• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 30, 2019

    Legal Advice My husbands ex-wife texted him yesterday morning to let him know she was in FL with the kids for the weekend, and just wanted him to know.

    Legal Advice My husbands ex-wife texted him yesterday morning to let him know she was in FL with the kids for the weekend, and just wanted him to know.

    My husbands ex-wife texted him yesterday morning to let him know she was in FL with the kids for the weekend, and just wanted him to know.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 03:15 AM PDT

    Location: Virginia

    My husband and his ex-wife share custody of their 2 children, age 9 and 11. They have a clearly written legal agreement, and in regards to vacation, it states that if either parent wishes to take the children over 250 miles, then the other parent must consent.

    She sends a text yesterday saying "just an FYI, we're in FL for the weekend and I didn't tell you sooner because I wanted to surprise the kids. Just wanted you to know".

    He responded "I'm not the kids and I wouldn't have told them. You can't take the kids 4 states away and let me know when you get there". She hasn't responded and he called and she won't answer.

    Unfortunately this behavior isn't surprising. She's extremely selfish and entitled. Last year we took the kids on a vacation out west and discussed it with her months in advance, and she wasn't going to let us go. Everything on our end is a battle and the rules don't apply to her.

    How do we move forward?

    EDIT: just a little background info. She had an affair for 2 years and they divorced over 5 years ago. She's now married to this guy and he also has 3 kids

    submitted by /u/Chkouttheview
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    Kourtney Kardashian is using a photo I took on an ad for her new clothing line without my permission

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 11:33 PM PDT

    I work as a freelance photographer and one of my photos was used without my permission on an Instagram story ad by Kourtney Kardashian. I work so much and so hard and it's so frustrating to see a celebrity who could easily pay for someone to photograph for their company steal my work. It was on her instagram story so I don't even know if there's anything I can do about it considering it'll be gone after 24 hours. But her logo was all over my photo (I have a screen shot) and it directly linked to her website if you swiped up. Is there anything I can do?

    Edit: here is the screenshot https://m.imgur.com/a/MsAVp1U

    submitted by /u/haleyappell
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    Is what my boss is doing illegal?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 05:25 AM PDT

    Started working for a company as an accountant. This is a small LLC that only has 18 employees.

    First thing I did when starting was going through the finance records.

    Took two minutes to immediately spot a ton of problems. Rough estimations look like 20 percent of "business purchases" were just the CEO buying things for his home.

    The most glaring one is a 16 Escalade. The name of the company is on the side of the escalade so my boss calls it advertising. We are an outgoing calls sales organization.

    I tracked, in just this year alone, several things ticked off as "business expenses." We are talking things like a fridge, two 4k curved monitors, firearms, two Ipads, over 400 dollars at a local sex store, and various other purchases which are clearly just him using the corporate account as his personal party fund.

    I am not crazy right? By making these purchases he is effectively abolishing the LLC and opening himself up to legal possibilities should they arise. Correct?

    On top of this he is a felon. A theft charge that his parents were unable to get let go back in his youth. Don't ask me how I know or how he ended up the CEO of a multimillion dollar business, I just know. He purchased guns that are "legally owned by the company" and kept in a safe that "only he has access to."

    Before anyone says it, I have already accepted a position at another location. This place is so skeevy I am refusing to give a two weeks notice. I am just going to leave.

    That being said I have three questions. I mainly want to confirm he is piercing the veil himself here. Using company funds for personal benefit is pretty much nope territory for me so Im out of here soon. He is piercing the veil right?

    I also want to confirm that he is violating the law by having those guns in a safe only he has access to correct? I know the guns are legally owned by the company, but he has access to them. So the thing with the guns. Is he illegally in possession of the guns?

    Finally, I am looking for ways to protect myself legally for when I report this. I know there is no ironclad guarantee of anything, but just looking for ways to keep my name out of everything.

    I am definitely reporting this as this dude is just an ass. Openly berates employees, has offered to have a three way with me and his current GF, has thrown objects at walls putting holes in them. Some of them required other employees to duck.

    I have zero qualms about reporting this.


    submitted by /u/MundaneScheme
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    My tax accountant has not filed my 2017 for over a year, despite repeated follow-ups. They keep on telling me they will get it done “soon”. I asked them to ship back my documents if they are unable to do them/too busy, to no avail. I can’t file my 2018 taxes as a result. Can I take any legal action?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 05:52 AM PDT

    EDIT: I live in New York, but had income within both California and New York State in 2017.

    submitted by /u/thesololoner
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    [MI] Received subpoena to testify for woman I don't know

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 07:06 AM PDT


    I received a subpoena from a law firm to come to a bench trial and testify in a domestic violence case. I believe they may have mistaken me for someone else because the woman being charged and I both have the same last name. However, I've never met this woman nor been to the city that is prosecuting her. Also on both the outside of the envelope and the letter inside informing me of what was happening they misspelled my last name, but on the form I'm being asked to fill out and send back it is spelled correctly. How should I respond to this? Would it be as simple as calling the law firm and letting them know? Am I legally required to testify? Never had any kind of interaction with court system so this is very much outside my comfort zone.

    submitted by /u/bixnasty
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    Hotel manager living on site in Orange County, CA.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 10:28 AM PDT

    I was recently hired as a manager/front desk agent/night manager at a very small, privately owned hotel.

    When I started we had an after hours service that would talk our customers through checking in (using lock boxes on the property) to get their keys and direct them to their rooms. This allowed me to go to the gym, get a full night's sleep and not have to worry about check ins once the front desk closed, I would just need to respond to emergencies and noise complaints.

    That service was recently cancelled and I am basically tied to the property now, once the housekeeper leaves in the evening I am the only person on the property.

    I am also technically the manager and during my days off I often need to help out the other front desk agent now that we are getting into the busy summer months. They got rid of the house keeper that usually helped that front desk agent so its literally just her from 9-6 which is basically the only time I can leave the property.

    My questions:

    1. I am being paid less than what the 'new' overtime law states is the minimum (47,476). BUT I live on site, is being provided a place to live for free, is that a part of that salary?

    2. Living on site is technically 'home' but I am often woken up by phone calls or late check ins (if they book through a third party I often don't get a phone number and I am the only one there, I can't stay at the desk forever) so how does living on site change the 'on call' laws in regards to overtime?

    3. What is the best way to document this? Is there an actual chance I ever fix this or are they just going to get rid of me the second I talk to them about it?

    submitted by /u/EldritchTacoDiety
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    Bass so loud it shakes my house until wee hours of the morning, what can I do so my daughter can sleep again...

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 09:36 AM PDT

    Location: Ohio

    Let me preface all this by saying I love music with heavy bass but what I'm about to explain is so over the top I've had pictures fall off the wall and mounted TVs shaking.

    My neighbor nearly every night has her sound system up so loud the bass alone shakes the TVs mounted in my house. Each time I call the police, they show up, sometimes knock on her door, she doesn't answer, they leave.

    The second they leave the music gets louder! Last night for example I decided to call the non-emergency line twice, both times cops showed up, didn't go up to the door and the second they left the music volume significantly increased both times.

    My daughter is almost 2 years old and neither of us could sleep until we both passed out from sheer exhaustion. Luckily she got to bed around 1 am.... it makes me upset because my daughter can't sleep comfortably as her room is on this neighbors side.

    The music continued on until 3 AM at the same increased volume.

    My question is what else can I do? Should I call 911 and report it as an emergency? Is there anything I can do for the cops to take my noise complaint seriously. I've had multiple operators tell me on the phone they see countless noise complaints against this address. I'm just lost and giving up hope that the law can help me live in peace.

    submitted by /u/lambcepts
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    [KS/TX] My wife's ex-husband shot his current girlfriend (in the face) and her ex-boyfriend while (allegedly) on drugs. Best course of action regarding her two kids?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    Not really sure where to start with this. I'll start with ages of everyone, I guess?

    Me: 33

    Wife (children's Mom): 30

    Children: 10 & 11 years old

    Wife and I have been married for 4 years.

    Ex-husband (children's father): 30

    Current Situation:

    Last week, my wife's ex-husband (who lives in Kansas -- we'll call him Billy) shot his current girlfriend (in the face) and her ex-boyfriend while (allegedly) on drugs. Billy's girlfriend is in critical but stable condition, and is in an induced coma. The ex-boyfriend is fine. Billy is being charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. He's currently released on $100k bail.

    Wife and kids live with me in Texas (they moved down here to be with me about 3-4 years ago). We sat the kids down and we told them everything, and answered any questions they had. We told them that he faces serious charges and they probably won't see him for a very long time.

    Ex-Husband's History:

    Billy's been arrested a few times for unpaid child support. Billy also has a long history of drug use and addiction (hence why my wife and him are divorced); not sure if he's been in trouble before with the law for the drugs.

    Current Custody Situation:

    Their divorce was finalized in Kansas in 2011. My wife has shared custody of the kids, and they currently live with me in Texas. The divorce decree says that "the children will reside with Mother subject to reasonable parenting time by Father as the parties agree." Billy is behind on child support payments and has been for quite some time, although he is currently making payments (...for now).

    Our Questions:

    Wife wants me to adopt the kids and have all parental rights removed from Billy. I completely understand why and I'm totally down for this. But, being the critic that I tend to be, I want to get to the root of the "why" she wants to do this. Basically, it comes down to this: when the kids go to visit their (maternal) grandparents (also in Kansas) for the summer, she's scared that Billy will show up and try to take the kids away. Our questions:

    • Would Billy have any rights to see the kids (let alone take them) if my wife doesn't agree to it (again, divorce decree says he can see them if both parties agree to it)?
    • If Billy were to physically take the kids, how much would the cops be able to assist us in getting them back to their grandparents? Is there anything (maybe a power of attorney or something) that will make our case stronger against Billy in the event that he did take them?
    • Can we even take Billy's parental rights fully away and can I adopt the kids, both without his consent?
    • Aside from asking friends and family, where can we find reputable lawyers around Kansas? Do we just look for a family lawyer, or is there another type of lawyer that is more specialized? Would a Texas lawyer be able to accomplish this or does it have to be done in the state that the divorce decree was finalized in?
    submitted by /u/beechfuzz
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    TX - Bio mother moved children [13F, 7F] outside of the geographic restriction set forth in original custody decree

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 08:12 AM PDT

    I am in the middle of a parent-child modification to become the primary conservator because of situations like this. The bio mother has been living in the study of a home with 2 teenage boys for a year and a half now. Since bringing the modification forward, we found out she is moving the children to a new apartment in a few days. This apartment is outside of the geographic restriction set forth in the original order. Because of this, they will no longer be eligible for their highly sought after schools, and they have several attendance and grade infractions caused by her, so there is no room for negotiation with the schools. We know she is violating the original custody order and the current county standing order. Is our only course of action a motion of enforcement? Does this bode well for our side of the case? Is there any sort of injunction to block her from moving the children there?

    submitted by /u/auslaug
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    (NYC) Mom is a manager for a property and a squatter is in her building. Because of squatter’s rights, she can not evict him.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 09:31 AM PDT

    The squatter cannot be removed by police, and the squatter also scared away the previous tenants in my mom's building. He is now charging money for people to rent the units that were once occupied (around $50 for a night). Mom says he seems dangerous and she didn't want to offend him in fear of revenge or assault. She is taking him through the legal eviction process, but it seems like it'll take at least half a year before he can leave.

    He says that he'll leave if my mom pays him $20,000.

    Is there anything we can do to make this go easier/quicker?

    EDIT: Turns out the guy was a friend of a tenant and was given his friend's keys. He just made himself home and didn't break in.

    submitted by /u/TheGreatMastermind
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    Fired for asking about wages withheld and unpaid overtime

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    I am in Portland Oregon, all of this happened last week (3/28/2019) I am currently reviewing and weighing my options with filing BOLI wage claim and/or getting a lawyer involved.

    I requested my paystubs after a particular grueling set of work weeks that had accrued nearly 70 hours of overtime for the pay period. While reviewing the paystubs, I found a random deduction for $750.00 that had been taken out as a draw, without my request or permission, and that I had never received. I also noticed that I had been paid only a portion of my overtime wages and several work weeks that had overtime recorded were not included in the payroll calculations over the last 3 months - over $1200 worth.

    All of these hours were recorded in a project management site called Basecamp, inputted on a weekly basis by each employee who was asked to keep track of their own hours. I kept copies of all the cvs time report sheets for my personal storage after inputting them each week. I also have hard copies from my notebook detailing every hour put in, with specific work that I did each day. I can also put together witness statements from other employees stating the labor hours are accurate (we all worked similar daily schedules)

    I sent an email to the company boss, CCing the accountant as well, detailing the draw and unpaid overtime I had found. I included spreadsheets directly copied from the Basecamp records showing my weekly hours and overtime. I politely asked to be paid what I was owed, reimbursing the draw and paying the unpaid overtime.

    That night the company boss sent an email stating that I was not allowed back to work unsupervised by him or the building Manager (we work in a shop facility) And then sent a follow up email stating that my FOB access key had been deactivated and I would be fined if I didn't turn it in. There was no response to the wage questions.

    I took this as being terminated from employment, that night. The only other employee who has ever had their FOB deactivated was fired, for separate reasons.

    I then sent a follow up email the next morning stating that BOLI law is pretty clear here and I am trying to give the company a chance to resolve this peacefully. There was a follow up phone call where the boss stated that "He should have been notified before the overtime happened" and that they are reviewing the documents. I recorded that phone call.

    I also informed him that as I am no longer an employee, I need to be paid all of my remaining wages in full by the end of the next business day. I was not paid. I still haven't been paid as of this writing.

    What are my options to move forward here? Am I in the right concluding that deactivating my Fob and limiting my access to the shop (which may still have some of my belongings in it, btw) is the equivalent of firing me? The next pay period is April 1st - What happens if he suddenly pays me what's owed, do I still have a case here? I also see that filing a wage claim with BOLI can sometimes get tied up bureaucratically. Am I better off heading straight to a law firm? As mentioned above, my financial situation is a bit tight right now, so low-cost labor law services or pro-bono law firm recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Any and all input would be greatly appreciated, as I want to get paid what I am owed!

    submitted by /u/toothepastehombre
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    I’m being fired for following my boss’s verbal instructions. I received my “notice” via text message and am not allowed to work the remainder of my scheduled shifts. Is this legal?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 10:56 AM PDT

    I'm located in Ontario.

    I worked in a locally owned shop for 2.5 years. The owner is rarely at the shop, only drops in periodically and has a habit of changing procedure often and without documented communication so this isn't atypical. In early January he came in around 8:15pm on a weekday to check up on everything, I was the supervisor during this shift. He asked me if it's "always so dead on a weekday night" and I replied that it was, as I rarely saw a customer after 8pm and we closed at 9pm. He said to me, "If it's this dead on a weekday night please close up at 8pm at the earliest. I can't afford to stay open until 9pm when it's like this." I agreed and began to do just that. For the past three months myself and other closers have been making the judgement call whether to close at 8 or 9 depending on customer traffic. This is where it got tricky.

    Two days ago my coworker and I decided to close at 8pm as the whole day was very slow and we counted four customers in a the previous 2 hours. At 8:15pm my coworker was turning the lights off and I was clocking out when the owner knocked on the front door. I went and unlocked it for him when he pushed in past me and yelled, "Why the HELL are you guys closed?!" I stated that I understood from our conversation that we were now supposed to close at 8 if customer traffic was dead. He told me that was "bullshit", he would "never say that", and I would be "hearing more about it", then he left. This really threw me off as he told me face to face in JANUARY to close early in this situation, and every closer had been doing it since then, usually about two nights a week.

    Yesterday I got a text from my manager that I was not to show up for my scheduled shifts (the next two weeks) until they "determine what to do about the situation I put them in". My coworker got the same vague text. I've now heard through word of mouth from my coworkers that they're planning to fire me in two weeks.

    Is this a reasonable excuse to fire me? Is a vague text message considered a notice of termination? Can they deny me my already scheduled shifts for the next two weeks then officially fire me?

    I'm 19 and I live with my boyfriend with no financial support or savings. I now have no pay cheque and I can't even file for EI yet because they won't officially fire me but won't let me work either. I have no idea what to do and I don't know if I have any recourse or rights in this matter. Any advice is welcome.

    submitted by /u/bakermillerfloyd
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    How do I (victim) prepare myself for court for a domestic violence case?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    State is PA. I am F20 and my boyfriend is M26.

    He had hit me before but yesterday morning was something I never in a million years thought I'd experience.

    Yesterday morning around 5 am after arguing and getting screamed at by my drunk boyfriend for hours, he finally unleashed his anger on me when I made a comment about him probably being bipolar like his mom thought his dad (her ex) was. I was on the bed in basically a fetal position while he continuously punched me and hit my face/body. I tried to just cover myself while tasting my own blood and my vision went blurry in my right eye since he swiped my contact lens out when hitting me in the face. He came back for a second round of punching while I was still laying on the bed in shock from the first time. After he finished hitting me, he dragged me off of the bed by my feet where I now have a nasty an extremely painful rug burn down my forearm. I then got pushed into the bedroom door where he then grabbed me up by my neck into the corner of the walls and screamed in my face. I started to get away and try to put on my clothes/locate my phone because I knew I had to get away. I was only in spandex with no top on so I threw on a quarter zip of his that was in the kitchen and was frantically looking for pants. He came back out of the bedroom and attacked me for the third time while I backed myself into the bathroom begging him to stop. He grabbed my head and I watched him in the bathroom mirror repeatedly slam my head into the wall. I was cornered in the bathroom and trying to get away so my only option of escape was backing myself even further into the shower. He then continued to slam my head into the tile walls while I was screaming for him to please stop. I managed to get myself out of the shower and he had me cornered basically like on top of the toilet where he unloaded the last and final round of punches all over my body. I tried as best as I could to cover myself and protect myself. Then he spit on me. Told me to take his fucking jacket off. So I did. He then spit on me again while I was naked and bloody. He made a point he needed to redo that since most of his spit the first time got only on my hands and his jacket. I threw on pants that I grabbed quickly from the bedroom floor and the closest shirt that was on the floor. I put my jacket on, grabbed my bag/coat, and my phone and ran the fuck out of there. I called 911 frantically and they met me down the street. I said I didn't want to press charges. I said I just wanted to go home and file a report at the station. With my injuries and PA law they couldn't do that. They went back and arrested him. They made me fill out a statement and the sergeant took photos of my face and arms. They told me I would be receiving something in the mail about a court date.

    I have never had any run ins with the law nor have I ever been to court in my entire life. I have absolutely zero idea on what to expect or how to proceed. I feel so lost and alone.

    I'm also extremely nervous because his family is very intertwined within the courts in our county. His father (now deceased) used to be a big shot lawyer and they have many connections in the courthouse we will probably have the trial in. His uncle is chief or something along those lines. He has verbatim told me "I fucking dare you to take me to court". Can I request that the trial is somewhere that no bias can be given?

    I'm also wondering what happened to him when he got arrested? Did they actually cuff him? Read his Miranda rights? Did he spend the night in jail? Did he get bailed out immediately? Did they just bring him in to talk? I have no idea

    Do I need a lawyer? What should I expect for his defense? Is he going to claim self defense? Is he going to twist this and call me crazy? Am I going to be accused of doing this for a monetary gain because he comes from wealth and I sure as hell don't? I really am so scared for all of these things and for the story to be twisted. It makes me want to not even show up to the case. Should I even bother pressing charges?

    I have photo evidence of prior attacks as well. Around 30 pictures from at least 3 different incidents. I know he also has maybe 3-4 photos of a few scratches on himself from when I actually tried to fight back and defend myself before. Should I be worried about this?

    Thank you for reading and any insight on the whole process is genuinely and kindly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/platypusfrown
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    My girlfriend’s new company changed her job offer days before she joined

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 08:02 AM PDT

    My girlfriend got a job at a startup (less than 50 employees but well funded). Apparently, in between when she signed an offer and her start date, they raised another round of financing at a higher valuation. Two days before her first day, they send her an email asking her to sign a new contract with only a third of the stock that was initially granted.

    She had already signed a previous offer letter with the original amount. This new offer completely changes the economics to the point where it's a deal breaker. But the shitty thing is she already left her old job.

    Is a company allowed to do this? Does she have any recourse besides trying to negotiate a higher stock option with them?

    Edit: the state is California.

    submitted by /u/Ldubble
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    Bought a car in California a week ago and now the dealer wants it back.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    Was shopping around for a car and found a good used car. The dealer texted me saying that I was approved. I came in the next day, signed the contract, bought an increased insurance policy and drove off. A few days later I received a welcome call from the bank confirming my address, employment and when the payments would start. I donated my previous car to a charity since it was such a gas hog but still drivable and in ok condition.

    After having the car a week, the dealership called this morning claiming the bank would not approve my loan based on my employment status. I confirmed that it had not changed since I filled out the application, however they insisted that they're within their contractual rights to ask for the car back under the "Sellers Right to Cancel" section of the contract.

    I have spoken with a few other banks who said they would not qualify me due to the number of inquiries in my credit report from the purchase of this car.

    My question is do I have any type of recourse. I and now facing being without a car and on the brink of homelessness again. Unfortunately I have no family or friends capable of co-signing.

    submitted by /u/awesomeheadshots
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    On my way to Florida from Kentucky and just realized my driver's license is 78 days expired. Is there anything I can do in Florida to get it renewed?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 05:13 AM PDT

    Obviously I'll be doing a ton of driving in Florida for the next week, and I hate that I let it expire. But I can't just not drive while I'm down there. Anything I can legally do to cover myself if I get pulled over?

    Also, for context, I'm 33 and have a very clean driving record. I've never had a ticket. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/onlyheretojudge
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    [OK] Does a company have to pay you for "on call" time?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    There's a comment in a recent thread in /r/talesfromtechsupport that says

    If you are required to be available 24/7, they are required to pay you for that time, including the full amount for your jurisdiction (city/state) for overtime pay, unless another arrangement is made and agreed to by both parties

    I don't really know what jurisdictions that applies to. Living in Oklahoma, I've never heard of such a requirement (except while reading talesfromtechsupport). I have been employed by three different places where I was on-call. The first two, from around 1997 to 2000, I never got anything extra just for being on call. I only got paid for the time if I actually got a call. At the third one (more recent, around 2008-2013), I think I did get an extra four hours of pay for the week of being on-call or something like that.

    I just want to know what my rights are, going forward, in case the company I've just started at asks me to be on call.

    submitted by /u/ShoulderChip
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    [Oklahoma] My 16 year old brother passed away recently. He had finished a novel and his school wants to help my family publish the novel. What steps should my family take to ensure we retain control?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 09:51 PM PDT

    My younger brother passed away suddenly 2 weeks ago today. He was 16 and had finished writing a novel recently. His school (online school K-12 program) wants to get the novel published. My parents are all for it, but I told them that before we send them a copy and say go for it, we need to protect our rights to the book.

    My family wants to use the theoretical money to help fund a scholarship that we've already started at a local college. I'm sure this (my brother's) school has nothing but the best intentions, but I'd hate to see my parents lose out on a chance to do something really great in my brother's memory over a technicality or a company trying to exploit us. It would be like losing my little brother twice and we cannot handle another soul crushing event as a group.

    I figure we start with getting the copyright to the book but I don't know where to start and don't want to inadvertently fuck it up before we get started.

    Thank y'all in advance.

    submitted by /u/GodoggoJeff
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    27 male, restraining order for ex girlfriend?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    Hey! So I was dating this girl for 3 years. We have a one and a half year old daughter. I get my daughter 3 to 4 days a week. This part is perfectly fine with me.

    My ex is constantly harassing me with texts, or in person when dropping of my daughter. If I have friends over or "a friend" (never while my daughter is at my house, of course) I get messages like "how is the girl in the black car" Also, she logged into my T-Mobile account and deactivated my service. I know, I should have changed all my passwords but I didn't think someone would do things like that.

    I constantly send her messages that say "please only text me in regards to my daughter" which is what my mom told me to do so I have proof that I'm trying to be civil.

    I guess my question is what do I need to do to get these things to stop? A lawyer seems a little harsh, but she doesn't physically hit me ever so I'm not sure if I can get a restraining order. She's a great mom, absolutely fantastic, but she's horrible to me and I honestly just want her to leave me alone.

    I live in Kentucky, sorry, forgot to add that in.

    submitted by /u/Aidanklenk
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    Is it illegal to take someone’s emotional support animal to the shelter?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 05:03 AM PDT

    I live in a 3 bedroom apartment in VA, USA. I technically live alone. My used to be roommates both moved out but are continuing to pay their rent for their bedrooms. One roommate has left her cat. The cat has extremely poor health. Some type of eye infection, ear infection, bad breath and teeth missing. The ex roommate will stop by every few days to fill the food bowl but it's only for a few minutes then leaves again. The cat cries 24/7, to the point neighbors have threatened to make a noise complaint. It's not even my cat!

    I just want to know what legal steps can be taken to have the cat removed and put into a better home with someone who will actually take care of it.

    Edit: to be completely clear this is a registered emotional support cat.

    submitted by /u/SallyFromTheBlock
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    Warrant for my arrest in another state, but it gets tricky?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 08:45 AM PDT

    I was just recently notified that I had an outstanding warrant for my arrest in the state of Kansas from 2014, and I live in NC, and the reason for that warrant was for an old Shoplifting charge when I boosted a few video games from a small store to make some quick cash (young and dumb, I was 19)

    I guess the owner of the store at the time find out who I was from an old debit card purchase and security cameras, which is fine, but the thing is, that store got shut down a few years ago, and it doesn't even exist anymore. How would the state even go about me trying to handle this if I came in contact with a lawyer from there. I want to handle it so I can move on with my life

    submitted by /u/voltzs
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    Why is blackmail legal if the victim dies?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    My husband died on January 4, leaving me with our son who is now 7 months old. Cause of death is still pending but I found drugs in the house the day he died and he was taken to his parents a county north of us. For the month after his death I felt very much that he was an addict and the addictions won, it was something I could cope with and move forward. He was wonderful for most of our relationship but then became an alcoholic almost immediately when I found out I was pregnant.

    In early February 2019, I found shocking evidence that he was being blackmailed through WhatsApp messages by an ex-girlfriend in 2018 – the reason for the blackmail is still unknown, I have a couple leads though, an affair is was not enough for him to spiral this far. I was totally blind sighted by this information, and was shocked to find the evidence; his love for me was unquestionable.

    After additional research, I found evidence of payment to this woman, via cash and venmo, from my husband's personal account. Once I found the blackmail and money trail I immediately went to to the local police. They informed me that since he was dead the blackmail didn't matter. I told them that I was scared of this woman's mental state and that my baby was at risk – they didn't care. I'm struggling to accept this blackmail being quickly disregarded. I'm continually disgusted by the police throughout this entire ordeal. I called the DA this week and was told the same thing - the blackmail doesn't matter.

    I've calendared the entire last year and can link my husband's alcohol abuse to his interactions and payments to this woman. What I have yet to determine is how he got a head injury in July 2018…after he stopped making payments and responding to this woman. I also cannot determine what caused him to use heroin in December 2018 after being sober from alcohol (and everything else) for 90 days (he went to inpatient rehab after our son was born, our son was everything to him).

    There are plenty of cases in the news when internet harassment leads to someone's death and the harasser is tried after the death. Death of the victim does not excuse the crime. In this case the crime is blackmail/extortion – how is it possible that this woman should not be held accountable for a felony?

    Without the help of the authorities or someone else I am unable to get historical data that may have been deleted on social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, snapchat, texts, etc. This data could further prove that her blackmail, and harassment led to emotional turmoil and his demise.

    Looking for help. We were a successful young couple with a lifetime ahead of us. He was adored at work, and by everyone he met.

    submitted by /u/LoveandHeroin
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    Heard cop was telling someone that i "smelled like dope" and that i wont like him next time i see him. Then tells them where i live

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    I live in missouri and dont really know the law, but i would like to find out if there is anything i can do against this. Ive heard that he is a really crazy cop and ive since stopped smoking. I dont want him to go around ruining my image and telling strangers where i live. It was said in a gas station that i work at while i wasnt present and i could get the camera footage.

    submitted by /u/Stealthy_US
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