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    Tuesday, March 5, 2019

    Personal Finance Beyond leaving a will, has anyone here setup instructions for what a spouse should do after you pass?

    Personal Finance Beyond leaving a will, has anyone here setup instructions for what a spouse should do after you pass?

    Beyond leaving a will, has anyone here setup instructions for what a spouse should do after you pass?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 10:40 AM PST

    Im in the process of making out my will, setting up a trust, POA, and healthcare proxy as you should, but I realize that its likely not enough.

    Despite my efforts to get my wife involved in our finances, she doesnt have the same amount of interest currently. My assumption at this point is that she wouldnt be sure of what needs to be done if i were to unexpectedly pass.

    So Im starting to write an instruction manual of sorts, and I thought you might be able to help out. My topic so far are...

    • Header with my details, DOB, SS#, etc
    • Dont panic / Overview of Autopay bills and emergency fund
    • How to continue paying bills (dump money from emergency fund into joint checking, apply for SS widow benefit, how much we spend monthly, etc)
    • How to access my password manager, location and access to backup database for password manager, primary email account.
    • List of all bank accounts with account numbers
    • Home maintenance schedules, and trusted plumber/electrician contacts

    What else am I missing?

    submitted by /u/AGuyAndHisCat
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    need tons of advice on getting started. late.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 04:25 AM PST

    hello. I sit around the work place each day and listen to fellow coworkers all planning out their retirement years and i'm lost. not only am I uneducated in that area, but i'm also off to a very very late start. I'm in my 40s, and have very very little put away for my retirement. I'm an electrician who joined a union within last 5years, so I've that annuity building but starting so late has me worried also just in the last 3years my wife had fought breast cancer and gotten through all treatments. that left a tremendous dent in any funds we had put away, and we're currently in the process of getting back on our feet financially. 4 teenagers don't help either. so that being said, I've heard to gather an IRA, as well as optional 401K (no %match) through our hall. problem being I don't know where to start, or how much/little I can put forward since as mentioned we're still week to week for a couple more months at minimum. am I hopeless and gonna work until the day I drop or is there some form of hope for a late starter like myself?

    submitted by /u/superman691973
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    My Mother's health is declining, how do I deal with funeral arrangements?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 03:24 PM PST

    I feel terrible even typing that but it's true. I thought it would help to ask now, while I have a clear head, instead of when she passes.

    I've never been the one to deal with funeral arrangements before. She lives in Kansas and I live in Arizona. I have a general idea of what she would want for her services, just no way to go about it. I know she has life insurance but I don't know what company or if it would even cover her funeral. I won't know what to do about her apartment or any utility companies. IDK what I'll be liable for paying.

    I feel like a terrible daughter for asking this, but I want to be able to handle this when she passes. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/NikkiRex
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    [Debt] I want to get a lower interest rate on my student loan. Can I get another bank to take the loan from my current debtor?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 02:28 PM PST

    Not sure if I'm asking the right thing here but basically a company that sounds like mallie sae has been charging me 11% on a student loan. Not cool. I have a 750 is credit score and absolutely no debts outside of this one private student loan and my federal loans.

    Can I go to a different bank that offers student loans and see if they would take the loan and offer me a better rate? Is this a thing I can do?

    submitted by /u/galva169
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    Young children received a $30k gift each. What to do with it?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 07:11 AM PST

    My children (ages 3 and newborn) received a $30,000 gift each from their grandparents. The money is currently in a bank account in each of their names.

    I am trying to decide whether the best course of action is to open a 529 plan or just invest the money in a Vanguard ETF. I am hesitant to jump on a 529 plan because their grandparents are planning to fund their college when they get there. Although I don't like to necessarily rely on that as you never know whats going to happen over the next 15 years.

    There are a ton of 529 options it seems and I am not sure if we go down that path whether its better to get a plan from our state (Maryland) or just open one with Vanguard.

    Looking for any advice on the best course of action. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/therushed85
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    Saving for my significant others future?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 12:08 PM PST

    Hey friends, In the interest of your time I am just going to be short and honest. I have a bad heart and will probably die in my mid 50s. I am 31 now so I have about 25 years left maybe. My s/o has no health problems and will definitely outlive me. We have been together since we were 18 so as you can imagine we are very close. Neither of us really has friends anymore. Neither of us has amazing jobs with a household income of about 64k/yr. I currently have about 52k in savings sitting in a bank account that I don't care about spending on myself and would rather put it towards her after I am gone if I can.

    As we have no plans for kids and have few friends I am worried about her financial well being after I am gone. Looking for any advice on what I can do to make sure she doesn't end up poor and alone. That is my worry.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Ravageritualx
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    Can you open a HSA even if you don't have a HDHP with an employer?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 05:33 PM PST

    I was wondering because I've heard the contributing toward an HSA should be done before a ROTH IRA.

    submitted by /u/NotThePwner
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    When to start purchasing admiral shares instead of target retirement date funds

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 06:08 PM PST

    Hey PF

    I began funding my Roth IRA in 2018 and was lucky enough to be able to max it out at $5500 and also save up for some 2019 investing. I am ready to deposit the max $6000 into my 2019 Roth IRA, but I am not sure what I should be buying.

    The $5500 that I deposited for 2018 all went to VTTSX (Target Date 2060) because it was the easiest thing to do while I was learning about retirement and wanting to just get started, but I have been doing research on admiral shares such as VTSAX (Domestic Admiral Share) and VTIAX (International Admiral Share). From my understanding, you need to have at least $10,000 invested to purchase these shares, which leads me to my questions:

    If I deposit $6,000 for the 2019 tax year, I will have a total of $11,500 deposited. Can I put that full $6,000 towards admiral stocks? Or can I only put the money deposited after 10k ($1,500 in this case) towards admiral stocks? Can I transfer the $5,500 I've already deposited last year to admiral stocks? Should I?

    Since I'm fairly young (23) I think I want to go heavy into stocks and sort of hold off on bonds for now. From here on out, is investing 50% into VTSAX and 50% into VTIAX a good idea? Also, are VTSAX and VTIAX considered ETF's? Like, do I have to buy 1 full stock at a time, or can I put any odd amount of money towards it (like I did with the target retirement funds)? If they are ETF's, what do people normally do with the overflow when they can't afford a whole share? Or is that little amount of money just too insignificant to matter?

    Thanks for reading and your time responding, this PF newbie really appreciates it!

    submitted by /u/PalmHacks
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    21 yrs old and a Roth 401(k)

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 12:33 PM PST

    Hi! I just started a new job and am making about 37k a year! I am putting 5% into a Roth 401(k) per pay check and am wondering if this is advisable? Is this enough? Too much?

    submitted by /u/The_Great_May_May
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    Where can I go to learn about other financial aid other than pell grant?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 06:03 PM PST

    For the first time in my life I was able to apply for fafsa. I got the maximum pell Grant amount, and although it doesn't cover tuition fully, I was still ecstatic about it. Eventually I calmed down and started thinking about how others have said they got school covered, plus some living expenses. Don't get me wrong, I am super happy with the $6000+ I did get, but can I do more? From what I understood any amount over tution expenses was taxable income, but the way others explained their financial aid amounts they weren't taking out loans, or paid taxes on any of it.

    Maybe I misunderstood them. Maybe they had scholarship as well, but it didn't seem like it.

    submitted by /u/dylan2451
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    Setting up new Ally account, some concerns

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 07:33 PM PST

    I'm not entirely sure if this is okay to ask here, but since a lot of people mentioned the bank here, I thought I could get a variety of answers. I'm thinking of setting up a savings account with Ally due to their very lucrative rate for such an account, at least compared to my traditional bank. I sent in an application, and now they're asking for my DL. Now, it's been a long while since I've actually set up a new bank account, but from what people have said, Ally didn't require a DL in their case. I'm not sure if my case is special, but their request is throwing all sorts of red flags in my face, in a figurative sense. Is this standard procedure for setting up a new account with a banking institution, or should I just declare this as a dream and move on?

    submitted by /u/Jsyschan
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    Lowering my credit limit after credit increase and 50% pay off?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 12:02 PM PST

    So, I've been working really hard to pay off my debt and increase my credit score. One of my cards had a $1000.00 limit and i had utilized about $800.00 of that. My brother owed me some money and i paid off over 50% of the cards limit, and about 50% of another card. With this. My credit score increased by about 20 points. Right after paying that portion of the amount owed they decreased my limit by 50%. Causing my score to drop 15%. I'm fucking pissed. I called, but no one there is "allowed" to tell me why it was lowered, just that it is written in the disclosure that they reserve the right to lower any limit for any reason. I have nothing in collections and ive never been late on anything. Nothing in my credit history has changed recently, other than making a real effort to get shit paid off. Why would this happen?

    submitted by /u/shakaalakaaaa
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    When does too much car maintenance/repairs justify purchase of a new car?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 12:29 PM PST

    I've always heard people say that, "it is costing too much to keep this car running, it's time to buy a new car."

    For some people, I'm sure they just want a new car. For others, I'm sure it's because they don't want to hassle with getting their car repaired time and time again. But when does it become to make sense from a financial standpoint to buy a new car versus keeping an older car that needs repairs from time to time.

    Is it when the cost of repairs exceed the value of the car? Is it when the cost of repairs would be equivalent to what monthly payments would be on a new car? Is there some calculation people use to make the best decision?

    submitted by /u/gutiosnake
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    i'm pretty sure i'm getting scammed

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 07:06 PM PST

    okay let me start this off by saying i am an 18 year old girl who has NEVER had a bank account before and has never owned a check book. So I recently got hired at my school school district as a teaching assistant, i am in college and the job pays well so i have been working there maybe a few weeks. And all was good in my life until yesterday i received a shady looking email that claimed to be my employer. It had a check attached to it and the check look fairly normal it had a signature and account number, so i used the chase mobile app to deposit it like normal. I then began to get that oh fuck feeling when i realized i had never gotten an email from that address before. I told myself it was normal for them to do this and that maybe my direct deposit wasn't going through for some reason i mean the check had my FULL name on it. So today i went to work and asked the human resources lady what all that was about and she looked at me with the most confused look on her face and said we didn't send you anything sorry i can't help you. By this time my bank had cleared 200 dollars of the 815 dollars of the check. Now i'm pretty sure i'm getting scammed but i don't know what to do i called the bank and they said they couldn't help me until the check was cleared. I'm scared i read somewhere that if the check is fake i risk going to jail and all this other crazy stuff and i don't really have any where else to turn so can i do anything? what will happen if it's fake? what will happen if there's no funds? will i go to jail?

    submitted by /u/imreallydumbbb
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    I can't decide on a online savings account

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 05:31 PM PST

    I'm based in NYC. Currently have checking account with chase. Want to open a savings account with at least 2% interest rate. Ideal bank would be one where I can transfer fund the quickest with chase. May resort to closing the chase account and starting new. Is Ally the best choice? Hsbc has some good rate, but it's just the online version. I have 100k to put in savings.

    submitted by /u/buffsocks
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    Car Loan in Dead Relative's Name, Any Options?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 07:04 PM PST

    I recently got handed down a car financed through a bank. It has 2 years paid and 3 years left. My grandma got the car solely in her name and didn't specify in her will (it was written before the car was purchased) that it was to go to me. It was a verbal agreement. She didn't have me co sign or list me on the paperwork at all sadly. I need to get my own insurance on the car but it has to be in my name.

    My question is if I tell the bank she's passed can they switch the loan over to my name and keep the payments the same or will they run my credit and refinance the payments? Is there a chance they'd repossess it?

    And if they do try to refinance it will it be based on the payoff amount or actual cash value of the car?

    submitted by /u/justadude165
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    For online purchases, double check the amount charged upon shipment

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 07:00 PM PST

    Throwaway for obvious reasons because I could get doxxed. This is a reminder to check the amount charged to your credit card after placing an order online to make sure the amount matches the total at checkout.

    I was shopping at Hibbett Sports yesterday afternoon and purchased two weights. My order total upon checkout was $37.93, which was confirmed by an email stating sales tax was estimated and would be calculated upon shipment. This total includes a $5 shipping surcharge per weight (I ordered two, so an extra $10 was charged on top of the regular shipping charge) for the heavy shipment. Shipping totaled $17.99.

    I received a second email this morning confirming my order was ready for shipment. This email stated that $57.96 was charged to my credit card instead of the initial $37.93. Shipping totaled $35.98. I was double charged for shipping and NOT NOTIFIED!

    Pictures of the order total and amount charged

    I have emailed the company twice and called their customer service. Their phone line led me through an automated messaging system over and over and is SUPER LONG WINDED. I emailed their customer service this morning, and have not received a response. Their website says CS should respond in 24 hours, and I will update this post once I receive an answer.

    My question is whether this is legal practice (charging a customer more for their order without notifying them and asking if they would like to proceed)? This seems very shady. I'm an avid online shopper and I have never had this happen before (including eBay). I think a majority of people would also not notice an additional charge on their credit card like this one, so I wanted to post a reminder for everyone.

    All in all, I highly recommend saying away from Hibbett Sports if you want to avoid a headache. There are too many other retailers out there to choose from.

    submitted by /u/ShopSaveSmile
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    $75,000 income - About how much to spend in rent (ATX)?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 02:21 PM PST


    Background: Single, 20 years old, will be a new grad by the time I get my own place. Planning on buying a car soon and aiming to keep car payments under $150.

    I want to put at least 5% of my income into my 401k as my company does 5% matching. No student loans. Company will pay for some health insurance but not all. Will be paying for car insurance + gas and other car expenses. I would like to save at least $1,000-$1,500 a month. Don't really go out much. Going to try and keep groceries under $300 a month.

    I'm also getting a puppy! So that's gonna take a bit off my paycheck since there's shots, dog food, other dog expenses, dog rent etc etc. But I've always wanted a dog of my own so this is very important to me.

    I was thinking of getting an apartment with another person and spending $650 on rent each. However, I'm struggling to find a roommate and the idea of rooming with a stranger is not very appealing to me. I've found a 1 bedroom for $874 + $20 pet rent in a relatively small but cozy place that is 7 minutes away from work. Should I take it, or would it be better to find a roommate and save as much as possible? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/luckyjar
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    I’m a self employed hair stylist making 6 figures in the Bay Area, age 28. How should I start saving for retirement?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 03:00 PM PST

    Hi all,

    This week is exactly one year since I started working for myself as a self employed hairstylist. My income has doubled since last year and I amcurrently working on 2018 taxes. I want to make a contribution for 2018 and get on a payment plan for 2019 in probably a SEP IRA. I'm an generally pretty knowledgeable and responsible when it comes to personal finance and paid off nearly $10000 in debt last year and am on track to pay the remaining $15000 of this year but the retirement stuff I find super confusing and overwhelming.

    From what I've gathered, I think a SEP IRA with a robo investor is my best option but I'd love to get your guys' opinion. This year I made just under 100k (not including my partners income) but this year I'm busier, have raised my prices and will be self employed for the whole year as opposed to 9 mos so I expect to make at least $105-110k after expenses. (sounds like a lot but I live in Oakland where cost of living is one of the highest in the country)

    Anyway, looking for any and all advice on how to invest for retirement while also saving and paying debt. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/pixiidoll
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    Company paying for my flight for interview. Would it be bad to request a longer stay?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 05:57 AM PST

    I have an interview in a different state and the company is paying for my flight and one night hotel stay. They are flying me the day before the interview and flying me back after the interview on the same day. I'd prefer to stay st least an extra night or maybe two in order to check out the town and get a feel for the city. Would it be too much to ask to request a return flight a few days later?? I know they won't pay for my extra nights of hotel stays

    [update] I requested a later return flight to check out the local area. The recruiting officer did not understand that I wanted to stay for an extra night or two and offered a flight 3 hours later than the original departure flight. Beggars can't be choosers. Oh well.

    submitted by /u/MDGiov
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    Student Loan Debt Question

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 06:33 PM PST

    Hi Reddit,

    I am about 4 years out of college and am slowly paying off my student loan debt.

    Here is a screenshot of my student loan debt which comes to $36,604.92: https://imgur.com/xMjspW9

    I know I should pay off the loan with the highest interest rate first which I've been doing. But should I be paying down the one with the highest interest rate with the highest balance or the one with the highest interest rate and lowest balance? And why?

    I appreciate the help! I've been burned from financial advisors in the past and don't have any help financially from anyone.


    submitted by /u/CarelessOctopus
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    Always Negotiate Financial Terms with Orthodontists and Question Any Possible Discrepancies

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 01:03 PM PST

    I am in the process of getting consultations from orthodontists to straighten my teeth, and just for some background, I have Delta Dental PPO, with 50% orthodontic coverage, and lifetime maximum benefit of $2500 for orthodontic treatment.

    For the orthodontist I am planning to go to, they initially quoted an initial payment of $975, with the balance paid out over 15 months. By simply asking, they changed it to down payment of $495 over 20 months, which is a much more manageable for me.

    The total billable amount was $6000. It was initially $6250, but simply by asking, they lowered it by $250. Based on my insurance coverage, I should be receiving $2500 in orthodontic benefits from my insurance. However, the financial coordinator at the ortho office said that because I plan to use Invisalign, the insurance would only provide coverage based on the amount of $4050, and 50% of that is $2025. There is nothing in Delta Dental's Evidence of Coverage statement that says Invisalign is covered in a reduced amount.

    To double check, I called Delta Dental, and they stated that if the billable amount of my orthodontic treatment is $6000, they would provide benefits based on that amount, and not on the $4050 the ortho office stated. One important thing the insurance told me to do was to request from the othodontist the pre-authorization form, which is what the ortho office sends to the insurance detailing the treatment, and the insurance sends back what they will cover. I contacted by ortho again, and they mentioned that they had not yet submitted the pre-authorization form, but would do so immediately. Because of this, I will know exactly what the insurance will pay for, and this highlights the importance of being well-versed in your insurance coverages to ensure you are maximizing your benefits and making sure you don't lose out on anything.

    TLDR; You can always ask the orthodontist to negotiate your payment plan terms. Also, if you feel there is a discrepancy with what you are being quoted and what your insurance coverage is, ask the orthodontist to send you a copy of the pre-authorization form to know exactly what your insurance will bill the ortho and what is covered.

    submitted by /u/Potrick00
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    How do I budget with irregular income and irregular expenses?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 06:09 PM PST

    Hey there everyone,

    I am a 20yo college student and don't have any fixed expenses. I live in an apartment that is owned by the college I go to and my rent to them is paid along with tuition using student loans. No car payment. Parents pay my gas because of all the driving I do for the long drives back to my hometown and for most of my food but I do sometimes buy ingredients and go out with friends/girlfriend. Some months I have small amounts of expenses, other months i will have a lot.

    I have a window cleaning business with my brother that brings in decent money but the cash flow stream is inconsistent. There are weekends where I make $500 in a weekend and the next weekend there could be no jobs, sometimes the amount I make in a whole month is about $100. I do DoorDash from time to time and have been reselling items online.

    How would I go about creating a budget from month to month when both my income and my expenses are variable?

    submitted by /u/joline1120
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    Consumer protection using credit card on cash app question

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 01:10 PM PST

    I purchased something from a person off the internet. It's a tight community and the person was generally well regarded among those who frequent this particular forum. It was a small purchase... two items and shipping for $35. I cash-app'ed in the money and he said he would ship it Monday the 25 of February. On Thursday the 28th, I asked if he had sent it. He quickly replied he was in a car accident and been dealing with that all week, but was getting a ride from his buddy to ship it that night. He said he would send me a picture of the receipt once he shipped it. Today is March 5 and I still don't have what I bought or a receipt or tracking number proving it was shipped. I reached out to seller today and haven't received a response yet.

    If it comes down to it and I end concluding I've been duped, is there any consumer protection through my credit card if the card was used through the cash app, and does it apply if the seller is a person and not a business?

    submitted by /u/jcthomas1306
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