• Breaking News

    Monday, July 1, 2019

    Legal Advice [PA] Landlord from 6 years ago is telling me he forgot to cash my rental checks. Am I obligated to send him new ones?

    Legal Advice [PA] Landlord from 6 years ago is telling me he forgot to cash my rental checks. Am I obligated to send him new ones?

    [PA] Landlord from 6 years ago is telling me he forgot to cash my rental checks. Am I obligated to send him new ones?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 09:12 AM PDT

    My landlord of six years ago sent me a letter with photocopies of old checks I had sent him. According to him, he forgot to cash said checks and is requesting new ones. There are several checks and the total amount is not insignificant.

    I'm in a fairly tight spot myself at the moment handling a mortgage, house repairs, etc. I don't see how I could pay back the requested amount without causing undue stress on myself.

    Can my former landlord pursue legal action against me? Is there some sort of statute of limitations on this?

    EDIT: I went to the bank and they confirmed with me all checks were cashed and gave me printouts stating as such. Thank you very much for your advice.

    submitted by /u/wangatanga
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    Employer approved my Paid time off. When I was on my vacation they went back and denied and lost out on 3 weeks of pay....

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 08:47 PM PDT

    [MN]I got hired at a new job in February. One of the conditions upon me excepting a position was that I get PTO for a 3 week backpacking trip that I had planned for a year. They agreed. Put in my formal request online for May 13th-May 31 on March 18th. It was approved by the owner. Nothing was said after that about my trip. I left and came back and noticed I hadn't been paid at all while I was gone. I went back into my clock in app on my phone and found out he went back and denied it May 14th (day after I left) without saying a word. After I got back to work nothing was said to me until I brought the issue up. Who would I talk to about this is there anything I can do? It put me in a huge financial pickle for a bit.

    edit* I didn't expect these many responses.

    This was an odd situation relocating. They pretty much sought me out because of my experience. I knew I was getting a pay cut so I wanted some more incentive to move. My other company was giving me PTO for 3 weeks. They knew this. So I asked for 3 weeks paid time off in order for me to move up here. Verbally they agreed on it. I myself thought it was weird but hey. They wanted me up here. I talked to HR today who is the owner's wife. We pulled up my contract and there it was.

    "Three weeks paid time off per year(one weeks to use from 6m to 1yr anniversary"

    So on paper I messed up. I should've been more clear and had them write that in the contract. I know we verbally we agreed on it I made it clear. There was no other reason why I would accept the position otherwise. The owner and his wife denied saying anything of the sort.

    I'm just upset that they let the approval go for over a month then go back and deny it the day after I left.

    This is my fault. Lesson learned. Thanks for all the comments.

    submitted by /u/ironman0787
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    My bank keeps giving my dad access to my account.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 06:34 AM PDT

    This all occurred in Texas. My dad (who is very controlling and manipulative) and I opened a checking account at a bank when I was 16. It was in my name, but I guess he was listed on the account as well, which granted him access to my list of transactions (so he could see what I was spending money on).

    Fast forward: I got married at 23 and realized he was still listed on the account when I added my wife and we turned it into a joint account. We took him off, obviously. 6 months later, we find out he had talked to a buddy at the branch and added himself back on. I was furious. I talked to him, and told him not to do that again. I talked to the bank, and they apologized and said it would not happen again. I am now 29, and have since closed my checking account with this bank, but I do have a credit card with them. I recently moved, and noticed online in the account portal for my card that the address on file is my dads address.

    Do I have any legal recourse against the bank? What moves do I have here?

    Edit 1: Thank you all for your very helpful advice. I will be talking to a local credit union tomorrow (I just moved to Michigan) and will see about transferring the balance of my credit card.

    submitted by /u/Dr-ShrimpleyPibbles
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    My dog attacked an intruder

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 11:26 AM PDT

    I have a 4 year old German shepherd. She's trained. She's a sweet dog but she can get very anxious around strangers. But she won't just attack someone randomly unless they're a danger, like the person who tried to rob my house.

    I've owned my house for 2 years now. I live alone. I brought my dog with me from my apartment before this. Yesterday while I was at an overnight shift, someone broke into my house. I have an overnight shift once a week, every Sunday. So I'm not sure if the intruder watched me and figured out my schedule or if this was random.

    Kind of NSFW part here:

    I came home around 5:40am and the first thing I saw was blood on my living room carpet, and some on my tile floor in my kitchen. My dog came to me barking like crazy with blood around her mouth. Turns out the intruder tried to steal my TV, laptop, PS4, iPad Pro, and about $120 in cash which I can't find anywhere. My laptop was damaged during this encounter. It's valued at about $900, plus the missing $120. I think maybe he dropped it while trying to get out of the window. I'm not sure exactly yet but my work is gone now, so I could have issues with my job as well.

    My dog ripped a pretty big piece of the intruders calf off. He also had a large bite on his wrist/forearm. I'm pretty sure she grabbed him by the calf/leg and pulled when he was trying to get away. I'm not sure what else happened, considering the blood all over, but my dog wasn't injured and the intruder was passed out. Maybe from the pain or something else that I don't know. The intruder didn't have a weapon.

    I called the police and an ambulance. The intruder is currently in the hospital and has to get surgery on his leg. That's all I know, except that the police are questioning me about my dog. I have no idea what the intruder has claimed. I haven't answered anything yet, they expect me to come in to office later today.

    But they've asked me if my dog has a history of violence, if I trained her to attack, etc. I'm worried that they'll try to put her down. I don't see how this could be her fault, she was protecting our home from an intruder.

    What should I do? Will my dog be put down? How can I protect her and myself over this? Did I do anything wrong so far? What can I expect to happen?


    Edit: Thanks everyone!!

    submitted by /u/legalhelp9876
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    I accepted a full-time summer job in Massachusetts. My acceptance letter said I would be payed $11.00 an hour, which is $1.00 less than the state minimum wage, what should I do?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 06:46 AM PDT

    After inquiring about the situation to my boss, he told me that because it is a job through my town school district that's payed with grant money, they are legally allowed to pay me below minimum wage. Should I just accept the fact that I'm getting under payed? Or should I try to fight it and risk losing my job out of retaliation?

    submitted by /u/rckennedy15
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    I'm not liable if my neighbor's dog escapes, right?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 04:44 AM PDT

    Location: Massachusetts

    From what I know of the law, I'm 99.9% sure that I'm not liable. But I figured it just never hurts to ask for other opinions.

    My backyard and my neighbors backyard is separated by a thick, overgrown section of shrubs, bushes, and brush. All of which is on my property (this I know 100%). I bough the house last year, never had time last season to take care of it.

    Now, yesterday I started the process of taking it all down and digging it out. Within about five minutes of working, the neighbor who I've never even seen until this point comes running out of their house asking what I'm doing. I tell them. They want to know if I'm putting up a fence. I told them yes, but I may just leave it open and wait until the fall to put it up. They immediately tell me that I "can't" do it unless I put a fence up straight away because they have a dog. I told them to put him on a leash, it's not my issue. They said because I'm opening up their yard, I'm liable if he runs off.

    Also told them that the reason I'm probably waiting until the fall is because I'm putting it up myself and really don't want to do it in 85 degree weather, but if they're interested in hiring someone and paying for the labor, I'll cover the materials. Unfortunately they refused.

    So just to double check on this, I don't have any liability here right?

    submitted by /u/adocdt
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    [PA] Is it illegal to prevent someone from taking down your license plate after an incident?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 06:19 AM PDT

    [PA] Recently I was hit by someone while walking down the side of the road. When I went to snap a picture of their license plate the driver got out and stood in front of his license plate instructing his wife to start moving the car away while he obstructed his plate. I'm 100% fine by the way, no damage or anything. I mostly wanted to make a report because driving into me although slow was 100% intentional. The guy then proceeded to harass me yelling that it was illegal to walk on the side of a (suburban) road. Besides the collision and the harassment, is it illegal to prevent someone from taking down your plate number by obstructing its view?

    submitted by /u/Koaty
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    Car I sold 9 months ago has come back to haunt me. Need some advice, please!

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 01:14 AM PDT

    I had a 1996 Toyota Camry which I sold back in September. September 12, 2018 to be exact.

    The car had a number of issues, but I hadn't listed it for sale. I was randomly approached by someone who wanted to buy it.

    After explaining the issues the car had, he talked me into selling it and we agreed on a price of $250. It was a generous price I think, but fair considering the condition the car was in.

    I filed the transfer and release of liability with the California DMV four days after the sale; both online and in person. As far as I knew, this was the only thing I had to do on my end. The buyer was responsible for mailing a notice to the DMV to recieve the new title under his name.

    (BTW, forgive me as I've never sold a car before so if there was something ai forgot to do please tell me!)

    Anyways, I thought the car was out of my hands since then, only to discover in January of this year, that an unlicensed driver was ticketed in the Camry for driving the vehicle unregistered.

    I was being held responsible for paying this ticket for a car I thought I got rid of. After several attempts of contacting the man I sold it to, I got nowhere and had to appear at the court house as per my summons.

    I presented them the receipt I had recieved from the DMV showing I released liability of the car to the buyer. They didn't seem to care, they just wanted proof the car has been registered, something I cannot provide.

    And! To make matters worse, today I discovered that I'm being billed because the car was impounded a couple of weeks ago...

    What can I do reddit? I want to clear my name of this matter otherwise I'll be stuck with a couple thousand dollars worth of fines that I can't pay...

    [UPDATE] So I called the towing company and they told me as long as I released liability of the car, then I don't have to worry about paying them. They send that notice to all past owners of the car. Now just got to worry about the ticket.

    submitted by /u/Astrogimp_
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    I visited My grandmothers beloved friend at her home and found her passed away in her home. What should I do?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 08:49 PM PDT

    My grandmother who emigrated to the USA (california) did so with her family and a few close friends in the 80s. One of her friends I've known since I was a baby and consider her like my other grandmother even though we are not blood related. It was a while since I visited her and last I talked to her she was having some health problems. I felt a little bad not keeping in touch for a while since we live a few hours apart and she was so close to me and my grandmother who also passed away recently. I go and visit her a few days ago and have an extra key to her apartment. She didn't answer her door so I let myself in. Right when I opened the door I noticed a really bad smell in the air. I rush through the apartment to see what it is and it is her corpse laying on the ground of her bathroom. I was shocked and incapacitated to see her on the floor. It looks like her body had been dead for a while. I feel so upset.

    I looked around her apartment and found reports from the hospital that she had terminal cancer. And that she had told no one about it... This was even a bigger shock. She doesn't have any family in America only one child that lives in another country that she cut ties with a long time ago.I don't know what to do with her belongings. I called the police and they took the body they said I should be weary of thieves stealing her belongings. I don't believe she had a will made so I don't know what to do with her belongings. Whats going to happen to her stuff? Whats going to happen to her body?

    I need some guidance on what to do and how I should proceed in this situation as she lived by herself and didn't have any family. I am still in a state of shock and would appreciate any advice you can give. I am in my late 20's by the way. And she was in her late 80s

    submitted by /u/googlygaga
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    Water company charging us for tens of thousands of gallons each month, despite multiple plumbers giving written statements saying there is no leak, and our own meter reading normal

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 11:12 AM PDT


    TLDR: The water company keeps telling us we're using TENS OF THOUSANDS OF GALLONS OF WATER each month, despite multiple plumbers giving written statements saying there is no leak. In addition to that, the sewer company is fining us for using too much of this mysterious water.

    A year ago our water bill skyrocketed. They said we were using over a swimming pool's worth of water (we don't own a swimming pool).

    The water company suggested we had a leak. We got a plumber. Plumber said there is no leak.

    Then, after a lot of back and forth and some ridiculous suggestions from them, such as, "Your wife is the one using thousands of gallons of water." They basically said "well you are using that much water somehow *shrug* I don't really care to know how, pay."

    It was either pay or have no water, and we figured it was a weird one-off. Except, our bill kept getting higher and higher as they kept saying we were using tens of thousands of gallons of water a month.

    Over this time...

    1. We had three plumbers come out. All have said the same thing. There is no leak. Anywhere. Not inside. Not outside.

    2. We've had the meter changed. (After A YEAR of fighting them, and having our local city liaison force them)

    3. Started to go insane. ARE we using this much water? How much water does a bath REALLY use (note: not tens of thousands of gallons, if you were wondering)

    4. We've installed a fancy additional meter to our main water line that gives us real-time water readings and allows us to shut off our water whenever we want. Turns out we really aren't using that much water, but we're still getting charged for tens of thousands of gallons of water.

    Some theories have included a house in our neighborhood siphoning from us, but we can't figure that out on our own, and the water company has made it clear they don't want to help us find out.

    I'm starting to think our only recourse is legal. I don't know what that would include. I don't know what kind of lawyer to hire. We've tried for over a year to work with the water company but they've made it clear they don't want to help, they don't care, and they're fine to keep charging us multiples of what we should be charged while we lose thousands of dollars.

    Any advice is welcome.

    submitted by /u/waterbuffalobill
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    A cop who gave me a traffic ticket said she'd throw the ticket out if I did some work for her. US, South Carolina

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 05:59 AM PDT

    About a week ago, I got a ticket for "improper start". It's the 3rd time this month I've gotten a traffic ticket, so the chances of me getting out of it aren't high.

    I make most of my money by cutting trees down. Over the weekend, the cop who gave me my last ticket stopped me when I was coming out of sister's driveway. (She wasn't in uniform and was driving her own car). Apparently she lives in the same subdivision as my sister. She said she heard I did tree work and wanted a quote for some work. She said if I gave her a good price, she would make some calls and get the ticket erased.

    I went to her house to see what she wanted. She has quite a few pine trees she wants cut down and carried off. I gave her a quote that would be half of my normal price and she said she couldn't afford that on a cop's salary and I'd have to do better. I knocked another hundred off and she countered with what would normally be like 1/4 of my rate. I'd essentially be working for free for a week. Any money she paid, I'd have to use to dump the trees. I asked her to give me a day or two to see if I could find someone who would take the wood for free.

    I told my sister about it later and she said to just pay the ticket and don't get involved with the cop like this. She said it would just cause me further headaches down the road. She also said it sounded like bribery, and she didn't want the cop to turn it around on me.

    I guess basically I just want to know, Is it illegal for me to do work to get a ticket dismissed? My sister said this is just giving the cop leverage over me, but I don't see how. Could I get in trouble for accepting the offer?

    Edit: Everybody is saying this is a bad idea so it must be a bad idea. I'll talk to her tomorrow and tell her I can't do it and hope she takes it well. I'm not sure which I'm looking forward to less, talking to the cop or telling my sister she was right.

    I appreciate all of you for your help

    submitted by /u/1treeman911
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    Neighbor running event venue out of house in residential neighborhood. Is there anything I can do?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 09:03 AM PDT

    My neighbor across the street from me is renting their house out as a venue for events (parties, photoshoots, wedding/baby showers etc.) and listing it on peerspace.com. At first I thought they were just doing some kind of MLM related parties or something until my wife discovered the rental listing. I tried to turn a blind eye on the whole thing, but lately it's started getting out of hand. They are hosting multiple events every weekend. There is no parking except the house's driveway, so there are constantly cars parked everywhere around my house (we are on a corner lot). It's to the point where if I have guests over they have nowhere near my house to park. Lately I have observed the following related to the guests they are attracting:

    • Illegal parking, including blocking mailboxes and fire hydrants
    • People walking and loitering in the middle of the street
    • Vehicles stopping in the middle of the street outside the house to load/unload equipment and passengers, thereby blocking the flow of traffic
    • People trespassing on my property (cutting through my yard, and an instance of someone messing with one of the vehicles in my driveway, which I'll elaborate on below)
    • People leaving trash in the street in front of my house
    • Loud music

    The most egregious offenses in the past few months have been just this last Saturday, when they hosted a comedy show in the backyard. This event featured a DJ with a full amplified PA and a very adult-oriented stand-up comedy show being loudly broadcast directly across the street from a house in which several young children live. I know the content of the show because I could clearly hear the entire thing from my front yard (not to mention I could still hear it from inside my house with all the windows and doors closed).

    A few months before that they hosted a film crew that was there for three days with massive box trucks for equipment parked outside my house the entire time. This was when the trespassing mentioned above occurred, when my wife and I returned home to find a member of the film crew in my driveway draping a black cloth over my vehicle to block a glare off the rear window from one of their massive stage lights they had set up outside. No one bothered to seek my consent for such an action.

    I realize that many of these things seem like minor annoyances, but these are not infrequent occurrences. As I said before, I tried to look the other way when it first started because it was only happening occasionally, but lately they are hosting 2-3 events every single weekend. We bought our house because it was in a quiet area of a quiet neighborhood, in a part of the neighborhood with little traffic because it is not a through-way. Now there's crowds of people outside my house all the time and tons of traffic. Not to mention, I'm worried about the impact this may have on property values.

    I'm not sure if we even have any legal recourse against these people. I've tried to find info online, but everything is in a particular level of legalese that is beyond my understanding. I don't know if they are strictly prohibited from doing this, if they are allowed to do so with special permitting (and if so, whether or not they have the necessary permits), or if this is perfectly legal and there's nothing I can do about it. Please advise.

    This is in Austin, Texas, BTW.

    submitted by /u/the_brew
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    Chicago. My landlord essentially told my roommate and I that he wants us out because my roommate is a homosexual. Specifically saying, "I dont want people like you living here". What can we do?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 10:41 AM PDT

    ISP added a service by calling someone not attached to my account (MO)

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 08:05 AM PDT

    A few days ago, my roommate got a call from my ISP asking if she wanted to add a new service onto my account. She said not right now and she'd have to discuss it with me first. They added it anyways saying "if he doesn't want it, he can call and cancel."

    The thing is, the internet account is in my name. Her information isnt attached to the account in any way. So not only should they not have her contact info, she shouldn't be authorized to make any changes to the account at all. Because of that, I assumed it was just a spam call. Until I got an email saying thank you for upgrading your service, your new bill will be this amount.

    So I call to fix that. And even the customer service rep I spoke with had no idea how they got my roommates number. My favorite part is that I had to give a security code so they know it's actually me calling, but I guess they can call whoever and just do what they want.

    My main question is, is this illegal? Or just scummy business practice? And can i do anything about it either way?

    submitted by /u/Seraph6496
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    Lease says I pay $0/month for my house, nothing has been charged to me yet. What should I do?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 08:31 AM PDT

    Location: Louisiana

    Multiple iterations of the lease for the house I am renting have been activated/deactivated due to errors on the property management company's end (missing a roommate's name, etc). On the final lease that is currently active now, the section detailing rent payment each month specifically states "TENANT shall pay promptly as a monthly rental sum of$0.00 which is due and payable on or before the first."

    Today (July 1st) is the first day I have had to pay rent at this place, and the online portal we are to use says that no payment is owed at this time. It's looking like since the "rent payment" of the lease says $0, nothing is getting charged to me or my account, assuming this is all automated.

    Being that the legal document I signed to live in this house says I owe $0/month, do I have any obligation to let them know of their mistake? Should I ride it out until they contact me about it? What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Alaskan_Bullworm15
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    I want to kick my sister out of my house but we currently have her son

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 05:55 AM PDT

    (Bucks County, Pennsylvania)

    My family has been taking care of my sisters son for the past month since she did not want him anymore. She is schizophrenic/bipolar and has been living with some boyfriend.

    Last night, she called me at midnight asking me to pick her up from a local mall because she left her boyfriend and needed a place to stay for the night. I have no fucking idea why I picked her up, but I did. This morning she is already being very verbally abusive towards her son and is pissing me off.

    Every time she comes around here it ends in a fight because she is an absolute psycho. She is such a narcissist and cares about no one but herself and starts fights everywhere she goes.

    Her son, my nephew is the nicest kid ever. He's 3 years old and she is very verbally abusive towards him. I do not want him to go back with her for his own safety.

    Say something breaks out, which will inevitably happen. If I call the cops, will her son have to go with her since she is the mother? If she says that she wants him to come with her, will the police be legally obligated to have her son go with her?

    submitted by /u/findthatfuckingdog
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    Wage garnishment from parents RSDI US-AZ

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 02:01 AM PDT

    Hi, throwaway account. AZ, Phoenix

    I just received a letter saying that my wages will start being garnished by Social Security because of over payment of RSDI to my parents when my father had an accident when I was 7-8. This was a complete surprise to my wife and I, and shocking.

    They want $2666 in over payment. But this doesn't make sense as the claim is under my fathers SSN, and the 'overpayment' happened when I was a minor about 13-14 years ago. How can they come after me when I was a minor, and how can they come after me for my parents debt? Is there a way to fight this?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/CarMex1009
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    Deposited cash into ATM, error message, money being held hostage

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 11:24 AM PDT

    My wife deposited $100 cash into a US Bank drive-through ATM located at a US Bank branch in Wisconsin. She got an error message at the end of the transaction and was told she needed to file a claim with US Bank (the cash was not deposited into her account).

    She went into the bank and was informed that the ATMs aren't actually theirs and that the issue will be investigated and should be resolved in 45 days. They are unwilling to credit her account for the cash, so it is gone until then. The main US Bank customer service is unwilling to help; I am waiting on speaking to the local branch manager.

    In the mean time, do I have any legal recourse if they are unwilling to credit her account with the $100 during their investigation? It's not the dollar amount that bothers me, it's that this could happen and a check could bounce, account become overdrawn, etc....and US Bank will take no responsibility. 45 days is a long time to hold cash hostage when they can certainly charge me a late fee after 30 days if I don't pay a credit card bill, etc...

    submitted by /u/jmcmanna
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    Shouldn't have been towed in MA? Parked at a meter and suddenly surrounded by cones when returning

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 09:57 AM PDT

    Hi. TLDR: Parked at a meter in Massachusetts. Came back later that night to find the whole block has been coned off and my car has been towed. I, neither did any of my friends, nor anyone else on the block had seen these cones.

    Story: This happened last Friday evening. I had a venue to attend 6PM-10:30PM. The street outside the venue was under construction so I drove farther down the street until there was no construction. At 5:20, I drive past all the construction and a few blocks down, I found a metered spot in between cars. While not a long block, the whole block was metered and full with the addition of my car. I walked out to my car and paid for parking. Since I was early, I went to get food at the next block and met my friend. Came back to the car to fetch my jacket before heading to the venue. After the event ends, I return back to my car at 10:50 to find that the whole block that was full was now coned off with big yellow caution tape and my car had been towed. I found out cars around me had been towed as well. The police insisted that the cones had been there for 2 months. I cannot believe I missed 8+ cones with big signs saying "NO STANDING PERMITTED CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES ONLY 6-18-7/19". Not only that, I asked my friend without alerting him of the situation if he saw any parking cones/signs when we walked by my car after food and they said No. According to the photos/video I took of the block after I had returned, there are no posted signs stating "No Standing" on any of the pillars/streetlamps of the block other than on the cones themselves.

    After $15 of using Uber to the Police station and the tow location, I get my car back after 2 hours. The tow cost $140, left fairly large scratches on a corner of my car, and the police ticket is $90. Is there anything I can do? Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/towed12345
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    Parents kept birth certificate and social security card when I was kicked out (Michigan)

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 09:23 AM PDT

    So, long story short, when I(22M) came out to my parents, I was instantly required to leave my childhood home. I didn't have too much time to gather my belongings and leave and I realized later that I didn't get my birth certificate and social security card. I put it off for a bit, because I really didn't want to contact my parents (for obvious reasons), but eventually I broke down and texted them, saying I was going to stop by to get my items. I got no response, I tried calling, again no dice. Basically I'm being ghosted.

    Is it possible to get replacements of those (if so how would I do so?) And is there any reason I should be concerned that they still have mine?

    submitted by /u/Tahlato
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    My childless uncle, or so I thought, passed away. Learned recently about an estranged son. Advice on challenging his claim to uncle's assets.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 08:06 AM PDT

    My uncle and I have been close my entire life. He never had kids, not married, and when I lost my parents at a young age he stepped into a fatherly role. He's basically been the closest thing I've had to a father my entire life. At some point before he passed, he made me a co-administrator to his bank account and named me as beneficiary to his investment accounts. Unfortunately, the illness that took his life advanced very quickly before we even knew anything was wrong and I wasn't able to secure his power of attorney or help him finalize his will before his mental faculties deteriorated. I was also wrecked by grief, and his unfinished affairs did not cross my mind at the time.

    I've been taking care of his house (paid for cleaning, delinquent bills, the dogs he left behind) since he's passed and my wife and I just started the process of seeing what we can do to make me administrator of his estate, as his only surviving heir. As far as we know he had no other family, but that's recently changed. We learned from an old family friend that he has an estranged son that he has not had contact with in more than 40 years. He never mentioned this to me while he was alive, and it was an incredible shock. Apparently he can claim his father's assets even though there has been no contact or relationship since before I was even born. What are my options here? Is there any chance for this to go in our favor, any way for our established familial relationship to mean anything in court as opposed to a stranger we never knew, was not in his life for decades and someone we don't even know how to contact? What steps can we take to challenge his claim?

    submitted by /u/new2estatelaw
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    Moved into cockroach infested apartment on a 12 month lease. What are my legal options? [CA, US]

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 08:05 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I signed a 12 month lease about 2 months ago. The cockroaches have been present nearly since day 1. I have informed management multiple times over the phone and they sent an exterminator to come spray the unit 3 times so far. I have also done many of my own control measures: insect growth regulator, black flag bait, advion, roach traps, boric acid, diatomaceous earth, rope caulk to seal crevices, etc.

    When I last spoke to the exterminator they said the whole building is a problem, and I was never informed of this before signing the lease. No matter what I do, if the whole building is infested, my unit will be infested too. I am at my wit's end and want to leave this place.

    What are my legal options for breaking a lease in this situation? Should I call the health department next? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/quietdrum
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    Ongoing neighbor nuisance

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 05:24 AM PDT

    My fiancé and I had an altercation with our neighbor (keep in mind we live in a townhome community) where we had a guest that parked in their spot and they decided that they needed to threaten us with violence. We called the police and they brushed it off as if it were nothing. Over the next few days they decided to walk by our ring doorbell flipping us the middle finger and spewing obscenities into it. A few days later he made a threatening gesture into the camera by motioning his hand as if he were drawing a gun in an out of a holster about five or six times. I contacted the police again, they showed up he was apprehended for public intoxication but nothing was mentioned about the threatening gesture. So the husband gets out of jail… we haven't seen him but the wife consistently walks around our vehicles within our parking lines, within an inch of our vehicles. We had a vehicles moved to the other side of the building and she makes sure to walk her dogs directly to where our cars are and then she loiters around our vehicles for 5 to 10 minutes about twice today. She makes sure to look into the windows and take pictures of our cars and license plates. We have done nothing wrong but we are in fear that they are trying to retaliate. We reside in HOA community and they have issued several warnings..but they will not leave us alone. What can we do within our rights, outside of moving? I am gathering evidence for a restraining order. Thanks. We live in a townhome in a gated community in South Carolina

    submitted by /u/audiophile04
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    [WI] Local shooting range is using across a river as backstop.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 01:19 PM PDT

    Over the weekend my wife and I decided to go kayaking down a local river. Along the route there is a private hunting/fishing club. I know they do a lot of hunting on the land (deer, turkey, pheasant, etc.) With that they also have shooting ranges on the property. As we approached their land we heard fire from one of the ranges. Didn't bother me too much. I have grown up with guns so it's not like the loud cracks were extremely foreign to me.

    Yet, as we made our way down the river, they got extremely loud. To the point it felt like we were a couple feel away from the discharge. This river has about 5' or so drop offs on both sides. We couldn't see who was shooting nor where from. What we did realize is that the paper targets were set up on the edge of the drop off with the back stop being across the river. We ducked down and quickly paddled past the range while there were active shooters.

    This had me pretty rattled as I had to paddle through gun fire flying a couple feet above my head. I wrote up an email to the club expressing my concern in that this feels pretty dangerous. The shortened version of the response is that they were aware this wasn't ideal, but has been an approved range for over 30+ years.

    My question is who exactly "approves" shooting ranges in the United States/Wisconsin? I did some research but can't seem to find a defining body. Also is there some sort of regulatory ordinance in regards to shooting ranges? Something requiring them to be a certain distance from a public place? It really is a beautiful kayak trip, but I don't really want to risk gun fire heading my way.

    I also do realize that there are probably thousands of rivers in Wisconsin that we could adventure to. We plan on not coming back to this river, but we also weren't the first and won't be the last to encounter this situation.

    submitted by /u/BennimusPrime
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