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    Sunday, April 14, 2019

    Just Maid My Last Student Loan Payment. I'M FREE! Student Loans

    Just Maid My Last Student Loan Payment. I'M FREE! Student Loans

    Just Maid My Last Student Loan Payment. I'M FREE!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 03:58 PM PDT

    Federal contracts for student loan service providers are being awarded this year in June. If you have the time, share the experience that you've had with a service provider to the DOE.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 10:41 AM PDT

    Here is a link describing what is happening: https://www.credible.com/news/student-loans/big-four-student-loan-servicers-now-three/

    I would be as detailed as you like, the implementation of the contracts at the micro scale are important.

    For instance, I told Nelnet this year that I would be contacting DOE to let them know how unacceptable it is to have a non-functional website. Extra payments are impossible to prevent your auto-debit and due date from changing without having to contact customer service every time. They have buttons and check boxes but they do nothing...They are literally contracted to provide a website as one of their main products. They should be able to do that in 4 years.

    Anyway, please don't be cynical. The contracts reflect how good of an experience you will have while working hard every day to pay off your student loans.

    submitted by /u/bogusnot
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    Does refinancing eliminate federal loan protections?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 11:06 AM PDT

    I have $80,000 and I'm currently on income based repayment. I've been told to refinance to get a better payment, but wouldn't that just remove the ability for loan forgiveness at the end?

    Edit: Thanks everyone! I thought so, I wanted to make sure.

    submitted by /u/mice_inthewalls
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    Alright so I screwed up early on... private loans?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:09 AM PDT

    I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but I literally cannot find an answer anywhere else. I flunked out my first term of college, covered the costs out of pocket. Did fine my second term, but because it took the average GPA from my first term into account, I did not qualify for my Federal Loan for winter term. I flunked out of winter term, I just stopped going to classes. I had some issues with acute panic disorder, and lost my mind for a bit. The only thing that made me feel sane was working, so I did that. My being retarded aside, I need to pay this back, and am unsure of how to do this. Should I file an appeal and explain myself, or are they not very forgiving of personal complications? The total is around $2,500. What would you recommend? Are there any private loans out there that pay directly to the borrower? I'm forced to work over spring term because I can't sign up for classes until this balance is payed, and I have no way to pay for this balance because my financial aid was cut. It's a mess of a situation, and I'm lost for answers.

    submitted by /u/ndrnck
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    Looking for advice on student loan debt

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 03:57 PM PDT

    Hi everyone I was looking for some help with my student loans and wasn't sure how to go about it. I was unemployed for a while for personal reasons and I fell behind....big time. I work now for the city of anchorage as a seasonal employee but im hired under the local 71 union up here in Alaska. Just trying to figure out what my possible options are and don't really know anyone that's knowledgeable about this stuff. I was going to kill myself 2 years ago (doing much better now please don't worry) and I tossed almost all of my paperwork and now im trying to pick up the pieces. Any help or guidance is appreciated

    https://paste.pics/8933e03e9852b553917f77b09b6759f1 here is my nslds page if that helps with showing the numbers I have right now.

    submitted by /u/AKSoul907
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    For anyone who just can't pay student loan debt collectors - what are all of the phone numbers of the debt collectors that call the debtors?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:20 PM PDT

    That is so the debtors who aren't able to pay or deal with the debt collectors, can just block the list of numbers that belong to the debt collectors.

    I find it odd that this list of student loan debt collector phone numbers isn't found elsewhere on the web. (How come?) Anyways, help the debtors who lurk here.

    (I'm not one of them; my federal loans have been discharged and my private loans have been modified and monthly payments reduced drastically so that I can comfortably have them auto-drafted from my bank account every month. I just have sympathy for the debtors who are still in trouble with their student loan debts.)

    submitted by /u/BanMeRamsesThePigeon
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    If bankruptcy courts can "lookback", refuse to discharge, and then charge bankruptcy fraud on anyone who takes out cash advances on credit cards in order to pay off student loans, then declare bankruptcy on credit cards, why did student loan companies ban payments by credit cards?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:15 PM PDT

    Wouldn't the bankruptcy courts have charged bankruptcy fraud, and/or at least refused to discharge credit card bills if they were found to pay for student loans, back when credit cards could still be used to pay off student loans?

    submitted by /u/Inagnusnah
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    PSLF v. Full Monthly Payment Recommendations

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 05:26 PM PDT

    I need help deciding what is best long term. I'd like to weigh what is best financially long term and what feels good now.

    Background: $86,000 (ish) in principle with 5.5-6% interest.

    If I pay it off in 10 years, I'll be paying roughly $1,000 a month.

    I likely qualify for Public Service Forgiveness (I just got a job as a public defender. $51k. I would make payments of roughly $250 a month for 10 years). However, I don't necessarily know if I'll want to stay in this position for 10 years. All the while my interest rate is increasing my total repayment.

    I currently own my home, payments are $430 a month. My car will be payed off in 18 months, currently paying $350 a month. Meaning, I dont really NEED credit right now.

    Indignantly, I DO NOT WANT TO GIVE THEM MORE MONEY IN INTEREST. Yes, $250 a month sounds much better than $1,000 a month but I hate the idea of giving them more in the long run.

    Fortunately, my expenses are low so I could pay $1,000 a month however my savings, emergency fund, etc. would take a huge hit. Basically, nothing extra after bills.

    What do you think fellow debtors?? Thanks for your thoughts!!

    submitted by /u/lostkarma4anonymity
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    If all of a sudden loans are wiped out and college is free, does anyone get a refund for past payments?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 08:51 PM PDT

    Just curious here. If all the loans are wiped out or college is made free, is there anything retroactive? Or does everyone who paid for it just get shafted?

    submitted by /u/SevenDayCandle
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    Reputable lenders for student loan consolidation and refinance?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    My wife has 2 student loans for a grand total of $110,000. Even though she pays on them every month the balance on both continues to go UP! We need to consolidate and refinance with a reputable lender but, reputable lenders seem to be few and far between. Has anyone had any success in finding a trustworthy lender?

    submitted by /u/Chrisvio
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    Anyone here have AES and know how to find your tax statement? It's the last one I need.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 04:27 PM PDT

    I see an alert saying "Your 2018 Tax Information is Available!" but I can't find it anywhere.

    submitted by /u/Mexter-Dorgan
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    Student Loan Bankruptcy vs School Bankruptcy.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:40 AM PDT

    The schools are able to declare bankruptcy when in financial trouble, but the students are left hanging with their debt. Should the laws be modified in some way? I went to Dowling College. I also went to school for a career path that required higher education to get into, at the time, and the year I graduated the government decided to open the position to the public. Currently, I am unable to get into that career path as there are roughly 40,000 more applicants a year now.

    submitted by /u/kcbunique
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    I need a small student loan but I’m clueless

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 03:57 PM PDT

    I need to take out a small student loan to finish out my last year/year and a half of school.

    I'm looking at roughly $10k because I'll still be working to pay rent, my bills, and make interest payments, but I have no idea where to start or the best way to go about getting and paying a student loan. I cannot fill out FAFSA, I'm still legally a dependent despite paying my own schooling.

    Does anyone have any advice for small student loans- who I should go through, what I should be cautious of, etc?

    submitted by /u/skijulesm
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    I finally got a job and now it's time to start paying.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 06:05 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    So about 4 months ago I made a post asking about different plans to go on since I was unemployed at the time and had zero income.

    After reading through a lot and understanding most of the stuff, I chose to go on IBR so my payments will be zero as i'm unemployed.

    Fast forward to today, I started my job a month ago (Yay).

    I would like to start paying off my loans pretty high but would like to understand a view things first.

    Last time I only mentioned my loans, but my mom also has a parent plus.

    So the loans are:

    My student loan (in my name):

    ~32k in direct Stafford unsubsidized and subsidized in 9 different groups all through Nelnet (obv. with different balances and interest rates)

    My mother's parent plus loan (in her name):

    ~15k in direct unsubisidzed in 3 different groups all through OSLA (with the highest interests rate of 7% versus my personal which are near 4.6%)

    I wanted to start tackling this and helping my mother out as well, I wanted to mention I am still on IBR and my re-certification date isn't until the end of this year (which i'm curious, do I need change anything since I got a job or I can luckily make payments without dealing with a monthly fee?)

    So my loans currently have no monthly fees and my mother's have a small monthly fee since she's been on top of it.

    My plan was to help her out first since she helped me so much and pay off her parent plus ASAP before I need to re-certify my loan. Once hers is paid off, I can start making payments towards mine. Also hers has the highest interest rate, so that is another reason I want to tackle it first.

    Because my monthly expenses are so low (currently no rent, and just bus expenses), I can really hammer out these loans.

    Would it be a good idea to just let my account sit there with no payments? I understand that interest rate is still in play but I'm trying to hammer out the parent plus first, OR should i make payments on both loans (mine and parent plus)?


    submitted by /u/Zinx153
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    Matienance loans in the UK when living at home.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 05:02 AM PDT

    Hey Guys,

    I'm going to be starting university this year in September in the UK - I'm going to be attending a university close to home so I will be living with my parents, looking for advice on whether or not it is wise to take out a maintenance loan if I am going to be living at home.

    I am going to be looking in to getting a part time job along university but wanted to know if it is worth getting the loan along side the tuition fee loan.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/jim_charlpert
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    Private Loan or Education Line of Credit

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 02:07 PM PDT

    My son's cost of attendance will be roughly $40K for the upcoming year.

    He'll accept the $5500 Federal loan leaving ~35K (this is worst case - he's expecting at least $8K in scholarships but planning just in case)

    I have about $15K in 529 so that still leaves ~ $25K which will have to come out of pocket.


    1. He (me as cosigner) can take out a Student loan (line of credit) from our Credit Union for up to 75k . Int rate 6.5-8.5%
    2. Private loan - using Credible to compare options but can take out loan for the 25K

    Which option would be better? Pros/Cons of each?

    Apologies if asked before but we're a bit overwhelmed with the process

    submitted by /u/Murphy223
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    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 10:07 AM PDT

    So my wife and I have been in school this year at a relatively inexpensive university (both about to finish junior years). We have been living off student loans for winter and spring quarters (I worked the Fall quarter but was unable to continue due to increased demands from school). Our combined living expenses are about 3000.00 a month, and based on financial aid income the amount of extra in grants/loans would cover us through the entire year (until the first payment from senior year came in early October of this year). Now the problem came when my wife actually started receiving less than what we had expected (we both expected roughly 5000.00 each per quarter in living expenses, and she suddenly started to receive closer to 3000.00). Needless to say we can see that come August we will need another 6000.00 to get through August and September to that first senior payment in October.

    So far this is what I have tried. I can probably go back to my old job, but I have a lot of school during the week and am taking the LSAT in late July so right now I could maybe swing 8 to 12 hours per week and that would be pushing it. Once summer begins I can work more, but realistically only for maybe 2 months if I'm lucky (have some things going on that prevents me from working August so July and September are the only two where I can work uninterrupted and technically school starts up late september). Running the numbers I would be lucky to get half of what I need and that's assuming my job is cool with me working July, skipping August and coming back in September. My wife cannot work, she is doing a summer internship lab on top of taking a Calculus summer course. I don't believe I can take out student loans over the summer because I am not/can not take summer classes and my wife is only taking a part time load.

    TL:DR My wife and I have to come up with 6000.00 for living expenses for August and September and working for it doesn't seem to be an option. What can we do?

    submitted by /u/Zerru1992
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    Can You Take Out an Additional Direct Plus Grad Loan & PSLF It, on Top of Already Paying Off a an Undergrad Direct Loan Through PSLF?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    I'm currently paying off my undergrad loans through an income driven PSLF (Military) repayment plan, and am looking to start my second masters (paid for my first out of pocket). If I finish the second program in two years, would I essentially just consolidate those plus grad loans and pay them off in a separate income driven PSLF plan with it's own 10 year period? Or would they combine with my original loans and reset the clock?

    submitted by /u/tyguy131
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    Grad PLUS loan after marriage

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 12:49 PM PDT

    I am studying to be a nurse practitioner and had a question about whether to file jointly or separately with my husband. If we file jointly we will get ~$700 more on our return (not that big a deal but with a baby on the way everything helps.) We'll lose that if we file separately but I need the PLUS loan this year (for hopefully the last time) and am worried they'll decrease the $20500 or the PLUS loan if my income increases. Financial aid office was no help and told me to google it!

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Avulpesvulpes
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    Currently in college but my loan have been sent to collections

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    Has anyone had this happen? I am in college but my federal loans have been sent to collections. I came back to school for my masters and thought everything was good to go with financial aid. I did all the paperwork required but now I'm in collections. I have no clue why this happened or what to do. Has anyone had this happen and what did you do? I can't pay in full....since I am still in school.

    submitted by /u/ziggywave
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    Company Offering Help for Discharge

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 06:20 AM PDT

    I was contacted by this company ( http://acefinancialmanagement.com/ ) yesterday and after answering some initial questions (no sensitive information given) it was determined that I may be eligible for discharge of my loans and further analysis was needed. This was based how I answered some questions related to accreditation, ability to transfer credits and possibly predatory lending practices.

    I attended and graduated from the Art Institutes International Minnesota from 2001-2006.

    My question is simple, is this kind of thing legit? I have read that this kind of service can be done for free but I can't seem to determine my eligibility on my own.

    Any help and advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/therobot31
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