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    Thursday, June 6, 2019

    Legal Advice Somebody stole my identity to pay for their entire pregnancy - FL

    Legal Advice Somebody stole my identity to pay for their entire pregnancy - FL

    Somebody stole my identity to pay for their entire pregnancy - FL

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 02:31 AM PDT

    While vacationing in Key West, FL in February 2018, I was robbed of a backpack containing (among other things) my passport, my California drivers license, and my health insurance cards. I reported it to the proper state and federal agencies, and was certainly pissed, but did not really dwell on it.

    About six months later I start getting collection notices for various healthcare facilities for obstetric services. So I call them up to dispute, right? Surely a mistake. But they have my health insurance info, a copy of my (stolen) drivers license. All of the health info is in my name. Apparently I'm now 4mos pregnant and have been going to every sonography clinic in the Gainesville area on sometimes a weekly basis, to get sonograms of my healthy baby girl. I'm disputing bills left right and sideways for months from hospitals, OBs, general practitioners, geneticists, sonography, even ERs, when I receive a whammy of a ~$15,000 bill for fucking labor and delivery, and a week long NICU stay for a baby girl.

    In reference to those who are owed money, either nobody is believing me that it's not me or nobody's wanting to actually deal with it. They keep telling me that I need to physically come meet with them, which is fair I suppose, but I live in California and I work, so it's not like I can just hop on over to a random part of Florida and tour a bunch of healthcare facilities. I have neither the money nor the vacation time for that.

    I reached out to the local police where I live, who are apparently unwilling to do anything but take a single report and then never follow up ever. I was unable to file a report in Florida, Key West citing the fact that they wouldn't take a report over the phone and Alachoca (sp?) citing the fact that it was "a civil issue". I reached out to my insurance company, and they dropped me citing fraud--I didn't think to reach out to them for quite some time, and apparently they were pissed about that. I have no idea if they're investigating anything on their end or not. I reached out to the credit bureaus and froze my credit, and let them know as well.

    At this point, I'm nearly 40k in debt from this garbage, my credit is in the toilet, I'm in debt and financially hurting myself from unrelated medical bills I now have to pay out of pocket. I'm losing my mind at this point and I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/hellostolenthrowaway
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    Abusive family submitted a guardianship request through an autism foundation, and have been stalking and using various avenues to try and gain access to my medical records and acquire any information they can about my care. What can I do legally?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 07:19 AM PDT

    22m, NY.

    I am physically disabled (well documented), and have a history of psychiatric care/hospitalizations. I was much worse off psychologically when I was living with my abusive family, and since getting away literally everything about my life has improved. It's a long story, but my mom is crazy essentially, and I'm the only one in the family who ever sought treatment, so I was scapegoated and convinved I was not disabled so she could manipulate me into giving her/outright steal my prescriptions (and I have recordings which prove that)

    I showed up to a psychiatrist appointment to find that my psychiatrist had received paperwork for an evaluation from an autism foundation. I had no idea what this was about, but had a suspicion it was my family (my mom) trying to somehow get access to my medical records.

    What I found out was far worse.

    After getting in touch with the foundation, I was told someone called and submitted a guardianship request form, and they put it through. Meaning if my psychiatrist had filled out the paperwork and if everyone ignored the red flags and just pushed the paperwork through, there's a chance they could have legally done something crazy apparently.

    This is not the first time she has tried to get involved in my medical care. When I left last year, every singe one of my doctors, psychiatrists, etc, received calls from her asking for any information they could provide, saying I was abusing my medication, that I was suicidal, etc etc etc.

    She doesn't know where I live, she doesn't know anything about my medical care in the last year since I left, and she is a narcissistic/controlling polysubstance drug addict. I left in a cop car after she was manipulating and abusing me for 2 years, stealing my prescriptions (the root of the issue), and having my siblings physically abuse me when I would call her on it.

    I called the cops last August after she stole yet another benzo script and both my siblings were prepared to beat me up to "defend her honor".

    I was removed from the house by police and have never returned.

    She continued to stalk me and harass me via email/text, switching from angry to caring/sympathetic and just absolutely wrecking my mental health like she did when I lived with her, and that's why I'm getting the OOP. She repeatedly called my college and campus police and I had multiple welfare checks performed because of it.

    I filed orders of protection against her and am literally going to court today to appear. She appeared at the last court date via phone.

    I want protection against her weaseling her way into my medical care and gaining information on me from receptionists who don't pick up on red flags, I already made my pharmacy aware she has tried picking up my scripts.

    Can I call my insurance company or my providers and do something? The foundation doesn't have much documentation on the call/request, not a name/phone number or anything. I'm asking them to gather some kind of documentation.

    Is there anything I can do other than warn all my providers? This was the craziest thing she's tried yet to gain access to my medical records, there is no way I could've prevented this.

    I have enough documentation of abuse to get the OOP, but this is just insane.

    submitted by /u/CrazyFamThrowaway19
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    Moving family quickly and quietly due to a stalker. What are our options?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 07:54 AM PDT

    Long time lurker, first time poster under a throwaway for obvious reasons. I apologize in advance for the length and format as I am also on mobile.

    We moved into a house in KY just over a year ago; we being myself, my husband, my special needs son from a previous relationship, and our toddler daughter.

    Around October/November of last year when my husband started working late shifts my dog went crazy at our side door, we were all upstairs but I can see that door from the top of the of our staircase. I could see through the plexiglass on the door that someone was shoving their shoulder into it and trying to bust in. Luckily they heard something and ran out of the side alley.

    Since then there have been 6 attempted break ins or taunting by setting our alarm system off. We have gotten security cameras of which we have only caught a shadow profile and a silhouette, we have gotten a second even more terrifying looking dog, and upped our already in place home security. I can't even open the windows to my own home anymore and have to keep everything locked up tight with the alarm always on. We've narrowed the target to myself or my young daughter. She's glued to me so it would be impossible without more contact to tell which of us it is.

    The other night they tried to use a key fab for our alarm system that they had stolen off of my car keys at a public play place while my husband and I were out with our kids. We thought we lost it until then. Again, luckily, I had already deactivated it and the safety feature set off my silent alarm. I woke up to 4 cruisers at my home at 12:45 am. That same day my kids and I were sent to stay at another safer home until my husband comes back from duty - this is the second time since before Christmas.

    We have had the cops to our house, I have gone to them, we have filed reports and asked for welfare checks or to watch the house and they aren't able to do anything because I have no idea who this person could be. I even got a phone call from a private number and when I answered by accident I could have sworn the person said, "die". It has gotten too far to wait for the cops to do anything. Not that they haven't tried but they have nothing left to go on.

    We are looking into selling our home and moving states before summer's end and with my son I am concerned about my ex trying to take him - even though we never filed paperwork I am told in Ohio and Kentucky that I am the assumed parent with custody. He has moved states and hours away multiple times for school and work, sees him every few weeks or months and just started paying child support for the first time last August. He even told me over text he wants no physical agreement (on paper) so we never got him a visitation schedule. We will have to get new names with sealed records and I still want him to see his biological father without giving away our names or location or at least binding him to not release it himself. Is this possible? What type of lawyer should I be looking for to encompass all of our needs?

    My ex himself isn't really an issue for trying to take my son but his parents are very involved and I'm worried about them making him step up for them. I just want to cover all of my bases so that my kids and I are safe. My husband is in the military and I am not even sure if Jag handles this kind of thing. Is there anyone who knows enough about this to give me a direction to go in?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/throwtheacctaway12
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    [Update] Received a letter from SSA saying I owed an overpayment of $10,000

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 10:07 AM PDT

    Here is a link to my previous post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/bpwnkp/received_a_letter_from_ssa_saying_i_owed_an/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Located in Oregon.

    I just wanted to let you guys know that I went to my local social security office a couple times over the last 2 weeks. At first they wanted me to file out a reconsideration form and couldn't tell me why it was considered an overpayment. So I filled it out and turned it in and about 4 days later they called me and asked me to come back into the office because they found something they wanted to share with me.

    When I went back in they told me that they found out the reason it was considered an overpayment is because my mom never filled out the proper paperwork stating I was still in high school after i turned 18. Apparently in December of 2010 they sent her paperwork to fill out and return because i would be turning 18 in January 2011 but i wouldnt be graduating until June 2011 so since I was still in school she was entitled to continue receiving payments for me until I graduated. Well she never did that so the payments ended in February 2011 but it also made it look like I hadn't been in school that whole time and apparently if you're not in school you don't qualify for survivors benefits.

    So the lady at the SSA gave me paperwork called a student statement, which I had to take to my school district's office to get filled out. While I was there I also got my high school transcripts and proof that I graduated in June of 2011. I turned all this in and I am waiting for a response, which they said will be between 60 to 90 days. But the lady at the SSA said with everything I filled out and turned in and the letter that I wrote with my reconsideration request, I have built a really strong case and she's very confident that this overpayment will be completely waived.

    Thank you for all for the advise on my original post! I really appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/morgainec
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    NYC-Specific Issue: The Apt we live in Doorman/Security Guard asked to use our bathroom (and we obliged)..Apparently there is no restroom available for them---Is that legal/What types of laws are there surrounding that?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 07:26 PM PDT

    We live in Brooklyn and don't understand Apartment/Rental Laws--Our doorman is really nice and in his late 60's..He works 8hr shifts 5-6 times a week.. He has no access to any place to sit/take a break or a restroom. In the past, he was using a vacant apartment's restroom. That apartment has now been filled. Would appreciate some advice/suggestions!

    submitted by /u/FpsRza
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    Kid purposely shattered my phone in school

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    (Rochester, New York)

    So I walked into gym class and a kid I previously had conflicts with says to his delinquent friends, "hey guys watch this." He proceeded to throw a basketball at me as hard as he could, I dropped my phone and the screen/screen protector shattered.

    I said to him that he cracked it and he needs to pay for it. Responded with, "haha I don't give a sh*t"

    Clearly this kid threw the ball at me on purpose, what can I do from here if I receive no help from the school.

    submitted by /u/Drewd7200
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    Bought a new house, utility surcharge not disclosed?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 05:29 AM PDT

    Michigan, USA.

    My wife and I closed on our house at the end of March. Everything went really smooth - the seller was willing to negotiate on things with us and the entire process went pretty well. It was essentially a flip house that was done really well - previous owner does one/year, so she was motivated to sell to move onto her next project.

    We've been happy with the home so far, and really haven't had any problems.

    Fast forward to a few weeks ago and I receive a letter in the mail from the utility company, Consumers Energy. It's a one-page document saying that my 'CAP Program' payments are set to begin on my next months bill. At first I thought this might be some sort of scam, so I started researching it, and it turns out it's not - plus the charge was on my bill this month.

    Essentially, someone (either the lady who sold us the house, or the owner before her) paid to have natural gas hooked up to the house. We're a few miles outside of town, so I'm guessing gas wasn't brought out here until the last ~10 years. I have no idea what the total cost was from the start as that isn't mentioned in the letter, but just know that I now owe Consumers roughly $3,000 and that this CAP program carries over from owner to owner. The plan is already set up, and the payments started this month - $49/mo is tacked onto my electric/gas bill for the next 5 years. The letter specifically states that this charge must be disclosed if you're attempting to sell the home to a new owner.

    Our utility bill here is usually pretty cheap which is nice, but with this charge tacked on we're going to be paying close to $150 total every month. The upsetting part is had I known about this when we were negotiating, I obviously would have done some things differently. The house appraised under the agreed price by a few thousand, so the owner and I decided to split the difference, but had I known about a $3000 charge coming my way, I might have negotiated a little differently.

    I decided to check the disclosure agreement to see if this was mentioned (as I swore it wasn't) and sure enough, it wasn't. There's even a specific spot that calls this out:

    Any outstanding utility assessments or fees, including any natural gas main surcharge? (Box checked "NO")

    So, what is my recourse here? Send a demand letter and see what happens? Take them to small claims court? I contacted my realtor to see what she thinks and am waiting to hear back from here. Any advice is appreciated!

    EDIT: also just remembered that I forgot to mention, this is not an interest free program, so on top of all of this, I'm paying interest as well.

    submitted by /u/RemoteSenses
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    Health Insurance Co denying needed treatment for pancreatic tumor

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 06:13 AM PDT

    I have a 3 cm tumor on my pancreas. I am getting treatment at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas. I live in Texas. Pancreatic cancer treatment is a highly specific field and my doctor is one of the top five doctors in the world.

    Essentially, my doctor did a biopsy in December on it and told me to come back in March for him to take another look. When I went in March, he told me that in the three months since December, my tumor had DOUBLED in size and the wall of the tumor had started to change, which highly unusual and is a sign that the tumor is rapidly progressing. My blood work however, was still fairly normal. Because the only treatment for me involves him doing a surgery called The Whipple Procedure (removing six of my organs and rerouting my entire digestive tract), he wanted to take a wait and see approach and wanted me to come back in 2-3 to have him take another look at what it has done. He very specifically told me that I cannot wait to see him any longer than 2-3 months, and made me promise I would attend that appointment. I have been on pins and needles since March wondering what it is doing. I am also very sick with all kinds of symptoms. Of course, I cannot go to a regular doctor for help..they stand there and look at me and say "Your diagnosis is above my pay grade. I don't know how to help you. Call your MD Anderson team."

    However, some RN Case Manager at Cigna, my health insurance company, has now decided that my tumor is not "big enough" so my appointment and scans with my doctor are "not needed". They are refusing to authorize my scans/bloodwork/cat scans, despite a MD saying they are urgently needed, and as a result, MD Anderson has cancelled all of my appointments leaving me completely without any medical care. They claim they know better than an MD Anderson Pancreatic Surgeon and I only need to see him once a year. LOL. It's INSANE.

    Curious if you guys have any idea about my rights? I have been on the phone with them screaming bloody murder for a week and it's like talking to a brick wall. They refuse to budge. My doctor even called up there and told them they were making a huge mistake and didn't understand they were putting me life at significant risk. They told HIM no. It's very important that I get in quickly. If this thing is spreading, I will be dead in a matter of months. I do not exaggerate when I say there is a ticking time bomb sitting on my pancreas right now. I have considered filing an appeal with Cigna, but the problem is, that takes months and I don't have months to fight with them.

    I did look online at some of their reviews/complaint sites, and unfortunately, this seems to be a regular thing for them. There are hundreds and hundreds of people online saying Cigna is denying their cancer care and they're going to die as a result of it. They're seriously allowing me ZERO care for a pancreatic tumor and I'm sicker than a dog. The risk with these things is that doctors deal with them in a very specific way, and if that way is not honored, the patient will die. It's a highly specialized field that is a fairly recent development in medical science.

    The only option they have left me with is to go into the ER, lie, and claim I am having unbearable abdominal pain. This would force the ER to give me blood work, a cat scan, and I could possibly get that on disc and send it to my doctor. I really, really do not want to have to resort to this. I should not have to LIE in an Emergency Room to get medical care.

    submitted by /u/GadgetQueen
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    Landlord lost our $2220 security deposit.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 10:22 PM PDT

    We (my girlfriend and I) got a cashiers check for a security deposit on an apartment. We gave the check to the broker who had been handling the lease paperwork. He gave us the keys and we were good to go. A couple days later, the owner of the apartment complex says she never received the check. Apparently the broker left it under her doormat, and it wasn't there when she went to get it. He swears he left it there, she says she never got it. Back and forth.

    Now the owner is trying to place the burden on us to replace the lost cashiers check. I told her the bank might refund me after 90 days, she says she doesn't want to wait that long.

    She just texted me to "get legal advice" which is concerning. We already signed the lease and moved in, what are our rights?

    Location: Los Angeles area.

    submitted by /u/ItsHalfPast6
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    Indiana. Can an employer send someone home sick then fire them.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 07:38 AM PDT

    My wife has a viral eye infection and was given a dr note to be on light duty. Her job is planning on sending her home then marking her with leave early and call in points that leads to automatic dismissal. How is this legal?

    submitted by /u/dwilder812
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    Help! South Dakota. My veterinarian won't treat my dog's obstruction because he's worried about me being able to pay. Is this legal???

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 12:09 PM PDT

    Earlier today I took my Taco(my dog) to the vet because I noticed he was acting weird this morning and didn't poop like normal either. He also seemed to be in some pain and didn't really want to move too much. I took him to the town vet and he would only treat him with IV fluids. He stated that it is most likely a blockage, but he wouldn't be able to treat it unless I could pay a $250 deposit. He said it may pass naturally, but he wasn't even willing to do a scan or anything for my dog. His issue was that if he started the process and found out I'd need to have it removed or have surgery he wants to make sure I'd follow through on his payment plans. The total he said could be between $500 to $3000 depending on what was necessary.

    I live in a very rural town with only 2 vets. 1 is currently on vacation and the ladies there are just treating basic stuff while he's gone. The other guy is an old school type veterinarian, and he's a good vet, but he's not a nice man.

    I explained to him that I get paid on the 14th, but he wasn't willing to accept any future dated payments. This isn't really relevant, but I figured I'd explain my situation. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm struggling quite a bit at the moment in life. I had a decent job until about 5 months ago. Got laid off while already trying to rebuild my credit score and catch up on defaulting student loans. Then my girlfriend at the time also left me, leaving me in an even worse spot with an apartment I couldn't afford alone, and an extra car co-signed for her. After getting evicted I moved for a live/work opportunity that turned into nightmare, and now I rent a cheap basement room while I'm trying to catch up on my life.

    At the moment I barely have enough to get me to next Friday, and I also don't have credit or any savings. I know I'm an idiot and a mess, but I don't want my dog to die because of my stupidity. He's literally the only thing that has kept me going this year and without him I don't know what I'd do. I just want to know how to make my vet treat him. There has to be some law or reasoning I can use. I fully intend to pay, but I just can't pay until I get my paycheck. What options do I have? Thanks for any advice.

    If you're just going to send me hateful messages about how I'm a terrible owner, please save your time. There is nothing you can message me that I haven't already thought. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/FivePunchMan5
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    Friend's job forbids drinking water on the clock.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 09:37 AM PDT

    US, Virginia

    So my friend messaged me this morning because her job, which involves doing various roles in the store for a large grocery chain (mostly front end), has decided that no one is allowed to drink water on the clock because it's "rude to drink in front of customers."

    This sure as hell sounds like an OSHA violation after a bit of searching, just wanted to double check with internet strangers who might know more, and perhaps how to proceed from here.

    submitted by /u/xiroian
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    Daycare charging for early termination but also forcing early termination.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 07:08 AM PDT

    I am in West Virginia. I am not sure which flair fits. My son is 8 months old, and he has been attending a daycare each day for about 6 months. The daycare often seem out of compliance due to staff, so we decided to take our son to a new daycare.

    Tuesday (at closing): My wife forgot about the 2 week notice, and she told daycare that Friday will be our sons last day. This was done verbally, and the owner said we will be charged for 2 weeks (technically it should 1 week and 2 days but ignore this for now).

    Wednesday (at opening): After discussing, my wife tells daycare that we forgot about the 2 week notice, so we will just let our son stay until the 2 weeks is complete. The owner says she is unsure if that is possible because she might have already filled the spot. We ask please let us know as soon as possible.

    Today (at opening): My wife goes to drop off our son, and the owner says the spot is filled, and our son is not allowed to attend after Friday, and we are still required to pay for early termination (2 weeks tuition).

    Is it legal for the owner to kick our son out of daycare and charge us for early termination? They will essentially be double dipping. This doesn't seem legal.

    Edit: Added correct times for each day.

    submitted by /u/cBEiN
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    GF is giving me the boot after I remodeled entire home. Do I have options?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 11:15 AM PDT

    My SO and I are splitting up. She entered into a land contract for the house we have been in for 2 years. She was given the offer by a very close friend of her family. We discussed it and accepted it. At that point in time she went through the process of signing that contract and her name is the only name listed. Over those two years we have put (50/50 split) well over $20k into materials for renovations and I would estimate that the labor percentages would be around 80/20 in my favor. I have paid half of the house payment as well as utilities, etc. We have a joint credit card which was primarily used for the purchase of all of the materials (I am an authorized user) needed to complete these improvement projects.

    The main issue I need guidance on is what right, if any, do I have to be compensated for any amount of the money spent, the increased equity in the property, etc. We essentially renovated the entire house and purchased all new appliances for the kitchen. I have transaction records proving my financial participation for renovations as well as 50% all other expenses for utilities/food/house payment/auto insurance/homeowner's insurance/everything…

    I also have text messages stating our agreements on splitting all of those things down the middle. I have text messages where she states that her intention/belief is that, regardless of the fact that her name is the only one on the land contract, she considers the house to be "ours" and "it is just as much mine as it is yours".

    I have contacted a lawyer to review the situation as I am unsure of the nuances of Michigan's laws regarding these issues.

    I am not looking to get into a resentful or angry separation. I just put a lot of my savings into all of this and I want to be able to move forward without being financially stunted while she is sitting on the top of the mountain of equity we built together.

    TL;DR – My SO and I fixed up a house. I paid half for materials and did most of the labor. My name isn't on anything and I am being asked to leave. Do I have any recourse?

    EDIT: The boy told me to include location. I live in west Michigan. I don't know if this solves the bot's request. I hope it does.

    submitted by /u/E0041
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    I was let go from my new job after I opened up a sexual harassment case that got my supervisor fired.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 07:39 AM PDT

    I live in Florida and was recently hired by a biotech company and put on standard 90-day probation. I know that Florida is an at-will state and can terminate employment for any reason, but I was let go a month after my supervisor was fired for the sexual harassment case I opened on him.

    My first supervisor sent me countless texts and made me promise not to tell anyone. He got touchy and too close for comfort and attempted to gift me five very expensive gifts, including two trips abroad. I respectfully declined, but he refused to take the gifts back until I got aggressive. I went to another supervisor and my manager with this information. HR opened an investigation and my supervisor broke direct orders and eventually got fired for his actions.

    I was put under new supervision by one of his friends whose first words to me were, "I don't want to be your supervisor. They want me to train you on everything that only I know, and that is my job security." He brought up several times that my first supervisor should not have been fired and he blamed me for it. Ultimately, I was let go because my work was 'not good enough'. Our work is proprietary, but I was the first person in three years to perfect one of our major projects that had previously failed miserably. I had worked plenty of over-time, never slacked off, and was given additional responsibilities in other departments. When it came down to it, it was hearsay. HR likely has a documented report of the investigation and I have text messages from my first supervisor, but nothing else was documented, at least not by me.

    The company is in a rough position, losing a manager and a valuable team member, but it all felt vengeful and I was blind-sided. Nothing was handled well.

    Since this happened about a month after the first supervisor was fired, is this still relevant to a sexual harassment case? The attempted remedy of the situation was to put me under new supervision and I fear that too much time may have passed. I was also still under probation, but I know discrimination is still wrongful termination. I was one of two women employed by a male-dominated company; the other woman works in a different department.

    Can I file for wrongful termination or discrimination?

    submitted by /u/lindseylee
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    A Woman is repeatedly hitting my car in my parking lot

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 10:40 AM PDT

    We have assigned parking spots in my apartment complex and the women next to me has been repeatedly hitting my car for multiple months with her door(pictures for reference). It's extremely obvious it's her as she has black marks on her white car door, and it perfectly lines up with my damage.

    Honestly, it's so rare that I see the passenger side of my car that I didn't notice until a fairly large amount of damage was done. She has a much nicer car than mine and honestly, I haven't cared that much. But I've been working very hard to save up for a new car(more expensive than hers) and I just purchased it. It will be here in 8 days.

    I reached out to my apt complex and they don't have any spaces for me to move to for at least a month. I'm super worried she's going to hit my new car when it arrives. Is there any way to protect myself? If she does start hitting my new car what type of action can I even take?

    I live in California

    Edit: added location

    submitted by /u/Ilikethat_seriously
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    Psychiatrist divulged personal information to another patient.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 10:59 AM PDT

    Throwaway account. Louisiana, US

    First relevant information so bear with me here. I'm a disabled veteran and I recieve medical/psychiatric care through the VA healthcare system. I've been treated by my psychiatrist for the last three years steadily every three months. This particular psychiatrist is the main/only one veterans in SWLA are sent to. So I and a few friends I have in the veteran community all see the same individual.

    Last week I went to see one of these individuals I know that I hadn't seen in some time to catch up and some disturbing information was brought to my attention and I'm extremely unsure of what I should do if anything. Or even if there is anything I am able to do since it's through the VA healthcare system.

    My friend lets call him C and I both see Dr. P, C sees Dr P every three months like myself and every other veteran in the area as he is one person. Because C had not physically seen me in two years he would often inquire (from what I've been told every appointment he went to) as to my status. Example had Dr. P seen me recently, how was I doing, so on and so forth.

    Issue number one Dr. P would tell him my general status during these sessions going as far to tell him this last time that I was not doing well and gave some specific information as to why I was not. Issue number two C mentioned to Dr P that he had (to put it nicely) sexual interest in myself. Dr P told C he would (sorry there's really no better way to put this) hit it as well. I'm a female veteran and this entire situation has left me feeling less than ideal without going into specifics.

    At this point I'm not sure what I can/could or even if I should do anything about this situation. Any help would be appreciated thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/throwawayveteran33
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    I think I got drugged by a coworker

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 05:46 PM PDT

    (United States -California) Sorry for the wording...I'm so confused right now . I have a coworker that's fairly new, and he's been making small talk with me for the past couple of weeks. I was having lunch the other day from this local spot and he asked me where I got my lunch from, so I told him the name of the place. He suggested we go there for lunch one day and I agreed. He asked me the yesterday if I liked coffee and I said yeah. He then said that he made a really good cup of coffee and that he would bring me some to try. Today he brought me the coffee and we were supposed to go lunch later in the afternoon. I drank a little bit less than a full cup and about 20 minutes later I started feeling this tingling sensation all over my body. Then suddenly I was really turned on. I swear, from a 1-10 of being turned on, I was at 10.

    When it came time for us to go to lunch, he came to pick me up and I asked him if he would mind if another coworker would go with us. He said he didn't mind and then he said he would be back. He came back about 45 min later and said he wasn't able to make it anymore. For the rest of the day he was completely avoiding me.

    I'm not sure what to do about this, I'm freaking out because I work with the guy. Is there any way I can get tested without saying that I might have been drugged? I don't want to involve cops yet, especially because it was at my work place.

    submitted by /u/Michellemybell87
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    CarFax Reported Damage 3 Years after purchase

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 07:51 AM PDT

    Pennsylvania: USA

    I purchased my vehicle Ford Certified in June 2015, it came with a completely clean CarFax report. I went to trade in the vehicle in June 2019, to find there is "Damage Reported" on September 2014. This information was added on July 2017 (three years after my purchase of a clean car!).

    The trade in value on my vehicle is now estimated to be $3,000 less by the dealer due to the report of damage, with no specified information. CarFax refuses to give me any more details on the "damage reported" so I can have the area professionally inspected. It could be something really simple like a windshield replacement that is devaluing my trade-in by $3,000.00. How can I force their hand to show me the details?

    submitted by /u/beatzu1
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    Friend (who's buying my car) crashed it, what will happen?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    So recently my friend needed a car and me and my SO were looking to sell ours, she came and looked at it and agreed to buy it. After coming up with a fair price, we removed the car from our insurance and had the friend sign the proper documents needed. The friend then took the car to get to work, while one of us was going to run the to the dmv to get everything finalized. Unfortantly, on the way to work she swerved to avoid hitting a car and ran into a pole. Whats going to happen legally? Is she liable? Are me and my SO liable?

    submitted by /u/clean-whistle
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    Sex tape posted without my consent

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 06:30 AM PDT

    I hooked up with a random stranger off the interwebs for some consensual sex. When I arrived, she asked if she could stream our session to a friend of hers who lives in another state. I was ok with the idea, and was kind of turned on by the idea. So a few months go by, i'm surfing around google looking at porn and I see a familiar face, well two familiar faces...I was shocked to say the least. She posted the video online, it has 4900 views and it's connected to some account she has setup and is charging 15.99$ for the video. I NEVER RELEASED MY CONSENT to have this posted online and to be used for a business and sold. I'm so fucking embarrassed and not sure what to do. Can I sue? Should I text her and ask her to remove it? Can she suffer legal consequences? Please help Reddit!

    I'm in Washington state, we met at her house in oregon to do the deed.

    submitted by /u/aquadukers
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    Bank gave out our account number to a theif - Case?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    Here's our story: My husband and I have a joint checking account. Early last month someone walked into a branch of our bank and with fake state ID claiming to be my husband. The thief withdrew a large sum of money using a withdrawal slip. The teller either gave him our checking account number (and a balance) or he saw it and quickly memorized it. Then an hour later this thief went into another branch of our bank and once again used a withdrawal slip and now armed with our account number, took out most of what was remaining in our account. Our bank notified us within the hour that something fishy was going on.

    We went to our local branch the next day to close our account and open another. The bank said they would conduct an investigation and that it could take about 30 days to get our money back. Meanwhile, we froze our credit, put fraud alerts on with all 3 credit reporting bureaus, filed a local police report, made a report with the FTC, and much more. We have also ordered Chexsystems reports and placed an alert with them, and ordered a report from Teletrack Corelogic and did the same. As well as with NCTUE (national consumer telecom & utilities exchange) for freezes and alerts. We then signed up for Lifelock - thankfully - because we were immediately notified that someone tried to get cell phones in our names. Also, someone did get a loan in my name thru Smartpay leasing (which doesn't run credit checks) and works through Tmobile for loans on cellphones. In the next following weeks, both my husband and I had someone open bank accounts in our names. We worked with those banks to close the accounts and file a fraud report so we aren't responsible for the overdraft charges.

    We found out last week that our old bank account wasn't closed the correct way, and so the investigation hadn't even begun. We had to return to the local bank and speak with a branch manager and get them to close it.

    Then this Monday came around. We finally had our new debit bank cards for a couple weeks and my husband went to pick up dinner on the way home. Unfortunately he found out that his card was declined. So he immediately came home and called the bank. The bank told him that a state trooper had pulled over someone who had "multiple" cards in his name, including my husbands NEW debit card number. They suggested we cancel the card and get another one. And that brings us to the present. The bank said they didn't have any more information from the state trooper and was waiting back to hear from them/get a fax. Shouldn't they have called us with this information instead of us calling them when we find out our card doesn't work? In addition, during one of these phone calls, someone from the fraud department said we would hear back today - June 6th - on what the bank decides with our investigation and IF we will get our money back. SAY WHAT?

    Law enforcement doesn't seem to be doing anything, the bank won't give us much information about what this state trooper said (they are waiting on a fax from them) and we sit have yet to receive our money back from the bank because they didn't start their investigation right away. Obviously our information is out there and being circulated. But our bank seems quite sketchy. Their teller was the one who gave out our account number. And it just makes us think that there is some mole in the bank handing out our info. How else would they get my husbands brand new debit card? He's barely used it!

    So our question is this: who is at fault? Can we go after the bank/teller? We think Lifelock mentioned helping us to get our money back if the bank finds us at fault. But I'm not sure what all that entails just yet.

    Edited to add we live in Northern Illinois.

    submitted by /u/MelBelle4
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    Locking only boys bathrooms?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 06:28 AM PDT

    It's near the last couple days of school and my school has locked down a boys bathroom. I asked if they could unlock it, and they refused. They said that we mess up the bathrooms a lot, which we do, but locking up a bathroom is not a way to stop that. Keep in mind that they have already removed the doors to every boys bathroom, and the bathrooms are specially designed so that when looking into the boys bathroom, everything and everyone is visible. This is only for the boys bathroom, not the girls. Every girl's bathroom has a door and none of them are ever locked. I really doubt that this is legal. Yes, I understand their worries with us messing up the bathrooms, but this just isn't the way. Extra information that hopefully isn't too identifying: the school is in Massachusetts, in case some laws are only for specific states. If you have information regarding this being illegal, please put in the link

    submitted by /u/theosw
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