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    Monday, June 3, 2019

    [PINNED] Promote your business, week of June 3, 2019 small business

    [PINNED] Promote your business, week of June 3, 2019 small business

    [PINNED] Promote your business, week of June 3, 2019

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 06:57 PM PDT

    Post business promotion messages here including special offers especially if you cater to small business.

    Note: To prevent your messages from being flagged by the autofilter, don't use shortened URLs.

    submitted by /u/Charice
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    [PINNED] In this post, share your small business experience, successes, failures, AMAs, and lessons learned. Week of June 3, 2019

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 06:59 PM PDT

    This post welcomes and is dedicated to:

    • Your business successes
    • Small business anecdotes
    • Lessons learned
    • Unfortunate events
    • Unofficial AMAs
    • Links to outstanding educational materials (with explanations and/or an extract of the content)

    /r/smallbusiness is one of a very few subs where people can ask questions about operating their small business. To let that happen the main sub is dedicated to answering questions about subscriber's own small businesses.

    Many people also want to talk about things which are not specific questions about their own business. We don't want to disappoint those subscribers and provide this post as a place to share that content without overwhelming specific and often less popular simple questions.

    This isn't a license to spam the thread. Business promotion and free giveaways are welcome only in the Promote Your Business thread. Thinly-veiled website or video promoting posts will be removed as blogspam.

    Discussion of this policy and the purpose of the sub is welcome at https://www.reddit.com/r/smallbusiness/comments/ana6hg/psa_welcome_to_rsmallbusiness_we_are_dedicated_to/

    submitted by /u/Charice
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    I think I did it, I think I finally burnt out.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 03:14 PM PDT

    So I hit a new record, yet again. Quarter million in sales last month. Like clockwork always going up. But I finally maybe burnt out. I actually am epileptic but it's medicated well. I just need to sleep and not stress. Well low and behold of course I had a break through seizure and ever since panic attacks as well. It may just be the seizure I had upon awakening from no sleep, but now I'm constantly thinking about dying. I'm 32 and I lost all but 2 of my friends because all I do is work. My gf left me. I have no family except my mom. Now I can't stop thinking about how death is inevitable and wtf am I doing?

    Who am I doing this for? I thought maybe for my future family but I literally have no love interest. Nothing outside of an awesome nephew. I fear that in the blink of an eye I'll be 60-70 years old and have a large bankroll but nothing else.

    The panic attacks are something I had all the time as a kid because I feared death. But now not so much. Now I fear losing out on my entire life as well. I don't know what to do.

    I'm making it a point to never work on Sunday's again. I will also plan a large vacation for December when sales slow down. I'm going to stop saying no to my friends and try and rekindle our friendships.

    But I'm pretty sure if I'm right about only one thing it's that I really did hit that burn out. Didn't think it was real. But Fuck I feel down.

    submitted by /u/Sly_Wood
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    Candidate Applied for Job, Currently Works for My Best Friend

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    So 18 months ago this new grad applied to an entry level position but wasn't advertising a position. I liked his makeup but didn't have room at the time. He ended with a nice landing at my best friend's firm coincidentally, and they seemed a good match.

    18 months later, he reaches back out to apply for a totally different position at my firm. I'm sure he has no awareness of the connection between my friend and I, or maybe he does but doesn't matter.

    I actually like the kid and would likely hire him for this position, but how do I handle this from an owner/owner friend/friend perspective? Give him heads up that he's applied to me? I can't play dumb, the current firm is on his resume...

    submitted by /u/Psychological_Tough
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    Hitting the ground running. Family ran small business and mother was the accountant and bookkeeper. She had a major stroke. NEED HELP/ADVICE

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 06:24 AM PDT

    We are a small retail business in Florida. I'm the day to day operations of the store. However my mother who would pay bills, send statements, and basic bookkeeping had a stroke. A bad one. Itll be months before she can even come back to it and even then. I've been doing payroll using sage software and seems somewhat easy BUT I know withholding is coming up? Literally have to create a budget bc I cant find one ans everytime I asked if I needed a spending budget she said we were making money and doing fine. I'm finally logged into all her accounts after a few days. I know I have to pay the state sales tax and I'm logged into the site she used. Efilesalestax.com, yet to contact them but I have contacted the state about the situation and they have given me an extension to pay since I'm already late. Uhhhh I feel like I'm missing something or just a bit overwhelmed. So ANY AND ALL RESORUCES will greatly benefit me. For as my mental state, well I'm doing the best a 29 year old son can. Life sucks and I know I'll have to talk to a counselor soon to help me to deal and cope with my emotions. Anything helps, even just a comment saying you're praying helps. Thank you

    submitted by /u/allbrid737
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    Certifications/training for Running Small Business?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 03:26 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm a semi-recent college graduate (May 2018) and I'm thinking about getting my CIA (Certified internal auditor) or a similar certification to better run a small business. I'm currently looking for work in a hotel as my family is heavily considering purchasing one in a few years and having me run it, but I of course need experience and training. I wanted to see if y'all could recommend any certifications or training for running a small business in terms of financial operations, auditing, budgeting, or anything else that would help a hotel administrator. I would also use these skills to help run our other property management business to maintain our rental properties. Do any of y'all have any experience with this? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/indianshitsRtheworst
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    House cleaning service

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 02:34 AM PDT

    I want to open a house cleaning service in my city,with a door to door marketing and flyers!Any tips from anyone who has done this before would be welcome.

    submitted by /u/NexhatR
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    I started a small taiyaki store, and I might have failed even before I open this June 3

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 07:34 AM PDT

    TLDR: I think I have 2 problems 1) capital and 2) marketing to students. I live in the Philippines. Please help this foolish newbie with tips to help this office drone (call center agent and freelance writer) of 5 years to transition to becoming a profitable entrepreneur. Also, maybe some future entrepreneur may get something from my story, even if mine technically just started.

    Together with 2 partners, we opened a store directly in front of a Public High School with 2,000 students. Most stores offer school supplies and lunch, and we primarily target snacks. We were confident of the location, since there were several interested tenants who want to rent the space before us and have high foot traffic when school starts or ends for the day. We rented the store even if there were no classes for the past three months due to summer vacation, which puts us already in the red before we started.

    I handle accounting, inventory, and operations, with around 60% ownership, until I bumped up to 87%. Male partner focuses on market research and marketing, while the female partner will basically be HR, legal and compliance.

    One of the partners suddenly stopped communicating with us. However, she borrowed money from me, which amounted to her share in the partnership, and I left her a message stating that her loan is satisfied as I will take her part. I know that she cannot pay for it (life tragedies) and we still remain civil and friendly. Now I inherited her work.

    I have found two employees, a mother, and her daughter, with labor costs at $200 a month. Rent is at $100 a month. The store caters primarily to the Class D and E market (typically having Php10 to 15 for their daily allowance), with a private school of 600 students located 50 meters to the left of the public school at the class B and C market (with allowance at Php 60 to 100, yes the wealth gap is very high in the Philippines).

    For the taiyaki itself, 10 pieces will lead to revenues of Php 60, and the food cost is at Php 15 to 16. In an hour, ideally a worker can make 40 taiyaki, which makes labor cost at Php 7 for the 10 pieces. The prime cost will be Php 22 to 23 for 10 pieces ideally.

    I am planning to partner with the landlady, owner of the rental property, in setting up a Wifi distribution business inside the store, with students possibly paying Php1 (5 minutes) or Php 5 (30 minutes) for faster internet. The startup cost for the wifi distribution system is at $300, with a monthly internet plan at $70.

    Also, I am planning to also buy a Xerox machine and possibly a printer and laptop to offer printing services. This can reach $400 easily.

    School is open around 46 weeks out of 52.

    Tomorrow, classes will start, and I am extremely, extremely afraid. Start-up costs, which we pegged at $1,000, ballooned to almost $2,000. This $2,000 figure is most of my savings, as I currently hold around 87% of the partnership, and I am afraid I might not be able to get at the very least $400 to break even for the monthly rent, utilities, and labor. I am still freelancing as a writer, but I do not get paid much. (I write about IRAs, 401Ks, Forms for the IRS like penalty abatement and others, but I am mainly a researcher than a writer anyway).

    Lending companies will not provide any help, since we technically do not exist yet nor have any proven history of payments and income. Angel investors are hard to come by, and I do not think they will be interested in a small specialty store. I do not know how, when and who can be my business partner, as I am still a very reserved introvert, and am making steps to rectify that.

    Capital is needed as a single product store has so much risk, and other products and services can attract possible customers. However, I am not sure I even have enough to pay for the next month's rent, but I have set aside some money to pay for the workers.

    As for marketing, we are new and not known to the community. I made Tarp/banners, and research by my remaining partner, who has more social media knowledge than me, said that Facebook and Instagram ads will not work.

    Any suggestions or stories, my fellow Redditors?

    I promise I will follow up with what is happening with my business, the failures and hopefully tribulations. The Food and Beverage niche is a competitive one, and knowledge can help anyone, not just me but also lurkers in this subreddit, which I once was.

    Thank you for at least reading. May your tribe increase.

    submitted by /u/Hikkikomori_otouchan
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    Starting a small business, need help.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 12:56 AM PDT

    So I've decided that I'm going to start a small business after I move. I'm going to try to open up a local game store in the city/town I'm moving to, and I have 2-3 people who want to be my partners, my girlfriend's aunt and uncle, and a friend of mine down where I'm moving to. The scene where nerds can hang out to play Magic: the Gathering, the Pokémon TCG, Yu-Gi-Oh!, D&D, and buy retro video games (pre-PS3/Xbox 360) is practically non-existent there. Like the only places that sell trading cards there are big box stores. Only issue is I have a poor credit score, and my girlfriend's uncle draws disability. Any advice? The help is greatly appreciated. Edit: I saw someone messaged me about this post, but I can no longer see the message to read it. If they would be kind enough to message me again, I'd be happy.

    submitted by /u/DreamOracle42
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    Cold calling for my own business is..different

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 08:10 PM PDT

    I spent years of my working life as a cold caller. I did insurance, cars, security, and apartments. I never had a problem of taking rejection. I was damn good at smiling through it and coming back strong on the next call. But i opened a commercial cleaning business, and i do 75% cold calls, and 25% door knocks. (Really want to flip those two..but im not there yet)

    My problem is..all the years cold calling it was for someone else. I put so much damn effort into building this business from scratch. When someone hits me with the hard no's, it cuts into my soul. I still can smile through it, keep on and make some sales. But i guess im just curiohs how you guys handle it..my business is only a few months old. So im still getting used to the fact its not someone else im calling for. Im calling for me. And that no isnt someone elses. That no is ALL mine. Like someone stepped on your dog and just said ah f*ck you bud, kicked your gonads off and kissed your girlfriend.


    submitted by /u/GdaIV747
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    Copyright infringement help

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 09:14 PM PDT

    Hi, I am a new Etsy seller (started selling last week, officially). I make stickers, and today I was contacted by a much larger sticker shop saying they would report me for copyright infringement if I didn't take my listing down. It was a sticker saying "kindness is cool" and they had a similar one with the same wording, but the design, colors, AND fonts are different. Can I get shut down for this/taken to court? I don't believe it to be copyright, but I don't want to get into a legal battle over a sticker. I had taken it down, but I have reposted it until they provide me with copyright details of their work. Copyright.gov says this " Copyright protection for an original work of authorship does not extend to • Ideas, concepts, discoveries, principles • Formulas, processes, systems, methods, procedures • Words or short phrases, such as names, titles, and slogans • Familiar symbols or designs • Mere variations of typographic ornamentation, lettering, or coloring"

    Any help would be awesome! I am 19 and not really sure what to do, as I don't have enough money for an attorney if they were to report me.

    submitted by /u/lifewithabb
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    Need web advice, online school

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 08:54 PM PDT

    Hello, I am going to launch an online test prep/school (tests to acquire professional registration in the US) by the end of the year. Year 1 and 2 is going to be prep for one test and target year 3 to launch for a second test prep. I've never designed or anything a website but need one. As far as I can tell, my best bet is:

    • squarespace or Wordpress for web design
    • not sure what the big deal is with hosting, so godaddy?
    • will be using teachable for the online test prep.

    As far as I can tell, I need a pretty simple but well executed website that I will link/integrate my teachable school into. Test prep lessons will be steamed. For the first 5 years I don't expect a ton of traffic, less than 10k visitors/year so I do t think this has to be super high performance.

    Question: where do I start!? My inclination is to start at Squarespace and use godaddy for hosting. Any input on these options?

    submitted by /u/pm_me_your_rv
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    Restaurant owner in need of some advice

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 02:52 PM PDT

    Hello everybody,

    I'm new to reddit so let me know if I'm breaking any rules but I am in need of some small business advice.

    Me (21F) & associate (26M) still haven't full purchased the business. We are currently in escrow for a Pho & Thai restaurant in California. We are both new to the restaurant business, & are not very familiar with Pho & Thai food but the sales are there so we decided to take a leap.

    The thing is, I've never had a business partner. Would you recommend I created a business contract? If so, would I get in contact with a lawyer/notary? Please advice.

    Just to give you an overview, the purchase includes: equipment, furniture, supplies(basically everything in the building), alcohol (beer & wine) Lic., employees, business name, 2 weeks training to run the restaurant, However the building itself is leased (2200 month).

    On it's slow months, which is the summer, they bring in about 19k per month & in winter, which is usually busier, 24k per month.

    We plan to expand the imported beer options & also expand the bar area so that we can have draft beer. Also, add more food like papaya salad, & some dessert because the current menu does have limited choices.

    It's In downtown so we want to target the surrounding areas. Right next to us is an education plaza so we would target the educators (teachers, therapist etc.), aside from that have happy hour on specified times. Local restaurants or bars in my area don't usually have happy hours. The only place that does it is apple bees so everybody just goes there.

    So, my other question is: would you recommend that I start doing these renovations right away or wait to see where we are on sales?

    submitted by /u/alchemisttrilogy
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    Any good books on starting your own business? Ideally from a dry practical perspective, not from an inspirational/motivational one...

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 10:54 AM PDT

    I want to start my own business but all I see are business books dealing with inspiration mostly.

    Can anyone recommend a book on starting your own business that's dry and hopefully easy and simple to understand?

    submitted by /u/The_Laviathen_Builds
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    ¿Is it reasonable and seo effective to dedicate a whole section of my blog to travel related posts even though the blog is part of an e-commerce prestashop store?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 07:54 PM PDT

    Hi ,this might sound a little bit obvious but I would still like to hear some opinions.

    Im currently selling handcrafted items on my prestashop store. My main way to promote these handicrafts has been to talk about its creation process and its ethnic origin on my blog posts(this is one of the main added values that my product has in comparison with other generic handicrafts) .

    My question is the following: Im thinking about dedicating a whole category of my blog posts to the location where these handicrafts are created and other types of handicrafts that are crafted by artisans in this location, given that the search volume for these themes is considerably higher than the actual product keyword(Im struggling to find high volume keywords to rank for on my blog posts) . ¿Is this strategy effective to increase my overall organic traffic to my website even though my website is e-commerce oriented? or ¿would it be futile as the content would be unlikely to rank better against travel blogs that specialize in these kind of blog posts? I apologize beforehand as English isnt my native language, every opionion/feedback will be kindly taken into account. Here is my website: wayuupatterns.com


    submitted by /u/comtruise223456
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    Anyone start their own campground?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    We are very close to buying acreage in the wilderness just under an hour outside the city with the intention of putting a few A-frame cabins of varying sizes (one 'larger'/owner and several others to sleep 2-4) that would ideally be rented out for personal camping, group retreats, wilderness weddings, etc. I own and operate a successful retail/wholesale business and my other half is insanely talented with building things (and has a side handyman business). We've camped a fair amount in our lives and like to be outdoors so we aren't going into this completely blind (and there's a fair amount of work to be done before we can get up and running), but just curious if there's anyone in this sub who has attempted this before and has any words of wisdom?

    submitted by /u/Reckoner08
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    Investing in local Market infrastructure to generate less waste

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 06:27 PM PDT

    Web Developer Considering Closing Up Shop. How to Do is Responsibly?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 06:22 PM PDT

    Howdy! To make this story as brief as possible, I'm a self-employed web developer whose pretty much burnt-out trying to scale my business beyond myself. An opportunity recently dropped in my lap for a senior development position with a local company, and I'm considering taking it. If I do so, I would close down my business.

    I'm not sure what I need to consider in order to do this legally (I'm a subchapter S-Corp in Pennsylvania). I'm also not sure what I need to consider in order to do this "responsibly." In addition, I have about 50 clients with websites that I host. It's not a huge income but it is reliable. I'm wondering if I can/should consider selling off this part of my business to a local competitor and if so, how to determine what its worth.

    Most of my work is "ad-hoc" meaning clients tell me when they need something, and I get them on my schedule to get it done. I have a few clients on-retainer. Most hosting clients pay by the month. Others pay quarterly or annually.

    I'm not sure if it's better to contact each client and ask them what they want to do (this would result in a ton of wasted and unbillable time for me, helping them migrate elsewhere), or simply hand off the hosting accounts to a local company and tell clients "you will be billed by XXXX now."

    submitted by /u/breich
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    Need Help/Advice on my new startup, creative agency

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 05:53 PM PDT

    Hey Everyone, I'm Salman. I'm a professional Graphic Desginer and I've been working as a Freelance Graphic Designer since last couple of years.

    A couple of weeks ago, I decided to start my own design agency, because getting work on freelance site have become 'once in a blue moon' thingy with all the competition on the site and design infringements. I'm currently only relying on freelancing, so this is really a big step for me and my business.

    Lets talk about Strokode(My Creative Agency) first, We are providing web and Graphic Design services, but currently only focusing on Graphic Design part. We have tried running ads on gumtree to start with, but haven't got any leads so far.

    • Can anyone spill some beans on how to/where should we start to advertise, to get design client and which platform would be more effective and cheap to advertise on i.e. facebook, instagram, google adwords, reddit, pinterest etc ?

    • Any leads on finding free traffic?

    • Anyone here who is also running a creative agency or similar business, can you share your experience and how do you work around when it comes to finding clients? What strategy do you use?

    • Any advice/critiques on the website? What steps should I take to make it look more professional? (Portfolio updating is still in process). Where I'm lacking Or anything I'm missing from the site which should be included?

    Any kind of help/critiques would be really appreciated and welcome.

    My portfolio: www.strokode.com

    Also, If anyone is looking for a Graphic Designer or has any freelance design project for me, give me a shout. It would really help me and my business.



    submitted by /u/SalmanGhouri
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    Cash app question about pre paid cards.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 05:29 PM PDT

    Somebody requested money from me via cash app but I don't want to use my debit card.

    I imagine that if I want to download the app and pay people through the app I will need to link up my bank account Etc...

    But if somebody just sends me a request can I pay that request with a prepaid card? Or are prepaid cards forbidden in any capacity through cash app

    submitted by /u/jonnyscal1
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    Has anyone use/d a APW Wyott Bagel master toaster?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 05:01 PM PDT

    Im looking at purchasing one, but i want to try to find out more on the toaster. We currently use a Warring CTS conveyor ( 1000 slices per hour), and while its been good, its slow. We toast roughly 100-150 bagels a day, but it requires 2 trips thru the toaster to get the nice golden toast, which takes about 1.5-2 min. The APW Bagel master says it toasts 1440 slices per hour, and the few reviews i can find suggest it will get that golden toast in about 15-30 seconds. If thats true, it will make a huge difference in our ticket times and easy of operation.

    so, who do you guys use? any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/truckeeriverfisher
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    My online dropshipping store had to be turned off because I no longer have a reliable way to make multiple international orders per day.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 04:56 PM PDT

    Finally started making some serious money with my online business. However due to high instances of fraud (not by me just in general that's what they said), my bank will no longer allow me to purchase anything from china. This halted the entire business immediately. I can't fulfill orders because I can't buy anything from outside the U.S. I have only been able to find a few options for this and they are travel cards that require you to purchase foreign currency using exchange rates. There are also fees everywhere that will cut into profits. I guess my question would be, is there a debit/credit card that I can domestically purchase that isn't going to block all my international purchases?

    submitted by /u/UsefulRutabaga
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    looking for some feedback on a menu I'm working on

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 04:52 PM PDT

    As the title implies, I'm looking to see what everyone's thoughts are on this digital menu I'm working on for our shop. Its the first time Ive ever used Adobe illustrator. Its news paper theme, going on split 60" screens.


    please be gentle lol! Anything helps!

    submitted by /u/truckeeriverfisher
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    I am in a rapid growth phase with my company. When do you know if you need more capital?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 04:29 PM PDT

    My business just hit the 1.5 year mark and is in the beauty industry. Now that things are running along, sales are picking up, and our idea is validated we are starting to grow and offer new product lines.

    We sold out in our first year quickly and I want to try avoiding that again this time, but I am learning that it is super difficult to predict inventory capital needs (even with the cash we have) in a rapidly growing company. I can say that I need $30,000 for 1,200 units but then a week later say shit we are selling more than I thought I need $50,000 now.

    Is it worth looking in to a line of credit at a bank? Something to use in an emergency? Or dipping in to my emergency personal savings? I like the idea of a LOC, but the interest rates I see seem soooo high. We utilize credit cards as much as possible but it's not practical to use them with our biggest suppliers due to fees.

    submitted by /u/UH2000
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    Interested to know options on flooring in Motel rooms

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 02:52 PM PDT

    I own a business in a resort area that has lodging rooms attached to a restaurant and bar. Our primary business is the restaurant as food & beverage sales account for 75% of our income. The other 25% comes from our motel.

    We have been around for a while and have a great reputation, but it comes time for us to make some more updates in the motel. I want to put some waterproof vinyl plank flooring in on the ground level (we cater to hunters, fisherman, hikers, & families enjoying the great outdoors in general) because I feel like it will look & feel more clean vs carpet. However my partner thinks it will be harder and more work for our House Keepers to clean vs vacuuming carpet.

    Anyone have experience or thoughts? Whether personally traveling or professional as an owner would be helpful. Thanks a ton!

    submitted by /u/NWfella1
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    What is the best software/platform for handling hospitality/rental reservations?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 02:29 PM PDT

    I run an RV park that mostly deals in long term month to month tenants. Right now I use a combination of quickbooks and Mysites to handle all the reservation and billing but I am looking for a better platform. Does anyone have suggestions or experiences to share?

    I am looking for something that can handle just over fifty units and keep track of all of the active tenants with their lot numbers and various information collected in one place. Ideally this could be accessible from with computer or my phone.

    I also need to be able to manage billing and accept payments as well as send invoices from within the platform. I will still be using quickbooks so an easy way to import/export would be great!

    The only strange caveat I have is that all reservations will still be booked manually. Since it's typically people staying for multiple months I want to be able to vet them before giving them the space.

    If there is a good place to cross post this question let me know!

    submitted by /u/PopcornStamos
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