• Breaking News

    Saturday, June 1, 2019

    Legal Advice (UPDATE) We are being sued for $1m for an auto accident. I believe our insurance attorney is compromised.

    Legal Advice (UPDATE) We are being sued for $1m for an auto accident. I believe our insurance attorney is compromised.

    (UPDATE) We are being sued for $1m for an auto accident. I believe our insurance attorney is compromised.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 07:39 AM PDT

    Original Post

    Its been 4 months since my post where we had a ghost passenger sue is for over 1m.

    To Recap: Our driver was involved in a three-car pile-up where we were in the back, the middle driver was alright and did not press charges, the front car had 1 passenger as confirmed by me (as I went to the scene) our driver, and the police report. This front car was suing us. When we were subpoenaed to court, the documents indicated that now there were 2 people in the front car. Again, there was no 2nd person in the police report or that we saw. Sometime later, there was a 3rd person in the vehicle. Our insurance company was based on the other side of the country hired a legal team to represent us. This team had the audacity to tell me that sometimes the police fill out reports incorrectly. They also told me to not worry and that they will do everything in their power to ensure that the claim does not go over 1m so I don't pay out of pocket, as if they are doing me a favor.

    We can't prove this but other attorneys reviewed the case and suggest that this team is systematically trying to screw us and could potentially be working with the plaintiff. At one point, they scheduled the hearing to be 2 months away without consulting us or giving us a date. Other attorneys told us a case like this typically waits 6 to 12 months before a hearing.

    Follow up: After all of our complaints, the insurance company finally allowed us to use our chosen attorney after weeks of back and forth emails with their corporate office. We hired a private investigator as well. On the day of the hearing, we presented a dashcam provided by the middle car which showed only 1 person in the front car. Their lawyer was fuming and asking why he didn't know there was a dashcam. We didn't learn about it until our private investigator found out as the middle car never reported having one in the police report.

    submitted by /u/CTEisajoke
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    I was found Not Guilty, but my arrest and charges are still on my background report. Can I clear my name? (MI)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 06:11 AM PDT

    Long story short, my crazy ex and her friend tried to set me up last year. They attacked me outside of a bar then lied about everything. I was arrested and charged with 2 misdemeanors: Assault and domestic violence. I refused to plead guilty, so the prosecutor dragged me through a farce of a trial. Ultimately, I was acquitted easily, and now I'm heading to medical school. I found out this week that my arrest and charges are on the background report delivered to my school, and it makes me furious. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening in the future?

    submitted by /u/WlnstonSmlth
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    (update) roommate Squatting problem- landlord signed his lease And sucks. I’m looking for a lawyer I can afford to break the lease. Overall I’m screwed

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 04:54 AM PDT

    I am sharing this update more as a BLARING warning than anything else b/c there isn't any advice you guys can give me to help. Things have worked out horribly for me. Upon advice of some of you I tried to negotiate with my landlord directly (again this is a large company, I speak to the 'owner' through a leasing agent) to try and negotiate with them to let me out of the lease. I offered to abandon my security deposit. I offered to stay as month to month while they deal with him then potentially stay after they get him out of the apartment and resign a new lease the. I basically begged. The agent consulted with the owner and.. they chose to countersign his lease and invalidate the one I signed that had his name redacted. They told me that the one I signed was not valid b/c my initials were missing on one of the redactions. I had signed the docusign that has his name on it two months ago (when we first got the renewal and he said he wasn't staying) and they said that one is the valid one and countersigned it. Again, they never canceled the original docusign and the lease I signed with his name redacted was a physical printout not a docusign one. I didn't think at the time to make sure the docusign was canceled b/c I litterially could not imagine being in this situation.

    My landlord called me at the end of the day yesterday to notify me that I am on a lease with my roommate now. They said that they made that decision b/c I was very clear that I would not be evicting him myself and would just be breaking the lease. They basically told me that WE are responsible for the rent moving foward and that if the rent is it received in full by the deadline (4th) they will immediately begin eviction proceedings against both of us.

    They said if I am able to negotiate with my roommate and get him to agreee to moving out they would be willing to cancel our lease without any fines and release us both. But in that case we both have to move out. They are no longer willing to rent to me independently. They said it's both or none.

    So that's where I currently am at. I'm on a lease with a deadbeat who will not be paying rent. My landlord is going to evict me if they don't get the full rent. And I am screwed.

    I am currently looking for a lawyer to help me get out of the lease. I haven't found one I can afford yet but my girlfriend's dad is going to see if he has any friends willing to help in my state but I'm not holding my breath since he lives in CA. Looks like I'll be stuck paying for a deadbeat for a few months at least.

    As the cherry on top: almost every lawyer I've spoken to so far (over 20) have told me they are doubtful I'll be able to recover any money from him for his portion of the rent now that he is on the lease.

    I am never living with a roommate again.

    submitted by /u/FlashyPrice5
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    [TN] County sheriff's department stole 22k in civil asset forfeiture

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 06:36 AM PDT

    I'm really desperate for help so sorry if I'm rushing. In Dec 2017 my grandfather went to pay in cash for a new truck and on the way got stopped by county SD who searched his car, found the money and when he couldn't explain they seized it under civil asset forfeiture. What we didn't know was that he was in the early stages of vascular dementia and so in that moment he had one of his episodes where he got confused and couldn't account for it as he wasn't diagnosed until June 2018. He had a drugs conviction from 1985 where he spent six months in prison but that was it not justification for taking his money.

    We didn't find out about this until February 2019 when my dad and uncle (who in March found out he has motor neurone disease) were helping my grandpa clear through his things when they found the notice of forfeiture. My uncle was really upset especially as he's been closest to my grandpa. They tried to recover the money but the SD so far has been obstructive and I was in the house when my dad found out the money had been spent by the SD and couldn't be recovered.

    My uncle lost his shit he's got no family of his own just my grandpa and with his MND diagnosis this really pushed him to the point my dad and I had to physically restrain him from marching out the house and take a dufflebag with his twelve gauge in it from him he was ready to go to the SD and do suicide by cop because he doesn't care anymore. We've locked his gun away and talked him down but I'm scared he's going to do it again unless we show him we can recover the money taken from grandpa what can we do?

    submitted by /u/PlanePaint88
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    [MA] Can my family be forced to pay for medical treatment that I refused but was forced to accept?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 10:57 AM PDT

    I am currently in a public high school. My family is not on any benefits, but make very little money. I do not have any allergies, and had never been sick until a few months ago. The first time that I got sick, I believed that it was an allergic reaction, as my throat became scratchy and thick feeling after eating certain nuts. This happened every day I ate said nuts, and worsened. I know that I was stupid, but I thought that this was a mild allergic reaction.

    At a friend's urging I asked the nurse for (insert branded spring allergies medicine here). She asked me why, and I explained the situation but emphasized the lack of certainty about the issue, that I had been fine for several days, and that I was breathing completely normally. Unfortunately I had already given her my name. She insisted upon administering an epipen despite my repeated statements that I did not want to be given one and could breathe. Short of assaulting her I could not leave. After that she called my mother at work and said that I would be sent in an ambulance to the hospital. The nurse herself, the paramedics, and the hospital nurse and doctor all confirmed that I had 100% oxygen verbally to me. I was mostly upset at myself for wasting precious resources, but now we have been stuck with a very high bill for an ambulance and emergency room visit, both of which I and my mother (parent and guardian) refused. My mother's work insurance will not cover any of the bill. Is paying this our only option? I know that I made a huge mistake and that the nurse was likely only following procedure, but this amount of money will wreck my family, even with my savings.

    Edit for clarity: The nurse administered the epipen while I was stating that I did not wish to receive it. I did not physically resist simply because there were two nurses and the school police officer on his way and because even if I escaped they already had my name on file and could just seize me.

    I apologize if this is a foolish question, I couldn't find a similar one in your faq or other resources, but I know that you receive many similar/frivolous questions. I saw the school rule but this is also medical related so I thought that it would be okay.

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    [TX] Local home builder drops nails all over our roads, leaving us with constant tire punctures. They won’t pay for tires or street sweeping, what can we do?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 07:28 AM PDT

    I live in a new community right outside of Austin, all built by the same builder. Over the past few months, folks who live here have had to replace numerous tires due to nail punctures. When I take my daughter on walks around the neighborhood, we collect nails from the streets! They are coming off of trucks that come and go from the sites still under construction. Various neighbors have tried to be compensated for tires or asked them to pay for street sweeping. The builder says he won't do anything, it's not his problem. Our HOA says it's not something they can make the builder do. Do we have any chance at getting to them if we hire legal representation?

    We're also a bit rural, outside of the incorporated town limits of an Austin suburb. So I'm not sure if the town would even send a street sweeper.

    We're talking 30+ new tires and countless patches. Im trying to collect an actual count from neighbors.

    submitted by /u/theluxeflip
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    Bathroom Break Bully

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 10:57 AM PDT

    (Mobile user, I'm sorry for any formatting issues but English is my first language so feel free to correct me if I make a mistake!)

    I've recently been having troubles concerning my bathroom breaks and when my boss thinks I should take them.

    Some background info: I work at a gas station/craft beer store combo. We have hundreds of different beers in one tiny little store. Seeing as the store is so small, only one cashier is needed to run it at a time. We have a stocker in the evenings but he doesn't know how to use the register, nor is he certified to sell alcohol or cigarettes. That means that using the bathroom involves locking the front door and hanging a sign that says "Be back in 5 minutes, thank you for your patience". Kind of annoying but I get it, beer is expensive and if I can't see the front, we can't prevent theft. This hasn't been an issue, until recently when my boss told me I can't use the bathroom from 9am until 10am because there was a customer complaint about my morning bathroom break falling into his time to walk over for lottery tickets. I didn't think anything of it, I've stopped drinking water in the mornings until 9am so I don't have to go until after 10am. I kept a log of my bathroom breaks on my phone over a period of 9 days to make sure I wasn't abusing my bathroom privileges and also as evidence in case he fires me over "excessive" bathroom breaks. A safety net, if you will. Today, I waited until noon to take my first bathroom break of the day, I had been here for 4 hours already so I thought it would be fine if I went really quickly. It took me 4 minutes. During that time my boss texted me telling me there were customers outside (he was watching the cameras, evidently) and called me while I was still on the toilet asking me to hurry up. I'm not sure what the OSHA standards regarding bathroom usage are but I don't think he's legally allowed to do this... especially not restricting bathroom usage at certain times of the day.

    I just wanted to know if there was anything I could do to stop him from harassing me about bathroom usage or if I should turn to legal help in the event this could be a case against him. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    (I live and work in North Texas. I'm not sure if workplace laws are national or if it's federal).

    submitted by /u/fuck_boi_trump666
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    My boss is reporting that I make more tips than I'm actually making.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 07:21 AM PDT

    I work as a waitress at a small sushi/hibachi restaurant. In the past two weeks, I've made around $300 in tips. I report the exact amount of tips I get every single night on a sheet of paper provided by my boss. I got my check yesterday, and the paper stated I got $517 in tips, and my paycheck was $32. I get paid $3 an hour. Should I just start keeping my own record of the tips I report and check the numbers at the end of every pay period? What other action could I take? This has happened to another waitress I know, too.

    EDIT: I am located in Louisiana.

    submitted by /u/nimphara
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    I went away for two weeks, and my landlord allowed friends and family into my home to stay for a total of four days. I have video and audio recording which is probably not legal where I am. What's my next step? NSW/Australia

    Posted: 31 May 2019 08:18 PM PDT

    To preface, I was once victim of a home invasion by a relative that would have been much better prosecuted if I'd had camera evidence, so I've been paranoid ever since. I have hidden cameras throughout my home that detect movement and foreign-object based video & audio 24/7, stored on a server on the premises. Every room and the front verandah and back yard is covered.

    This week I came back from two weeks away and found my landlord allowed two separate groups of people into my home to stay, one group was his family members and the other his friends. They were given keys, and they all knew they were staying in a home the landlord was renting to someone else (me) because he warned them about it and to leave everything as it was. One of the groups was doing highly illegal activities involving hard drugs, and my home had these drugs stored in it for a time. The recordings allow clear identification of most of these people by name, their vehicles, and their relation to the landlord.

    I've already confronted my landlord about people being let into my home while I was away, and he's denied it. I didn't let him know how I knew. I already have plans to move out and this will involve breaking a lease with three months left on it which I'll gladly do.

    I'm pretty sure these video recordings with audio are illegal here. Can I get in trouble if I admit even to a lawyer I've hired that I have them, or would a lawyer be a good safe start? Is the illegality in the recording, or in the listening, or in the sharing, or all of it?

    submitted by /u/Greatfreedom
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    I paid $80 for a custom made shirt that never showed up, and now the owner is not responding to my emails

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    I ordered a custom made shirt for my boyfriends birthday, it's from a small business in Toronto and the delivery service company lost it. I called the delivery service but they have no answers. I'm a student so $80 is a lot, I can't really afford to get him another gift. The owner of the tee shirt shop stopped answering me and I've emailed him several times. Is he obligated to refund me? I paid for something I never got. Is he obligated to at least remake it for me?


    submitted by /u/ZthrowsAway
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    Hired a lawyer for traffic ticket but received a letter saying I failed to show up in court (MI)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 10:38 AM PDT

    So I'm starting to freak out over something that started as a small traffic ticket. I live in MI and I received a ticket back in March on my way to work for turning on red. Originally for this, there was a fine and 2 points on my license unless I showed up to defend myself or hired a laywer to try to decrease the points and/or fine.

    Since I'm usually busy with work and life, I hired a traffic lawyer firm that seemed to have many raving reviews on Google. I spoke with the firm several times over the phone, and then submitted my ticket and info to them. The process was largely online with updates through the website and email regarding my court dates and what my actions should be. The owner of the firm and lawyer over the phone said multiple times that I would not need to appear in court and that my lawyer would show up and handle everything for me, which is why I hired them in the first place. In addition, all the updates I received online also said that I did not need to appear in court.

    First, my court date was scheduled for April. Then, I got a letter and website update from the law firm that the court date was postponed to a different date and time in May instead, but that I still did not need to appear in court. However, I received a letter in the mail from the court today saying that I failed to show up at this new scheduled court date and that I must pay a fine and show up in court explaining why I shouldn't be found in contempt of court. To be specific, the letter says that if I pay the fine, I don't have to show up in court to explain/defend myself for not showing up when I thought I didn't have to in the first place?

    I'm thinking that my lawyer must have forgotten about my case entirely or didn't bother to show up, and I'm scared that this is going to show up as a misdemeanor on my record on top of everything else. I've called the law firm and I'm waiting on a call back since it's Saturday, and the court isn't open so I can't call them either until Monday for questions. Has anyone experienced a situation like this? What did you do? Should I talk to another laywer, or demand a refund? I've never had any tickets/criminal charges before in my life and again, I'm kinda freaking out now.

    submitted by /u/soberthrowaway55
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    Property management company (landlord) painted over mice dropping in cabinets. I have 6 more months on lease, can I break the lease without consequence.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    In the process of cleaning house today when I was wiping down the inside of a kitchen cabinet. What I was told were paint bubbles from painting the inside of the cabinets are not. They are most definitely mouse droppings that were not properly cleaned up and were just painted over prior to us moving in. Now that it has been a while I can only assume that the paint is wearing off and the poop is drying up so the poop is flaky off onto our dishes and cooking equipment. This is not a small amount it is in every cabinet in the kitchen. I've had other problems with my management company but this is extremely health hazardous and purposely dishonest. How should I go about confronting the property management company and is this adequate grounds to break my lease without suffering consequences?

    Edit* Located in Missouri

    submitted by /u/Karmal77
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    Letter to collect someone's property

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 01:45 PM PDT

    Hello from Texas!

    My wife just got a letter from the Bexar County Sheriff's Office stating she's a designated to claim property of a former inmate. The turd in question is part of a trio of absolute shit-tier people. We have done SO much to separate ourselves from these idiots in the past 2 years and now this happens.

    If she under any legal obligation to participate or can we contact the office and have them remove this designation? The letter says if the items aren't collected they will simply dispose of them but I'd also like to be as un-involved with this person as absolutely possible.

    submitted by /u/MonolithOfTyr
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    Father wants to give me inheritance to remain indigent

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 12:04 PM PDT


    My father (55yo, lives in suburb of Atlanta, GA) has been living with his parents for the past 17 years or so and has been out of work for the past 15 years due to severe Crohn's disease (he has been denied disability once but is in the process of appealing/ applying for it again) is about to inherit around 100k once his mother dies in a few days. Outside of this coming inheritance, my dad has about $800 to his name, his old Camry, and cloths as his only assets. My dad has no credit to speak of and probably has about 40k in debt from the 90s. Once his mother passes, the house he currently lives in (his parent's) will be sold and he will have no where to live.

    The problem:

    It has been suggested that he gives me (27yo, lives in Phoenix AZ) the inheritance so he can claim indigent when it comes to hospitalizations, creditors, etc. and essentially have me manage the 100k and buy a camper/trailer/something for him to live in essentially until he dies.

    The legal question:

    Can he give me the inheritance money and still claim indigence even though we will be using that money to care for him? Is there anyway this can put me in any legal jeopardy?

    submitted by /u/rob893893
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    Neighbor built pipe into my backyard

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 05:56 AM PDT

    This happened a while back and we never really minded until we saw what it was doing to our backyard. Our neighbor ended up making a hole in a concrete wall connecting our two properties and installing a pipe for rain water to run. The water ended up destroying the ground underneath the pipe which does not look pretty. Is this legal?


    I do not want to enter in a legal battle with the neighbor and just want to know if I am allowed to just plug up the hole on my end to stop the water.

    The situation in question:


    This is in New Jersey

    submitted by /u/herokie
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    [PA] Lady almost burns down gas station, accuses me of assaulting her

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 07:29 AM PDT

    I deliver fuel to gas stations. I arrived at my last stop of my shift at midnight and a minivan was parked next to the tank fills. My truck is to the left of the fills, the minivan is to the right of the fills, the minivan is not in the way, and if they decide to leave when all the hoses are hooked up, they have plenty of room. A lady comes out of the store, looks directly at me, gets in the driver's seat of the van and starts playing with her phone.

    I set everything up, all the while glancing over at the van to see if she is leaving. She is still sitting there doing something on her phone.

    I start dropping two compartments of fuel into two different tanks. I look over at the van and I see the window cracked. She's holding a lit cigarette out the window and her driver's side door is there feet from the 93 octane tank, currently hooked up and being filled.

    I immediately start yelling at her to put out the cigarette. She rolls the window down to chastise me because she doesn't like the way I'm talking to her. She says she's in her own world and has issues, she's not paying attention to what I'm doing. She still doesn't put the cigarette out. It's in her hand, I reach for it, and she pulls it away. I ask as calmly as possibly to please put the cigarette out. She complies and drives over to the entrance of the store to complain about me, then drives around the truck to get the company name and leaves.

    The cashier comes out about five minutes later, walks around the perimeter of the store looking for someone, then comes up to me and says "was that crazy bitch talking about you?"

    "Yes, she was smoking a cigarette right next to the tank."

    "While your unloading?!?"

    "Yup "

    Shakes his head and goes back inside

    I get in to work the next day and find out she's left 7 voicemails overnight (shocker) and called during the day. I didn't listen to the VMs, but apparently she sounded drunk. She accused me of assaulting her. I told my boss she was smoking a cigarette right next to the tank while I was unloading. He said he figured that was what happened and didn't seem too concerned. Then he says "She said you hit her in the face." I said "no, but I did reach for the cigarette." He tenses up and tells me not to do that, I'm invading personal space, and she could have easily called the cops and told them I assaulted her. He told me if something like this happens again, just shut everything down and wait for them to leave. I agree and I left for my day thinking I did something wrong.

    This is the problem with "shutting everything down" while there is a still source of ignition - if I close the valves, there will still be gasoline in the hose (it won't drain because there is no vapor to push back into the trailer, similar to putting your thumb on a drinking straw and pulling it out of a drink), there is still vapor in the vapor recovery hose, and there will still be gasoline residue around the tank because these tanks are never spotless. This doesn't remove the threat of fire. Regardless, I'll do what my boss tells me in the interest of being nice to people and not hurting their feelings.

    Do I need to worry about this from a legal standpoint? Is there anything she can do? From my perspective, I kept an idiot from burning down a gas station and seriously injuring or killing herself, me, and the cashier. Even if she had called the cops (probably didn't because she was probably drunk) I don't see how anyone in their right mind would side with her. How is this different from pushing someone out of the way of a moving train?

    submitted by /u/marseliswallace
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    9 Year Old Sister Getting Bullied

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    Hello r/legaladvice,

    I'm kind of in a difficult situation here, my 9 year old sister is getting bullied by this 10 year old kid and we don't know what to do about it. We tried talking to the kid directly, and we tried talking the the parents, but the bullying isn't stopping. This kid, honestly, is a piece of shit, he swears constantly (fuck, arse, etc), uses racial slurs, punches, kicks, you get the idea, but no matter how many times we talk to the kid or the parents it doesn't stop, even when she defends herself he comes back. So my question to you is, is it possible to get a restraining order on him? Legally prevent him from coming to our property? He comes around our house just to torment her, he has even broken property of ours (garden bricks, branches from our tree), and it's difficult because my father works, and I work aswell, and my Mother has work around the house so we can't constantly be outside watching her 24/7 and we don't want to have to helicopter over her for her to enjoy her sandbox, trampoline, or just simply draw chalk with her friends.

    Some help would be greatly appreciated, I feel like whatever we will do someone will just say "oh he's 10 years old, kids will be kids", but frankly assault and harassment are no joke and he is old enough to know what he is doing, and it's intentional, and it's gone long enough.

    Location: Ontario, Canada

    submitted by /u/discordhighlanders
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    Sexual assault of a minor

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 04:30 PM PDT

    My kindergartener rides the bus to school and is disabled (petite Mal seizures- very frequent that medication is unable to control- 5-20 an seizures an hour that last up to 25 seconds), SPD, and we suspect high functioning ASD (currently waiting diagnosis). He came home last week and was very upset and didn't want to go back to school. He told us an older child sexually assaulted him. He went in to specific details that described a sex act performed on him. I called the police and filed a police report. I also took him to the doctor and they confirmed an injury as a result of the assault. I called the principal who told me, "xxx would NEVER do something like that!" The doctor filed a CPS complaint but they refused to open a case because it was child on child. The child crime unit said they won't pursue anything because our DA won't press charges against an 11 year old. The bus people said they reviewed tapes and confirmed this child was sitting next to mine, but that he is too short and the seats are too high to see anything else. I'm now having to pull my kid from school completely because he's struck with terror at the thought of returning because "She will hurt me because I told." The school questioned her and of course she denied it. At this point I feel we have no justice or recourse. Do you think I have a case for a lawsuit against the district? They are supposed to have a bus monitor watching the kids. We had also reported to the school that a few girls were bullying my son on the bus previously but I never heard back. Turns out one of the girls bullying him is who assaulted him. We are in Iowa.

    submitted by /u/UrLate4Tea
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    [UK-US] Bought a necklace in the US, store gave me a more valuable one by accident... can I keep it?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    I live in the UK, I went to the US recently (New York) and bought a necklace from a very popular jewellery shop. I looked at two, the first was $150, the second one was $250. I chose the first cheaper one. The lady wrapped it up for me (not in front of me, I didn't see her wrap it up), I never opened it and I came back to the UK yesterday. I just opened it and it's the second, more expensive necklace. I definitely paid $150, I have the receipt. I gave the lady my details when I paid, but because the receipt says I bought the $150, I'm not sure if they'll know it was me.

    So question, if I decided to keep it and not say anything, can I get into trouble? If they asked for it back, I'd send it or something but I'm not saying anything (it's a gorgeous necklace), unsure whether it would be a form of stealing.......?

    Thankyou :-) not a big legal question but it would just clarify anything I'm worrying about.

    submitted by /u/_manicpixiedreamgirl
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    [PA] Developer next door left construction materials under my window that a burglar used to get into my house.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: on mobile, apologies for autocorrect issues and formatting

    A couple weeks ago my house was robbed by someone who came in through a window in the kitchen. My partner was home at the time sleeping on the couch and woke up to someone taking his cell phone and laptop but the person got away through the open window. The police recovered some prints and there should be city camera video footage of them. A week later, someone (possibly the same person) broke down our front door and took our TV and PlayStation. So we've had a rough week.

    A developer owns the house next door to ours. We are in the city, so the only thing separating our houses is a narrow concrete walkway that connected the street to the back yard. About 9 months ago, construction started on the house next door and the developer and contractors were a huge pain to deal with. They frequently would just leave things on our side of the property line and used our trash and recycling to disposed of construction materials, they tore up and replaced the concrete on both sides of the property line without telling me first, and there was an issue with a bench we owned that was in the alley that they gave to a neighbor (that's a whole different story). This is all to say it's been a pain to deal with them for a while.

    Construction next door is complete and tenants have moved in, but the contractors left 2 stacks of five 80lb concrete bags underneath the kitchen window. The window is over 5 feet off the ground and difficult to just reach up and open, much less climb into, for most people standing in the alley. But, because of the concrete bags, the burglar was able to climb up and break into our house for the first robbery.

    As one might imagine, my partner is pretty messed up since waking up to someone robbing the house. Is it worth pursuing a liability claim against the developer for leaving what were effectively steps underneath our window without our permission? Is it possible that they could be found some degree of negligent? Or, is this a dead end?

    submitted by /u/bestaban
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    [CA] I was in a car accident where the other party was at fault, they’re trying to claim I rear ended them but I got video proving otherwise.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 04:42 PM PDT

    2 weeks ago I was in a car accident where a lady did an illegal U-turn right in front of me. She did it from the oncoming first lane (not even from the turning lane). I did not see her before she made the U-turn as she made it in between cars in the actual turning lane. I was able to swerve and avoid T-boning her but completely demolished the rear side of her car. I found out through the lawyer I got to represent me (that might not keep representing me for much longer as the other lady does not have car insurance) that she is claiming I rear ended her. The lady is trying to commit insurance fraud and claim I was at fault. Little does this lady know that a man was passing by and caught the whole thing on his dash cam, he had a front seat view of the accident, and was nice enough to pull over and give me the footage. What can I do to end her case against me? And what can I do to her for putting me through this entire ordeal of claiming I was at fault? Thank you all in advance.

    Edit: The video shows that she was still perpendicular to me when I hit her but all of the damage her car took was in the back.

    I can upload the footage if you guys think it won't compromise my position if and when I have to sue her.

    submitted by /u/eddiezeddie
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    No ID and no SSN to get one Maryland

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 09:05 AM PDT

    As the title says I have no Photo ID and No SSN Card. I have my Birth Certificate but that's all I have. I've looked through the SSN website and even my local DMV. I called the SSN helpline and the guy I talked to told me there was nothing I can do. There has to be some way though. I'm over 18 as well so no using my parents stuff to get a new one. Any help at all would be highly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Demidems
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    [AZ] Buying a home and breaking our lease but Landlord was able to rent out apartment same day we put our 60 day notice in.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    Me and my husband are breaking our lease since we just bought our new house. We are required to put in a 60 day notice and pay 2 months rent as the fee for breaking our lease. It's going to cost us almost $3000 after we move out to break it.

    My rental property manager told me that someone already rented out our apartment the same day that we officially put our notice in. My mom told me that it's illegal for them to charge us to break the lease since they already have a tenant for our apartment and that it's "double dipping".

    I have no clue if she's right or if she is where we would even go in seeking help for us breaking our lease. If we have a valid claim do we contact a lawyer? Or is our lease breaking fee valid? Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/stubborn_unicorn
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    Judge denied request for adjournment, says I have to appear even though I can't leave my current state

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 03:08 PM PDT

    3 weeks ago I posted this: Need advice about subpoena when I'm not allowed to leave my state

    Following the advice of other Redditors, I had my attorney here in Minnesota help me draft a letter for the judge in Ohio. It was explained that we had filed for a bond modification to allow for me to leave the state to attend my initial hearing in Ohio, however it was denied by the MN judge so I requested an adjournment for my initial hearing. I just got the letter today denying my request and that my initial hearing will still remain for the date set in June.

    I have already called and left my attorney a message, however I probably won't hear back from him until Monday. I'm sitting here stressing out what to do. One state says I can't leave, another state says I need to be there or a warrant will be issued. So what do I do? Is anyone familiar with the court and how I can work around this?

    submitted by /u/SalamanderXI
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