• Breaking News

    Monday, March 4, 2019

    Legal Advice [Megathread] It will become a federal crime to possess a bump stock after March 26, 2019.

    Legal Advice [Megathread] It will become a federal crime to possess a bump stock after March 26, 2019.

    [Megathread] It will become a federal crime to possess a bump stock after March 26, 2019.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 01:35 PM PST

    This was initially discussed in this megathread.

    The law will go into effect on March 26, 2019. As discussed in the initial megathread, and in much of the news coverage there have been lawsuits filed by firearm advocacy groups. This litigation sought to enjoin enforcement of this rule change. On February 25th, 2019, The US District for Washington DC refused to grant a preliminary injunction. This means that the law will likely go into effect on March 26th, 2019.

    Barring a last minute stay by another court or an act by the court of appeals between now and then, possessing a bump stock will be deemed to be the same crime as owning any other unlicensed machine gun. The penalty for violations of the National Firearms Act can be up to 10 years in prison and/or a $250,000 fine and loss of rights to own any other firearms in the future.

    So what does this mean for people who currently own one?

    • It means that in order to be compliant with the law you have to turn in or destroy your bump stocks before the law goes into effect. They cannot be destroyed such that they can be reassembled. It is unclear if local police are prepared to accept bump stocks or if they have to be turned into the ATF - you should consider calling your local police agency to see if they will accept them.

    Isn't this a regulatory taking, and aren't I entitled to compensation if they take my things?

    • That will certainly be resolved by the courts one way or another. The Trump Administration did not provide for compensation nor did they request that Congress authorize funds to pay compensation when they enacted this rule, however.

    I'm not going to turn mine in or destroy them as an act of civil disobedience - what's the worst that can happen?

    • You would become a federal criminal. As a practical matter if you didn't have a pre-existing criminal record you would not likely get the maximum 10 year sentence, but it would be a felony and it would prevent you from owning any firearms legally for ever. Depending on how it came to the attention of law enforcement they might break down your door or send a SWAT team or any number of other possibilities which could prove quite expensive and terrifying.

    ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ / they'll have to take them out of my cold dead hands / I'll shoot anyone who tries to take them / etc.

    • This attitude represents a fundamental misunderstanding about how Federal law enforcement works. They aren't going to send the ATF/FBI/other three letter agency door-to-door collecting these things. Instead you'll get in trouble when the police come to your house because of a burglary, or when an ex or former friend decides to get back at you by dropping a dime, or some other random event brings you into contact with law enforcement months or years down the line. Then, instead of just dealing with a burglary for example, you are now being charged with a federal felony.

    So what should I do if I think it is wrong?

    • This is a forum for legal advice, and the only possible answer to this question is to support the groups fighting in court. In the mean time you should protect yourself by destroying or turning in your bump-stocks before March 26, 2019.
    submitted by /u/Zanctmao
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    Someone changed my husband’s direct deposit information at work and had his paycheck deposited into their account

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 08:37 AM PST

    Husband was supposed to be paid on Friday. I noticed on Sunday that it was not deposited into our account. He followed up today with payroll and they show him a copy of a generic ADP payroll change request someone submitted with his name and SSN. The voided check they attached had no name or address and was from Salt Lake City. We are on the other side of the country. What should we do? Is there any hope of recovering the money? Do we call the police?

    submitted by /u/stolenpay
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    Cousin got an STD and a girl she knew from high school somehow got access to her medical papers (showing that she had an STD) and spread them all over snapchat as if it was "gossip". Is this a violation of HIPAA? Both my cousin and the girl are over the age of 18, state is Illinois.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 08:18 PM PST


    submitted by /u/falcon157
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    I live with my parent who was just arrested for attempted murder. Please help

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 08:42 AM PST

    I am in such deep shit. Please, any advice is welcome. (State is TN)

    I had to move back in with my Mom because I was homeless. She had a bad manic episode, we got into an argument, I called 911 and because I had a black eye she got taken to jail for the night.

    Then I happened to mention that the dinner on the table had shellfish in it, which I'm allergic to. I was just complaining out loud. The cop apparently wrote "attempted murder" on the affidavit and that's what she's going to be on trial for.

    Here's the thing. The house and car are in her name. My job (work from home, i am disabled but not enough to draw disability) makes $4 an hour if I'm lucky, we live off her monthly pension. If she is incarcerated she brings in ZERO. In fact they may cancel her pension altogether. We will lose the house. I will be on the street.

    She took her purse with her when she got arrested and it had the car keys so I have no car and no way to get anywhere (no bus, no taxi, no Uber or Lyft out here in the boonies - no homeless shelter either). I tried to call and get a second set of keys made and they refuse to do it because my name isn't on the car title.

    So I walked the 6 miles to the courthouse today. I don't know anyone in this town for a ride. The cops wouldn't listen to me that it was all a misunderstanding. Judge would not even let me speak. They are telling me to hire an attorney. I don't have any money! Because she owns the house (with a mortgage) and a car they won't appoint her an attorney. When the car payment and the house payment and electric bill come along I cant pay those either!!!

    She is so mentally gone she doesn't understand what's going on. The asst DA told me I would have to hire an attorney to ask for a mental evaluation. I don't have money so i called the local legal aid and they said with a murder charge they don't want to take the case.

    Please tell me what I can do. I am lost. I am so lost. We are about to lose everything.

    submitted by /u/pissedoffmolly
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    My car was stolen while I was on vacation

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 05:05 AM PST

    I live in Florida and in November I took a vacation to go visit my family. While I was there my car was stolen. I asked my boyfriend to go check on it just in case and it was gone. A police report was filed and the car was discovered two days later with 1200 dollars worth of damage (which I would find out later when I got an estimate of the damage). My roommate skipped out on our lease the next month and blocked me on all social media and blocked my phone number too. The police told me that all of the stuff she left is now legally considered abandoned as she has not tried to reclaim it. I was going though some of her stuff and found a traffic citation in her name but with my car information on it dated the same day my car was reported stolen but several hours earlier. Would this citation be enough evidence for her to be charged with the crime of stealing my car?

    submitted by /u/darkpurple34
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    How is it legal for AT&T to lock my unlocked phone? It was purchased unlocked at Best Buy. When I left AT&T for T-Mobile, I found my phone locked. At first AT&T denied everything, now they admit it and won't unlock it?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 11:40 AM PST

    Some additional information. The phone was purchased a little over 2 years ago at best buy, unlocked. It was used on the At&T network with no trouble. When I switched to T-Mobile, it stopped working. It took a few weeks to figure out what the problem was. It still worked fine on AT&T, but no other SIMs would work. Eventually I stumbled onto some people posting online that AT&T locked their phones, so I called AT&T. They vehemently denied that they did this, instead blaming Best Buy. They insisted Best Buy sold me a locked phone. I returned to Best Buy to get to the bottom of this. The Best Buy rep claimed that AT&T's claim was impossible, so we called AT&T to get all players in the room.

    Eventually AT&T admitted that the phone was locked in their system, but they had no explanation why. They promised that they would unlock the phone within 48 hours. This was last Wednesday. On Friday they sent an email saying that they are still researching the problem.

    While this is very messed up on a multitude of levels, I am curious how this is in any way legal. As far as I can see, this is theft. They have intentionally bricked my phone unless I stay with AT&T. They even had the audacity to say, "Why don't you just buy another phone?"

    I am 'hoping' that they will have the decency to unlock my phone, but I am slowly losing all such hope. What can I do? Sue them? Lawyers would obviously cost considerably more, not to mention the time.

    I am located in Montgomery County, Maryland. More specifically, Clarksburg MD.

    submitted by /u/iammanic
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    My Step-dad Murdered my Brother

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 04:45 AM PST

    I don't want to say a lot if there is a court case, because I know I could jeopardize it by making any information public. But I'm at a loss. I really don't want this monster to walk and I'm not really in contact with anyone besides my mom and my real dad. My moms side of the family locked her up in a mental hospital for substance abuse and didn't even tell me when they did. I had to find out from her. I'm worried that the detectives won't be able to reach her—because she was the only witness. I live 8 hours away and have a full time job. I don't know what to do and if I should be doing anything. My alcoholic stepdad had a lot of family on a police force one county over from the one he committed the crime in—they're all retired, but I'm concerned that they might be able to have him released because I really don't understand how the Texas legal system works. All I know is that his last name has let him get away with a lot in the past.

    submitted by /u/AspiringCorgi
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    You Want Me To “Gift You A House?”

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 03:48 AM PST

    Hi everyone, first time ever posing! (While being on Reddit for 3+ years) Yesterday was my sisters babyshower and my father came up to me for a serious talk, I live and Long Island Ny, and my father wants me to buy a house in Norwalk,Connecticut.

    Iv been able to clear all my dept and build my credit score to 780, I currently rent with my wife/2 kids. And have around 100k in savings.

    So basically my father said his credit is shot and so is my mothers, so he suggested if I could buy a house in Norwalk ct (close to my sister). once I close on the house he will give me everything to close and pay off the mortgage for a full year in which then I can "Gift" him the home and he will take over the mortgage.

    Is this even possible? I feel guilty because right away I was uncomfortable with the idea and then though if this doesn't work as "planned" I'm stuck with a house while I have all my issues back home in Long Island.

    Is this a good plan? Can I legally even do this? What risks am I looking at?

    Thanks everyone, this sub is amazing on advice and tips!

    submitted by /u/Irvvv
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    [TN] I think my children might have been sexually abused.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 07:51 AM PST

    Background: I have 2 sons (10 & 12) that I gained custody of 2 years ago due to their Mother's boyfriend being physically abusive, drug use in the home, and Mother's neglect. I also have a 8 year old son, and a 2 year old daughter that live in the home with me and my wife.

    We knew that the 10 year old had experienced some kind of trauma. He had been labelled "emotionally disturbed" by his previous school. Daily, he would hide under his desk and suck his thumb, twirl his hair, and refuse to interact with anyone. He kept his thumb in his mouth constantly, and was very bottled up when we first got him. We immediately put them both into therapy. Their behaviors completely changed. All of their school issues improved and the 10 year old was participating in class! It had been a concern that maybe there was some kind of sexual abuse for him to have acted as severely traumatized as he did before we got custody.

    Shortly after gaining custody, we began to notice sexual behaviors coming from the older boys. They were caught "humping" each other (clothed), and showing their genitals, among some other things. They taught their younger brother that this was funny, so he began to do it too. We asked them if anyone had ever made them feel uncomfortable, showed their genitals, all that stuff - always got a "no" from them. We had the sex talk, began ongoing communication about what is and is not acceptable with our bodies, all that stuff. We provided constant supervision, and discussed it with their therapist. They didn't seem to see any issue in our concerns. Pretty much told us to just watch them, and continue communicating in case they reveal anything that had happened to them.

    The issue now: Their mother is pretty much AWOL however their Aunt has visited them a few times. This past time, while we were discussing the prior sexual behavior, she stated that she knew where they learned about it. She said that the mother's ex-bf had watched pornography with the boys. At the time, they were 6-8 and 8-10. We were shocked and tried to get the aunt to elaborate more. All she would say was that he showed them "porn and probably more". I have not discussed this with the boys yet, however I have a really uneasy feeling that there is more to this, and that my children may have been harmed. They still have alot of emotional issues despite the progress they have made. They are currently not in any danger as I have full custody and she has no visitation. There was a No Contact order placed on that man, but I also worry that if he was inappropriate with my children that he will do the same again.

    I have contacted their counselor, however haven't been able to get them to call me back for weeks (their counselor visits them through school) and we have an active DCS investigation, however they have never returned my phone calls. My thoughts are to take them to an actual psychiatrist.

    Legally, should I make another report to DCS or just let it come out in therapy? I was told not to discuss it with the children, that it can be said that we coached them. Is that true? Am I overreacting?

    submitted by /u/RegularDimension2
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    Is it within my rights to tell my 3 year old son's father than my 3 year old will not be going there again until his guns are locked up?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 06:32 AM PST

    I just went to pick up my son. I'm anti-gun for the record, but know my son's father loves them and accepted his use of them long ago. I do not let my son play with toy guns because I fear if he ever got his hands on a real one he would instantly pull the trigger like he does with the toys. His father let's him play with toy guns and I do not argue against his parenting choices.

    But today when I picked up my son, he was asking for cereal. His father said he could eat cereal there before I took him home. So I went to the pantry (tall wired shelf pantry from ikea with no doors or cabinets) and on the top shelf by the cereal, were two loaded guns. I called his father out on the lack of responsibility and he argued with "he knows the difference" (no he doesn't, he's 3) "I'm with him 24/7 when he's here" (if my son wakes up early his dad keeps sleeping while my son plays alone) and "he can't reach them" (3 year Olds are quite resourceful).

    So I want to tell him my son will not go there until all of the guns are locked up and safe. Can I do that legally?

    I regret not taking a picture.

    Location: Illinois

    submitted by /u/BeckyTheBarista
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    Colorado, my neighbors are lying and my landlord is punishing us

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 07:09 AM PST

    My neighbors below are going through a divorce. They scream and yell and fight, have their tv loud, I have proof of their screaming at odd hours, sometimes I think they try to antagonize my dogs into barking by knocking on things.

    I'm not allowed to do ANYTHING until 1400, because one of them has a night shift. So do I. This conflicts with my schedule.

    In our lease the two main rules my landlord has cited are that everyone must have peace and quiet (we all have to adjust to one another's schedules too), and that quiet hours are from 2300-0700.

    We don't have peace and quiet, the neighbors don't seem to care at all. And I have proof of them being very loud during quiet hours. I recently took a video of one of the neighbors screaming on the phone. One is rude and aggressive. The other one is okay but rarely home. Kids come a lot, sometimes a man. A lot of chaos and noise.

    I've made it clear I can't sleep during the day. We have to completely readjust to these people's schedule despite having weird schedules ourselves.

    The neighbors claimed we violated the lease by vacuuming at 9 am one morning (which would wake her up but honestly they come and go so much I have trouble believing this schedule and I have a night shift I just can't sleep during the day except late evenings). I would swear on my honor we vacuumed at 11am. They said they have proof but we haven't seen it. I asked the landlord if they had time stamped proof and she said no and immediately asked me if I had proof that I vacuumed (who records themselves vacuuming?) and then completely dismissed me in the conversation when I said no.

    So we were given a violation based on hearsay.

    We have been good tenants. We had a disagreement with the prior neighbors that was resolved and my landlord continues to bring this up. At this point it honestly feels like harassment. I don't know how a lease violation can be given out for no proof and I don't know how she can get away with eviction threats when we have done nothing wrong.

    I'm gathering as much evidence as I can via Colorado's one person recording consent law. When I recorded my meeting with the landlord she had many contradictions, she was loud and upset, and she continued to repeatedly cut me off to address my room mate.

    I want to know what proper steps I can take to defend myself and what could be wrong on my landlord's end. I can't afford a lawyer but to avoid any potential financial penalty on my life that might come with eviction, if there is a chance I could win this, I would hire one.

    I have made it very clear to the landlord that I am confused and I want communication. She says she sent us an email for a meeting before and was furious we did not show up. Neither of us received an email OR a text about it. She also said the neighbors apologized for having bass music loudly at 2am and said it was kids but WE never got that apology, only the landlord. So I don't see how that would matter.

    This just sounds like so much ridiculousness.

    We are receiving zero consideration and it feels like only punishment and blocked communication.

    submitted by /u/throwaway-horizon
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    I've been accused of slander and defamation for a Yelp review, and threatened with a lawsuit. Do I really have anything to worry about?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 08:31 AM PST

    A couple years ago, I was on the board of a local non-profit org. We retained a local accounting firm to manage our books. That deal fell apart when the firm collapsed after it was revealed that one of the partners (Ed) had been embezzling, and billing clients on his own depositing company revenue into his personal account. The firm collapsed, Ed went off and started his own financial advising firm with the clients he had poached, and the other partner was left to pick up the pieces.

    In the course of this, the accounts at our non-profit were screwed up and took a lot of time and money to get sorted by our new firm. I left a Yelp review about Ed's new company (which is simply "Ed Smith, Financial Advisor"), roughly outlining the situation, with the added information that Ed had personally declared bankruptcy, and I felt that he shouldn't be trusted to provide financial services.

    Ed just discovered this review, and has threatened to sue me and the non-profit (which I no longer represent am no longer on the board of) for slander and defamation if I don't remove the post.

    Do I really have anything to worry about here?

    This is in Indiana.

    *edits for specificity and details.

    submitted by /u/DukeMaximum
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    My wife was fired for requesting HR number. EDD was denied because they're claiming workplace hostility

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 09:19 AM PST

    Hi everyone. I am posting this looking for advice for my wife. I'll try to explain everything as best as possible.

    She worked at a family owned business in our city. They have 6 restaurants. About 4-5 months ago we were having our wages garnished because we owed the state of California money. After about 4 weeks we had paid off what we owed. I get paid weekly and she got paid bi-weekly. Her work continued to garnish her wages 3 more paychecks (6 Weeks) after she was given the copy of the letter from the state claiming everything was paid. This is the letter the state sends to prove an employer can stop wages. This is where the issues begin.

    After calling her HR/Payroll (same people) they said they needed the letter from the state. She advised they had it because they gave her the copy of it. After a few hours they realize they had lost it in their paperwork but found it and would stop the garnishments. After this her direct deposit times were all over the place. She used to get paid every 2 weeks by Friday at 5am. The deposit times started to range from 8am-12PM. Then they started to deposit around 12PM-2PM Friday. It caused a lot of frustration but the employer kept claiming it was her bank. Her bank denied this claim and said they saw absolutely no issues with her account.

    The last straw was when it had been 4PM Friday and there was still no direct deposit. Everyone at her work had been paid except her. She contacted her manager and she said once again that it was her bank. She called her bank and they said there are no holds and no reason the deposit should not show. She called her manager back, got yelled at saying "what do you want me to do about it" hung up and later chalked it up to losing cellular signal. She had asked her manager for Payroll's phone number to reach out to them to see what is going on. She didn't give her the number so she called one of the other restaurants to see if they could provide the number. She explained what is happening, the managers couldn't believe it and she was forwarded to another person who handled that restaurants payroll. Unfortunately the restaurant she called uses a different person for Payroll so she couldn't help but was given the number to my wifes corresponding payroll. By this time it was 5PM and she had to leave a voicemail.

    About 30 minutes later her manager calls her screaming saying "how dare you call other restaurants claiming we haven't paid you". She got into an argument with my wife and then hung up. My wife was not paid until almost midnight Friday. We went to her bank the following day (Saturday) to see if there were any issues on her account and they could not see any holds or anything wrong or any reason not to receive her direct deposit. Her bank stated that it sounded like a payroll issue. That Saturday night her manager kept harassing her and at the end of the night wanted her to sign a paper to remove her off of direct deposit. This defeated the purpose since she had Thursday and Fridays off and would have to still come in for a check. She refused to sign the paper and dealt with constant harassment from her manager for the remainder of the weekend. Her manager was constantly looking over my wifes shoulder, making comments and shoulder checking her throughout the night.

    Monday morning she got a call from her Payroll and they claimed there were no issues. It was her bank. She tried explaining what the bank told her and the Payroll lady (owners sister) kept cutting her off. In the end my wife said " I think we are done here. You are not letting me finish my sentences and constantly interrupting." The lady agreed and hung up. She got a call an hour or so later from the owner and was told to go to the restaurant and pick up her final check. Her services were no longer need.

    She was not given a reason for her termination. They denied her unemployment and stated she created a hostile work environment. Is there anything she can do about this?

    submitted by /u/Diabeetus__
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    Broke policy at work to not discuss my salary. Can I be fired? Nebraska

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 11:05 AM PST

    I told people outside of work at a meetup what my salary is and someone at work found out.

    They told my manager because it's company policy to not discuss salary with anyone internal or external. I apparently signed something about the company policy when I was first hired.

    Now I've been revoked access to do my job and I will meet with my manager and HR at the end of today.

    HR already told me the reason for this meeting is because I broke the agreement. He said that they don't want other employees knowing about anyone's salary or signing bonuses because it might cause internal problems.

    I'm going to the meeting preparing to be fired, but I didn't think it's legal to prevent employees from discussing salary.

    Also, I agreed to a signing bonus and the agreement says that if I leave the company within 12 months that I will have to pay back that signing bonus.

    I've only been here 6 months.

    What should I say in the meeting? And can I be fired for disclosing my salary with people outside the company?

    submitted by /u/gsxrfz6
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    Advice in custody fight on whether ex can claim "marital privilege" for her now ex-husband

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 09:33 AM PST

    Looking for general guidance as a Utah Dad. Custody fight for kiddo with the ex; we were never married. Long story short, ex was married to "stepdad," who was arrested and convicted of sexual assault of my kiddo with Mom/ex. Stepdad in prison now. She is now divorced form stepdad but says I can't access information about the sexual assault in our Custody Case because of her marital privilege with ex. Your help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/DadThrowwayLegalName
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    A guy made a fake Twitter to impersonate me about 6 years ago using my full name, location, and school. Twitter refuses to remove it

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 07:16 AM PST

    Like the title says, a guy I used to go to school with liked to make fake social media accounts of me to solicit nudes and sexual conversations from women we went to school with. This particular account was definitely used to send explicit messages (6 years ago), although I don't have any proof of these messages currently (fell out of contact with most of the people involved, and am frankly too embarrassed to reach out to the rest). I have made multiple complaints to Twitter, even with the "new" form that requires identity verification, and have been repeatedly told that it doesn't violate their policies. The account is old enough that I would assume that the account should have been deleted for inactivity, which makes me worried that the guy is still (!) using this account to impersonate me. I am pretty frustrated as this point.

    How do I go about getting this Twitter account removed? I don't really have the cash right now to pay for a lawyer to issue a takedown notice - pretty sure this would cost $1000s. I do have a former boss that can verify that he assumed the Twitter belonged to me, and that this would have had negative impact on my career prospects had I not explained the situation to him. I have experienced other negative impacts from a sexually explicit Twitter associated with my full name, such as creepy coworkers saying inappropriate things and sending me inappropriate messages. Is a takedown notice something I can draft myself? What would you do in my situation?

    EDIT: My original location was OH. School is NY. Also, I never was 100% sure who the stalker guy was....although I have an idea. I cannot take him to civil court or anything as a result.

    submitted by /u/vokaskthrow
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    Denied future rental unit because my current address was associated with a business run by a previous tenant.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 05:24 AM PST

    I am currently searching for a new home to rent and was denied recently because my current address was associated with a business run by a previous tenant. Unfortunately, that previous tenant had some sort of judgment which is now tied to the physical address. Since I now live at my current address, the judgment shows up on my credit reports.

    I've spoken with credit agencies and they will not remove from report as it is reported correctly for address I'm living in which is an apartment. The credit agencies stated apartment complex should have divulged this information to me. Naturally, apartment complex did not divulge this information.

    Any recommendations on how to handle this situation?

    Edit: I live in Orlando, FL area.

    submitted by /u/jacet82
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    Dog died 72 hours post adoption from Animal Shelter

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 09:01 AM PST

    I recently adopted a dog from an animal shelter. It appeared healthy and happy. Within 24 hours, it stopped eating and drinking and became critically ill. The vet recommended I take him back to the shelter to get help from their vet because, 1) the bill would be thousands of dollars to diagnose him, and 2) the vet was unable to rule out Parvo and Distemper (highly contagious diseases) so he could not have him in his clinic. The shelter refused to see him -- in fact, they would not let him in and told us we assumed all liability for medical care post-adoption and they did not have the ability to practice medicine on animals not property of the shelter. No vet nearby would see him since they didn't have quarantined facilities -- I had to drive him 6 hours to a veterinarian that I knew personally from undergrad to have him treated in her clinic which had quarantine. My pup racked up over $2000 in veterinarian bills and ended up having to be put down about 30 hours later. The day after he died, the vet from the shelter called and said that she was wrong, she could've actually treated him at the shelter, and to bring him in so she could treat him. They are only volunteering to pay for his cremation and euthanasia and to refund his $200 adoption fee, totaling around $400 of the expenses. Do I have a case to try to get more since I now owe $1500 for a dog I only had for 4 days, and healthily about 24 hours? If so, what kind of attorney should I be looking for since this doesn't seem like the typical animal law/dog bite case.

    Thanks in advance.

    Edit: I live in MD, the shelter is in Washington, D.C.

    submitted by /u/moozik604
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    New York State (Westchester) Landlord Has Decided to Sell - Two Days in and It's a Hot Mess Already

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 09:49 PM PST

    Our landlord has called us and announced that he wanted to sell the apt we live in. Hubby (before he was hubby) signed a lease eight years ago, I moved in six years ago. The lease renewed to year-to-year. Always - twelve month renewal at the end of the term. No month to month. We tried a few years ago to go month to month but he refused.

    He called us on 3/2 to tell us he wants to sell - nothing in writing (as lease requires) our lease ends 6/30. In that phone call, LL announces that he is reserving every weekend (starting this weekend) every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and 'at least one weekday' every week for showings through June 30. This is a problem - calling 'dibs' on every weekend and 'at least one weekday' for the next 17 weekends/4 months is pretty awful, and not really reasonable or tenable for any tenant. So much for quiet enjoyment. My husband countered that, because we work from home we would prefer to be present/will very likely be present during showings, perhaps we could do them every other weekend, and that we would prefer that they not do showings while we are out of town (we have two business trips in the next four months), and that we would have some weekends for ourselves. The LL exploded over the phone - the entire conversation exploded - and in an email he sent on 3/3 he is now asserting his right for himself or his agents to appear 'whenever they wish' that he doesn't have to give the notice required by NYS law; that us being present is illegal, that he will sue us for every day after our tenancy ends that he hasn't sold the apartment and for every day we hinder him (no one is hindering him!) to the tune of 'a minimum of$100 per day' - not in the lease-. It is not fair or reasonable for us to ask for a schedule of showings or notification in advance. We also mentioned that because we work from home, we would need adequate notice (in NYS - 24 hours) to make things presentable for showings and schedule phone calls and work flow around them - this turned into a rabid rant accusing DH of deliberately sabotaging showings of the apartment (what!?!) and making things a mess so no one will want it (what?!?) and that they will take pictures of our apartment and show them to the court, taking us to court and suing us for damages if they don't sell. That us asking for scheduled days is "unfair and unreasonable" Additionally, he has invented a clause in the lease (not there) and says that he is revoking our right to have 'valuable' things in the apartment, and that we can't work there anymore (working there is office work - also not in the lease). He also said that they will try but that he doesn't have to give notice before they come in to show that apartment (not true NYS law) The lease does have a 30 day termination clause if the landlord wants to sell - he's threatening to trigger it if we "cause any problems for him", but won't because of "our convenience". This email is a nightmare. I suggested every other weekend, non-consecutive showings beginning April 1 (gives us time to get things in order, get a major trip out of the way - with a few dates blocked out because of plans we already have - immediately turned down flat. He signed his email "Attorney at Law" basically, it's a shit show wrapped up in every imaginable threat against us - and all we want was some weekends off from showings, and required notice. Holy guacamole.

    I'm not dumb - I know what he wants is to collect rent in full each month, show and sell the apartment while we're living in it, and then kick us out with thirty days after he sells. Cake and eat it, too. I also understand that we are in the weakest bargaining position - but with the treats of lawsuits and penalties and general bizarre behavior - what do we do? Are we protected? Who do we talk to?

    If agents show up without notice what can we do? an we turn down random people at the door and refuse them entry? If no one buys the apartment can he blame us and sue us? Showing an apartment while we live and work there and are packing and organizing to leave - will be a mess! Can he sue us? There isn't anything in the lease about any of this... And I'm guessing we can kiss our security deposit goodbye - we're good tenants - he's always trusted us, never even done the annual walk throughs because he knows we've done well with the property. We're good with the neighbors, etc. - it's all out of left field. He refuses to negotiate terms, is there anything that we can do? What can I do? Location NY State - Westchester. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/landlordcrashland
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    Boss threatened to fire me for discussing wages with co-workers. Virginia

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 10:41 AM PST

    So we just had our evaluations. Two key things, me and my co-worker do the same job and are expected to have the same responsibility. When we both got hired on, we both started out at 13 and 15 respectively. His is 15 due to having a bachelors while I am still in my senior year of getting mine. (And apparently when I receive it my pay will not match his)

    Last evaluation, his raise was raised 50c while mine was only 30c. The manager had lied to me and stated that 30c is the max for everyone no matter their position. I know this because we both can view our pay information on the company site under our logins.

    I brought this up to the manager this evaluation and she stated that it is against company policy to talk about our pay with co workers and that i could be fired for discussing it with anyone further.

    So know what I did? I started asking around. I started telling people how much I got. People who work much harder than we do were being shafted with 10c raises and extra responsibility. This started people talking about the BS that was happening and why we aren't being paid fairly.

    I am waiting for the manager to talk to me about firing me, but I know damn well i am well within my rights. I will even record the event if she states the reason.

    My question is. I am in virginia, and this is barnes and noble. What are my options, could I sue? Could I obtain unemployment benefits? And am I in the right in this situation?

    submitted by /u/ButtfaceDotFart
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    Living in an apartment complex with violent neighbors who abuse eachother. Over the weekend the male was screaming and threatened to shoot his girlfriend along with everyone else in the building Help. Upstate New York.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 11:34 AM PST

    We have been living in a complex for 4 years, no complaints against us and we stay quiet and pay our rent on time. It is a 4 unit building. The neighbors below us and across from us both didn't renew their leases and moved out due to the toxic couple that has moved in 6 months ago. They have smashed the front glass security door before. Yesterday however they got into an incredibly physical fight in the hallway, where all their fights take place. We had to call the police because of how violent it became but I had to tell them not to come up and talk to us as we are the only other people in the building and I do NOT want a target on our back. I have video/audio evidence of the smashing of the wall and threatening to shoot his girlfriend and us. I even recorded the conversation they had with the police where they lied straight to their face and said nothing happened. The boyfriend told cops that his mother was on her way to pick him up but after another hour of them screaming at eachother when the cops left, he took his stuff and went to a different building within our complex, assumibly a friend. We do not feel safe. We have brought the video evidence to our landlords who told us they will talk to their attorneys about getting them out. Even then I do not feel comfortable in my own home. Do I have enough evidence to leagally break my lease and leave immediately? Even if they can evict them I feel like these are vindictive malicious people and I feel they will retaliate not to mention having a friend still living in this complex. It has been 6 months of smelling blunts, screaming, doors smashing and physical altercations. We have regrettably only made 2 reports because we are aftaid of said neighbors. Any advice for course of action would be so helpful. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Mera222
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    Landlord wants to make major renovations to our rental house without our consent.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 08:42 AM PST

    We are in southern Indiana. Our home consists of two dogs, three cats, my girlfriend and our 6 year old daughter.

    Our landlord wants to make some major renovations and we do not want to deal with the stress while we are living here. He wants to move our gas heater from the basement to the main floor (leaving us without heat during the process), as well as tearing out the stairs to the second floor of the house where our second bedroom is to make a new set of stairs in order to accommodate the new heater, cutting off all access to it.

    I feel this would create a stressful and unsafe living space for ourselves and our child. He seems dead set on making these major renovations, even if we do not want it to happen while we are housed here.

    What options do we have in this situation?

    submitted by /u/Youreallyhaditcoming
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    Normally at my work, we are not allowed any breaks, but today really upset me since we weren't allowed to eat. Isn't that illegal to not allow us to eat/take breaks?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 03:52 PM PST

    I'm a minor from the state of New York. I work as a busser in a small town diner. Everyone works at least 8 hours a day with no breaks including lunch breaks. The cooks rarely even get bathroom breaks, they have peed themselves before because they had to work 10 hours without any breaks.

    Usually, we are allowed to order and eat towards the end of our shifts or at the end of our shifts. If anyone gets up though, we have to get right back to work. So, no breaks with the exception of one or two bathroom breaks, at least for bussers.

    However, today our manager was in a bad mood and we were busy (as we usually are), and she said that none of us were allowed to eat today. She claimed that the cooks said we weren't allowed to eat due to how busy we were. But the cooks came out eating food, completely clueless when everyone started yelling at them. They told us they never said we couldn't eat. Our manager overheard and came over yelling at them to try and shut them up. Very quickly, everyone realized our manager made it up because she was in a bad mood. Obviously, everyone including myself were very pissed. It's one thing to choose not to eat, it's another thing to be told that you're not allowed to eat.

    I vented to my mother and she said that it's illegal for us to work 8 hours and not be allowed any breaks. Especially since I'm a minor.

    So, is this illegal? And if it is, is there anything I can/should do about it?

    submitted by /u/UnholyHaylo
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    Dad (American citizen) left mum (Nigerian citizen) and I before I was even born, they were never married. My mum (alone) has taken care of me since then and we were fine, but then a few years ago he said he wants me to apply for an American passport so we could....

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 03:50 AM PST

    ..."bond" I guess. We started the process and then midway he suddenly goes AWOL and stops the responding once the embassy requests for his tax returns. Late last year he then said I should apply to US schools for college and so I started doing that but now he's not responding to my texts about the application process. I'm SO tired & annoyed and I believe he owes my mum and I: 1) Money. For all the missed years of child support (I'm 19 now so 18 years missed) &

    2) a U.S. passport _^ because since he's a citizen...so am I. And the passport will make it easier for me to get into schools there

    Any advice on what I should do to get these things? I'm yet to mention this to my mum because the last time I told her to seek legal advice regarding this situation (like 4 years ago) she sounded averse to it because of high legal fees. If anyone gives solid advice I'll bring it up with her tho. So Reddit...do ya thing!

    submitted by /u/irrationalsoda
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    Employer posted my medical info

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 07:34 AM PST

    Edit: in Oregon, US Hi all, the usual LTL, FTP.

    I recently quit my job after finding my medical report I had to file after getting injured on the job was placed in a shared directory on all the computers at my location. This file contains all my personal info like address, dob, ssn, etc. Even worse is the user profile is a generic user/pass that anyone can access company wide (6+ locations). My medical file, as well as another employees was completely available for 2+ months and I dont know how many people found it before me. Scary thing to me is I wasnt even looking for confidential files. I was just trying to do my job. Now I imagine how easy it must be for someone with that intent. I could have made away with multiple identities. I guess the question is is there anything I can do? I quit because this was only the tip of the iceberg with them, and after being told "off the record" that they were warned about this exact issue using the shared directories, I couldn't stay any longer.

    submitted by /u/420_taylorh
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