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    Tuesday, March 5, 2019

    Sales Hack: feeling zapped from a long drive and need energy for a meeting? Not thrilled about making your 37th call of the day? Sales and Selling

    Sales Hack: feeling zapped from a long drive and need energy for a meeting? Not thrilled about making your 37th call of the day? Sales and Selling

    Sales Hack: feeling zapped from a long drive and need energy for a meeting? Not thrilled about making your 37th call of the day?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 11:00 AM PST

    Do yourself a favor and get yourself hyped up by using one of the most under rated tools available ... aggressive rap music.

    A$AP Rocky does it for me.. https://youtu.be/Kbj2Zss-5GY

    Do you have a "hype song"?

    submitted by /u/matt_mcki
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    Salesmen and women, how did you find your current sales job?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:31 AM PST

    Could someone please explain how Dan Lok is able to charge $50k for 1 day of consulting?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 11:11 PM PST

    Let's say I'm running a business with $1m revenue and I've plateaued, so I'm looking for ways to spur growth again. I am willing to spend $50k on this.

    Why would I spend that on Dan Lok for 1 day of his time?

    Is he really that knowledgeable that I could spend that amount of money and see a return?

    Does his brand play a part in that figure? Like how people will pay a ridiculous amount of money for something like a supreme t shirt purely because of the brand?

    submitted by /u/mated-poncho
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    How do you deal with a rejection that stings more than you want it to?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 10:09 AM PST

    I've only been in sales for less than a year and I've dealt with rejection plenty and usually I'm fine with it but I had a rejection sting particularly bad today and it's pushing me into a low point.

    Bit of background. I've been working with a company for almost a month and have put a lot into trying to make this sale. We had a very good relationship and have had multiple meetings where we would sit and talk for almost an hour just to have conversation. So I felt as if I really had this in the bag. Really stings because I would have made more money than any deal ever before. After a convo today though he just kind of shut off and started treating me as just another sleazy salesman.

    I know I need to go back and analyze what I did wrong but how do you deal with rejections like this that sting so bad? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/BStern55
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    Are there any good udemy courses on sales?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 10:34 AM PST

    I'll take book suggestions as well. Currently have Influence: the power of persuasion on my list and dale Carnegie timeless classic after that.

    submitted by /u/octaw
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    Sales is so luck based

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 12:02 PM PST

    Who agrees with me on this one.

    submitted by /u/QuickBuster
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    Interview Thursday - Hoping for some perspective

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:48 AM PST


    I am currently in IT sales (services mainly) and I have an opportunity to interview for an enterprise software sales position. I was asked to be prepared to discuss a few things during the interview. I have some thoughts but was hoping the collective knowledge of /r/sales could provide some additional feedback & insight for me. The company itself sells enterprise ERP software and consulting services. I have already had a phone screen with leadership in the company and felt that it went great. In this second round they would like me to:

    - Prepare and present a 10 to 15 minute sales presentation via PowerPoint. I was told that this could be for my current company or a previous one.

    - Present an elevator pitch

    - Do a mock cold-call

    - Explain/Discuss my sales approach and philosophy

    Here is my take on each item and any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

    PowerPoint Presentation

    I believe the main reason for this is that they would like to see how I present to a group. Truth be told – I don't use PowerPoint a whole lot in my position now as the sales process is much more interactive and conversational. My intention with this presentation is put together a 10-15 slide deck that would be formatted as if I was selling to one of my own potential prospects. – I have heard about "selling yourself" on this and based on the crowed in the room – engineering types – I think I'd rather stick to the nuts and bolts of an actual product or service.

    Elevator Pitch

    This is pretty straight forward, and I believe their intention here is for me to demonstrate that I have one – and I can rattle it off in an informative and fluid manner.

    Mock Cold Call

    I am interested as to what they are expecting on this. I have no issues cold calling- and have been successful at it. I was thinking about using this as an opportunity to bring out and discuss scripts I have created for my sales department (with the help of /r/sales). I think this could be a differentiator as it would shift the conversation to me and what I have created.

    Sales Approach/Philosophy

    I find myself using a hybrid approach in my day to say but my plan here is to focus on the principals of SPIN selling – how I have used them for success in the past and connect those principals with what (I know) they are looking for in this role – relationship building. SPIN is all about great question asking and getting a full understanding of the clients need and I think that will resonate with the people I am meeting with.

    Let me know if I can provide any additional information of what thoughts everyone has and thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/para9bellum
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    If I want to get into sales should I worry about commission, or just take whatever sales job I can to get experience?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:30 AM PST

    Very conflictive sales data after this sub. Help?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 05:28 AM PST

    Really struggling with even hearing the word sales.

    I was always more into the marketing aspect of a business, but enjoyed dealing with the prospects as well and generating new business.

    A friend of mine after much persistence got me into Grant Cardone. I spent a LOT of money on all his products. I was indoctrinated and literally believed anything else than what he preached was bs. Except I didn't perform well on two high ticket jobs and I chalked it as not being able to close or handle objections well enough.

    Then I go into this sub and WAM. I read spin selling, challenger sale, question based selling and my mind is blown. I could see this having worked so well for the last places I worked.

    Anyway, I just don't know what to believe. I can't stop doing his program because I went into massive debt for it, but I also don't want to learn skills that might hurt me.

    What are some good things to take away from his program so that I can at least recoup my investment?

    submitted by /u/italianketoboi
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    Anyone got any clients from Linkedin ?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:10 AM PST

    So, i have a handful of potential clients that I connected on Linkedin. However, im used to cold emailing/cold calling to get leads. When i cold e-mail it's quite direct, i tell them how i can help them with their marketing, etc. Gotten a few im interested tell me more info or give me a call, and of coarse a few f*** offs.

    I want to build relationships/rapport with folks before i pitch them on Linkedin, my issue is that i connect with them but not really sure how to follow up, and build relationship with them. Linkedin is different, my face is on the line lol.

    So pretty much my question, has anyone used linkedin to get clients ? (like web design, marketing, ppc, writing etc) If so, how was your approach like ?


    submitted by /u/obviousbarnthrowaway
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    Advice for my first present and potential sale

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 06:28 AM PST

    Hi guys.

    I am working in a manufacturing company that produces coil processing machines, in Turkey.

    Tomorrow i will be in Poland because the potential customer wanted to meet with our company according to our provided quotation to him.

    We will have a meeting with personel of the dealer company, the client and me.

    I will present the related machines and our quotation. Although i know the working principle of the machines, i am afraid to forget the details and can't talk fluently.

    I am very excited because of my first experince on this task, duty.

    Could you give any advice, tip to be not seem as an inexperinced and excited.

    Thanks for the help

    submitted by /u/naakal
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    Sourcing Remote Sales Jobs

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 08:38 AM PST

    Hey /r/sales,

    I've recently had a friend of mine asking for advice on how to get into tech sales, and I've been able to provide a lot of insight there, but he ended up asking me a question that stumped me - ''if I want to live in thailand or colombia or otherwise, what resource should I be using to find those remote or international sales jobs in tech?''.

    I've gone over how to filter LinkedIn and using Angel.co but realized this is likely an area of opportunity for others here as well, so thought I'd crowd source some better knowledge.

    Do you guys know of any great resources for location specific tech companies hiring English speaking sales people? I know Angel.co has the ability to filter by remote (if you haven't used it - take a look!) but I feel like there's got to be other niche options available too, right?

    PS: If you're struggling to find jobs locally, seriously, this may be worth keeping an eye on.

    submitted by /u/Issherai
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    How to carry lots of flyers to hand out during door-to-door

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 06:26 AM PST

    I am going door-to-door to small businesses in the area, and I want to hand out flyers. I want to hand out two flyers and my business card to every business where I get face-to-face with the business owner or manager. I don't want to give the flyers out to employees because I think they won't deliver to the owner.

    I am thinking of going to 50 small businesses at the moment.

    Any suggestions as to how I can carry these flyers with me? Should I be going to a few businesses each day?

    Also, I am a female and I generally like wearing a backpack instead of a purse. Does a backpack look unprofessional? What alternative is there for me? Do I have to have a purse/bag?

    submitted by /u/tedbear010
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    Exchanging Linkedin Recommandations & Endorsments

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 11:55 AM PST

    Heya, as title suggests, i'm trading recommandations and endorsments with anybody willing to !

    Hit the private message and we'll talk !

    submitted by /u/jedimindcrits
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    Vivint Solar un Florida?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 11:37 AM PST

    Y'all know- D2D, touted sales potential, lots of cool benefits.

    Is it really worth leaving my cushy desk (sales) job?

    I want to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly. I'm seriously considering a position with the company and it's crunch time.

    I posted to this sub before, but got no traction.

    Just want to hear the opinions of people outside of those who actually work for the company. Or those who have worked for Vivint for more than 3 months and have really had some experience with them.

    Thanks, friends!

    Edit: a word.

    submitted by /u/RickNevrGonnaGivU_Up
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    Sales at FAANG companies

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 03:12 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I am currently a junior at a university in the US and am fortunate enough to be interning at a FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix Google) company this upcoming summer! My internship is in sales. I was curious if anyone knows what sales is like at these big tech companies? To be clear, I will be selling cloud services. I figure a lot of my job will be taking inbound calls, as well as cold calling. Is there a lot of money at these companies for when I'm full time (assuming it works out)? Any insight will be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/shughes330
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    Comment on my cold e-mail script please:

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 04:45 AM PST

    So, I very recently started to use hunter.io and cold e-mailing. I was used to cold calling, but my leads are so crappy that I figured I'd be more useful to determine the value of the contact first through e-mail. Therefore, I drafted the following concept:

    Subject: "Concerning the IT & data ambitions of COMPANY 123"

    Good morning/afternoon/evening <NAME CONTACT>,

    I noticed your profile on LinkedIn, and found that you are responsible for IT at <COMPANY 123>. My name is DutchNobody, and I'm e-mailing you as a representative of <MY COMPANY>. We help companies in the Agri and Food industry with their transition to 'smart industry', though our expertise within the Oracle vertical. You might know some of our key-accounts, being <COMPANY X>, <COMPANY Z>, <COMPANY Z>.

    Our clients describe our way of working as flexible, goal minded, and very cost efficient. How do you feel about scheduling a 10 minute call in which we talk a little more about the challenges you face at <COMPANY 123>, and the experiences of <MY COMPANY>?

    Kind regards,


    submitted by /u/DutchNobody
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    Best times to call millennials (especially high-paying ones)?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 08:18 AM PST

    I know that the obvious one is after work hours, but not immediately after 5 (i.e. 6 and up).

    Does the early morning work too? if so what hours?

    Does lunch work? I find people say "I'm eating lunch right now"

    submitted by /u/tedbear010
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    What are some clear cut signs that it is time to leave a company?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 02:55 PM PST

    Title says it all... I feel like my company ios showing a lot of red flags, but want to see what other people consider signs of a failing company.

    submitted by /u/bored1544
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    What strategies do you use when given a new territory or begin in a new sales role.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 06:09 PM PST

    I recently interviewed for a sales job that I did not get. I'm not too bummed, wasn't blown away by it, but would have strongly considered it if it were offered. But I digress. They were kind enough to provide me with feedback. They liked my presentation and my attitude/personality, but what they thought set the candidate they went with apart was his/her answers to the questions about what he/she would do when beginning in this new role with the forthcoming assigned territory. My answer was apparently okay, but not as strong as this candidate's.

    So my question is, how would the experienced professionals in this sub answer that question. My answer, IIRC, was really to do the old fashioned pavement pounding. Research my industry, understand my solution, find out what relevant industries/companies could be a potential fit/have a relevant use case, start prospecting leads and reach out to them with dogged persistence via phone, targeted email, email blasts and sequences, and LinkedIn. If it helps, my career has primarily been in the tech/Saas space, and this company offers employee assessments for candidates at the individual contributor and leader level. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/JunosCunt7891
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    Future of IT hardware/ cybersecurity services?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 06:51 AM PST

    Hey all,

    I just got a promotion from a BDR to a Jr Account Manager at a smaller IT company in a smaller city.

    The people are all nice, but the job is somewhat boring. I mostly (70/30) sell hardware to smaller companies who don't know what a firewall is or that a 8 year old server is a problem.

    I'm being paid salary plus comisison and my total OTE for this year should be about $51. I know the other AM's that have worked here for 10+ years are at $80+.

    My question is do you guys see this as a feasble future? Should I look for different sales jobs? I know other people in IT pull OTE of 6+ figures.

    I could potentially have the option to jump ship to an entirely different career path without comission, but a way higher salary.

    submitted by /u/redbrickwall1
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    Do I Hate Sales? Or Just My Job (copier sales)?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 02:54 PM PST

    Been working in copier sales for 2 months now.

    What I like: Driving around meeting people, going door to door, and finding solutions that actually help others.

    What I hate: Copiers/Printers. I hate everything about the product, following up and trying to set up an appointment for something I know they don't need. Industry practices such as hidden annual raises. I'm not too excited about phone call follow-ups either but then who isn't.

    Has anyone had a sales job they absolutely hated, that they stuck with and successfully moved to a much happier sales position?

    Trying to see if it's worth it for me to stomach this for the next few months till I have at least 6 months experience before applying to other sales jobs? Do I even want another sales job if it's all like this?

    P.S: Tell me if my rant is valid; I have a bachelor's in Finance w/3.5 gpa from a good school, 3 years work experience (unrelated), and after putting in hundreds of applications last few months and diligently preparing for interviews, this offer selling copiers for 35k salary is the best and only offer I could get. Not even going to talk about how bad it was when I was fresh out of college. What the hell is my degree and all this other shit for?!?! At this point I just want to make 50k doing whatever, the past 10 years have been hell self-supporting myself through school and jobs and now dreading Sunday nights and every morning week after week.

    Why I went into sales? I'm good with people, general feedback from all peers is that I'd do well in sales, plus earning potential was attractive.

    Would really love to hear your experiences and advice, I'm truly at a loss here.

    submitted by /u/CtheKiller
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    LGI homes

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 05:42 AM PST

    Anyone here work or worked for LGI homes? It looks like I may get offered a job and looking for some input. Thanks ahead of time guys.

    submitted by /u/bmosammy
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    Is anyone going to Rainmaker next week?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 05:00 AM PST

    If so, I would love to meet up with some people from the subreddit in-person!

    For those who do not know what I am talking about: https://events.salesloft.com/

    submitted by /u/gi206
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    The pitch team

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 04:12 AM PST

    I have an important pitch coming up which will include many c-level executives as well as day to day team members on the prospect side. I usually only like to bring a few people from my company. What are your guidelines for creating the right pitch team?

    submitted by /u/raremonkey
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