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    Sunday, June 9, 2019

    Legal Advice Woman keeps driving under the influence on a suspended license (WV)

    Legal Advice Woman keeps driving under the influence on a suspended license (WV)

    Woman keeps driving under the influence on a suspended license (WV)

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:11 AM PDT

    Six years ago I was in a horrible car accident caused by a woman who was driving under the influence and who was uninsured. I survived and was able to have her license suspended. Because she had no insurance and she has no money I received no settlement or restitution for her actions.

    Six years later, she has been arrested 3 times for Driving on a Suspended license. In all of her mug shots, it is apparent that she is Under the Influence. The problem is that she is related to the most powerful lawyer in the small town where she lives. She gets a slap on the wrist for driving without a license but is never charged with a DUI. Everyone in local law enforcement knows her and protects her.

    Who or what higher power can I complain to to actually get her charged with DUI when it is appropriate? Yes, I have a grudge against her but I also can see her killing someone in the future due to her lack of sobriety and her access to other people's vehicles. I don't think anyone in the county where she lives want to prosecute her because of her powerful relative... Any advice greatly appreciated.

    TL;DR: No one will charge a local woman with DUI, just driving on suspended license because she is well connected. Who can I report her to to get results?

    submitted by /u/mindfulminx
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    UPDATE - [MI, USA] Considering suing my uncle after he intentionally fired an air horn meant for bears in my ear, and now I have what appears to be a permanent ringing in my ear

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 12:34 PM PDT

    Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/btauw7/mi_usa_considering_suing_my_uncle_after_he/

    I promised an update so here it is. First off, I want to thank everyone who strongly suggested I go see a doctor ASAP. I went to see an ENT and audiologist approximately a week and a half after the incident occurred. My hearing test came back normal, which was very reassuring. The tinnitus was still quite bad, so I wanted to see if the doc could help with that. He put me on a steroid cycle for a week and a half, which just ended yesterday. I saw him again a week after the first visit, and we decided to try a steroid injection directly into both ear drums. (This was a very unpleasant experience, as you can probably imagine)

    The ringing has gone down considerably, and I'm hopeful it will eventually be completely gone. It still bothers me at night and while I'm trying to work sometimes. The biggest problem lately has been that these steroids cause insomnia, so I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in weeks. This has caused me to have to cancel a summer project, since at this point I'm far too behind schedule to complete it.

    My uncle has agreed to pay for all medical costs. I'm not planning on suing him. He knows he fucked up and was apparently crying on the phone when my parents called him to tell them what I was going through. My aunt has also had a really rough time since finding out the extent of the damage. I haven't talked to either one of them since it happened, and don't plan on talking to him any time soon. They have offered to call me and apologize but I don't want to talk to them. I just don't want to be around the guy after what he did to me. I'll probably end up spending some holidays alone, but I don't care. Fuck that guy. Thanks for hearing my story and for all the advice.

    submitted by /u/GoonDaFirst
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    My debit card was stolen and put my account -$6000, the bank is now coming after me

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:15 AM PDT

    I live in Illinois in the surrounding Chicago suburbs. A few months ago I misplaced my debit card. I hardly ever use it, mainly using cash. When I went to check my online statements, my account was over -$6000. I called the bank to inform them my card was stolen and to cancel my card. Just an FYI: my account is FDIC protected.

    I came to find out my card was used at various ATMs in the surrounding areas (about 4 different ATMs in a 100 mile radius). The way the bank's ATMs were structured, you did not need to enter your pin if they were their own ATMs, kinda like a credit card. At the time, I didn't even have a car and can prove I was at work/at home with family.

    I went to the police station right across the street and informed them someone had stolen/used my card, and they informed me they would have their investigator look into it.

    30 days later, I received a letter in the mail from the bank saying they were going to pursuit me for legal action regarding the overdrafted funds if I did not pay them back within 30 days.

    I called the police to see if they had looked into my case, and was told that the investigator that was handling my case had "stepped down" and no one else had been working on my case, but ensured me they will now have someone be looking into it. Since then, I still have not heard anything regarding it.

    This morning (15 days after receiving that letter from the bank), I searched my name in the public court records to find out the bank filed a judgement against me and it was signed by the judge.

    I was never served any papers, and was never given a court date or even had an idea they were actually pursuing me in court. The police investigator is not answering any of my calls nor returning my voicemails.

    I don't even know where to start or how I am supposed to fight this. Any sort of advice or help would be much appreciated, I can also answer any questions that would provide any more detail.

    submitted by /u/chickenandwaffleboi
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    Got a Letter From A Company I Never Heard Of Before Demanding I Pay $3500 Or They'll Take Legal Action.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:04 AM PDT

    Here is the letter: https://imgur.com/a/4v0W2B8 this is all the letter says, no account/invoice or even my name.

    This is the first time they have ever contacted me, the letter came via first class mail($7 stamp). I thought my identity got stolen so I did a Credit Report, but no new credits/debts are there. I have a feeling this is a scam but i'm not sure, i'm hesitant to call them in case they are scammers, don't want to give them any more info.

    What should I do? I 100% have never even heard of this company before let alone spend a penny there.

    submitted by /u/2x2iz5
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    [AL] Can a school legally separate a child from their parents?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 08:07 AM PDT

    I am in a public high school, junior year, 17 and my girlfriend is currently pregnant with my child. The school caught wind of this. Apparently the school is suing for our child to be seized by the state once the is born. The child is due in October.

    I just received documents on Friday while leaving school. My and my girlfriend and our families are freaking out. Is this legal or even constitutional? Wha is our coarse of action from this point on?

    submitted by /u/Squirellman22
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    [TX] Wife has disappeared for almost a week now

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 09:33 AM PDT

    My wife and I have always had a bit of a rocky relationship. She has a gambling problem that she has not made many strides to address and was a major factor in our decision to move from CA to TX last October. Since the move, she has had a couple of nights of "going out with friends" that ended up with her driving the ~5 hours necessary to get out of state to a casino in either OK or LA, but this week takes the cake.

    On Monday 6/3, she rented a car since we currently only own one and then drove to Louisiana and basically fell off the map. In that time she burned through all of the money in our shared account and I'm assuming hers as well. I also found out in the past few weeks that the paychecks that she had deposited into my personal account have bounced because I assume she used mobile deposit and then cashed them elsewhere. She would not respond to any texts or calls on Monday but finally FaceTimed our daughters on Tuesday. Since then it has been a lot of nothing. She hasn't been home at all and judging by the iMessages I see on her iPad at home she has been hitting up anyone and everyone she can to borrow money to try to recoup her losses from this recent binge. I have been able to continue taking the kids to daycare and doing the part time job that I have currently, but this will not be sustainable for long. Our mortgage payment is due on the 15th and I also found out that since she hasn't shown up to her job at all that she's been let go from there. This puts additional hardship upon us since hers is the primary income of the household currently.

    We have two daughters together, aged 2 and 3. I have declarations of paternity from the state of California for both of them, but the real wrinkle is that I've also been taking care of my stepson during this. He is 11 and I have no legal guardianship of him.

    My question is this: what are the first steps I need to take to establish a custody order and begin the process of separating myself from this giant collection of mistakes I've made? I realize that seeking sole conservatorship of the girls will be an uphill battle in Texas, but I do have documentation of her absence over the past week and it shouldn't be too hard to establish her neglectful behavior. Any advice or resources would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/uther886
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    Indiana. Neighbor building a fence on my 70 year old mom’s property. What to do??

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:50 AM PDT

    My mother's neighbor hired a contractor to build a fence on her property! We've called the police, but because it's a "civil matter" they couldn't do anything. They built the fence at an angle, it's about 8 feet on my mom's side by the road and about 10-11 feet in the back.

    We've hired a surveyor since the property hasn't been surveyed in 10-15 years. They said it will be 3 weeks before they can come out. At this point we really don't know what else to do. My mom owns 7 acres in the middle of nowhere.

    submitted by /u/kittykittywhatnow
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    (USA, CA) I run a martial arts studio and need to kick someone out of classes.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:53 AM PDT

    Without going into everything she has done, I have been dealing with a student for a while now who has basically created drama and problems for my business and my family. Now she has started to do and say stuff that is borderline crazy. She drives by our house several times a day. It started out as a friendship at first but the more we got to know her the more my family and other students started trying to distance themselves from her and her family. (her children take classes at the studio as well)

    My question is, do I run a risk of legal ramifications by asking her to leave and stop taking classes. The only contract my students sign is one based on committing to a monthly fee that gets taken off their card once a month. They also sign a release of liability for injury as it is a martial art. Knowing I can cancel her payment contract and refund her for her and her children's last month. Is there anything else I may need to worry about?

    Knowing how this woman can essentially fabricate some crazy scenarios in her head that aren't true, I am just trying to make sure I have all bases covered.

    Edit: Thanks for all the feedback! Knowing we have been smart with our paper trails and we don't really run much of a risk other than a nutty yelp review the rest is easy.

    submitted by /u/Quinna2992
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    Public intoxication on private property.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:08 AM PDT

    In Ohio. I was at a friends home when the police were called about a dispute. Officers arrived and we informed them that the individuals involved were leaving. They asked "Do we need to be here then?". We responded with "No. Everyone is leaving so there should be no issue.". One of the individuals asked to come in and retrieve property. We asked the officers to leave and if they have any right to come in when the person does not live at the residence. They continued pounding on the door and when it was opened to inform them that they could not enter they pushed myself and the homeowner out of the way in order to enter without a warrant or probable cause. From my understanding. We called the police again to send someone so we could file a complaint against the officers involved. The officer who initiated the pushing and illegal search came back with another cop. They told me to sober up before I made a complaint and then proceeded to pull me out of the doorway and arrest me for "public intoxication". They declined my request for a sobriety test both at the propertyand the police station. I recorded 2 min of the situation aferthey forced themselves onto the property. This is my first arrest so I wanted to know my options if I had any for avoiding fees or getting my record cleared. Possibly pressing charges against the arresting officer. Thank you for any help.

    submitted by /u/ElBestDelWorld
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    [NH] Friend accepted job offer overseas. He plans on leaving his debts behind and is maxing out EVERYTHING.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 07:11 PM PDT

    My childhood friend is doing something very reckless and I'm not sure what to do. We both graduated a couple years ago and a company offered him a financial position in China. He's since accepted and plans on moving in the next month. He's been maxing out his credit cards and taking the cash advances on them to their limit in the meantime.

    I tried telling him this was a dumb idea but he's not listening. He keeps saying it doesn't matter once he's over there. If he has no intention of returning to the US, can anything actually be done? I'm afraid he's going to end up in prison or something from this. Is it fraud or?

    Please help.

    submitted by /u/El_Tr0d
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    Employer is family, refuses to give paycheck bc Employee "is too irresponsible with money" NJ

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 10:19 AM PDT

    Posting for a friend. My friend works for his uncles business as a cdl driver. Uncle is narcissist who believes his word is the only word, basically we all should aspire to be him. Friend isn't great with money, but keeps his bills paid. Uncle believes friend isn't worthy of recieving paychecks, and insists on keeping them in order to "help" friend out with budgeting. Uncle has recently refused to give friend direct deposit bc then uncle wouldn't have access to funds. Uncle is literally refusing friend any access to paycheck. I know this is shady, but its it illegal? Friend is getting paid this Friday and uncle stated "don't plan on seeing any of the actual money, its in my control now." Nothing was signed giving uncle this power. What is friends first step?

    submitted by /u/PawsbeforePeople13
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    Found hidden camera

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 01:33 PM PDT

    I live in Southern California. I have been renting a room from an older woman for about 4yrs. We do not have any type of rental contract or agreement. I found her on Craigslist and was in a very difficult financial place at the time. She is rarely home - she is a workaholic. The first year was great - no problems. Second year things got a bit strange, she was home more often and would often make strange comments or ask borderline inappropriate questions. Asking if I was gay or if had any girls spend the night recently - things of that nature. I always laughed it off or answered with a simple yes/no. Third year I would see her once or twice a month and she spent a majority of the time traveling out of the country. This was great because I often could not make rent on time and her arriving weeks after rent was due was very beneficial. November 2018 I lost my job. I made her aware of my situation and she was extremely understanding - she said I was a great roommate and she would be giving me a few months rent free until I got situated. A few weeks later in the middle of the night she entered my room and climbed into bed with me. She was very aggressive. I was totally taken by surprise. I felt like I really wasn't in a position to reject her and we had sex. This happened a few more times - same manner - she would let her self into my room in the middle of the night. I found a job in January and paid my back due rent along with a month in advance. Her nightly visits stopped. Things went back to normal. In March I met a girl and we hit it off great. We are pretty serious - she decided to "redecorate" my room in May. As we were cleaning/organizing my room I knocked over my alarm clock. I went to go pick it up and the back panel came off. I placed the battery panel back on but noticed an SD card slot. There was an SD card labeled May. I closed the lid and later that evening placed the SD card in my laptop. It was video of me in my room and sometimes my girlfriend. There is clear video of us having sex along with clear video of us in various states of undress. I flipped and when my roommate/landlord wasn't home I went thru her room. I found a lock box with several other SD cards all labeled with various months dating back almost a year. I couldn't find one for the month of 2018 November or December. The two months that she came creeping into my room. My girlfriend does not know and I'm not sure what my legal options are.

    submitted by /u/1tryingtohelp1
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    Customers dog bite me

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:10 AM PDT

    I work as a service tech for a pool company. I called the customer and told her I would arrive in 20 mins, when I arrived to work on her pool she opened her front door and and her dog (around 40 pounds) runs out and attacks me and bites my leg. She locks the dog up and comes back with a bandage, at this point my leg is gushing with blood and hands it to me and says she has put the dogs away so they cant bite me anymore, can I still come patch the leak in her pool, the last part pissed me off so much. So I called the police and they came and got the dog, I went to the hospital and got shots and antibiotics and they bandaged my leg. At no point was there any sort of apology so at this time I'm out 175 bucks and a days work and I cant get into another pool until my leg heals. I live in the state of Arkansas. What are my legal options for this?

    submitted by /u/fatalerror4040
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    Is it illegal to race lobsters in public in ontario?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    Basically, me and my friends are going to toronto and plan on racing lobsters in public for fun, no money involved and i want to know if it is illegal

    submitted by /u/jkriina
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    [Texas] My fitness transformation image is being falsely used for advertisement across several major instagram meme pages. Is there anything I can do?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    Screenshot of an instagram post

    I have seen 5 or 6 times this image posted on meme pages with 2+ million followers, advertising for some nutritionist that I have never met or used. My name is not even Dylan! I believe they have taken this picture of reddit from a previous /r/fitness post I made, but none of them have confirmed where they got the image. One meme page owner responded to me and said he would investigate but has not gotten back to me. Is there anything I can do about this? It does appear they are making money as a direct result of my picture.

    submitted by /u/brozilla456
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    How do I legally include images/music videos on a music blog?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 09:01 AM PDT

    My initial plan is to start a jazz music blog (also my first blog). From what I understand, I can include embedded content on my blog until it starts making money. So if I would get to a point where I would be bringing in money with this blog, does that mean I would have to remove all of the included media?

    A music blog without music / images would be pretty lame if you ask me. I think I need to get this question answered before I take the plunge and buy the blog domain.

    Location: Ohio

    submitted by /u/candyA25
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    Cousin in jail over a false charge

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 08:29 AM PDT

    So my cousin and I are on vacation in Florida (from Mississippi). We got into a minor fender bender, police came and everyone agreed it was a mutual accident. However when I look from the backseat, the cops are putting my cousin in handcuffs and taking him to jail. When I asked the officer why, he said his license was suspended and he'd have to spend a night in jail and go to court in the morning.

    As to why my cousins license was suspended, he got it suspended back in 2017, however he went to the Capitol,paid the $300 and got it reinstated. When they checked why it was suspended, it apparently is about a false charge from back in December of 2018. I'm picking him up today after court and have to pay a $100 bond to get him out. What can I do to get some kind of reimbursement for all this bullshit and make sure he license gets reinstated and don't have to pay a big ass fine and drive another 7 hours just to come back for court? Any way to sue the state of Mississippi?

    submitted by /u/toddlymarx
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    Dog went missing (suspected stolen from yard) found at a local shelter but they are asking me to pay for an expensive surgery or I can’t have him back

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:23 AM PDT

    I live in Delaware and we suspected our dog was taken and searched local shelters for weeks to finally find our dog at one. The weird thing is they never posted a found stray like they do with all other strays they find on their site and they didn't have him on their site or FB at all. Now the director is requiring me to pay for a surgery that I did not know she needed and to pay a redemption fee to get him back.

    I don't have proof but one of their employees also live in my neighborhood which is who I figured would have brought the dog in to this particular shelter, she knows me and my dog and I'm surprised they didn't say anything for 2 weeks to let me know they had em. It took me tracking my dog down and now I feel like I'm being extorted

    submitted by /u/mfsupreme
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    Can anyone give me some advice for illegal/potentially illegal practices at my caregiving company please? Thank you in advance.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 03:07 AM PDT

    I work for a senior/memory care facility in Nv. I was hired 2 months ago.

    I wrote down notes/documentation about the unprofessional environment experienced there and things I witnessed.

    1) My boss told me on the day of hire/interview that I wasn't allowed to discuss my wages with other employees because she believes everyone shouldn't get paid the same. Also to watch my back because the other employees are backstabbers who try getting others in trouble for no reason. (That honestly should have been my warning that management allows, encourages and participates in toxic workplace and bad morale behavior.)

    2) Is it legal for a manager and her wife to come stay the night together in one of the unoccupied resident rooms? Also they work with one being supervised by the other.

    3) My boss drops off her personal laundry from home at the worksite back door for the caregivers to do for her and picks it up when it's finished. I had to fold my bosses underwear and clothes on the job. Like the caregivers aren't already overloaded.

    4) There's blatant nepotism and favoritism where they punish, demote, fire, and sabotage others based on false non work related reasons. Relatives work together and are untouchable. Management discusses work performance and punishment/demotions of other employees with other non management employees and the last one to hear it is the employee in question. They put people in positions they weren't hired for or applied for with much less hours than negotiated at a moments notice and make up vague inconsistent "poor performance" narratives.

    I'm quitting tomorrow. Energy and efforts aren't worth anything there and whether you do a good job or not it doesn't matter they toy with and exploit thier employees. They also don't adequately train employees. I was seeking some pointers in going to the labor board about these things. How do I professionally tell them to f*ck off to their face? Is reporting them going to produce any change or is that going to be a fruitless effort too? I'm beyond frustrated right now but don't want to go about this all wrong.

    Also feeling pretty discouraged about caregiving in general it's the thing I enjoy doing and feel like I'm fulfilling my purpose Im just tired of all the shady disruptive crap company's in the field pull effecting finances and mental distress. Working there is accompanied with the feeling of having a sword on a thin string hanging above your head.😕

    Thanks again.

    submitted by /u/frozenfaerie
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    Ex-LL keeping our deposit and not paying for appliances she purchased from us after moving with 30 day notice. (CA)

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:15 AM PDT

    My wife got a new job 3 hrs away so e gave the landlord 40 days notice. She said it was ok, because she had a friend that was waiting to move in. When we moved we had a professional cleaner come in and a repair man to cover any and all messes or problems. When we left the house was almost EXACTLY as when we moved in (took tons of pictures). the only difference was the touch up paint i bought was a little off from the original and we didnt clean the carpets because they were old to begin with and we covered them with runners on all walkways.

    She immediately started texting us saying the house was a wreck. The windows were dirty. The inside of the garage door was dirty. And also making up bullshit like the bathroom floor was falling apart (old stained lanolin) when we moved in. And she had to pay big money to remove the toilet equipment, which was a self install bidet, that you screw off with a pair of pliers.

    Before we moved she asked if she could buy our appliances, a stove, fridge and washer. We didnt need any of it because our new place had it all and they were all old (but work great) anyway, so we told her $150, because we thought we had a good relationship, until this point.

    Now she ways we didnt give her written notice of 30 days (have emils and texts) and the house was a disaster so she couldnt rent it for another month because she had to have cleaned and repairs. Was thinking of taking her to court, but its a 3 hr drive each way back. Should i hire a lawyer or just forget about it

    oh, i forgot about the pipe burst a month before we moved that i paid $300 on a sunday night for emergency repair, that i was never reimbursed.

    submitted by /u/qquicksilver
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    Am I allowed to build a stick fort?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:54 AM PDT

    Me and my pals are building a stick fort, it's not on anyone's garden or anything, it's next to a river with some houses parallel and a park down the road. I live in Scotland, UK.

    submitted by /u/Qwozky
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    Workers Compensation and me? Cross posted from r/IBEW

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:30 AM PDT

    Hey everyone.

    Quick question for you all. I'm here at IBEW 613 in Georgia. About a month ago, I fell during a wire pull. Slammed my neck and shoulder into a fan. I mentioned it to my foreman and he said "Get back on that horse!" At the time, I didn't think I was that hurt. A week goes by and I can't lift my right arm. I go to the ER, get some x-rays, and leave with some muscle relaxers and a "You got hurt. Take it easy." A couple weeks go by, I'm wearing a shoulder brace, and I'm not getting better. Just worse. Headaches, nausea, and a bunch of shit. I end up going back to the ER after I collapse from pain at home. I get a CT scan, some motrin, and told to take the week off.

    I get a call from my GF(General Foreman) asking me all these questions. Now I'm having a meeting with some head office guys on Monday. I was told I'm getting written up for failure to report (even though I told my foreman) and a couple other things.

    I guess what I'm asking is, where do I stand? What should I do? I've never been in this kind of situation before and I'm scared.

    TL;DR: First year apprentice. Got hurt at work. Told my foreman who didn't say to report it. It got worse, went to the ER a couple of times. Hospital sent my company a bill. Now I'm getting written up and I don't know what to do.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/kirkwilhelm
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    Employer refusing to pay for hours worked last week because payroll and time clock system went down.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 11:29 AM PDT

    Hello! Im hoping I can find some advice on here regarding labor laws when it comes to an employer refusing to pay for time worked. My fiancée and myself work for a well-known clothes retailer in the U.S. (don't want to name them unless necessary) I have recently taken some time off to study for the LSAT (hopefully I'll be the one giving advice soon!) but my fiancée still works there.

    Today our manager told my fiancée that the payroll system and clock-in system are down (globally) and that she may not receive her pay for last week since it was somehow affected.

    I know there are issues with even late payment, so I'm assuming not paying someone for their work at all is a big no no. I read up some on the Fair Labor Standards Act 29 U.S.C. § 203 but I'm not sure exactly how it would apply in this situation. Beyond that, I suppose there are state laws that could apply as well, so, for what it's worth we are in Illinois. I would like to believe that this company is liable for their systems failing and should have to compensate their employees appropriately. Either way, I would really appreciate any advice moving forward! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/wizardlywayner
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