• Breaking News

    Monday, June 3, 2019

    Legal Advice Hello me and my wife just had a pretty horrid run in with the police. Need some advice.

    Legal Advice Hello me and my wife just had a pretty horrid run in with the police. Need some advice.

    Hello me and my wife just had a pretty horrid run in with the police. Need some advice.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:35 AM PDT

    So me and my wife were having sexual intercourse when the cops knocked ( This is first time this has ever happend so i assume nothing will go wrong) at the door. i answered the door and Immediately 2 cops entered my house without permission and started questioning me with abuse questions. they separated me and my wife for questioning which i understand completely but in doing so they made her reaction to this much worse. she has anxiety like crazy and it is triggered by mostly any stressful unfamiliar event that happens, They checked her arms for bruises and asked her about her panic attacks and started asking weird questions, basically they are trying to pin me as an abusive asshole. As they questions my wife and me separately they began to tell me that my story was different from my wife's story (even though after the fact my wife told me that all she said was "We had consensual sex and i like it rough so that's probably why other people heard"

    Anyway the cops nearly scarred me mentally by trying to perp me as a rapist for 2 hours straight when im 100% innocent with my wife as proof. My wife thought that our kids were going to be without a father because these morons wouldnt listen to our stoires. He wanted to arrest me, he wanted there to be a problem when there want one. what should i do?

    submitted by /u/Viision_Optik
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    Girlfriend is being forced to pay .49 for a 20 ounce bottle of water at her own job that she makes only ten dollars an hour.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:21 AM PDT

    She works at an airport in Florida and is currently under a boil water emergency. There are no drinkable water fountains for the passengers or the workers. Her employer, a company that has a monopoly on airport shopping that sells expensive as snacks drinks and books, refuses to give the employees free water. She works at the duty free portion of the company and her boss has told everyone that he wont be back until tomorrow. She dropped around twenty dollars alone just to drink water at her job in the past 3 days. Is there anyway she could be reimbursed? She isnt even aloud to bring any liquids at all through the security screening.

    EDIT: 3.49 NOT 49 CENTS ITS 3 DOLLARS AND 49 CENTS I called OSHA and left a voice message the guy in my district wasnt in his office.

    submitted by /u/ozyastro
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    Can I call cps over this? I’ve almost hit a 3 YO in my complex at least 5 times now because his parents sit on the second floor porch and throw balls at him, and he sprints out into the parking lot to get them.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 04:57 PM PDT

    I live in Kyle Texas, just south of Austin in an apartment complex This kid is definitely no older than 3 years old. A lot of times I'll be coming home and he will just suddenly run out into the parking lot from behind a parked car chasing some toy, and I have to slam on my brakes every time to avoid hitting him. He absolutely doesn't look either way. It's damn near like watching a joke cartoon scene except I have to restart my heart after almost killing a toddler. I've seen his family sitting up on the second story porch, watching him do this and saying nothing and oftentimes he will throw a big rubber ball up at them and they'll throw it back down which is often what sends him running into the parking lot. Ive looked around and there's never an adult actually down on the ground with him that I've been able to see, they're all up on the porch which means obviously they're not gonna be able to get down to him in time to prevent an accident. And oftentimes he's alone, just throwing the ball up at the building and chasing it into the lot when it bounces off. I've also seen multiple other cars almost hit the kid. It's been going on for several months now. I'm seriously concerned that eventually either I or another resident is going to hit this poor kid and he's so small that even at 15 miles an hour it's going to kill him. I don't want to straight up call the police, I felt like that was absolutely overkill by itself and then add to that that this family is black and this is a hick town in the south, I am really really trying to avoid any police officers in the situation. But this is serious endangerment in my opinion, I've watched this child almost die multiple times now and the family is either directly responsible (by throwing shit into the street) or passively neglectful (by simply watching him run out there so much or the times they're not even on the porch). But I don't want to call and waste someone's time if it would be more appropriate to just email or meet with my leasing manager and talk to her about the problem since I'm not familiar with cps and don't know if this would actually be something they'd put the time in to come take care of. Thank you for reading, and I really appreciate any advice from y'all!

    UPDATE: I went ahead and filed a report with CPS online. I did choose to leave my contact info on it for follow ups. I ended up getting an email within an hour stating that they feel this is an appropriate situation for a CPS investigation. I honestly feel a great deal better after doing so, I'm one of those people who does everything they can to not cause waves and whatnot so having so many people offer up heir advice and urge me to report this really helped push me to do something. Again, I greatly appreciate everyone that took the time to comment, and especially those who provided links to either CPS reporting site or to info about Texas laws in regards to reporting neglect. Hopefully this will be resolved safely!

    submitted by /u/amthsts
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    My landlord wants to rent out our fenced in parking space and give yard access to a stranger. Can he do this without my or the other tenants' permission?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 06:09 AM PDT

    This is in Washington D.C.

    I've been living in this house for about three months, and I have a full year lease. There is no external (i.e. on the street or in a communal lot) parking spot, but our small backyard has a tight parking space which takes up about a third of the yard. The yard is fenced in, meaning that to access the parking space you would need at the very least a key into the backyard.

    The rental company that handles the property recently informed us that they intend to rent out the parking space; my car is there, so I was told that if I won't pay rent I'll need to vacate it so they can move find somebody else. My roommates and I are uncomfortable with the notion of letting somebody we don't know have access to our property. Additionally, it's effectively a third of the backyard we're all already paying to access, so it feels wrong that we have to either pay to use it or forfeit it to a stranger. Most importantly, there's no mention of parking, vehicles, or any auxiliary charges at all in our lease. We've all checked it twice over, and none of us signed anything agreeing to this kind of arrangement.

    So I guess my question is; can they force me to vacate my vehicle? And either way, can they subsequently rent the space (and access to our property/yard) to somebody who doesn't live there without our permission?


    submitted by /u/cpapi137
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    It's been 1.5 years, and the hospital still can not do the simple task of changing my birthday to the correct birthday so my insurance will pay

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    Location - Chicago, IL

    So, long story short, I went to the doctors 03/19/2018, in some fuck up the office there had my birthday as 11/19/1988 not 02/19/1988 therefore making my insurance saying "Thats not him" and refusing to pay out.

    I have tried for over a year to get the hospital to simply change my birthday, I've faxed, emailed, phoned multple times and even physically went in and watched them scan and copy my drivers license and after calling to check in to make sure they didn't screw up again, it still isn't changed.

    I'm at my wits end, and now I'm getting collections notice. I don't know what else to do.

    submitted by /u/brinkofhumor
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    (Seattle, WA) Are we entitled cold water to wash clothes?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    My fiancee and I recently moved into a new apartment in Seattle, WA which has a built-in washer/dryer set. When we ran our first few loads of laundry, we realized that no matter the temperature setting, (cool, cold, colors cool, warm, hot, etc.) it only washes with hot water. This is great for some items, but many of our clothes (especially my fiancee's) are delicate and can shrink/get ruined in hot water.

    I submitted a maintenance request to fix the temperature of the water but the request was canceled and I received this in response from our maintenance person:

    The washing machine only washes clothes with hot water, no matter the temperature selection.

    I did some searching about my rights as a tenant and could only find this relevant statute:

    RCW 59.18.060 The landlord will at all times during the tenancy keep the premises fit for human habitation, and shall in particular: (11) Provide facilities adequate to supply heat and water and hot water as reasonably required by the tenant;

    It says nothing about cold water, but I feel like that is a given. However, I may be wrong about that when it comes to laundry. So my question is: Are we entitled to cold water for laundry? Or do we live with only hot water and go to laundromats for cold water?

    Any and all relevant advice is appreciated.

    EDIT: Our lease does not specifically mention a washer/dryer

    submitted by /u/imdps519
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    Renting an office in a warehouse, do they need to provide gendered bathrooms? [MN]

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 06:30 AM PDT

    Because it is related, I am female. My employer has rented an office for me in a warehouse and up until today I have been using the single stall gendered bathrooms in the front of the building. Today I walk in and access to that area of the building has been cut off and there was a sign telling me to use the warehouse bathroom. No big deal, or so I thought. The bathroom they are providing is labeled as "unisex" but it's pretty much a locker room. There are 2 urinals and 3 stalls (two of which are filled with piss and shit). Aside from the cleanliness, I do not feel safe and I do not feel comfortable using this bathroom. Anybody could walk in at any time and the thought of that coupled with being in a giant empty warehouse is really unsettling. There is also no door handle on the main door to enter the bathroom so locking it when I use it is out of the question. I guess I just need to know if this is legal? I imagine they need to supply adequate bathroom facilities but this does not seem adequate. Any advice is helpful, thanks!

    submitted by /u/NoToClowns
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    Neighbor threatening to give our property to charity if I don't move it out of common area storage unit.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 04:00 AM PDT

    I like in Norfolk, VA (USA). My boyfriend owns a condo home that has two seperate shared storage units near the front door of the property. The key we were given at move-in opens both of the storage unit doors. We moved some items into both storage units assuming that since the key unlocks both, we have access to use both.

    Yesterday my neighbor cleaned out one of the storage units and left my (and some other condos) personal property in a shared condo hallway along with a note that essentially says the left side storage unit is only for the units on the left side of the building. If we put our items back in the storage unit she will have a charity come pick them up (or give them away to charity..it was a little unclear).

    I am almost done with law school so my reading of legalease is sharp. I read through all the condo documents, bylaws, articles of incorporation, rules, everything last night and could find no basis for her claim that the left side units "own" the left side storage shed. I left her a note along with a copy of all the condo documents and asked her to cite her claim in the documents. If she is unable to, I want to move my items back into the left side storage shed since it is the emptier of the two.

    However, now I'm afraid my things will be stolen due to her note or picked up out of a common area by a unknowing charity. Can I do anything now since no theft has occurred? Can I report her to authorities? Do condo associations have ways to file a grievance against your neighbor? I thought about filing a police report last night for larceny but I'm not sure it rises to that yet.

    Also worth nothing is that she threw out everything in the storage unit that wasn't labelled but instead of putting it in the dumpster, she put it outside and around the dumpster which causes the HOA to have to pay an extra fee to pick up the items which ultimately raises our association dues.

    Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/butterflyarms
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    Someone was “dog sitting” my friends dog and now refuses to give her back. Police won’t do anything.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 12:52 PM PDT

    While my friend was in the process of moving, her friend (for over 13 years!) offered to take care of her dog. She watched her for about a month. When my friend and I came to get her, she refused to give he back stating that she could take better care of her. She actually ended up calling the police on us when we were there. They came and we showed them vaccination records, pictures of her when she was a pup, and they refused to get involved. Isn't it theft? What's the difference between someone taking my car and not giving it back, and my dog? They said we need to take it up in small claims court, but that's expensive and my friend lives in Canada, and her dog is in the US. Any ideas of what to do?

    submitted by /u/uncool_mom
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    Car got towed and might be totaled.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 04:39 AM PDT

    My car was towed last night and it is an all wheel drive manual that had the parking break on and was in first gear so it didn't roll since my parking break is loose. I don't know if they towed it on a bed truck or on two wheels. Either way they would have had to get it onto the bed somehow and it was not backed into the spot. If it's totaled or I'm a few grand in the whole for a new transmission is there any legal action I can take? Michigan.

    Edit: My main concern was that I was parked on a college campus late at night and the towing company had awful reviews. But I just picked up my car and asked if they used dollies to get it on the bed. They were nice and said the guy that works nights checks to see if it's manual and if so he gets in it and puts it in neutral. Then used dollies since it's awd. The transmission is good only thing I found was a scratch under my front bumper but not a big deal at all. Thanks for the advice and if you come across this post have a good Monday.

    scratched bumper

    submitted by /u/lilstrat
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    How should I handle a landlord that is violating my tenant rights?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 06:23 AM PDT

    I live in Chicago, Illinois and my landlord is constantly scheduling showings without giving me 24 hours notice. I have read that he needs to give us 48 hours notice and have asked him multiple times for such. He will just send an email each day announcing a showing for the following day, and is showing our apartment 6 days a week. He will also announce showings that he does not show up for.

    Last night, at 9:15 CDT, he emailed us that he was showing our apartment today at 7:30pm. I do not want him to enter my apartment. How should I handle this?

    Thank you for any advice!

    edit: This is what I have found that says my landlord needs to give me 48 hours notice. I sent this to my landlord a while back and he didn't respond.

    submitted by /u/Witdasooo
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    Fiancée's coworker decided to creepily tour our under-construction home without permission.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 10:44 AM PDT

    Fiancée is a teacher, and has been dealing with a "friendlier than usual" male co-worker, who she describes as an attention seeking, and nearly flirtatious individual (lets call him Max). Nothing ever really crossed the line in a definitive sense, but she's been having an odd feeling about him for a while. I happened to meet him once when I was assisting my fiancée with setting up her classroom, and got the same cocky, overly social vibe. Apparently he is not very popular with the other faculty due to this reason as well.

    All of this would have been fine, some people are just that way and it's not really a big deal to just tell them to leave you alone or avoid them, etc. Now here come's the extremely complicating factor.

    My fiancée and I are building a new house, unfortunately due to the nature of teacher's trying to live near the school they teach at, this guy's house is approximately .75 miles away in another corner of the neighborhood, and was built by the same builder.

    Today, the faculty at her school held a bridal shower for her, where they gave her(us) presents that were on our wedding register and celebrated her engagement and upcoming wedding before the school year is out. During the bridal shower, Max says something to my fiancée along the lines of "I went into your house, I really like how the master bedroom is laid out, I have never seen that model without the bath tub before". He also mentioned how the builder gives everyone the same garage door code, and that a lot of people neglect to change the code after moving in. Fiancée says that he tried to backpedal a bit after realizing how that sounds and stated that he had innocently tried this on his "friends" houses.

    We haven't closed on the house yet, and the construction is basically nearly completion (siding is 90% done, drywall is up and painted, flooring and cabinets are going in this week), so this isn't like he wondered into a concrete foundation with a framed house. It is very far along, we close in one months time.

    Since we don't own the property yet as we haven't closed (since it's still being built), what would be the best advice? My fiancée is now extremely uncomfortable and the more I think about it, the more I am too. Did this guy leave anything in my under-construction home? Can I even file a complaint with the police if I don't own the lot yet?

    Really new situation for me, all help appreciated.

    submitted by /u/constructionintruder
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    I purchased a dog. No papers. I went to boot camp. Friend agreed, verbally, to care for dog while I was away. Back from bootcamp. Friend is keeping dog from me. Is getting my dog back at all possible? (Houston, Texas)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    Hi everyone. I messed up. I left my best friend, my dog, in the care of someone who wants to keep him. I purchased him about 2 and a half years ago. I didn't get a receipt for him. I loved and cared for him for a little more than a year when I left for boot camp. My friend agreed to care for him in my absence and to return him when I got back. I was only supposed to be gone for 3 months, but I sustained an injury and it took almost 6 months to get back home. When I did get back home I moved in with my friend and we lived together up until a couple of weeks ago. We got into an argument and she asked me to leave, but kept my dog. Over all she has paid more for his care financially at this point. She has been paying for all of his food and his veterinarian bills since I left for boot camp. I have hardly any papers or writing saying he was once mine. At this point I understand she likely has more legal rights to my dog. I left him only so that I could start a career, that was steady enough, to care for him and give him the life he deserves. If there is any advice on how to reclaim him I would be incredibly grateful. If there is any law/legal that would help, or even hinder, my case I would appreciate the knowledge.

    submitted by /u/ToxicDelicious
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    Being sued for $7000 after dog off leash ran in front my truck.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 12:40 PM PDT

    I was driving home from my job with my dog in my truck and on my way home from a partially blind corner out ran a dog with no leash in front on my truck and I had hit it, the dog had walked out and ran to his owner so I had assumed he was okay. My dog was whimpering because he had slammed into my dash when I stomped on my brakes so I needed to take him home. After I got home a police officer showed up at my house saying that I needed to stop and assist the dog and owner? He got my information and gave it to the dogs owner. About 3 days go by and now she is saying that I need to pay for half his medical Bill's (3500$). I told her I wasnt liable for her dog and she should have had him leashed, and she now wants to take me to court. Now I'm getting calls from my local police department that they want to talk to me for a few minutes.

    There was small damage on the truck but I didnt want to put any more pressure on them then they already have been through but now I'm thinking they have it coming.

    Am I at all liable for what has happened?

    Edit: I live in oregon.

    submitted by /u/snoogdy
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    Amazon or a third party is using Amazon to sell my copyrighted music without my permission. How do I get my music removed from Amazon and receive the money that was made from the unauthorized sale of my music?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 10:44 PM PDT

    I am an independent musician, and since I began my current music project in 2010, all my music has been released without a record label. I have always released my music on Bandcamp.com exclusively (usually using the "pay what you want, including free" pricing option). My music is also copyrighted and it says so on my Bandcamp page (I will admit I don't know much about how copyright works besides a little bit regarding sampling laws and fair use, since I am an electronic musician who samples music sometimes).

    Today, I came across a page on Amazon selling downloadable digital copies of my albums in mp3 format. I have never approved any sale of my music outside of Bandcamp.

    So, I have a few questions:

    Does anyone have any idea how my music ended up there?

    Who is getting the money from the sales? How would I figure this information out?

    Who exactly put my music up for sale on Amazon? Was it the company themselves, or a third party using the site to sell my music?

    How can I get it taken down?

    How can I get the money I am owed from the sale of my music on Amazon? If it is a third party selling the music on Amazon, how do I get whatever profit they made from my music?

    If Amazon is being use to distribute my music via a third party, I have to assume that they take a percentage of sales that are made. What would be my hopes of getting that money? I suppose that Bandcamp would have gotten that money had it been a legitimate sale. Should I contact Bandcamp at all?

    Would getting the money I am feel I am owed require a lawyer/legal action?

    What would be the best way to pursue legal action?

    Would legal action be worth it? Over the years, I have gained a modest sized fan-base and have made a non-insignificant amount of sales through bandcamp page, as well as playing live shows (not sure if shows i've played are relevant, but I mention it just in case it is relevant that my work was semi-popular within a niche genre for a period of time).

    I should note I know very little about the legal side of music distribution or the laws surrounding things like this, and the law in general. That's why I never pursued a record label, hired a manager, etc. I just like making music and releasing it. In hindsight, my lack of legal knowledge is the reason I should have a manager, and see where there would be a value in releasing my music through a record label.

    Am I correct that that pressing charges against Amazon would be futile because I am just some small time musician and Amazon is Amazon. Would that depend on how many unauthorized copies were sold?

    I am sure I can contact Amazon at some email they provide and ask them to remove it, but from what I have read, people have had difficulty fighting copyright infringement with Amazon.

    Also, I am located in Illinois.

    Any other advise about this issue?

    Thanks for any reply in advance.

    submitted by /u/lakeradio
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    My bf gave money to his mother to renew his green card for him. Three years later, we find out she never filed and he had to pay $2k not to be deported today

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 11:09 AM PDT

    Things between us and his mother have never been good, but today he called his mother to retrieve all his important documents from her before she moves out of state. She proceeds to tell him that she never filed his paperwork three years ago and never told him because she "didn't want him to get mad."

    Flash forward to today, he immediately gets in touch with an immigration lawyer and files a motion. The only reason he isn't being deported is because we have a 7 month old daughter and he has paid all his taxes for the past three years. Otherwise we would be in some deep shit. Instead, we had to drain our savings account.

    She has already made it very clear she will not be paying him back the money she took originally or any money he paid out today. Is there any way we can legally hold his mother accountable for this or do we just have to bite the financial bullet on this one?

    submitted by /u/brisketcaste
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    Neighbor cut down mature oak [NE]

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 12:36 PM PDT

    Like the title says over the weekend my neighbor to the west of my property decided to put a high fence up surrounding the entire perimeter of his property, or so he thought. I have a mature oak tree on my property that borders with his, and he decided he wanted an extra twenty feet to extend his property thinking "It was his property and his tree". He hired a tree cutting service and had them contracted to remove it over the weekend, I just got back into town and am running in circles what to do. I will take pictures as soon as possible and possibly draw up a map to put a prospective of my situation. Anything else to recommend/ add?

    submitted by /u/FreeAllTheOpps
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    US - CO - Am I legally allowed to dispose of my ex-husband's property?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    Divorced and separated in June of '17.

    We lost the house in the divorce and went our separate ways. I made the mistake of allowing him to "temporarily" store his things in my garage, to assist him to get back on his feet. He has been living with his parents and has not established a new place of residence since. Our understanding was that once he had a new place of residence he would retrieve the stuff that I've let him store.

    He is now, two years later, passively refusing to get his stuff out of my garage. "Passively" meaning that he is not responding to (multiple) requests to remove his things. He is still living with his parents.

    I am moving to a new location and don't feel that I should be responsible for figuring out what to do with "his" stuff. My deadline for moving is June 14th.

    Am I allowed to get rid of this stuff? It has been greater than two years.

    Edit: Additional detail - I told him via the Talking Parents application that I needed him to remove his things approximately 6 months ago

    Edit 2:Thanks to all for your replies. I have drafted a letter and will be sending it certified tomorrow, WITH a return receipt. If anyone is interested enough to read the letter, I would be happy to share.

    submitted by /u/CompetitiveReturn4
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    Ended an abusive relationship last week and my partner was arrested and removed from my house and I have a question I can’t find the answer too.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    I recently had my ex girlfriend removed from my house (she had been staying with me but was not on the lease or paying rent) have tried contacting; the police, victim services, and lawyers. I keep getting the run around. My question is: How long do I legally have to hold on to her possessions? She can only come here with a police escort but I'd like for this to be over ASAP. I am located in Ontario, Canada.

    submitted by /u/manofthenorth31
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    Landlord wants to refinish floors before we move out

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 07:14 AM PDT

    Edit: I am worried about retaliation from my landlord, since he has verbally blown up at me (swearing and threatening to take money out of the security deposit) for much smaller maintenance issues. Is there a good way to handle what I feel is harassment? How do I get my point across to him?

    I live in Connecticut, and my landlord has been pressuring me to move out before my lease ends June 30th (and he would prorate rent) so that he can have the wood floors in our apartment refinished with polyurethane. When I said that this wouldn't be an option since I am moving into my new apartment July 1st and won't have an overlap of leases, he said we'd have to store all of our furniture off-site or in the kitchen (which has tile) and sleep in the kitchen while he has the floors redone with polyurethane (he mentioned this would take 2 days to dry).

    First of all, this would be very disruptive - having to move all of our furniture from a 3 bedroom apartment into the kitchen. Second of all, I'm worried about fumes from the polyurethane finish. Third, I don't believe the floors are even in need of refinishing - we've kept area rugs under our furniture for the 3 years we've lived in the apartment.

    Our lease does state the following:

    "HARDWOOD floors (if you have them) must be free of scratches, scuff marks & dirt. If the floors are scratched or scuffed they will need to be refinished. Contact us to get this done at least 30 days before you vacate;"

    But since I believe any scuffs on the floors are not beyond normal wear and tear for living in the apartment 3 years, I wasn't planning on contacting my landlord about having the floors refinished. He emailed us saying "We will need to have the cleanings and floor refinishing done prior to the move out; have either of the two of you made plans yet on the dates you will be moving out so that we may get these scheduled?"

    So my question is, is this "regular building maintenance", as he puts it, enforceable? I had imagined this would be something he would schedule for in between tenants. Should I reach out to a lawyer? Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/cerjes
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    Asked for raise, employer found out I was entertaining offers, now wants a date for succession planning

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 12:20 PM PDT

    I'm in a senior position with my current employer and I wasn't actively looking for a new job or a raise. However another employer reached out and I ended up exploring the opportunity with them, realizing in the process how much I'm worth and my significantly higher earning potential. I'm in Canada, ON

    So I did my homework and asked my current employer for a raise based on market data, additional duties & responsibilities and recent accomplishments. Here's where things got messy (all of the below was verbal):

    1. Current employer found out I was entertaining other offers (only one) - I didn't deny that, explained the situation that they reached out to me.
    2. They feel that my timing sucks because we're in the middle of a project (as always) and that I'm trying to use leverage which is concerning as I'm playing a critical role - I made it clear that I'm bringing this up a few months ahead of salary review so there's enough time to consider my request
    3. Then they asked me for a date when I think I'd be transitioning so they can plan for a replacement - this is where I was caught off guard, I never said I'm leaving

    I get it, they want to minimize their risk but at the same time I did not say I'm leaving but they thought about it as an eventuality. My mind is all over the place now:

    What if I refuse to give them a date? can they fire me for that?

    or do I give them a date? it's almost as if I'm giving them x months notice i.e. resigning

    or do I just walk out now (give 2 weeks notice - don't have anything lined up)

    or do I just ignore their request altogether and let things fall wherever?

    I'm so confused and can't think straight right now, would really appreciate your feedback on how to best handle the situation.

    submitted by /u/taway01803
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    My father died yesterday, what do I do?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 08:17 PM PDT

    Hey everyone.

    So I'd come home yesterday after work, and found my father at home in his bedroom, dead.

    I'm shocked, I've processed absolutely nothing, and I don't know what to do. He was the provider and the one who made all the money. My mom isn't here anymore and it's just me and my siblings.

    Where do I start?

    Edit: in California

    submitted by /u/mellowgang__
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    my work pools tips for 6 months, and if you leave before the 6 months is up, you see 0% of those tips.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 08:41 PM PDT

    ive been working at this place for a good minute now and haven't seen nay tip money at all.

    what they do is let it pool up for 6 months and then distribute it to those working there at the time, however if you've worked there for only 3 of the six months, you would only receive half as much of someone who was their for the whole 6. but if you left before those 6 months, you'd get none of it.

    another thing, money is taken from the pool of tip money to pay for stuff here and there, for example, if the register came up a little short they'll just cover the difference with the tips, which is fine imo. but from time to time the GM will just show up with coffee for everyone and deduct the money from the tips, which is not fine.

    so my question is: is this illegal? and if it is, what can i do about it?

    Edit: this is in Michigan.

    submitted by /u/ArcticInquisition
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    LA Fitness is making illegal charges on my card

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:07 AM PDT

    I went to LA Fitness for two months, and I was charged $70. This is normal, but then I canceled my account. Terminated, right?

    The next month, I had a charge for $50, for a supposed "annual fee." I talked to the manager, and he said that the annual fee is only for accounts 3 months and longer, so I shouldn't have had to pay for it. He said he would refund it, but I haven't received a refund in over a month.

    Following, just yesterday, I received a $35 charge from another LA Fitness, but in another city. I'm led to believe that LA Fitness is sharing my credit card information through their systems and is making these baseless charges onto my credit card.

    I'm only 17, so I'm not sure what I should be doing in legal terms.

    Should I call their branch manager, the LA Fitness customer service, call for legal action, call the police, file for debit card fraud, or call the store manager again?

    Clearly they've proven their incompetence, but I don't know whether I should be clearing this with LA Fitness, or looking to bring in the cops and banks.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/cyhtw
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