• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 5, 2019

    Legal Advice UPDATE: Un-permitted contractor next door did $5,000+ of damage to my home, contractor and homeowner won't pay or provide insurance information

    Legal Advice UPDATE: Un-permitted contractor next door did $5,000+ of damage to my home, contractor and homeowner won't pay or provide insurance information

    UPDATE: Un-permitted contractor next door did $5,000+ of damage to my home, contractor and homeowner won't pay or provide insurance information

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 06:06 AM PST

    Hi r/legaladvice. Just wanted to provide a "thank you" for all of the responses and an update on the situation detailed in my original post. Basically, I'm a homeowner in Philadelphia, PA, and a contractor working on my neighbor's house caused a leak that led to a lot of mold and water damage that needs to be repaired, and the contractor and homeowner have ghosted.

    Since so many people suggested we file a claim with our homeowner's insurance, I gave that a shot. However, according to the adjuster I spoke to about our claim, our policy apparently has an exclusion for "faulty workmanship". Even though it's completely insane, I was told that our insurance company would not cover the damage or provide any legal assistance because the damage was caused by someone doing work on the house next door. The adjuster told me this is a very common clause in insurance policies. Basically, all insurance companies are completely manned by psychopaths and capitalism is an endless nightmare that will surely swallow us all.

    So now it looks like I'm back to square one. The police have suggested that I try to find information about the contractor and homeowner through the Licensing and Inspection Department to pursue legal action, but previous attempts at that came up with basically zilch aside from a suggestion to hire a lawyer. So I guess I'll try and find a lawyer that will take this case, although my previous attempts to reach out to lawyers about this issue have not been promising at all.

    Going forward, are there any additional avenues I should pursue? My insurance company (Farmer's by the way. If you're thinking of going with them I might suggest drinking poison instead) is completely worthless. The two lawyers I've spoken to seem to have absolutely no interest in taking up a case, one of them specifically advised against hiring a lawyer because of the relatively low cost of the damage, the amount we'd owe in legal fees, and the fact that cases like this are rarely paid out even when they're successful.

    It's been a bleak couple of days, but thank you all for your responses earlier and wish me luck.

    Edit: ...Uh, whoa. I'll be responding to pertinent comments as I'm able, but being a dude with a 9 month old, it might be pretty slow going. Thank you all so much for taking the time to respond, and a big thanks to the mods for removing the lock on this post!

    submitted by /u/McBrungus
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    [Update] They removed all the cats from my mom's house.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 03:56 PM PST

    Animal control and the police were called, and it took them until today to get here. Over the weekend I took my mother to a hotel, and she said she was happy that I cleaned up for some mother-daughter time. She also thanked me for getting her a new bed. She couldn't comprehend that we weren't in her house.

    Animal control, with a lot of help confiscated all the cats except two, and all of the birds. For those debating it, no it was not a swan, but a young duck. I should probably have known, but I wasn't going to take a second peek into that room. The total cat count was 213, and the total bird count was 87. There were a significant amount more that were, unfortunately, dead. Many of the cats were sick, and may have to be euthanized.

    My mother is extremely upset, she has been admitted to the hospital for reasons I would rather not get into. I don't know if the house is saveable, the situation is still being assessed. I'm sorry it's not a happy update, but at least I'm no longer drowning in cats.

    submitted by /u/CatThrowaway998
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    School moved next door... affects use of my property?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 08:17 AM PST

    Hi all,

    New Hampshire USA, I own a piece of property that I use as a shooting range. Nothing formal, just my own personal use, but I use it often and have for about 20 years. The property is very valuable to me for that reason.

    In the past few months, a charter school moved into the property on one side, and an organization that houses troubled youth moved in on the other.

    I'm afraid that now I'm inadvertently violating federal law by continuing to use my property the way I always have (because of school property/gun laws) Probably not relevant, but the local police have long known about my use of the land, which has been perfectly legal (up to this point).

    Am I just SOL? Do I have any rights/recourse? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

    Hope I did this right, I'm new here.

    Edit 1: Thank you to everyone for joining the discussion, I appreciate all the insight and I'll try and answer questions and provide more detail after I get out of work. Im the mean time though, let it be known I am not a sex offender (it's a weird feeling to have that questioned), or otherwise a criminal.

    submitted by /u/bulletsgalore
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    My SSI lawyer is saying my appeals case was dismissed and and sent me a letter rejecting me as a client, but I’ve called social security and my case is still active, and he has not filed any withdrawal with them.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 08:27 AM PST

    In Pa. My SSI appeal was heard by a judge I'm told has one of the highest claim rejection rates in the country, and we were rejected. One reason she stated in her decision was I didn't have a medical doctor saying I had a disability, which just isn't true. That information was submitted to her, and so we decided to appeal to the federal level. I started working a few hours a week while waiting for her appeal, something I sought my lawyer's blessing on and got. (I have screenshots of text messages about it making him aware I wanted to, but he ultimately said to do it on the phone.) Months later, I actually run into him at my work, and he acted a little surprised but was very happy for me. I thought it was shady that I wasn't an important enough case to him for him to remember the details of my life and case, but I understood he probably did have a lot of cases and I wasn't a big fish. Next, I received a confusing letter from the appeal council saying "this letter is not a finding of good cause for late filing of your request for review...If you filed your request for review late, the Appeals Council will issue a separate notice." He said, "that's weird, we filed on time, I'll look into it." And that's when he started ghosting me for two months. After calling his office everyday I finally get him on the phone. He talks in circles about how I won't win in front of this judge now that I'm working and that I should just apply all over again. After a half hour I get him to admit that my case was dismissed for late filing, and he did nothing about it. He agrees to have his boss call me. I then call the appeal council office to double check my status where I'm told my case is still pending, everyone is confused by this letter. I call the office back to let them no I am still a client the law firm head needs to call me. Ghosted again for weeks. Finally I get my original lawyer on the phone who doesn't believe me that my case is still ongoing and apparently hadn't looked into it to verify. He tells me he's sending me a letter that he won't be my lawyer anymore because I'm not going to win. I received the letter from him, and it says "After a diligent investigation into the case following your denial of benefits, we have made the determination that the facts do not make for a valid claim." I called another attorney and she said she can't help because I have an attorney and he would have to file with social security to drop me. I call them back to again confirm my status. My case is indeed still active and and he has filed nothing to withdrawal. So I guess my question is what do I do? He can't just decide he doesn't like the odds and quit in the middle of an appeal, can he? I want to fire him, but whose going to take on a federal appeal for a young person against a notoriously tough judge at this point? Can I withdrawal my appeal request and start over?

    submitted by /u/octopusinwonderland
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    A youtube live stream that spews hate had a user post my number on screen for a donation and claim it was a member of their group. Now receiving threatening phone calls.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 05:30 AM PST

    Started receiving threatening phone calls about a week ago. On Saturday phone started to blow up with messages. I was then called by my father saying people are calling him looking for someone neither of us has ever heard of. I finally start answering these calls and one person says that this youtube live stream posted the number and claimed we were some member. A quick google search of the number and you got all my parents info, including address. The live stream allows you to post whatever you want for a donation and a computer reads it out loud. We are very concerned for our families safety and did call the police on the matter. I want to know if I have grounds to sue this youtube show for harassment.

    submitted by /u/billyisaok
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    Someone created two fake Instagram accounts using my 17 year old daughter’s real and rather unique name. Both are foot fetish accounts. Instagram will not remove the second one.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:41 AM PST

    We are in California.

    So these two accounts both seem to have popped up at the same time. They both have almost the same Instagram handle, except one has one extra letter added on to the end. My daughter reported both accounts as impersonation, and got reports back from Instagram that they reviewed the accounts and found they do not violate their user guidelines. I tried to report, but got the same message.

    One of the accounts had a penis in the profile picture. So I filed a report with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, as she is a minor, and the account kept being recommended to all of her minor friends, who kept adding it thinking it was her, as it uses her real name. That account was then deleted.

    The second account is still up. It doesn't have any pictures, but it has a foot fetish handle and her real name, and it's really upsetting for her. She has college applications out and she's worried about being attached to this account.

    Last night I got an email from "Facebook" with very poor grammar saying they need to prove that she is over 13 before they can help us with this, by sending pictures of my daughter along with her passport and birth certificate and school ID. The bottom of the email has the answers to the form I filled out when I reported the account to Instagram, but the grammar is so bad, it screams scam to me. Is this the long con? She is old enough to use Instagram, but I don't really see why that matters before they can delete an account that is impersonating her.

    submitted by /u/MrsWhirly
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    Had a service back out of my wedding and the person refuses to give me back all my money.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 07:25 AM PST

    Hi! So I'm getting married sometime in the near future and was having a friend DJ. My friend told me that he couldn't be in the wedding party and he couldn't DJ in my wedding because he took a job in a far off state. This is after paying a deposit.

    When he told me this, I was mad but tried to be cordial, so we talked about maybe using his equipment still but having a previous relationship DJ the wedding instead.

    When I called my Fiance about it, she was totally against it and just wanted to go with a professional. I agreed and Texted my friend about it, and that is where things started to get bad.

    When I asked for that money back, he got testy and didn't want to give it back. He started referencing his contract, and saying that he could give me back part of it "since I'm a good friend."

    My question is this, do I have any way to get all of my money back? It's not a lot, ($65) but weddings are expensive and every dollar helps.


    Here is the exact wording from the contract and a second part that I think he keeps ignoring:

    1.) A non-refundable reservation fee of 25%, is required to secure the services of the DJ for the engagement. This amount shall be applied toward the Total Fee.

    2.) The agreement of the DJ to perform is subject to proven detention by accidents, epidemics, acts of God, or any other legitimate conditions beyond their control. If such circumstances arise, all reasonable efforts will be made. Should the DJ Service be unable to show up, the Purchaser shall receive a full refund. Purchaser agrees that in all circumstances, the DJ Service liability shall be exclusively limited to an amount equal to the performance fee and that By Request Mobile DJ Service shall not be liable for indirect or consequential damages arising from any breach of contract. All deposits are nonrefundable if cancelled within 15 days of the engagement unless the DJ cancels the engagement.

    Edit: I'm located in Indiana.

    submitted by /u/Joeybagofdonuts99
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    [UPDATE] [TX] Minor providing special needs care for church

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 07:46 AM PST


    They provided no such contract when asked and admitted to not having one. I have now withdrawn my information from the church (as in asking I discovered they were handing it out to the SN kids parents for some reason (did not say Why!) ).

    They did try to basically bully me with guilt and Bible verses to stay but I ultimately refused with parents permission.

    Turns out they were mad about the information lack and then agreed I could stop. I am now going to be working at the horse track with a filter mask on to be safe.

    The child that I work with, unfortunately, is still being forced to volunteer there due to his mother insisting and he is only around 14 so unable to refuse without serious risk of quality of life.

    The SN parents were indeed informed of this update and mine did say that they will be switching to a church with a access program.

    submitted by /u/thatawkwardcosplayer
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    New Employer wont accept birth certificate from PA

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:19 AM PST

    So i just started a new job yesterday and presented my I9 documents. My CA drivers license and original PA birth certificate. I got an email from HR today stating that my birth certificate is fake, and need to present another document by end of day today or I'm terminated. What i don't understand is this has worked for my previous employers no problem. My passport recently expied and i dont know where my SS card is. Im really screwed if I dont figure out a solution as I relocated for this company and used my entire savings to move and break my old lease, and they were going to reimburse me this week. Now they wont accept my original birth certificate. Im freaking out what do i do!

    UPDATE: Didn't vanish guys, just been on the phone for hours with my parents and PA State to get my birth certificate reissued. So i found out that it is indeed not a certified copy but the word the HR rep used was "fake". Anyways I have have paid PA to process but unfortunately this will take up to 30 business days. I went to the director of HR and she is going to make an exception to give me the day off to goto the social security office. If I can provide a receipt showing it was re-issued they will accept that as a valid I9 document, or worst case scenario she will suspend my position for up to 30 days rather than terminate until the docs come in which doesn't help because i was depending on the salary, but better than being terminated and not getting reimbursed for relocation.

    submitted by /u/whodis_1993
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    Parents have to pay for grandparent's burial

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 05:12 AM PST

    So I'm a 15yo boy who lives in France (more precisely in the Ile-de-France) and I need advices. By the way, I'm not really fluent with English and I use Google Translate for some words so there may be weird sentences.

    I have a 73yo uncle who's really poor but also a talented scammer. He lived with my father's 107yo mother, in her house. Before that he lived elsewhere and my father was doing groceries for his mother (with her retirement money). When the uncle came to live in her house, my father gave the groceries money to him, but the uncle also used the money for himself, always asking for more (at that time he couldn't legally take the money out of my grandmother's bank account, my father had to do it himself every time).

    Then came the time where my uncle, wanting to live alone, managed to (I don't know how) kick my grandmother out of her house and get her in a retirement home. However, retirement homes are expensive, and so my parents have to pay 825€ each three months. It's annoying but it's not even the main problem.

    The real problem is, on some kind of funeral home's list (for the burial), only my uncle and some unknown phone numbers are there. This is what my mother told me, I don't know much more except that list is the people who will get called to decide how the burial will happen, what type of wood the casket will have, etc.
    And who's gonna pay all of that? My parents! Of course, my uncle, being the douche he is, will choose the most expensive things.

    Also, I didn't mention it, but even if my uncle has no income, he has 3 children (he never sees), one is a cop, one is 16yo, and I don't know if the third one has a job. I mention it to let you know his "branch" of the family can pay the burial too, and that my parents will certainly not ruin 10k€ for this.
    Also, my father's dad is dead, and most of my mother's family does not live in France.

    You're probably asking yourself why I'm the one searching for advices here, basically my father has Alzheimer's and can't do anything properly, and my mother isn't sure of what to do.

    Thanks for any reply.

    submitted by /u/gizmando
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    Mother’s Job withholding checks because they “can’t afford it”

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:49 AM PST

    I posted this over on r/personalfinance but was told this would be a better sub to post on.

    My mother has been working as a caretaker for a family for almost 5 years. They have been paying on time up until November, first the checks started bouncing, then started being late to pay, now they're saying they don't have money to pay for the week. She has accumulated over 100 hours that they still need to pay her. She's not illegal but still afraid of losing the job she has because she needs the money, but they do hire illegal immigrants.

    I don't know how to help her and neither does she so just looking for guidance.

    Edit: Were in California.

    Edit 2: Since people are misunderstanding, she is getting paid, but they owe her a month.

    submitted by /u/Name-Checks-0ut
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    Can I legally get rid of contractor's equipment that has been left on my property when they refuse to pick it up after we've given them multiple opportunities?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:03 AM PST

    We hired a contractor who never started the job. The guy showed up with ladders and other equipment, but left shortly after saying he needed to get his crew. He never returned and ignored our calls and emails asking where he was and why he failed to start the project. His stuff has been in my backyard for over 2 weeks. Since he took our deposit money and failed to start the work (we've since been reimbursed by Porch.com), we told him to pick up his stuff and not come back. We've been offering to give him his stuff everyday for 10 days. He finally responded saying he wants his stuff (along with some other colorful language), but each time we've arranged a time to pick it up, he fails to show up. He's done this 3 times. Now when we ask when he's coming, he responds with threats but doesn't acknowledge any attempts made on our end to give him his stuff. Last night he used my husband's work email to sign up for over 200 spam subscriptions. Then he emailed me asking if I wanted "a real man who doesn't have a micro-penis."

    This guy has a criminal history (murder first degree that he was indicted on but got off on a technicality, multiple property theft crimes, hard drug use, harassment) that we didn't see before due to him using an alias. We've made multiple reports to the police but they aren't much help (they told us to hire private security if we're scared). We are scared of this guy and just want him to leave us alone. We've been more than accommodating with offering him to get his stuff and can't hold onto it forever. We also don't want any ties to him any longer. He doesn't seriously want it back because he never responds or shows up when he schedules to. I believe he's just using it as leverage to mess with us. Can I donate the stuff now after reasonably trying to return it to him to no avail?

    submitted by /u/meruenrose1
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    Just received an email stating my University accidentally leaked my transcript, contact info, SSN and more

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 11:13 AM PST

    Good afternoon r/legaladvice

    As the title mentions, my state university (United States) sent me an email with the following body:

    "Dear u/professionalholiday7

    I am sending this letter to inform you that an email was sent by the _____ department in error and it has resulted in someone else having access to some of your personal information. The sensitive information sent included your student ID, cumulative GPA, SSN and phone number. The IT&I Department has requested Microsoft delete the email from the student's university e-mail account, however the information was also sent to some students' personal email address. If you are still in possession of this e-mail and file, we are asking that you destroy the message and file as it was not intended for you.

    Upon discovering the breach, our staff immediately started working to correct the situation and ensure that your information is secure. As a short-term security measure, the Registrar's Office has placed a hold on your student account which will prohibit anyone from accessing your transcripts or registration information. Should you need a transcript or withdraw from a class, please come to the Registrar's Office.

    Please accept our sincere apologies. We regret that this ever happened and we are working to ensure the security of your academic record. Additionally, we are working on internal controls and safeguards to prevent this from occurring in the future. Our goal is to ensure that it does not happen again."

    Is there any recourse I can take against the University? It does not appear to be a hack, or an outside IT breach but rather they supposedly linked all my personal information to a department wide email chain, including to other students and faculty. I understand it was by mistake, but they are entrusted with that information and haphazardly doxxed me. I want to make sure I don't fall victim to fraud first and foremost, however I feel more than a simple apology is due. Any advice would help greatly! I apologize for the short message, I am typing this in class.


    submitted by /u/ProfessionalHoliday7
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    [MD] My father is currently ill and might die soonish. How can I protect myself from his debts and other liabilities in the event of his death?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 07:53 AM PST

    Dude is a resident of VA and I have no contact with him.

    submitted by /u/SmallDutchGuy
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    My landlords dog keeps killing cats

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 05:32 AM PST

    I rent in Brooklyn, NY. I've been living in the second floor of a duplex house for over 5 years. My landlord owns a rotwiler, and he always use to eat cats that passed by the house. I always use to feel bad, but i couldnt do anything. The bad thing is the house next door feeds the outside cats in his backyard, which only seperates the houses with a small fense. Latetly my landlord keeps taking his dog in the backyard and killng cats that cross the fense. The dog is scary looking, and barks at people that pass by, and i kid you not, he goes crazy when he sees african americans, sometimes i feel like he will jump over the fense and chase them.

    I dont know what to do and how to handle it. But as a person my landlord seems like a nice person, he adopted the dog couple years prior of me moving in

    submitted by /u/TeamShax
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    Employer will not provide latex-free gloves

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 07:46 AM PST

    Hi all; my SO works at a fairly large manufacturing employer assembling motors here in Mississippi. He has to buy basic safety gear (mechanic's gloves, eye protection, ear plugs, etc) but also has to wear thinner gloves underneath his mechanic gloves to avoid exposure to chemicals/oil/etc that he is around daily. He sweats, naturally, in these thinner gloves - to which we have discovered he has an allergy to latex. His entire outer part of both hands is so red and swollen and cracked, and it's very painful for him. At first we suspected eczema, but as bad as his hands are cracked and inflamed - I knew it was something more. We medicate with topical antibiotic and deep hydration lotion. I suggested he bring this up to his safety coordinators or whomever is above him, and advise them he needed non-latex gloves. So, he brought it to their attention, to which they first asked why he even needed them - as if he was trying to dictate special treatment. He explained his reaction and breaking out the entire time he uses them, and they gave him two pair but they reinforced that "they only have a limited amount". So he got a pair, and instantly felt the difference when he put them on. He will usually go through 2-3 pairs of thinner gloves underneath his outer pair a day. An alternative, I suggested buying boxes throughout the year as needed and writing it off at tax time but I feel like his employer should provide alternatives especially since he brought it to their attention.

    Secondly, they do not allow him to take proper bathroom breaks. I understand bathroom breaks are discretionary, but he almost pissed himself because they wouldn't let him go. This happens often, especially because the turnover rate at his employer is high. People will walk right off the line, leaving him to pick up the slack. You are allowed to have a clear container of liquid (water, etc) on the line, but he doesn't to avoid unnecessary bathroom breaks. He gets a "break" every 3 hours (morning break, then lunch, then he gets off work) but that's not enough. Should he get a doctor's note stating he is allowed to take a bathroom break as needed? I mean, this is not something he abuses and he only goes when he absolutely has to because he is considered a line lead, therefore he has a bit more responsibility and can't just leave when he wants a break.

    Now, I am a paralegal by trade, and have looked up multiple instances where this (the gloves portion) would be a valid workman's compensation claim and a direct OSHA violation. He's not looking to quit because of this, but we need to find a remedy because his poor hands are not getting any better. I'm worried if he continues to use the latex gloves, his hand will possibly get infected and put him at greater risk for more problems. And also the bathroom issue, are there any remedies for this?

    TL;DR - boyfriend's employer is hesitant to provide him with non-latex gloves even after he expressed his hands breaking out as a reaction to them. They also do not let him go to the bathroom in emergent circumstances. What are our options?

    submitted by /u/wubbalubbabubzy
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    [USA, CA] My g/f is likely to be fired for refusing to pay her H-1B fees, which is illegal to be asked of her.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 11:29 AM PST

    My g/f works on an F-1 Student Visa via a work study program at a company that wants to petition her H-1B. She is set to graduate in May pending completion of the program and her other classes. Her employer has asked that she pay for her H-1B petition fees and she has written proof of this ask. My understanding is that requiring employees to pay for their H-1B fees is illegal.

    This is based on sites that I googled that state

    Sometimes, employers ask us, or employees offer to pay those fees and that's a real no-no. That's strictly prohibited by the regulations and current US law. An employer cannot ask an employee to pay those fees. You can't be too cute or creative trying to get around that requirement. It's something that the Department of Labor and USCIS take very seriously.


    For legal fees, the short answer is that the H-1B employer cannot require that an employee pay for or reimburse the employer for attorney fees associated with an H-1B Visa. The rules here are clear and this means that the employer is not permitted to enter in to a side arrangement with the employee to pay back fees and an employer cannot take the amount out of their pay.

    The employer has made verbal threats of firing her before her program ends so she would not be able to graduate and it would hurt her grade in work study. They have also verbally threatened to dock her pay the amount of the fees. To be clear, she cannot afford these fees right now and because of this abusive behavior she doesn't even want to work there anymore once she graduates.

    My questions are, what can she do here to report them as well as protect herself? Is this something she can report via a Department of Labor W-4 https://www.dol.gov/whd/forms/fts_wh4.htm ? Can she sue the employer for damages? Is there anything she can do to protect her GPA / graduation?

    submitted by /u/h1blegalthrowaway
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    I was kidnapped by my mother as a child. My birth certificate has her last name as mine instead of my father's - court documents list me as "aka" for both.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 10:14 AM PST

    This is in Oregon.

    I was under 5 years old when my mother picked me up for her visitation time in Oregon. She then took me and moved to Colorado without warning or notification to my father. 6 months later my father is awarded sole custody of me, and after a year of searching finally showed up with the local sheriff's deputies to get me.

    My whole life has been built around my father's last name, and all records show it - school records, driver's license, bank accounts, mortgages, tax records, Social security card. Recently though, I found out that my birth certificate was never updated to match.

    I know I can (theoretically) go through the standard process, wait the 3-4 weeks, pay the fee, and have it changed. My question is whether there is another way to do this, or anything I need to be concerned about with this kind of situation. I have the court order that gave my father sole custody, and in it I am referred to with my father's last name (with an "aka 'mother's last name').

    I normally wouldn't bother with this, but with the possibility of wanting a passport in the future and just for my desire to be me "officially", I think it's time I looked into it.

    submitted by /u/ryanjoachim
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    Collision at intersection with no stop sign - insurance says I'm at fault

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 08:57 AM PST

    A couple of weeks ago I had a collision at an intersection in Northern California. My car was hit side-on by another car as I was passing through the intersection. The intersection was supposed to have a stop sign but it was missing, and the "STOP" road markings and all intersection markings were completely obscured by packed snow and grit. The insurance company has said that I'm at fault for not stopping at the intersection, and that I have 30 days to appeal this decision.

    My question is - who is legally at fault in this case? Should I appeal this decision? If I don't appeal this decision, what are the risks (apart from having to pay deductible)?


    Edits for clarity:

    • It is my insurance company that says I'm at fault
    • I live in the Bay Area, but the incident happened near Lake Tahoe
    • The intersection was a 2-way stop. There should have been a stop sign on my street but it was missing. The other street had right of way.
    • My question is mainly around the liability given that the stop sign was missing.
    • CHP arrived on scene, when I asked them for a police report they told me that they didn't need to make one. This is my first accident so I naively trusted the authority figure.
    • The CHP officer (and the other driver involved) both acknowledged the missing stop sign, and I have a photo of the intersection missing the sign.
    submitted by /u/MedicalCelery
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    Ex is trying to screw me over financially

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 06:43 AM PST

    We split up almost two months ago, I found out about three cards she opened up in my name. The other two I knew about. She put me about 16,000 in debt on the cards. We also own a home together, I have told her she needs to buy me out of the mortgage, or we can sell the home. She says that she will sell it for what we owe and I won't see a penny. I don't think she realizes that I would have to sign off on that and there's no way in hell I ever would. What can I legally do and what leg do I have to stand on? I will be calling the credit card companies that I wasn't aware I had accounts with and filling them in on the situation. She's trying her best to ruin me but I'm not gonna sit idly by and let her do this. What would you suggest my next move be?

    submitted by /u/thatflyersguy90
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    (Virginia) My city council is not open to the changes many of us clearly want - I want to start a PAC and run local ads pertaining to local issues. Is a SUPER-PAC really this easy?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 07:57 AM PST

    Met with a friend this morning, and was voicing some concerns over some local issues in my city (Virginia) - mainly 2 key issues. I'm a member of one of our cities political party organizations, and i'm fairly involved on local issues. 2 issues within our city desperately need addressed - and our mayor and city council won't do anything.

    My friend suggest a super-pac. He said it's fairly easy to set up, and as long as we're not working directly with a campaign (I also don't plan to work with my local party organization either) we can run ads for local concerns, and raise unlimited money.

    I did some research online, contacted my bank about necessary paperwork, and started the filings, and it seems rather simple. My friend and I are both citizens, no record, no bankruptcies, and I currently run another business as well.

    I am not a lawyer, so I had a couple questions i'd like some advice

    1. am I missing anything big here? This process seems incredibly easy - almost too easy for government.
    2. What are the laws around paying myself? I'm not interested in taking a salary, can I put myself on a $50/month salary or something? How do I report those earnings as income for me?
    3. Can I have volunteers to help raise money? a teacher I know suggested asking local government students (seniors in VA so 16-18 years old) to go door to door to raise money? Would I need to cover them under an insurance policy? Can I raise money online?

    TL;DR - I want to raise some money and run local ads pertaining to some local issues in my city. Starting a PAC seems to be the easiest way to do it - but i'm not an accountant or a lawyer. Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/ThatBankTeller
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    [TX] Dry Cleaners destroyed two expensive sweaters and refuse to reimburse me for the full value of them. I want to sue in small claims court.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 06:57 AM PST

    Among several other items, I dropped off two wool sweaters to my dry cleaner last week and picked them up Friday. I just noticed yesterday that they obviously washed the wool sweaters, rather than dry cleaning them. For those that don't know, washing wool makes it shrink significantly -- to the point that I can't even fit them both anymore. They're useless to me, which is quite unfortunate because I spent ~$100 each for them. I don't make very much money, so this is not at all a trivial amount to me. I know $200 may seem like pocket change to some, but it's a significant amount to me.

    There is no question that they were supposed to be dry cleaned and not washed, and this was not a case of miscommunication. The reason I know this for a fact is because this cleaners has a special on shirts, where if you drop off at least $10 worth of dry cleaning, they knock 50 cents off each shirt. I almost always do this promo and it's worked perfectly for me for over a year now. It is very specifically dry cleaning, because even if I dropped off 30 shirts, that wouldn't qualify for the promo, as shirts are laundered and not dry cleaned. There is a very big distinction between the two, and they clearly are at fault without question.

    I called the cleaners this morning and they are refusing to reimburse me for the value of the sweaters (which were in flawless condition). I want to take them to small claims court and sue for the value of the sweaters and all court/legal costs. Do I have a viable case? I do not have proof of purchase of these sweaters, as I purchased them several months ago and have since discarded the receipt. Is this an issue? Are there other obstacles that will prevent me from having a good case against them?

    I don't view this as a frivolous case and I certainly am not trying to blow this out of proportion. I just want to be able to buy the sweaters again, and it shouldn't be at my expense because of their negligence. What's my best course of action?

    submitted by /u/PMMeUrSelfMutilation
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    My dad asked me to give his wife a necklace before he passed away, but I haven't given it to her yet. Am I obligated to?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 06:21 PM PST

    From California. To make a long story short, basically my dad cheated on my mom with this woman. My mom found out and they split up, then he started letting this woman live with him. She's a horrible human being and has consistently been so to me, my brother, and my mom throughout her relationship with my dad.

    My dad got diagnosed with cancer 9 months ago. After he found out, he decided to marry her. And shortly after they got married he went downhill really fast. Before he went to the hospital for the last time he talked to me about what was happening and he gave me a luxury brand/expensive diamond and emerald necklace for her. He asked me to give it to her after he passed away and that she "deserved" it. He also asked me to be nice to her and keep in touch with her after he died.

    He passed, and the funeral was the stuff of nightmares, and I found out through his will that most of his assets were left to me and my brother. She got to keep the house, his vehicles, and was supposed to receive his pension. Nothing about the necklace or other jewelry asides from the stuff he wanted me and my brother to have specifically was mentioned.

    That was a month ago. Apparently she's heard rumors about this necklace and guessed I have it. She's been hitting me up nonstop about it and saying stuff like she thinks my dad bought it for her, and I'd better give it to her "NOW". I sent her one text saying "I don't know what you're talking about" and left it. She's calling me and texting every day about it-- even visiting me at school, looking for me, to get her hands on it.

    Moral questions aside, my question is, do I have to give it to her? Could I legally get in trouble from withholding it from her or returning it to the store?

    submitted by /u/Rainathrowaway
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    Ex-boyfriend's address showing as mine on court records?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 08:46 AM PST

    So I looked up my ex on circuit court access because I hadn't in a while and I was wondering what new trouble he'd gotten into. He defaulted on his student loans and his updated address was showing as mine and was apparently updated on 9/28/18. I have since moved out of state (unrelated, I got a new job), but we haven't lived together since 2014 and his court records did have his correct address from 2014-2018.

    What's going on? We never opened an account together or shared credit cards. The only thing I can think is that back in 2012 or 2013 I put a student loan payment on my debit card or something and considering the student loan company is the plaintiff is that enough that his address would show as mine? This is Wisconsin, but I believe the student loan company is in Georgia.

    A) it creeped me out. I don't want him to ever know where I'm living because he was abusive and legitimately stalked me and broke into my place after we broke up and B) I don't want him associated with me for reputation and credit score reasons.

    My question is why did it happen? Follow up question: how do I make sure it doesn't happen again?

    submitted by /u/Ninauposkitzipxpe
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