• Breaking News

    Saturday, July 6, 2019

    Legal Advice Tennessee: stolen iPhone tracked to house, police say they can’t get a warrant

    Legal Advice Tennessee: stolen iPhone tracked to house, police say they can’t get a warrant

    Tennessee: stolen iPhone tracked to house, police say they can’t get a warrant

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 03:17 AM PDT

    Friend had her purse stolen with car keys, wallet, phone etc inside and I'm trying to help her recover it. We traced it to a government housing apartment after being told by the police the location wouldn't be accurate enough to give us more than a neighborhood. Once the police came back we spotted the purse (empty) next to a dumpster and all of the less valuable items (chapstick, makeup, phone case) on the patio in front of an apartment. A neighbor even said the resident there had offered to sell her stolen phones before but the police said they wouldn't be able to obtain a warrant to search the home. Is there really nothing else we can do from here? Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/pnwjnr
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    I think my neighbor may have been murdered (suburbia), what should I do?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 05:41 AM PDT

    My next door neighbor is an older eccentric woman with money, but she is alone and has "boarders" that live with her. They're all middle aged dudes, and rough looking types. The types that are middle aged and rent a single room because they aren't independently successful enough to even have an apartment...

    Anyway, I'm not judging... but I haven't seen her in a couple months now. And I've gone over and knocked, knowing people are home, cars (all beat up hoop-d's) out front, lights on. I hear rustling, but no one comes to the door... ever. The dudes only come and go at night. There are at least three, but I think four.

    These dude are shady. But our neighborhood is kind of quiet, people mind their business.

    There's one especially big, rough looking dude. I've only seen him twice in the last couple months, he's the newest one. He'll occasionally come out wearing just a bathrobe, go to his car and run back in. He's at least my size, but looks like a convict.

    I recently caught the youngest boarder out front, he looked very disheveled. I asked him if homeowner is around, because I haven't seen her. He stated, "Yes, she's sleeping now, we're all praying for her, you know how the summer gets people down."

    I used to see this woman daily, she would come to our house, talk to my wife... it's been a few months now.

    I think some real dark shit may have gone down. Should I do some investigating?

    EDIT: I live in North Texas, relatively nice neighborhood ($400-700K), but still a totally accessible neighborhood for this area. I should clarify, when I talked to the younger fellow, he seemed very uncomfortable, was definitely tap dancing around my questions, which is likely why he made the ridiculous comment about the summer getting people down. I am certain she is not home, like 100%, and hasn't been for some time. The question is, what happened to her... these people do not own the house, and they're lying about her whereabouts.

    I'll call for a wellness check I think... they'll know it would be me though, which is troublesome, I have children at home.

    submitted by /u/-Chingachgook
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    2 yr old neighbors kid trapped in my vehicle on a hot day

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    So the other day I was working in the backyard on a fairly warm 88 degree & sunny day. Around 7p I start to hear my direct next-door neighbor (who I'm not even on a first name basis with) yelling out someone's name. Over the next few minutes he starts yelling more frequently & louder and I can tell he's moving all over his property yelling this name. At one point I noticed he's in his backyard and going out into the alley still yelling, still searching.

    After another minute or two goes by I start to become concerned that this may be a child of his that he can't find. So I stop what I'm doing and move towards my garage and I suddenly see a small boys face staring back at me from inside my vehicle. The small boy probably around two is drenched in sweat and has the reddest cheeks. He's still conscious and talking but he looks like he was getting severely overheated.

    I get the kid out of the car safely and call to his father who comes immediately to take him. I proceed to lock my car doors and the father thanks me and tells me he has a real interest in cars. This got me thinking after talking about it with my girlfriend but - what if this child had remained trapped and died? The guilt alone would be terrible but would I have been held legally responsible in some way for this poor child's death?

    This neighbor and his kids are very bad about staying in their yard or on their property. We've found them running into our garage and picking up toys, walking onto our back deck.... just generally unsupervised to the point that the dad doesn't have a bead on where his kids are. I'm concerned an injury could happen and I don't want that guilt or that child hurt! Should I contact a CPS entity to report this behavior?

    tl;dr next-door neighbors kid climbed into my car and was stuck inside for about 10minutes in the heat. His three kids have all ventured unsupervised onto our property and I'm concerned they are not being properly supervised and are endangering themselves. Do I phone the police/CPS?

    submitted by /u/Mikiesox
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    Virginia: friend knowingly spreads herpes virus and thinks it’s funny.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 11:01 AM PDT

    I know someone who has had herpes virus since 2017. She doesn't wear condoms most of the time she has sex, which is often, and with many partners. She jokingly has told our friend group how the guys she's hooked up with should probably get checked. I don't know if this is illegal in Virginia but it's really fucked up and I feel guilty just knowing she does this. We've told her she's fucked up and she brushes it off. Is there anything my friend group or me can do? We've tried talking to her about it.

    submitted by /u/oddaud1017
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    How to claim inheritance when you can't talk to the executor of estate? (NJ)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 08:08 AM PDT

    My grandfather passed in 2018. I know that he left me a trust when he died but I don't know any of the information for the trust. Unfortunately, my parents are attempting to cut me out of the process so that they can put the earning of the trust in their bank account that's for "me" and keep the money. The executor of the estate is my father so that route to get the information is closed. How can I get the information for my Grandfather's lawyer/the bank that holds the trust/ the will?

    He was a resident of New Jersey and I tried to look the records up on the state website but I wasn't able to find anything.

    submitted by /u/aminorchords
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    [CA] Boss posted job listings with very misleading salaries and relies on majority unpaid interns, is this legal?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 10:40 AM PDT

    I apologize in advance as this is a lengthy post as I believe there are multiple legal issues at hand.

    I am working for an entrepreneur who has multiple for-profit businesses running all at once. To my knowledge, The majority of his workforce are unpaid interns. There are some "paid" interns, but their pay is comission-only based on how much revenue they bring to the company, and no one has been able to Monetize their tasks yet; therefore, no one has been paid (it's been 3+ months). Everyone on-boarded had signed a NDA and a 1-year agreement contract.

    I am an unpaid business manager intern, helping in the hiring process. I review resumes, set up interview times, interview applicants etc. This internship is digital/remote, and I naïevely accepted it since I was rejected by every other company and I have no car.

    I admit I was really gullible and I should have realized these things sooner that i am about to discuss below.

    My boss started using a new website for hiring, and after reading the job listings he wrote, he put a big (i.e. $100k+, $30-40k) salary that I believe is very misleading for a couple reasons. 1) None of his businesses have made any revenue and 2) NO ONE in the company has been paid and it's been months. In the other websites he has used for job postings, he did not post these salary prices, and the listings clearly state that pay is based on commission only.

    Luckily, pretty much every applicant applying through this new website saw straight through this bullsh*t during the interview process and refused to sign the contract.

    When confronted about it, my boss believes it is okay because he thinks he will be very profitable by the end of the year (which I highly disagree with by the way he runs things) and that they can reach those salary numbers if they are truly motivated since it is comission based.

    So my first question is: is it legal to advertise a big salary when there is no concrete evidence to support it as no one in the company has even been paid?

    Next topic of concern is the legality of an unpaid intern workforce. I did some research and found that the Department of Labor has certain requirements. Although My boss has 1 non-profit 501(c)3, he also has for-profits, which is what all the interns are working for. The company name is very misleading as it suggests we are a non-profit when we really are not. To my knowledge, there are also no real salaried employees, and he is relying on unpaid interns/"paid" interns (once again, comission only pay, and no one has been paid yet) to do everything for him. He has also promised me multiple times that if I reach a certain goal, I will get paid even though I had signed an agreement for an unpaid internship. He also said he would buy a me company computer If the company makes a lot of money. I have yet to address this issue of unpaid interns to my boss as I am worried of his response.

    Now you might be thinking, why am I still working for this person? I really don't feel comfortable after making these relevations. I am actively looking for new internships, and luckily have been accepted to interview for very well-known companies. However, I am worried that if these companies were to contact my current boss for a reference, he could potentially say something negative about me if I were to report/confront him about his shady practices, affecting my chances. I am the only other person in the company who has access/knowledge of his hiring practices. I need this other internship in order to graduate as the one I am currently working at does not meet my school's requirements.

    I really don't know what to do at this point. Ever since I have discovered all this, I have not hired anyone new to the company as it feels wrong.

    So to sum it up:

    Is it legal to post very misleading salaries on job listings? Is my unpaid internship even legal? Can I leave it even though I signed a 1-year contract? What happens if my current boss gives me a bad reference to my future employers?

    EDIT: I wanted to clarify that the company is based in California, but I am working from Texas.

    submitted by /u/_someoneyeah_
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    The renters next door need to go!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 02:19 AM PDT

    Do I have to file a lawsuit against the nice owners of the house next door? See story below:

    In May 2017, a large family moved in to the rental house next door. They weren't the first tenants--the ones before them were magical and lovely. It's crucial to note that the neighbor's carport is about 10 feet from my master bedroom window.

    This large family basically held a 24/7/365 party under the carport and out in their front yard from the weekend they moved in until I was finally able to locate the owners of the house and email them. This was maybe March of this year. I gave the owner the many police reports I have called in since 2017. The owner said they would talk to the tenants. Since then, the neighbors have been been quiet at night.

    Now, they have been having their parties during the day, from about noon until 10 pm. I work from home right now, and they are ridiculously loud. Basically everything they say and do comes right in my window. They smoke pot (it's legal), they play LOUD music on the carport, they have karaoke contests, they barbecue and grill (and it goes right in my bedroom window). It is largely impossible to use my bedroom or the back half of the house (and parts of the front of the house) when they are outside. And they are ALWAYS OUTSIDE.

    Most recently, they had a party on July 3, but managed to mostly pack it up by 10. There were a couple of outbursts but nothing super offensive. Then at 3 am on July 4, someone comes from the back of house, walks up the side of the house, dumps a SHITLOAD of glass bottles into the bin, then beats up on the bin and screams curses about some bitch. This probably lasted 2-3 minutes. It woke up everybody in the house, set off the dogs and freaked out the cats. Besides the fact that they are just obnoxious people, I was worried that there might have been a legit DV issue. I called the police. Again. So later that afternoon, I texted the landlord. I told them what happened and to let me know if they needed anything else.

    This is the response I got: "Ok I'm going there to talk to them on Sat. I'm so sorry I can't image what this has been like for your family." Well, talking to them hasn't really worked. I am so sick of not being able to enjoy living in my own house or relaxing in my bedroom. I have to listen to them yell and whoop and just be generally obnoxious ALL DAY EVERY DAY. It has been wearing me down and really I'm asking what I can do to get them gone. Am I going to have to file a private nuisance lawsuit agains the owners?

    ETA: We're in Washington State

    submitted by /u/part_house_part_dog
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    [CT] landlord won’t take rent payment unless I give it to a neighbor who doesn’t provide a receipt. I’m not sure what to do...

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    Sorry if this isn't exactly legal advice but I didn't know where else to turn.

    Before I moved in, I was told I can get money orders or cash directly to my landlord(s) (it's a couple who owns the property) and that's what I prefer. I always prefer receipts to rent payment especially after my bad experience with landlords.

    Now I get a text from my landlord saying to not use money orders or cash anymore but to give to to my neighbor, the "super" and he will go from there.

    This is really inconvenient for me because I work early mornings and go straight to my second job after my morning job. I work next to a post office so it's easy for me to get money orders.

    I shared my concerns and my landlord said that's how he wants it and no receipt is needed.

    I'm not sure what to do? I can't move out right now and tbh I don't feel like this warrants me moving out, but just not sure of my next step. Any help is appreciated. Thank you

    submitted by /u/SEXWORKA
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    7 months ago I posted a video of my cat jumping and falling. I was approached by a media company for them to “buy” the video and pay me if it ever sold. I eventually declined because the contract excluded social media profits. I just found out they posted the video anyway. What can I do?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:29 PM PDT

    This media company has millions of followers on Facebook and Instagram (probably other places) and they post new trending videos.

    I posted a video to Reddit of my cat trying to jump and he hit his head and fell (he's perfectly fine). The video got almost 30k upvotes, which I thought was cool. A few companies contacted me and I exchanged a few emails with this specific company who is located in the UK, I'm in the US. After reading their contract I decided to decline their offer of using my video (I only uploaded it to Reddit). The contract basically stated I'd receive 30% of whatever money they make off the video, but it excluded all social media (that's the only place they'd post it). I realized I wouldn't make anything off of it and didn't want to lose my rights to my video, that I took, of my cat.

    7 months later I was searching my username to see what came up, and I happened to see my video, but with captions! I never posted anything like that, so I realized it was posted by that company! They mentioned my username, but didn't say where it came from, and never tagged me or contacted me about it. I didn't know it was posted and now 7 months later I realized I've been duped by this company.

    Is there anything legal I can do about it? They stole my video and probably made some money off of it.

    I found the original post they made on their Instagram, and I'm trying to find it on their Facebook page (which has 45million followers). I'm not familiar with UK copyright laws, but I'm sure they're at fault for posting a video without the owners consent.

    Any advice or information will help.

    Edit: I edited the amount of views my video got, I originally thought it was another number.

    EDIT2: I forgot to mention they added their own logo in the video as if they owned it.

    submitted by /u/rivigurl
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    Landlord withholding $1000 for made-up "lease modification" fee [WA]

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    Greetings, r/legaladvice! I've admired this sub for a long time, and now the day has come that I need to ask this community for input.

    Backstory: My girlfriend and I bought a house in December and needed to leave our apartment by the end of February (3 months before the end of our lease). We informed our landlord right away and he told us we could sublease the apartment for the remainder of the contract, or that he'd be willing to start a fresh lease with new tenants and terminate our lease early. We had been nervous about moving out ahead of the lease's end, so we were relieved to hear he was willing to work with us.

    We posted an ad and found great prospective tenants to start a new lease with him. Our landlord dropped off applications for them, which they promptly filled and submitted. Then, several weeks went by without a word from the landlord on whether they were approved or declined, despite repeated inquiries by us and the applicants. Around this time we randomly ran into our landlord. He was congratulatory about the new house and assured us that "the ball was rolling" on the applications and that he didn't "see any reason they wouldn't be suitable tenants." We said goodbye, felt some relief, then...didn't hear from him. As move out/in day approached, we were getting anxious as we still did not have an answer from the landlord. With no new lease signed, we reverted to the sublease option and, thankfully, the tenants agreed to sublet from us. At this point, we were feeling annoyed that the landlord had gone MIA, but glad we were able to find tenants to cover the cost of rent for the remainder of the lease.

    With only 2 weeks to go before the subletters were planned to move in, all of the sudden, the landlord pipes up out of nowhere, declaring that our options now are to a) pay for the remainder of time on the lease (3 months = $6000) or pay $1000 for a "lease modification". In his email there was no mention of the original options (i.e subleasing or starting the fresh lease with new tenants). I replied, confused, as this is the first time we'd heard anything about a "lease modification" fee in the ~12 weeks we'd been corresponding with him about this transition. Not surprisingly, he does not respond to my subsequent emails, texts, calls nor my requests to meet and speak in person. In the absence of any clarification from the landlord, we go forward with our subletting plan, the tenants move in and pay us rent monthly for last 3 months of the contract, which we, in turn, pay to the landlord. After the 3 months, the new tenants actually did manage to sign a new lease with the landlord and stay on in the apartment. Despite the bizarre message and absenteeism by the landlord, everything appeared to have turned out great. Everybody wins, right?

    Wrong. Fast-forward to today when we received our deposit back. We were docked $1250, 1k of which was for "lease modification." In a hand-scrawled explanation landlord states that we allowed "unknown persons" into the apartment and failed to return keys to him (keys went directly to subletters/now-lessees). He even withheld additional funds for a carpet cleaning that did not take place and for the cost of a 70s-era microwave that we had him remove from the apartment before we even moved in. We somewhat expected him to try to dock us for a couple weird things like those, but the reemergence of this "lease modification" notion came as a shock.

    My questions:

    1. Is there any validity to this lease modification fee? Does having subletters (with permission) even constitute a change to the lease? It should be noted there was no mention of this fee in our original lease or during the first 12 weeks of correspondence about this transition.
    2. Do we have grounds to sue in small claims court for remainder of deposit? Is this the proper course of action? What should we do?

    (edit: formatting, corrections, clarifying language)

    submitted by /u/perplexed_renter
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    Got solicitation for legal services. Found out there’s a warrant for my arrest. Don’t know what’s going on. Help.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 09:25 PM PDT

    So I'm typing this in a nervous hurry before I try to sleep. I haven't really frequented this thread and might not know the proper etiquette, so bear with me. This takes place in the USA.

    I went out for a walk and to bring back the mail, and found four letters from legal representatives. Coming back home and opening them I found that they were all solicitations for my services. Normally I would have brushed this off, but they all had the same case number written on them. None of these were from the county or a governing entity.

    A friend helped me out in finding the correct database with the information on it. There was a new case complaint/petition filed against me, a notice for appearance (or something to do with appearance, the database only says appearance), and a warrant for my arrest, all on the same date (July 2nd).

    Apparently the agency bringing the case is a local (but not my city) police department. I don't know if this means that they're saying I assaulted an officer, or if the police department is just involved with the case. I have mental health issues (including autism) and have been combative with police officers in the past when they tried to take me inpatient. Usually I'm restrained, sedated, and sent for a week-long stay at whatever mental health facility they so chose.

    I never received any documentation until the solicitations— I have two folders full of "important documents" and there's nothing in there, though I know that doesn't prove that I didn't receive them.

    I'm scared. I lost my job. I don't have any money. My only family is across the country and barely speaking to me. I'm crying because I don't know anyone who can take care of my cat if I get arrested and I'm seriously contemplating ending my life if this goes south.


    Edit: I'm not sure how best to post/update this, but I appreciate everyone's responses. I have a better understanding of how to handle this legally and I have a plan of action for Monday. Hopefully it goes well.

    submitted by /u/call_me_jelli
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    Oklahoma: warrant for arrest I didn’t know about

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 08:34 AM PDT

    Back in January I got pulled over for an expired tag. Next payday I got it updated and gave the money for my ticket to a family member to take in for me as my car isn't super reliable driving that far. I found out last night that the money was never used for the ticket and now have 2 warrants out for my arrest. I paid off the original ticket but also have a ~$350 fee and warrant for failure to appear in court. If I pay it off, does the warrant go away? Is there anything I need to do? I've never had any trouble with the law and am pretty scared.

    submitted by /u/Mpayne216
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    [UPDATE] Coworker is bragging about filing a false bite report to attempt to have their ex’s dog euthanized. Can I help prevent this?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 02:12 PM PDT

    Link to first post

    Glad to say I've got a happy update!

    The coworker was indeed terminated the day her probationary period ended (7/1). I wasn't working that day but apparently she just stormed out wordlessly when told.

    The ex has filed for a temporary restraining order and is working on a permanent one. He's also installed home security cameras and carries a copy of the police report and a one page vet record showing the dog is spayed and vaccinated. The dog has also been to obedience school and they wrote a letter saying she hasn't shown any human or dog aggression.

    Police and animal control are very good around here. They assured us both that euthanasia is an absolute last resort in any case and that they'd require extra proof from this coworker should she report anything. Additionally, with the restraining order, the coworker can't be "bitten" by the dog without violating it. And the department says they don't allow totally anonymous reporting-you can keep your name secret from the dog's owner but not the police/animal control.

    So the dog is safe, coworker let go, and ex is forewarned and forearmed. I'd call it a win!

    Thank you all for your advice and support!

    submitted by /u/Pulmonic
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    I found a half-sibling I didn't know about -- via legal documents pertaining to his abuse

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 10:33 PM PDT

    Throwaway account post... If anyone can offer any preliminary advice on a civil/domestic/family situation that feels unreal... I will try to be as concise as I can to explain what feels very complicated. If my shorter version is too confusing, I will go back and fill it in. But for now:

    I have been "looking for" my estranged father for many, many years. He made no effort to stay in the picture when my mother left him - I was five years old. Today am 41 and he is in his late 60's. My mother immediately took me out of state when they split. He later moved to Washington State where his still lives today. I now reside in the south. My mother has been out of the picture for 15 years.

    Through all of these years, I have been keeping tabs on my estranged dad via the only public records he consistently creates - legal ones. He has a long history of various liens, tax evasions, evictions, etc. I've seen one legal charge related to having some pot on him while driving without insurance, otherwise his legal history is all just some variety of not paying things - avoidance.

    For this and maybe other reasons, he never had a stable address or phone number through the last 20-ish years that I've been tracking him (on my own, couldn't afford a PI most of these years, and he's so elusive, I'm not sure they would do much better than I). It appears he bought some property three years ago; maybe that is why he's producing a lot more documentation now. Believe it or not, I have yet to ever, ever, ever land on a phone number attached to his name that is even actively connected. I now have a physical address for him - which is crazy after all these years (!) but I have never held a phone number or an email address that functioned. So it's not like I can just CALL him. Tho, thb, the idea of cold-calling this guy makes me want to have a heart attack. Anyway.

    I'm here bc the nature of his legal issues has changed. In the past year, in my regular internet surveillance, I uncovered a whole new layer of info about his life. In a series of discoveries that all came close together, I learned that he has several young kids with a woman who has a history of violence, drug addiction and mental illness.

    I've read lengthy and detailed accounts of this woman - all legal documents and transcripts. She, I'll call her Diane, sounds truly terrifying. I had a short moment of excitement/emotion discovering that I have (several) half-siblings. Now I'm basically just following evidence of how he + she are fucking up more lives and I feel like I should do something. I want to do something. But I don't know if I have options.

    I've been able to confirm that one of the minor children is safe. 100% adopted out of the house with no further contact with either of them. The problem is there is one minor child, I'll call him Billy, he is or up until recently, was in my father's custody.

    Diane and my father were never married. Billy was born 8 years ago. At some point, her custody rights were terminated due to physical abuse and neglect and her inability to stick with a state ordered program for counseling, treatment, etc etc. When Billy was a few years old, my father and Diane broke up, and my father was granted full custody.

    After I read a ton of court documents, I managed to get on the phone last summer with a social worker via Washington State CPS and I told her I wanted my name and number put somewhere in the records of both of these children. I thought they were both safe at this point. My initial motivation was simply wanting to know them, if that's a possibility. Or, minimum, being on record somewhere as next of kin, in the event that it is ever needed. [Once separated from my father, I had a lot of opportunities he didn't. I've had a lot of formal education, I have a career/lifestyle that is considered solidly successful. In addition, I am unmarried and have no children. I am stable and have far more resources than they do.]

    Now I know that Billy was recently (some time this year) removed from my father's care by CPS because they discovered that my dad was allowing Diane to have contact with him (Billy/child). And by that I mean, they discovered my dad and Diane got back together and are living together (or were). I called CPS and gave them my information last week, in light of there being possibly an open case right now. They said: "We can't tell you if there is a case or if we even recognize any of the names you're giving us (my father, Diane, the child). We can just pass it to the theoretical social worker who would be managing the case -- IF a case exists. And then, if they feel like you can be helpful, they will call you."

    My question -- What else do I do? What can I do?

    Do I keep calling CPS - at least so I can feel sure that my name and number are attached to this file? Even if they never reach out to me? Why wouldn't they call me? When they are moving this child in and out of my father's house to stay with strangers? Is there ANYTHING I can do to help this child? Even if there was a way to help financially - I don't know how I could even find that out.

    Do I have legal rights? Honestly, I'm scared to get on Diane's radar. She's not stable, she's violent, she's not being treated for her mental illnesses. I feel like there is some risk to exposing myself to Diane and my father, who at this point, don't know that I'm watching from afar.

    If by any chance anyone with experience with even the personal/emotional side of being the adopted/foster family and being asked if they want to expose their child to long-lost family member reads this and has a perspective to share...I would love to hear.

    Or adopted folk? If you had a long-lost sibling out there but had maybe kinda landed with a foster situation - what, if anything, would you want this person to do....?

    Of course it has occurred to me that I could end up petitioning for custody myself. If that were to be best thing for the child, I would explore that. But I am not in a position to leave the state I live in. And though I have stability and resources, I went through enough in my own upbringing to know the trauma of upheavals and changes - even good ones - is not small. I also know that this child IS already traumatized.

    I just don't know how involved I can and should be. And it's not something I get a chance to talk to many people about....

    Info? Experience with any aspect of this kind of scenario to share, anyone..?

    submitted by /u/howcanthisBeRealPNW
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    Can an apartment complex charge a $250 fee for a background check prior to renting? [Quebec]

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 10:48 AM PDT

    Apartment searching in Montreal, Quebec. The apartment I contacted told me their "building rules" require a non-refundable $250 fee to do a background check on me prior to me being able to rent there. I have no problem with a background check, but this feels a bit shady. Is it legal? It feels like they could just reject people regardless of the background check results and profit off of the $250.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/LebronJumes
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    Moving in to my wife's apartment (NC) can landlord deny me.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 11:18 AM PDT

    Hello, thank you in advance for the advices, and sorry for grammarical error. I have just recently been married, and we decided that we are moving in together to my wife's apartment in NC. She has a roommates who signed separated lease but so far she is ok about me moving in if I help paid the house bills. We are trying to talk with the landlord about me moving in we do not mind paying some fee but our landlord just simply deny it. Is there anything I can do since we cannot afford renting 2 aparment at the same time?

    Edit: Another questions, can landlord show her apartment with out their present (like giving the key code to potential tenant but no company them)

    submitted by /u/pleukrockz
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    Lying About a Contract Signing

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    I work as a real estate broker, an independent contractor. I was hired by a company to do things, along with them giving me leases I can pursue. My boss had me sign a contract that allowed me to get a percentage of what I earned. When he had the contract, he never signed them. That means he doesn't have to pay me anything. But he had told me he signed them.

    He now owes me over $100,000 (USD) and refuses to pay because he never signed the contract stating that he had to.

    I live in Wisconsin, is there anyway I can get my money?

    Edit: I put in my 30 day notice two days prior to this, I approached him about the situation during a conference call, he fired me immediately.

    submitted by /u/Mattson082
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    Our landlord lied to us, and refuses to respond to contact from both my husband and I. House is far from being renovated, or move in ready a month after move in.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    Virgina, Norfolk area.

    My husband is active duty Navy and recently got orders to Norfolk, Virginia. We got 30 days notice so finding a place that would take us and our 2 pets was relatively hard. We got relatively "lucky" and found a nice remodeled 2 story condo that was advertised as move in ready. Ever since we moved in, it's been a complete nightmare and we desperately want out.

    We moved in on June 6, of 2019. The first week we were here, we had "maintenance" in our home every single day. We were under the impression that the house was completely move in ready. We had no air conditioning for a week, the first 3 days we didnt have hot water, and some days no water at all. We had a broken kitchen window (as in missing the top quarter of the window) until June 26, we had no washer and dryer, "maintenance" was smoking in our house the day we moved in, we had no keys to our mailbox, the front or back storm doors for about a week, and our dish washer didn't work for about a week. We didn't hear from our landlord for about 5 days because she was out on a trip and didnt want to use her cell phone. All of those problems have been temporarily fixed. As in her "maintenance," a group of men she's recruited who also live in the complex, have come by and done their best to fix the issues.

    Now as of recently, we have a large leak in our ceiling, our hot water handle in the only shower has fallen off and we've been without hot water in the shower since June 18, we have cockroaches, all of these things have been reported as of July 2 and we haven't heard back from our landlord since.

    We were promised this place would be move in ready, and it's still not. Theres problem after problem and its exhausting and it prevents us from doing our day to day things. I want out of here, and so does my husband. We were lied to, our landlord refuses to be a fucking landlord, and the neighbors and neighborhood are awful and I dont feel safe here. I feel like we've been lied to and taken advantage of because we're young and had to move so quickly.

    How can I get out of this lease, what can I do that won't end in us having to pay a ton of legal fees?

    Edit as of 3:30PM July 6, we have a brand new large crack in the ceiling actively spilling water into the carpet downstairs. Have emailed our landlord again, with no response.

    submitted by /u/ekelliewhite
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    (NM) Junked car sold to towing yard a year ago, got letter from impound lot in Texas today demanding charges for storage. Is someone who doesn't hold the title anymore obligated to pay them?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 06:58 AM PDT

    This crosses a couple states and a country, sorry. My parents bought a used Toyota Camry in 2016 in Florida and I drove it for two years with the title in both their names while I paid the insurance. I got married in early 2018 and drove the Camry to New Mexico when I moved. My parents signed the title over to me and I registered the car in New Mexico, got another plate, etc. A month after that the car threw a rod through the engine, so I had the car towed to an auto yard and signed the title over to them when they told me fixing the engine would cost more than the car was worth and offered me a couple hundred dollars for it. I took the plate with me because the plate stays with the owner in NM.

    Skip to today. I'm living overseas and my parents both get separate identical certified letters from an impound lot in Odessa, Texas, saying that the car was abandoned on the side of the road this past June without a plate and impounded by the police and they want money for the storage and towing fees. I assume the police are just running the VIN and sending letters to anyone whose manes were on the title history, and I'm sure I'll eventually get a letter as well. I have no idea how the car even got to Texas.

    What I want to know is, are either of my parents or myself legally liable for paying these fees?

    submitted by /u/ImSuperBisexual
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    Lease ends in 3 weeks. Ex and I split and I'm the primary tenant.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 01:20 AM PDT

    So my ex and I split 1 month ago. our lease is up at the end of the month. She makes less than $1k per month and doesn't own a vehicle.

    That being said, she would like for me to renew the apartment lease so my son and her have a place to live. Until she can save up to get her own place, I'm her only option.

    The other day I came over to pick up my son and I lookout on the balcony and theres empty beer (she doesn't drink) and cigarette butts all over.

    I know it's none of my business if shes already seeing other people and their coming over to "hang out" but I'm worried that my son is around her drinking and smoking and is bringing other guys around.

    My son is 1 year old and I'm sure he's noticed by now that I haven't been around.

    What's my recourse? Should I tell her to gtfo and remove her name from the lease? Or should I wait it out until I can afford a lawyer?

    submitted by /u/shugishugi
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    Criminal speeding in AZ (63mph at 40 zone). What are the chances of the charges dropped to civil?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 02:31 PM PDT

    I have a clean record. From CA.

    submitted by /u/Fopspeen4u
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    Pennsylvania; My Brother & his daughter are living with my Mother and she wants him out

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 12:46 PM PDT

    [ Pennsylvania ] He is a druggy and living at her house, She wants him out but wont do anything. She complains about him being there. She doesn't t have a lease on her apartment so there is no binding contract saying he can't stay but she's been through this before. Is there anything I can do to get him kicked out for good?

    submitted by /u/Throwaway38488392919
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    Prospective Father Denied Job

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 02:09 PM PDT

    Phoenix Metro Area, AZ


    My sister-in-law's boyfriend had a job interview today at a large retail landscaping company (8 locations plus corporate). Part of his interview was to dig a 2'x2' hole. While doing this task, the interviewer asked him if he had any kids. He replied that he had one on the way. After completing the interview, the locations manager denied his employment, citing that they couldn't hire someone who might have to drop everything to tend to a childbirth. Unfortunately this conversation was not in writing.

    I have browsed r/LegalAdvice for similar issues and it looks like the process is to file an EEOC complaint through the state for an automatic dual file and wait for direction from their end, be it mediation or a right-to-sue letter.

    First, is this the proper form for filing a complaint? https://eo.azgovernor.gov/eo/form/employment-discrimination-complaintintake-questionnaire

    Second, is he covered because the job was denied because his girlfriend is pregnant, or is he out of luck because it is not his own pregnancy as the reason his job application was denied, or that they are not married?

    Thank you all immensely for any insight you may provide.

    submitted by /u/k-laz
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    Eviction (from apartment)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2019 01:58 PM PDT

    Can anyone define Eviction in its most fundamental way and explain the process? If I don't get my rent in by the 17th of this month I might be in trouble. My job pays me on the 19th.

    Any and all help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/smanicki
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