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    Monday, March 4, 2019

    NooB Monday! - (March 04, 2019) Entrepreneur

    NooB Monday! - (March 04, 2019) Entrepreneur

    NooB Monday! - (March 04, 2019)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 05:16 AM PST

    If you don't have enough comment karma here's where we can help.

    Everyone starts somewhere and to post in /r/Entrepreneur this is the best place. Subscribers please understand these are new posters and not familiar with our sub. Newcomers welcome! Be sure to vote on things that help you. Search the sub a bit before you post. The answers may already be here.

    Since this thread can fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Anyone else sick of all the u/sweatystartup marketing going on in here?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 04:20 AM PST

    I swear I can't go 15 minutes on this sub without seeing a post or reply from or about u/sweatystartup. Some accounts feel like they are created by sweatystartup's marketing team just so u/sweatystartup can reply to their "willing to put in the work, but don't know how to start" post.

    Seriously if you look at the history on some of those 'users' it looks like their account is brand new and their message is worded in such a perfect way for u/sweatystartup to swoop right in and market their website and podcast. I appreciate their message, but it's the same thing over and over again, and surprise, surprise, it's not the single best way to start out as an entrepreneur. But these days sweatystartup doesn't care whether a budding entrepreneur starts a successful service-based business, as long as they are listening to the sweaty startup podcast.

    EDIT: (sweaty startups' crazed fanboy army is down voting my followup comment to oblivion so I'll post it here)

    For everyone who is saying "But his ideas are really helpful" : annoying advertising is annoying advertising. If we're gonna have equal opportunity here we have to have equal treatment. Just because he advocates doing 'dirty work' doesn't excuse him from using scummy practices.

    Also you guys don't think it's weird that for a brand that advocates working hard doing service work, they sure spend a lot of time and effort marketing on Reddit? Sweaty startups just saw a niche on here ripe for marketing and ran with it. You guys are all getting marketed to.

    EDIT 2: I honestly thought this post wouldn't get more than a few comments, but the sheer amount of heated discussion just proves that sweaty startups marketing really is as pervasive and spammy as I suspected. This is no different than a bunch of Gary Vee fanboys defending him. (except there's not as much money behind sweaty startups, let's just be honest)

    EDIT 3: I find it hilarious how strongly you are all defending a business model idea that is traditionally meant for young teenage boys to do over the summer for some video game money. Mowing a few lawns, or pressure washing a few driveways doesn't make you an entrepreneur!

    submitted by /u/jcarber6
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    Has anyone any experience of the Alt MBA program by Seth Godin?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 10:08 AM PST

    Hey everyone, this is my first post. Thanks for having me.

    I'm feeling a little alone in my start-up journey and I'm looking for support and help in levelling up. I'm a big Seth Godin fan and am wondering if anyone has done the Alt MBA? Did you find it useful? Did it help you take your business to the next level? What did you like about it? What did you dislike about it? If you have done the course and would suggest an alternative training what would it be? I'm grateful for your answers if you have time to give them. <3

    submitted by /u/DaisyLevi19
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    If you have $100,000 to invest in a business what business would you choose ?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 12:47 PM PST

    If you have $100,000 to invest in a business what business would you choose if you are an entrepreneur in 2019 ?

    submitted by /u/Perfect_Gas
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    Have you ever stolen or copied an idea or business?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 05:38 AM PST

    Inspired by the post about being worried of people taking your idea.

    Have you ever taken someone else's business idea and ran with it? Where did it lead you?

    I can't say I'm not guilty of this. At a party one night about 5 years ago this guy had a few too many beers and opened up about his entire online business, and the secrets to make it work as well. The next day I spent 72 hours recreating an entire new version that was much more visually appealing. It took months to gain traction, but it did. About 100k organic page views a month. During that time I found out he actually sold the business. Not long after, that business contacted to buy me out. Full circle. Kind of ironic.

    So yes, be careful sharing or explaining ideas to people you don't know their capabilities. You never know who can do it better.

    submitted by /u/whocaresthrowawayacc
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    Looking for PDF management software for my startup. Any good advice?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 07:00 AM PST

    We are struggling with the document management in our company. Many of our team members have to create, merge, split, scan, sign and annotate PDF files on a daily basis. We've tried a number of tools, but haven't found one comprehensive solution that would just do everything.

    Looking for a reliable and proven solution. Would be great if that app/tool worked on both desktop and mobile and had its own cloud and auto-sync between the devices, so we could forget about the nightmare of uploading files manually. Any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/charlesjones866
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    Stripe dilemma

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 01:22 PM PST

    Hi, the past 2 months I have been working non stop on a project I'm very excited for. To make it short, my store is using Big Cartel and it works perfectly.

    For some reason, I did not give much importance to this but Big Cartel has two main integration when it comes to payment processors. PayPal and Stripe.

    I've been using PayPal since 2013, it's fast, secure and reliable in my experience. I have a business account with constant activity, it's verified and linked with a card. I was able to link my PayPal to my BC store but there's a small detail.

    As I understand, only residents of the US are able to check out with PayPal without needing an account, all other countries have to make one (if they don't already have one) which in my head could potentially cut off a conversion/sale.

    Here is a comparison between the two checkouts

    PayPal: https://gfycat.com/CompleteEqualFish

    Stripe: https://gfycat.com/harshwearychimpanzee

    I find the Stripe checkout to be 10 times faster, easier, more intuitive and well, for me it would be cheaper fee.

    The thing is, I live in Mexico. And I want to use Stripe, in fact I've been waiting for around 3 years for Stripe to be in my country and still nothing. I'm pretty skeptical if PayPal is good enough, literally no one uses it in my country. I know maybe two or three people that use it.

    I'm looking for ideas on how I could be able to gain access to a fully activated Stripe account without doing anything illegal. I am aware of Stripe Atlas but it seems very risky to just drop $500 for something I'm still unsure of. I'm on a low budget.

    I know my dad has a bank account in the US but i'm not sure if that would help me in any way? I really want the Stripe integration badly, if anyone has any info or advice regarding this I will highly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Juankestein
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    How did you find your first investor?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 01:18 PM PST

    Where did your first investment come from? How long did it take to win?

    submitted by /u/bacey_
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    What is bulk SMS? What types are there?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 06:08 AM PST

    Firstly, you should understand what is SMS marketing and bulk texting, secondly why it is used, and then how to conduct SMS marketing campaigns.

    1. SMS marketing

    Bulk SMS marketing is a type of mass communication that permits business holders to engage with their audience via mobile technology. Put simply, text messages are sent to a group of contacts containing marketing material, often with a special promotion or timely offer.

    2. Why SMS marketing is used by best marketers?

    SMS marketing services are effective promoters for your business. If you are not doing it, you need to start as soon as possible, then you will see the positive results after a short time period.

    Take into account this important point, 98% of SMS text messages are opened within the first three minutes of receiving the text message on your phone.

    Besides, you can type "Textedly blog" keyword in google and go into the great source for marketers and business owners and learn about SMS marketing in detail, then start your campaigns.

    What is bulk SMS? How can do SMS marketing be managed?

    Bulk SMS should be an integral part of any mobile marketing strategy that tends to acquire real success in today's mobile world.

    Mobile marketing is a huge must for every business that wants to keep a competitive edge over their competitors and maintain advantage within the industry.

    Here are some ideas on how bulk SMS campaign can be used to add value to your connection with customers.

    1. Reminders – today's customers need fast and trustful information from businesses and services they interact with. Sending immediate reminders can help you raise customers' perception of your company.
    2. SMS marketing increases sales – market new products and services directly with SMS and grow purchase rate.
    3. Keep customers up to date – keep your loyal customers in the loop and make them feel important.
    4. Send alerts if there is some problem your customers should be informed about– you can quickly inform them to avoid possible inconveniences. People will appreciate such information since they are helpful and prevent misunderstandings.

    The most essential use of bulk SMS messaging is for:

    • Sending notifications
    • Alerts
    • Reminders
    • Mass SMS advertising
    • Safety checks (password confirmation)
    • Product information
    • News
    • SMS newsletters

    Here is a helpful video about what industries use SMS marketing. If your business is in one of these fields so take action in SMS marketing and grow your sales rate impacting positively to your business revenue.

    submitted by /u/Passionate_dancer_
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    HELP: Stuck in a rut, trouble finding motivation

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 12:29 PM PST

    Maybe it's a case of the winter blues, maybe vacations planned far in advance & unexpected sickness have thrown off my rhythm in 2019, and maybe it's just always hard to stay motivated, but damn I'm having a tough time finding energy and drive to work on my business right now. Give me a kick in the pants! What does r/entrepreneur do when you find yourself in a similar spot? Tell me your stories about being in the same place and what you did about it! Books/podcasts/articles/life experience—give me whatever you got!

    submitted by /u/goodjobgabe
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    I Analyzed The Copywriting Of 18 Meal Kit Delivery Websites. Here’s What I Found

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 04:22 PM PST

    I get a lot of value from those "I analyzed..." posts, so I thought I'd make one of my own for the industry I'm in: food and food tech - but I know this'll be valuable for people running all types of businesses.

    Let's start with the 5 biggest problems I saw among meal kit websites:

    • Meal kit companies need to better differentiate themselves. It's not enough to be easy, convenient, and fast. That's true for every single one of these brands. Find something unique and valuable to focus on in your messaging!
    • Most headlines were borriinng. No engagement, no charm, no USP. Sadly, most headlines just repeated the same old, same old.
    • Subheadings were weak. A few sites didn't even have a subheading (I'm looking at you, Blue Apron). And quite a few of them were simply too long or too complex.
    • Not all the good USPs were obvious. Purple Carrot has veggie-only meals. Freshly's meals are already cooked. Firstchop's proteins are sous-vide cooked. And yet, I had to look hard to figure these out. If you have a great USP, say it proudly!
    • We have some work to do with UX design. Missing CTAs above the fold (and at the bottom of the page), text sections all bunched together and hard to read, buttons you can't find because they're not a contrasting color.

    Here are the data points:

    • 39% of meal kit brands didn't have a clear USP
    • Wow—so many bad headlines (not exactly data =] )
    • 50% of websites didn't list prices on the home page
    • 0% of websites are even trying at the newsletter game
    • 27% of sites were written at a 3rd-grade level
    • 66% of websites didn't have an offer or discount
    • The most common CTA was "Get Started"
    • 38% of sites didn't have a single testimonial

    Some Key Takeaways:

    • There are too many "me too" meal kit delivery brands that don't do enough to distinguish themselves. Make your USP as clear as day.
    • Don't settle for a headline that focuses on ease or convenience. That's the whole reason customers are looking at your website in the first place… move onto a deeper, subsurface benefit.
    • Don't be too cutesy with your CTAs. Don't be transactional either. Invite customers into your food experience.
    • Everyone is looking for a discount on their first box. If you make it difficult to find that offer, you risk losing a customer to websites where the offer is more accessible.
    • Email marketing rocks. Maybe meal kit companies are probably missing out on an opportunity. Maybe I'm wrong. Some meal kit brand should send me their email data.
    • Don't be like the companies that don't have testimonials. They are wrong.

    You can read the full analysis here.

    Has this been helpful to you? If so, let me know what kind of business you run in the comments (curious what kinds of entrepreneurs find this most valuable).

    submitted by /u/Hooblah2u2
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    I want to build a simple wireframe website, but I don’t know how to code.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 02:55 PM PST

    I want to build a website which curated amazon items into "lists",( red,blue,green) and assigns a brand of each item to one of them.(red would have northface socks, a hollister t-shirt, and so on).

    Which free website or person is able to do this?

    submitted by /u/ChickenTitilater
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    I’ve got an idea for a product design. Where do I start?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 02:43 PM PST

    Off the top of my head, the first things that come to mind are a prototype, patent, and sourcing raw materials. How does one go from a great idea to a prototype?

    submitted by /u/whatthecyfi
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    Bootstrapping Calculator

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 02:14 PM PST

    Thought some of you folks would find this useful.

    GitHub link: https://github.com/dvassallo/bootstrapping-calculator

    This is a very simple spreadsheet that I used myself to figure out if I had enough savings before taking the plunge to quit my job and live off my savings while bootstrapping my own business. It is intentionally very simple: There are only 4 parameters, and the only one that requires guessing is the income. By tweaking that value, I could get an income target to aim for, and I was assured that my venture would survive if I meet it.


    Yes, I know quitting your job is not the only way to start a business - or the best way for many people. However, it's not always possible to start something on the side with a full-time job. In my case, my employment contract prevented me from doing that. And even if it didn't, it would have been hard to find the time between work and family. If I didn't have enough savings, I might have taken a different approach - maybe start consulting or freelancing while boostrapping. But since I had some savings, I preferred to just focus on my business at first. I still have the option of doing freelancing/consulting if the circumstances require it. And obviously, I also have to option of going back on the job market if I don't manage to pull this off.

    submitted by /u/dvassallo
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    Business/Service That Will Occasionally Accept Packages for Me and Hold Them?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 02:04 PM PST

    I have a video production business and sometimes we need to buy props for a shoot. Sometimes these props are fairly large (not huge) like a mattress and bed frame. I live/work out of small spaces in the city. I cannot store these things in my place and it is annoying having to wait around for delivery and lug the thing into my place.

    I'm wondering if there are local businesses/services that would accept the package delivery for me and hold it for like a week or so in storage, until I pick it up? Does this exist and what is it called? I don't need this super frequent, maybe like two times a month or so.

    submitted by /u/lqcnyc
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    You have a startup. You really need funding?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 01:35 PM PST

    We help you match up with interested investors with the biggest potential. Hatcherella makes your startup dream come true! www.hatcherella.comA platform for new startup.It matches startups with potential investors, just like tinder for entrepreneurs! A promo code for REDDITORS 4407. if you would like to buy a package this promo code will help you for 7% discount. Hurry up!

    Sign up now for any package before 17th March 2019

    and stand to win an


    fund raising trip to:

    RISE 2019 @ HK EXPO

    8-11 July 2019

    This includes (for 2 people):

    - Round trip tickets from your home country to Hong Kong (Economy)
    - Full tickets for the convention
    - A twin sharing hotel room for the entire period

    Total Value: Over $3,000 USD

    This lucky draw is open to both new and existing sign ups!

    There are a total of 12 startup winners to be had!

    submitted by /u/achoot_22
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    How to target e-commerce that offers "X if product found cheaper elsewhere"?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 12:56 PM PST


    We've noticed a pattern in our clients, much of them have on their landing page: - We will be 5% cheaper if product found cheaper elsewhere Or - Y if found cheaper elsewhere.

    My question is, how would you do to find more website like that. Open to every kind of tips or idea, even crazy ;).

    So far we've tried Google of course, but with little results because the wording of those kinds of offers is different every time.

    We thought about scrapping a whole list of e-commerce website looking for some patterns but so far it was slow, expensive and not very efficient.

    What would you do?

    submitted by /u/pijora
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    Atlanta Falcon's stadium will convert to a cashless operation - and we should too!

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 12:21 PM PST

    The owner of the Atlanta Falcons announced that the stadium will operate a cashless operation this season.

    This comes after slashing concession stand prices to less than half the league average. A hot dog in the stadium will be reduced from $2 to $1.50 this year as well.

    He understands the add value first approach. He is selling an experience. He realizes he is competing with other experiences in town. The zoo, aquarium, festivals, concerts, etc. He is making money by selling tickets and apparel and TV rights. No reason to nickel and dime his loyal fans (especially those with children who will be the next generation of loyal fans).

    With the decreased prices the concessions are doing more volume. Taking cash was the bottleneck. It was slowing down the concession lines. It was creating an administrative headache. I'm sure some of it was getting stolen.

    My service business has never once accepted cash and we are better off for it. Don't be afraid to turn away customers who aren't able to pay with a credit card. Those customers tend to cause most of the headaches anyway.

    Forget cash. Reduce theft. Stay organized and efficient.

    submitted by /u/sweatystartup
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    Extending Credit to Farm Customers

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 11:51 AM PST

    Hi all, i work in the agriculture industry as a seed salesman. We provide the seed and other inputs for other farmers in the area.

    I'm trying to find a way to alleviate some of the financial pressure that farmers have to deal with when planning their season. Some recent studies have shown that the suicide rate among farmers is up to three times as high as that of veterans. I'd like to do my part to help reduce that stress.

    Do any of you have any ideas for how I could extend longer term financing to customers with the lowest possible cost to them, without over extending myself?

    Hope this makes sense. Ask questions if you have any. Thanks for reading this.

    submitted by /u/andywiebe
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    Looking for people interested in using my graduation-paper as a place for their ads

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 11:44 AM PST

    Dont want to write any bullshit about myself in the sort of newspaper and am free to use it as i please. And thats kind of why id like to use it as a means of making a little pocketmoney. Would be great if you could help me out. Around 800 people including a big amount of newly graduated pupils will read it. Not looking for a big amount of money, a penny would be enough. Mainly doing it to fuck with the school.

    submitted by /u/Burn1ngD4yl1ght
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    How do you keep on top of all your “to-dos”?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 11:20 AM PST

    Do you use software? Pen and paper? A mix of them both?

    I have a mountain of things to do and it's easy for something to fall through the cracks. I'm curious how you stay on top of everything without having anything fall through the cracks.

    submitted by /u/red_shirt_bistr0
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    Should we stop developing our social media startup?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 05:09 AM PST

    I want to get your opinion on a project my team worked on.

    It's being developed for almost two years and we had to build and overcome a lot of issues regarding content collecting and merging of data.

    The investor is not sure if he will continue to found the project since all money was burned on development and there is no more for marketing.He is not sure any more if it's a good idea.

    I want to get your opinion if it's worth proceeding.

    It's a hard decision to make but after your comments and feedback we will decide what to do with it.

    The app is called Wobbl and the idea is when you follow one person that you have their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube feed tied to one profile, so when you follow Pewdipie for example over it you will see the feed from the 4 social networks.

    We have some AI in it which creates profiles in the background and a few more things.

    Here are the links:


    submitted by /u/mickeyhusti
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    Business Address?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 10:50 AM PST

    Looking at starting email marketing for my online business and I understand that by law you have to have an address in the footer of mass emails. I'm currently working out of my house but don't want to put my house address. What are my options?

    I know I could rent a office space but the cheapest one I could find is around $275 a month which wouldn't be wise this early in the business.

    submitted by /u/ComputerNerd972
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    Looking for a way to become a payment aggregator.. Anyone have tips on this?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 10:44 AM PST

    Hey all,

    I work for a startup ticketing company. We have an Android app that works pretty great for general admission events, but our payment processor situation is GOD AWFUL (we are basically acting as a Payment Facilitator),

    This means we have to set up submerchant accounts for each client, and our processor requires our client's date of birth, SSN, bank statements, and all sorts of stuff our customers don't want to provide.

    Meanwhile, they can sign up for EventBrite and be selling in minutes with a valid bank account.

    Does anyone know of any payment processing companies that could allow us to act as an aggregator (accept payments on behalf of our clients to one account, and then remit them)?

    submitted by /u/thestrandedmoose
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    Digital marketing vs service company. Which is better to get into?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 10:37 AM PST

    I'm sure both have their pros and cons but which one is more lucrative to get into?

    I have a background in tech. However, I'm worried it is much harder to get into digital marketing. I'm just starting out and I have always dreamed of running my own company

    submitted by /u/trev3795
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