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    Monday, July 1, 2019

    Can I buy travel insurance from a company that isn't from my country? Insurance

    Can I buy travel insurance from a company that isn't from my country? Insurance

    Can I buy travel insurance from a company that isn't from my country?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 03:46 AM PDT

    I'm from N. Macedonia travelling to the U.S. for work. My work requires a travel insurance coverage of 180k$ which no insurance company in my country covers (they cover up to 50k$).

    In this case I need to buy the travel insurance online and I'm looking at policies that suit me, but I'm not sure whether they are aimed at residents of the company's respective country or if anyone can buy them.

    All answers appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/BassPies
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    Vehicle Dwelling - Auto Insurance question

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 07:17 PM PDT

    I'm anticipating living in a van for a while. Currently, I live in an apartment, but am making the move to vehicle dwelling in the next year. When I get the van, I plan to use a mail service for mail and a friend will let me use her address as my "domicile" for DMV and voting purposes. I'll probably give her a small dollar amount as a symbolic "rent to share a room in the house," and will leave a small piece of furniture there, although I won't really be living in the house (or in any house).

    I want to maintain vehicle insurance, but I don't need to insure the contents of my vehicle -- just protection in case of an accident or vehicle theft... If I inform my auto insurance of my new domicile address and explain that I plan to be camping a lot in my van, is this bad/wrong? Advice about how to handle this in a kosher way is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/LiminalEvening
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    Auto + Umbrella: Is good auto liability useful when you have Umbrella? Am I paying double?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 03:43 AM PDT

    I'm insured with Geico. I have an auto policy, renter's insurance and recently added Umbrella coverage. This is the coverage I have on my auto policy:

    • Bodily Injury Liability: $500,000
    • Property Damage Liability: $100,000
    • Uninsured Motorist: $500,000
    • Underinsured Motorist: $300,000

    Does it make sense to pay for high liability on this when I have a $177/year $1,000,000 Umbrella coverage?

    submitted by /u/jfvauld
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    Confused about making a claim

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 03:28 AM PDT

    On a mobile, sorry for any weird formatting and for how long winded this will be.

    Ok, so I feel I have a rather shameful lack of knowledge when it comes to exactly how to navigate my insurance. Also I'm in Australia for accuracy.

    Currently what I feel what should be a fairly simple thing is becoming rather convoluted and frustrating so I was really hoping someone could talk me through what is happening and maybe recommending what I should do.

    I had someone reverse into the back of my car at a shopping center. Damage isn't too bad, their tow bar hit my back bumper. Paint and plastic got scraped away and there is a crack in the bumper. I didn't see it but there was a lady in the car next to mine who did. The woman who hit my car apparently got out, looked at my car then got in her car and left. No details. The lady who saw it got the license plate number and left me a note.

    I made a claim with my insurance and on their recommendation also made a police report. Initially my insurance company tried to tell me I had to pay excess because there where no details of the other party, I called and reminded them they had the license plate number and got them to run a search. They recommend a smash repair place and I took my car in for quote but asked to hold off on booking in until the other party was found.

    A few days later the police contacted me saying that they had interviewed the woman who hit my car and said she would like to speak to me. The officer gave me her details and I called her (lets call her K now for clarity).

    K ofcourse claimed she had no idea there was any damage to my car (load of bull in my opinion but whatever no point arguing so I just let her say her piece and moved on). She said she had no idea how the insurance side of things work and I admitted that I too had little experience. I told her what I had done so far, I had started a claim with my insurance and my car had gone in for a quote but they hadn't gotten back to me yet with the cost. I told her that I would contact my insurance and update them on the situation and give them her details. K asked me to send her a photo of the damage and my insurance info. I did this then rang my insurance. The person I spoke to was a little difficult/ frustrating to speak to. I think she was put out because I probably wasn't doing things the 'usual way'. I asked if they had run the search on the license plate yet and was told yes and that they would be sending out a letter. I said that there was no need as the other party had been found by the police and had said she would pay damages. I had to repeat that a few times as they kept telling me they couldn't give me the other persons details. Got there in the end, gave insurance Ks details and they called her while I was on hold. K apparently told my insurance that she wanted to go through her insurance instead. My insurance informed me that K had accepted liability and I could take my car in for repairs and they would wave my excess or I could let K do things her way but of she did lodge a claim to let my insurance know.

    This is where I'm most confused. Is it normal to involve both insurance companies? I've got things pretty much sorted on my end (I think) but now everything feels more complicated

    I contacted K again and she said she would need a quote for her insurance to proceed. It came through today, I forwarded it her and then she responded that she would need to pay the excess before things can proceed. K said that she wouldn't be paying it for another few weeks because as a single mother of two she needs time to get the money together.

    I'm not a heartless person and while I'm normally very understanding part of me feels that if K wanted understanding and compassion she should have left a note. My car isn't super nice (5 year old i20) but I've only had it since last October. To me it's still shiny and new, my second ever car and first one I spent more than few thousand on. I just want it fixed, I don't want to be given the run around by K and I don't want to have to drag out dealing with insurance companies.

    Is it unfair of me to not want to wait for K to sort things out on her end? Am I allowed to just book my car in to be fixed and let my insurance sort things out? Surely they don't demand payment from the other party straight away there has to be some kind of payment plan or something right?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/librocubicultarist92
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    Clipped someone license plate holder, not their car, just their license plate

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 02:00 PM PDT

    I was at the exit to the parking lot waiting to turn let. The other guy was in a Jeep with one of those license plate holders on the rear that actually had the plate on a little bar off to the side of the vehicle. He turns into the lot in front of me and his license plate holder gets bent back on my drivers side headlight.

    Our cars never made contact. The only thing that happened was a bent plate and cracked plastic holder.

    I tried to offer cash, but no go. He insisted on a photo of my drivers license and said he would be in contact.

    Why would someone do this? I can't think of any reason it would benefit him. It would maybe be $100 to replace the plate and holder, way less than an insurance deductible.

    I took photos of the Jeep to show that there is no other damage on the vehicle and clearly show how the plate was bent.

    Any thoughts on what he might try to do? Any advice on what I should do preemptively?

    submitted by /u/Noirof
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    Not OMG, but IDK what to do

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 10:04 PM PDT

    So I got two letters in the mail with my name spelled incorrectly and I almost just tossed them, but I saw that the sender was an insurance company.

    I opened it and it said thank you for choosing ... Life. I got mega confused cause I know I didn't sign up any life insurance. It had my age and that I'm a non-smoker. I looked it up and it looks like a real company, but that's easy to lie about now. If I call to cancel it they'll be asking for my info and I don't want to give it to them so what should I do?

    submitted by /u/humanerrorfound
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    Lost my phone overseas, went to a police station to report. They advised me to get an affidavit of loss instead because it will take hours to days to make a police report.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 01:40 AM PDT

    I decided not to stay because making an affidavit will be quicker than waiting for them to investigate. It's taking them ages to process this. Do they still need to contact the police station? Or should my notarised affidavit be enough?

    submitted by /u/drturtleneck
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    Rear ended in car accident, can the other party claim I was at fault

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 09:05 AM PDT

    I was driving down the Main Street of El Dorado KS. My friend was reaching for his drink and his hand slipped and hit my gear shifter and my car went into neutral and decided to die. I tried breaking slowly to let the car behind me know I was slowing down. Unfortunately the car behind me hit me. The other party's car had to be towed but my car had just a couple dents in the back and was still drivable after the fact with no issue. The question I have is will I be found liable because of my car shifting into neutral or will she be found liable for rear ending me?

    Edit: Just got confirmation that she was on her phone when the accident occurred.

    submitted by /u/jason222shark
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    ARICA Autism Mandate Question

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 12:27 PM PDT

    I'm confused as to why a Massachusetts commercial health insurance provider, subject to the autism mandate, has caps services per day - especially when insurers in states with less stringent mandates state no caps due to state regulations.

    United Healthcare stating NY is exempt from caps on H0031 & H0032 codes: https://www.uhcprovider.com/content/dam/provider/docs/public/policies/medicaid-comm-plan-reimbursement/UHCCP-Maximum-Frequency-Per-Day-Policy-(R0060).pdf

    Tufts Health Plan's caps on H0031 & H0032 codes: https://tuftshealthplan.com/documents/providers/payment-policies/autism-professional-payment-policy

    Mass ARICA law stating no caps, no service limits, on ABA: https://www.mass.gov/files/documents/2017/12/15/ARICA-FAQs-10-15-2015-Accessible_4.pdf

    submitted by /u/yoursinreddit
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    [CA] Can I file a diminished value claim against someone who hit my parked, week old car?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 10:20 PM PDT

    Bought a brand new car a week ago. Less than 800 miles and driving home after a road trip. Parked in a public lot and came back to a note from a driver that he hit my car attempting to back out. He already filed a claim and all that but I'm wondering if I can claim DV since multiple parts of the body need to be replaced.

    submitted by /u/obito-was-an-incel
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    Am I eligible for compensation?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 10:19 PM PDT

    Please excuse my grammar, English is not my first language. Also, I'd like to say thanks to any advice given.

    I am a New York resident and I was visiting my parents in Virginia this week. As I was heading back to NY earlier today (6/30/19) I was driving northbound on I-95 in Maryland, right before entering the Fort McHenry tunnel I was reared ended by another vehicle around 3:00 PM. This guy hit me pretty hard. The traffic in front of me was slowed down almost to a complete stop so I was slowing (leaving plenty of room to brake), he came in flying and smashed me against the car in front of me. My car was totaled. He apologized and a police officer gave me the paperwork citing I was not at fault. The back of my trunk was completely smashed in, I couldn't open it. This is also my first major accident ever where I deal with a insurance company.

    Now I have about 8 or 9 pairs of limited edition sneakers in the back trunk (Yeezys, Jordans, Nikes). So each pair are worth around $300-$400, and with particular one pair that is around $800. Majority of them are brand new, still in their box, with receipts and tags. The resale price for these shoes are much more higher than their retail price (whats on the tag). If the shoe box or the shoes themselves gets damaged, they lost significant value. I have about $2k+ worth of shoes most likely ruined. Am I able to receive compensation from the offender's insurance? How should I go about proving their worth to the claims agents?

    submitted by /u/Kunr
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    Appreciate any help with an auto insurance dispute

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 03:23 PM PDT

    Met with an accident which had damage to the front of my minivan. Took it to a body shop who gave an initial estimate of $2500. I was then asked to take the car to an insurance approved body shop who gave an initial estimate of $3200 as they said they can only give the final estimate after they remove certain parts after which the car will not be drivable.

    Then i received a check from the insurance company to proceed with my body shop.After buying the necessary repair parts, the body shop submitted a final repair bill of $5100 to start the repair work.

    At this point the insurance insisted that they will send an insurance adjuster to the body shop to review the the repair work and the insurance estimate came to $5900 with an "assumption" that there might be another $1500 worth of repair.

    They have now gone ahead and totalled my car saying that the value of the car is $6800 and since the adjuster has come up with $5900 with possible $1500 (total = $7400), it is more than the value of the car.

    The body shop is saying that after all the repair the final price will be only $5100.

    not sure what to do, as the loss adjuster is saying that there is nothing that can be done as the car is totaled and any repair evaluation has to discussed with the adjuster and does not seem to budge that the car is totaled.

    Summary insurance adjuster is saying repair cost is $7400 body shop is saying repair cost is $5100 Value of car is $6800 insurance company is totally the call even though the repair cost from the body shop is less that the value of the call.

    spoken to different people who said to complain to insurance commissioner or talk to insurance attorney, but not sure what to do or who else with the insurance company i can talk to

    BTW i am in California

    submitted by /u/me_and_my_thoughts
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    Insurance thinks I'm lying about hitting a deer

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 03:04 PM PDT

    The other night I was driving and a deer jumped out and pretty much ran into the right passenger side front end of my vehicle. Caused a decent amount of damage, the tire got pushed back so it was touching the frame and not driveable. Put the spare on so it wouldn't get damaged more. The deer seemed okay and ran off quickly. Had the car towed back to my house. I filed the claim and they asked for photos. I sent the below photos and they are saying the damage does not look like it was from an animal.. and want me to pay the deductible and file it under "collision" instead of "comprehensive".I don't know how I can prove this... I was alone and there was no witnesses. I know very little about cars, and and this is my first time being in an accident.. Is there anything I can do here? What should be my next course of action?



    submitted by /u/lathrowaway1821
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    Looking for advise on first accident

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 06:17 PM PDT

    Hello, my wife was in an accidental yesterday and we're just looking for some advise on how to go about the insurance. She rear ended the car in front of her and was also rear ended by the car behind her. We only have liability as it was an oldder car.

    Both other cars came out with relatively minor damage, but unfortunately ours was totaled and had to be towed.

    I realise that she will more then likely be seen at fault. I'm just seeing if anyone has some advise for taking to our insurance?

    submitted by /u/hermieburger
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    Got insurance claim to replace roof due to small leak, but not sure if I should. Read on!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 06:09 PM PDT


    Had a small leak in the roof after a storm. Inspector said whole roof should be replaced. Got insurance adjuster to inspect and release check and I cashed. Other roof inspectors later said roof was fine. Not sure if I should replace the roof now. Does it need to be fixed before I sell house?


    During a storm a small leak was detected. I got an inspector to check it out soon after, and he said the whole roof should be replaced. While he was there, he talked a lot about himself, his past, and his dad. Kept repeating this he was very experienced despite his young age. I got suspicous about his intentions later, but not until after I got the insurance adjuster to inspect it and write a check for it. The adjuster didn't seem very convinced at the time, but wrote the check after I told him what the roof inspector told me.

    Fast forward several months later, I got 3 inspectors to inspect the roof to get their quotes. One of them simply gave me a quote, other two told me that the roof looked fine. I also have not had any leaks since that storm. I have 1.5 months before the 2 year deadline to replace the roof (for the insurance company to cover extra costs), but I feel like I was cheated by the first inspector. It was my first insurance claim, and I'm a novice homeowner. I probably should have gotten more inspectors to check the roof initially, before involving the insurance company.

    Anyway, it is probably a smart idea to just get it replaced, but I wanted to know whether an insurance claim on the roof is something that is on the record that can be pulled up when I'm selling the house? I'm tired of living in the Midwest and would like to move soon and there hasn't been a leak since.

    submitted by /u/KilloWattX
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    What went wrong here?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 09:23 AM PDT

    This was posted on r/legaladvice yesterday....


    The OP has found themselves in a complete mess, seemingly because of failings by a whole bunch of people.

    submitted by /u/WyoGuy2
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    health insurance deductible order issue

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 02:17 PM PDT

    I paid for a medical procedure upfront, but before my insurance processed it other lab work was processed and used up my deductible. So I essentially paid part of my deductible twice. Will this usually be worked out between the insurance company and the various claimants on their own? If not at what point do I need to get involved?

    submitted by /u/creative_usr_name
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    I’ve only had my license for a year and I need car insurance for a financed car.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 01:28 PM PDT

    Title says marks the start of question. My current car has been insured for about a year and the costshave been affordable. However, I recently discovered severe rust damage on the frame and I now believe it will be more cost effective to get another car. The quoted car payments/ lease payments seem to be affordable.

    However, I cannot seem to find a decent rate for insurance. I'm in NY state and I'm going to be 21 next month. I got a quote from progressive and esurance, and both wanted $600+ per month. I have about 2500 that I wanted to use for a 6 month policy because paying semi-annually saves money. However I'm out of ideas at this point. Is it impossible for a "newer"driver to find affordable coverage for a financed car? I was hoping to find something that was in $300-400 per month range at most.

    submitted by /u/AwesomeBlue98
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    Rental car Accident in Spain

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 08:18 AM PDT

    I'm really sorry if this is the wrong subreddit to post this. If it is, please do point me in the right direction if you can, I'd really want to hear what to do next so I can get a peace of mind as I'm worried sick

    This occurred in Spain in a rental car:

    I entered the roundabout at a point I genuinely believe was safe. Another car (called car A) was going around this roundabout with relatively high speed and tried to cut me off to get into an exit. We both saw each other and immediately stopped our cars to avoid collision. 3 seconds later, a car (car B) hits him from behind. I don't know how fast he was going, but I do believe he should have had enough time to stop the car.

    To summarise, car B has minor damage in the front, car A has minor damage in the back.

    All 3 of us park to the side, and I tell the driver of car A that he cut me off. The driver insisted I shouldnt have cut him off. We were in a rush to get this resolved and to prove we aren't even involved in this accident as we had to get to the airport, and communicated this to them. They responded to us in Spanish so we didn't understand what they were saying, but it was relatively clear that both wanted to pin the blame on us. Driver of car A demanded to see my rental papers, and threatened to call the police. We gave him the papers and he took a picture of them and the car registration. We were in a rush so after we did so asked if we can leave. Driver of car B said yes go in a rather annoyed fashion. We didn't have time to argue, but I made the huge mistake of not getting their details in the end (it didn't occur to me, I have no damage on my car and I felt I wasn't involved in the collision at all).

    So they have our details, we don't have theirs, I was just worried if we may have done something very wrong and the potential ramifications?

    Firstly, is it possible I will be charged for hit and run for leaving without properly "resolving" the accident? We did give them the papers.

    Secondly, if they do pin the blame on me, who is liable to pay damages? We had full insurance on the car from Goldcar rental company. How are we notified of this, and can we contest it?

    Should I notify the rental company? There is no damage whatsoever on the car as we were not actually involved in the collision

    Thanks so much in advance for your help, this incident has left me with a lot of anxiety as I'm worried for the future. I don't mind paying a couple hundred to get this resolved, even if it was not my fault at all, but I'm worried the cost will be a lot more which I can't afford

    submitted by /u/GoodnessOfFitBlade
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    Florida's No Surprise Medical Act- does it cover

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    Not sure if this is the right sub to post, and if I should post somewhere else but I'm wondering: does the Florida no surprise medical act cover instances where you see a provider in network and they do an ultrasound in office, and your insurance plan has a set copay for the provider visit and a set co pay for a ultrasound and the provider charges you both could pays? Is that allowed or everything in the visit should be under the one co pay of the visit?

    submitted by /u/phillipqqq
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    About vehicle care (perk) in geico app.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 11:00 AM PDT

    I use geico app , noticed a section known as vehicle car under perks . it says it is powered by CarFax.

    Wondering whether i should use this service ? Any user who already tried/used it - Share your thoughts.


    submitted by /u/camillacabella
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