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    Tuesday, March 26, 2019

    Startups Weekly Feedback and Support Thread

    Startups Weekly Feedback and Support Thread

    Weekly Feedback and Support Thread

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 04:07 AM PDT

    Create something? Let's see it!

    Feedback or Support Requester

    Please use the following format:


    Purpose of Startup:

    Technologies Used:

    Feedback or Support Requested:


    Post your site along with your stack and technologies used and receive feedback from the community. Please refrain from just posting a link and instead give us a bit of a background about your creation.

    Feel free to request general feedback or specific feedback in a certain area like user experience, usability, design, or code review.

    Feel free to request support with hiring talent, finding a job/clients, recruiting a co-founder, getting your pitch deck made, or anything objective based that is specific to your startup.

    You can also receive advice and feedback in instant chat using the /r/startups discord.

    Feedback Providers

    • Please post constructive feedback. Simply saying, "That's good" or "That's bad" is useless feedback. Explain why.

    • Consider providing concrete feedback about the problem rather than the solution. Saying, "get rid of red buttons" doesn't explain the problem. Saying "your site's success message being red makes me think it's an error" provides the problem. From there, suggest solutions.

    • Be specific. Vague feedback rarely helps.

    • Again, focus on why.

    • Always be respectful

    • /r/startups would appreciate your expertise on our discord.

    Support Providers

    • Please post some background information about yourself and why you're capable of providing support

    • Feel free to share a relevant URL

    • Be extremely clear what you are offering your support in exchange for: money, equity, barter/trade of services/products, or a mix of those--or if you are volunteering your support for free

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Share your startup - March 2019

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 03:08 AM PST

    Tell us about your startup!

    /r/startups wants to hear what you're working on! Contest mode is on, so remember to select 'Show All' to see all the replies. If you don't see your post, you probably need to load more comments at the bottom. Also, all posts are sorted randomly, so the sort function doesn't seem to work.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Where to find a mentor

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 09:57 AM PDT

    Hello Everyone,

    I am currently building a company and its my first startup where I've been the lead developer. The startup community is filled with mentors and mentees, both roles that I've taken part of in the past. I've found myself struggling to find a relevant mentor (someone who's been in the exact place i'm in) even though there must be tens of thousands.

    What are possible routes to finding a mentor?

    -Are there online resources?

    -Resources for people who live far away from any sorts of startup in person groups?

    -Is there a Reddit thread for this?

    submitted by /u/PhillyD177
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    Starting an LLC. should i choose single member or multi member? Which one could give bigger tax deduction/break?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 05:58 PM PDT

    I have a software development freelance business since last year (i have no LLC yet). I did my tax this month and i was surprised how high my tax was.

    The CPA adviced me to create an LLC with C corp.

    now, I'm confused if i should go with single or multi member LLC. I'm the one who is doing all the work and looking for clients.

    Being the only one on this company. Which one could give me bigger tax deduction? Based from what I've read, LLC with S Corp is much better. I also do have an option to be a single member or multi(i can include my wife to be one of the founding members).

    submitted by /u/engineerFWSWHW
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    Have you ever hired bootcampers?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 01:38 PM PDT

    We're searching for junior developers and thinking about hiring graduates from bootcamps and online schools. We think that it could be useful that most bootcampers have previous experience with other jobs. For example, ex- HRs and recruiters may be super useful for our HR startup as they have knowledge in both HR and programming. A better understanding of this field will help them to better understand the product. Also, this may increase our workplace diversity. What do you think? Do you have any experience hiring people who switched their career?

    submitted by /u/Vladimirsvsv7777
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    Has anyone here used pay per appointment/outsourced sales services?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 12:50 PM PDT

    I'm the founder of a recruitment startup. I've worked selling large outsourced recruitment programmes for 10 years and have become pretty damn good at navigating complex sales pursuits. Previously I have had people appointment setting and lead generating for me, my job started when I got in the room with a prospect, but with the new company I am back to level 1. Whilst I can do it, I really, really hate it and feel that my time is better spent on the managing more complex processes.

    Has anyone ever outsourced their sales/appointment setting? I'm keen to hear stories about what went well, what didn't, why you did it, how it worked etc.

    submitted by /u/Capital_Punisher
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    Incubator and Investor Selection Process

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 04:04 PM PDT

    I recently started looking into the incubator and accelerator programs in my city and it got me thinking about what these organizations actually look for in a startup team and idea. In that same grain I was researching into what angel investors and investment funds use for their decision making criteria or if it's all based off the individuals gut feeling.

    So i'm wondering if anyone can tell me what the selection process for an incubator and accelerator is like? Also what sort of criteria do those organizations and investment funds in general use in their selection process? Is there more importance on the team or is it more the product/idea? What differences are there in the selection process for angel investors, VC's, and incubator/accelerator programs?

    submitted by /u/JoeyP1910
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    Interviewing with a Startup:The Assignment

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 05:39 PM PDT

    Hello r/startups,

    I've recently interviewed with a number of startups for roles mostly revolving around finance, strategy, ops, etc. My background aligns (did Management Consulting in the Bay Area) to these roles.

    I've noticed that of the handful of startups that I've interviewed with, all have sent me some kind of fictitious data set and draw conclusions based on these data sets. I have one regarding a consumer good that is due in 48 hours. I have been given customer data, demographics data, and some other random data sets and asked to use the data to decide how/when/where to launch the new product.

    Any tips on how to approach? Has anyone else done this before and have some helpful steps on how to approach? Anything would be greatly appreciated!



    submitted by /u/HeelSteamboat
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    Insurance for Legal Indemnification

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 01:57 PM PDT

    Forming an LLC for a tech product with three people; two partners (me being one) and one investor. My partner and I have voting shares, and our investor has non-voting shares. I am listed as the sole manager of the company.

    Our investor is asking if we need any type of insurance to indemnify the manager in case of any legal action. I hadn't heard of this previously. Is this a common thing, if so, what is the typical/correct procedure?

    Also, am I taking on more legal risk by being the sole manager? If there is a lawsuit against our company, and something was done because I (as the manager) signed off on it, am I personally more at risk as the manager?

    submitted by /u/cangster360
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    Looking for employment with a start-up, where should I look?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 07:43 PM PDT

    General question, looking for broad answers. I've seen this sort of question before but it's always geared toward technical people. Developers/engineers.

    I am not super techy by today's standard. My area of expertise is in finance/econ/stats/accounting with a bit of programming for fin. modeling. I would be better off doing a bookkeeping/analyst role and/or helping secure funding. But I can never find those sorts of positions anywhere, am I looking in the wrong place?

    I don't mind long hours for the sake of progress. I am genuinely excited to do what start up work I have. But I would like to work with a company full time that has a mission I can get behind. Is there a place I am not looking? Do startups just not hire that until they've stabalized? I have only find 1099 part-time work. Which is awesome I guess, but as a contractor you don't really feel apart of the team.

    So tldr, where should non-tech guys look for start up w2 positions? I would like to start expanding my network to find the right mission and fit.

    submitted by /u/MrDenyYoLoan
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    Developing Business For IT startup

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 05:37 PM PDT

    I have recently joined an IT company which nearly collapsed after division of the initial startup team. The technical lead of the previous team left and took away some major projects with him. Company required major structural changes which I am still doing. My job is to bring back the work to the company. We have small projects going on just to survive.

    I have background in IT and management however I feel lost at this position. How do we land projects/contracts for web/Software/application development ? We are based in Australia.

    submitted by /u/neo8848
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    An idea for managing our home events in a hassle free way than ever.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    I live in India and I do not know about the whole world but the idea of managing an event wholly like right from seeing that whether the guests are properly invited to handling the RSVP lists to catering to photo- and videographers to various entertainment options is at a downside. I have very less number of friends who have actually done an event by a manager except companies and other such institutes. I would like to bring this to a level where common people use this to a large extent. Because I also understand how when an event happens at our homes, difficult it is to arrange everything from end to end. This is just an idea, there is no app or website hosted already. How would you use this or how feasible is this with respect to your region? And if anybody is from India, any feedback will be hugely appreciated.

    P.S.: This idea came to my mind after this year's Valentine's Day when I wanted to make it special for my girlfriend, like maybe a small candlelight dinner with some slow Italian jazz and wine with it. But when I sat down to plan with it, I realised neither did I have the time (because it was a normal office day) nor the equipments to arrange it, and not impossible but also not an easy task for a person alone to arrange all this.

    submitted by /u/bidyutchanda108
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    Has anyone who started as a clone of an existing solution succeeded?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 08:47 AM PDT

    As a software development consultant/service provider I get a lot of requests to clone successful applications (Uber, UberEats, Instagram, Facebook and etc). They look something like (not real examples):

    - Build a clone of UberEats, but for a small town in Connecticut

    - Create instagram, but for pets

    Many entrepreneurs think that cloning a successful application would make their business successful by default. I strongly disagree with that for many reasons and as a result we don't take seriously requests like that. I was thinking maybe I was mistaken doing that? Do you know any successful clones of existing applications in the market? I do not consider China, they have a bunch of clones just because their market is isolated.

    submitted by /u/datarockets
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    Valuing equity in startup I joined 3.5 years ago, without much valuation info

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 12:31 PM PDT

    About 3.5 years ago I joined a new startup. Since then its grow from 3 people to about 35. We've gone through 3-4 rounds of funding with the most recent being about $20 million in funding. My salary with the startup started a bit reduced from my market value, but after about 3.5 years it is approaching what it was about 4 years at my last job. So, while it may need to go more for inflation or opportunity cost, it has at least caught up a bit. I've got equity that will be 100% vested at the 4 year mark.

    What I'm having trouble with now is how to judge the value of that equity, since there is no definitive measure of what valuation the company has, or used during any of its funding round. The CEO is pretty tight lipped about that. Overall the company is still growing fairly well, has plenty of runway, etc. Anything I use for a personal estimate is really just a guess.

    At 4 years, it is unclear if any new options will be offered or if we'll be maxing out at the 100% valuation. Are there any good ways to estimate valuation without many specifics from the funding rounds? Even if offered more options at 4 years, how would one generally estimate their value into the future without knowing how much the company has actually grown in the past 4 years?

    submitted by /u/ralphy112
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    Mailing list subscriber are not converting, what should we do next?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 02:56 AM PDT

    B2B, 2.5 years in, $1000 MRR, subscription from $20/mo to $99/mo.

    I'm the technical cofounder.

    We've been struggling to convert people from our mailing list. We blamed technical issues & bad UX until now but after a small redesign, it seems that all major issues are now gone. Last week, we started a email campaign in which the last email asked why people would not subscribe. A lot of responses were "I don't have a need for X" ... even though they gave us their email on the landing page a few months ago.

    My cofounder is reluctant to pivot and change gear while I'm convinced that the current value proposition is a "nice to have" and will not get us to PMF.

    Question: what should we do now? How do we decide whether we should push forward or pivot and go back to customer research?

    Thanks in advance for your answers.

    submitted by /u/mynguss
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    Where to get finance for the implementation of a huge project?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 11:26 AM PDT

    Hello Everyone,

    Before describing the whole idea, I will briefly present my person. I have 23 years and I live in Poland, for 4 years I have been working in an international corporation. I started as a regular employee in a warehouse, currently I am working as an EU data analyst in quality department.

    I've been interested in acquiring energy from renewable sources for over a year - Mainly processing organic waste for biogas. This will also apply to today's post 😊


    As I mentioned above, I've been interested in acquiring energy from renewable sources for over a year . As Poland is very poorly developed in this area, I decided to devote myself to this issue and together with 2 friends we started working on this to create our own biogas plant.

    However, we have encountered a huge problem, which is raising funds to finance the whole idea. Although we are in possession of a suitable area that could be used for this type of business, the purchase of all the required equipment amounts to 3-4 million PLN (converted into dollars and euros - 698,100 – 930,800 EURO / 790,200 - 1,053,600 USD)

    As you can see above, we are talking about huge amounts that are unattainable for us. Lack of financial support for this type of activity granted by the State is totally unfavorable for this type of business.

    However, in spite of all adversities, we want to try to start the biogas plant, because in our mind there is still the awareness that millions of tonnes of organic waste are wasted, and they can be used as fuel for the production of heat, fertilizers and electricity.

    Do you see the possibilities of how to finance such a large project? Do you think crowdfunding for this type of business is possible?

    Do you know crowdfunding platforms on which we could start?

    At the end I will say what is our main goal - We want to create a company that will become the largest producer of energy using renewable energy sources and organic waste in Poland and maybe even in Europe.

    Thank you all in advance for support.

    submitted by /u/Accipitris
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    *Do we overvalue mentors and ignore advice from people that work for us?* (more or less)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    Some time ago, when I was talking with some guy he said something that made me think long and hard about how much we focus on advice from different mentors/key opinion leaders of the startup world and how fast we are to dismiss the advice of people that are less business-experienced, etc. etc.

    Personal lesson that you've learned from someone working for you/younger than you/etc.

    Tell me about thing that you found true, that has been spoken by people that worked for you/that were laymen when it comes to your field of expertise

    submitted by /u/binumathew_1988
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