• Breaking News

    Wednesday, June 5, 2019

    Legal Advice Hospital gave my Mom's jewelry to another patient.

    Legal Advice Hospital gave my Mom's jewelry to another patient.

    Hospital gave my Mom's jewelry to another patient.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 07:32 AM PDT

    My mom, (84 y/o) recently suffered a stroke and was in ICU for 3 weeks. She went in wearing her wedding ring a diamond/24ct gold bracelet and other gold jewelry. (Approx $4000 worth of jewelry). The hospital staff gave my dad (86 y/o) a bag with her personal items in it. My dad suffers from dementia and is not fully mentally there. When one of my sister's took a look inside the bag, (which was a few days later), she noticed that there was a separate bag for the jewelry but this bag did not have my mom's name on it it had a different person's name on it and it was cheap costume jewelry.

    We notified the hospital and gave them the jewelry that did not belong to my mom and asked what they were going to do about her jewelry. We were told that the only thing they can do is wait to see if the person it was given to returns it, if they do then the hospital will notify us, if not then they were not going to take any further action.

    One option my mom can do is file a claim with her Home Owner's carrier, unfortunately she has jewelry limitation of $1000 and none of her jewelry was scheduled so she would be out the amount over the limit. We have filed a police report but they aren't going to do anything about it, we just filed it for insurance purposes.

    This happened in Washington State. I'm not sure what else we can do. My mom still cannot speak or write so she can't give any sort of statement. She is cognitive though, enough to know that her jewelry is gone.

    submitted by /u/worldsails2000
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    New Roomate is actually a family and has taken over our apartment, eating my food, dictating what i can and can't do, now they are being openly hostile towards me and i can't take this. LL won't let me out of the lease, police say it is a civil issue.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    I am renting a room in Toronto for university, the apartment is shared between 3 of us, i have a lease for my room and nothing else. I moved into this place in January, and up until May it was just me and the other roommate. In April LL told us a couple (not 1 person) would be moving into the empty room. I was fine with it because i didn't care that much.

    When they moved in it became instantly apparent it was not just a couple, it was a couple, 2 kids, and another man. We immediately told our landlord, and the couple would keep re-iterating they are allowed to have guests. Landlord has told them no they cannot do this as it is not safe as the unit is overcapacity, but they just have ignored him.

    Those guests have now been here for over a month, our landlord is trying to evict them through the LTB. But it has left me and my roomate in an extremely shitty situation. On top of this our landlord has basically told us if he lets us ether of us out of the lease then the family will completely take over the entire apartment, and he won't be able to re-rent it.

    The family eats my food, i can't leave anything outside of my locked room. Last week the father and mother got into a huge screaming argument (that i cannot understand) which led to a domestic abuse incident which terrified me, my roommate called the police and the father was removed. He came back the next day and they have been arguing and screaming every other night.

    Last night i invited a friend back to my place only for the father to start screaming at me accusing me of basically being a whore and then trying forcibly force my friend out of the apartment before i called the police. The police came i explained the situation, and after a bunch of back and forth he finally let my friend enter the apartment. I broke down when explaining the whole situation to the police officer, and while he empathized with me he told me it was a domestic issue.

    I am sick of this, i want out now. My roommate's lease is up at the end of August but is planning to just move into her boyfriends and just eat the cost. I don't have that luxury unfortunately, and i am terrified of how this is going to go when she is gone.

    How can i break my lease? What are the penalties for breaking my lease? I offered my landlord 2 months of rent (all i can afford) and he didn't take it.

    submitted by /u/HelpRequired1982
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    Apartment inspections 4 times a month

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 06:09 AM PDT


    TLDR; I moved into a new apartment complex in October. This place is inspection crazy.

    From October to April they were only once a month, near the end of the month, to make sure tenants were keeping clean. All apartments were getting inspected. They would let us know either on their Facebook page or a note on the door.

    In May there was one every week, and it was random besides the monthly inspection. On the note or Facebook page they'd give a date between 2 or 3 days- along the lines of "surprise inspections will be held May 10th-13th from hours 8am to 5pm, please be out of your unit." This is extremely frustrating because I'm a stay at home mom who sometimes doesn't have the car so on top of having to keep my apartment in tip top shape, I have to be gone all day with my 3 year old.

    In May I never got a random inspection in my unit, but I did experience the all unit inspection. Whenever they held inspections I'd pull malicious compliance and hang out in the office with my 3 year old and her iPad all day.

    This morning I was having my morning coffee when I stepped outside to chat with my neighbor, I saw a note on my door, inspections today. I am unprepared and fed up. What is the legality of this? I'm considering breaking my lease because this is disrupting my quality of life.

    submitted by /u/_aethia_
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    <ME> My ex dropped our daughter off with me for a "sleepover" a month ago. She has disappeared and closed almost all avenues of communication. Where do I go from here?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 09:46 AM PDT

    This is a little weird, I know. Hear me out though.

    I've always had a little bit of a rocky relationship with my ex. We were both young dumb kids in love and it ended badly. A 7 month marriage and one kid later we both ended it on very bad terms. When my daughter was born my ex got full custody. I'm not going to argue with that decision at the time as she was much better off than I was. Over the past 6 years though my career took off and I ended up in a very well off situation. My ex however never grew out of her party girl life style and pretty much has ran into the ground. I've kept a "working" relationship with my ex only for the sake of our daughter and been in her life as much as possible and have got the court to give me weekend custody.

    Sorry about that backstory, here is my problem. Last month out of nowhere my ex blew me up with texts telling me that i needed to take our daughter for a day or two. Her reason was she was planning on moving to a new apartment and wanted our daughter to be with me instead of staying at a friends with her. Well, her dropping our daughter off was the last I saw or heard of her. For the past month I have been playing where in the world is my ex wife. For almost two weeks after I called and texted her daily before her number got disconnected. I looked into the apartment that she had and the friend she was staying with also do not exist. The only close friend I could get into contact with was her (now ex) boyfriend and he says she quit her job and broke up with him the day before she dropped her daughter off at my house (I have tried to contact her family but none of them will talk to me). This all is super fucking confusing and to top it off, this morning my bank called me to inform me that the account my child support payments are direct deposited too was closed.

    Right now I am not only confused but concerned. My daughter is my first concern here and just telling her mommy is on vacation is not going to work forever. I need advice now. If my ex wanted to fuck off and start a new life then godspeed but I need to know how to handle my daughter. Technically I missed my child support payment so I feel like I need to act fast.

    Should I try and get full custody now and how should I go about this? Do I need a lawyer in this situation? Should I report My ex missing?


    I'm in Maine

    submitted by /u/HGWelloff32
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    Fired for being fat [CT]

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 09:41 AM PDT

    Backstory: I am a woman in my mid 30s, and very overweight. Not to the point of handicap, but I'm a big gal.

    I work at a company with around 25 employees, and have been here for 8 years. Recently, the business was sold to a larger corporation, who sent their own people in for management roles after laying off our entire management team, consisting of 4 people. I work with clients in the field, and have a good work record and my clients like me and I have built relationships with them.

    Turn to today: I get called into the office of one of the new managers, who tells me my appearance isn't a good fit for a client facing role, and I can either take a pay cut and work in the call center, or take unpaid leave and come back after I've lost a "considerable" amount of weight. I was floored. I've never had a client have an issue with my weight (at least outwardly), and I'm good at my job. I meet all productivity goals and have never even received a write up in my 8 years. I pushed and asked him if there had been any complaints, to which he said no, but they want to head off any future issues which may arise. I said straight up "so, you're punishing me cause I'm fat? Are you also demoting (obese male coworker in same role as me)?". He said no, and didn't answer when I asked why the situation was different. I left fuming and told him I was going home for the rest of the day to think about things.

    Can this really be legal? What recourse do I have?

    submitted by /u/fakeenamee
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    [USA - GA] Underage niece sent explicit photos a year ago, they keep coming back to haunt her. How can we shut this down??

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 08:32 AM PDT

    Hi all, I'll keep it brief. A year ago, 13-year-old niece sent a few extremely stupid photos on Snapchat, the other person took screenshots. She's already been disciplined and everything, she knows what she did was wrong and dangerous and has never done it again, et cetera - we're over that part.

    The problem lies in that other party - every now and then, that kid will post those photos on his Snapchat or Instagram story or send them to other people, and more people end up taking screenshots. He is also showing his friends the photos at school. I know that this could potentially be possession and distribution of child pornography, but I also know my niece could very well get in trouble for creating the content in the first place. How can we shut this down safely and for good?

    submitted by /u/throwawayboi1982
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    NJ - Landlord won’t accept rent payment, says we need to move out in 3 days and won’t receive security deposit over ‘lack of rent payment’.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 10:46 AM PDT

    New Jersey

    Been living here for over a year. Our one year lease ended and we are now month to month. Payed 1 1/2 month security deposit at the start.

    Landlord has decided to sell the house. He's still in the process of selling to my knowledge and claims he's trying to find an investor so that both families (2 family multi family home) can stay. However, the listing states that the property is vacant and ready for move in.

    This month he has not come to collect the rent. I texted him and asked him if he was going to come collect the rent and he said 'probably not, hold on to it for now'.

    Today he told us that we have 3 days (apparently in the lease we signed for the 1 year it states that if he wants us out we have 3 days to leave) to move out and that we can't expect a security deposit because he's holding it for non payment of rent (despite him unwilling to come collect the rent).

    Legally, what are our rights? Are we really not going to have a leg to stand on for getting our deposit back and are we really expected to find a new home for our two children in 3 days or face homelessness? Any input would be appreciated, thank you.

    submitted by /u/doubleblondebraids
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    I found my stolen moped, but the responding officer couldn't figure out how to check the VIN.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 03:32 AM PDT

    So, as the title states, my moped was stolen last summer and I reported it immediately on the day it was stolen. I live at the top of a large hill in town and it would be easy enough for someone to wheel it down the driveway and the hill I live on towards downtown. I gave them all the information I had on the moped, including the color which was blue.

    This morning, while walking downtown, I saw a collection of motorcycles and other bikes in a driveway and I decided to check it out to see whether or not any of them looked like my moped and that's when I spotted a dent on the exhaust of one of the mopeds that looked exactly like the same dent on my old one (I have many photos of my old bike due to previous parking disputes out of town). Another odd tidbit is that the ignition was obviously swapped out for another one at some point because the ignition was clearly too small for the original hole in the body. The exterior plastic around the body was also a red, but that would be an easy enough switch to make, and the plates were obviously different.

    So, I called an officer on scene to check it out and she checked the plates and they came back to, what i presume, would be a red moped. She never checked the VIN over the radio as I could hear her and see her looking for it (It was hard to find the VIN on my moped as well and I forgot where it was since it's been so long), and she only checked the plates. But I'm positive that the exhaust on this bike is the same as my moped with the same dent and rust marks (I have photos). Is there any way that I can get the police to check the VIN? Or am I just at the mercy of whatever they feel like checking up on at the time? When I called, I did specifically ask that they check the VIN on the bike as I did not know how to. I'd rather not seem confrontational with an officer and tell her how to do her job, but I don't think she was even able to find the VIN.

    EDIT: I live in Wisconsin, thank you bots.

    submitted by /u/Noi3skill
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    Have money in my bank from savings my mum made for me since i was a baby, she wants to use it all to pay off her mortgage

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 08:22 AM PDT

    I'm an 19fm My mother has been making me use centrelink to pay 300 as rent.

    She says if centrelink finds out how much money I have in my term deposit that they will stop giving me money.

    I am unemployed.

    The money I have in my term deposit was for me to use one day, it is for me from my mother, since i was a baby. She claims its all hers although shes given it all to me.

    She now states that i do not need and and that she will take all of it to pay off the mortgage, and then give me money back once she sells the house. She's been talking about selling the house for years now and hasn't made effort to do so.

    It's been 2 months or so since centrelink has given me money for not being employed (am looking for work) and centrelink has done nothing like mum said they would.

    I'm not sure if i'm being lied to. I feel like her personal piggy bank.

    Location: Australia

    submitted by /u/ossyemate
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    Mother Died, Step-Father living large.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 09:32 AM PDT

    My mother passed away last year, unexpectedly from a heart infection. My stepfather took care of all financial proceedings privately, he said her life insurance was just enough to cover her bills from the hospital and from surgeries from previous years. (I live across the country and couldn't be involved at the time) After her death he then proceeded to buy a new car take his new girlfriend on a trip to Europe and propose to her with a 9k ring. He said there was no will, my brother said several years ago that my mom had told him if anything ever happened to her that we ( her children) would be well taken care of. I don't know if that was decided because of her insurance policy, or a will. I want to privately look into the matter, and see if I can find out any information without bringing it to my stepfather's attention. I'm not obsessed with the money, I just hate that he's living this lifestyle, after he treated my mother horribly and want to know if there's anything that can be done. She had to ask to give us money or lie about buying things for herself because he was such a tight wad. It makes my blood boil thinking about what he's done in the light of her death.

    Mother died August 2018 - Ohio USA

    submitted by /u/tiredofmyownself
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    What obligations to banks have to give me access to my money?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    I have a checking account with one of those cards you can buy at Walmart. It's a greendot account that is heavily marketed as not being able to be overdrawn. This morning my account balance is showing over 1000 dollars in the negative. I have a positive balance that the customer service representative was able to confirm, but she still advised me for all intents and purposes my account was overdrawn.

    This is an admitted company error and they said they are working to resolve it as fast as possible. My question is what happens when my storage unit gets auctioned off and my other bills accumulate late penalties because of this? If I ask the bank to mail me a check do they have an indefinite period to get me my money?

    This is in the US(Missouri) so I am sure bankers rule all and there is nothing I can do but once again be at the mercy of bankers. Any advice or regulations I should be aware of in this situation? Thank you.

    It's been about 24 hours since I lost access to my funds.

    submitted by /u/TeePeace
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    My ex is verbally abusing me during mediation, where to go from there?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 01:59 AM PDT

    Hello, I hope I'm in the right place, as I could really use a little bit of advice. My basic question is how I should proceed if mediation has broken down.

    The background: I (43M) was with my wife (42F) for twelve years, and I left two years ago because I felt I could no longer handle the emotional abuse I had been suffering. I won't give details, as I realise now it was all fairly standard: belittling me, gaslighting, criticising things I did or didn't do, and generally putting me in a position where I knew she was much better than me at everything and I was pretty much useless and worthless. After a year of trying to talk and improve things between us I left, naively thinking that we could both be happier and maybe become friends if we weren't together, and be better parents to our two young children.

    Since leaving, of course the abuse and controlling behaviour has become much worse, and on occasion became physical in nature.

    I have repeatedly found it difficult to be taken seriously as a male victim of abuse. One time I reported her to the police I was told that if I had done what she had done I would have been arrested, but as she is a woman it would all just go away.

    So I recently went to mediation. Despite a couple of really tough years of me trying to cope with her behaviour, I have gradually gotten better and her control over me is weakening. So now she is using the children, trying to control my access, and I can't lose them as I know this will kill me.

    I attended my MIAM and made it clear that I was scared of this process because of the abuse, and the mediator was sympathetic and said that behaviour would not be allowed. We went to our first session together and I was shouted at, made fun of and abused for the entire session. Honestly, the entire session. The mediator actually looked exhausted and quite shell-shocked at the end, and since then I have received quite a few abusive text messages from my ex.

    So now the mediators are asking if I'd like another session, and my ex has contacted them to say she would be happy to proceed, but I don't want to go through that. She clearly sees it as a way to continue to abuse me, and her abuse has become worse since the session, and I think I need to go to a solicitor and have somebody on my side, despite the fact I don't have any money. But I can't see how to proceed.

    So how do I make it clear that I don't feel safe continuing mediation? I really want to resolve all the arrangements we have to make, but I just can't keep going through this. She does not need to settle these arrangements, as her main focus seems to be punishing and controlling me, and so I think she will keep this all going for as long as it is fun for her, and I will end up bankrupt paying for legal services.

    Thanks for reading this, I hope I have been clear enough that some kind soul out there might be able to offer a bit of advice.

    Edit: Sorry, I didn't mention - I am in the UK

    submitted by /u/Iamworkingfromhome
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    MIL Wants us to pay back her gift

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 10:48 AM PDT

    First time posting here so apologies if I am leaving out relevant details.

    Somewhere between 5 and 10 years ago (I am still looking for documentation) my mother in law's mother (my wife's grandma) died, leaving my MIL a small sum of money. My MIL then proceeded to gift that money to several family members (bought her brother a used car, gave her sister's some money for projects, etc). All gifts were around $5,000-$10,000.

    My MIL then gave my wife (her daughter) about $5,000 to pay off the remainder of her student loans. We were obviously very grateful and appreciative to have that last little bit taken care of. There was no discussion of payback at the time (nor was there paperwork, unfortunately). This was intended as a gift. I am still trying to track down explicit documentation (emails, text messages) that this was the case.

    Recently there has been some family drama (as there tends to be). Nothing legal, just having to do with personal stuff. Now my MIL is coming after us asking for that money back. She has not asked any other children for this money back.

    My question is, while this is currently in the "bickering" stage, if this does escalate to a legal claim does she have a stance to legally ask for this money back. If I cannot find documentation that this was a gift, and it becomes an "our word against hers" situation, does that change things? We are located in Washington State.


    edit: location

    edit: spelling

    submitted by /u/blinkybluelights
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    My Landlord raised the rent 12% in one year NYC help

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 08:32 AM PDT

    Hey, I'm looking for a bit of help,

    I currently live in NYC and my building was recently acquired by a new management company and now in this first least renewal period with them, they are trying to raise the rent by 12%. Are there any laws that cap how much rent can go up year over year?

    Thank you very much

    submitted by /u/Goliathus11
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    Diabetic Adult Trying to Leave Home, Worried my Mom Will call the cops, NY

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 05:35 AM PDT

    Hello, im a 21 year old Diabetic man from NY who is trying to leave an emotionally abusive and controlling house. I currently live woth my parents, and im still on there healthcare. I have "left" in the passed (they throw me out in october with no jacket or insulin) and my parents called the cops on me, recently i have reached my wits end , and told them i want to leave, and they have threatened to tell the cops im threatening to hurt myself, by leaving without any constant access to insulin, as a side note i did commit myself to a mental institution for 72 hour observation 2 years ago after a suicide attempt, and im worried that they will use that against me, what can i do to make sure the cops wont arrest me, or the friend im staying with?

    submitted by /u/LMTBKH
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    Landlord trying to charge us for dog hair on a/c coils.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    During our 3 years in this house we rent, the a/c has stopped cooling 3 times. 2 times, it was due to dog hair on the a/c coils. We change the filter a minimum of once a month, whenever the filter looks remotely dirty it's gone. We are moving out in 3 weeks. I called the property manager to let her know the a/c was not cooling again because she's showing the house today and I didn't want it to be too hot for the people seeing the house. She told me that if it is due to the dog again, the owner would come after us for repairs. Are we liable for the cost? We paid a pet deposit, and this is the first time we're hearing this with only 3 weeks left here. Not sure what our responsibility is. Georgia, USA

    submitted by /u/Pubtipq
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    Company forcing to use my vacation hours.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 08:19 AM PDT

    I had 80 hours of vacation hours at the start of may. I have already used 48 hours due to a personal reason. My company shuts down for the first week of July every year. They are telling my that I have to save my last 32 hours to use during the shutdown. It just blows my mind. They are my hours but they are forcing me to use them because they choose to shut down for a week. Is this legal? Is it up to the company on how I can use my vacation hours? This is in Tennessee. Honestly I would prefer to just take the week with no pay (except the holiday pay for the 4th) and save my hours to use them how i please. Send help!

    submitted by /u/Pepperoni423
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    What are some of the best ways to vet an attorney or law firm?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    Just wondering how attorneys and ordinary consumers would vet an attorney, especially if you don't have any word of mouth referrals? Attorneys is there a way to ver attorneys that most consumers don't know about or use? Consumers, what are ways you vetted attorneys?

    Sorry if this post doesn't belong in this section. I'll change it if need be, just wasn't sure where to put it.

    Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/gtcnyc
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    NYC staff member replaced with unpaid intern.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 08:15 AM PDT

    Is it legal for my boss to fire someone then replace them with unpaid interns doing the same job?

    New York City.

    submitted by /u/Maman_Brigitte
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    TX - My former employer has kept my old email up and running for 3 years with an auto reply of "I don't care. Stop emailing me."

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 04:10 PM PDT

    Basically as the title says. Left my old job because the boss was a dick and I hated him. It was not a professional way for me to quit. He would take delight in assigning me too much work to get done and then yelling at me in front of the entire office at the end of the day.

    I am talking I would complete 70/90 assigned tickets for the day and everyone else would complete 20. I was given the lions share of the tickets to complete and would get yelled at when I could not complete the final 20 of the 90ish tickets I was assigned that day.

    All came to a head years ago when he crossed the line and assigned me work during my vacation. He expected me to do all of 2200 tickets when I came back and yelled at my co-workers for helping me.

    I took my nametag off, handed it to him, grabbed my laptop bag and packed up my desk. He was yelling at me to stay the entire time. Said I was not allowed to leave, and he would sue if I did not complete my work yadda yadda. He was in panic mode more and more after I got closer to the door.

    After leaving I got an email from the IT guy at the company telling me he was directed to change my auto reply. It was changed to the one in the title.

    It has been there ever since.

    It has had almost no impact on my professional life outside of having to explain the former toxic boss. I am just kind of tired of explaining to people that this is an auto reply from a company I dont work for anymore.

    Is there any legal way to force him to deactivate my email or remove the auto reply? My old credentials do not work so I am unable to change it myself and every email I sent to the "HR" department of that company gets no response back.

    When I emailed my old boss he trolled me with the south park loch ness meme. No that is not a troll. He legit said he was sorry for setting that out of office message in anger and that if I apologized for leaving the way I did he would remove it. I apologized and then hit me with the meme and replied 5 times with the usual lines of the meme.

    When I emailed this to the HR department of the company, it went no where. The HR department is not a real HR department. They just handle hiring and termination paperwork. Anything else is handled by my old boss. He pretty much runs that company.

    Is there a legal way to get him to remove this?

    submitted by /u/babyheadgrandpa
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    Woman trespassed while I dog sat for her, Help (California)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 01:50 AM PDT

    Hey there,

    I'm going to try to keep things brief, it's really early in the morning now and my head is still spinning a bit. I do dog boarding as an independent contractor on a site that handles marketing and provides a website for my profile. I have been doing this for a year and am at the top of the ratings for sitters in my area.

    A young woman contacts me about watching her dog. Anyone who has dealt with enough clients can start to get a feel of what the transaction may be like with this individual. She seemed very neurotic and cautious but I feel like that is understandble to a degree when you're leaving your pup with a stranger so I try to be calming and supportive. For example, she messaged me the night before the dogs stay to say that he had eaten some cooked fish off of her plate (a single bit, they were scraps left over) and she was panicked that he would need to go to the vet. She listed all the things that I needed to watch out for (diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, the usual) and needed some talking down before she seemed to settle. That really set the tone for the stay. I've had anxious owners before but she was extreme.

    Anyway, the night before she is meant to pick him up she contacts me to say there are massive delays and she doesn'tknow when she'll be getting in, would I mind keeping her pup? I have a full docket of clients (I do training, too) but of course I'm going to watch her dog until she can get here. Several hours later she says she still doesn't know when she'll get in but she'll let me know. The time frame remained vague. I was under the impression it could easily change due to the travel issues. She told me she would notify me when she was on her way and shoot for 5 - 6 pm but let me know when she did. Well the next day came and I didn't hear from her. I waited as long as I could but I needed to drop off another client. I knew that a round trip to and from this client's house would be quicker than driving from any of the nearby airports and since I hadn't heard back from her I thought it was safe to go. Sure enough, I get a message when I've just begun my return trip home that she is ten minues away. Two minutes later she tells me that she'sthere. Again, I'm trying to be concise while still hitting relevant points but I can tell this is dragging on so I'll try to skip ahead and I can clarify in the comments if need be.

    Basically what happens is she entered our backyard without our permission while we weren't there. She opened a gate (that doesn't have a lock but was firmly closed) and proceeded to walk about our backyard and take pictuers of the yard and inside of our house. Now, my partner and I do the boarding so it's as many as 8 dogs at one time. We had let the dogs out right before we left but didn't have time to clean up after them since I wanted to be back in time to meet her. I intended to do our normal routine cleanup that happens about 4 times a day once we got home. (Hose down the backyard and spray some enzymatic cleaner/ vinegar on appropriate places to sanitize.)

    The other issue is dogs are situation learners. That means, generally speaking, a dog can be house trained for their ownhome and places where they're familiar but may have accidents (in fact, it's very common) when they're in a new place, especially where there are strange dogs (marking). Well, just before we left we brought in an 11 year old lab who proceeded to have liquid diarrhea (sorry, tmi) on our carpet.) She took a photo of that through the window.

    When we returned she was belligerent. She was angry that she had to wait, she stopped making logical sense but I won't get into that. She started to get scary so I told her to wait outside and I'd get her dog. It was at this point that she said she had already been in our backyard and saw the state of things and how we're obviously abusive and neglectful, etc etc. She tried to follow me inside, insisting she had the right but i did not want that woman in my house. She was acting hysterical and I couldn't understand half of what she was saying. I asked her to back up off the property to the edge of the driveway andI"dbe righ tback with her dog and things. She refused. I asked several more times but wouldn't leave. Eventually, I showed her that we had security cameras and warned her not to enter (either the house or backyard) and that I was read yto call the cops. I bring out her dog (who was lovely btw :/ and who we have a ton of photos with where he was happy and well taken care of) and she freaked out. She saw that his feet were dirty (from playing in the yard/hose since it was a hot day, I would've wiped him down if I had notice) and claimed that he had soiled himself and I had forced him to lay in his own feces.

    This is already way too long and I apologize. She then went onto my profile and posted pictures of the feces in the yard in through the window making up a story that was fictional about her dog being abused and forced to sit in his own poo, saying that I didn't feed him, etc etc. Pretty extreme claims and the photos are enough to frighten off other clients.

    The website isn't helping and she has hurt my business after coming onto my property (we rent) when we weren't there, without my permission, taking photos of our home, and posting them on my professional site. She also refused to leave (and I by that I mean my property, not entirely bc obviously I was just about to return her dog) after I asked multiple times and her erratic behavior is frightening. She knows where I live and frankly she doesn't seem very stable. Does this constitute trespassing? I've had so many experiences where things have happened and cops have shrugged it off and seemed annoyed.

    Thanks very much

    submitted by /u/LegalHelpCrzyLdy
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    Can my high school keep its gender neutral bathrooms locked?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 01:03 PM PDT

    I'm a trans male student at a high school in California. For ages, they've kept their three gender neutral bathrooms locked near constantly (One is always locked, one is almost all the time, around 80%, the last has about a 50/50 chance of it being locked). I haven't gotten an answer as to why for nine months, no teacher or staff member seems to know why, until now. I was told it's because students often try to smoke in there, which I find suspicious because I've only just now got a reason that apparently none of the rest of the staff know about. What I want to know is if this is against the law, or if I can file a lawsuit against the school with a reasonable chance of winning.

    Additional info:

    I need to use the gender neutral bathrooms because it's rather obvious I'm not a cis male, and I regularly faced harassment from other students when I used to try and use the boys bathroom.

    I've sent well over ten emails to the vice principal, and written a letter to the principal with no response or change. I know of at least one petition that has gone around the student body, and it's a very well known problem with other trans students

    submitted by /u/augustbutnotthemonth
    [link] [comments]

    I made an anonymous referral to social services UK regarding child protection concerns. The parents were sent a form in which it stated my full name saying I'd made the referral but wanted to remain anonymous!! Where do I stand legally, as it has now caused many issues.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 10:38 AM PDT

    NY - Ex-wife filed charges that I threatened to kill her and our kid, I have a recording of the interaction, can I pursue criminal charges that she lied under oath?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 12:29 AM PDT

    I was in jail overnight till I saw a judge, I have a harassment violation and she got a restraining order for herself and my kid pending Court decision. Any advice appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Whiskerz99
    [link] [comments]

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