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    Tuesday, June 4, 2019

    Client wrote check payable to my business, but I don't have a business account. small business

    Client wrote check payable to my business, but I don't have a business account. small business

    Client wrote check payable to my business, but I don't have a business account.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 05:09 PM PDT

     I recently started sharpening knives as a side business in addition to my full time job as a line cook. I haven't done anything to make it official like getting a license or forming an llc yet, because I don't know if I'll actually make any money. One of my clients sent me a check today made out to the name of my business, even though the invoice said to make the check payable to me. Is there any way to deposit this into my personal account, or do I need to have him issue a new check? Also what is the best way to go about making my business legit? How much expense am I looking at to get a business license/anything else I need? 
    submitted by /u/kduff92
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    Boss wants me, salesperson, to ignore inquiries for a certain product line but keep the product line listed.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 08:06 AM PDT

    My boss doesn't feel we make enough money from this particular product line. This is true. But the boss wants me to leave the product line up on the website to generate hits to our site, and then straight-up ignore any inquiries that come in about this line. I don't feel I can straight-up ignore inquiries, or falsely advertise that we offer this line if it's on the website. As the sole salesperson for this small company, I pride myself in excellent rapport with customers and want to be a valuable resource and friendly face for anyone interested in our products. Any advice for how I can handle this?

    submitted by /u/bananascare
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    Airbnbs in 30 cities - how to best manage vendor payment?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 02:58 AM PDT

    Hi there,

    We have around 10 Airbnbs in 30 cities. We have a local GM in each city and we pay vendors directly. I was thinking of giving our GM a credit card to facilitate vendor payment. Is there a recommended method of getting 30 diff cards?

    We bank with WF unfortunately.

    submitted by /u/DericiousAprre
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    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 02:53 AM PDT

    Hey Y'all,

    I just have a quick question for anyone who is kind enough to help me out!

    I'm based in Sydney and currently working on opening my business this year. I have a logo and business name and I want to get it trademarked for obvious reasons.

    I just want to know if I can trademark my logo and business name within one application instead of two seperate ones? I was hoping it was possibly to do so, saves me $250 and applications cost $250 each.

    I have a feeling this is possible as my logo and business name are joined and I use it as my default display for everything. I also have my business name registered and a domain created, not sure if this helps.

    Thanking you all in advance!

    submitted by /u/oldmateforty
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    Order tracking app suggestions order placed to order delivered

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 02:24 AM PDT

    Hello All,

    this is my first post here, and I was hoping to get any ideas or inputs on Apps I could use for the following function.

    I used to use excel but now order numbers have gone up, and my employees sometimes miss out on some crucial info.

    I run a business where I buy from vendor A and sell to the customer

    if the customer wants some modifications I use vendor B to use the product from Vendor A and make modifications, then receive the modded product from vendor B and give it to the customer

    I was wondering if there is a simple app to track this process, preferably free, and also something I could easily access on the cloud

    2 selling lines

    Customer - order placed with me - order placed with vendor A - order received by me - order delivered to customer

    Customer - order placed with me - order placed with vendor A - order received by me - order sent to vendor B - order received by me - order delivered to the customer

    I was hoping if someone has experience or used an app which could do this for me to keep track of by individual customers

    I did this very effectively with excel but I am not able to be there during POS all the time and this is creating a few problems.

    For example, after order received and sent to vendor B, employees seem to miss out on the number of items to send, and this delays the turnaround process from Vendor B and my clients go ape shit on me.

    Thank You!

    submitted by /u/thecobbler1990
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    Partner stealing money. Advice needed!

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    Short version: My 50/50 business partner (we are the only 2 in the company) transferred a little over $2k from our joint business bank account to Fidelity Investments (wire transfer investigation report) and told me it was sent to a Chinese manufacturer. She built up an elaborate cover story for this transfer for weeks saying she's been working with said manufacturer on a new product line. She even sent me a 2D digital mockup of what the product would look like. I don't fully understand everything Fidelity Investments does, but it doesn't look like a Chinese manufacturer has anything to do with their services. I assume she's investing into something to make money on the side? I have not confronted her about this in case I need to take drastic measures without her knowledge.

    She can no longer be trusted, and I need to take action, but I have no idea where to begin. A third party accountant/financial company or something needs to be involved from now on. I could withdraw all the money and start a new bank account without giving her access. I also have no idea on how to approach this situation to her when I do take action, and the communication moving forward as the relationship will be broken, maybe beyond repair.

    Long version/Contextual information: She is a very nice person that I believe would not normally do this if it weren't for the terrible situation she is in. I knew of all the following information prior to partnering with her, so I take some responsibility for going into business with someone in this situation.

    She bought a business from a scumbag (who I personally know as well) for around $200k who sold her a shell of a company with falsified documents, and is proactively trying to make her go bankrupt so he doesn't have to pay the $300k of debt he purposely left on the business (in addition to keeping the $200k payment, so he would be in the green by half a million). She is currently in a lawsuit with the seller and should win because there were a few breaches of contract on the first day of purchase (the main one being the contract says all debt will be paid prior to transfer), so she should win this lawsuit, but at a great cost, and who knows how long the lawsuit will take, how long it will take her to see any money, and if she'll see any money. I have been her "therapist" through all of this, and I agreed to pay her lawyer fees with company money because I wouldn't have had the opportunity to start this business if she didn't get screwed by that scumbag.

    The 8 months we've been in business together, our business has not been her main priority, and understandably so. I've almost single handedly turned $25k of my personal money (she invested nothing) into $250k of sales by doing 90% of everything 60 hours/week, and it pisses me off that she decided to waste my time, lie to me, pay someone to create a graphic to reinforce her lie, then steal money that I earned for the business, especially when we desperately need every penny.

    I should also note that she is one of those "talk the talk" kind of people with no real experience to back it up, so she's always trying to bullshit me and people we do business with on inconsequential things. I think she does this to prove she can "walk the walk" or to sound smart or knowledgeable, but everyone knows it's bullshit. Although, she is entrepreneurial minded in general, decent business acumen, has good ideas, provides good support/problem solving, helps with brainstorming, etc.

    She is a very nice person and not the type to do wrong, but I believe this situation has pushed her to do anything to stay alive (i mean this almost literally as she almost went homeless). Best case scenario, this is a one time thing she decided to do because she feels she deserves it. Even if that's the case, she can no longer be trusted.

    Edit: Did some digging, looks like it was deposited into her personal account. It was wired with the note "FBO (the her name)". FBO means "for the benefit of." The Fidelity fraud dept is looking into it.

    Edit 2: Thank you everyone for the feedback. It all helped give me a plan: (1) see what the fraud dept says (which probably won't be any help), (2) ask her about the strange transfer, (3) tell her as a friend that she can come to me with any problems, i don't mind helping, i sympathize her situation, etc., (4) if she admits it, resolve it, figure out a payment plan, get back to business, (4b) if it turns out she is lying and refuses to admit it, i'll start another business bank account in case i need to empty the original bank account, then contact a lawyer for options.

    submitted by /u/burner_account_thx
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    Why are there so many businesses that don't answer customer e-mails?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 10:19 AM PDT

    Some are small, some are bigger, and often they never respond to inquiries. Is it plain laziness? Lack of organization? Are they not at ease to solve customer issues?

    What's your take on this?

    submitted by /u/makafre
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    Depression is killing my sales drive

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    I run a small business that currently takes only a week each month to keep running. I'm in a growth period and planned on spending the other three weeks in biz dev mode, but we've had a number of personal setbacks this year that have sunk me into a deep depression.

    I still love the product side of the business and that is running fine, but I'm having a very difficult time going out and drumming up additional accounts right now. I've been in this rut for three months and it's killing me.

    How do you show up to work everyday when you're so burned out that you can't even think about picking up the phone to schedule sales meetings?

    submitted by /u/dbcannon
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    Free Save the DAte Images

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 11:55 PM PDT

    We are a video production company in Delhi engaged in wedding photography, videography, pre-wedding photoshoots, party events shoot and a lot more. We are running a giveaway campaign for free save the date WhatsApp images. You can view the same at this link: FREE SAVE THE DATE IMAGE SERVICES

    submitted by /u/VTSupport
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    How do people keep track of their contacts?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:58 PM PDT

    I do web design on the side. I used to keep contact info on my personal gmail account. However, lately I've been getting a lot more clients and I want to keep track of their contacts separately. However, I still want the option of calling them on my mobile phone. I'm using waveapps for invoicing and google voice for calls.

    So far I've thought of these options:

    1. keep them on personal google contact list but use labels
    2. create a second google account and put them there
    3. use something like zoho and use their contact list. However, then to call someone I have to go into the app and subdirectories.
    4. other?
    submitted by /u/ringosrule
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    Update: First Timer Taiyaki Store Owner Who thinks He has lost even before he has opened

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    Previous Thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/smallbusiness/comments/bvxytk/i_started_a_small_taiyaki_store_and_i_might_have/

    So the first business day of my Taiyaki store has ended.

    I think I might have blown things out of proportion in my previous thread. I was just very nervous since this is my first retail business.

    I divided my fixed costs (Labor and rent) by 20 days, which totals to Php 550. This must be the minimum daily revenue to ensure that I pay the workers and still remain as a legal tenant.

    The whole day I was in the shop, writing down notes, inventory and other data I think I can use.

    I opened shop early (5 am) and prepared for business operations.

    At the end of the day, ( I closed the shop at 7 pm) and I counted the bills and loose change. Revenue reached Php 941.

    Honestly, I thought I would have a losing day since I was worried and nervous because:

    1. My store is new,
    2. The product is not tested, and class D and E market typically prefer the same lineup of products provided by stores in the vicinity. They want
    3. Honestly, I was nervous due to capital concerns.

    Of course, no one can be certain that the revenue stream is repeatable. However, I have noticed a few things

    1. Class D and E market participants are price conservative, as our cheapest taiyaki outsells the next priced item by 10 folds! (of the 43 sold, 39 of them were the cheapest item)
    2. Majority of buyers are class E, and they start being curious then hesitate to purchase until someone buys, and then they basically follow the herd and buy products.
    3. We might want to also increase visibility for Class B and C customers as a single class B customer (she owns the rice mill and some properties) bought like 10 pieces of the most expensive product without batting an eye.
    4. People are attracted to variety and novelty. When we only displayed the taiyaki, only one or two people look at it. However, when we added other items like pancit, pork chops, Lumpia, and other items, a small crowd starts to gather and we experienced spikes in sales.

    I will observe and confirm all the data here tomorrow, since I want to spend the whole week with the store, and start my own system of auditing every afternoon moving forward so I can go back to work (I am on leave)

    Again sorry for the wall of text. I know the Food and beverage industry is not the usual topic here, and I thank anyone who contributes to the discussion.

    submitted by /u/Hikkikomori_otouchan
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    In need of an expert but where to look

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    My business has hit a stumbling block, we've reached a stage where I need to change the product materials to make it viable - for this process I need the advice of a chemist/chemical engineer. I am so in need of this expertise I am willing to give away equity for on going product development (as a start up I don't have the cash to pay for any expert in a one off scenario). Does anyone have any advice where I could find such a person?

    submitted by /u/travellingtommo
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    Best NY-based LLC structure for over 1M revenue

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 06:17 PM PDT

    Hello all!

    I'll keep this short since I think my question is very straightforward. I've been doing a lot of googling and haven't found any solutions to my particular problem.

    Revenue this year will be a little over 1M. I currently have an S-election, sole proprietor LLC in New York. This was chosen originally because my revenue for past years was under 10k or in the negatives. I felt that it was fine to stay as an s-election considering there was a 20% pass-through deduction, but it looks like I've broken the threshold and am not longer eligible for it.

    Doing some basic research shows that I'm going to get torn apart by taxes in my current state. My tax burden looks to be close to 45%. Is it worth restructuring into a c-corp? Is this even possible? Can or should I create an entirely new LLC with a different classification and transfer all funds to that to reduce my tax burden? Alternatively, being a resident of Canada, should I transfer all funds to a newly formed corp in canada which may have a lower tax burden? This is my first time dealing with this amount of money, and I'd like to not lose a massive amount due to not having the correct corporate structure.

    submitted by /u/accountingthr0waway
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    Cash drawer with keypad to open?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:00 PM PDT

    Has one seen a stand alone cash drawer that can be opened with a keypad and code? I use square for my business, and we don't print receipts, so once square has the option to email or text. Also have no interest in purchasing the square stand, which still requires a printer to open the drawer, and would mean I have to buy yet another iPad.

    Are there cash drawers that can be opened by entering a 4 digit pin? A computer program that would allow me to connect it to my computer, and then enter a pin to open? I have 3 employees, so a way to set a different pin for each one and a way to see which employee opened it and a time would be awesome too.

    submitted by /u/513lette
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    Business Plan(ning)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 06:13 PM PDT

    Greetings Redditors,

    I am currently an employed Real Estate Broker, working for a Homebuilder, which I have been doing for over a decade. I got married & hit 40 this year. And in the process of "growing up," I've decided that it is time for a change & to really focus on starting my own Real Estate brokerage. There is a specific direction that I want to take it in order to compete with the bigger brokerages in town. To begin with, it will be just my wife & myself as the agents. As I write this, I am holed up in a Starbucks, just beginning to write a business plan. However, I'm struggling because the business itself is not in an operational phase yet (start date would be Mid-February of 2020). Also, I don't believe that I will be seeking any funding to begin with either (this is the intent at least).

    My question(s) to all of you more experienced business minds & entrepreneurs is this: how should I be tailoring my business plan to a hypothetical? Am I jumping a step ahead by going through this process? What core steps should I be taking in this phase between knowing the conceptual direction I am taking & the execution of "opening the doors for business."

    I know some of this is probably rudimentary or obvious, but I am stuck. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/dgneb13
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    I am looking to startup my own artist page and would like to know if it’s a good idea to have two separate email addresses, phone numbers and social accounts for personal and professional use? I currently use firstmiddlelast for personal and firstlast for professional. Does anyone else do this?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 02:49 PM PDT

    Hello, I am looking to startup my own artist page and would like to know if it's a good idea to have two separate email addresses, phone numbers and social accounts for personal and professional use? I currently use firstmiddlelast for personal and firstlast for professional. Does anyone else do this? I know self employment can require lots of hours worth of work (some even unpaid) but I don't want my phone to be blowing up when I'm trying to take a holiday or spend a weekend with the girlfriend.

    submitted by /u/TotalStoic
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    How to open a Maid Service

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:35 PM PDT

    In a 500k-800k in our city I am looking to open a maid service.Annyone have any ideas how to start and other tips.

    submitted by /u/NexhatR
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    Hiring Agencies for Small-Medium Businessess

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    Hey Redditors,

    My parents have a small, yet rapidly growing property restoration (e.g., water, mold, fire, etc. damage) business in Florida and they are in need of hiring office staff - an Office manager specifically (amongst other positions). They are blue collar immigrants who aren't business savvy in the traditional sense, swamped with an influx of new projects to oversee, and the only individual (barely) competent to conduct an interview is my uncle (mother's youngest brother) and a long-time "friend" of my father who both have ulterior motives (e.g., season one of Game of Thrones). They have projects all over the state, behind on up-keep, and have no administrative authority figure. Thus, I am entrusted with this task; however, I'm barely involved in the business and not suited to gauge whether a candidate is suited for the position in this industry.

    TL;DR: Can anyone vouch for a (South Florida) based company that specializes in interviewing/screening job candidates?

    P.S. I don't need them nor interested in paying for them to search for talent, I've already got roughly 100 resumes via LinkedIn, Indeed, etc.

    Truly appreciate any assistance from anyone who've been in our shoes and assisting my folks,

    submitted by /u/mrJuggz
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    Bottling a non-food product

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:17 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I own a small business and I'm looking for a company to bottle my product which contains some fungi and bacteria. All I'm finding is sauce or soda bottling locally (south Florida), I've searched other business subreddits already and googling my local ones but these are all I've found so far. Any input would be helpful! Thanks

    submitted by /u/auxins_n_chill
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    Question about starting my LLC...

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    Hi folks,

    I apologize if this has already been answered, but I've been reading through the subreddit, and I'm getting some conflicting information. Basically, I'm looking at starting up an LLC that deals with several areas of educational and professional services (language education and writing and editing services). However, I'm having some difficulty deciding upon the state to register the LLC in. This is primarily because I tend to move around quite a bit, and I will be conducting business both online and in-person with individuals and entities in America and around the world.

    So far, it seems like Delaware and Wyoming seem to be the better choices, but I've also seen cases made for Nevada and Texas. Basically, I'm looking for your input to help me figure out what might be the best step forward from here. I should also add that I may wind up being more nomadic with the business as well (traveling to different countries for brief periods of time and also conducting business while I'm traveling). It's possible too that I might just root in somewhere in America, and if so, I imagine I could change the location of my business registration at that time, right?

    Like I said, I'm a bit lost in all this, so if you can lend a hand, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions you have. And thank you in advance for all your help!

    submitted by /u/EisigEyes
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    B&M Retail Apparel Weekdays

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 12:58 PM PDT


    I just opened up an apparel store this past Saturday. The weekend was pretty good with each day pulling in enough cash to make me feel like things might work out.

    But so far today (Monday 1PM)...nothing.

    I'm thinking that perhaps weekdays are a whole different animal than weekends. On weekends people are all out and browsing around but weekdays I feel like people would only come if they are bored housewives or they are specifically seeking a product out.

    Any thoughts or advice? Thank you

    submitted by /u/FemtoG
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    UPC code?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    I am looking into some reselling in wholesale and it seems to be able to approach most of the retailers I would need to have a UPC code on my product. Online there's a ton of what seems to be scams so here I am asking for advice in how to get my product listed in amazon and other retailers.

    submitted by /u/the-official-review
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    I'm am opening my business soon and need to start my Facebook and Google ad campaign but I have no idea what I'm doing. Is there a great video, book, podcasts anything that helps explain this stuff??

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 08:16 AM PDT

    Edit: Sorry I should have included the business. It's a pet store.

    submitted by /u/Ovaljoker
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    T-shirt start up advice

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:41 AM PDT

    Hey, I had what I think is a neat t shirt idea. Is there a specific protocol is should follow to limit the start up time and get product made to sell? It'll be all online. Do I need a business license or verification to sell one item? Never dipped into creating and selling my own merchandiser. Can anyone suggest manufacturers with low moq, and good quality?

    If there are any rookie mistakes you can think of, please lemme know.

    Thank you very much.

    submitted by /u/hydraulicpotluck
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