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    Monday, March 4, 2019

    [PINNED] Promote your business, week of March 4, 2019 small business

    [PINNED] Promote your business, week of March 4, 2019 small business

    [PINNED] Promote your business, week of March 4, 2019

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 05:02 PM PST

    Post business promotion messages here including special offers especially if you cater to small business.

    Note: To prevent your messages from being flagged by the autofilter, don't use shortened URLs.

    submitted by /u/Charice
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    [PINNED] In this post, share your small business experience, successes, failures, AMAs, and lessons learned. Week of March 4, 2019

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 07:28 PM PST

    This post welcomes and is dedicated to:

    • Your business successes
    • Small business anecdotes
    • Lessons learned
    • Unfortunate events
    • Unofficial AMAs
    • Links to outstanding educational materials (with explanations and/or an extract of the content)

    /r/smallbusiness is one of a very few subs where people can ask questions about operating their small business. To let that happen the main sub is dedicated to answering questions about subscriber's own small businesses.

    Many people also want to talk about things which are not specific questions about their own business. We don't want to disappoint those subscribers and provide this post as a place to share that content without overwhelming specific and often less popular simple questions.

    This isn't a license to spam the thread. Business promotion and free giveaways are welcome only in the Promote Your Business thread. Thinly-veiled website or video promoting posts will be removed as blogspam.

    Discussion of this policy and the purpose of the sub is welcome at https://www.reddit.com/r/smallbusiness/comments/ana6hg/psa_welcome_to_rsmallbusiness_we_are_dedicated_to/

    This thread is refreshed every Monday.

    submitted by /u/Charice
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    I've hired 32 people for various projects throughout my career and never had to reprimand or fire anyone. My advice is simple, focus on character.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 11:12 AM PST

    Simple as that. I see posts about hiring the wrong employees even though they looked good on paper. Well, start judging people by their character instead of details on their resume.

    Resumes aren't the best in the first place... asking people to be objective about themselves is comical, most can't do it very well.

    Instead, ask questions that show if they care, if they're passionate. I have success hiring people who are passionate about hobbies such as electronics and woodworking. Those hobbies require you have a certain level of discipline and self-taught knowledge, good signs.

    Don't get caught up in their work history and what positions they had with which skills, rather try to figure out if they wanted to come to work. They can easily learn anything they don't know if you perceive they're smart enough.

    I don't even have specific questions, my best interviews were more like conversations between two friends trying to get to know each other.

    Spend more time figuring out the person, and less time obsessing over details in their resume. Period.

    This might be lost on this sub as many of you are smarter than that, but I just had a random conversation at dunkin with two other business owners and both were shocked at my ratio of hiring to firing, which is 32-0.

    submitted by /u/dont_read_into_this
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    Starting a bookstore and café

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 08:09 AM PST

    Hi everyone! I would like to start a bookstore and café, selling used books. Some advice I've received is to start with a mobile store, and to then move to a store once I've gained public interest and seen how well (or badly) the idea is received by customers.

    While I see how this approach saves initial input costs, a major aspect of my idea and vision is creating a space that welcomes readers and writers, and becomes a community space.

    I'm looking for some general advice on starting with a mobile store compared to starting by renting a space and designing the atmosphere I've envisioned. I'd also love advice from anyone who has started a bookstore or café on what I need to consider before launching (particularly things most first-timers don't think of).

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Curly_Headed_Demon
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    I've Got About 50k Worth of Business Courses If Anyone Is Interested? (Gary V, Dan Lok, Grant Cordone, Neil Patel, Russel Brunson, Sam Ovens etc)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 03:55 AM PST

    Content covered:

    • Shopify
    • Ecommerce
    • SEO
    • Influencer marketing
    • Facebook ads
    • Adwords
    • Funnels
    • Consulting
    • Trading
    • Forex
    submitted by /u/All-In-100
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    Migrating an online shop

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 01:26 AM PST

    hello Reddit,

    my wife started a small business of selling illustration work online (i already posted some of her work in the illustration thread) and thank God so far so good, we didn't expect it to bloom this way this fast.

    She does the majority of commisions and marketing through instagram and she had an online shop - on the platform which is going down soon...

    We need to migrate the shop and we're thinking of some variants after a bit of research:

    - blogspot website

    pros: super cheap domain name to use for a year
    cons: outdated themes, lots of customizing to make the look right, shop widgets not many and a bit suspicious

    - wordpress website

    pros: themes are nicer, community is bigger for overcoming obstacles
    cons: a bit more pricey than blogspot, it seems that the shop exists but would need manual implementation, i don't trust myself with that

    - shopify

    pros: all there immediately
    cons: just way too pricey

    - etsy

    pros: see shopify
    cons: ffs you can't hide the number of sales you made, that's outrageous

    - wix

    pros: they have a store business model, nice themes out of the box
    cons: they are in the middle with the price, not so cheap but it could be done

    Can somebody who is more experienced in this field help us out a bit?
    Suggestions are more than welcome as i hit the wall on this one and i would really like to help my wife out to bloom her business more...

    instagram is nice enall but it becomes a bit messy after a lot of posts. You can't really use it instead of the shop, more like an addition to it...

    thanks a lot

    submitted by /u/lazicdusan
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    What do I need to do for it to be legal to drop ship and sell products from my own website?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 11:02 PM PST

    Hey guys, I'll start with I have no clue what I'm doing, I'm super ignorant. I was hoping I could reach out to this community. I'm about done creating a Wordpress website, just have to finish up the Woocommerce store part. I was wondering what kind of licenses, or tax related stuff I might need to know before I start selling and dropshipping online from California.

    I make digital art, and work at a professional photo/print lab. I get a very generous discount, and I've basically created a little online portfolio with a little shop that I'd like to sell prints, mugs, bookmarks, etc. from, since I get such a major discount.

    How do I do this legally? Appreciate any input.

    submitted by /u/Neodynamics
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    Help me name my Presentation Design Agency!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 10:01 PM PST

    I'm a freelance graphic designer specializing in presentation design - like PowerPoint presentations. I want to start an agency offering this service, and I'm trying to think of a name for my agency. I want to keep the name broad in case I want to expand into other modes within the realm of communication such as public speaking and marketing and educational videos.

    Here are some themes that I would like to convey:
    - Visual communication
    - Idea transfer
    - Clarity of communication
    - Eloquence
    - Succinctness / conciseness
    - Slides (presentation slides)
    - Big ideas
    - Inspiring action / change
    - Persuasion
    - Resonance

    Some ideas that I came up with, but am not satisfied with:

    1. Glyph (related to communication)
    2. Ethos (related to persuasion and inspiring action)

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/OujiSamaOG
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    Just sold my small business I started 12 years ago. After broker fee and taxes I'm getting way less than I opened it for.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 05:47 PM PST

    I can't complain too much- it's been a good job for myself for 12 years. But man, it's frustrating to lose almost 50k to taxes and fees. I've transitioned to rentals away from retail and that 50k could get me in another decent unit.

    submitted by /u/_WeAreTheLuckyOnes_
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    Starting a Vending Machine Business!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 03:27 PM PST

    I am interested in starting a vending machine business. I want to start with one machine just to become familiar with the process of maintenance & inventory, optimizing my process to generate larger margins and etc.

    I understand I won't get rich from one machine yet I want to gain experience owning and managing one machine before expanding my vending machine business.

    What is the best way to pursue this venture? How do I acquire vending machines and how to negotiate locations for my machines? What is the best way to minimize my expenses on my inventory (Shop here vs there, etc)?

    I am 26 years old and employed full-time. I work graveyard so I can manage my machines inventory easily without interfering with my schedule for work.

    I appreciate all feedback!

    submitted by /u/Delicious_North
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    Alibaba Question

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 09:14 PM PST

    How did you hire soft engineers in India for your American company?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 08:58 PM PST

    Looking for experiences of people who have actually done this. I've found lot of resources on what's possible, but not so much on how did it go. What went wrong/right.


    I'm starting a tech company with base in California, and considering hiring some engineers (directly and not through a firm) from India for cost efficiency. There are few ways for me to do this:

    • Hire engineers as contractors and pay them per 'job'. Cons: Might not attract best talent; expensive; no ownership feeling etc.
    • Hire engineers as Full time employees. There are two ways to do this:
    1. Hire them as FTEs of the US Company and pay them directly from US. IRS allows for it. Not liable to follow indian company regulations, and salaries can be paid out directly to employees.
    2. Set up an LLC in India and hire the engineers as employees of the LLC, where the LLC is subsidiary of the parent INC in USA. Cons: Follow regulations of Indian government.

    I would love to hear your experience about above options, given I'm low on funding, and will be using my own money to set up up the company.

    submitted by /u/SmartPatience
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    Option for share purchase convertible to loan?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 08:41 PM PST


    We are entering a final stage of negotiation with an individual looking to invest in our company. The final numbers are not set but as a good faith he wants to advance a portion of the money so as not to delay some planned growth.

    So as to make sure this is on the up and up I want to write a simple document stating that this $20,000 advance is meant as an option for share purchase (likely to be between 35-50k). If negotiations fail to reach an agreement (say 60 days) that $20,000 converts to a loan with x y and z terms.

    Is this permissable?


    submitted by /u/HVACnoob2
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    Taxes question for small business

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 04:26 AM PST

    Hey everyone. For the people that use quickbooks to track everything, when you file your taxes... do you have to turn in receipts as well? I didn't save all the Receipts from last year because I thought all I had to do was run all the reports on quickbooks and give them to the accountant to file taxes since everything is on there. I'm just trying to figure it all out. If anyone knows anything I appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/jforce555
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    Questions about setting up an investment LLC with my siblings

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 07:46 PM PST

    Background: My 4 brothers and I are fairly successful - we have some extra cash each month that we are looking to invest. We have decided to start an investment group where we pool our money - this will allow us to have $ ready for opportunities more frequently.

    First, I know most people would advise against going into business with family - we have a great relationship with each other and all of us have done well enough in our careers and are in positions where we have "extra" money so this is more of a side project and none of us are overextending ourselves to do this. It is all voluntary with zero pressure to be involved. We are all doing our own retirement accounts, and other investments. We want to do this for a few reasons - one to keep in contact with each other more frequently (we live in several different states) and also to allow us to pool our somewhat meager "extra" money faster in order to invest. We are looking to each add in 2k/month. With all of us doing this we would have $120k per year to invest. This would open doors faster and fill our investment pool which would not be an option with our individual 24k/year.

    We plan to setup an LLC with equal 20% ownership and each of us will contribute an equal amount each month to maintain an even ownership. We will meet monthly/bi-monthly/quarterly (as needed -we live in different states) with different ideas on where to put our money, etc. I have several questions about the best way to set this up:

    1. what state is the best for forming an llc? (lower taxes, paperwork, etc)
    2. What is the best way to form our corportation? S corp?
    3. What can be written off from our meetings? - if we were to get our entire families together and make a family reunion into a corporate meeting (legit have meetings and discuss business - while at the same time our families get to hang out and we make these into destination meetings - disneyland, beach, cabin, etc) If i understand correctly it would be the cost of travel, hotel, etc for us but not for our families?
    4. we are all married. Is there any advantages to adding our wives as owners as well? Maybe extra write offs that would be allowed? (we do not plan on them being very involved but of course we do discuss things with our wives)
    5. What legal type of documents do you suggest in order to keep this a complete business operation - we want it all written out so that there are no surprises or hard feelings if things don't go well, etc. Is there a template that we can use and modify to work with our scenario?
    6. One scenario we have discussed is if one of us lost a job/died/lost interest, etc -where they were unable to continue to match the monthly contribution- what would be the best way to handle this with the remaining 4 wanting to continue investing? Make a new investment LLC without that person? Dilute their ownership in our investment LLC by the amount we continue to contribute?
    7. Any other suggestions on how to set this up? ways to avoid future headaches, etc?

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/Rathemon
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    Do you use automated text analysis in your market research?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 08:00 AM PST

    First off, let me apologize, I am an applied computer science researcher and have no experience in business managing and therefore I am sorry this if question struck you as dumb. I understand, that automated text analysis is perhaps not yet relevant in a small business as it's mostly useful when the amount of feedback or whatever information you can analyze becomes too painstaking to read for a human being, but I would still like to know if any of you have tried it and if so, whether you have found it useful.

    submitted by /u/LordBertson
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    Resources to learn how to make a business plan.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 04:21 PM PST

    Hi all.

    I am wanting to eventually open a small guest house. What are some resources I can read in order to make an initial business plan and a five years business plan.

    Thanks in advance. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/blueskyholiday8
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    Broke my bespoke clothing business away from my alterations business. Renamed it and developed a new website. Any advice on if my message is clear on the site?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 04:15 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    My main business, Only One Tailoring has done a great job in my hometown of Nashville, TN, but after speaking with a few business mentors in my area and hearing the same thing from all of them, I decided to split my secondary business off from it and give it a new and defined name -- Fior Bespoke

    I've developed a website over the past few weeks and started up on social media marketing.

    I'm looking for help taking a look at if my message is clear and if the website is working OK.

    The website address is https://fiorbespoke.com

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/tailoraaron
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    I have a bunch of bath bombs and soaps from a failed business. What should I do to unload them to make some of my investment back?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 04:07 PM PST

    Unique position, too much free time and access to cheap labor

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 03:59 PM PST

    So I'm a bit unsure as to how I explain this but anyways here I go. I'm 22 years old, have worked for 6 years at the same supermarket where I've met some very very good workers who have also become my friends. I trust them and I know that most of us are getting tired of our current job.

    Now I'm in the unique position that for the next 4 months at the least I have 15 hours of work every week (enough to cover all my living expenses) and the rest of the time off.

    An added bonus is I have started a business before so I have the knowledge to set everything up, make everything legal and handle our marketing.

    I know people always say ideas are free, it's all in the execution. But for some reason I can't think of a proper service or product.

    So with all this in mind, can anyone point me in the right direction of businesses to start with almost unlimited (quality) time (since I can get 4 coworkers + me ready to go at any time) together with the appropriate marketing knowledge? I'm really stuck here

    I know it all sounds pretty vague but English isn't my main language and I can't really transfer my thoughts better than I have done just now.

    Edit: what might also help is that we are all pretty well known in our local community thanks to our work at the supermarket (most regulars know us by name). So an idea involving our community? I really feel like we have a situation here that has potential, I just have no idea in what way.

    submitted by /u/Lorenzo_vdL
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    Additional services I can offer/monetizing my experience as a nanny

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 03:37 PM PST

    I have been a career nanny about 5 years. I've always had the side hustles and knew I wanted to eventually run my own business. While I love the nanny industry I don't love the everyday grind and BS that comes with working in someone's home. A few months ago I started a nanny placement agency (basically pairing families with nannies) while it is starting to get traction the business comes with a lot of liability. So I'm trying to come up with other ways to make money or services to offer through my agency, without actually being the nanny. I would like to keep this as an actual business, and not a scam to sell ebooks and "courses" Any thoughts or recommendations?

    submitted by /u/TrueRoo22
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    Does your small business use open-source software?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 03:23 PM PST

    I'm interesting in learning more about what open-source software small businesses have adopted and to what extent. I understand it will vary depending on the industry (office supplies / promo in my case), but I'm interested in exploring my options for databases / integrations without breaking the bank.

    Any feedback helps!

    submitted by /u/PATP0W
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    Poor explanation?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 02:30 PM PST

    Hi smallbusiness

    I am in the process of setting up a small business but have been told that my elevator pitch doesnt explain the concept (thanks mum). Hoping this doesnt break rule 1?

    If anyone has a moment do you think you could take a look at my site. Still very much a work in progress and let me know if it makes sense?


    Thanks in advance Matt

    submitted by /u/Mattybbeebee69
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    I was offered an opportunity to start becoming a niche industry consultant! Help?!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 01:39 PM PST

    I worked in a niche livestock industry for several years, and my former employer offered me an opportunity to have a vendor booth and/or do a presentation at this year's international conference to get my foot in the door as a consultant. There are essentially two parts of this industry, the livestock husbandry part and the exhibiting of the livestock part. I've worked in both.

    This niche is something I am passionate about. I just don't know anything about consulting. Whether I'm qualified enough, how to compete with the "old blood" who have been doing it for 20-30 years, or what I can bring to the table for either suppliers or exhibitors who have been at it for decades. Should I target large exhibitors in different ways than small exhibitors? How do I figure out what gap to fill, what should I be considering, how to decide my fees, whether there is anything I can do to encourage industry expansion, etc. I think one thing I could focus on is the business aspect. Most people involved have either a lot of education in the biological sciences or just a lot of experience in this niche. The current consultants are predominantly interested in biology or exhibit design.

    Overall the industry struggles with how to make money and how to grow. Exhibits are often publicly funded or working on small budgets, suppliers are in gridlock on product pricing because of exhibit budgets while their expenses increase. The money aspect is taboo to talk about because most people get into it out of passion (conservation and education). The industry also struggles with technology, it's still mostly basic websites, little social media use, there aren't really apps used, etc. Meanwhile large exhibitors have a lot of resources and small exhibits have few.

    For whatever its worth, I'm half way through an MBA degree, and I work in GIS and data management. I don't have any special skills like coding, web development, or analytics. This conference is a great opportunity, and I would like to participate. I'm having so much trouble developing ideas of what to present or what my focus should be. Can anyone give me guidance? I haven't worked for my former employer in 3 years, and I can't imagine him inviting me to do this at a conference he is co-hosting if it was a bad idea or he wasn't confident in me.

    submitted by /u/career_throwaway2019
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    Good printer / drop shipper for company promo items .\/ shirts / hats etc

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 01:28 PM PST

    My client has a small biz, stone mason and he gets lots of inquiries from friends, family and customers who want to order t-shirts, hats, jackets etc with his company name and logo.

    What are some options or the recommended ways of doing this - and then integrating into his web site.

    Even if its a stand alone site that's ok but just want quality and good pricing and fulfillment.

    submitted by /u/blakeusa25
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    Is an LLC right for me?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 12:55 PM PST

    Hi All,

    I'm thinking about creating an LLC, but not sure if that's the right entity for me. Here's the situation.

    Am an Artist that sells about $30k a year in work.

    My studio is in my home. This room is only used for work.

    Have a new body of work debuting this fall. Could stir up a few things, and I might get sued.

    As my studio is in our home, I dont want to put my family at risk should I get sued.

    Currently file a schedule C to account for the $30k in sales.

    What is my move? If I got sued and lost the house because that is where my studio is at, I'd obviously be devastated as would my family.


    submitted by /u/FleetingImages
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