bricks on his land to mitigate some of the water damage, and he approved those years ago. I'm happy to rip these out if he ties the drainage into an underground thing and runs it to the road, but not before. This is why he approved it

    He has not paid tax on my portion, there is no evidence of anything he claims being true afaik (other than that he built the building where he did, but that means nothing). He has not been maintaining that portion. This is a new development which means he gave the landscape crew new instructions.

    submitted by /u/_Sneaky_Kitty_
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    A non-US citizen minor (15) reached out to me for help - she is being forced into a marriage by her father overseas. I don’t know what to do.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 09:09 AM PDT

    I'm completely at a loss at what to do here. I don't even know where to start and hopefully you guys can direct us to something.

    I am a counsellor at a summer program for international high school students here in the US. I am in CO. This student is from Africa.

    To sum it up: the student (let's call her A) is 15 and is being forced to marry at 53 year old man back in her home country. It seems that it is her father who is forcing her and the rest of her family (mom and sister) are all terrified of him and there is a lot of abuse. Her school has helped sponsor her to a summer camp here in the US in hopes of delaying this marriage and finding help/seek asylum.

    My superiors seem uninterested in helping her, and she is now reaching out to us. I am also not a citizen here and do not know much about what I can legally do to help her.

    If anyone knows of any resources/people I can contact on her behalf, or anything I can do to help her with this situation please let me know. We are desperate and I really want to help A.

    Thank you.

    Edit: The program she is in is a short term program an her family is forcing her to get married the day she comes back home. We are looking for resources here to help her either apply for asylum or any resources in her country.

    submitted by /u/boiibatea
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    Florida: Is it legal to pay off other people’s jail fines, even you don’t know them at all?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 06:20 AM PDT

    Recently, the Florida legislature passed a law that in order for convicted felons to be able to register to vote they have to pay off their jail fines. A lot of money is probably going to be spent by legal groups to try and fight this decision. Theoretically speaking, could they just spend that money paying off people's jail fines instead?

    submitted by /u/Spiritslayer
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    When is property abandoned? (Maryland)

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 07:54 AM PDT

    My parents let a relative stay with us for a period of time over 25 years ago. They stored some property in my parents' garage. The relative never retrieved the property and my parents have been storing it rent-free for this entire time. They are now getting ready to sell their house and are wondering about this property. Legally, after this amount of time, would this be considered abandoned property and are my parents allowed to sell it? They don't have much of a relationship with this relative and this relative is not reliable as far as coming to get it, in addition to likely not having the means to move it or store it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/jbv510
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    (MO) Landlord sending his family members by property to “check on things”

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 08:46 AM PDT

    I am currently living in my ex-boyfriend's house. We have a signed lease agreement. He does not reside here currently as he is out of the country for work. He recently evicted me via a text message and a form eviction letter he found online. I am aware that in the state of MO a landlord must have a court order eviction for the eviction to be legal. He has not done this. He has chosen to evict me based on an alleged breach of contract in the form of lack of maintenance (the floors were not swept and mopped to his liking, if anyone cares to know. There were no actual damages, just dog hair and dust from normal daily use.)

    He has since informed me, again via text, that his parents and sister have keys to the house and "will be checking on the house regularly" I assume to ensure that I am not damaging property or stealing things. My question is what are my legal rights as a tenant to maintain privacy in a property that I am renting? Do they need to have a legal, business oriented reason to be in the house? Between the threat of random drop ins by people with keys to my (rental) home and the security cameras posted up everywhere, I feel completely violated and creeped out.

    submitted by /u/FRANKandSAM
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    (Canada): My vehicle may have just been wrongfully impounded

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 04:44 AM PDT

    I previously had a court day last month where if convicted you can get suspended for a month, but we won in court and all charges were dropped.

    Tonight an undercover cop pulled me over IN MY GFs DRIVEWAY when I came for driving while suspended, and told me they would tow my vehicle out of the driveway. When I checked my driver abstract immediately with the Ministry, it also says I was suspended for that ticket last month. When I checked with court, it says I won the case and was not guilty of ANY CHARGES OR FINES. Did something in the ministry go wrong?

    I'm not supposed to have any suspension, and I haven't had any run ins with cops EVER, apart from the ticket I beat in court. They also falsified so many statements saying that my drivers license has 6 demerit points, but when I bought my abstract from the ministry, I had ZERO demerits. I am not even scared, just very mad and confused as a 23 year old. They also have no proof I was even driving because they said they were following me, and by the time they pulled in front of our driveway, my girlfriend and I were about to enter her house. Worst part is that they said they were following my car because I was making a lot of noise, but it was actually my friend right ahead of me who owns the same car as me but straight piped while my car has a stock exhaust. They didn't even acknowledge his car because it looks stock (long tube headers, test pipe, straight pipe exhaust) while mine looks """modified""" (widebody, nice wheel, chassis mount wing) what a clownshow.

    My vehicle was taken and impounded for 7 days, license seized, and I'm in Toronto, where I don't even live. I'm hiring a lawyer into looking into what happened and if it comes out fine and that the Ministry made an error, can I foot the bill for impound fees and reinstating my license to the ministry?

    submitted by /u/Wiggly_Muffin
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    [New York State] So about a year ago my grandmother passed away and I have reason to believe my uncle who's been named executor of the estate is attempting to make off with the inheritance.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 08:54 AM PDT

    So like when the actual death occurred we (My siblings and I) were told to expect distribution of the inheritance around spring of this year as we're all written into the will. Now spring has come and gone, and my brother attempted to call the relevant lawyer involved in handling the estate. The lawyer did not call him back and instead called my uncle who told us that the lawyer wasn't allowed to speak to anybody other than the executor which seems pretty shady. He also told us that they are missing taxes filed for 2018 and the release could not be made until that has been handled.

    Among other things he also managed to convince my other two siblings to waive their right to contest the will and I was never contacted about any of this matter. The entirety of my knowledge on the matter is second hand from my brother. A final issue I thought was very shady is that the original will had him inheriting 25% and likewise myself and three siblings would inherit the remaining 75%. However apparently a week before the will was revised to now read 50% to my uncle and the remaining 50% is split between myself and 3 of my siblings.

    So my question is how would I go about finding out the truth of the matter? Also is anything he said wrong or an outright lie?

    submitted by /u/Ruritwo
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    Minnesota: New apartment landlords asks us to pay rent online, but now charges a convenience fee for it.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 01:05 AM PDT


    The alternative way to pay is via money order, but apparently there is still a convenience fee of sorts with this.

    They do not accept personal checks anymore, which is what we used to to.

    submitted by /u/NothingxGood
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    [Mississippi] My wife's mom left her a CD with a good amount of money in it when she passed 20 years ago. Now her family is trying to add themselves onto the account.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 01:01 PM PDT

    The way the account is set up, no one but my wife is supposed to be able to access it. Her dad had to go before a judge to access it to buy her a car.

    Her family, mostly her dad's side, really wants her to stay in our hometown. We both want to leave Mississippi. Her dad has spent the last few years lying about how much money was left in the account and not telling her anything else about it. When she turned 21 and was supposed to be able access the account, her dad didn't tell her about it and re-activated the CD for the next year so she couldn't.

    Fast forward to now, she still hasn't gotten into it (mostly out of fear of her family.) We are planning on getting it later this month when it becomes available without a fee. We want to bring it into our personal shared savings account. We've decided to use it to pay off some debts and a down payment on a house far away. Her dad has recently been talking about adding his and her older brothers name on the account.

    If they do add their names onto the CD, would they be able to get the money out and strand us in this town?

    Personally, I am suspicious about the timing of all this. Her dad didn't start talking about adding names on it until after we starting talking about moving away. My wife is freaking out, she's never been able to stand up to them and I'm worried she's gonna give in and we'll be stuck.

    submitted by /u/baritoneninja
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    How to give up guardianship of a grandchild? NC

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    Posted in legaladviceofftopic, was directed here.

    My parents have custody guardianship of my brother's kid. He's 11 and autistic. He is also extremely violent. Both of my parents are in their late 60s, disabled and my mom only has one arm that works. My nephew is huge, roughly 140lbs and quite tall. He knows how to throw his own weight into a punch, and has been known to chase people with knives. My brother is in prison, and the mom is not allowed to have custody of any of her kids. There are no other family members that are able to (or want to) take him. Is there anything my parents can do to get him out of the house? I know this sounds super harsh but it's gotten to the point where they had to buy child locks for the stove and lock all the kitchen knives in a safe because he's just so dangerous. My mother called social services and asked if she could give up her rights, and they told her she would be charged for child abandonment. They have not adopted the nephew, they only have guardianship. It was all supposed to be temporary, long story short my brother went to prison (served roughly 4-5 years) right after he was born, got out and was supposed to work on getting his kid back, and ended up back in prison a year later (this was in 2013). They have nephew in therapy, people come out to their house 3x a week for counseling, and then once a week they go to a kids OT place. Their entire lives revolve around this kid and keeping him busy enough that he doesn't flip out on them, and they just cant do it anymore. My dad has a rare disease that affects his muscles and nerves and almost died in 2017, neither of them are able to care for this kid. Group homes/wilderness camps in our surrounding states (that we have checked on) all have an age limit of 13 or above. Is there anything they can do?

    Edit: added a few small details, changed some words for clarity. Also, the counselors have witnessed his behavior and claim there is nothing they can do. He has also attacked 2 teachers and several children at his school. A police report was filed, but when it went to court all they made him do was sign a contract saying he wouldn't do it again. He has since attacked other people, parents were told nothing can be done.

    submitted by /u/Amipickles
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    I made a stupid decision and I need help

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    So, on the 2nd I rented in Alabama a car for my nephew (19) and his mentor (27). I did this because they told me a very convincing story about job interviews they had. The 27 year old told me his wallet was recently stolen at a bar and that's why he didn't have his credit cards also he had just gotten a divorce and that's why he had no car. (Please be gentle with me I understand now that these are all red flags and I'm an idiot).

    I made the 27 year old an authorized driver on the vehicle, explained how serious it would screw me over if they wrecked the car or had the wrong person driving it, and sent them off thinking I was doing them a really nice favor that could be helpful to fix their lives. (My nephew lost his mom in 2014, got someone knocked up, had depression and was hospitalized for an attempt, and other things so I feel like I need to help him a lot. Not anymore, though).

    Then I get a call from a Florida jail on the night of July 5. My 19 year old nephew took the car (UNAUTHORIZED) and drove it drunk with a suspended license and wrecked it. So he has a DUI and the car is impounded somewhere in Florida and I can't find out where because FL HWY patrol isn't open until Monday.

    My nephew is fighting with me about it and threatening to not help me pay. I assume the contract with Avis is null and void and I will be paying out of pocket for these damages. Do I have any way to take legal action against my nephew? Do I have any rights? Or am I fucked? The Avis contract is only in my name. Not my husband's. Does that make a difference? I am so scared.

    submitted by /u/CountBakeula
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    [WV] Alcoholic husband kicked out his wife and 5 year old daughter. Custody/Decision making questions.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 09:35 AM PDT

    I'm going to try to explain everything clearly, please understand I am extremely frustrated right now. About a week ago, my brother in law kicked out my sister and niece. They are now staying with us. My sister is filing for divorce tomorrow which is the right move. However, this is already a nightmare as he is trying his best to make their lives a living hell. Constant calling, trying to prevent his daughter from going anywhere. We're taking my niece on a vacation, which her mother approved. He is already trying to prevent that from happening claiming he will call the cops and report a kidnapping (he stated that in a text).

    I don't want him around my niece. He is an alcoholic on meds. He doesn't work. He passes out on alcohol and meds while he is supposed to be watching her. My sister was the only one making any money and supporting the household before he kicked them out. He is claiming she will have to pay him alimony because he is on disability.

    I know this post was rushed, but we just don't know what to do right now. I am pushing my sister to go for supervised visits only and I think I'm finally making some headway. He has mentally abused her to no end. Ultimately I just want my niece taken care of and this mentally ill person to be reined in somehow.

    What is our best course of action to proceed? Hiring a divorce attorney is not likely as she does not have the funds to do so. What are the legal ramifications of the husband passing out on alcohol/meds while being responsible for a 5 year old?

    Regarding the vacation we are taking. Does he have any legal say in his daughter going on this trip even with the mother's permission?

    submitted by /u/_TGK
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    I have a jury duty summons for tomorrow and I never heard back from anyone about my request for postponement

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 08:50 AM PDT

    Hamilton County, Cincinnati

    So I received a summons on the 17th of June and immediately sent it back requesting my service be postponed for later this year. I have no intention of completely avoiding serving, but I am already missing 2 weeks of work starting on the 21st to attend a family wedding in Tel Aviv (non refundable tickets). It's also crazy busy season at work (vet assistant at non-profit animal shelter) so missing 2 weeks is already going to be hard enough for the people covering for my abscence, so missing an entire month would not be good. The original summons said that I should receive another letter indicating either approval or denial of my postponement request within 10 days. That never happened, so I started calling all the numbers listed on the website trying to get ahold of someone to see if my request was approved or denied, but I always got voicemail and never received a call back.

    This is my first ever jury summons, and I already have pretty intense anxiety about... most things, so this is driving me nuts. I called all of the numbers on Friday and still got nothing. I don't really want to miss work, go downtown, and have a panic attack just to find out when I get there that I was approved, but I also really don't want a bench warrant. Not really sure what to do, kinda just in full on anxiety mode now so any advice would be appreciated.

    TLDR: I returned a jury summons requesting my service be postponed and never heard back on if it was approved, or got a hold of anyone, and my service starts tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/AngryMeatBagel
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    (Australia): Cousin ran away from home, what steps do I take to find her?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 08:16 AM PDT

    As per title, my cousin ran away from home some time ago and I wasn't really informed about anything about the scenario until recently when my parents dropped the bomb on me about her running away from her family. Until then I was told she left for work.

    From what I know she had ran because of her mum not accepting a man she wanted to marry, and after a big fallout left and it's been years since anyone has heard from her. She is very close to me and practically raised me, I'm 18 now and I feel I should be able to do something to find her and reconnect. But finding a person who ran away, is that illegal?

    What are my options here to find her, I dont know where to begin or who to talk to so if anyone would be able to help I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm located in NSW Australia so maybe theres a different system in place here I'm not too sure.

    submitted by /u/exotiik
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    Neighbor shot a gun through our window almost hitting my kids

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 06:33 PM PDT

    [OH,USA] - A few nights ago, a bullet came through our house, shattering our window. Pieces of glass shards were everywhere and my youngest has scratch marks on his face and legs. The bullet landed on the ground and appears to hit the back of our couch. All of my kids and I were sitting in the room with the window and we are so thankful no one was severely hurt.

    We live in a safe development, with a field in our backyard. On the other side of the field is a township, where we were told by the police is a "township problem" and they can't do anything about it. The police knew exactly who shot the gun, and the retrieved the gun and told us it was a 22 caliber. The man who owns the gun often shoots in his backyard into a dirt mound where it's completely legal. We aren't convinced that the bullet traveled the distance required to hit our window (about .4 miles), or that the man who owns the gun actually shot it. It was the 4th of July, so we assume alcohol was involved but we can't prove it at this point.

    The police are charging him with negligent assault but we don't think that's enough for our piece of mind. What are the next steps so that I can feel safe in my home again?

    submitted by /u/redanon_123
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    Boss taking money out of paycheck for not working the next day

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    This valet company I use to work at has a reputation for treating its employees horribly. But I decided to sign up to work for the saturday and sunday. Worked from 4:30am to 5:30pm, with no given lunch break. He barely had enough water to give to al 25 employee working that day in the 90 degree weather. Half of us were dehydrated because he didn't give us water and weren't allowed to leave for food. My friend and I decided to not work for sunday because of the conditions. We told him beforehand but he insisted that we have to work. He told me that he lost money because of the two of us not working. Half the employees called off next day as well.

    He called and told me that I wasn't allowed to do that and I must work the day I signed up for. So he will be taking money out of my saturday work hours to compensate for the sunday that I did not attend. Is he legally allowed to take out of my paycheck from the saturday because of not working sunday?

    submitted by /u/NewbieCasanova
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    Resigning during Probation

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 09:46 AM PDT

    I got my first job and the contract states that I'm on a probation for 6 months. After 3 months of work, I just don't feel the job anymore because of the toxic workplace. I just want to ask if I will get my salary even though I will resign? Thank you so much.

    submitted by /u/unicorngamer24
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    [WI] Workers comp and returning to work

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 07:24 AM PDT

    Hi, I had an injury where I fell and hit my head on the sidewalk ledge and then twice more on the concrete when I completed my fall. This injury occurred in Wisconsin. The fall happened at my place of employment and was due to a drainage gutter located in the sidewalk ledge due to black ice forming from the gutters draining into parking lot during winter. No witnesses were present at time of fall, but the fall was captured on security cameras of the business. The on-duty manager was notified at the time of accident that I had fallen outside.

    I was feeling fine at this moment and I continued to work as everyone thought nothing of it. I then started to feel nauseous and had a headache. The manager told me to take some pain medicine and I should be fine the next day. Taking the advice, I drove home that night and symptoms started to worsen. Feeling unwell I came to work the next day to speak with owners, I told them I thought it was more and I needed to see someone. They advised me to try a chiropractor so I did and this didn't help. I couldn't get into a doctor right away so I had to wait a couple days before seeing someone. I saw numerous doctors with short time frames off and then was sent back to work and at this time was treated differently than before after only being gone about a month with doctor's orders.

    I had returned to work for 2-3 days before I couldn't do it anymore. I went back to the doctor where they took me off work for a longer time frame. Every doctor I had previously seen was no longer the best doctor for me or I was unable to be seen by them any longer. A couple months passed seeing general family medicine doctors or employee wellness doctors until I was than referred to neurology about two months after the injury occurrence date. I am still seeing the neurologist who has now released me to return to work with some restrictions. I have been doing therapy for about 2 months, ranging in 3 different types of therapy to help with the pain and suffering I have endured from this injury. Now after completing some therapy I am feeling better and asked to give returning to work a try as it has been ~6-7 months from the injury and ~5-6 months since the last day of work.

    I asked the owners of company who also are the HR people for the business to have a meeting with me in regards to my return and restrictions. The meeting started off well as we discussed these things but then slowly became uncomfortable. The owners of the company came out and said "there is a lot of hard feelings with this injury. You left everyone feeling lost and caused us all a lot of stress by us holding in a position we weren't sure you could come back too. Everyone has a lot of negative feelings about this injury and feels as though this could have been faked and we weren't sure if we could trust you. We felt as though you could have been playing the system as nothing was progressing and we weren't getting any answers." They talked about how they then got an attorney involved to get some answers to try to push things along. Being as this is a head injury and all the different the doctor had no answers and only time will tell. Owners made it well known to me that they could have terminated me at any time. They also expressed feelings that it took too long to heal and I should have tried harder to get more answers and that they lost faith in me because I didn't show them, I wanted to be there. All because I didn't tell my doctor to send me in for a couple hours a week. The only reason I would leave the house was to go to the doctor/therapist. They made it very well know how all my coworkers and bosses have a negative opinion of me and think I was faking the entire brain injury. They told me that upon my return to work my attitude will determine how my comeback goes and how the only thing that restored their faith in me was me asking to hold a meeting to discuss.

    If the work environment becomes toxic due to the owners words, what do I have to do to protect myself?

    submitted by /u/lostcause4242
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    Divorced a few years ago- how long do I need to hang on to things?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    I got divorced back in 2016. Our property settlement doesn't set dates to have things removed. I realize now I should have done this, but didn't think things through. She has claim on a few items that are still in my house. Does she have to have them out by a certain date or do I have to hold on to them indefinitely until she claims them? I live in Connecticut if that helps.

    submitted by /u/legalquestion8675309
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    Younger brother gave away his SSN and bank info.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    My younger brother who's 16 did something really stupid, he gave a friend of a friend (20M) the last 4 digits of his social security number, his debit card, bank account info and address. The reason is because his friend (17M) told him he'll introduce him to someone who could give them free money. I found about this yesterday when my mother got a call from the bank and they mentioned something along the lines of, unauthorized transactions, in debt for a grand and bank account cancellation. When you check online there's pending transactions for gambling/betting. I'm the oldest sibling(19M) and I want to help out and make sure this mistake doesn't destroy my brother's life, any advice?

    Edit: Location is United States Florida

    submitted by /u/France_ley
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