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    Friday, June 7, 2019

    Cigna is denying me pancreatic cancer care Insurance

    Cigna is denying me pancreatic cancer care Insurance

    Cigna is denying me pancreatic cancer care

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    Hi all, this is cross posted. Originally posted in LegalAdvice and they suggested I try here as well to see if anyone has any ideas on how to proceed. I have some ideas on progress via looking for an attorney, filing an appeal, etc. But was curious if any of you can think of a way to get some help for me quickly. Unfortunately, if I have to go through a whole appeal with Cigna, that could take too long. As of right now, I have ZERO medical care I can access. Normal doctors wont touch me because I am above their pay grade and MD Anderson wont see me because Cigna wont let them as you will read about below.

    I have a 3 cm tumor on my pancreas. I was getting treatment at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas. I live in Texas. Pancreatic cancer treatment is a highly specific field and my doctor is one of the top five doctors in the world.

    Essentially, my doctor did a biopsy in December on it and told me to come back in March for him to take another look. When I went in March, he told me that in the three months since December, my tumor had DOUBLED in size and the wall of the tumor had started to change, which highly unusual and is a sign that the tumor is rapidly progressing. My blood work however, was still fairly normal. Because the only treatment for me involves him doing a surgery called The Whipple Procedure (removing six of my organs and rerouting my entire digestive tract), he wanted to take a wait and see approach and wanted me to come back in 2-3 to have him take another look at what it has done. He very specifically told me that I cannot wait to see him any longer than 2-3 months, and made me promise I would attend that appointment. I have been on pins and needles since March wondering what it is doing. I am also very sick with all kinds of symptoms. Of course, I cannot go to a regular doctor for help..they stand there and look at me and say "Your diagnosis is above my pay grade. I don't know how to help you. Call your MD Anderson team."

    However, some RN Case Manager at Cigna, my health insurance company, has now decided that my tumor is not "big enough" so my appointment and scans with my doctor are "not needed". They are refusing to authorize my scans/bloodwork/cat scans, despite a MD saying they are urgently needed, and as a result, MD Anderson has cancelled all of my appointments leaving me completely without any medical care. They claim they know better than an MD Anderson Pancreatic Surgeon and I only need to see him once a year. LOL. It's INSANE.

    Curious if you guys have any idea about my rights? I have been on the phone with them screaming bloody murder for a week and it's like talking to a brick wall. They refuse to budge. My doctor even called up there and told them they were making a huge mistake and didn't understand they were putting me life at significant risk. They told HIM no. It's very important that I get in quickly. If this thing is spreading, I will be dead in a matter of months. I do not exaggerate when I say there is a ticking time bomb sitting on my pancreas right now. I have considered filing an appeal with Cigna, but the problem is, that takes months and I don't have months to fight with them.

    I did look online at some of their reviews/complaint sites, and unfortunately, this seems to be a regular thing for them. There are hundreds and hundreds of people online saying Cigna is denying their cancer care and they're going to die as a result of it. They're seriously allowing me ZERO care for a pancreatic tumor and I'm sicker than a dog. The risk with these things is that doctors deal with them in a very specific way, and if that way is not honored, the patient will die. It's a highly specialized field that is a fairly recent development in medical science.

    The only option they have left me with is to go into the ER, lie, and claim I am having unbearable abdominal pain. This would force the ER to give me blood work, a cat scan, and I could possibly get that on disc and send it to my doctor. I really, really do not want to have to resort to this. I should not have to LIE in an Emergency Room to get medical care.

    submitted by /u/GadgetQueen
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    First time getting car insurance and getting prices all over the place how do come to a final decision?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 01:52 AM PDT

    I got a car yesterday picking up Sunday need to get insurance today I did quotes yesterday and they ranged from 120 progressive through 340 liberty. The liberty is more than what my car payment will be. Geico was in the 150ish. All have comprehensive and collision.

    I am a new driver over 25 and male, but 350 seems way to much, I've entered the same info for each. Do you choose what's cheapest and offers most of what you want/need? I tried doing State Farm but there site kept saying I was missing something. So atm I'm thinking of going with either geico or progressive

    submitted by /u/Vampiregecko
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    My daughter was injured at her private school and I want to connect with their insurance, but am getting frozen out

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 06:33 PM PDT

    I think this is more of an insurance question than a legal question - please tell me if I am in the wrong place. I originally posted this question, missing some details, in r/legaladvice

    1.5 years ago, my daughter fell while climbing a tree at recess and sustained a bad concussion that put her in the hospital for the night. After this happened, we learned that my daughter's private school does not supervise children in grades 4-6 at recess. We met with the school to request supervision for our daughter and they complied with this.

    Since then, we have withdrawn our daughter from the school under acrimonious circumstances. They are demanding payment for the last couple of tuition bills - about $2600. We can't afford this (my spouse is out of work) and accept that the bill might go to collections - that is reasonable. But in the meantime, I have this significant bill (>$2600) for my daughter's hospital stay. I learned from r/legaladvice that I should reach out to the school's insurance about the hospital bills, but I don't know how to go about this. The school is not returning my calls/emails, and I don't even know who their insurance carrier is. My husband is suggesting having the hospital's billing department reach out to them? Or should I contact my own health insurance company? I think this qualifies as a personal injury, but I'm not sure. Do we need a lawyer's help?

    Any ideas on how to approach this? If I left out anything please ask, it is a little complicated so I may have missed things.

    submitted by /u/constantlybothered
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    If a semi-truck runs over a blown out tire and hits/damages my car on the freeway, is that “collision” or “comprehensive?”

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 10:54 PM PDT

    This one is tricky, because there was no escaping it- I was behind the truck and the tire shot straight into the front of my car- damaging the grill, bumper, and underside. It even came out underneath the back of my car and left a print. I have no idea what to file the claim as; if I even should. This is such bullshit, man.

    submitted by /u/Ventiicedchai
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    Insurance company only accepting 80% liability

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 06:27 PM PDT

    I was in a minor auto accident about a month ago. I was approaching a light and a vehicle pulled out of a parking lot and t-boned me and hit my drivers door and passenger door. Have received the police report and report reflects what happened, officer said other party was liable and failed to yield. Now the other parties insurance (All-State) is only accepting 80% liability claiming I was in the other drivers peripheral view and he failed to see him (how Is that my fault?). The AllState rep said they are sticking to that and the adjusters supervisor agrees. Now my insurance said they don't fight that since I'm not going through my insurance (Geico) and I would have to appeal that which may take a month or two and no guarantee they would admit 100% fault. My other option is to pay my $1000 deductible and my insurance would go after AllState to try to get my $1000 back, and if not, I'd get 80%, $800 back. What should I do here? I really don't think I should be liable at all and think I shouldn't have to put out anything. This happened in NJ btw and my car is a 2019 Hyundai Elantra. Quick estimates via pictures is $5000+ and that's without looking at my wrinkled and bent inside door frame. Thanks for any input!

    submitted by /u/mikeking00
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    chiropractor says treatment 4 days a week for potentially a year - would at fault insurance cover that?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    Hi guys! WA car accident, at fault insurance accepted liability.

    chiropractor told me to come 4 times a week for as long as it take, potentially 6 - 12 months. I am not sure if he is trying to get as many sessions as possible since its a car accident case.

    My concern is, would the at fault insurance wait for that long, and still cover the costs? Last time I talked to them, they said go ahead and get any treatment needed, and call them back to settle after the treatments. But I am worried that the insurance would not cover all of it, or deny it, or don't want to wait, or something other than "yes I will wait for you to finish and cover all of it and settle afterwards"

    Thanks for any advice/ideas!

    submitted by /u/new_name_jackson
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    Switching insurance carriers, and total insurance review

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 09:26 PM PDT

    Switching car/home/renters insurance. Thinking about getting life insurance. I want to make sure there aren't any mistakes. How do we compare insurance? Is there somebody trustworthy (who isn't also trying to sell). Like financial people are fiduciary is there an insurance equivalent who may work on flat fee?

    submitted by /u/WhyWontThisWork
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    Auto insurance is giving me the blues...

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 05:13 PM PDT

    So.... This is my first post of anything of importance on Reddit and I am truly on a ledge. Well I guess I'll just get into this and see how it goes

    I live in Tennessee if that matters. First off I have a respectable auto insurance company, well as respectable as they come I suppose. I have 1 vehicle with full coverage and liability on the other.

    About a month ago my truck was in the shop and my live in girlfriends car was blocking my other vehicles in at the end of the driveway, so she throws the keys so I can drive to work. (Her car has liability only). Well low and behold on my way home from work 11 hours later I rear end a vehicle. (My fault, a car had stalled in the road and the vehicle in front of me slammed on the brakes and I destroyed my girlfriends poor car and did significant damage to the other vehicle). Accidents happen they say, and everyone on the scene was fine no injuries, and this my first accident in 15 years and I think well that's what insurance is for and we will pay the deductible and move on.

    Well, things don't quite work out that easy. We get a letter at the house that says they are declining coverage. So of course I call the number to find out why. Her insurance company proceeds to tell me they are not covering me because I am a regular driver, which I tell them I am not I may have drove her vehicle 10 times in over a year. Then he counters with well you are not covered because you are married, which I respond we aren't married. Then he comes at me with well you are not covered because you live together, and of course I can't deny that but I do not quite understand so they send a email that states that they don't cover someone else driving your vehicle if they are family or live in the same house.(completely new to me)

    Now, I am hoping that my insurance steps up but all I have heard is they are talking to thier underwriters. Until today, when I get a letter in the mail saying I got 7 points on my license for causing an accident that caused personal injury. At this point I'm in a panic, I cannot get ahold of anyone at my insurance agency and now I'm worried of having a looming lawsuit against me.

    I have had car insurance my whole life and this whole situation has me all kinds of twisted up. I am looking for answers or ideas on what steps I can take to get ahead of what can come or prepare myself. Sorry for the lengthy post. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/TechnoCoco
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    Insurance 101

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 08:19 PM PDT

    Hi, new to buying insurance. Auto and Health. I have but I have no idea what I'm allowed or how to shop around. My main drivers are currently price. Is there a website or online guide that can help me?

    submitted by /u/sunflowertech
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    Accident and person whos at fault lied and got away with it (maybe)

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 08:12 PM PDT

    my mom (driver) my brother and I were going home. We go to a intersection that is red. So we wait. moments before it goes green someone hits us. We stop and my mom gets her info. She Calls our insurance and says we need to make a claim with other insurance so we do.

    Next day they said that the other driver claimed that we reversed into them, A big fat lie(some cases this can be true but for us it's not) We tell both insurance the story and our insurance says they see it as not our fault as the other company did.

    My moms case online says closed

    Today we got a call saying that they wont pay as she claimed it was our fault.

    From what our insurance told us its a word vs word and no one will pay. here are my questions

    1 What happends next?

    2 Can she still argue that it was our fault?

    3 could there be a future court summons on this?

    4 if word vs word and they tell us that no one will pay, does this mean their and my case are closed (mine is)

    Also please tell me anything that I should Know that may help. Also the hit on the bumper was on the right side that bent the metal on the inside and trunk wont close, meaning that this couldn't not have been a reversing into someone accident because I would have had to been going 40+ mph in reverse and also being first car at intersection. and had distance, at that time the other drive would have tried to evade. but hey I cant say anything because no one will believe anyone at this point

    submitted by /u/mike9871
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    This happened to me on the freeway... will Geico cover it?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 07:42 PM PDT

    A big truck in front of me- I don't know if it's tire blew, but a big broken tire came under neath it and hit the front of my car and went underneath my car... the damage is not minor. How do I go about this? I've never been in a car accident before and this is my first car and first time that I bought insurance.

    submitted by /u/Ventiicedchai
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    Flood damage

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 07:39 PM PDT

    My car was recently flooded in my neighborhood. I just purchased the car back in December for 9100. The vehicle is a 2012 Volkswagen Jetta TDI with 100k miles on it. The insurance company only offered 6300 is there anything that I can do to recieve more or am I screwed?

    submitted by /u/Buckle97
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    Car Insurance on $5,000 car?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 07:36 PM PDT

    I have comprehensive and collision on my car with $500 deductible for each. This is overkill but my rates are really low so it makes sense to have it. I am about to move states and my rates will go up because I am moving to a higher crime area.

    Should I drop comprehensive? Raise my deductible to $1,000?

    I have the cash to buy a new car (or pay a high deductible), but feel like I should have at least some insurance payout if it's totaled.

    submitted by /u/3_HeavyDiaperz
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    Getting hosed for owning a nice vehicle

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 03:18 PM PDT

    I have Allstate and was in a vehicular accident with a GEICO policy holder. GEICO has accepted liability, sent an adjuster to see my truck, sent my truck to a repair shop, and the repair shop has ordered parts. I have a rental, and a local adjuster came by to make a supplemental estimate for the repairs.

    Parts came in, and they didn't fit. The shop discovered a bend in the frame, local adjuster came back out and confirmed, and my original adjuster told me the same.

    Now, GEICO is telling me my vehicle is valued at $33,000, but their client's policy will only cover $25,000. GAP only covers the difference between the market value of the vehicle (pre-wreck) and the remaining balance of my loan ($34,000; I've only made 6 payments on this truck it's a 2018 with 15,000 miles). Everyone (bank, GEICO, Allstate) is telling me I'm going to be stuck with the difference between the market value ($33k) and the GEICO payout ($25k) and that GAP will only cover from the $1,000 between the MV and the remaining balance of the loan.

    What can I do here? Should I ask my insurance to sue GEICO or the policy holder for the money? Allstate is saying I might not be able to file a collision claim through them anymore (I have full coverage it's a new vehicle). The GEICO adjusters both told me to do just that and that GEICO would still payout $25k and that Allstate would cover the rest, but Allstate isn't agreeing.

    On top of all that, my Allstate agent has been ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to get into contact with.


    submitted by /u/BluePump9Damage
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    Walgreens Billed My Old Insurance Company for 8 Months & Now Anthem Wants $800

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 05:54 PM PDT

    I left my job almost a year ago and lost my health insurance. I didn't know the exact date my coverage would expire. I continued picking up my prescriptions as normal just assuming the prices would go up when my coverage ended. I just received a bill in the mail from a law firm for almost $800 because Walgreens billed my insurance from June 2018 - January 2019, and Anthem paid them. Seriously? I never imagined this was possible. I don't want to pay the $800 and would have shopped other pharmacies on GoodRx if I knew my price was actually higher. Has anyone experienced this?

    submitted by /u/girlgonevegan
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    Am I beat?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 05:39 PM PDT

    2 nights again my parked car was swiped, took out the mirror I didn't think it was a big deal so I just asked for 100 dollars she didn't have that, along with her license and insurance card....I took her number now and took a picture of her license plate and called it a night, the next day we agreed on a price and she'd pay me some now and the rest later on next week, she sent me a picture with he insurance card with a different name and wrote her first name and the make of the Car on it. She hasn't answered me at all today, I didn't take a picture of her damage either. And I still report a claim? Will this be difficult?

    submitted by /u/pm_me_ur_pants_size
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    Is this a good quote?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 05:31 PM PDT

    I just turned 20 and bought a chevy malibu Lt for 10k on Tuesday and I got quoted for 1,200 every 6 months for full coverage...

    Is this good? Im leaving my parents insurance and don't have any tickets or crashes and have a good gpa and been driving for 3 years now

    submitted by /u/Godlyeyes
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    [Pennsylvania] car rental reimbursement during repairs

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 01:29 PM PDT

    Event - My car was hit when parked and the other party has accepted full liability for this accident.


    1. Is the at-fault driver's insurer required to pay for the rental incurred during the time my car is under repairs? If so, what is the daily maximum amount in PA?

    2. The insurer declined to do a direct deposit to the car rental agency. Their reason is that their contracted rental agency does not rent to people under age 25, although I have never run into this issue in the past. Can I ask them/ Are they liable to do a direct billing to the agency of my choice then?

    3. The subject insurer claimed that they will reimburse my rental for 3 days only based on the initial estimates. However, there's a highly likely chance that supplements will be needed that will warrant more labor hours. How can I be sure that they will reimburse me the additional rental amount if needed?

    4. Is there a maximum amount of time required for the insurance company to get back to you on your questions and issues? Unlike some companies I've been dealing with in the past like Statefarm or Geico, they have a specific adjuster assigned to the case and it takes him and his supervisor forever to answer a call or reply to my email.

    Any insight or suggestion is greatly appreciated!!

    submitted by /u/creamalli
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    Will Progressive allow me to withdraw my claim?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 05:12 PM PDT

    I filed a claim with Progressive for hail damage on my car.

    The adjuster came today and said car is a total loss. Damage is only cosmetic. No broken glass or anything...just hundreds of dents and dings all over the car.

    I don't want to lose the car. I'm not in the position to buy another car right now. Buying the car from Progressive is not an option. I spoke to my lender today, they said GAP will not pay its part if I choose to keep the car, so it would not be financially smart for me to do that.

    I called the 1-800 number for Progressive and was told I need to speak to the adjuster handling my claim. Can't talk to him until tomorrow morning. In the meantime, I'm antsy.

    Does anyone know if Progressive will allow me to withdraw my claim?

    submitted by /u/BayHairDontCare
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    Help, at faults insurer avoiding me and calls

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 08:27 AM PDT

    On May 9th, about a month after I turned 18, I got in a car accident and it was the other drivers fault so I set up a claim with his insurer but they're taking forever to talk damages and I feel like they keep making things up so they take longer. They told me they'd call me to talk about figures on Monday (The Third) but they didn't. So I called the next day and next day up to today and they're not answering my calls. I don't know what to do because I'm going through a lot and I can barely work now and get around. Im losing money and time and i almost lost someone and couldn't help because I couldn't get to her. I don't know what to do

    submitted by /u/armytaco
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    Auto insurance

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 05:02 PM PDT

    Good Afternoon!

    Im AD Military stationed faaaaaar from home, somewhere that is alot more exoenzive than home.

    Im 20 and am currently paying $320 a month from geico for insurance.

    I got a quote for my Home of record for full coverage insurance and it was around half that. (~$160ish)

    Would it be illegal for me to get insurance in my home of record (My car is registered out of their)

    submitted by /u/XSkywardx
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    Standalone Sewer Backup Insurance

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 01:01 PM PDT

    Asking on behalf of my brother in Michigan.

    He owns a house in southeast Michigan prone to sewer backups due to aging stormwater. His homeowner insurance sewer backup rider caps out at 10% of the value of the house. This is around $25,000. During the last backup incident, the damage and repairs for his basement exceeded $30k.

    Is it possible for him to purchase a standalone sewer backup policy? He likes the farm-based insurance he has, and would prefer not to flip policies to another company. But he wants to considerably increase his coverage and I've never heard of it being standalone.

    submitted by /u/The-Scarlet-Witch
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    Question about insurance reimbursement

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 04:19 PM PDT

    So i'm in the middle of a claim with State Farm (I own a nail shop inside of a strip mall and a vehicle ran into the front of the shop recently, and it caused quite a bit of damage). Anyways, a few of the things that were damaged were our neon/LED 'Open' sign, and our neon/LED 'Buisness hours sign'. Anyways, we were asked by State Farm to provide a receipt and/or invoice for the items to be replaced.

    My question is, we weren't the original purchasers of the item. Therefore we don't have any sort of receipt/invoice for said items, so would it be possible for us to just provide them with a screenshot or any sort of proof like that showing the approximate cost of the items, or buy the replacements ourselves out of our own pocket and then provide them with the receipts/invoices for them and have them reimburse us for it?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/cole8055
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    Do I need car insurance if I'm not going to be driving very often?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 12:23 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm currently 15 and I'm looking into getting a motorcycle next year instead of a car. Would I still need to pay for car insurance on top of the motorcycle insurance?

    Would it be legal to drive my parent's car without an insurance policy?

    Sorry if my questions are super dumb, I'm still trying to get a hang of this "adulting" thing :)

    submitted by /u/tariota
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    Trying to switch to car insurance to AllState but can't...

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 09:36 AM PDT

    My friend received a car insurance quote from AllState and went to go switch. But then Allstate said they can't insure him because he switched recently and hasn't been with current carrier for more than a year.

    Is this just a requirement for AllState? I haven't heard of this before.

    submitted by /u/luvjnx
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