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    Tuesday, March 5, 2019

    Progressive doesn't list fault indicators on CLUE report? Insurance

    Progressive doesn't list fault indicators on CLUE report? Insurance

    Progressive doesn't list fault indicators on CLUE report?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 03:02 PM PST

    I had two accidents in which I was rear ended. Six months apart and one was hit and run. After looking at my CLUE report I learned these are listed as UNKNOWN fault accidents but in Progressive's system they are listed as NOT AT FAULT.

    I called an spoke with the company that generates the report and indicated that Progressive is one of the only companies not to give fault indicators. After disputing this they let me add a statement saying I wasn't at fault.

    How seriously is this report viewed when quoting at other insurance companies. I don't want them seeing these as unknown fault accidents.

    submitted by /u/plantman77
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    Any advice for reducing my insane insurance?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 03:06 PM PST

    So the situation is this, I'm 20, turning 21 in May.

    I've had 4 wrecks and 4 tickets in Ohio. My car insurance is now $850 per month and it is killing me financially.

    Is there anything I can do to reduce the amount of points on my license or reduce my car insurance bill?

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/ahhh_ty
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    Trying to leave Underwriting job in insurance industry

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 06:08 AM PST

    Not sure if this is the right place but going to cast a wide net to see if any responses help.

    To make a long story short. I'm currently an associate underwriter in personal lines at a company. Took the job right out of college, thought landing a stable job was more important than doing a job I loved.

    Went to school for communications and used to write reviews and articles for video games but college eventually got in the way and didn't have time to keep that up. Realized a career in Video Games would be really hard to land or very low pay so went into an insurance low entry and after a few years I'm now an underwriter. Problem is, I hate it. It's not crazy hard work but it's hard to care about the work I'm doing I guess, so I'm borderline depressed when I think about what the future in this industry is. I've been trying to motivate myself to look into other careers but I just feels like it's too late, i have 4 years of experience in insurance and don't know where else I could go.

    Has anyone ever left the industry and found work doing something they loved? Interests include video games, writing, media/news, not sure how insurance skills could translate to something else or should I go back to school?

    submitted by /u/MushroomSauce76
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    auto policy: $40 to get $0 deductible on glass

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 11:54 AM PST

    I did this thinking glass is a pain to replace and expensive, but I'm now thinking I don't want those insurance hits because I'll be a riskier to insure in the future if I file a claim, especially for something relatively trivial like glass.

    Should I keep the $40/yr to keep the auto glass deductible at $0 and use it if the need arises, or save the $40/yr? Without the $40/yr the deductible goes up to $500.

    Is my logic sound?

    Edit: I'm keeepin' it. Thanks everyone!

    submitted by /u/Alives
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    Car accident , need help :(

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 09:52 PM PST

    Hi, i got a car few days before i got in accident, so i didnt find the right insurance,decided to drive somewhere and was backing up , didnt notice a bmw 3 series 2018 model behind, broke a headlight and bented a bumper and scratched a wheel... decided to wait for the owner of this car , so when he came we called to police , explained the details they said they wont come , because there is no serious damages. I got a call recently from his insurance company Geico , they asked me about that accident and what car do i have which year and what damages I received, i said bmw 2002 , and that i dont have a job . Thats all , so i wonder will they ask me to cover their expenses on fixing his client car ? I really dont have anything to pay , if i would i just could pay right on accident place :(. Telling me that im stupid that didnt get insurance at the same day is always welcome .

    submitted by /u/i18021987
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    Any advice on someone planning on entering the insurance field?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 08:07 PM PST

    Hi! Im nineteen and a high school senior. I have been planning on entering the insurance field for about two years now, probably health and life insurance. Where should I start? What would be the most beneficial major in college? And what kinds of questions are typically asked on the insurance license exams? Thank you in advance!!

    submitted by /u/MacieDanielle
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    Effect of seatbelt ticket in NY/MA?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 12:59 PM PST

    Here's my situation:

    I was a riding as a front seat passenger with a friend who was driving us through NY state. I unbuckled to remove my jacket. In the span of about 20 seconds, a NY state trooper passes us oncoming, whips around, and cites me as a passenger for a no seatbelt violation. Bad luck.

    It's a non-moving violation, so no points. Also, I am a MA resident and my record is otherwise clean and has been for over ten years.

    My insurer is GEICO. How much is this likely to increase my premiums?


    submitted by /u/Z5qHwekY4Qdm
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    Crashed friend's car, should I pay for damages?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 07:13 AM PST

    Apologize in advance if this isn't the right place for it.

    My friend wanted me to drive because she has no experience driving in the snow and during night. After driving for about 10 minutes, we end up on this steep hill. I was driving slow the whole time and when I hit the brake, I realize I was still driving so I eased on the brake and tried to swerve but I still crashed into the car in front of me. Noone was injured and the car in front sufferred neglible damage while the front of her car is busted.

    We both agreed that regardless who was driving, the same result would have happenned. I was so upset at the time and also wanted to reassure her and told her I would take care of the damages. I paid for the Tow truck but after she called her insurance, I learned that she doesn't have collission coverage so now I'm not sure what to do next. As I understand it, because she doesn't have collission coverage, she'd have to pay out of pocket for a new car/pay for the repairs depending if the car is driveable or not.

    I'm hesitant now because I didn't imagine paying out of pocket especially not a new car if that happens since she didn't have colission protection (I have collission protection on my own vehicle). At a loss now what to do. I want to take responsibility for what I did, but I honestly feel that whether it was her or me driving, we would have crashed.

    submitted by /u/jzhang172
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    First time on own car insurance plan (25M NJ)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 06:17 PM PST

    Just turned 25 and am in NJ so I decided to get off my parents car insurance now that it should be cheaper for me. I was thinking of just keeping the same limits as my parents for no real good reason. So I wanted t run it by you guys. PIP is the one thing that's really confusing me. My parents had to have it since their insurance wouldn't be primary coverage, but I just called mine today and they said I was allowed to have them as primary coverage.

    2017 Hyundai Elantra with KBB of "good" condition private sale value of $15.6k (idk if this is close to what the ACV would be)

    Limited Tort
    Bodily injury: 250k/500k

    Property Damage: 100k

    Uninsured Motorist: 250k/500k

    Uninsured Property: 50k, $500 deductible

    Medical Payments: $1000 included

    Additional PIP: Declined

    PIP: Health Insurance as Primary, Only Medical, 250k PIP Medical, $250 PIP deductible

    Collision: $500 deductible
    Comprehensive: $500 deductible

    Emergency road service

    Rental Car: $30/day, $900 max

    This comes out to about $130-140. Geico is saying I could save $40 by lowering the PIP medical to 15k. Is that worth it?

    Again that you all for your inputs.

    submitted by /u/AdviceSeeker-123
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    Pizza Hut Delivery Driver, Totaled Car, Her car had minimal damage. only liablity coverage.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 06:05 PM PST

    So i've been working at Pizza Hut for about 3-4 Months. I live in Arkansas and I enjoy it mostly. i'm honestly not sure if i'm just more motivated because I found a girl I love and we plan on moving in together so I am saving toward that, Anyways I was on my way to deliver a pizza to whom is actually my step dad's mom. I knew around where she lived but I couldn't remember the street name. As I went down the street with the 45mph limit (usually moderately busy street) I clicked on the next button on my music, looked up and slammed on my brakes and avoided her. Proceed about 20-30 seconds we are barely moving then we start going the speed limit again. I check to see if I need to turn here or on the next left, I look up I slam my brakes, slide try to avoid the car but inevitably hit the car on the far right bumper (cheap 03 Hyundai elantra) hers was a moderately decent jeep grand Cherokee I believe. Probably 2008-2011.

    So my car is completely fucked. The engine somehow wasn't leaking anything but the hood and the whole front was completely smashed. Air bag came out and all. Her car literally had a 3 to 4 about 3 inch white scratches (my cars paint) on her green jeep. Anyways, I do not know much about insurance, because my mom has been still paying liability on my vehicle because as I said I am saving up.

    Anyways, fast forward a week and a half I get a letter in the mail from Progressive stating that theyre aware of what happened etc, I guess she filed a claim. Basically it states that if I was going on a delivery I may be dropped or forced to pay and that if they have any concerns they will contact me. So I got the police report today and I was fucking stupid. I was never told anything about needing commercial insurance for pizza delivery. I never knew anything about not telling them that I am on the clock or where I work etc..

    So basically here's the deal. On the accident report I had to write a short statement, our statements were basically identical except I said "I was interacting with my phone to locate an address to deliver a pizza". I didn't have my pizza hut topper on, as I never do. I didn't have my hat on, and I wore a jacket over my shirt and was wearing slippers. I am certain that neither the cop or woman told them about me being on the clock. What do you guys suggest I do? I have already paid 4K (still 2K in debt) for a pretty nice 09 Altima. I've read that I will be dropped, and I've also read its a pretty high chance I will be fired. Any help or experience, or stories you've heard will be much appreciated. I didn't know where else to turn. I really would like not to lose my job and my source of income.

    P.S I did not claim any insurance on my vehicle and I sold it as is for 360$. so I am not looking for help repairing my old car. not sure if it matters but thought it was important info

    So, does me saying I was "delivering a pizza" automatically label me as someone who was on the clock? couldn't I say something to avoid getting dropped by my insurance? if I am not asking for repairs on my cars will they dig that deep/care especially since her car only has a couple scratches and is not even slightly dented?

    TLDR; Got into wreck. Never told you need commercial insurance, Nobody noticed except the "The driver interacted with his phone to deliver a pizza" That I wrote on my recollection of the accident and that it was my fault."

    EDIT: *The car I rear ended was a 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee. The rear bumper was scratched. Anyone who's familiar with car repair costs please feel free to give me a ballpark number as the responses i've had don't sound very promising. I'd appreciate it. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/plspresti
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    Communication breakdown between Insurer and Hospital

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 05:23 PM PST

    This takes place in Georgia, between Kaiser Permanente (insurer) and an Atlanta hospital:

    The hospital where my wife gave birth has repeatedly sent us bills for various amounts - the latest is $3.5k. Our expectation has been for $100, according to our Explanation of Benefits from Kaiser. And Kaiser has confirmed that they sent the EoB to the hospital in mid-January, thus the hospital bill should reflect that.

    This $3.5k amount is the latest after a couple adjustments - the first was the full $14k, the second was like $10k, and now down to $3.5k. This isn't begging the bill down; this is just some sort of never-ending foul-up where the hospital's billing department keeps improperly processing things or losing faxes or God knows what. At some point, I guess they're going to claim we're not paying our bills and send it to collections.

    We've been cast as the middlemen in the communications between the hospital and the insurer, but we lack the tools and authority to make anything happen.

    Our latest step is to get Kaiser to re-send the EoB to the hospital and get that $3.5k bill to show $100. If/when that fails to resolve this, where can I most effectively apply pressure? I know there's a right place or person with the right level of authority to cause them to do things properly, but I'm unsure of who that might be. I'm about ready to do that thing where I threaten legal action - of course I don't want to really go to the trouble of dealing with an attorney over $3.5k. Nor would one probably even be willing to deal with this.

    Thanks for any tips.

    submitted by /u/HahnZahn
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    7 questions for those of you that work in commercial

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 12:45 PM PST

    1. What kind of education/career trajectory got you there?

    2. How long did it take you to get enough of a knowledge base that you were comfortable discussing any clients needs in depth?

    3. If you're a producer or know one, how much time do they spend on servicing renewals vs. earning new business?

    4. Again a question for producers, what pay structure is best for a new producer and for a seasoned producer?

    5. How common is it that you'd get to go to a clients risk location yourself?

    6. For those that have worked in both commercial and personal lines, what are the pros and cons of each?

    7. Do you enjoy what you do?

    Thank you so much for your time!

    Sincerely, a noob.

    submitted by /u/MargaretAtwoodFan
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    How do I choose a Beneficiary?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 02:49 PM PST

    I have struggled with this for a very long time...

    I am starting a new job that includes Life Insurance. They need a Beneficiary and I have no idea how to decide...

    Single, never been married, no children. No previous SO's that could use it.

    4 brothers and 4 sisters, many Nieces and Nephews.

    The amount is not enough to make any difference split between 8 siblings.

    They would still need to pool together for any burial/disposal services.

    Do I pick one and make then executor and give it to that one.

    Assign it to a charity?

    So many choices, what makes it simple for everyone, just in-case?

    submitted by /u/RedditVince
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    Should I get UM/UIM with my umbrella policy?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 02:46 PM PST

    I'm in Texas and have a quote for an umbrella policy of $150 for $1 million. For an extra $300, I can have UM/UIM included in it. I've read previous comments saying not all companies offer the UM/UIM, so I was at first excited that it was available.

    But I'm running the numbers, and I'm not sure it's a good deal for me. In the UM/UIM portion of my auto insurance policy, the property damage coverage is more than any of my vehicles are worth, so I don't need additional coverage there.

    In the bodily injury portion, my auto policy limit is $300,000 per person and $500,000 per accident, and I could see that I could rack up bills higher than that. But I have health insurance with a manageable deductible and out-of-pocket maximum that I assume would cover treatment for injuries I sustain.

    Based on that, it seems to me that there's not a compelling reason, in this scenario, to pay extra to have UM/UIM included in my umbrella. However, I'm not familiar with how payment for treatment for injuries in a car crash works--how the coverage in the auto policy interacts with one's personal health insurance policy.

    For example, with my health insurance policy, I need to be mindful of staying in-network, although I do have out-of-network coverage.

    How does it work if the auto insurance company is paying for the treatment? Is there the same in-network rigamarole and hassles? It might be that paying $300/year not to have to jump through the network hoops might be an attractive option, but that's only if that advantage actually exists. Or is having treatment covered by an auto insurance company actually harder or worse than dealing with a health insurance company (although that's kind of hard to imagine).

    submitted by /u/miniblind
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    My car is a wreck, insurance not finding parts.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 02:26 PM PST

    I do not live in USA, i have something of an odd car insured with full coverage, somebody hit me and the front is smashed to bits including the electric motors of the hybrid engine, i have not had a full invoice but there were 2.5 pages of parts written in small letters, insurance told me if they cannot find a supplier for the parts they gonna give me money to buy it myself, wtf? Can't it be totalled based in it being unfixable?

    submitted by /u/Fuckrightoffplsandty
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    Should I go through insurance to repair car damages or not?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 02:18 PM PST

    I got into a car accident yesterday while merging onto the freeway. Lost control of the rear of the vehicle after swerving to avoid rear ending someone that was braking heavily (I think they were moving into the slow lane). Over corrected and slid and slammed into the guard rail and then spun out twice into the middle of the five lanes. I was pretty shaken up. It all happened in a blur. I drove to the shoulder of the freeway and sat for several minutes. The "no traction/slipping" warning light had been turning on and then off sporadically for the past several weeks so it might've had to do with the traction control being compromised but most likely I just swerved too quickly (I was going about 70). I'm trying to remain thankful that I did not injure anyone else and that I came away with my own life, unscathed. Dropped the car off at the shop last night and they called me today.

    Initial estimate: $6-7k for repairs.

    Insurance values the car at around 20k, I paid 14k for it and financed 7k of that.

    Should I try to cough up $6-7k to fix it and then sell it (with the clean title) or go through insurance to have it fixed ($1k deductible) and suffer the higher premiums for a few years?

    How much are my premiums likely to go up and for how long?

    What's the likelihood that the car will be deemed total loss/salvaged?

    submitted by /u/Noema_to_your_noesis
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    Master Homeowner's Insurance question

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 10:15 AM PST

    If there was an event that created ~$100,000 worth of damage (the building limit is $1,800,000), and the insurer is paying $65,000 because of provisions in the policy, is the insurer obligated to spell out each specific thing? A person in my building is unwilling to co-sign a Statement of Loss that says it's $65,000. He wants the document to say "The loss was $100,000, but we're paying you $65,000 because x, y, and z." We hired a trusted public adjuster who assured us this was the amount the insurer was going to pay. We will get $0 if we don't sign it. Is this standard practice in the insurance industry? This adjuster has done right by us in the past, I believe he would have tried his best.

    submitted by /u/mnlkpoiu
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    SR22 insurance.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 01:10 PM PST

    I need help! I am now able to reinstate my license after a year of not driving because of a dui and I need help finding the cheapest SR22 insurance in the state of Nevada. Also is it possible for me to get a SR22 non owner policy but still drive my car that I own?

    submitted by /u/Thrill_will
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    Health insurance question

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 12:52 PM PST

    I'm turning 26 this year and was still on my dads plan as he forgot to take me off at their deadline which was in November. Well the insurance is cutting me off this month as I turn 26 but my dad still has to pay for me until November! We have Aetna and my dad said there's nothing he can do about it but it's incredibly unfair! Paying for a dependent for another 7 months for no reason at all. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/sakurasake311
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    Do I have any chance?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 11:57 AM PST

    Hello, I was just told that I did not have insurance in the month of february, but inquired a service totalling over 25k (one infusion) i'm asking is there anything I can do in terms of fighting this- I can apply for patient assistance but I just switched over to a full time job and I am in fear of all my money going to this. Can I fight the hospital on this considering they allowed me to do the service knowing that my medicaid was inactive? (I have share of cost but with this I would've met it) I called medicaid and they said the only way I would be able to have it covered is to have the hospital bill it under the month of march but the billing department at my hospital didn't say anything to that- just sent me an email applying for help.

    submitted by /u/puzzleinthisuniverse
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    Insuring tools at workshop space

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 11:32 AM PST

    I lease a commercial space that is specifically for hobby type work (car work, woodworking, welding etc) and it is not part of a business in any way. I contacted my insurance broker asking if I could add that address to my renters policy. Unfortunately he could not come up with anything to insure these possessions unless I was operating a business out of that location. My renters insurance will cover up to 10% of my policy limit outside my apartment however that really doesn't amount to any substantial amount.

    Outside of establishing a sole proprietorship that effectively does nothing are there any other options to insure the contents of that location? He was going to try and contact Lloyd's of London but I passed on that.

    submitted by /u/Haggismaximus
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    Which states allow addendums to insurance claims?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 10:48 AM PST

    I'm doing a research assignment and can't find an answer. Can anybody help?

    submitted by /u/redrider494
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    3 month Insurance policy. Phoenix, AZ

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 09:18 AM PST

    Car insurance. Oops.

    Is this a thing I could obtain? I'm not thinking so, at least not in the states. Not seeing much about it. Thinking of buying a car off a coworker for a to b driving while saving for something else

    submitted by /u/anewjesus420
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    Replacement Value Question - Homeowners Claim

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 06:51 AM PST

    We recently had some water damage in the home and are in process on our claim. We had two tower speakers, a 6 dvd changer, and a receiver all get damaged. We have received cash value for items but want to replace them and have replacement costs.

    I would like to replace the two tower speaker with three smaller speakers of similar value, is this something that can be done? I will be using them for my tv just like the towers, but am not sure if they would allow me to replace two speakers with three?

    submitted by /u/jlock927
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